Speaker 0
Bulldog celebrate the no show record party. Lost their pants and hair. Next up, barrelman. Breezer twins in Sudbury? Yes. Ontario. Shorsey sets the tone. Goes till he can't go no more. Has he gone too far? Speaker 1
That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 2
What do you listen to? Speaker 3
My favorite murder podcast. Speaker 0
Taggart and Jordan's podcast. Speaker 1
The produce stand. Fucking sexy. Speaker 4
You heard the man. Speaker 5
It's the produce stand, your favorite source for everything in the universe. I'm Al, your host, Tanya, Matt, and Victor on the mics. Tonight, we are talking some Shorzy season three. And just like Dolo, we are feeling blessed tonight to introduce tonight's guest panelist. Joining us from sunny Minnesota, he is a lover and collector of all things Star Star Wars, Matt's nemesis, a patron. And despite what Matt says, he's a good guy, he's a really good guy. Please join me making some noise for Chad. Speaker 0
Who wants to set the tone, boys? He's gonna fucking set it. Speaker 1
This team will never lose again. Speaker 5
Welcome back, Chad. How's it going, bud? Chad. Speaker 4
Why are you too mad? Speaker 0
Yeah. Joe, don't choke Speaker 4
that, bud. It's a it's a guy who has a he's taking a drink of beer. I'm trying to get my game. Throwing off my game. Jeez. How's it going? I'm I'm here. Yes. This is me. Speaker 5
Yeah. Chad. Well, thank you for joining us. Speaker 5
Yeah. It's it's been a while. When's the last episode you you helped us review? Speaker 4
The the the Shorzy season review? Speaker 5
Review. Yeah. No. We yeah. He did the whole lore best of Laura Moore and Shorzy scenes, but Speaker 4
It it helped me. Speaker 3
The romantic episode. Speaker 5
The romantic episode. That was a good episode. It was a good it's a great episode. Speaker 4
Oh, okay. You know what? Speaker 5
What did you think of our, Laura Moore, interview? Our, Camille Camille? Speaker 4
It was a great interview. Yeah. She's a awesome person. So Speaker 4
So, let's see. Let's open up the document. The Speaker 5
Are you looking at the doc? Speaker 4
I I it has to be, like, the sleepover episode, the one that Speaker 5
That would be the last one you helped us review. Yeah. Sleepover. Wow. The one where Victor dashed your dreams and yeah. He's still getting shit from that. He's still getting questionable calls now from Mike. Speaker 4
Actually, so so I've been, like, terrible on listening to the podcast and watching this. So, like, this week, like, I've binged through the podcast. I've binged through the first four episodes of Shorzy through during the week. Speaker 4
And then, like so I heard that, like, on month on Tuesday, the podcast of of, Mike Rassen, Victor there. So That's Speaker 4
Appreciate that, Mike. Yeah. Speaker 5
Mike Mike was doing you a favor there. Alright. Well, let's get this rig rolling. Speaker 5
Tonight's lineup is Al, Matt, not Casey, Victor. That's from last week. Tanya and our guest, Chad. Speaker 0
Better ring to it than Victor. Speaker 4
Yeah. It's easier. Speaker 5
Our guest, Chad, will have the last word. Alright. My week. This past weekend, we took Owen on his university tour, to Ontario Tech. And let me tell you, he he loved it. He he can't wait to go. Tanya and I, we can wait another year because holy shit, we need to start saving. Like, not start. We've been saving, but, man, is it expensive, especially living on residence and meal plans and all that shit. But it's a really cool, that anyone's never heard of Ontario Tech University, they've got one of three major wind tunnels in in the world or something like that. Like, it's four stories high. They can simulate two hundred and fifty kilometer an hour winds. Speaker 2
Typhoon, like, you heard just tons of tons of stuff. Speaker 5
They can, like, test, like, vehicles, obviously, structures. They even had, suicide like, they just shot movies there. Suicide Squad was shot like, scenes from it were shot there. Like, it's a really impressive place for, Speaker 0
The downside, though, you you have to be in Oshawa. Speaker 5
That is a bit of a drawback. Yes. But you know what? Northern Oshawa is kinda nice. It's you're right. Speaker 3
Imagine to go there and test how well hats stay on your head. Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get get your hat collecting out. Yeah. Speaker 5
So, anyway, that was kinda cool. And and he got Owen got to see, like, residents and see, like, how he would live, and I think it's kinda given it's opened his eyes to new possibilities. This week as well, on a recommendation Victor gave a long time ago, I watched this movie called Society of the Snow. Was that your recommendation, Victor? Speaker 3
I don't remember. Speaker 5
It it's that the story of the plane that crashed in the Andes, that Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I two. I Speaker 5
Alive Alive tried to tell that story. Speaker 3
Oh, it's it's a it's a foreign film. Right? Speaker 5
Yeah. It's it's a Spanish film. Speaker 3
Then it was me. Yeah. Speaker 5
Yeah. Alive, tried to tell that story. No. It wasn't their story to tell. It it because it happened to, Uruguayan rugby team. And, it was amazing. Like, it was so well done, like and just yeah. It's crazy. It's like two and a half hour film. It's a long film, but, and thank God it was overdubbed. I don't think I can read subtitles that long. But it was really, really well done, so I really enjoyed it. So kudos, Victor. That was a great recommendation. As usual, we had Kate Trevor Wilson last week for the interview. And today, this morning, the interview was released to our non Patreon listeners, so I hope you enjoyed that. It was it was an interesting one to say the least. And, if you stuck around to the end, you got to hear some real talk from K Trev, about the end ending of Letterkenny. So, if you haven't listened to it yet, you may want to. It's really interesting. But, plus, I mean, he was on to to promote his Canadian comedy tour, which, I think I wanna go. So I'm gonna we're gonna check out what dates he's closest to here. I think he's got a Toronto date in there. Speaker 2
I think it was December eighth. Speaker 5
Yeah. That's right. It was December sixth or eighth. So I'd love to go to that. And, yeah. That oh, and today, just today, we had Ashley Neyon. She's the hair hairstylist to the stars or more specifically to the universe. And, she was a delightful guest, and we had a great chat with her. That one right now is up for our patrons, and next Thursday will be available to everyone, to the general public. So, yeah, it's been a busy week. Matt, how have you been? Speaker 0
How have I been? Speaker 5
I know I know you've you've had a a an interesting week, especially Speaker 0
two days ago. A train wreck of a Speaker 0
Well, there's actually two big stories. One, I'll I'll try to make the shit the one the first one a little shorter. So I know last week, I talked about having a night out with my friends, and it was a huge mess. Mhmm. It was exactly as I figured it would be. It's convenient we're watching this episode because Speaker 0
feels a bit light on Speaker 5
the Take your hat off. Speaker 0
No. I I no. There was no hair on Speaker 4
the You shaved your head. Speaker 2
Did you get real hot? Real hot? Speaker 0
We went we didn't go swimming. Yeah. Speaker 4
Are you you got your pants on right now? We did go swimming. Speaker 0
I might have been doing it at least once. A lot happened. It was funny. It was one of those nights where I was definitely in it to win it. So much so that at one point and this is where I knew that it had gotten away from me. Well, way before that. But this is when I figured it out. Mhmm. We're outside, so my friend could have a smoke. And I looked up in the sky. I'm like, man, that moon is bright tonight. He's like, no, dude. That's the fucking sun. Like, I I I had no clue that it was five AM and that sunrise was happening. Speaker 2
I'm like, how wrecked do you have to be to Speaker 5
That's sick. I should never be that drunk again. Speaker 0
Oh, god. Yeah. Well, you can't Speaker 3
tell if there's anything Speaker 4
in the moon in the sun. Yeah. Wait. Wait. It was just Speaker 0
it was just hitting the horizon, so I thought it was just, like, a lighter sky, and then he's my buddy laughed. He's like, no. But then somehow throughout that night, my, my phone died. I don't know. I don't think I did anything to it. I think it just finally crashed on me. Speaker 0
And and where he lives is Webb and Penentanguishene, which is, like, north it's, like, up north of Midland, past Barry, everything like that. Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know exactly where Speaker 0
that is. Anyways, I had to get back to Collingwood the next day where where wifey and my little guy were, which is an hour and a half from Penetang, roughly. Mhmm. In an area I'm not familiar with with no phone, which means I had no GPS, and it felt like it felt like we were kids again. I'm like, I don't remember how we used to do this, so I had to borrow a friend's phone and write directions down to how to get back. And let me tell you, tired, slightly hungover, without technology on back roads was a very nerve wracking ride. Needless to say, I got there, and now I'm using an iPhone SE, which is the tiniest little fucking thing in the world. I feel like I'm gonna break it. It feels like Zoolander. You know, we had that little flip phone. That's what I feel like right now, but it works. So that's my temple. So that was the weekend. Yes. That was a mess. Speaker 5
Don't just don't have a phone. How was your week, Matt? Speaker 0
Well, then Toronto, had their version of a hundred year storm hit the other day when I was at my office. Speaker 5
didn't get the invite to the ARC? Speaker 0
No. No. I was stuck. I was stuck. I was I was in meetings all morning, hadn't had breakfast or anything like that, and then I decided to go get some lunch. And that's about the same time that the storm decided to shut down Toronto. And, while I was in the elevator, the power went out, And me and three other individuals from my finance team, who I'd never met, decided to spend two hours together in an elevator stall. So Speaker 5
Matt, if we don't have three new listeners to this podcast, then you are really bad at this whole. Speaker 4
Come on, Matt. You promote a podcast. Speaker 0
I mean I did I did talk about it a little. They weren't interested. They definitely were not the Letterkenny types, but they were nice people. And and we joked a lot about how horrid this experience would have been if these people were shitty. Speaker 0
Because we all got along. One guy had a nap in the corner. Like, it was the weirdest thing. And and what was really bizarre is, it went out. I'm like, oh, fuck. What's going on? And then I messaged Jen. I'm like, I'm stuck in elevator. And then she sends me a photo back of her office, and she's like, oh, this is what my office looks like. And then I put it together because her office is on the other side of town. Yeah. I'm like, oh, fuck. Speaker 5
Yeah. The whole city was mess. Yeah. I think three quarters of the city was out of power. Emergency services were were so how long were you in the elevator for? Speaker 0
A little over two hours. Yeah. That's yeah. Speaker 2
I love that you say that you got a lot everyone got along in the elevator, but then you said in the same token that somebody was curled up in the corn and falling asleep. Speaker 0
Well, yeah. Like, we were all shabby. He was just like he sat like, I sat down first. I'm like, well, I'm settling into this because this is not going anywhere. I tried to pry it open, like, in the movies. Yeah. I definitely analyzed every corner. We're going, how can I get out? Mhmm. Speaker 3
Which one of you have relieved themselves first? Speaker 4
I was gonna say, we had a which corner was the b corner? Speaker 5
We had a live chat on the Discord while you after Speaker 5
I I checked in. We're hoping you weren't too well hydrated because Speaker 0
Yeah. Because I posted that one photo just my my feet in the elevator saying this is where I live now. And then I started getting messages, and then Jeff our buddy Jeff there text me, and he's like, are you stuck in an elevator? I'm like, yeah. And, it was a Yeah. Speaker 5
Jeff was giving us the play by play. He gave us the updates. He told us when we were finally freed and stuff. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. Well, three of us had signals, thankfully. Mhmm. What actually happened afterwards, which was funny, so I was able to message my boss because I'm like, is everything out? What I needed more detail what was happening. We needed some context, because they weren't really giving us any information even over the emergency line. They're like, yeah, powers out. And the first time literally, that's what happened, actually. We pushed the emergency button in the elevator, and then the security came on, and she was a real bitch. And she's like, hi. We're like, we're we're stuck. And she's like, yeah. The power's out. And then she hung up on us. Speaker 2
We're like, oh my god. Speaker 0
this is your only job is to answer that thing. Speaker 5
And it's so weird. You speak to? Not, the security not not Manerys' Speaker 3
perception. Okay. Speaker 5
the She's a sweetheart. Speaker 0
Building oh, building security. Oh, no. Our people are sweet. Don't worry. Speaker 0
So, anyways, ultimately, we talked to some another gentleman who was a little more friendlier and helped us understand and set some expectations. But out of nowhere, there was they were trying to they were planning to open the door, but then out of nowhere, the elevator started moving because I don't I was on the eleventh floor. Mhmm. And it went down to the ground, and then sure enough, the door's open. And we were like, hey. Speaker 0
And as I walk out, the elevator right next door, I see my my colleague Ryan, and he's in there. Speaker 0
But why I can see him and why this is important is because the door is wedged open about six inches. Speaker 0
And Ryan's not a small guy. So Ryan and this other not a small guy are still stuck in this elevator on the ground floor where they can see freedom. Speaker 5
But they couldn't pry it open? Speaker 0
But they couldn't pry it open. Because I went to try, then the guy popped his, we already tried that. I'm like, oh, my bad. Sorry about it. Of course you did. Why wouldn't you been here three hours? Of course you would try it. And where we talk where we talk about the annoying fact I talked to Ryan after. He goes, oh, yeah. And I said, that would've driven me crazy, the fact that I could see freedom but couldn't go. Right. And he's like, yeah. There was two other people in the other beta with music. I'm like, oh, yeah. He's like, yeah. Two girls. Dude, they wouldn't shut the fuck up. But as soon as we ride that thing open, me and the other dude looked at each other and go, you know what? I think you girls can fit. You guys should try to do that. And they encouraged them to exit the door. Yeah. And he's like, it was much calmer after that. So Wow. So he was in good spirits about it, but, the only the the then the worst part of well, not worse. But so I got I was at eleven. I work on fifteen. Mhmm. I figured, okay. It's gonna open. I still have to get my car keys and my shit. And, but, of course, when it moved, it went to the ground floor. Every floor we came down, like, oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Because now I had to walk up fifteen flights. Speaker 5
my kids. The stairs, you can't get on No. You can't get up to the That's just me driving. Speaker 0
You gotta go up the stairway. Speaker 5
Lobby. No. You gotta go up. Yeah. It's stupid. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. So that was a fun journey too. But I I because I saw Ryan, I I he sits right beside me. I grabbed all of his shit too, so I was double backpacking, one in the front, one in the back, and came down and brought him his stuff and then went home. But what a fucking mess of a day that was and we didn't get power back. Speaker 5
So on top of all that Yeah. Until, like, the next late afternoon is when I got the the email. Yeah.
