Speaker 0
That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 1
What do you listen to? Speaker 2
My favorite murder podcast. Speaker 3
Taggart and Jordan's podcast. Speaker 4
The produce stand. Speaker 6
It's thirsty Thursday, and that means it's time once again to gather around The Produce Stand, the quintessential and only podcast covering everything in this universe. And just like Dolo, we are feeling blessed to be hanging out once again at The Produce Stand. I'm Casey, Dee, your takeover host. And joining me tonight are some of the finest people I know. Give it up for the Discord degens. Speaker 4
This team will never lose again. Speaker 6
No. We won't lose again because we just keep winning and winning and winning. So tonight is a special third installment of the evolution of Shorzy, and, this is your chance, the listener, to come to us, the takeover team, with your thoughts, reactions, praise, criticisms about what you've experienced over the last two weeks. I hope it's been enlightening, but we're gonna go around the horn and then introduce you to everybody who's on the call today. We do have a special guest, a pod father. Al himself is with us, from vacation. So we will start with you, Al. How are you now? Speaker 6
Not so bad. How has your week been? Speaker 7
My week's been fine. This week, I've been back to work. So oh, by the way, you know, thank you for having me. First time or long time listener, first time caller. Yeah. It's been by the way, it's a good thing I paid attention during class when we were learning Roman numerals because at the rate you guys are going, I'm gonna have to break out the c soon and and, or the v. I guess the v would be first. Speaker 6
The v first. Time, Al. Speaker 7
Anyway, yes, great week back to work this week. We didn't we we're not recording our season finale this week because Matt decided he'd go on vacation. So nothing like a well planned vacation, and this was nothing like a well planned vacation. Speaker 6
guys did that well. Yeah. Next up, Gord. How are you now? Speaker 6
Not so bad. How you been? Speaker 8
It's been a bad ten days at home not traveling anywhere. So Speaker 8
Exchange, but, off to Seattle tomorrow. So hundred percent. Speaker 6
Well, thanks for joining us. That must mean you don't have a lot of time. So we'll we'll we'll we'll get to it pretty quickly. Next up, Cassie. You. Welcome. How are you now? Speaker 6
Not so bad. How's your week been? Speaker 10
You know, it's been fine. Just been doing my thing. Finished up, summer league hockey and still working on preparation. Tough Mudder is one month away.
Speaker 6
Yeah. How are your muscles doing?
Speaker 10
Everything hurts, and I'm dying.
Speaker 6
Good. That's good. Makes you feel alive.
Speaker 9
You're doing it right.
Speaker 7
Pain is just weakness leaving the body, so you're doing it right.
Speaker 6
That's right. That's what's up. Zach, how are you now?
Speaker 6
Not so bad. How's your week been?
Speaker 3
Pretty busy. Rainy, hot, moist. Lot of sweat. Lot of sweat.
Speaker 6
Moisty, moisty bath stones?
Speaker 11
just Moisty, Tennessee?
Speaker 3
Any any any rendition you can come up with. Yes. Tara, it's it's just it's Florida. What do you expect? Same same shit, different day. Fair. You know, productive. I get to go pick up my, little Willow tomorrow, so excited for that. Yeah. I'm excited for the weekend.
Speaker 6
Awesome. Jeff, how are you now?
Speaker 6
How's your week been, bud?
Speaker 0
Busy up here. Yeah. The back to school season, just nuts with work, work, work. Doing my my my my my regular, you know, treks like I've been doing, my hikes. Took a little spill the other night and cut up my hand a little bit. I got a big bruise on my side right now, but followed that up the next day by just doing, like, five and a half miles. So forget about it.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Maybe you can take that one back, Trace. Did you do five miles yesterday after busting your ass off the treadmill?
Speaker 11
Do at least that many well, not after busting my ass. Good job, man.
Speaker 8
Alright. You you stopped getting lost now? Alright.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Not getting lost in part, which is miracle because, you know, it's getting dark early. So I get out of work, and I go up and hit the forest. And, yeah, by the time I'm done, like, I'm using my headlamp now every day. So, got a new little piece of swag in the mail today. Oh, look what came.
Speaker 6
Uh-oh. Sundarts LA.
Speaker 11
On vinyl, baby.
Speaker 7
What do they have on that other than the the song, like, ten times on that both sides?
Speaker 0
It's literally just like, I looked at the back, and I'm like,
Speaker 2
oh, look. They've got a bunch
Speaker 0
of songs on it. No. It's the lyrics.
Speaker 11
The club remix. The EMD remix.
Speaker 6
How big how big are
Speaker 8
the grooves on that thing? There must be, like
Speaker 0
I have I have not Some
Speaker 7
of those Fisher Price albums.
Speaker 0
Yeah. I have not opened it up. I don't want to because then it's not, you know, new mint in package anymore. Then you have
Speaker 7
to buy another one that you can actually play or listen to.
Speaker 0
Yeah. I I might have to. But, I mean, the just the one was freaking, like, forty five bucks. So
Speaker 6
Worth every penny.
Speaker 0
It is. It is worth every
Speaker 7
You know what? Small small vinyl runs are expensive. So Yeah. We'll we'll give them that. I'm sure they're not printing out a million copies. So
Speaker 0
Probably not. And, I mean, they're not gonna be for retail anywhere that I know of. So we'll see. We'll, if I find it in the wild somewhere, I'll grab another one.
Speaker 6
Sundarts goes platinum.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Just because of me.
Speaker 6
That's right. Casey, how are you now? Maybe she's
Speaker 9
I'm sorry. How did you How's
Speaker 6
your week been, baby?
Speaker 5
It's doing good. Everybody's was sick last week, so it's good this week. So all got nice and healthy.
Speaker 6
Oh, good. That's excellent.
Speaker 2
I mean, I think healthy is, like, overshooting it, but we're not sick anymore.
Speaker 5
Sorry. My husband. Oh.
Speaker 6
He's staying healthy.
Speaker 5
Yeah. You know, we just did trivia night. That was fun.
Speaker 6
Oh. Did you win? How'd you guys do?
Speaker 5
We were in maybe, like, fifth place, so it wasn't last.
Speaker 5
we went last. We went last.
Speaker 6
That's right. Mhmm. That's good. Well, we're glad you're here. Thanks for joining us.
Speaker 6
And then we have a new DJ and joining us for the first time on a pod. Paddle, could you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?
Speaker 2
Hey, guys. I'm the that's currently living in Rhode Island, but hopefully not for probably about another year.
Speaker 6
Okay. And, your first time on a pod with us. So how did you first hear about Letterkenny?
Speaker 2
Oh my god. I was living down in lower Alabama at the time, and,
Speaker 2
You've never had yeah. No. There's better Do you know Stephen Walker? And, I think, mid like, three or four episodes into season one, I had, finally been goated enough to talking or to watching butter candy. And, I wanna say, like, within the first season that I binged, I had got online and found the Pravistan podcast and started listening from there.
Speaker 6
Nice. Nice. Well, we're really glad to have you, and we're glad you're here. Takeover team, how are you now, Erin? She should no. Not Erin.
Speaker 4
Trace, how are you now? Oh, you good? You?
Speaker 11
You want a pet nerd Aaron laughing jack?
Speaker 10
Yes. Yes. Pet nerd laughing Aaron track and, just had a shit ton of mead, so you're good. Beautiful. Yes.
Speaker 2
Yeah. For the men.
Speaker 9
Drunk Aaron is the best Aaron.
Speaker 6
Well, sober Aaron is great too.
Speaker 4
He's the best. I work with my college roommate. Oh.
Speaker 4
a guest? Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 9
Hi. Hello, college roommate.
Speaker 6
What's your name? My name is Kelly. Hi, Kelly. Where are you from? We're I'm from Plymouth, Wisconsin. Okay. In Queens, Wisconsin on Lake Allen. Excellent. And are you familiar oh, go Packers. Are you familiar with Ladder Kenny and Shorzy? No. Erin, what kind of people are you hanging out with?
Speaker 10
The best kind of people who I'm gonna convert by
Speaker 6
the end of the day. My husband is a big fan if Yeah. That's any better.
Speaker 10
Her husband's a huge fan.
Speaker 9
Excellent. Oh, Meg. Now hold on. I'm I'm envisioning a Letterkenny themed bat mitzvah right now.
Speaker 10
Let's do it. It's on it's on. It's on. I love you all. Happy to be here.
Speaker 2
Love you. For the brisk.
Speaker 9
No. We don't do those for for girls. Nope.
Speaker 6
Okay? That's That's prom upon. GM. Okay. Awesome. How are you now?
Speaker 9
It has been a day. Can you hear that capital letter?
Speaker 6
Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 9
My, my dryer that is almost thirty years old finally shit the bed for the last time on, like, Sunday night, and I had three loads going.
Speaker 5
Oh, that's what she
Speaker 9
had. Yeah. Yeah. So my my garage has been full of, like, laundry that needs dried and so stinky. Wet loads. And I've just
Speaker 6
been stinky loads.
Speaker 9
Yeah. Yeah. I I've just been waiting for the new dryer to show up, but it finally fucking did.
Speaker 2
Question. Could you
Speaker 9
just turn them online? Now. I get excited about a dryer.
Speaker 6
She's in California. They don't do that.
Speaker 2
They don't they don't put up lines, It's,
Speaker 9
I grew up with a line, but we don't have one out here, and I didn't feel like putting one up for three days.
Speaker 2
It would stop the mold smell. Fair. Isn't it?
Speaker 6
Isn't that right? She likes that.
Speaker 8
It's like forty five degrees there. Don't you just have to put it outside for, like, three seconds? Then you can take it out. Humidity.
Speaker 9
Yeah. For the pigeons to shit on it. I have pigeons living under my solar panels. No. Thank you.
Speaker 11
Good. It's such a California thing to say.
Speaker 9
It's kind of a mess, I guess.
Speaker 6
Yeah. It totally is. Trace, how are you now?
Speaker 6
I'm great. Fucking fantastic.
Speaker 11
Awesome. Oh, Casey. Awesome.
Speaker 11
My week has been interesting. For about six months outside of my work, I have been, feeding stray dogs because I'm a sucker for dogs.
Speaker 11
And, the powers that be at work have told me in no uncertain terms, figure it out. And, I got it was two of them. There was a big black pit bull and a German shepherd female. And Oh. And the, fortunately, down here, we're awash with pit bull rescues. So Mhmm. I got him with a pit bull rescue, and I miss him because he was a such a good boy. And
Speaker 11
Such a boy. I mean, he was the sweetest, sweetest dog. And the, German shepherd, turned out she was pregnant and Oh. Had puppies. And
Speaker 11
She dragged me through about a quarter mile of woods to find, and it was just one puppy. And, so I found it, and they are currently in my garage right now.
Speaker 6
Oh my goodness. New doggies.
Speaker 9
Get us pictures.
Speaker 11
I'll I'll post them. Yeah. Well, I think I did post them.
Speaker 10
I think you did in the lightweights. Okay.
Speaker 11
Did you page them?
Speaker 2
I thought I saw them.
