Speaker 0
Filming an ad for a half ton sporty short box is where we begin. Shores EV Jory? Dolo gives a Nikkator. Zeke and Gord? Maybe? So set the tone, boys. Von Cannadesi is here. Who will play dirtiest. That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 1
What do you listen to? Speaker 0
My favorite murder podcast. Taggart and Jordan's podcast. Speaker 2
The produce stand. Speaker 4
Met the shot. You heard the man. It is is the produce stand, your favorite source for everything in that universe. I'm all your hosts, Tanya, Matt, and Casey are on the mics. Victor's under the weather. Tonight, we're talking some Shorzy season three. And just like Dolo, we're feeling blessed tonight to introduce tonight's guest panelist. Joining us this week from Melbourne, Australia. He's a fan of all brands of football. He's a Boston sports fan for some strange reason. Inexplicably, he's the host of the Greendale Human Podcasters, a frequent contributor to the dGen discord server, and he's a good guy. He's a really good guy. Please join me in making some noise for Jack. Speaker 2
Who wants to set the tone, boys? He's gonna fucking set it. Speaker 2
This team will never lose again. Speaker 4
Welcome back to the produce stand. I'm gonna call you Snidely Whiplash with a mustache like that. Speaker 6
Yeah. New addition since I was last on. Speaker 7
good. It's actually Wonderful, Jack. Speaker 0
Are you you're handing out mustache rides, buddy? Speaker 6
I'm doing doing what I can. Speaker 6
Yeah. They do have some hair somewhere. Speaker 4
Okay. That that's fair. Thanks for joining us, bud. It's been a while since we've had John as a as a guest panelist. Speaker 6
Not a problem. Happy to be here. I've taken the day off so I can join. I was jealous when you guys said last week that you're recording on Friday night your time. It's like, oh, so it was Saturday. It's like, that's got they're not gonna do two Saturdays in a row. Speaker 6
But, yeah, I took the day off, and and it's nice to have Friday off. Speaker 4
Okay. Good. Well, we appreciate you doing that. And, yeah, you're right. We wouldn't have done two Fridays in a row because it's the summer, and and weekends are at a premium. But we appreciate you doing that. And and how does it feel being back on a podcast? Because I I mentioned you were the host of Greendale Human Podcasters, but it's been a while since you've you've you've podcasted. Speaker 6
Yeah. It's been ages. It's been, I think, eighteen months maybe. Wow. Maybe that long? Speaker 6
miss it? I because I Speaker 4
know you guys are, like, starting an f one thing. What happened with that? Speaker 6
Yeah. We kinda well, I decided that I wasn't gonna do everything on that podcast. Right. No one else did the stuff, and everyone got busy. Speaker 0
Kinda fell apart. Yeah. So you you need an owl. You need an owl. Speaker 4
Well, he was the owl. Speaker 6
I specifically said I didn't wanna be I know. Speaker 0
I'm saying he needs an owl now. Speaker 6
An owl on on a different podcast. So, but yeah. No. It's good. We've kind of we're kinda hanging out waiting for the movie that's supposed to be happening. I was Speaker 4
just about to ask you that I've been I've seen rumblings Speaker 4
for that. Of the movie. So if the movie does come out, will you don the, the podcast again? And Yeah. Speaker 6
Yeah. We'll get back together and stuff. So that's, you know, still still chatting to the boys. They're they're doing good. So but, yeah, just weekend, I I enjoy having my weekends back and not having to schedule, podcasts every week. Like, you guys are really lucky having the same night every week. Mhmm. We kinda didn't have that luxury. Speaker 6
So we had to try and find time each week to record. So that made it made it really tough. So I I enjoy making use of my time again. Speaker 4
Alright. Well, let's, let's get this rig rolling here. Awesome. Tonight's lineup is gonna be Matt, Casey, Tanya, myself, and our guest, Jack. We'll have last word. Matt, how have you been, bud? Speaker 0