Speaker 0
Yeah. The the office didn't. We got so my power at my house was out at twelve thirty, and we got it back a little after ten o'clock at night. But not only did we not have power, we didn't have, of course, Internet, and we also didn't have cell service. Right. So that was that was true.
Speaker 5
Cell towers were knocked out. Yeah. I mean, you're you're kind of elevated on a hill or whatever, so there's no kind of flooding No. Where you were. Okay.
Speaker 0
Yeah. I I'm fine. I definitely saw some. The rivers and creeks across Toronto were
Speaker 5
Yeah. Overflowing.
Speaker 0
Insane. Overflowing.
Speaker 5
The city has a bad, bad, sewage prop or not sewage, but you know what I mean, overflow problem or whatever that they they've neglected to fix. And, unfortunately, this isn't you you say it's a hundred day a year flood or whatever, but this happened, like, a few day years ago. Like, it's it's actually happening more and more.
Speaker 0
Well and not to mention, one of our main artery highways in the city, the DVP, is built on a flood plain.
Speaker 0
In the lowest part of the city, they decided
Speaker 5
to go where we highways. Yeah.
Speaker 0
We should put our main highway through here. So
Speaker 5
How's your name, Victor? Did you lose power?
Speaker 3
No. I I had no idea any of this was happening until I got a text from Linda who is in Southampton. Not the real one, the fake one.
Speaker 3
And, to say, hey. Is everything okay? And I said, I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah. We were completely unaffected by the flood or the power or by the power outage, in East York. But, Yeah. It's pretty crazy afterwards when I saw the pictures and then then Matt, which was funny. And and then the best part was listening to our idiot mayor explaining what the problem was. She apparently, the problem is not, infrastructure, but it's climate change and and and asphalt, that people's driveways are too big.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Sure. That's exactly what it is.
Speaker 4
Meanwhile Yeah. Exactly.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Mean meanwhile, there's, like, an incredibly huge and expensive project happening right now to build a completely brand new pipe under our Don River Mhmm. Specifically for this rainwater, and she didn't even mention it. Yeah. And so I'm thinking, what the hell is wrong with her?
Speaker 5
half of it is climate change. I mean, we're getting more rain than we've ever gotten.
Speaker 3
No. No. No. Listen. It's climate change is all over this entire planet.
Speaker 3
Manage your city. Okay? It's how
Speaker 5
you manage your city. But but if it's happening faster than I know. The the city's infrastructure is behind.
Speaker 3
It's not what people wanna hear. People who are paying their taxes don't wanna hear that it's climate change. They wanna hear that you as the mayor of the city doing? Doing something about it.
Speaker 3
It's completely useless information to say that.
Speaker 3
Like, what are what are homeowners supposed to do with that information? Absolutely nothing.
Speaker 5
Well, especially when when that
Speaker 3
to do with their driveway.
Speaker 5
Home sure home insurance companies are now withdrawing their flood coverage too around. Yeah.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. It's terrible.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. It's it's ridiculous. Anyway anyway. I'm not getting let's not get into that.
Speaker 5
Yeah. Let let I know I know
Speaker 0
I'm talking love. Let me add one extra, caveat to to my story that caught me off guard. So the following day like, obviously, it was in the end, it was fine. But, like, when it first happened, I was definitely, like I had a I had a brief moment of, like, panic where I'm like, holy fuck. And I had to sort of calm myself down, whatever. And then we were fine. It was just we had to wait it out. But what caught me off guard was the next day, I hadn't put it all together. So I came into emails from my HR team, messages from my VP, my boss, and got pulled into meetings with some of our c level executives to talk about the really? And then I put then Ryan, the the guy who I was ex who was in the other other elevator, he and I are pretty close. We joked about it after. We're like, this was when we put it all together, there was two motivations here. Well, really, it's one. One was, are you cool? But b, are you gonna sue anybody is what we kinda took from it all. Right? Because they were making comments about the don't worry. We're gonna hold them accountable, the building management Sure. For what this happened because what was supposed to happen, I didn't understand the technology, but the elevators are supposed to, in the event of an emergency. Go to
Speaker 5
the ground floor.
Speaker 0
Go go to ground floor and open up, which, of course, they didn't. Yeah. So they were like I had, like, three different people tell me, don't worry. We're dealing with the building. We're gonna hold them accountable. We're gonna make you whole. Like, I'm like, what what is this? Okay. Cool. Like so I guess there is people who might turn around and I mean, this could be probably traumatizing to some people. Yeah.
Speaker 5
I think you got lucky that you were in an in an elevator car with people who weren't freaking out. But, I mean, I can I mean, I don't have to tell you about that story about the elevator TD Tower a few years back? I mean, that that, you know, that could've
Speaker 0
It can it can go bad.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. And that It didn't it
Speaker 0
didn't really dawn on me at the time, but as these conversations were happening after, I'm like, oh, yeah. I see what they're doing here.
Speaker 0
Yes. I'm fine, but I don't know. More there's I think there's more to come Sure. From my perspective. I just don't know yet or what.
Speaker 5
Anyway, Victor, how have you been, bud?
Speaker 3
I've been sick. So, and and, you know, Linda left on last Friday, to to a cottage, for and she's coming back tomorrow. So I thought, oh, you know, it's, you know, it's nice to just have some time apart too. Right? Because you can you do you do your own thing. I was looking forward to just getting the guitar out and and the amp up to eleven and all that kind of stuff and just doing all kinds of fun things. And, I end up getting having having, like, the worst weekend, and I'm just now kinda coming out out of it. So, yeah, that kinda sucked a lot. But I think it gave me a chance to catch up on the podcast you guys did and and K Trev, and and that was that was fun to kinda listen back to. And, you know, Matt's trials and tribulations. You know, if you, spend less time in Disneyland and more time in Cape Canaveral, maybe you would know the difference between the moon and the sun is all I'm saying.
Speaker 0
You're not factoring in the consumption rate.
Speaker 3
Is all I'm saying.
Speaker 3
Anyway, yeah. But it was it was a fun week. You know, William did a lot of cooking. He made some homemade, beef patties. So that was Homemade.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's, he's actually pretty good pretty good cook. He likes, making West Indian food and all that kind of stuff. So, so that's good. What else is going on? Yeah. I think that's pretty much the update for me.
Speaker 5
Well, I mean so quick quick synopsis or quick because you weren't here last week. So first of all Yeah. What did you think of last week's episode or or recap and review?
Speaker 3
So shockingly shockingly, of everyone's reviews, mine would would probably have matched yours the closest
Speaker 3
Which I'm not proud about. But but, you know, because the cold open was the best part of the episode. Yeah. It's, like, not even close. And and I the way I've always rated Letterkenny episodes Mhmm. If if I kinda use that same bell curve, if you will, I almost kinda have to feel give it the same treatment. So it would be like a very, very, very high clearance to a very low fresh. But since it's it's you already killed a unicorn, I probably would give it that high clearance. But,
Speaker 5
You're getting a blue spatula from Jeff right now on the live stream.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Goody easily, you know, Goody easily gets the game stick for that episode. Because usually his comments are funny, but they're throwaways. They're almost kind of counter
Speaker 3
Exactly. Intuitive to the other the actual conversation going on. Mhmm. But but they were, like, perfect. They were just perfect. And and that that cold open is not as funny as it is without him. And,
Speaker 5
No. You're right. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Yeah. And the rest of the episode was just setup. It was just setup. And, it was really good. It was really good. But, again, if we use that kind of same same criteria, then, you know, we have to kind of tell the truth.
Speaker 5
And did you listen to the K Trev interview? Yeah.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. That was a really great great interview. You guys did a great job. I think the the second half of the interview, obviously, there's some, bombshells in there. My my kind of feeling about it is that, you know, it's one person's perspective Sure. And people need to kind of take it for what it is. Yeah. It's probably not something I think we should get really too deeply into. It's let let folks enjoy the interview. Let them experience it for themselves. Yeah. And he he just says some truths that are, you know, reminds everybody that this is that this is kind of, like, a really special, special place, and and the crew and cast love each other and stuff like that, but it is also a business.
Speaker 5
Yeah. It's also a business, and he was just telling his truth. It's his truth.
Speaker 3
He's telling his perspective, his truth, and and just, so so there's that part of it. Yeah. And he was very respectful about the whole thing. And, I think that it it's just a makes for a really good interview, and I think folks who do listen to it will get rewarded with a with a really good listen.
Speaker 2
Cool. Okay. Very nice. Matt, I'm so glad that you got out of the elevator and that you didn't need to use the washroom. Thank you. Like, that
Speaker 5
Did you have a plan, though? Did you have a plan p if you needed to be
Speaker 4
Did you have a p
Speaker 3
Did you have a man purse with you?
Speaker 0
I hadn't eaten or drank anything almost all day,
Speaker 5
so I was But did you have, like, a coffee cup or something that you could've used? How did
Speaker 0
you no. Nothing. The guy beside me had an empty Tupperware because they had just come from lunch. So I guess we could
Speaker 3
had a hat. You must have had a hat.