Speaker 11
The German shepherd's name was chief. Oh, it still is, I suppose, unless I don't know what her, you know, name given her gelical name or whatever. But, the pit bull was named Bruno, and the baby we named Beef.
Speaker 11
My son came up with that. It says, because his dad was Bruno and his mom was chief, we'll call him Beef. And I was like, like, the meat? Yeah.
Speaker 11
was like, hey. Beef
Speaker 9
Where's the beef?
Speaker 11
Where his Aw. Beef. Oh, and he he's so little. He's like a hamster.
Speaker 6
Well, congratulations on your new family.
Speaker 11
No. I'm merely fostering them. Sure.
Speaker 9
talk named the puppy. Sure.
Speaker 9
your puppy. I've named every fostering.
Speaker 11
I've I've named every puppy that I fostered.
Speaker 6
And Yeah. Okay. You fostered before is what you're saying. So you have experience in letting go.
Speaker 11
Yes. I I'm not saying I have not been a foster failure before. I have.
Speaker 11
But not probably not this time. I already got five dogs, and it's you gotta be very, very judicious introducing to the pack.
Speaker 6
That's fair. Yeah. That's fair.
Speaker 2
I commend your strength.
Speaker 6
Well, let's get this rig rolling. Oh, wait. Is there a sound for that, Al? Is there a sound for that?
Speaker 7
I don't remember. It's been too long.
Speaker 9
Yes. You've got the
Speaker 8
therapist now. Make one up. Previously.
Speaker 6
So previously, we talked, we wrapped up season, season two. We wrapped up part two of the evolution of Shorzy. This week, we are opening up the floor to those of you who would like to praise, critique, whatever, the last two
Speaker 11
is aggressively.
Speaker 6
Support. Yeah. Whatever. Whatever you gotta say, I'm ready to hear it because chances are I've thought of it myself. So the way this is gonna go, we're gonna go around the horn, and, we'll give everybody, let's say, like, three minutes. That's a long time. Like, a minute or so to, like, set your thesis. We'll go around the horn, give your feedback or whatever, and then we'll, like, open it up to discussion. Does that sound does that sound good? Sounds a little crazy.
Speaker 6
gonna go for it.
Speaker 4
Alright. So Good because you're fucking going. Yeah.
Speaker 4
good on the go, boys.
Speaker 6
Gord, you were very active in the chats in episodes one and two even though you had to dip out early. And I definitely got the feeling that you had you took issue with some things, maybe not the whole thing, and I like that. So I wanna give the floor to you first. Give me your thoughts. What did you think about parts one and two of the evolution of shortnessy?
Speaker 8
I I think I people seem to wanna define canon and stick to it, and I think that there's we probably need to have some flexibility in this definition, and I think that what Shorzy was and what he became is an evolution as you presented it. But I think there is an assumption and maybe this blind trust in Jared that he truly knew where he was going from the beginning that I think took it a little too far from me. I think Shorzey was part of the hockey that Jared wanted to put in Letterkenny. And as he envisioned building a series that he truly wanted around hockey, that he started to see that Shorzy could be that. And, obviously, he wanted to be part of that series, so it would be an obvious he needed a role in his series. So having that focal point be him and that he was Shorzi, was the logical conclusion. And as you describe this evolution, I think what that was was a recognition from Jared that he had to build a character out of this. So as you started seeing the seven, eight transformation, that was his his path to turn to reality. What was his his idea at that point? Not that this was a decision at the beginning when Shorzy was first introduced. I I think suggesting that he knew that the first time that that character appeared that that would be that, I think that's that's a bridge too far for me. Yeah. When in this when in the eight or nine seasons, he decided that he was going to make that transformation and started to evolve the character, I don't know. You can certainly see elements that he borrowed and not just from Shorzy, like the, are you ready? Good because you're going. Because that had nothing to do with the characters that were actually using them in the in the so it was the whole thing was an amalgam of all of his hockey concepts that appeared through different hockey vehicles earlier in terms of whether it was the the women's team or the, or the, whatever tennis's team was called, the, but Eagles? Yes. But the the native the native team and all those elements. So you you saw the you saw all of the the things that he pulled and weaved it into something. So he he was able to build it into what he wanted it to be, but I think it was it was a Jared pulling the strings to get there at the end to to make it make some sense. And you were kind of seeing that connectedness in your story, and you were describing it. But I I think it was, to me, it was a it was a different character that he evolved to be the character that he wanted it to be. So I guess I'm not that far off from where you were, but I felt like you were
Speaker 11
I believe you just told Casey to take her chicken and egg and scream.
Speaker 6
No. I saw lots of heads nodding, and my head was nodding too. Look. You're not wrong. Like, I totally agree that there's a possibility that he didn't have it in his mind. Totally. I yes.
Speaker 11
Like, he had a vague hockey concept. Right. And he sort of retconned it backwards to a bit.
Speaker 8
Yeah. I mean, for him to know that he would have a second series that early on that he could even become that, why would he to to have that much of a bench should have and a a vision for what this could be that early on just doesn't doesn't make logical sense to me.
Speaker 6
I love it. Fair. Accepted. That's my
Speaker 8
that's my two cents. You can
Speaker 8
Throw darts if you want.
Speaker 6
Well, I don't smoke anymore, so I'm not throwing a lit anything at you. Alright. So, Jeff, would you like to go next? Yes. Swallow first.
Speaker 0
On the unmute button. Damn it. I agree with everything Gord just said. I think I
Speaker 6
think podcast, Jeff. You're supposed to fill some time here, bud.
Speaker 0
I know. I know. I know. Well, I think Shorzy was just that character. Like, he was supposed to be an amalgamation of every dumbass hockey player that Kiso knew growing up. And, you know, who who better to play him than than, you know, the guy who envisioned him? And then I think I don't wanna say he stumbled into the character, having his own series because, you know, it feels like it feels like there was some sort of very rough very, very rough outline that that Jared had in his head, for a hockey show, and I think it's just a happy coincidence that, he could make sure he work. It's I mean, I wanna say part fifty percent preplan, but fifty percent, you know, flying by the seat of his pants. So, you know, and, you know, that being said, like, I think Shorzy is the character Shorzy was it was a good character to choose to make the the the the new series around just because I think that character is responsible for pulling a lot of, getting a lot of eyes onto the Letter County series because a lot of the clips that I first saw, it was all short it was Shorzy chirps. It was just the Shorzy chirps going back and forth, and I think that that drew a lot of people in. You know, just my two cents. So
Speaker 6
Yeah. That's what we're doing here tonight. Everybody's two cents. I love it. Ka ching. Noted. Who's next? Let's go Al. Al.
Speaker 6
What are your thoughts on the last two weeks of your podcast, bud?
Speaker 7
You guys did a great job. Thank you so much for doing that, by the way. You did a Casey, great job, you know, hosting, and Trace and Aaron, and and I'm forgetting people. Awesome. Awesome. I yeah. Gord put it, like, so well. I think and we know we know because of the interviews we've done that, Letterkenny was one of many bunches of spaghetti they threw at the wall, you know, on YouTube to try to get, you know, to to try to go viral. Right? And that's the one that finally went viral, so that's the one that got them the show. And in the beginning, that show, they said they would if he could do it for fifty seasons, he would. So there was no there was no thought of a hockey show yet. He hit he had no right to think of that. Right? Because he he hadn't earned he hadn't earned it yet. So once he earned it and once they started talking about, you know, what could a spin off be or maybe not maybe they didn't even ask him for a spin off. Maybe they just say, great job on Letterkenny. What else you got? Now he's got the cache. And now and and so, you know, in your in your second part, when we start seeing those tropes that he ends up using a lot in Shorzy, I don't think he wrote those with Shorzy in mind, but I think when he finally started creating Shorzy, those came up. Right? And because, also, when you look at so, yeah, Shorzy starts kinda developing a bit, but the character, JJ Frankie JJ, is completely different. Right? Not completely, but very different in Letterkenny than he was in Shorzy. So I think there was still a little bit of, like, what's that gonna be? Like, he in the back of his head, he may have had a concept for a hockey show, but just didn't know who his star was gonna be. And then, to to Jeff's point, Shorzy is just, like, unless you're Victor, everyone loves the Shorzy chirps. Right? Everyone loves those scenes, and, why not use them? And and I always said, like, it was kind of a brilliant stroke to pick one of the more two dimensional characters from Letterkenny because you have carte blanche to make him whatever you want him to be. You you have to explain away the eccentricities that you saw in Letterkenny. But after that, you give him a family, you give him a backstory, you and you're off to the races. He he was the least established well, the least established recurring character on Letterkenny, I think. So, yeah, I think And
Speaker 8
I I I think he also he didn't feel constrained by the things that we knew about him previously. I know Asim was going through gyrations about how junior he was, and now he's retiring out of the other one. So you and and the family relationships of him being adopted was inconsistent. So I think as much as he appeared before, the new character was a blank slate. He could do what he needed to for the story that he wanted to tell.
Speaker 7
Yeah. I mean, we're not working with established canon. We're not working with R. R. Martin here. We're working with Letterkenny, which was, like, off the top. And we all kind of agreed it's not a a narrative show anyway. It was more a show full of sketches. Right? So
Speaker 4
so you don't use it.
Speaker 8
You wouldn't you wouldn't need a portal to Quebec.
Speaker 6
Yeah. There was this there were stories, though. There were stories. There were stories. There were stories. Story lines.
Speaker 7
Sure. There was but they were very yeah. They were anyway, I think
Speaker 6
not listen to the last two weeks' sound?
Speaker 7
of course, I did. And so I'm I'm telling you what what I
Speaker 6
I know. I know. I'm sorry. I said I wasn't gonna I no. I said I was gonna let everybody say their piece.
Speaker 7
Anyway, no. I I like what Gordon and Jeff were saying there. But, yeah, I agree. Like, near the the the last few seasons, we started to see what Shorzi was going to be, and and and we started to see a lot of the signs there. And, also, stylistically, the hockey scenes and and shooting that that the action on the ice and stuff, that was he was kinda training his crew to to move over to Shorzy. Right? So, yeah, I think it's a it's a it I think it's not just the evolution of the Shorzy character. It's the evolution of that team from making Letterkenny to now making Shorzy. And I think they they did a brilliant job.
Speaker 6
That's a good point. I wanna bring that up after we hear from everybody about the team and training and the show development. Casey, your thoughts.
Speaker 5
Hey. I just wanted a side note. I didn't know we were doing this kind of thing, so I'm in bed with a blanket.
Speaker 6
Hot. That's sexy. Thanks for letting us know.
Speaker 5
So, my thoughts I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to, like, pull this out out of my butt right now. But, Yep. So my thoughts I like the last two weeks. I like your, guys' opinions and stuff. But, like, yeah, I kinda like how, what what season was it when they kind, focused on hockey?
Speaker 6
It's like rounds between seven and eight. Yeah.
Speaker 5
Yeah. Maybe that's the time that I kind of got more into surgery so I was eating stuff like that and kind of
Speaker 5
Developed more of that kind of stuff. Yeah.