Good. I completely forgot about this part of the show at a moment. Really? And I forgot. Speaker 3
How's it feel to be first, bud? Speaker 0
I don't know. I feel I'm having a Tanya moment here, and I'm like, fuck. Where? Where what did I do this week? Speaker 3
Again, how did I get Speaker 7
You should be so lucky to have And I'm gonna and Speaker 0
I'm gonna make it wildly interesting. We're, regrowing our grass. That's a Goddamn. Speaker 3
That's fun. You're watching grass go grow, are you there, bud? Speaker 0
I tried. It's not working. We, my my my wife got tired of the clover, which you're very familiar with there, Al. I know that. Yeah. Mhmm. And, so we're trying that. That's fun. Speaker 3
That's Say what you want for about clover. It does grow. Speaker 0
Oh, I no. That is the last thing I wouldn't say. Like, it's completely firm. Yeah. Taken over. Speaker 4
And it provides good coverage. It's, Speaker 3
And it smells super weird when you cut it. Speaker 4
The bees like it. Speaker 0
We've gotten this thing called a dethatcher. It's like a Is Speaker 3
that the weird that puts a holes Speaker 6
Sorry. That in Britain back back a while ago. Speaker 4
They dethatchered. Speaker 0
It's like this weird thing that spins and just, yeah, punctures little hole that tears up all the all it tears up all the dead grass. I
Speaker 0
It was much more impressive than I thought it was gonna be.
Speaker 4
The tiller. Aren't they called tillers?
Speaker 0
They're different devices.
Speaker 0
There's a dethatcher. Yeah. Learning a lot about this. It's very and exciting podcast material. Mhmm.
Speaker 4
Well, we're gonna learn about door repair in a bit, so go ahead. Oh, sweet.
Speaker 0
The the other thing, I'm excited for this weekend. I am going to a friend's birthday party on Saturday, but I'm already preparing to be in trouble Sunday because it's with one of my closest friends, and we tend to get a little into it, which means I've already been told I'm not allowed to be hungover for Sunday, which is not going to happen. So I'm prepping. Yeah. I mean, you met my buddy, Kevin, at my on my birthday there. He's the one that had the Maple Leaf bowling ball. So it's his his wife's birthday. So
Speaker 7
Just go you blacked out? Just Yeah.
Speaker 3
One for one. One water, one drink. One water, one drink. One for one. Yeah.
Speaker 0
It's all good in theory, Tanya.
Speaker 3
You can't go wrong
Speaker 0
with that. Can go wrong because you often forget about the waters.
Speaker 3
You can't forget about the water.
Speaker 6
You're trying to say you can't get that drunk again?
Speaker 3
Oh. I should not.
Speaker 0
It's if there's a tone there, I I can't get my my fortieth birthday drunk again.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Matt's Matt's fortieth birthday would be the akin to, yes, the the no show celebration.
Speaker 0
And Tanya saw me at my finest. So, you know Oh. I'm expecting to not have a night like that on Saturday. But
Speaker 3
The takeaway from that night, I want one of those ping pong machines in my house.
Speaker 6
Oh, the Which one?
Speaker 3
I would play it.
Speaker 0
the one that popped the ping pong ball in.
Speaker 3
that was so brilliant.
Speaker 4
Yeah. It was just a fancy fucking game of beer pong, but it was fun.
Speaker 0
Mhmm. That's what that's what's going on. I'm just excited about getting getting a little into it this weekend, with the boys and having some fun.
Speaker 4
And filling in for Victor, we have Casey. Casey, how have you been?
Speaker 7
Oh, okay. That doesn't work anymore. Okay. Noted. Noted. Note to self.
Speaker 4
Sorry. I've had a date, but we'll talk about my date next. Go on.
Speaker 7
Yes. We will. It's my time now.
Speaker 7
Things have been going well. I've been DIY ing it at my house. You mentioned doorframe fixing. Yes.
Speaker 0
Are you playing fuck this house as well?