Speaker 4
No. I see. Rude. You don't ruin a good hat. Speaker 2
You said you had Tupperware, and I and and in my head, I went three guys, one Tupperware. Like, that's that's the headline. That is right. That's the headline that it came into my head. Speaker 5
That is not a great website to go visit, I don't think. Three guys, one Tupperware. Speaker 0
New lemon party. Speaker 2
Oh my god. And, Victor, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better. That, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the downtime, but I'm sure, you didn't have to change rooms or anything, and you could suffer in your your, very own bed. So, glad you're feeling better. Speaker 3
I slept on four pillows all at the same time. Speaker 2
Oh my goodness. Yeah. This week has been crazy. It's been, oh my god. I feel like I've lived at doctor's offices, dentists, and it it's been a medical week. I'm gonna say that. So, my son had dentist appointment. It's like summer. So it's like, okay. Kids are out of school, and we and I jam pack it with all of the things that need to get done and without having to pull them out of school. Right? So, been doing that sort of thing. I went for physio, which I was really excited about. Been waiting a long time for that. So that started, and now I heard new ways. So that that's, apparently, it's gonna help. So, I'm waiting for the help part, not so much with the other painful stuff. So I've been, taking a lot more of my pills and, trying to, get through the the the beginnings of what's going to supposed to be better. And then I also had my other specialist appointment. So, going for more tests, MRIs and stuff like that. So, looking forward to getting relief from that. And then yester when was it yesterday? Wednesday. Yeah. So, yesterday was just, like, this crazy like, we had to go from one appointment to another appointment and, coordinate the whole, evening. And I was meeting up with Al and the kids, in a plaza. And I came into the plaza, and as I was turning right, there was a guy that was coming left out of the plaza, and it was two lanes. And he pulled out as I was coming in, and he didn't look, to see that there was a car coming straight, and they went, like, right on with each other. And so I watched it in my rearview mirror, pulled over, and, to see whether or not they could, you know, move their cars out. But the lady was asking for an ambulance, so I was stopping and directing traffic on with nine one one. He was out of the car. He was helping her. I was trying to get everybody because she couldn't find her four ways, and she was very upset. She was an elderly woman, and she was having chest pains, diabetic. We were going through the whole procedure thing. And then these stupid people that are driving in the car and because it's, you know, around six o'clock at night and, they're, I guess, you know, trying to rush and get themselves home, They're yelling at me to clear the road, to to get the cars off the road. Please. By all means, people, pack some patients. Like, when people are hurt and they need ambulance, you don't know the situation that's going on when you're coming across a an an emergency or an accident. It could just look like a a fender bender, but when people's health, and there's complications, you know, you you can't just assume that people could move them themselves off of the road. So that was a whole thing. But, luckily, she was oh, she went to the hospital, and I've been in touch with her son. And, she's doing alright. So that was a good outcome on that one. But, yeah, it's just been chaos. It's been chaos. Speaker 2
Yeah. It's it's been summer. And we're and we're shopping for our car. So, we've we've got that on top of everything else, but that's a fun little bit. So, we, this week, I thought I thought that our car found out about us, looking at new cars. And, I thought it was breaking down because it sounded like something broke when I was driving it the other day. So that was also a bit of a headache that we had to drive it to, the the the garage and have a look at it. So chaos, just one thing after another. Speaker 5
Car shopping is fun, though. Until you have to make the deal. I feel Speaker 2
like I'm just gonna Speaker 4
actually have to buy the car if that is Speaker 2
like I'm just gonna ask full Speaker 2
Matt's Matt and his wife to to find us a car because you guys do rather well for yourselves. Speaker 0
That that's a Jen thing. Speaker 3
She's fine. Get brand new or used? Speaker 2
We don't have yet. You. Probably used. Speaker 3
Because because if because brand new, take me along. I love to negotiate. Speaker 4
Oh my god. Yes. Please. Speaker 3
There's always negotiating. Speaker 2
Oh, yeah. Please. Speaker 3
They're always negotiating. When was Speaker 0
time you bought a car? Speaker 3
In twenty thirteen. Speaker 0
Yes. It's not a thing anymore. Speaker 5
I don't care. Eleven years ago. Speaker 3
Victor Eleven years is nothing. Speaker 0
We learned that and, actually, Saturday night, I the the group I was hanging out with all work at a Honda dealership, and I raised this to them as well. I said, do you guys not negotiate? Like, no. We've there was something during the pandemic where they basically, at least in Ontario, prices are frozen. They are what they are. Their wiggle room is, like, a couple hundred dollars at best. There's no Whatever. Speaker 3
I don't wanna hear about it. Speaker 2
Victor, I'm putting you in for sure because I Speaker 3
don't wanna hear about it. Speaker 2
Idiots. When it came like, our very first vehicle, we didn't know that you're you're supposed to negotiate. Speaker 5
No. I knew. I'm just not good at it. Speaker 2
We were like, the price is the price is. And so that's the price that we paid. I think they felt bad for us, and they gave us a discount. They were like, oh, you guys just got married. We'll give you fifteen hundred dollars off. I think it was, like, a pity. Like, they don't know. They're so stupid. Speaker 5
It's a different time. Eleven years is a long time, Victor. There's a whole fucking pandemic in between. Speaker 0
To Robbie in the live Robbie in the live stream, I like to negotiate is a red flag. Speaker 2
You know what? Victor does always get better than you, so I feel like I will Speaker 4
take that. Yeah. Take it. Fuck. Let him let him pretend to be me. I don't need a shit. Speaker 5
If he gets me a good deal, great. If he doesn't, I can laugh at him. Chad, how have you been? We gotta move this on. Speaker 4
Yeah. Life's been a little hectic. I'd I also had a guy's night on Saturday night. Speaker 4
Woke up on a buddy's couch my buddy's couch at, like, six AM. Speaker 5
Do we need to see your hair? Speaker 4
And No. I Did you get real hot? Hair's hair's really long hair. Yeah. I haven't had time. Yeah. No. Actually, I know. Oh, dear. It's it's it's too hot. Speaker 5
We don't need to see it then. We don't Speaker 0
believe that. For good reason. Speaker 4
It's too hot. I need I need to take off the pants. Speaker 5
Yeah. There's a single guy living in it on his own. You know? Speaker 0
Oh, I would never mind if Speaker 4
I was here. Right? I'd be like, they'd Speaker 0
be off before I took my shoes off when Speaker 4
I got home. Honestly, it's it's shoes off, pants off right when you get home. Speaker 2
I found myself at home for the first time yesterday for, like, two hours by myself, and I actually had the thought, maybe I should take my pants off. There you go. Speaker 5
The freedom of being at Speaker 4
home alone. It it's nice. It's nice as a single guy who lives by himself. Mhmm. Paints off all the time. So But Speaker 0
describe it to me, Chad. Great. Speaker 4
a lot of freedom. Speaker 4
freedom down below. Oh my gosh. But other other than that, work's been hectic. I I go I go to bingo every or bingo. It's called bingo. It's called bingo because it's like bingo, but You do it all. For legal reasons Speaker 4
For for legal reasons, they can't call it Bingo. Mhmm. So it's called Bingo. So play the exact same way. It's bingo. I go to bingo every Monday night. It's fun time. I haven't won anything yet, so which kinda sucks because I've always been, like, one number off. I'm winning on, like, a lot of rounds, which is very annoying. Speaker 3
Do you remember to play the middle square? Speaker 4
Oh, I I obviously, you have to play the middle square. But I've always been one number off, and then he calls the wrong number. And I'm like, son of a bitch. You were supposed to call twenty eight, not sixty nine. Speaker 2
That's so much fun. Speaker 4
But, other than that, work's been also crazy. So it is Alright. Speaker 5
Well, we're glad glad to have you join us today. It looks like the old days. Just before I move on on the livestream paddle, as a single father who raised two kids, the first day of school was always so liberating after they got on the bus and I got to walk around the house in the naked. Speaker 0
Oh, yeah. Fuck it. I don't Speaker 2
know what it is. It's like, oh my god. Some freedom. Just a little bit. Speaker 4
See see, I I did the naked thing when I first like like, you know, you get your first apartment, you're like, we're gonna be I'm gonna be naked. And then he was like, that's too weird. I gotta at least wear Speaker 5
gym shorts. See, I don't even like seeing myself naked. So, therefore, I'm I'm at least wearing shorts and a shirt. Anyway, let's move on here. Speaker 5
Last week, we recapped and reviewed Shorzey three episode three, Von Cannadesi. That episode received a fresh rating from everyone except yours truly and now Victor. We both gave it a clearance. According to our scientific Twitter poll, eighty seven point five percent of you agreed the the episode was fresh, and twelve point five gave it a clearance. No composts were given. No composts yet at all this season, which is impressive. This week, we recap and review, episode four of Shoresley three, Brooks Barrowman with our buddy, Chad. I'm ready. Matt, are you ready? Speaker 0
Hell, yeah. Fuck yeah. Speaker 5
Victor, are you ready? Speaker 5
Tanya, are you ready? Speaker 5
Chad, are you ready? Speaker 4
Fuck you, Matt. Good. Get your fucking going. Yeah. Let's Speaker 1
get on the go, boys. Speaker 5
Alright. We open with a bunch of, celebratory shouting and noise, and the title card reads, five weeks ago, Bulldog's no show record party. Then we see all the Bulldogs on the bus crushing beers. Shorsey is high fiving everyone every every other minute. And then Matt and management board the bus. Shorsey hands Matt a beer. Speaker 1
We came in the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs, and we leave the best team in the league ever. Speaker 1
how do you feel when we lose? I wanna kill myself. Speaker 4
That's maybe a bit extreme. Speaker 1
No. Really. I wanna die. I mean, get it. It's like I'm serious. I go to bed at night thinking maybe it's better if I Speaker 4
don't wake up because at least then I Speaker 8
a fucking loser. Speaker 1
must so bad. Celebrate the wedding. Fucking right. Relish the victories Yeah. And commemorate the triumphs. Yeah. Speaker 5
Nat, goes on to announce that they've planned a little party back in Sudbury, but there is one rule. The sluts act indignant that Matt might actually enforce a rule during their celebration, but then they hear the rule. Speaker 4
You have to have fun. Speaker 1
Yeah. It was like rules. We hate Speaker 1
But then the rule was not fun. Like, if that's the rule then it's gonna be a good time. I totally thought you were coming in Speaker 4
with some fucking bomber rule, and now we're really just gonna gonna crush theirs. Rush beers. Warner ever set this record against Sluts. They can only tie Yeah. Speaker 1
We have the best team Speaker 4
in the league ever. Yes. Speaker 1
Let's celebrate appropriately. On the bus all night to safely take you anywhere. Speaker 1
So I'll see you at Speaker 5
Nat and management lead the Bulldogs to their celebration. Shorsey turns to Sanger and says, let's go till we can't go no more and fade to the title card. Alright. That is the cold open. Oh, and I'm first. This is a fun cold open, and, here we go. We've been waiting for this story, haven't we, all season for the first three episodes? We're like, what the hell happened during this no show party? And we're gonna find out now. My favorite part of this whole cold open is just every every other second, Shorzy's up high fiving everyone again. It's like, he is so, like, this is Shorzy in in Bedlam. He's, like, so happy right now. And, his whole speech about how, you know, how he would kill himself if, if they had lost is just kinda sad and pathetic, but hilarious as as well. And, yeah, it was a this is a fun cold open. Matt, what'd you think? Speaker 0
Yeah. I mean, I would love to know how many times they did roundabouts on those, high fives. And was everyone actually expecting the high five, or he just start reaching out? You just had to play into the scene. I don't know. I like the I like that version better. Speaker 0
But, yeah, the the I wanna die part, that was so dark and fucked up and hilarious. And to me, set the tone for this episode that they were gonna cross some lines starting with that line. So Mhmm. Speaker 0
of fun. I like this one, and I was as soon as I saw the no show party, I'm like, here we go now. And, here we go. Speaker 5
Yeah. Here we go. Victor. Speaker 3
Really can't add much more than that. Agreed the line with the speech with, wanting to die. If if if he didn't win, I'd rather die than wake up a loser. I thought that was hilarious. I I didn't even find it dark. I just found it funny. Speaker 5
Because the way you delivered it with, like, the biggest smile on it, so I said, yeah. I'm serious. I I would have tried. Yeah. Speaker 3
Yeah. But it's but it's tracks. Right? It's just that's that's who he is. And, it and, it just it there wasn't anything surprising or shocking to me. I that's exactly what I expect him to say, but he delivered it in in just such a perfect way. Speaker 3
It was very, very funny. I I actually felt like the the line from that was just a little bit corny, almost cringey. Like Mhmm. One rule, have fun, and so I was like, what was Speaker 5
It was a bit corny. Speaker 3
You know? They're they're grown men after all. Right? Like but but, you know, they're trying to set the tone, and and I I get it. Yeah. But, for me, it was it was a good cold open. Speaker 3
Sure. Certainly certainly not anywhere near what it was last week, Speaker 5
If you watch it, when she says have fun, Georgie kinda looks at everyone and shaking his head like, oh, you got me. You got me there. I thought you're gonna ruin this with rules, but no. No. Yeah. It was it was really really funny. Ten? Speaker 2
That dark part that him saying he wanted to kill himself, it really, reminded me or or sent me back to Letterkenny when coach was in a dark place, and he was say saying that he wanted to die, right, to the point where I was like, okay. Like, somebody needs to intervene. This is becoming it was quickly becoming a situation. Mhmm. But, yeah, playing it into, it seems. I love excitement, on on Shorizy for sure. He gets excited like a kid gets excited, and I could so get into that because I can do the exact same. Love the high fives. Love the cheer. I love Nat too. Nat was not that professional serious Nat. She was giving us excitement and cheering, and her voice was cracky a bit. Speaker 5
Well, she wanted to win it just as much as Shorzy did. Yeah. That's why she liked Shorzy. Yeah. Speaker 2
Yeah. It was it was, it's a great cold open, and I love the the play that they have off of each other and really hyping up the excitement of the of what's what we're going to to be watching. Speaker 4
It's a it's a solid code hold open for an episode. Like, it definitely they're like, oh, so we're getting the flashback now. Okay. Good. Yeah. Because it's been building up to this point, giving you, like, quick hints of the, oh, we shouldn't get that drunk again, and you're like, also, we're gonna see him that drunk again. Yeah. So, yeah, that's a solid one. Speaker 5