Speaker 5
know he he liked it anyways. Okay. Kind of maybe. So but, yeah, I like everybody's kind of, ideas and thoughts, and I kinda like how he's younger than everybody I love a kitty, and we'll see.
Speaker 9
I was like, good look.
Speaker 6
No. That's great. What? Thank you. No. No. No. I was saying not your name, but
Speaker 6
as a reaction. I I gotta pick a different word. Fuck.
Speaker 9
You and Al. I know.
Speaker 7
The same. I'm the same. I need to fit. Yeah. I'm I think I'll I'll go with brilliant, but then I'll be, like, too British or something. Brilliant.
Speaker 6
You'll never be too British.
Speaker 9
Bitch. Say dope or fresh. Come on.
Speaker 6
No. What is this? Nineteen ninety two?
Speaker 7
That's hype. That shit's hype.
Speaker 6
My teeth are purple from the line. Love you, Tanya.
Speaker 7
Unbelievable. Yeah.
Speaker 6
Paddle. Your thoughts?
Speaker 2
so I'm gonna have a have to have a full disclosure here. So I have actually not listened to the previous two episodes.
Speaker 6
Oh, white failed.
Speaker 2
Yes. Absolutely. But He
Speaker 9
did not do the homework.
Speaker 2
I have. I did not do the homework, but I have valid reasons. The first episode was because I had taken a trip to both Bar Harbor and Montreal as I threw out in the Discord group.
Speaker 11
And The harbor teams aren't allowed there.
Speaker 2
And and, you know, Montreal was fun, if I can give two seconds and say that. It was it was interesting, and I am really glad to have known what Pigeon Quebecois I picked up on Lenderking and Shorsey.
Speaker 4
Okay. Yes. Excellent.
Speaker 2
After after listening to a couple of conversations, I heard, pronounced properly. And then from the the crossover of Spanish that I knew I could figure out,
Speaker 6
You sounded like way trying to do the the alphabet. Just that And you
Speaker 7
did great. You did great.
Speaker 9
I would love thing that trips me up the most is instead of just say, they say shit. And I'm like, the fuck are you saying?
Speaker 6
I'm going to go to the pool today.
Speaker 2
And I actually got I I got by with that at a gas station, and he was like, yeah. No. We can do English. That's not a problem. I was like, oh, thank fucking god.
Speaker 7
Casey, can you talk about the the the time you came up to Toronto and those two, Quebec buyers?
Speaker 6
I found the video that I pocket recorded of them talking, and I almost uploaded it. So Al and I were on the corner near the market down by where Podcamp was in Toronto earlier this year.
Speaker 7
At Saint Lawrence Market. Yeah.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Saint Lawrence Market. And there were two, Quebecers who were at the Podcamp with us, and we happened to run into them on the streets. And as we're crossing the street, I hear them talking. And I'm trying to get Al to look at me like, Al, Al, because they sound exactly like
Speaker 7
She was losing her shit. She thought she was listening to Remy and Benny.
Speaker 6
Remy and Benny. I thought I swear I swear to god, they sound exactly like Remy and Benny. And we were walking, and Al Al's talking to them. We're crossing the street, and he's having a conversation, and I'm trying to be like a normal human being in my body and just be like, yeah. This is cool. This happens all the time. But meanwhile, I'm, like, in my pocket trying to pull up the record button so that I can actually record this to prove that this actually happened to me. Because we're walking down the street with Benny and Remy, and they're like, oh.
Speaker 6
Yeah. It it sounded just like them, and I lost my mind. But I I I actually found the recording, and I have it. And I listen to it sometimes to remind myself.
Speaker 2
So so we actually camped out at, I think it was called Saint Juliet, which was about, thirty minutes, east of Toronto proper. It was a campsite. It was actually a really lovely campsite. And, we just, we drove into Toronto prop or I'm sorry. I said Toronto. I meant Montreal. We drove
Speaker 7
into Montreal prop. To Toronto?
Speaker 4
No. They didn't call me.
Speaker 2
No. No. No. So I thought about it, but I was like, no. I've gotta make that trip all the way back to fucking Rhode Island the next day. That's gonna be next time. But
Speaker 7
Jeff would've get it. I'm just saying. Just saying. Oh.
Speaker 0
Away from me when you were in Bar Harbor. You should've hit us up, and we would've, gotten a beer or something.
Speaker 6
you need to understand is if you don't call a while you're in a town or within three hours of a drive or somebody's town, three hours. Pretty much in trouble.
Speaker 7
Yeah. That's the line. Right? So
Speaker 6
It's three hours. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Noted. I, I will make that adjustment for every single former
Speaker 6
You get a pass, but from now on, if you don't Three hours. Yep.
Speaker 2
We got three hours. Okay.
Speaker 2
Alright. So now we're gonna shift to, the Shorzy letter, Kenny.
Speaker 2
you know, again, like everybody else, we sat there and we said, how in the hell is he going to make an entire series based on this guy? And and it's actually because we see Moe's influence, even whenever he's at the gym. You know? It it's never loose again. It's it's it's Shorzy being Shorzy. Even as he's chirping Riley and Jonesy and doing the pull ups, talking about his grandma's cat, getting slammed
Speaker 6
over. Aunt's cat.
Speaker 2
But it's it's it's Shorzy. He's always trying to get, in in in someone's head. He's not happy unless he knows he's got someone to say fuck in defeat. And because you you never wanna lose. You never wanna lose in a chirp. You never wanna lose in the gym. You never wanna lose on the ice. And and, you know, so I'm not gonna try and put a a pin on age here. But in Shorzi, we see him as younger, and then we see the evolution. Or in buttercream, we see him as younger. In Shorzy, we see the evolution to where he's coming to grips with the fact that he can't do this anymore. And, it's it's
Speaker 7
I love the idea that Shore that that Shorzy takes place a decade later or whatever.
Speaker 7
think that's a great I love the the the idea of that. So
Speaker 11
Well, that that was what I was noticing while we were doing it was every time something comes up, the time frame between Letterkenny Shorzy and Shorzy Shorzy just kept getting further and further apart.
Speaker 7
Yeah. But it makes
Speaker 11
sense. Fifteen freaking years.
Speaker 7
Well, because yeah. Like, if he if yeah. If he left Letterkenny as a junior player and then he get gets there, there's gotta be some time enough time for him to develop a a relationship with Nat's mom so that he's in pictures with her on in the office to and then Nat's mom dies. And you know what I mean? So there's there's there's history there.
Speaker 7
know how long. But, I mean, I think that's that's I think it's a really good, a a really nice touch. And we'll also explain a way maybe why we don't get too many or any cam well, we got a Nick showing up, obviously, and and Emma from the bro dude lady. But other than that, we don't have any other and JJ, Frankie, JJ. But other than that, we don't have any other overlap. Right?
Speaker 6
Who didn't age a day in ten years, by the way. Let's get let's get Zach in because Zach is our last to, contribute. What are your thoughts, bud?
Speaker 3
I mean, y'all have already made all the best points. It's hard to follow-up on everybody. But, in terms of, you know, how far he's come along, he just was this, just a a shit talker. Right? Like, from from the get go, he was just talking shit to Riley and Jonesy. And then it's it's slowly, yeah, slowly started to get a little bit, you know, deeper with him, more scenes with him. But that being said, hockey was always there. So I feel like Shorizi was an open ended character, which is why he, also never got to see his face. He he left him hanging there for when and if a time came, but that wasn't his original intent. But he did see it eventually what around a series eight, you said, is when it became most prominent, the hockey.
Speaker 3
So that's when I feel he was like, okay. Maybe I can make something of this.
Speaker 3
So it it just went it went from there. And, obviously, like I said, since, you know, the like, the first episode, he it's clear. He's had he has a love for hockey.
Speaker 3
Absolutely. Un unwavering.
Speaker 11
So But that's a good point, Zach. I like what you're saying is, like, not showing his face, not showing his face. It almost I mean and I don't wanna say it's something as calculated as that, but, you know, Shorzy, you know, in the lead up to the actual debut of it, there was a real big nineteen eighty four Kiss taking off the makeup, but I'm like, oh my god. We're actually gonna get to see Shorzy's face.
Speaker 11
and and and they, you know, Kiss puts out an album that, you know, they were not relevant forever, and then all of a sudden, they take off their makeup and it's a hit. And it's like, you know, Shorzy was like and he finally showed Shorzy, and it's like, oh my god. You know? We saw his face. Let's check it out.
Speaker 2
Don Henley cuts his ponytail.
Speaker 7
it was a a really well done reveal too. When you think back to episode one when he comes out of the the shitter, knocking his, his chew. Like
Speaker 6
Oh, yeah. Fucking loser.
Speaker 7
And and the camera just stays on him for a bit, and you're waiting to hear what he says. And and, of course, he just goes off on Michael's sweetie there or whatever. Yeah.
Speaker 9
Yeah. His your sweetie.
Speaker 3
What? Even squeeze it. Yeah.
Speaker 9
perfect Oh, more of my friends got your broad tapes on their phones than fucking Uber.
Speaker 6
Actually, he should've said you ride, but nobody else would've gotten
Speaker 4
that. Yeah. Nobody
Speaker 6
else would've gotten that. No. You're not adapting
Speaker 6
but not for the world.
Speaker 7
Right. Even even me in, like, GTA would not have known what the hell that was.
Speaker 6
Hundred percent. A hundred percent. It's only You're not.
Speaker 11
Is that a porn or something?
Speaker 6
I I misspoke. Zach was not the last degen. The last, but not the very least. It was burp. Messy. Messy. Messy. Happy. Your thoughts.
Speaker 10
Well, I'm gonna start by saying something that probably doesn't surprise anybody.
Speaker 9
As many time so what was that?
Speaker 6
That was me laughing because I know what it's gonna be about. Go on.
Speaker 7
The spin off should have been coach. We get it.
Speaker 10
Oh. I actually wasn't gonna say that. You should be proud of me.
Speaker 10
I was showing restraint. So
Speaker 0
I would say it's spin off. Should have been coach.
Speaker 6
You're not wrong. If you're new here, Cassie's least favorite character is coach.
Speaker 10
Don't put that into the world.
Speaker 3
This is being recorded.
Speaker 10
So, as many times as I've rewatched Letter Kenny, I've never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever given that much of a of a thought to Shorzy. To be completely honest, he always came across as, at best, an empty muppet, and at worst, a complete fuck boy. He was the, you know, he was the character where he gets to say all the silly things, and then everybody thinks it's witty, and it gets quoted and put on T shirts, and that's, you know, that's his whole thing. And I think for the first Casey, you look like you're in pain. Am I hurt? No.
Speaker 6
I love it. No. They can't see it. Remember, it's a podcast. Oh, fair enough.
Speaker 10
She's just cringing. That's
Speaker 10
And then that first little while, like, we only see the quick snippets. We only see the the very quick dialogue. We only see that wit, that banter that people really clung to. Like, he did his job within being a character, but he was still a corn husk doll. He still didn't have features. He still didn't have anything other than this very generic frame, more or less.