Alright. Let's see what happens here. Scene two. Cue the celebration montage set to the song bop, by hype hop or the hype hop edit by Eva Shaw. The boys get off the bus in Sudbury where their fans await. Shorsey goes down the line, high fiving every fan to the rhythm of the music. Then they make their way through the the halls of the arena, which are also lined with fans and, celebrating, and high fives continue with Shorzy. Then to the locker room where they dance together and drink more beers. As they leave the arena, they pass the the trophy case, and Shorzy has a great idea. They should bring the cup and just crush beers out of it. After a bit of discussion, they all agree. Cue to the party at the townhouse being DJed by none other than Eva Shah, who was the who's an actual Canadian DJ and artist from Toronto, and the song that they're playing is actually her song. The place is packed. Sluts, crowd the DJ dancing. Phish is carrying the trophy around. The Sluts' girlfriends are all there dancing as well, including LaRoz LeBeouf. Dolo lights up and starts passing around a cannon, first to Goody then to Shorzy, who's initially hesitant, but then gives in and takes a drag. Cut cut to later back at the bus. Someone's passed out and snoring loudly. Goody boards the bus with Brit looking for a private place. We find out the sleeping schmelt is Shorzy, who can't handle his pot or beer. But also in the back of the bus is JJ, Frankie, JJ, and Mercedes. They're both doing blow. They try to Speaker 2
See? And I thought she was giving him a blow. I I thought Her Speaker 4
head was kind of blow you doing? Speaker 2
I that's what I thought it was. Oh, sorry. That's okay. Perfect. I just learned something new there. Speaker 5
No. She was they were doing blow. Speaker 4
Also also, look, I understand Shorzy passing out after, like, smoking some weed because I've definitely passed out after hitting the Johnny red eyes. Speaker 5
And if if he's never done it before or he's not used to it, then for sure. Yeah. And plus, he's also the oldest guy on the team. Right? So anyways Speaker 4
If you're if you're drinking and smoking, you're passing out. So Speaker 5
Yeah. Exactly. So they try to wake Shorzey up, but he's too drunk and stoned. Mercedes has an idea. They could give him a little bit of blow. Brit doesn't think they should, but Mercedes overrules her and offers the unconscious Shorze some nose beer. Cut back to the party, there's a break in the music. Dolo gets on the mic and introduces DJ Eves Evesha to the, to the crowd's applause. Fish is also on stage holding a very dented trophy up, but he's pulled down by Shorzy, who is once again awake and alert. We're we're lost my oh, the the cocaine seems to have done the trick. Shorzy wants to say a few words. Speaker 1
I just wanna say a few words here. Wanna say a few words here to everybody that's here? Everyone that's here? So, yes, you all came out tonight. That's good. So we're doing good. So, like, everybody came out tonight. That's good. Speaker 1
doing good. Cecil, where the fuck were all you when we were doing batch? It's like you're here when we're good, but not when we're bad? Didn't see anyone out. It's gonna hold the team. Speaker 5
Cut to scene after scene of Shorzy telling everyone who'll listen that he just what he just said during his speech. Speaker 1
I said, so you're here Speaker 4
when we're good, but not when we're bad. We heard you. Speaker 1
I said you're here when we're good, but not when we're bad, but not when we're bad. Speaker 5
Do you wanna borrow the Chastix Shorzy? Speaker 1
I said, but, oh, everybody's here Speaker 1
That's good. But, oh, everybody's here at night. That's good. Oh, that's good. Everybody's here Speaker 1
That's good. I said, fuck you. Fuck you. Speaker 1
I said fuck you. Speaker 1
you think of that, Jim? Yeah. Jim? Speaker 5
Yes. Jim? I'm with the Shorzy. Always got your back, buddy. Laurence, Pam, Britt, and Melody look on. Pam finally asked the question, is Shorzy high? Laurence think he's so fucking high. Britt and Melody agree. Mercedes joins the ladies on the couch. They ask her where she's been. They they thought she left. Mercedes tells them she just had a quick bite. Nat and management joined the girls. Nat is also wondering if Shorzy's high. They all think they all think he's high. Mercedes finally confirms that Shorzy is high. That asks who Shorzey was doing that stuff with. Mercedes tells him he she he was doing it with her and Frankie. This gets Lawrence's attention. Mercedes was with Frankie? Zig, oblivious to Lawrence's concern, asks if there are any other are any more drugs. Mig says Shorzi's gonna fuck this all up. Mercedes, with the most ironic line of the episode says drugs kill dreams. Yeah. She's the one who says that. Nat thinks, Shorzy needs some something else. Mercedes doesn't think so. Nat thinks she he needs something to even him out. She asked Mercedes if she has anything to take the edge off, and, of course, she does. Next scene, cut to the team bus, girlfriends all standing in front, staring at the sluts, all back looking very subdued. Speaker 1
I feel great. You? Speaker 4
That's not bad. That I feel great too. No, Spies. Speaker 1
No. This might be the greatest I've ever felt after winning. What do you think of that, Jim? Speaker 5
Yeah. Jim? Yes. Jim? Speaker 9
Jim's arm has touched my arm, and usually I pull my arm away that happens, but right now, it doesn't fit into the world. Speaker 10
Where did you get some? Speaker 8
Oh, you just pop open one of these bad boys. Oh, no. No. I know. I said alright. And then you wait about half an hour. I think I'll have what they're having. Speaker 10
You gave this to all Speaker 8
Yeah. About a half hour ago. What do I see? Oh, y'all already had it. Speaker 5
Shorzy starts massaging Goody's shoulder, asks him, what if I did that? Goody thinks it's okay. Dolly starts miss Dolo starts massaging Michael's shoulder. He likes it too. Shorzi asks Sanger to what if you did that to me? Then he has the brilliant idea. Maybe they should all massage each other's shoulders, it clarifies. So they're all getting massaged and giving a massage. They all massage each start massaging each other, then Shorzy makes a suggestion. Speaker 1
Maybe we should see if it feels just as good if we just do it to ourselves. Speaker 5
The sluts all start rubbing their own shoulders, but that doesn't last long. It's nowhere near as good. They resume massaging each other. The girls at the front of the bus just stand there watching in quiet amusement. Nat and management board the bus and see what's going on. Meade thinks this is better. Nat asked Mercedes what she gave them. Mercedes assures Nat she doesn't wanna know. Nat and management join the girls in watching the bizarre scene unfold for a moment. There's a lot of moaning and growing going on. It's too weird for them, so they leave. The scene continues for a bit, and then this happens. Speaker 1
I'm really hot. Anyone else really hot? Speaker 5
Yeah. Take your jacket off. Speaker 1
I don't wanna take my jacket off. Speaker 1
I like my jacket. What about your pants all, man? Well, I don't like my pants as much as I like my jacket. What's good? Well, take your pants off. I don't be the only guy with my pants off. Speaker 9
Mustn't be that hot then. Holy boys. Speaker 0
I've had my pants off for the last minute and a half. Speaker 1
I think that's where I feel the most hot. K, Bryce. I'm taking off my pants. Speaker 1
off my pants. Well, should we all take our pants off? Yeah. So if Speaker 11
your eye didn't look so funny, I Speaker 1
might be worried. Speaker 9
What about our shoes and socks? Speaker 1
Alright. Let's start with our pants and see how he feels. Yeah. Speaker 9
No worries. Just you take your shoes off, take your pants off, but you can put them right back on. That's easy. I Speaker 5
With the pants dilemma solved, Mercedes interrupts and asks the sluts if they can go dance. Next scene cuts to the music montage set to the banging track called Ladybug by Doozer. It's the scene we've all seen from Shorzey three's, teaser, featuring a montage of the girls dancing followed by the sluts dancing in their underwear in front of DJ Eva Shah, ending with Fish on the dance floor dropping the no show trophy. After the dance, the sluts try to cool down with some beer. They're all still really hot. Of course, they're all still wearing their toques, but no pants and goodies down to just his underwear, but still wearing his toque. Michaels once again suggests they take their jackets off, but Shorzey won't have it. He really likes his jacket. Besides, the jacket and the toques aren't the problem. Shorzy has a theory of what the actual problem is. Speaker 1
I think it's my hair. Speaker 0
On your head? I think it's Speaker 3
So what are you gonna Speaker 4
do about it, Rame? Cut it off. Speaker 5
Where? Yeah. You're gonna Speaker 1
cut your hair out Yeah. Speaker 6
On your head. Wait. Speaker 1
Yeah. That's what's making you cookies on. Speaker 1
think I'm gonna be hot for the rest of my life at this point. You don't want, Speaker 0
you want to do stuff about that? Speaker 0
I think I'm gonna cut my hair. Speaker 1
You know what I like about you, Michaels? No? I have no idea. Speaker 3
Tupperware office. Oh, boy. Speaker 1
Well, the apartment's right there. Speaker 5
Who's gonna cut your hair? The sluts decide to go back to the apartment to cut each other's hair. But before we move on to the next scene, during this scene, something else is happening in the background where Ronce and Frankie are arguing, probably because Frankie was doing blow with Mercedes in the back of the bus. So when the sluts decide to shave their head to go shave their heads, we hear Laurent slap Frankie and storm off with Frankie calling after her. Then Fish walks by with the no show trophy, trips and falls right in front front of the sluts. This all happens at the same time. It's a very full scene. Speaker 0
See any of that. Yeah. No. Speaker 5
three different things happening in this scene. Speaker 4
Yeah. I I caught I caught that on my, like, third viewing. Speaker 5
Yeah. I see. Me too. Speaker 4
Oh, yeah. Yeah. That that's okay. Speaker 0
Oh, man. Where where I got lost in this scene was was Michaels with the no. I have no idea. That line to Speaker 0
the line of the episode. Speaker 4
Oh, that that was perfect. Like, I was expecting Shorzi to continue, like, saying what he likes about Michaels, and then he doesn't, and it's, like, great. Speaker 0
His delivery of that response just absolutely slayed. Speaker 5
Okay. In the livestream, Robbie is saying, Victor's wearing his toque. Is he high? Victor, show us your head. Speaker 2
It's been shaved a long time ago. Speaker 5
Next scene, cut to Shorzy Shorzey's apartment. Shorzey sits in a chair in the living room with Dolo standing behind him with clippers. The other sluts and Jim's look on. Shorzey says it's only really hot and an arrow strip down the middle of his his head. Yeah. His sides feel fine. He just wishes the top felt like the sides. They don't wanna cut off more hair than they have to. They're not idiots. So Dolo starts with shaving a narrow strip down the middle of Shorzy's head. Shorzy can feel the difference already. It's night and day. That's the ticket. So the rest of the sluts get the same treatment. When they're done, they stand there with their new reverse Mohawks. Shorzy still feels a bit a wee bit hot, though. Gym three asks if they wanna go swimming. Next scene. Cut to a montage set to silly walk by nobody's face and serial Usmall. It's a montage of the sluts, epically diving into an indoor pool in their underwear. Each dive is more ridiculous than the next, ending with Dolo tossing the very dented no show cup into the pool, then cuts to the sluts and gyms just hanging out at the end of the pool. Speaker 1
Time for a beer. We should be just crushing beers. Could use a beer. Speaker 5
It's our call. Show Jim. Speaker 5
Yes. Jim. Safe to say good fun is had by all here, but I think we could've picked a colder pool. Speaker 1
Probably I'll hand subpoena in here too, buddy. Speaker 1
Yep. Yes, sir. Mhmm. Yeah. Speaker 9
Yeah. Yes. Just finishing one up here, actually. Speaker 5
Shores, he's still so fucking hot. He could take a header into Ramsey Lake. Goody reminds him that it's all ice. Hitch could use some ice. Michaels asked the question that was on my mind the entire time. Where's Laura Moore? Shorzy answers that Laura told him he was too old for this. Hitch asked him what he thought of her saying that. Shorzi responds, go till he can't go no more. Michaels responds, well then, let's go. Dolo asks, where? Where there's beer and ice. Cut to a montage set to home by Bauer. The sluts and gyms are lying down at center ice in the Sudbury Arena around the No Show Cup, just still in their underwear drinking beer, chatting and laughing. Cut to Nat in her office having a beer by herself and reminiscing while staring at the photos on her wall, then cuts to Dolo arriving home and walking into his bedroom. Melody is there waiting for him. Britt walks up to Goody in the kitchen topless. So is she. She wraps her arms around him and a perfect bit of comedic timer timing, the coat the toaster on the counter pops up. Michaels opens his door as Mercedes struts in, dropping her coat and revealing lingerie. Hitch arrives at Pam's apartment, who's waiting for him, in the open doorway. Back in the arena, the gym say goodbye to Shorzy, and, short they leave, and Shorzy walks into the locker room carrying the very damaged no show cup, sets it on the bench, then grabs a hockey glove for a pillow, and lays down to sleep by the cup. And that I'm going to stop there because this episode is very much two halves to it, and I think we need to talk about the no show party. I guess I'm starting. This was epic, as epic as as they promised it would be and so funny. The the the idea that, you know, a strip of hair down the middle was all they needed. It was so well done. And I love that we had, Ashley Ney on this afternoon to talk about this because even just that scene where there's, Dolo's shaving their heads, they have one shot at that. Yeah. I would be terrified. Speaker 5
I'd be terrified of of breaking during that scene knowing that there's only one shot at at this scene. And Ashley tells us they they they practiced it a bunch of times, without the clippers plugged in to make sure that they were, you know, ready to go before they did it. So but, yeah, the whole thing I mean, first of all, if I'm ever at a party, I'm staying the fuck away from Mercedes because she is, bad news. Yeah. That's just crazy. The the pool scene was great. I love just the the dropping of the trophy everywhere. By the end of it, the trophy is, like, missing pucks off the side. It's got massive dents to the cup, and everyone goes home to why they do this. Go goes home to their girlfriends, Shorzy goes goes home to his trophy. That's why he's doing it. He's not doing it for a girlfriend. He's doing it for the trophy. So, yeah, it's, I'll have a lot more to say about it, but it's a it's a really fun it's really well done. Anyway, Matt, what did you think? Speaker 0
So I didn't know what to expect. Speaker 0
I knew it was gonna be epic. I was surprised and excited by everything. I thought this was one of the funniest things I've watched on in the universe in a long time, the entire sequence of events. The drug use, love it or hate it. Fuck did they really lean into that and just make it work for the show. The series of sequences that they went through were were some of my favorite things. So, like, the dance sequence, the I like how they keep one by one, the single clap from the gym Yeah. Was so spot. I think Paddle called that out in the, in the live stream as well. The the series of dives into the pool, the the the sequence like, when when he's, all upset about everyone not being there for them and they do the the roundabout in the bar where he's like, oh, that's why that's oh, that's good. Everyone's here. Oh, that's good. That's good. Oh, yeah. And he's doing that hole. Like, Shores is doing that ramble. Fuck. That was cut so tight and so awesome. I just love the bounce around and the chaos, but then also the control of it. So when they went into, like, cutting their hair, I couldn't have cut like, you literally couldn't have come up with a better way to justify why they were all missing a strip off their head. Speaker 0
It was brilliant. Yeah. And then you you wrap it all up with them lying on the ice. Man, I wanted to crawl up next to them on that. That looked like one of the most chill, coolest moments you could imagine. Speaker 3
Unintended. I know. Right? Speaker 0
It was not intended, but it worked. That I would have loved it. That's the kind of place that I wanna be with my buddies hanging out and then just enjoying each other's company. So I thought this was so well rounded and just a fantastic way to show their their night. And then, of course, Shorozi cuddling up next to his trophy at the end in a place that he loves, which is the dressing room. So Speaker 0
No. It was fucking fantastic. Speaker 5
The scene where they're on the ice, like, laying on the ice around the the the trophy just kinda hanging out and chatting, one of my favorite scenes. Mhmm. Perfectly set to music. Hard agree. Yeah. Loved that scene. Yeah. It was it was Speaker 2
Think of that as the shot itself. Like, can you imagine how freaking cold they must have been just in their underwear actually laying on the because I was looking. Are they on towels? Like, no. They're they were on the ice. They were, like, legit, yeah, freezing their asses off. Speaker 4
Victor, what'd you think? It was cold? Speaker 5
What'd you think of the party? Speaker 3
So, I mean, that's that's the clip we got. Right? So coming in, I I knew kind of what to expect, but this ended up being so much more than the the clip. So, you know, that was that was good. Because that's I do get a little bit upset if they give away a little too much in the, Sure. In the trailers. And I almost feel kinda they did, but but there were so many more layers to this. Speaker 3
I mean and, you know, one the one where it all started with with which is on a bus with giving massages to each other and just deconstructing. It wasn't just the massages. It's the dialogue and deconstructing it. Right? Like and and while it's all happening, they have an audience. Mhmm. Speaker 5
Yeah. Women are just standing there like they don't know what Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Should we shouldn't be seeing this. I I think it was Nat that said that. I can't remember. Speaker 5
My favorite part is when they start massaging each other, and then, oh, yeah. That's nowhere near as good. And they go they all go at the same time, they all go back to massaging each other. Speaker 3
And the thing is, I you know, when I was in my, late, very, very late teens, early twenties, I remember me and and and friends getting drunk, and then at the end, getting over to somebody saying we're just all lying there. Mhmm. I remember those conversations. I mean, this really, really took me back, except these are grown men. Mhmm. Like Speaker 5
Well, it took some some some hard drugs to get them back to that. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. I was trying to figure what that might have been on that sequence when they were massaging each other. I didn't know if it was, like, a Xanax or something or something to bring them down. But, Speaker 3
It was Mercedes being a catalyst for some bad behavior. Yeah. But, yeah. And and there's just so many layers. And, like, listen, we we're only, like, halfway through the episode, and it's already so full, and there's so much to unpack. Yeah. I I I just feel like, we're really doing well so far. Mhmm. Speaker 2
The the music and and how the music is used, again, I swear to god, I I think, Jared, you are, I think you have an inner musical going on. And and the way you the way the high fives to the music, especially, I I so appreciated that. Like, I I kind of I I play it out in my head to to think. I wonder if they're playing the muse like, if he has the music Mhmm. And he's doing the high fives to the beat of the music because it's so perfectly timed. Speaker 5
Yeah. I could see that. Speaker 3
Or if I found I found something interesting about this one with the music. It's the very first song that we get. Like, I don't know if it was the first one. It was one of the early songs. It was a it was quite crass, the lyrics. It was the only song so far that I they they weren't subbing. They weren't subtitling the lyrics of the song Speaker 3
In the episode. And and, like, I think suck your suck suck your cock was one of the lyrics in the in in the song, and they they were not they were not, writing out the words of the song. Speaker 5
I think that was the Eva Shaw song too. So I don't know. But, yeah. There was a point I wanted to make off your point, but I forget now. So anything else? Speaker 2
No. Every everything's pretty much been said. Speaker 4
I I love the gyms in this, like, this, like, sequence. I love how they they included the gyms because they could've just done it with the the main five. Speaker 5
there wasn't enough. They needed the gyms because if it was just the sluts, it wouldn't have been enough. Yeah. Speaker 4
Because because Sanguine had, like, disappears after the bus. Mhmm. Like, after they, like, done massaging each other. He's not yeah. Yeah. You don't see him dancing. So SegwayNet disappears. So it's just, like, the main five in in the gyms. And the gyms are just perfect in the background. The how they, like, how they just kinda do one of these, like like, look over the shoulder, look behind Dolo when they're, like when Dolo starts shaving Shorzy's head. Yeah. It's just perfect. Like, the the gyms were great, like, in this sequence and them jumping in. Gym number two had a lot of lines in this episode because he was making the he was making the the comments about the eyes. Yeah. Like, about Shorzy's eyes. So, like Speaker 5
I didn't get that part. There's, like, a few eye comments, and I wasn't Speaker 4
If if you are I I caught this also in the third watch. Like like, Shorzy's one one eye is, like, very squinted, and the other one's, like, very open. Speaker 4
So, like Mhmm. Maybe I mean, he did take, like, three drugs. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. He's on, like, three drugs, so he's probably fucked up right now. So that moment. So yeah. And then, obviously, the them jumping in, jumping in the pool was hilarious. Yeah. All the all goody was great with the, like, the side jump was awesome. And, Yeah. Like and I just wanna chill out on the ice with them. So Speaker 5
Me too. That was a I I remember another point I was gonna make off of Tanya's point. The one of the reasons for my clearance last week was the music wasn't Speaker 0
Yeah. I remember that. Speaker 5
The music selection wasn't as great as it's been. Like, it was fine, but there was nothing great about it. This episode, the music was back on point, right into the end, and we'll talk about that end. But anyway. Speaker 2
How is it that they were in the apartment that long and there wasn't, like, one of the women going, where did the guys go? And, like, to stop that shit from happening. Speaker 2
Like, they should Speaker 4
They were busy together. Speaker 2
Not have been trusted by themselves. All all of the scenes leading up to it, it it's like, yeah. No. They shouldn't be on their own. Speaker 0
You gotta hand it. They accomplished a lot in that night. Speaker 4
They they did. Yeah. Speaker 2
They needed a guide to be with them. Speaker 5
Alright. Let's move on to part two of this episode because there's still more. And I think, like, the second part of this is even more impactful. Anyway, here we go. Scene nine, cut to to present day. The sluts plus the gyms are seated in front of a laptop. They're wrapping up their webinar in front of a much larger group of kids than their salmon on before. Shorsey is tearing it up with the kids. They laugh at everything he says. Speaker 1
Any questions? What happened to your hair? Well, kids, we all make bad decisions in our lives, but when we do, it's important we hold ourselves accountable. We all made a bad decision by cutting our hair like frigging idiots. So as punishment, we're not allowed to fix it until we win the national senior tournament. Speaker 4
What if you don't win the tournament? Speaker 1
We stay ugly. But maybe your mom's text me just a little bit less. Speaker 4
Thanks, everyone. Fuck you, Shorzy. Speaker 5
With the webinar over, the Bulldogs turned their sights on their next opponent, the Brooks Barrelman. Shorzy asked if there if anyone's heard how fucking dumb these twins from Berta are. Speaker 12
The freezer twins, Mike and Matt. Yes. Speaker 8
Gentlemen, tell us the keys to the game. Speaker 12
Okay. Mike. Yes. Speaker 8
How do you win this game tonight? Speaker 3
Skate, shoot, stay handle. Speaker 8
You're the best hitters in the tournament. How many games have you heard so far? Speaker 12
But you're winless through two games and a loss tonight to the Bulldogs would leave you officially eliminated. You've driven all Speaker 8
the way from Brooks, Alberta. Speaker 12
What is that? Thirty hours? Speaker 5
One time I did it in a day. Speaker 8
Doesn't have to be an exact number. Speaker 12
You're just about disappointed with the outcome. Speaker 3
That's cat died too. Speaker 8
You can ballpark it. Okay. Switching gears. How do you like Sudbury? Speaker 8
Holy shit. Okay. You've heard a lot of guys. They've heard a lot of guys. Speaker 5
Production note. The Friesen twins are played by Brad and Brett Gallant, respectfully. They're actual brothers, not twins, from Summerside PEI. Brett played professional in the NHL in the AHL, and he actually even had, four games in the show, for the New York New York Islanders. Brad is the older brother. He played mostly in the QMJHL and in university. They also have a younger brother named Alex who's not on the show. He also plays in the AHL. So, they are brothers, not twins. Next scene, cut to a Nick waiting for Shorzy in the tunnel before the game against the barrelman. She's so happy to see Shorzy after that interview with the Freezer twins. Speaker 8
I think I've shown both for Rooted Sports with the captain of the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs. Shorzy, you're the heavy favorite going into this one. A win would eliminate the Brooks Barrelman. How do you plan to knock off the tunes from Alberta? Speaker 1
As dumb as I'm hearing? Speaker 1
Well, we wanna get these guys on their heels early. And if we're gonna do that, I think we hit them with a little grade three math. You know? Multiplication tables, adding three digit numbers, make some decimal placements in there, stuff like that. Nice. Yeah. And if that doesn't do it, I think maybe we hit them with some grade four astronomy. You know, planets in our solar system, identifying the Big Dipper, we'll throw the whole playbook at them. Speaker 1
Yep. And if that doesn't work, you still need a dagger. I think most of the boys consider sex ed ed teachable. Speaker 8
You're all rumored to be playing hurt except Frankie. I'm sure the Bulldogs would like a little more out of him. Mhmm. What about you? Still hurt? Speaker 1
Just because I can't push when I shit? Speaker 8
I heard rumblings, and now our audience has too. What an entertainer. Speaker 1
So you ready to go? Bogie can't go no more. Good luck. Thanks, Nick. Speaker 5
Cut to the game. We see shot after shot of the Freezer Twins either drilling a Bulldogs player or near nearly missing a Bulldog with a thundering check. Shorzey does his best to trip them off their game, but they're out for blood. Shorzey asks Sanger to give them the gyms. Sanger says not until they'd get the lead. More thundering hits, ensue, and the first period ends scoreless. As the Bulldogs limp back to the locker room during intermission, Shorzy and Sanguinette, they get chippy with each other over, game strategy. Speaker 1
What are we doing, Sanguinet? Speaker 2
Playing disciplined hockey. Yeah. Speaker 1
Well, they're out there running around. This is Speaker 1
No one comes in here and runs around Speaker 1
disciplined, Sajer. Shut up. Speaker 4
What the fuck are you doing? What? Speaker 1
Do something. You're the only one not fucking hurt. Speaker 1
No one comes in here, runs around like that, say Square a fucking goal. Speaker 1
You wanna win? Score a goal. Speaker 5
Next scene. The next period begins where the first left off. More big hits by the Freezer Twins and more bickering between Shorzy and Sanger. Shorzey wants the gyms to set the tone. Sanger wants the lead first. They start telling each other off. Corey and Liam are in the stands recording the whole thing. They notice the tension between the Bulldogs coach and captain. They've never seen them at each go at each other like that before. Goody finally scores to put the Bulldogs up by one. Shorzey yells at Sanger. He got his lead. Now put the gyms out. Sanger refuses. One goal isn't enough of a lead. Shorzey can't believe it. Sanger tells Shorzey to shut the fuck up. Fish scores a second goal. Shorzey calls for the gyms line. Sanger overrules him and rep reprimands Shorzy for calling the lines. Two goals is the worst fucking lead. Shorzy calls Sanger the worst fucking coach in hockey. So Sanger sends Shorzey's line out, tells him to show show them how it's done. Shorzey jumps on the ice and curses Sanger out. His ankle is really bothering him. Hitch asks Sanguinet to sit Shorze. He too is hurt. He's too hurt. Sanger turns on Hitch. Now he's trying to under undermine him too. Shrozy goes up to the freezer freezer twins and starts chirping them hard, gets right into their face, and threatens to knock their teeth out with a stick. Corey and Liam note that Shorzy is out of his fucking mind. Play resumes, and the camera follows Shorzy as Bulldogs gain possession in their end, and then they start to break out of their zone. Shorzy calls for the puck and Dolo passes it up to him. But just as Shorzey gets the pass, free a freezer twin lines him up. It was a suicide pass. Shorzey gets rocked. The screen goes dark for a second, then comes back showing Shorzee crashing to the ice and not moving. The screen goes dark again, this time for about ten seconds. Then we come back. Shorzi is sitting in the locker room staring at nothing. The Bulldogs all stand around him with looks of concern. Shorzi manages to focus, and look at his teammates and finally manages to speak. Speaker 3
Still a period to go, man. Shorzy, Speaker 0
you ready to be on TV? Speaker 5
And we cut to black and no music. And that's how that ends. Alright. I'm up first. That second half was holy fuck. The the arguing between Shorzy and Sanger was intense and uncomfortable, and I kudos to Harlan, because he he showed a side of his character that, I, you know, I don't think we've seen. And I really liked it, in terms of, you know, for for for the story that they're telling. Right? I loved how angry they were getting at each other, how they're disagreeing. Sang was right. They it's a playoff game. You don't you don't put yourself behind with needless penalties. You need the the lead first. Shorzi losing his cool and then doing what and then what happened? That whole thing going to black when he gets rocked. Yeah, Yeah. I hear in the livestream, they think it was ten seconds. I counted it. It was ten seconds before we come back to Shorzy in the locker room. And when he says I can't go, like, that's that's the most impactful thing I think I've I've seen on this show yet. It was it was so impactful. And then the the the decision they made to cut to black with zero music. On this show, zero music. It was just amazing. It was very impactful. I really enjoyed this. Speaker 0