Speaker 10
I had always seen him that way, and, you know, it is what it is. Didn't mean I didn't enjoy his character from time to time, but for the most part, it was like, okay. Yeah. Can we get to the next thing? Very repetitious, just like I'm being right now. When I listened to part one and part two, it did shine some light on things, and I definitely agree, that I don't think there was this grand scheme from the first time s h o r was written onto the script. I don't think even Jared knew what it was going to become with Shorzy, and I think he was just there to get the quotes out, there to get people talking, there to sell merch. But as others have said, and I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one who thinks this, As we get into season seven and season NA, we we see this richness of the hockey themes in general. And I absolutely agree that that's when, Jared and his team were prepping and getting ready to do the actual Shorzy series. So I think what they did is they took this little clay doll, and they built him up over time. I do think, like, a lot of the issues I had with Shorzy's character originally still carry over into, the Shorzy TV show, which includes repetition and stuff like that, but they are building him out more. They are making him into a full fledged character. And I think it's really unique when you have one of these characters, one of these people that they're only here to bust down a door, make a fart noise, chirp someone's mom, and that's their job. And when you can take them and actually make them a compelling character, that's something that's really interesting. So I have no clue throughout this ramble if I have answered your question, but I do think and to the whole takeover team, bravo on your discussions that made me consider this character more.
Speaker 6
I love that. So so this is this is great. I love this because I think just getting you to think differently about the character is a win. Right? Like, if you if after if after you listen to those episodes, you think differently about Shorzy in the context of Letterkenny, then that's a win. I have a question for everybody. Is there anything from the last two episodes that, like, part one and part two or from this evolution that jumped out at you that you hadn't considered before that might have shifted your perception of Shorzy in a different direction? No is an okay answer too. Was there anything that stuck out to you that maybe you didn't realize or a connection that we made that maybe, oh, I didn't see that before?
Speaker 7
I I mean, I'll say that, you know, when we were reviewing those episodes, the the season where Shorz you you see Shorzy skating till he's puking or whatever, at that point, I think yeah. At at that point, I think we already knew that the spin off was coming and that it was going to be Shorzy, I think. And we were even in our reviews, I think we were saying, oh, and now they're developing the character, like, within letter Kenny getting prepared to tell his story. So but before that, when you guys started you know, I think it's season six or seven, whenever the season the senior championship happened. And we get Hitchh there. Is it is that and
Speaker 4
we get That's right.
Speaker 7
Hitchcock there. Although, I don't know if was his character awesome already known as Hitchcock there, or was he just Newfoundland playing?
Speaker 2
Well, he called him here.
Speaker 9
Teddy. Teddy. Teddy.
Speaker 9
Nose Teddy. Nose.
Speaker 4
Nose. Let's get on the go.
Speaker 7
Like, stylistically or or, you know, just kind of, logistically, we could already see them spreading their wing wings. Right? Because up until then, Letterkenny is a very static other than the fight scenes, it's a very static show where there are a lot of set pieces that repeated over and over again, and the camera didn't move. I mean, the camera moved very, very slowly, but the characters didn't. And now we got these very more complex hockey scenes that we weren't getting before. And, again, other than fight scenes, and we we we hear some of the the the the dialogue to the repeating dialogue. The are you ready? Good. Because you're going. And and, there's another couple that I are escaping me now. So I feel like the development of the show started before the development of the character. Oh. That makes sense.
Speaker 9
Mhmm. Mhmm. Mhmm.
Speaker 7
But, but so, yeah, listening to your episodes, I didn't real I like, because, you know, I'm unfortunately, unlike some people, I don't want it this I don't want this to sound condescending, but I've only seen Letter Kenny through maybe maybe twice.
Speaker 6
You heard it here first.
Speaker 7
So I don't have that knowledge of of the episodes like you guys do. So It has
Speaker 3
been heard cannot be unheard.
Speaker 7
When when you guys, talked about it, like, oh, yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. And and, yeah, that that's kind of that's true. Like, there was a bit of a shift there when when when the the senior men's hockey tournament happened.
Speaker 11
So you've been faking it the whole time now.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Hundred percent. One g I'm a
Speaker 11
big Letterkenny fan. I have a Letterkenny podcast.
Speaker 7
I'm a fan. I'm I'm I'm not of a fan that I've been doing this podcast for four years. So
Speaker 6
one choice, maybe.
Speaker 10
Outlook's a really great point, though.
Speaker 7
When I say okay. I've seen every episode probably three or four times over because of preparation for this podcast.
Speaker 7
But in terms of sitting through the season, like, I think I've done it twice and then plus the preparation for podcast.
Speaker 6
You're like a Catholic. The Catholics get the full Bible every three years because they have to listen to it, you know, like, once a week. So you get the the every season of Letter, Kemi, just in pieces.
Speaker 7
In aggregate instead of a That's right.
Speaker 6
That's right. Not instead of all at once. Cassie, you were gonna say something
Speaker 4
just Al having a good point or something.
Speaker 7
Talk. Let her speak. Let her speak.
Speaker 10
And it really reflects, what I took from your your Shorzy specials. And it's the fact that I I think he had worded it that they were they built the show Shorzy before they fully built the character, and it was whoever would fit into that hockey show. I can't tell you how many times I've watched Letterkenny. Probably, Okay. We'll just say a lot. We'll say a lot. Mhmm. But the fact of the matter is I always saw it as very linear.
Speaker 10
You know, season one went to season two, etcetera, etcetera, and then
Speaker 10
But I think it's a little bit less linear now. I do think that they built the concept for a hockey show before they quite knew or may they only had the inkling of who or what they were gonna slot into it. Mhmm. And I feel that, and I noticed with, your guys' specials, how many things are repeated within Shorzy that had been said in Letterkenny? That's something I noticed, like, in later seasons of Shorzi. I won't get into that because I know that's not what we're here for. That is not the paid content.
Speaker 6
It's okay. You can bring it up. You can bring it up. It's okay.
Speaker 10
Okay. Like this season, we're I from the very beginning, the first episode of this new season, I noticed things that were being said that had been said in Letterkenny, and the writing was very Letterkenny esque.
Speaker 6
I think Like what?
Speaker 10
I I don't know off the top, Mike. I'd like
Speaker 6
to No. I wasn't trying to test you. I just couldn't think of things. No. I don't know. I wasn't. No. I no. I wasn't trying to do that. I just no. It's cool. It's cool. Yeah. Here you go. It's fine.
Speaker 11
Yes. You're really starting to sound like somebody who's only watched the show through twice.
Speaker 4
Why do you say such brutal things?
Speaker 11
That was less that was less of a dig to you and more dig that.
Speaker 7
There's no coach in in SROsies, so why would you watch it more than once?
Speaker 10
You're not wrong. Yeah. Anyways, when you were going through your special with your clips and noticing, like, things where, you know, they mentioned, oh, this is a guy who keeps going until he can't anymore, or even things where, you know, Teddy says, let's get on the go. Yep. Just even little stuff like that. I don't think that was building towards, oh, they're gonna see it in Shorzy. I think as they wrote Shorzy, they looked back and went, what can we put here as almost like an Easter egg.
Speaker 11
Oh, my. I would I'm gonna have to disagree. I believe that the no show episode, you know, I believe there was more in place for Shorzy in that.
Speaker 6
And The national senior hockey Yeah. Episode, not no show.
Speaker 11
You know, I mean, like I mean so thank you. And I think the the idea of what the show was gonna be was a lot more concrete at that point. I mean, it it I think it was awesome that said, that particular episode was almost proof of concept kinda thing.
Speaker 11
Mhmm. That that was like, okay. What would a hockey show that I make look like? And I can see the rough beginnings of what Shorzy became in that episode
Speaker 2
between What season was that?
Speaker 11
Eight. Yeah. I mean, yeah, what Gord said I hate to admit it, but a lot of it rings Right.
Speaker 7
Yeah. But, well, Gordon's talking about early early on. Like, by season,
Speaker 11
we're all And and and, I mean, I and we probably put a lot of on Jared having a a far more in the zone idea of what Shorzy was gonna become earlier in the letter Kenny process. But I think by that episode, they had they had the rough outline, and they wanted to see, like, a proof of concept of what it would might look like within the
Speaker 10
agree with that?
Speaker 11
Because because context of letter Kenny, but
Speaker 7
Yeah. It wasn't something they've done. I mean, shooting hockey scenes the way they shoot them isn't isn't something you can just put a a rookie team on and Mm-mm. No. Do it. Right? They they so yeah. That's it's a good point, Trace. Like, I think it's can we do this? And and let's let's try it in Letterkenny before we we try it on a new show or something like that. That's what I kinda meant by, I think they were developing the show before they develop the character. Because I feel like the character stuff was more in the in the following seasons for Shorzy. But, yeah, the whole hockey thing and stuff like that, I think, yeah, I think they were just trying it out. Right? Seeing, k. What's gonna work? What's not gonna work? And how are we gonna do this? Right?
Speaker 7
it gonna be that? How's it gonna be different from other hockey stuff that maybe doesn't, you know, isn't as good? You know? Like, there's a ton of hockey movies out there, and usually it's, you know, frenetic fast cuts and stuff because the actors can't skate, you know, or or or play really well. And maybe that was the birth of of Jared's, idea of, okay. We've done this kinda with rookie actors before in Letterkenny. Let's do this with rookie actors, but who can actually play hockey in in Shorzy? And maybe, you know, having Hitch there and having, I feel with the who the other guy was there.
Speaker 6
But they didn't wait until season seven or eight to do that because Playfair and, I can't remember his name.
Speaker 9
Okay. No. But they were actors before that. They were both in the Gordie Howe movies.
Speaker 7
They were actors before that. Correct? And they were buddies of they they played together three of
Speaker 2
the players first.
Speaker 9
They were all living in Vancouver. Hanging out at the same
Speaker 3
bar where Jared and Trevor work.
Speaker 9
Yeah. And they were all actors. Doing what Jared did by getting Dolo,
Speaker 7
and Anson and and Yeah. To a lesser extent, Terry Ryan because Terry Ryan has a little bit of, experience. Yeah.
Speaker 9
few cards. But, like, Fish. Jacob Swift didn't have any fucking credits.
Speaker 7
Those were huge gambles that he took. And and, admittedly, in the beginning, he gave them very little to do, very little to say. They basically had their one liners and stuff, and and now he's building on them. But it was it was a brilliant stroke because he was focusing on making sure he got the hockey right first and trusting that his writing would make up for not bad acting, but you know what I mean?
Speaker 6
Green. Green acting. Thomas. Yeah. Green acting.
Speaker 9
I'm gonna point it. I want to say this goes to my point that fucking series eight was proof of concept because Max Buffar Right. Was not an actor. No. That's true. That's a
Speaker 2
grip. Wasn't he?
Speaker 9
Yes. He's a fucking key grip Yep. That had had, like, background parts
Speaker 9
In Letterkenny. But Jared's like, here. Want some lines? Mhmm. Add some fucking lines.
Speaker 7
But you notice he's a
Speaker 6
monster burger out of your mouth.
Speaker 9
You're gonna be a fucking actor.
Speaker 7
Yeah. No. Yeah. And and it's a stroke of genius. And but if you notice in Shorzy, he kinda took away some of Buford's line. Because you've heard Dumb. You've heard him on the podcast. He's not Francophone. He he's he's an Ontarian.
Speaker 7
He doesn't have the French accent. So it would have just sounded fake in Shorsey if they tried to make him say too much in French other than wait and no. Right? But he speaks French. Yeah. But it just you know, you can speak French and still sound Ontarian.
Speaker 4
Well, that's true. True. Yeah.
Speaker 7
Rocky paddle for for the demonstration.
Speaker 6
Wait. I wanna see if this works. Can you guys hear this? Hey. Wait. Hang on.
Speaker 4
We don't have one yet. Not yet. No. We are podcast producers for company.
Speaker 4
hear that? Yeah. You have
Speaker 4
No. We are podcast producers. Remy and Betty Bordeaux. I
Speaker 6
Remy Nadeau. I was losing
Speaker 11
my money on the
Speaker 6
streets of mine.
Speaker 6
Like, losing my abs are fucking lutely mine. So I've never said that before.
Speaker 4
Losing my absolute fucking mind. It's the wine. Tanya knows what she's doing when she drinks wine. I
Speaker 6
wanna just go ahead and put it out there and say you're all wrong, but thank you for sharing. Sharing your ideas, primarily because and and this is what I'll this is the stick I'll die on. What? Jared has a plan. Yeah. Like, the hockey stick.
Speaker 0
Oh. Is that a saying?
Speaker 2
Makes you unbelievable.
Speaker 6
No. But I said stick. So because hockey. Anyway, so this is this is my thing. This is my thing, and I respect all of your thoughts. And I hear everything that you all are saying. And, respectfully, I have to say, every line, every moment, every beat in every script from Letterkenny through Shorzy where we're at now, we know has been written. Like, it's it there things don't happen accidentally on set. It's it's why we get season turnaround so quickly. It's why we get the pacing that we get in Letterkenny and Shorzy. Not because things are just left to chance, but because Jared has had a plan. And to be fair
Speaker 11
To be fair. To be
Speaker 6
fair. To be fair, he has had a lot of support on the way. Right? Like, pairing him with Jacob Tierney was not an accident. Right? Because Jared has said himself, like, he came in without that experience. And so Jacob elevated that intention. Right? But there's not been a period, a mark, a beat, a blocking that hasn't been planned out. And so while I I can respect that there's been maybe some nebulousness in the character, I don't think that it was ever not Shorzy. I think Shorzy was always going to be the character that was going to carry the hockey story. Now was it always going to be the way that we know it is now? Maybe not. Maybe not in the beginning, but I just have a hard time believing that there was this randomness to Jared's plan when what we know of Jared is counter to that. So I'm gonna throw that out there and say, thoughts?
Speaker 2
Well, I've actually got one to your point of it's, yeah. No. There's nothing that's not on screen that's not written on script. And it's it's actually really clear in the transition from season two of Shorsey to season three of Shorsey because we have absolutely no tyranny. And and you go if you look at season three Shorzy from season eight letter Kenny, that's if you were just blind and went from that to that, you would you would completely be mind blown and say this is not the same show.
Speaker 6
Not the same well,
Speaker 6
the same show. But would you say it's the same character?
Speaker 2
I I still don't think so. If you look at, season three Shorzy episode six versus season eight Letterkenny, are you gonna tell me that's the same character?
Speaker 6
You know, I haven't done that work because I've been just looking at letter Kenny.
Speaker 2
So I'll just throw that
Speaker 2
Is is well, no. I'll throw that out there for for discussion since I haven't done my homework. But,
Speaker 9
me a static version of the cell. Of the what? Like, are show me a static version of the self. Are you the same person you were now as you were at twenty? No. The fuck you're not.
Speaker 6
But kind of we are. No. But kind of we are.
Speaker 9
Are you telling me
Speaker 2
that you still don't think you're fucking twenty three in your head until you try and bend over and touch your toes?
Speaker 9
No. I don't. I am a new person every fucking day. Everybody is.
Speaker 7
No. Technically, every every seven years
Speaker 9
plate is a horse. Day.
Speaker 4
my god. Seven years ago.
Speaker 10
We're going into molecular cells now.
Speaker 9
think that's continuity? Yes. Yes. There is continuity. Is it the same my my thing is, is it the same character? I do think it is, but not because this keeps coming up is that on the Reddit, it is that not only are they two different they're two different characters, meaning the Shorzy that we see in Letterkenny is a different Shorzy than the one we see in Shorzy. Like, they're they're not They're not the same person.
Speaker 2
We're not trying to get an age on Shorsey. So, yes, he's obviously aged since his time in Letterkenny, but Yeah. Has he also we we see the maturity growth in Shorsey, whereas in Letterkenny, we just saw him as dickhead. Right.
Speaker 3
Well well, clearly, all the events that, he had in Letterkenny had already passed. Like, they're the talk Mhmm. A couple of them are talked about in the actual Yeah. You know, like,
Speaker 6
first season. My friends, and their moms were wheeling me.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Immediately
Speaker 3
immediately related, like
Speaker 3
Right out of the gate.
Speaker 6
That was episode two or one?
Speaker 7
that could also be a story device just to kinda, you know, a a flashback to Letterkenny. Like I like I said, I agree with Awesome. I think a few years have passed between the two shows. Right?
Speaker 3
to have been. There's no way. We also have
Speaker 2
to figure out how far we're suspending our disbelief to enjoy this story.
Speaker 7
Yeah. No. I mean, we're this
Speaker 7
This is all fun exercise. Right? But, yeah. Casey, I'm gonna disagree with you. I think
Speaker 7
I think if Jared had an idea for a hockey show when he started Letterkenny, his main character was didn't exist yet. Why? I don't think his main character exists yet.
Speaker 2
Not even Gordie Howe?
Speaker 7
No. I think his main character, he hadn't created the main character yet. I think he maybe maybe he thought, okay. My character is gonna be, like, a Brad Marchand kinda character, an asshole that everyone hates. And while he wrote something like that, a Muppet, whoever said that, was it Cassie
Speaker 7
That that that he could use for all his chirps. I I I really I don't know. I don't think I don't think he thought it was Shorzy until later on in Letterkenny. I but, you know, like, this is all just conjecture. Right?
Speaker 7
I feel like if he thought he had a chance at a hockey show, he didn't know who his main character was gonna be, until later in Letterkenny. Until he saw the the success of the Shorzy character in Letterkenny. I think then he saw the opportunity. Oh, here's a character everyone seems to really, like, like or hate.
Speaker 7
And and that's what you want.
Speaker 3
That was that was
Speaker 9
it okay. In twenty fifteen, Jared did say he wanted to be the John Wayne of hockey films. So that said
Speaker 0
Yeah. Because he wanted to
Speaker 7
he wanted to set this the new standard for hockey, and I think he has. I think he really has.
Speaker 7
shooting action and stuff. I think he's Yeah.
Speaker 9
I don't think anybody else can get away with that quick cut nonsense anymore. Everybody's gonna be like, that's so fucking fake.
Speaker 7
Like, I I love I love the what's the US Olympic hockey movie, Miracle on Ice?
Speaker 7
Love that movie, but the hockey scenes were a mess. They they were unwatchable. And in Mystery Alaska, same thing. Right? Although in Mystery Alaska, I think they did have some NHLers, play there, but they weren't acting. They were, you know, they were, like, far away shot. Mhmm. But, yeah, I think he's I think he's succeeded in setting that standard, and and we'll see, you know, we'll see if anyone can match it.
Speaker 0
How dare you suggest that nobody likes Brad Marchand, by the way?
Speaker 7
Nobody outside of Boston can tolerate Brad Marchand, that fucking weasel.
Speaker 9
Look. I don't give a shit. Brad Marchand is an asshole.
Speaker 9
Like, I know enough to know. I don't follow hockey super close. I know enough to know Brad Marchant is a fucking dick.
Speaker 7
That means you don't
Speaker 2
ask how they ask how many. Exactly.
Speaker 6
And they do ask how, and they did ask how many.
Speaker 4
took away a couple
Speaker 0
minutes. And he is a totally very nice person.
Speaker 2
So Yeah. I get it.
Speaker 7
And I know he does charity work and all that shit. But You know,
Speaker 2
the same way that Gordon Rams did an absolute hack in front of the camera. Yo?
Speaker 2
is a That's for a clever podcast. Look. You put that man in front of some children, and he is the kindest, sweetest man who is willing to help them learn anything he can. Yes. But you put him in front of a bunch of
Speaker 9
don't know any better. Adults should know better.
Speaker 2
They absolutely should, but just because they don't doesn't mean they're any less of an idiot, so you should take the same kindness and caring that you do with children to an idiot.
Speaker 6
Aw, I can respect that, but I don't think that's Gordon Ramsay's brand. Can we talk about marijuana for a second?
Speaker 6
oh, wait. What were you gonna say?
Speaker 7
I was just while we're off on a I I needed to leave soon, but I wanted to be because we were off on a tangent, I wanted to take us on a further tangent before I left if I could real real
Speaker 6
quick. Yeah. Go ahead. It's your podcast, bud.
Speaker 7
No. Well, tonight it isn't. Remember a few weeks ago, I played a clip of Jason Mantzoukas on another podcast, like Yeah.
Speaker 7
the praise of of, Yeah.
Speaker 9
When's he when's he coming on?
Speaker 7
He's not. But well Oh. I reached out
Speaker 7
I reached out to to representation. I made the pitch. I got a very polite, you know, his schedule right now won't won't allow for it. But thank you anyway. And and I thank them for, you know, for the quick response. But then I had a bit of a, you know, an idea, and I went back and I said, in case this changes anything, please know that this podcast is listened to by the creator and star of Letterkenny and Shorzy, and we're in regular contact with the producer. And maybe we can get Jason on the show if he came on to sing the praises.
Speaker 6
Al pulling the plug over there.
Speaker 2
Ah. Aim dropping like a mirth.
Speaker 7
The rep said, thank you for letting me know. I'll let I'll, you know, I'll get back to you.
Speaker 6
Take that into consideration.
Speaker 7
Damn. I just thought I'd I'd throw a hail Mary pass. It's like, I didn't make any promises. I just said, Jared might listen. And if Jay Jason Mantzoukas comes on and and says he loves the the show and would love to have a cameo on Shorezy
Speaker 6
Maybe we can get him a spot on the show.
Speaker 7
can get him as background extras or something. I
Speaker 6
Lesser folks have been on Shorzi. Background or
Speaker 2
extra, Al. Come on. Get
Speaker 7
I will put our Patreon money towards a plane ticket to get Jason Ntsukas up to Sudbury to Yes.
Speaker 4
a back upstairs.
Speaker 9
I think Princess has its own plane ticket money.