to take in. It really was felt like two or really did feel like two episodes across this one. You said a lot of good about the hockey. I wanna quickly comment, a, I am mad at production Mhmm. For the webinar. I was still so hopeful we were gonna get a Zoom call just like this. Speaker 0
We're gonna see a bunch of faces trying to figure out fucking Zoom. I feel like that's a real missed opportunity there, Kiso. That would have been hysterical watching the sluts and everyone trying to figure out how to operate Zoom. Speaker 0
Still great. A lot of some good stuff there, and how he handles those kids is brilliant. Mhmm. But I am mad at that. I was I was really, really hopeful for that. The freezer twins. Holy fuck. Those that that's the best interview of the season so far. Speaker 5
I had to cut the long pauses because they were so uncomfortably long. I hope that still had the same impact. Because when she asked them how many people they've injured, that's a long ass pause that they're where they're trying to yeah. Speaker 0
Well, they couldn't figure out who was who. Speaker 0
Every every react like, those two, kudos to those guys, the Gallant brothers or or whatever their names were. Brett and Brent. Was that what it Speaker 0
They they they were brought in for this, and they did exactly what was expected. And that will be a core memory of this show for a long time watching those guys interview. Speaker 4
To to cut in real fast when when, Laura says, holy shit. That is the greatest fucking line in episode I would say. She's like, under the breath of holy shit. Yeah. Of Speaker 0
Yeah. Just like how Speaker 4
they don't answer the question. Speaker 5
I loved I I I loved how happy Nick was to have Shorzy to interview after that too. Like, she was relieved. Yeah. Speaker 0
Oh my god. And the bounce back between Nick. Yeah. And it's just it was so fucking brilliant. This episode alone gave me some of the biggest laugh out loud moments I've had across Shorzy. Speaker 0
Like that like, the freezer, I was dying. And then, yeah, the hockey, I didn't fully grasp the the intent or the argument between Shorezy and Sanger why it was happening. Yeah. They were just, I mean, I took they were just caught up in the emotions of what was happening in the game. They clearly had a plan that wasn't paying out, and the freezers were just laying them out. Speaker 3
So just your go sports kind of Speaker 0
Yeah. I get it. It's like I I guess that's what it was, but I mean Speaker 3
blind spot there. Speaker 0
Yeah. Fair enough. Fair enough. But I definitely agree. I appreciated Harlan's, contribution here. It was strong. I believed him, and and I wanted to see I I thought it was gonna go I thought they were gonna it too far. Yeah. But I like what happened. And then, of course, Shorzy just losing his damn mind. That hit was so ugly. So ugly. And that ending, I I totally agree. Speaker 5
the way they cut it. They went to black for a split second, but came back to show him lying motionless on the ice before going to black. It was very impactful. Speaker 0
Yeah. I think they handled that entire scene with perfection. Mhmm. They they could have done it a thousand other ways, but I'd I think they chose right. Mhmm. And I'm thankful. And, of course, now we would need to see where it goes, but very impactful, very strong. It it's a balanced episode. When you have such a a party like you did in the half first half Speaker 0
Then this, they knew what they were doing. There was a game plan here, and it and it paid off. Speaker 5
I think they knew they were gonna get need to get heavy at the end of this episode. So, like, alright. Let's throw the no show party in here because we're about to get really fucking heavy. Victor, what'd you think of this? Speaker 3
Yeah. It was, pretty unbelievable. You know, it starts out with with the webinar. It didn't give Matt the fireworks he was looking for, but, I mean, this is the most I don't know if that there's an episode with more scenes than this one. Maybe there is, but, this definitely is up there if it's if it's not the, the lead at this point. I don't think there there was a way to write up another super funny skit into this episode. I I I think that, they probably chose wisely on this one. Because when they entered the game, that was incredible. I mean, the Gallant brothers first of all, I couldn't believe they're not twins because they look exactly the same. Speaker 5
Well, they're brothers, but they're, like, a couple years apart. Yeah. But Speaker 0
On Matt or Mike? Speaker 3
Yeah. But what's what's interesting about that, and and and the Laura line, is is it actually is very reminiscent of Shorzy himself. Because, you know, whenever whenever Nat and the girls are talking to him Mhmm. His response is very, very similar often as the Gallant brothers. Like, that's upper line Yeah. Is totally something that you'd hear out of Speaker 5
Yeah. Shor's will always say, who? Me? And then it'll be like, Speaker 3
oh, fuck. Exactly. So it's it's kind of, you know, so it's kind of funny that, you know, they're supposed to be stupid, but it's kind of a bit of Shorzy's kind of MO as well. Right? Speaker 3
Though somehow, miraculously, he knew what they study in grade three and grade four, math and science. So that was pretty impressive. Matt missed grade four. But, yeah, this this this was super funny. And and and you know what? The I think probably the shot of the entire series for me is that is the suicide pass hit. Yeah. Because when that happened, I actually vocalized, oh. Yeah. I like I Speaker 4
think Yeah. Right? Speaker 0
I think they used a double there? Speaker 4
No. I I think Jared took that hit. Speaker 5
I mean, I think they they they shot Speaker 3
it orchestrated. Speaker 5
They shot it in a way that it makes it look maybe they speed it. Who knows? Speaker 0
He went yeah. He went down hard. Yeah. So, I mean, I mean, I'm sure you had to know or Speaker 4
I wish I would've could've Speaker 0
I could've been there to see how they played that one. Speaker 3
That's a fun conversation with the with the behind the seniors to find out how they did it. Right? So that's gonna be something fun for us for to to to Speaker 5
Well, you know, somebody mentioned in the livestream we need to have, Billy Buttry on for a third interview. I I one hundred percent agree because, for sure, there's a lot of questions here. Speaker 3
Yeah. That but that was regardless of how they did it Mhmm. I feel like that was the most impactful, shot scene, whatever you wanna call it, out of the entire series. That right now and and if this feels almost like a cliffhanger to a season. Yes. Right? But but Could've been. Yet we're we still have two more good Yeah. Episodes of Witness in front of us. So Wrong. Speaker 0
That very well could've been. Like Speaker 5
When when he you know what? That was an impactful scene to me. Even more impactful was when he's sitting there saying, I can't go. Yeah. Because for Shorzi to say that, you know, you know he's messed up. He Speaker 3
Yeah. Sorry. That's what I meant. Like, that I can't go scene could have been the cliffhanger, not not the hit itself. Yeah. But the hit was just incredible. Yeah. But that final line could have been the end of the season. Yeah. But we have two two, more episodes. Speaker 5
We know Kiesel is a little allergic to cliffhangers. But, I'm glad I'm glad he gave us this because this is the kind of gravitas I've always liked, in in, you know, this kind of stuff. Right? Like, give us high highs and low low like, low lows and high highs in a comedy. It just makes the comedy that much more funny because it's more of a relief to be laughing. Right? So, no. I'm I really, really Speaker 3
There are real stakes this this season. Speaker 5
Oh, absolutely. Stakes. Absolutely. The stakes can't couldn't be higher this season, Tim. Speaker 2
It it it was a whirlwind. Like, the whole thing was just building and building and building. Like, and I feel that it was an upside down. Like, you know, Shorzy was always the dumb guy that was being interviewed. Now we got two different dumb guys. And Shorzy actually sounded even more intelligent talking to to Speaker 2
A Nick, which, you know, he's never been able to string that many words together and sound that coherent and, you know, make make a like, where was that in the background of that one going, how did that how did he just pull that that interview off? But the whole thing with, Sanger and and Shorzy and them going at each other and, you know, panning over to, Corey and Liam and them picking it up and, you know, seeing it from afar too, the Mhmm. The when they they did the shot and the angle from a distance and watching the fight with them arguing, on the bench, you know, it just was increasingly building and building and building. And it's like, you're uncomfortable. This isn't right. You know, they shouldn't be like this. What is happening? And it was just, like, this whole uncomfortableness and, building to the point where even Corey and Liam are saying, you know, he's out of his mind. Yeah. So who was in the wrong? Who was in the right? Don't know. Speaker 5
I don't think it matters. I think it's the heat of the battle, but at the same time, Sanger was right. It is his call to put the lines out and ensures he's overriding him. Speaker 3
You know? Sanger wasn't a right. It's not even close. Speaker 5
No. Sanger wasn't Speaker 2
a right. I wanna ask that question. So so a couple questions because I don't know hockey. Is that an actual like, is that legal to to hit like that? And is that what the term is? Speaker 5
the hits are legal. Speaker 5
the if the hits are are legal, they're they're fine. If they're they're they're just heavy hits, and these guys are big guys who who are good at injuring other players. Speaker 2
No. But that term, suicide Speaker 5
No. Suicide pass. Speaker 3
No. No. That's not the hit. No. Speaker 5
It's the pass. So suicide pass is a pass. It's made to a player who's vulnerable. So when Shorze was calling for the puck from Dolo, because they were clearing the zone, Shorze was calling for the puck. That gave one of the freezer twins enough time to line him up knowing that as soon as he he receives the pass, his head's probably gonna be down, and and and he nails Shorzi. Right? Because it's now he's vulnerable. That kind of pass is called a suicide pass because, basically, you're passing to a guy who's about to get killed. And, it's exact it was it was really well done, really well orchestrated. Speaker 2
And that's like, that's It's not Speaker 3
legal or legal. That's just Speaker 5
It's not legal. It's just Speaker 3
that play. It's about Usually by the pastor. Speaker 5
Yeah. Exactly. Passers should be kind of aware of the person they're passing to that they're not going to get rocked like that. Right? But because Shorzi was Speaker 2
It's on the passer to Speaker 3
on the passer because the passer see the entire field in front Speaker 3
And if they see that there's another player behind the person they wanna pass to, so they're kind of on the train tracks Speaker 3
And they pass it to him anyway, he's gonna pick it up, turn around, and start skating, and then he's gonna run into a brick wall. Speaker 3
And it's the usually, like, ninety nine percent of the time, the fault of the passer when that happens. Speaker 5
Because the because Speaker 2
you would think that the passer doesn't have time in order to, like, this is Speaker 5
the The person who doesn't have time is the person receiving the pass, has no time to react because they're basically looking at the pocket. They look up, and there's a bird. Speaker 3
The passer has so many options. Yeah. The passer can pass it to anybody they want, but the receiver has only one option. Speaker 2
But aren't they being chased down and trying to people are trying to get the puck off of them. Speaker 5
Yeah. For sure. Look. I mean, sometimes Speaker 2
they have the time to Speaker 3
the entire ice. Yeah. You have the entire freaking ice. You can just dump the puck. Anyway. Just dump it. If you're scared, just dump it. Speaker 5
Yeah. It it happens a lot, and and usually, it results in the person receiving the pass getting rocked. In in this case, Shorzy gets concussed. Right? Yeah. I think Matt, go sports. Speaker 3
In in Mitch Marner's case, he flipped out over the glass and then cried in the penalty box. Yeah. Speaker 2
That yeah. Anyways, I I'm like Vic. I I gasped when it happened. I was the most tempted. The so Al knows that I can't end click on on bad notes. I can't end a show on bad notes. So everything that happens to TV? Yeah. No. It's so true. Everything that happens to me during the day happens to me at night. I dream my whole day repeats in my head, And I I live it all over again. So that scene was like, oh my god. I cannot go to bed now because I will get crushed, and I need to know that I'm not going to, like yeah. Yeah. I can't. So I was so tempted, and I actually did say, I just need to watch the first five minutes. But I didn't I didn't I didn't watch the first, first. Speaker 5
But she asked for it. So I knew that she was impacted by this. Like, this was an an ending that that really hit her hard because she was like, can I watch the first five minutes to make sure Shorzy's okay? I'm like, no. No. Speaker 2
I just need to see that he's alright so that I know that if it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. So, yeah, Victor, I'm glad that this wasn't the last one, that we have two more after it. But I I I as soon as this is done tomorrow, I wanna know what the hell and make sure in five minutes, I just need to see that he's alright, and then I'll be fine again, and I'll watch it. It. I'll I'll do my homework next week. Speaker 4
The the webinar was exactly what I kinda expected. It kinda, like, the same type type five of of the seminar. But the the hockey was great. I I didn't understand at first what what Shorzy and Seguinet was arguing about too. But then kinda, like, you watching it a few times, you're like, oh, okay. Wants to set the tone. Nobody they're they're beating up on the guys. Wants to set the tone. Nobody's setting the tone. So Shorgy wants to go out there and set the tone. And then, honestly, when when he got hit that first time, like, watching it and it went black, I thought that that was the end of the episode. Right. Yeah. Like and then and then they they did the recut, and then they went back to black. And I was like, oh, so you're gonna just roll credits here. Like Speaker 4
And then, obviously, like, obviously, it ended the way it ended. And and you're like, oh, like, I I did have a, like, a verbal reaction. I'm like, oh, shit. Like, I he's down. Like, he's hurt. Like, I haven't seen ahead. Like, I've only seen the first four episodes. Speaker 4
So, like, I don't I'm I'm in the same boat as you, Daniel. Like, is he okay? I I I kinda wanna keep watching, but, also, I need to rewatch this episode so I know what happens. Mhmm. But it it is definitely a two toned episode where you get the party in the front and then you get Speaker 5
It's a mullet of an episode. Speaker 4
I love the fat. It's it's This episode's a mullet. Well done, sir. Well done. Did not do that on purpose. Speaker 8
be good at you, man. Speaker 5
Oh, that's amazing, Chad. Do it on purpose. Take the credit for it. Speaker 4
No. This this is a modern episode where it is party in the I've never been more Speaker 4
you, man. Party in the front. Speaker 5
This is It's the Speaker 4
reverse it's the reverse model, though. It's party in the front, business in the back. Yeah. Speaker 5
Oh, man. Yeah. Alright. Speaker 5
So sorry. Was was that No. You're good. Speaker 5
Okay. I'm gonna move I'm gonna move on to ratings because oh. Speaker 2
But I I have a question still because you guys didn't answer all my questions. Speaker 2
I wanna know who was right, Sanger or Shorzy on the line when when they Speaker 5
Sanger was right. Sanger. Speaker 4
Sanger was right. Sanger was right. Sanger was right. Speaker 5
It's no. It's not even that. It's the playoffs. You don't take stupid penalties, and you gotta wait for Speaker 3
They went the whole point is to win. Yeah. So Sanger was right. Speaker 2
Mhmm. That they shouldn't have to even though they were doing dirty hits? Speaker 5
During the regular season about hits. Speaker 3
This is about scoring goals. Speaker 5
During the regular season, when you when you're gonna play the same team over and over again, that's when you set the tone. The the games have less meaning. In the playoffs and in elimination game, you don't take needless five minute major penalties because you're gonna get scored on and goals are a premium in the playoffs. You get the lead first, and then if you wanna get them back for throwing their weight around, then you get them back. So saying it was right. Shorzy was being a hothead. Speaker 3
We we had a hothead on the Leafs. His name was Kadri. Yeah. He got himself suspended in the playoffs. Yeah. Then he said, I learned my lesson. They came back. Next year, he got himself suspended in the playoffs. Yeah. Leafs set out again. Next year, the Leafs said, we're gonna trade you. He went to Colorado, and the Colorado wins the cup. That's the moral of the story is don't be a Leafs fan. Speaker 5
And Austin is saying that Sanger was he needed to pivot his, strategy because it wasn't working. They scored two goals. It worked. Shorsey was being impatient. Speaker 4
Yeah. Carlos Also also, Shorsey got himself injured. Yeah. He if he listened to, like Speaker 0
He let his ego get away. Sanger. Speaker 5
Yeah. If he listened to Shorzy let his ego get away. Speaker 4
Never got onto the ice, and he never would've Speaker 3
Yeah. Sanger did not send him on the ice. Speaker 3
The show is he did that to himself. Speaker 5
Oh, he said if, like, Speaker 4
if he can do better yeah. Speaker 5
If you can do better, show us. And then he got on the ice, but then he starts chirping off. But yeah. Yeah. Nothing that happened to shore as he was like, it was his own fault for the for bringing it on himself. Right? Speaker 4
Not saying not saying he deserved to get, like No. No. Like a concussion, an actual concussion. Speaker 3
He didn't deserve it, but it was his fault. No. Speaker 4
Yeah. But it was his fault. Speaker 5
Anyway, so yeah. That I mean, there's gonna be different hockey philosophies. But in general, in playoff hockey, there that's why there's very little fighting in playoff hockey because you don't wanna take those stupid penalties. It's too important. It's not worth the risk. Speaker 2
I don't get it because some of the seasons we've watched and it's, like, setting the tone. Speaker 5
But that's because it's regular season. It's different than regular season. Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. We've never actually seen playoff hockey in the show. Yeah. Speaker 3
And this is playoff, like, the the the top echelon of playoff. Speaker 5
Yeah. This is, like, nationals This is the national their Olympics. Speaker 2
Show me the show me it in a graph and I'll understand. Speaker 5
Watch the Olympics. See how much fighting there's there is in the Olympics. Not a lot. It's gotta be like a blowout. When there's a blowout, when one team's way, way ahead, that's when you start seeing fighting. Speaker 5
Yeah. Alright. So my rating. I mean, this might be the most complete and my favorite ever Shorzy episode. I I can't think of one that beats this because it is a mullet of an episode, like Chad said. At the top, in the beginning, is it was everything they promised with with the, no show, record party, it delivered. It delivered in spades. It was so it was funny. It was it it explained everything. It explained the the shaved heads. It explained, there's a few other things that that were kinda brought up, and then they explained it away. But, yeah, why they were dancing in their underwear. It's funny, Vicki, you say you don't like them giving away, see, you know Speaker 0
Gave us nothing. Speaker 5
In in teasers. But what I loved about it, what that teaser did was it showed it showed them dancing in their underwear. And my question is, the fuck are they doing dancing in their underwear? So it kinda made me For sure. Yeah. So it kinda delivered on that. I love it. And a lot of, like, little visual jokes, like the the toast popping when when bread comes up behind Goody. That was hilarious, and hot at the same time. So, like, they they have a a knack for delivering really funny, really sexy, and then downright fucking impactful, dramatic every like, this it had it all. So this is one hundred percent probably the highest, easiest fresh rating I've ever given to a Shorzy Russ, episode. Matt? Speaker 0
Couldn't agree more. It's an easy easy easy it's the this is probably the best Jersey episode all around. It's so strong. There's so much going on, so much to enjoy. I I said some of the hardest laughs I've had across the entire series that were in this episode. And and, again, a lot of those small, unassuming moments are the ones that hit me the hardest, and there's lots of those in this one. The pace of this one was fantastic, and then they brought it home with just a real moment to hang on to and hope for. So kudos to the team. They really just hit this one out of the park. Speaker 5
And often they get kudos for their use of music. And in this episode here, I give them huge kudos for their no use of no music for sure. Speaker 0
To be to be honest, listening to all the talk tonight, I'm surprised I I actually thought there was gonna be more issue from you guys or from some of you around the drug use. I thought that was gonna hit the wrong way. And if you I know, Victor, as an example, you've talked before, but you don't like drunk people and this Speaker 0
Like, you've had episodes where you Not Speaker 3
because of my prudence. Just because I think it's stupid. Speaker 0
No. I know that. I know that. And that and this one went like, you guys, it wasn't as much alcohol as drug in this case, but it was all centered around them being idiots because they were all fucked up. So Speaker 0
I thought there was gonna be some issue with that, and there wasn't as much. Speaker 5
No. My only issue is with the character of Mercedes. I I I like her less, but everything else Speaker 0
I'm not surprised by that, though. Speaker 5
No. No. Neither am I. She's an actual she's a a rich degen. That's what she is. Right? Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Victor, what's your rating? Speaker 3
I mean, it's a I agree with you a hundred percent. This is the best episode of the entire series. Mhmm. Speaker 3
it's the highest of freshest, that you can get. I mean, it's the best, most complete episode. I don't have really a fault with it at all. Like, it's it's it's brilliant. I have no no issues with, them being high and low. That's the thing with the drugs. You drugs, you you have all these different emotions. Right? With with someone who that's drunk, there's just one emotion, and that's just people being obnoxious. But with, with drugs, you have, I think, a lot more, creative, creative options. Speaker 0
Exact every emotion. Speaker 3
Yes. Exactly. No. I mean, this easy, easy fresh. Okay. Speaker 2
I have another question. Speaker 2
So why what happened with JJ Frankie JJ? And is it because he was doing blow? Because I thought him getting a blow job was the reason why they separated, that they got and so when you just said that they he wasn't a blow blow, a BJ. Speaker 5
But if you notice so it could be, a few things. Yeah. He was doing blow with Mercedes in the back of the bus with Mercedes, and the LaRoz already has plenty of, Speaker 2
But Mercedes went to, Michael's house. Speaker 5
Yeah. But, I mean, I wanna say, LaRoz has plenty of reason to already not trust Frankie because he's been unfaithful with her in the past. But the other thing is I think LaRance is, you know, well, she she like, Mercedes offered her the drugs, and LaRoz said no. So so looks like she she's not into that kinda scene. Like, all the the Briton and, Melody, they they accepted it happily. LaRance said no. So she may have just had an issue with, Frankie doing blow. Sure. Right? But either way, it was Frankie doing something with another really, really hot woman and not her. She had plenty of reason to Speaker 2
And you said he got slipped? He she slapped him in the Yeah. Speaker 5
I understand. Background. You you could hear the slap. Let's go back Speaker 5
gotta watch that. Completely. Yeah. So yeah. So that's that's why she left and yeah. Speaker 2
Yeah. I had my mama bear hat on. I was concerned, Matt, with all the drugs because I wanted to make sure everybody was gonna be safe, and didn't need to go to hospital. Speaker 0
Bus that took them wherever they want. Speaker 2
Yeah. Exactly. I I was like They're Speaker 5
being as responsible as possible. Speaker 0
Than a school bus? Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. With no seatbelts Speaker 5
and crossing borders and shit. Speaker 3
By the way, this is the rating club. Speaker 2
know. I know. I'm just wondering. Speaker 4
Part, Tanya, don't ruin this. Speaker 2
Yeah. I I did have my like, just to to your point, Matt, I did have my mama bear on, and I was like, okay. Everybody, let's be safe. You know, you're certain you're mixing a lot. Speaker 5
Like Maybe take the no show trophy off the diving board. Speaker 2
Like, not that I know anything about drugs, but I'm pretty sure just like alcohol, you should stay in one stream and don't, like, jump all over the place because you're Speaker 5
They weren't, though. Mercedes was. Speaker 2
Yeah. Mercedes well, whatever. They were still, like, going one direction and then a pill for another direction, and I'm pretty sure you shouldn't do that. But, anyways, yeah, I did have my mama bear hat on, and I'm glad that everybody was that that the only, ridiculousness was a shaved head down the middle. Yeah. It was a it was a solid episode. It had everything in it, and it really did keep you on the edge of your seat going, what the hell? Speaker 2
So it definitely deserves a fresh. Speaker 0
Who wants to set the tone, boys? He's gonna fucking set it. Yeah. Speaker 1
This team will never lose again. Speaker 4
Okay. He even got his cat. Let me let me set it let let me not very serious. Speaker 5
A scene here. So Chad's been on our show now a bunch of times, and every time he gets robbed of a unicorn. So this he finally gets Speaker 4
Every time every time you either put me on a shit episode Yeah. Or it's Victor Robs an easy unicorn episode. The best episode of Letterkenny? No. It's the worst because they had cut they blacked out the screen. This episode had a blacked out screen, but Victor gave it a fresh what the fuck, Victor? Speaker 5
So so Chad jumped up and did a dance around his apartment, grabbed his cat, held it up Mufasa or, like, Lion King style, Simba style. But what's killing me right now is instead of Chad finally finally witnessing the unicorn behind Victor, Victor, what the the do you have behind you right now? Speaker 0
It's a unicorn guy Speaker 3
who is this. It's a mullet unicorn. Oh my god. Speaker 4
god. Yeah. You know I appreciate that. What the hell Speaker 5
is it looks like Rufio from Hook, but with, Speaker 4
like, deep hair. Speaker 0
I've seen that image before. Speaker 5
Have you? I've never seen that before. That's so funny. Alright. Chad, congratulations Speaker 4
on you. No. There's not so there's a compost. Speaker 5
Well, it doesn't matter. What you say doesn't matter. The unicorn stands. Speaker 4
No. This episode fucking sucked. It's a cop no. I'm joking. It's it's it's one hundred percent a fresh episode. I I loved it. What I forgot to bring up on my recap was, like, the cinematography Mhmm. Even just, like, the the normal just I don't I don't know if it's just Billy or if it's just they're doing something different this season. Mhmm. And I love it. Like, the the shots, like, where you're pointing up at Shorzy and you're seeing both Shorzy and Sanguinet instead of just being a, like, a Speaker 4
Straight on type of letter Kenny shot, like or even season one, season two when they were sitting in the the the bench. Mhmm. It's always been a straight on shot where it was, like, pointing up. Yeah. And it's just there's just something, like, different about the season. Speaker 5
It's the directors. Yeah. Awesome's right. It's the different directors in different direction. Right? Yeah. So they're they're definitely, you know, flexing some muscles there that they've never done before. Yeah. For sure. Speaker 4
And and I I love Jacob, but there's there's definitely I think the change of directors did help this the show on, like, a visual, like, stance where it is definitely, like, visually better. Yeah. But, again, like I said, this episode's a fresh it's a mullet of an episode. You get the party in the fronts the front half. Speaker 0
You're really leaning into that now. Speaker 4
Well, because now he's saying he brought it up. Speaker 5
His mullet, unicorn there, the the Victor put Yeah. Speaker 4
Now now finally got a fucking unicorn Oh my god. After four years. Also, congrats on the four years. Speaker 5
even talk about that. Speaker 4
Yeah. No. You didn't. I I for totally forgot about it until now. But yeah. No. It's it's it it was a great episode. I loved it. Speaker 5
Alright. And now we move on to the GameStix. So, I mean, there's so many ways we can go with this. You know, I love the use like, I'm with Chad there. I love the use of the gyms in the first half during the the party, but but but they continued even with the webinar. The gyms were, involved in that too. I I gotta give it Sanguinet. I I really enjoyed Sanguinet in this. He was just he was standing his ground. Like, I think, like, we I think we talked about it last season how far his his character has come in terms of, asserting himself and stuff. He's taken it to an even greater level this year, and his you're drawing back and forth with with Shorzy during that game and standing his ground, season one saying Winette wouldn't have done that. He would have said, okay. Yeah. You're right. Send the gyms in. And, that way too, if he's if if if he's wrong, he he can say, well, it wasn't my call. It was Shorzy who called it. Right? But no. This is his team, and he he had his idea of what it should be, right or wrong. I think it was right, but whatever. He stood his ground, and I loved that he pushed back on Shorzy enough to send Shorzey over the edge even. So, I think San Juanette gets the game stick in this one. Matt? Speaker 0
Yeah. I really didn't know where to go with the game stick on this one. There was a lot to, to go with and so many awesome moments. So where I'm gonna go is, with our boy, Fish. Speaker 0
we didn't give him enough we didn't give him enough love. Speaker 5
Well, I was gonna say my run runner-up was gonna be the trophy because it it Yeah. I thought about that Speaker 0
too, man. That poor trophy went through hell, but Speaker 4
it was always Fish dropped the ball, though. Yeah. He was from the trophy. So Constantly. Speaker 0
I don't think he was the only one holding it the Speaker 4
whole until the end. Speaker 5
And if you didn't notice, Fish scored the second goal too. Like, he was contributing throughout this whole thing silently and and hilariously. But yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0
Every scene, there he is holding and dropping that damn trophy, and then all banged up at the end. Oh, man. Fish, I love you, bud. That was he he he made me laugh in this one. Speaker 3
Yeah. I mean, for me, the, MVP was immediate and instant as soon as we got it. And that's gotta be Michael Speedo. That thing was working overtime, and thank goodness because there was two shots in particular, the second one of the two. It was it's something that you can't unsee had you seen it. Speaker 3
And I'm just so so thankful that that Speedo was there. Speaker 5