Speaker 11
oh, but we have a quorum.
Speaker 7
Okay. I thought you guys would get a kick out of that because that just happened, like, this this week. So
Speaker 6
Oh, exclusive. Exclusive. I'm joining us, Al. Do you have any final thoughts before you leave?
Speaker 7
You guys did a great job. Thank you so much, and thank you for filling in for three straight weeks. You didn't have to, and and I really appreciate you doing that. Next week, I'll be back. We'll all be back, and our buddy, Tobias, will be our guest. And we'll be doing, the final the season three finale. And then, I think I think I got a confirmation that, Dean and Tiara will join us for the recap along along with Austin.
Speaker 6
Oh my god. I've been wondering. I mean, great.
Speaker 11
Yeah. Fuck. Oh,
Speaker 4
yeah. Brilliant.
Speaker 11
Right. Awesome. Although, this that's
Speaker 7
what he said. Another piece of bad news for that, though, the following the it would be the following week, the last week in August, I'm gonna be in
Speaker 7
So it's actually gonna be in September. So, anyway yes.
Speaker 9
Fuck every duck.
Speaker 7
I know. It's been a busy it's been a busy summer, but, I appreciate you guys for
Speaker 6
Takeover at Europe.
Speaker 7
Thank you very much, guys.
Speaker 9
Have a good day. On
Speaker 7
Looking forward to listening to this tomorrow and posting it. Alright?
Speaker 6
Thanks for having us, Al.
Speaker 7
Alright. See you. Bye.
Speaker 6
Bye. Good night. Al. So I wanna talk about weed really quickly. Okay? Surprisingly enough, we are are actually only it.
Speaker 2
I'm smoking it right now.
Speaker 4
a body by a tummy
Speaker 9
the other day. I accidentally took two because they were stuck together.
Speaker 6
Good for you. Good for you. So last week, we were talking about so Shorzy's chirping. I can't remember who, but Me? No. No. We're talking about Letter Kenny Shorzy people.
Speaker 4
Oh, no. Shorzy Shorzy.
Speaker 9
The the Vancouver team.
Speaker 6
And, Trace, you said something about how you were impressed that somebody, you know, who's chirping, you know, giving people so much shit for smoking weed knew so much about it. Like, oh, do do.
Speaker 3
Oh, I remember that.
Speaker 6
But if he grew up with free, this is where free comes in. Yeah. And that's where the legitimacy of his we chirps come in because knowledge. He he chirps those Vancouver people the same way he goes in on free. Like, Bob Marley, Pacalolo Dank, all of that. Like that
Speaker 3
He drops he drops names.
Speaker 11
So that might actually just be the sum total of his knowledge about weed. And the Right.
Speaker 9
It's America check them and take a foot.
Speaker 6
Right. It's through throwing up with free and then, like, giving free shit always about being high. So I just wanted to throw that out there, which also reinforces my point now that Al's gone. Great. He left just in time for me to hear this, that the character was there that early, but that was season eight, which is also his point that that's when the development started. Whatever. Anyway.
Speaker 2
Yeah. No. Because that's that's well after he would have been a foster kid.
Speaker 6
Oh, well. Yeah. No. I mean, he's had his experience with Moe and free and, care Carrie before Care Bear.
Speaker 2
Care Bear. Letter three, two,
Speaker 6
Yeah. Before letter Ken even starts, that's that's his foundation. But we don't know that when we see him. But Until. Right. Right. Right. But if we go back and we look at that in the context, then it's all there.
Speaker 3
It's get all get all smoochy, moochy.
Speaker 9
Yeah. Get a room
Speaker 6
you fucking see the white.
Speaker 2
Does that explain the Mexico, incident?
Speaker 6
What? Say again?
Speaker 2
The Mexico incident? Does that also explain Mexico incident?
Speaker 6
When when he the the chick?
Speaker 0
Yeah. It looked like Yeah.
Speaker 4
a really good looking Yeah. Yeah. Really good looking guy.
Speaker 6
Maybe. Yeah. Well, does anybody is there any topic I don't wanna leave anything off the table. Is there anything that we haven't brought up that you all wanna talk about that
Speaker 2
Real quick. Can I bring up the Kaye Trevor interview?
Speaker 6
Well, I meant about Shorzy.
Speaker 2
Yeah. No. This is related.
Speaker 6
Okay. Yeah. Go on. Okay.
Speaker 2
Because there toward the end of the Kay Trevor interview, he's talking about where, Jared Keeso has really got the bit in his mouth and is taking off with with the reins of Shorzy, and it feels a little bit like Letterkenny is being left behind. And it wasn't long after Shorzy really started skyrocketing that he made an absolute decision to quit Letterkenny.
Speaker 9
Okay? What's your point?
Speaker 2
Mhmm. Well, it's it's it's if if, Kaitrave made the mention of whenever he started litter kimmy, it was like, your dad got married to a new wife, and he had forgot that his old wife it was if he hadn't come up with Shorzy, would we have more letter Kenny?
Speaker 9
Okay. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Not to tell tales at a school. Uh-oh.
Speaker 2
But you're gonna
Speaker 9
He would when he came up with Shorzy, he was showrunning two entire shows. And, yeah, he had Jacob as director and his cowriter for most of the episodes for Letterkenny, but Shorsey, he has a solo credit for writing. Mm-mm. And as we know from talking to everyone that we've talked to
Speaker 6
But Risky's written on.
Speaker 9
He has well, he Risky's a script supervisor.
Speaker 9
like a beta reader on Shorzy. Anyway, from knowing what we know from talking to everybody, he Jared is involved at almost every level of making these shows. It's a huge time commitment. It's a huge workload. And as far as the timing of his decision to wind down on Letterkenny and put Shorsey on the front burner.
Speaker 9
I said what I said. Right around when he made that decision was it was about the same time he found out he was gonna be a dad. Mhmm. Mhmm. And I I have to think that that was a factor in his decision making.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Because if he's as good as he got his work,
Speaker 9
It's a lot of work, and it's a huge time commitment.
Speaker 6
That's right, Zach.
Speaker 0
Children ruin everything.
Speaker 4
What what else is it?
Speaker 9
Show, and everyone should watch it. I love Aaron Abramson.
Speaker 6
It's a good show. It's a really good show. New metric. Right?
Speaker 11
I have a I had a question in that vein, though. Was
Speaker 11
And it it just occurred to me, and I don't know why. I was in the last damn episode of Letterkenny podcast, and it didn't even occur to me until Austin just said that. And somebody might have mentioned it already, but is there probably. Yes. Do you think that how'd you sure. Is he being on the front burner? Was there an appreciable something to be noticed about Letterkenny that could be attributed to that?
Speaker 9
Are you angling for something about Billy Butchery?
Speaker 11
No. I'm I'm referring to not
Speaker 2
some US carrier.
Speaker 11
Order. Some would say that there was the last couple of seasons of Blender County weren't the best of quality or weren't
Speaker 9
Yeah. I've seen that put forward that, like, ten, eleven, and twelve were pretty lackluster.
Speaker 11
I mean, there were moments that were genius.
Speaker 9
So here's my thing. So we've got one through four, which are pretty much universally acknowledged to be, like, golden era letter Kenny. Right? Sure. Then you've got five, six, seven, which is what a lot of people refer to as the slump. Eight's controversial. Nine's controversial. The slump. Yeah. I think people this is a pattern that I see over and over and over again. Right? A new series comes out. It people don't have anything positive to say about it, and they just bitch about how it's not like previous series. And then six months to a year goes by and a new series of letter Kenny comes out, and everybody's nobody's got a positive word to say about it. Why can't it be like previous series blah blah blah blah blah? This was really, really sharply brought into focus for me with seven. Everybody hated seven. Everybody hated crack and
Speaker 9
Nobody had a good
Speaker 4
I love crack and egg.
Speaker 9
Good goddamn thing to say about it on Reddit.
Speaker 2
In the same camp as the people who were team fucking Zieg over team fucking Meeg. I loved season seven, and I
Speaker 9
you. I thought seven was fucking genius. The minute I heard that the Hicks are gonna do a local access call in show
Speaker 9
I immediately started having visions of Jared as Red Green. Okay?
Speaker 6
Drunk Wayne, like, when they were, like, beers, it that was, like Choice. Comedy gold that episode. What's
Speaker 9
that? Magic. But the popular reception the popular reception was not positive.
Speaker 9
Then we come round to series nine, and all of a sudden, seven is the golden child and can do no wrong.
Speaker 9
So I think it's like an inverse recency bias.
Speaker 6
I think people are dumb.
Speaker 9
I think people are very fucking stupid. Agreed one hundred percent. Like, I will find a motherfucker in the street. Like no. Seriously. It is an inverse recency bias with respect to You're amazing. Whatever the most recent series is, it's shit, and nobody likes it, and it's universally refiled until the next thing comes out. People are only happy when it rains.
Speaker 6
Oh god. Listen. I I feel like I remember somewhere Jared saying, like, they had just done what they were meant to do. Like, that they had Yeah. They had run the gamut, and they they had felt like they had done everything that they could do. And he said I think it was in the interview with, with us. I mean, when has he done on the I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. He's only done, like, three interviews, and one of them was with the protostampod. So if you haven't listened to that episode, you should go back and listen to that listener. But he said, like, you if if you reach like, I don't know. He he gave, like, three stages, like, forty episodes, then seventy, and then eighty. And, like, they just there was an element of burnout as well that was incorporated into the decision of ending Letterkenny. So I feel like in that interview with Al, like, he acknowledged that that, yes, like, maybe, yes, maybe people are dumb, but maybe there was some truth into in in the quality. Right? Like, you can only I don't know. Grey's Anatomy comes to mind. Freaking Seinfeld comes to mind. Like, you don't wanna jump the shark. Right?
Speaker 3
He said he said it it it it's it's ran its course. There's a there's no there's nothing else that there that could, you know, come up with.
Speaker 6
And and combine that with being a dad
Speaker 4
I need to be all the
Speaker 2
actors on Letterkenny wanting to get out and do their own thing as well and not be stereo cast or
Speaker 6
some sort of type cast.
Speaker 0
Well, I give him credit for ending it on his own terms.
Speaker 0
But at the same time, I feel like there were more stories they could have told.
Speaker 9
Absolutely. Exactly. Yeah.
Speaker 0
He's I I and I don't wanna say control freak because he's not he's I mean, he's a control freak, but that's kind of a negative way to put it. He He's a top.
Speaker 0
He doesn't yeah. He doesn't trust
Speaker 9
No. He's not. That man is a sub.
Speaker 6
No. He's a switch. He's a switch.
Speaker 11
Will down this fucking hill.
Speaker 0
Give the keys to the car to somebody else.
Speaker 9
That is true. I don't even wish there's a part of
Speaker 0
me that wishes he would've just to see where somebody else could have taken it and just to
Speaker 0
I don't live out those Hulu years so that, you know, some of the people could get paid, you know, the Hulu money like K. Trevor.
Speaker 2
Who's gonna write Wayne lines?