Was it Speedo? Was he wearing, like, just a fucking jock and jockstrap? I mean, it looked like Speaker 4
I mean, that that's his underwear that he, like, showed up in season one. Right? That's true. When his dick was hanging out. Yeah. Speaker 3
Yeah. Well yeah. Speaker 4
I should have paused it. I thought he was, like, the dick was hanging out at when he was jumping in the swimming pool. Tanya Tanya's gotta zoom in on Speaker 2
that scene. Yeah. I think I missed something. I didn't I didn't anyway. Speaker 3
I think you need to rewatch. Speaker 3
Terrible. This is this is the scene when they're all jumping into the pool, and there's two shots of Michaels jumping. The first one is less severe, but the second one is Speaker 5
It's almost of his undercarriage. Speaker 3
It's completely it's Speaker 4
a complete like legs. Yeah. And he's, like, legs spread, and you're like, oh, is it out? Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. It was completely split, and and and, thankfully, I don't think anything was Speaker 2
going anywhere. To his his his Speedos for holding it all in? Speaker 5
Michael Speedo. I've already written it down. Speaker 2
That it didn't give that it didn't give way? Yeah. Speaker 4
Did it? That's right. Speaker 5
Our our swimming expert, Erin, in the livestream, in real life, those Speedos are very effective of keeping everything in. So there you go. Speaker 3
Thank you, Erin. Speaker 2
You know what? Hands down, I'm giving it to our friend, Dolo, for keeping a straight face and shaving everyone's head. I don't know how that room kept it together, like, one after another after another. And, you know, after speaking with, Ashley Ashley, earlier today and hearing how he had to, practice for the scene and how they rehearsed. And, I'm sure there was a lot of tension and laughter and nervous giggle and, that scene and how he kept his from his eye like, like, in the scene, they're all stoned or whatever, and they're they aren't reacting because this is this is helping each other. Speaker 2
And but that I'm sure that they were very much with it. And, apparently, this was day or, I shouldn't give away things. Anyways, listen to the That interview. Interview with Nat or not with Nat. Nat. Ashley. Speaker 2
And, yeah. And she'll she explains, what was happening in that scene. But for him to constant, like, keep his eyes from going, holy shit, dude. Speaker 5
I kept on watching everyone's face intently to see if there's any sign of, like And Speaker 2
and him blowing on on Speaker 5
On Michael's head. Speaker 2
Michael's head. And just, like, yeah. That That Speaker 5
would have been enough to, like, let break me. All you need is one person, like, snorting in that scene, and it would have sent everyone Speaker 2
into history. I've I've shaved two people in my life. Yes. You have. Yourself and Joe. And your best butt, And, went straight down the middle, that first shot, and, we have video and photos of it. So I'm I'm shocked that he could keep, like, kudos to Dolo for keeping it together. Speaker 5
Alright. Chad. I'm giving it Speaker 4
to the gyms just because of that first, like, half of the episode. They're just so great. Like, watching them around just, like, the the clap when they're supposed to be dancing is great. The I I second second gym, gym number two jump in the pool where he's just, like, kinda, like, stiff. Speaker 4
As he jumps in the pool is hilarious. Even, like, I I Jordan what's what's gym number three? Jordan Speaker 5
Nolan. Nolan. Yeah. Speaker 4
Nolan. Jordan Nolan usually gets a lot of the lines even I don't know I don't know the actor of Jordan of gym number two, but he's he was Speaker 5
Brandon Nolan. He's his brother. Speaker 4
Oh, yeah. Brandon. He had a whole lot of more lines, like, usually except for the Mhmm. One one line of, yeah, most of the time where he had a whole lot of lines in the bus of, like, chores of your eyes weird, like, stuff stuff like that. Mhmm. The gyms are just great. Speaker 5
Gyms are beaut fucking beauties. Alright. Speaker 4
Got gyms. Beauties. Speaker 5
Amazing, guys. I knew this I was looking forward to this episode, and, yeah, I couldn't have, couldn't have gone better now. We still have my favorite my new favorite, segment to go. So here we go. Take it. Questionable call. And we got four questionable calls this week. Let's listen to our first one. This is our buddy, Chastity from Alabama. Speaker 10
PJ and miss Casey's have brought up recently is what they appreciates about the podcast. I agree with them, And I also appreciate the conversations about noticing the different directors and writers on the shows and how that shows up on screen. Conversations about editing, hearing stories from the art department, and I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now. All of these have changed how I watch shows. I pay more attention to the details now, and I'm really excited to hear what Ashley has to say. Who do I pass the charcuterie and cupcakes to? Cheers to four more years, y'all. Speaker 5
Thank you, Chastity. Yes. That was, yeah. We appreciate you. And and, I mean, even Chad said it today. Yeah. We talk about, like, the the the different direction, and and, you know, we we notice when there's good scenes and good camerawork, and you will love Ashley's interview if, if that's the kind of thing that you that you're enjoying about this podcast. So thank you for your call. I would say it's not questionable, but, we we thank you for sending it in anyway. But our second call here, here's from our buddy Colin in Waterloo, and, he's got something to say to to k Trevor. Speaker 11
Hey, proto Stan. Colin here. My question of a call is for k Trevor Wilson. Toronto, I get. London, not so much. Speaker 1
What about the tri cities, man? Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, you got three cities right there, all side by side. And you gotta go to London? Speaker 6
Nobody wants to go to London. Speaker 11
Kitchener next time, man. We got the odd. It's amazing. Speaker 5
I think that's in response to Kate Trevor's Canadian tour not hitting the Tri Cities, and I get it. Like, I guess there must be a little bit of a, I don't know, a rivalry between London and and and Kitchener and Waterloo. But, I've been to Kitchener Waterloo. It's quite a nice place. So I'm surprised that k Trevor couldn't find a place there to for his, comedy show. Here's our next one from our buddy, Gord, in Toronto. Speaker 6
Hey, TPS. YYZ Gord here. When it comes to questionable calls, although you did a great job on the review, fortunately, I need to call out Milberg Jack from last week on his critique of the North American pickup truck. I can accept criticism of our obsession with giant pickup trucks, but not the defense of Australia's Utes. For those who have not seen a Ute, they are ridiculously ugly offspring of an unholy union of car and pickup truck that looks like a station leg with the roof hacked off the back. Whether you call it a tray or truck bed, there is no place for that on the back of a two door sedan. Give your balls a tug, Jack. I'll take a half ton Shorty Shortbox over you any day. Speaker 5
Oh, I love that. Look. Speaker 3
Look. That was fantastic. Speaker 2
Questionable calls are at Speaker 4
each other Have you ever seen an El Camino? Those fucking things rocked. Why the fuck did we never continue making El Caminos or the Subaru Baja? Those things are fucking awesome. Yeah. Speaker 4
are fucking awesome. Who doesn't want a small truck? Matt, I'm in. Take a small truck. I don't want a big ass fucking pick them up truck. Why why Matt? I work with people with big ass pick them up Speaker 5
trucks. Victor wants you to tell him to fuck off. Speaker 4
They they don't fucking use those fucking things. Do you see them all, shit? Speaker 0
Well, he said El Camino, Speaker 4
and I don't like those. What? El Camino's is small. Like, you Speaker 5
Well, I I am looking Speaker 0
at you. They do look they look like someone sat on a pickup truck. Speaker 4
And they're beautiful. K. I want a ute. No. Speaker 5
this all this Ute talk, though, got me thinking You better take Speaker 2
He was talking about a yurt for a second. So I was like, what? Speaker 5
No. He's talking about a ute. But here Speaker 5
When I heard ute, I was the first thing that came to mind was this. Is it possible to two youths Speaker 0
Yeah. To what? Oh, oh, what was that word? Speaker 0
To what? What? Did you say Utes? Speaker 5
Oh, excuse me, your honor. Two Utes. Speaker 0
My cousin, Benny. Speaker 5
Yeah. Fucking great scene. And, yeah, whenever I hear the word youth, that's the first thing I think of. I don't think of a fucking favorite movie. Car truck. Speaker 2
Car truck. Like that's Santa. Speaker 4
Jack is right. The Utes are great. Speaker 5
You know what? I'm gonna say this. I'm I'm I'm kinda liking this, Santa Fe or no, Hyundai Santa Cruz Santa Cruz. They look nice. I wouldn't I'd I'd get one of those. I don't know if that qualifies as a youth or as a small pickup, but, I really like the look of those. Anyway, questionable Speaker 2
He's just shaking his head. Speaker 5
Questionable call would not be a questionable call if we didn't hear from this gentleman. Speaker 7
Hey, guys. It's your buddy, Jeff, from Maine again. Speaker 7
I have my own segment? I feel like we've been doing some globe trotting lately. We could call it National Jeff a graphic. Just a thought. Now I'm not here to fuck spiders, but I have been voting up on my Australian, and I wanted to say good on you last week, Melbourne Jack. Bloody oath. I think you had a great idea in putting the other sluts with Jory. Imagine a back and forth between Jory and Hitch. It's even funnier if you imagine Jack scripting it with Aussie slang words. Good he loves Chuke. Now crikey and fair dinkum, though, I'm calling a five minute major on Al for being a drongo and butt ending the unicorn at the butt end of the ratings segment. I get where he's coming from, but the cold open along with the two guests canceled and the Zamboni drivers said no jury segment, then the subtle, not so subtle cow references on Zeig were all amazing. The reason this episode is deserving of more than a clearance in my opinion, though, is the Shoresy interview where he's hiding how hurt he is. This is a very pivotal moment in the show, and it's terrific acting by Jared Keeso. This bumped it up to a defo fresh, maybe the freshest. Oh, I'm at my gate and the plane is boarding. Flight sixty nine to your mom's down under. Peace and love and good day, Cobbers. How'd I do with the Aussie slang, Jack? Speaker 5
We'll have to get Jack to comment on the Aussie saying, but Speaker 2
thanks, Jack. God. Aussie showdown. Let's go, boys. Speaker 5
We have lots of Aussies in the Discord. We don't need a fake one for Maine. Anyway, thank you so much for the questionable callers. They're always awesome. Alright. I think all that's left to do is around the horn and I start. Chad, I'm so glad you joined us. You picked this up you know what? I know you complain a lot about never having a unicorn, but you always choose the episodes you're on. So you only have yourself to blame. Speaker 4
Hey. Except for a red card, yellow card, Speaker 5
you were all like, you should Speaker 4
do that. Well, yeah. Speaker 5
Because it was a soccer themed episode, and you're the only soccer, Speaker 4
Fair enough. Fair enough. Speaker 3
Fair enough. Episode birthed the Speaker 4
blue spatula. That's right. That is true. That is true. I I witnessed the first blue spatula. But you brought us soccer fans. So Speaker 2
You brought us the game, though, of the century. Like, that game was amazing. The draft. Speaker 4
The letter canceled. True. Yeah. Speaker 5
Anyway, thank you for coming out tonight, bud. I hope you had a good time. We're we're glad we could reward you with a unicorn. And, look, Victory even put on put the original unicorn back on so you can see what that used to look like, before Speaker 4
It's it's nothing like the original Unicorn Unicorn sound bit, but No. It is so it is what it is, I guess. Speaker 5
It's a Shorzy unicorn. Yeah. Exactly. You don't like the new unicorn sound bite? I I like it. Speaker 0
It's a Shorzy corn. Speaker 5
Yeah. Shorzy corn. Anyway, thanks for coming out, bud. I was looking forward to this episode, and I think I hope we didn't, disappoint because I think it was a lot of fun. It was certainly a quality episode to to be reviewing. Matt? Speaker 0
Yeah. I'm glad this one went way better than I actually thought it was gonna go. I had some apprehensions. I thought mama bear was gonna be a little more aggressive on this one. I thought I thought Victor was gonna have some qualms. Al, I figured you'd be on the same page as me on this, but, it's such a fucking wicked episode. Mhmm. Sorry that Chad had to be here, guys. It's I know it's it's hard. It's hard. We we, I don't know. I guess you get a unicorn that's can go on your you can get that badge now. Speaker 4
Thank you. I will never It's Speaker 5
the only badge you didn't have. Yeah. He had every other guy. TPS badge. Speaker 0
Knocking guy. But, anyways, this is a great one. Chad, you know I love you even though fuck you. And, yeah, till next week we go, guys. Speaker 3
Alright. Victor. Yeah. Great episode. Great way to kind of finish my recovery back to health. Speaker 3
And, yeah, I mean, surprisingly, Chad did another good job. So Speaker 3
I have to give kudos where they, you know, where the where they're deserved. So, good on you, man. Alright, Tim. Speaker 2
Chad, I can't wait to meet you in in person one day. Like, this is gonna be so epic to to get together if we can ever make Speaker 4
Again, I'm not a real person. I'm just an online personality. Speaker 0
He's he's AI. Yeah. Speaker 2
This is a lot of fun. I'm glad you got the unicorn and Speaker 4
Regenerative. Yeah. I Speaker 2
Oh, we broke, Matt. Speaker 4
That was good. The tentative AR. Sorry. Continue. Speaker 2
No. This was this was excellent. Thanks for the laughs. Great to see you again, Chad, and, looking forward to to next week, making sure that Shorzy is alright. Speaker 4
Thank you thank you for helping me on. Thank you, Tanya. I was worried. I thought you were not you were not gonna give me a b. Speaker 5
She took her time. I I noticed that. She's like because she saw I had I had the mouse hovering over the unicorn sound. Speaker 4
You didn't feel like the the way you were filibust in there, I was like, oh, we are Speaker 5
You should've, like, drawn her even more. I wanna see Chad Speaker 4
sweat a bit more. I was I was I mean, I'm already sweating because I'm very warming right now. Yeah. Do you do you Speaker 2
need a little haircut? Speaker 4
No. No. No. I'm I'm really enjoying my email page. There you go. That's that's beside the point. But, yeah, thank you for having me on. Matt, you're the worst. Speaker 2
Thank thank you for your dance, Chad. That was that was Thanks. That made my night. Speaker 0
You shouldn't throw your cat, Chad. Speaker 2
That made my week. Speaker 4
I I didn't throw my cat. I picked her up. So but, also, it's a cat. She lands on her, like, feet all the time. Mhmm. Thank you thank you for having me on. Thank you for the unicorn, finally. It's not the letter Kenny o g unicorn, but it is what it is. I'll still take it. Speaker 0
Alright, bud. Nice. Speaker 5
Alright. I'm gonna play us off here with a song from tonight's episode. This the song they all danced to in their underwear, Ladybug by Doozer. Here we go. And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we recap and review episode five of Shorzy three, Sue Hunt with our buddy, Josh, from Pennsylvania. We're just getting all the old, degens back on. If you'd like to support the podcast, become a patron or tell a friend. Also, to follow us on those social media outlets at protosampod. Thank you for joining us. Now we're going to the after party with our buddy, Chad. On behalf of Chad, Tanya, Matt, Victor, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week. Let's see everyone's dance moves.