Speaker 9
Right? Hello. Hi. Hello. Me.
Speaker 6
Oh, settle down.
Speaker 0
people that could do it.
Speaker 9
No. Okay. Here's the thing. I get
Speaker 4
what Jeff is saying.
Speaker 9
If if Jared wasn't so involved in every aspect of making the show. Maybe he would have had a little more oomph left
Speaker 3
There you go, Casey.
Speaker 9
You know, to make some trips or something.
Speaker 6
Right. Woah. When two people love each other.
Speaker 9
Woah. The most epic intro That's an inside joke, kids.
Speaker 6
Anyway, yeah. So I'm glad you brought that up, Paddle, because that's it it it's a market point. Right? Like, we talk about season ten, and we're leap frogging from season ten Letterkenny into Shorzy, and then we have eleven and twelve of Letterkenny. And now we have three seasons of Shorzy. We're headed into four. You know, there's no one can deny that the two shows are connected, obviously. No one can deny that the character is the same character. Whether we're talking about season one introduction of Shorzy when he's upside down with his ass out calling everybody titfuckers.
Speaker 2
Best best swash of your life, boys.
Speaker 3
At the ass flex.
Speaker 6
Right. I I that I feel like that is the Shorzy that we would see in Shorzy if he wasn't an old ass man. Right? Like, he would still be doing an ass wash. Right? Like, he's still taking pre, middle, and post game shits. He's still talking shit about fucking people's girlfriends and moms and squeezers off of, you know
Speaker 3
Resagibet. Beach.
Speaker 6
And fucking fucking moms with the blue nights. Like, it's still Shorzy. So it's there's a connection there, but there's also a human being behind all of that. And so I know from my own experience, and this might just be the wine talking, I have limits. I don't often admit that, but, like, I'm I'm I tend to be a workhorse. Right? Like, I tend to be a perfectionist, and I tend to wanna have my hands in all of the things that I do. And I if if if it's attached to my name, I wanna at least have a touch on it so that I know if somebody's gonna talk shit about it, I can be accountable. A little bit of accountability, buddy. Like, accountability now. And I feel like Jared's the same way, and so I can respect the the desire to narrow the focus and let go of one thing so that something else can flourish. And I know that there's disappointment that comes with that. Right? Like, you you say no when you're an individual and you're saying no to something that you've created that a lot of people love or a lot of people involved in. It's gonna you know, it's hard on all accounts. It's not knowledge not an easy choice.
Speaker 2
The knowledge that evolution happens, and and if you keep doing the same thing, you're only gonna keep getting the same thing. So let's shift gears, and let's try something.
Speaker 6
Yeah. I love that you brought up the word evolution because that was the whole point of the last two weeks. And I think there can if we can use that word more in the conversation about why Letterkenny ended, it might be a little more healing for people, like, to understand that the evolution needs to happen.
Speaker 0
Like Letterkenny ended because you touch yourself.
Speaker 11
Oh. And a question and a question for another time. Did Letterkenny go a season too long?
Speaker 6
Oh, did it jump the shark?
Speaker 2
No. No. Not yet. No. It was close.
Speaker 10
I don't think he did.
Speaker 11
No. Hard no. I don't
Speaker 0
know. It could've gone another twenty seven seasons minimum. Minimum. No.
Speaker 11
I mean, given the the finite finish line that he he had placed on it, did he go a season too long?
Speaker 2
No. Could he move that finish line two seasons back is the real question.
Speaker 2
Sorry. Could he move that finish line two seasons back? That's the real question.
Speaker 11
I don't know. I thought I I loved season eleven. Season twelve, it seemed like a self con I mean, it's such a self contained season that was weird for it's a weird thing to end it on, the whole dairy thing. Not that it was bad, and not that it wasn't it wasn't what it was. It was just a it was a weird thing to end it on.
Speaker 10
Thank you. Okay.
Speaker 4
The whole of the
Speaker 3
dairy thing, I un unfucking real. I can't believe you would just
Speaker 6
I had a hard time with it too.
Speaker 3
Don't don't why would you like, that's one of my most adored characters. He's been Wayne's buddy throughout the entire thing. At the end, you're gonna tell me that you're going to throw him into the d gens, and he's his character is just willing to accept that?
Speaker 2
He had his back the whole time, and you don't know where the line lays until you cross it. He has to let his buddy cross that line.
Speaker 11
I have a question.
Speaker 2
And this is such a At least he's not stuck.
Speaker 11
This is such an awesome question too. For
Speaker 11
Okay. You know, put your goggles on. There's a little bit of chemistry here. If you put season twelve and season eleven scope. And then you put season eleven where season twelve is with the last episode on the ass end of it, is that better?
Speaker 6
This is, like, a Star Wars shit that people do with, like, the order of
Speaker 9
Star Wars. It's a machete order.
Speaker 11
It's it's what awesome does every season. It's a machete order.
Speaker 9
Here's the thing. Here's the thing. The timing was very fucky, because ten and eleven were shot simultaneously
Speaker 9
In twenty twenty one because of COVID restrictions.
Speaker 9
then It was. Wait. And then in twenty
Speaker 11
twenty and twelve. Mhmm. Oh, twelve
Speaker 9
was shot by itself?
Speaker 6
Ten and ten, eleven. Ten, eleven. Okay.
Speaker 9
And twelve was shot by itself. And here's the thing. I don't think and I've talked about this with risky and other people. There was never going to be a a way to end letter Kenny that everyone would like.
Speaker 6
Oh, of course. Right? Of course.
Speaker 9
I think the whole northern exposure route was the only way out they had. Mhmm. Because it it's a very self reflective series. And that bring it full circle, ending it exactly where they started it
Speaker 9
That's kind of the only way you could exit gracefully. Oh, no. I I still love the episode but gracefully.
Speaker 11
As the last episode. It's just No.
Speaker 9
I'm saying the whole buildup through series twelve of looking back at everything that's happened, the whole because we get when we had when we started with series one, there were very clear divisions between the different cliques in the town. Clicks? And I said what I said.
Speaker 9
Clicks. Anyway no. Uh-huh. And in series twelve, we review those divisions. You know? We review how far we've come from series one to series twelve. And in some ways, those divisions are still just as entrenched as they ever were. But in other ways, there's also always it's the whole town versus outsiders, and the d gens are outsiders. Right? Like, that's the whole point.
Speaker 2
I mean, until they show up at their rave at the end of the series.
Speaker 9
No. And and that's the ultimate
Speaker 4
Five hundred and twenty five thousand six hundred minute.
Speaker 9
But that's the ultimate expression of the town versus outsiders is
Speaker 9
The there will whenever outsiders come in to fuck with the people of Letterkenny, no matter what clique they're in, the whole town will come together, which was the point that I think Eleven was trying to make and nobody fucking got, and it drives me up the fucking wall.
Speaker 4
Set the fuck up, Sanguine.
Speaker 9
Casey, you are having too much fun.
Speaker 3
Amazing, Casey. Thank you.
Speaker 10
pulling a Chad with that soundboard. You are having too much fun. Shout out to Chad.
Speaker 11
Crazy big story. I will say this much. Each and every one of you on this screen right here and all the ones out there, I'm so proud.
Speaker 11
You're part of my clique.
Speaker 4
you just have a stroke?
Speaker 6
quits. So Chastity is with us, and Chastity was gonna be our our questionable call
Speaker 11
Questionable call.
Speaker 6
Evening with this, bit. Hey, y'all.
Speaker 1
I first want to say great job to each of the takeover team members.
Speaker 1
It's so great to hear y'all. Mhmm. Second, I was watching Modern Marvels this week, and they highlighted the zambo. So I did a little research of my own and thought I would share some fun facts. The Zamboni is an ice resurfacing machine. Zamboni is the brand name. Frank Zamboni and his brother built an ice rink in Paramount, California in nineteen forty, but soon found the process of ice resurfacing to be labor intensive. Frank came up with several prototypes until he refined the Zamboni model a in the summer of nineteen forty nine. So first fun fact is in two thousand and one, a Zamboni machine was driven from the East Coast of Canada, Saint John's, Newfoundland, across to the West Coast, Victoria, BC. At about nine miles per hour, the journey took approximately four months.
Speaker 9
Oh my god. Number two.
Speaker 1
In February of two thousand and five, Canadian McDonald's restaurants introduced a miniature version of the Zamboni for a Happy Meal toy promotion. Number three. In January of two thousand and four, a Zamboni machine operator for the NHL's Tampa Bay Lightning buried a pewter Zamboni machine charm at Center Ice for good luck during the Stanley Cup finals. The Lightning went on to win the two thousand and four Stanley Cup.
Speaker 1
If you want to read more fun facts, just look them up at Zamboni dot com.
Speaker 6
Nice. Thank you, Chastity.
Speaker 2
Subscribe. Thank you. Brilliant.
Speaker 6
Brilliant. And I re the reason I bring this up is because this is the the last sort of bit that we get in season ten of Shorzy when Wayne is driving the Zambo, the bony. And and I just wanna talk about that handshake. What do you all think was the reason that they wrote that handshake in? Like, Shorzy and Wayne never had to cross paths. It was never there was no reason that that ever had to happen, but it was written in on purpose. And so I would just like to go around before we end this show and we do final thoughts. I just want you guys I wanna know what you think, and you could take a few minutes if you want. But if somebody has any thoughts, like, why do you think it was important to write that in? Okay. I I know why. Well, you then you need to fucking wait because Okay. We're
Speaker 11
Then you're going last.
Speaker 6
Then you're gonna go last.
Speaker 9
Yeah. Woo. That's fine.
Speaker 6
Know why, then you need to wait. And then I I saw hands, so we'll start with Zach. Zach, why do you think that that was unnecessary?
Speaker 3
That was a clear passing of the torch. Mhmm. Yeah. That's what that's exactly what that was.
Speaker 3
That was him handing off knowing exactly he had he Jared had sought out well, he hadn't sought out, but he had found his avenue into, his hockey fantasy, and it was Shorzy because he is like I said, he is an open book character. There's nothing about him other than shit talk that has been done yet. That was him being like, alright. We're doing this. Here we go.
Speaker 2
He likes his work ethic.
Speaker 11
I mean, I I think it's a two part thing. Kinda like Zach was saying, passing the torch kind of a a blessing moving forward. And,
Speaker 11
mean, when it's something like that and like you said, Shorzy and Wayne had never been in the same scene together, well, this is your last chance.
Speaker 11
I mean, you I mean, you give give the people what they want, but, you know, hey. We've never had them together. Well, now we have.
Speaker 10
Well, clearly, it was so that people who write fan fiction can have a a three way fan fiction. That'd be.
Speaker 10
Joe cake aside, I agree. It's a passing of the torch, but I I just had to. I had to.
Speaker 11
Or or or as, you know, you know, to drive awesome crazy. How'd they do that? That's the same guy.
Speaker 10
Two Kisos? What? Two Kisos for every girl.
Speaker 0
Wait. Are you guys telling me that the same guy plays Wayne and Shorzy?
Speaker 9
What? Jeff, I am going to jump through this laptop right now.
Speaker 11
Clear cross country.
Speaker 0
I think well, maybe she can use the magic portal. I think it was just Kiso fucking with us.
Speaker 0
Yeah. But it could be a passing of the torch. I like that idea, but, I mean, what torch were was was he really passing?
Speaker 6
Right. To himself?
Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So but
Speaker 10
That's a different torch.
Speaker 0
I think he was just yeah. Keesa was just fucking with us.
Speaker 6
I mean, what happened after
Speaker 3
that letter Kenny ended, Shorzy sprung up?
Speaker 6
Like, I think it was the ultimate flex. Like, I think it was the ultimate in look what I did, look what you made me do, and bringing together the threads. Like, the fact that that whole last episode like, that episode has Wayne backing Shorzy. Like, even when he wasn't in a fight, Wayne was just still hanging out at the end of every flood, at the end of every session, and he was waiting to see what happened with Frankie JJ and the Kevakwas. And it might be because of the blue flannels, and it might be because of his issues with those guys that are separate from Shorzy, but he was always backing him. And I just think it was the ultimate flex to be like, yo. This is me backing myself. And here I am. I'm Wayne, and I'm Shorzy, and you motherfuckers are gonna like it. Now that's my thought. Awesome. What's the real reason?
Speaker 9
Ever since series one, there have been nutsacks posting on Reddit that Wayne and Shorzy aren't just the same actor. They're the same guy. Like, Shorzy is making sure he's all man. Like some fight club shit.
Speaker 0
Sure. First off, you know that's pure bullshit because there are no nutsacks on there are no nutsack nutsacks.
Speaker 9
Anyway no. I No. No. Genuinely, I think
Speaker 7
Casey there for a sec.
Speaker 9
It's like the I think it's the nail in the coffin. No. These are not the same person. They're not the same character. They are two different characters. They just happen to be played by the same guy.
Speaker 10
Yep. So start writing your erotic literature.
Speaker 2
Well, and the whole nod that Wayne Wayne makes earlier where he says, I like his work ethic. You know? Yeah.
Speaker 2
He sees him. He sees his work ethic and and from from his influence from Moe, you know, never lose again. What do I have to do to never lose again? It's do all these suicides until I'm puking in a bucket and to do more suicides until I get better. So
Speaker 9
Yeah. Right. Well and I think the whole thing is came in. It it it's funny because wait goes, wait. I have heard of that guy, and he's a snake. Mhmm. Right? So at first, he dissed the proofs of him, and then
Speaker 9
Witnesses the work ethic, ethic, and then he's okay with it. Because Or
Speaker 6
at least appreciate he can at least appreciate the work ethic, alongside the victory. Right?
Speaker 9
It it's the grit that counts. Right? That's right. You're willing to do the work. Mhmm.
Speaker 2
Until you can't go no more.
Speaker 6
Fucking a. Alright. Well, I I wanna just thank you all for coming on and sharing your thoughts. And I I feel like whether you agreed with me or not, the fact that you're even thinking about it is a win for me because this was something that I've been thinking about for a really long time. So thank you guys for coming on. We're gonna go around the horn and do final thoughts. I don't have a song for tonight, so we're just gonna go ahead with, oh
Speaker 11
One in the soundboard?
Speaker 6
That. Well, he shut it down. Like, it's not
Speaker 9
Joji, You're mad?
Speaker 6
Yeah. God God only knows. No. God only
Speaker 6
can't Yeah. It's pretty good. Yeah. But I can't play it on
Speaker 11
Greatest songs ever written by now.
Speaker 6
It is. Okay. Oh, we'll just do
Speaker 2
Excluding Susan McDowell.
Speaker 6
Yeah. We'll do Going Gold by Joe Dolo because they're filming. Alright. So, oh, let me let me just say this before we end the thing. Season four is filming in Sudbury as we speak. The boys are probably at station eighty four, knocking a couple back right now or wherever they are in Sudbury. If you're listening to this podcast, boys, we love you. Have a great shoot. If you're not following the sluts on Instagram, you should. You can basically follow any of us or produce stand pot and go through our following list, and you'll find all of the people that you need to follow, go ahead and do that. The any other news that we need to report, about anything in the universe?
Speaker 0
I mean, it's not really news, but it's nice to see because we were wondering I don't know. I was wondering how is the next, installment of Shorzy going to look because it sounded like, you know, he might be doing something differently because that was, like, the end of part one. But knowing that the sluts are all there again gives me you know? It it it it fills my heart a little bit. So
Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad that everybody's there.
Speaker 6
Any other news? No?
Speaker 11
Alright. Congratulations on Canada at the Olympics. I watched y'all. I was proud of y'all.
Speaker 6
We love you, Canada. From those of us down south, are there any Canadians on this podcast right now?
Speaker 0
Just yeah. Just just Michelle.
Speaker 9
Yeah. Cash. Michelle.
Speaker 6
Cassie. Oh, and and you don't realize this on the on the listener end, but we had Michelle and Chastity show up, and they are in the chat. And if they want to, give final thoughts, that would be amazing. Just let me know in the chat. But we'll start with Jeff. What?
Speaker 9
Hold on. Last bit of news. Remember, everybody, last weekend in August, Toronto Comic Con,
Speaker 9
Dylan Playfair, Andrew Herr, Evan j Stern.
Speaker 0
Just about everybody.
Speaker 9
Tyler Johnston and Michelle Mylett are gonna be at Comic Con in Toronto.
Speaker 6
Yes. Go buy your tickets. Go see them. Go tell them how much you love Letterkenny.
Speaker 11
Go spend money in Canada.
Speaker 10
Yeah. Go's a damn good convention.
Speaker 6
Awesome. Jeff, final thoughts.
Speaker 0
If only I could make it for that con, but that's peak week for back to school here. So Yeah. That won't happen. But now I've got a I've got K Trav coming up next month and going to Halifax for that, so that should be good. Final thoughts. Final thoughts. No. Great couple of episodes. You know, had a lot of stuff that, you know, we we got to talking about and getting in there and and, you know, little bit more little more thought we have to do we had to do, you know, as opposed to what we what we normally do and come on here and just blah blah blah. So, yeah. No. Good on you for doing that. I had something else I wanted to say, and I can't remember exactly what it was.
Speaker 0
But no. Yeah, it was great seeing everybody. And, hopefully, you know, we've got, what, one more episode of Shorzy to go, and then they'll do the season recap. And then, you know, we're gonna have, like, however many months of filler. So let's let's let's start brainstorming and see what else we can come up with, folks.
Speaker 0
look like this. So
Speaker 6
Passy. Final thoughts. Oh, yes. Sorry.
Speaker 10
I I was vibing with what Jeff was saying. Same. I think I had said before, but I am incredibly proud of y'all for the two part series. I guess this included, so the trilogy at this point. Oh. And I think this speaks so deeply towards what TPS is, has always been, and I think ever shall be. The fact that well, I won't say it was a radical idea. I'll say it was a very interesting idea to look at these clips of Shorsey and try to I won't say come to one specific answer, but discuss. And that discussion is really interesting because it was completely civil. Like, we could disagree. We could go in completely different ways, and it was civil. It was supportive, and that's what I love about, TPS. That's what I love about the takeover team. That's what I appreciate about yous. So I just think that these three episodes, this trilogy is a of
Speaker 10
TPS is and how good the d gens are. So good job, guys.
Speaker 6
Thank you, Cassie. Zach, final thoughts?
Speaker 3
This has been a a great discussion for sure. I love getting together with everybody. Seriously, this is the best. I look forward to every every single Thursday, Whether it be the takeover team or, you know, the usual crew. Either way, it's been great, these past few weeks, especially you know, it's, like, it's been our own take on
Speaker 3
You know? Having Yep. Or having our own good time. I hope, yeah, Al, Tanya, Matt, and, Victor have been enjoying their time off. But, I'm glad that, you know, we could do this, and thank you for, you know, having us here. It's Yay. It's been great.
Speaker 6
Awesome. Thank you. I mean, great. Fuck. Paddle, final thoughts.
Speaker 2
Appreciate just being here with you guys. It's been fantastic. Yeah. No. This, this is a great community, and and that's really what it comes down to. We can absolutely disagree, but we do it similarly because we all love this, this whole production. So and and it goes from from everything, from script to makeup, to to dance, to music, to I mean, we are we are all so invested in the entirety of everything that that Jared has put out so far. And, as far as I'm concerned, the man can't miss. And, I look, look forward to, the next decade to see what's gonna happen.
Speaker 6
Michelle, did you wanna say what you typed in the chat or
Speaker 12
no? Yeah. Sure thing.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Everybody. Final thoughts. Michelle is the queen of Sudbury. Michelle is joining us from Sudbury proper. She's been in the chat, but not she came in a little late, but final thoughts, Michelle.
Speaker 12
Just, thanks for this trilogy. Love these episodes. Love the clips that you're showing and reminded me of the incredible satisfaction that I had when I watched Letterkenny being a fan of Letterkenny wondering about Shorzy. And then seeing that handshake and then Shorzy at the Sudbury sign, just all those good feelings in their gut for that upcoming Shorzy show. And, thanks for reminding me of all that. Good stuff.
Speaker 6
Awesome. Final thoughts?
Speaker 9
Sorry. I had to unmute. I do like this retrospective. I like getting live feedback like this for, you know, ideas that we've had and tried to pull off. I think it's constructive. I think it's helpful. I love getting together with you guys. It's always a fun time. I look forward to many more takeover episodes in the future, just maybe not right away.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Trace, final thoughts.
Speaker 11
I always enjoy a good takeover episode. This, gang that we've put together is very fun, very good, and there'll be those who wonder. There's a reason why Casey is our leader, and that reason is she took forty eight minutes of clips, and we got five plus hours podcasting out of it. And I'll follow through a brick wall anytime, anywhere.
Speaker 6
I love you, Trace. I have had such a good time doing this. I appreciate all of the divergent thoughts. I love the fact that you guys didn't necessarily agree with all of my madness. I love that I got you guys thinking about this, and thank you for putting up with my obsession and madness around Shorzy and getting on board. Next week. I I did find the song that we're gonna end on, which is
Speaker 6
The best selling single, Sun Darts, by Jen Diggins. See, Jeff, you don't have to open up your album. You can just listen to it now. Goes down. I'm a That's all we have for this episode. Next week, Al and the TPS crew will be back to wrap up season three of Shorezy with their special guest, Tobias, to make sure you tune in for that. Go support the podcast. You can find us anywhere you listen on iTunes, Spotify. Give us a good rating, make a comment, and then become a patron. You can find us anywhere you want on most social media platforms at produce stand pod. Thanks for joining us. Now we're gonna have an after party on behalf of myself and the entire takeover team and the d deal to The discord d gens, not the b m ones. The discord d gens, thank you for listening, and have a great week.
Speaker 4
Music isn't just my high school sweetheart. I'm missing. I might be too drunk to fire a gun. So if you need me, I'll be smoking darts in the sun.