Speaker 7
Door frame? I fixed my own door no. I fixed my door frame because I found out so I was trying to fix my screen door. When I took it off the frame, I found out the install was crap, and they had installed the frame in, like, the very corner, like, instead of like, it's a two by two. Right?
Speaker 4
Yeah. There should be So
Speaker 7
they nicked Yeah. Like, two six inch pieces, shards of wood when I pulled the frame off just on the install. Right. So I couldn't put the thing back up, so I had to get epoxy, a sander, some paint, and I did that shit.
Speaker 4
You buffed that shit. Yeah.
Speaker 7
Oh, and then I pulled two dents on vehicles this weekend Oh, no. Which was also nice.
Speaker 4
Nice. Now how did you do that?
Speaker 6
Like, what kind of tool
Speaker 4
do you need for that?
Speaker 7
My mom's had a dent. So I bought this, like, really cheap forty dollar, probably, product of child labor kit. Sorry. But it's got, like so they give you a hot glue gun and, like, twelve sticks of this. It's not craft glue, but it goes through the glue gun, and then you have a bunch of different plastic little shapes
Speaker 7
And you glue that onto your dent. Sometimes you need to use two, so you get a bridge tool, which I didn't have. But I did have this, it's like a plunger where you hook that thing after you let it set and cure for five minutes. Hook that thing on it, and you press the thing, and it just pulls the dent out.
Speaker 7
It didn't work. But but I had to pull it. But so what happens is you think it's gonna I think it's gonna pop.
Speaker 7
And it doesn't. It's like pulls. Like, the dent, like, reforms and comes out, like, slowly. I thought it would just go
Speaker 4
Pop. Like, it was like Like Tupperware or something. Yeah.
Speaker 0
Was it kinda satisfying? Because it sounds kinda satisfying. It
Speaker 7
was so satisfying, Matt, and I got to do
Speaker 0
it twice. Can you can you can you describe it again to me?
Speaker 0
Okay. Thank you.
Speaker 7
doing that, the comedy is going really well. I booked my first show, and that's at the end of August here in Harrisonburg. It's the back to school show at Court Square Theater, and I have seven minutes.
Speaker 0
Nice. Something about trains.
Speaker 7
Yeah. Yeah. It works. Works going well. And, oh, trains. I love trains. Right? I have to be Victor. I I was struggling with whether I was gonna be Victor tonight or just be me.
Speaker 0
You can just be me. Okay. We will.
Speaker 7
I have the spatulas. Yeah. You got the spatula. Yeah. This is Victor
Speaker 7
Right by my heart.
Speaker 4
Very cool. Tanya.
Speaker 3
Hello. So this week has been a whirlwind. Summer school camps, it just like, summer summer has begun. Or summer summer's in full swing. I shouldn't say it's begun because it's in full swing now. So, constant busy, constantly doing things. We have our first university tour on Saturday
Speaker 3
Which, was scheduled last week. So super exciting, trying to get into the next stage of what's to come, and prepare as best as possible for, what will happen, next year. So
Speaker 0
yeah. What what what kind of courses is he looking at?
Speaker 3
Computer science stuff.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Okay. We're going to Ontario Tech on Saturday to to do the tour of the, campus there.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Nice. So, so that will be, that's that's our fun, to come. And, trying to figure out what, vacation looks like for us. What else did we do? I feel like we did something. Oh, yeah. We had a an amazing interview with, k Trevor Wilson.
Speaker 4
That we did. I mean, just about an hour ago, we finished up with with k Trevor or maybe I forgot
Speaker 3
Did you forget about
Speaker 0
that? I'm terrible.
Speaker 4
Let me tell you It's
Speaker 0
like a party, it's like birthdays to
Speaker 4
It it pays to be a patron because, if right now, only patrons have access to it for the next week. K Trebb dropped some some truths. It
Speaker 3
I I'm telling you, I had a lot I had highs. I had lows. There were tears. And, it was it was amazing. It was, it was a great conversation of fan of just yeah. He's a
Speaker 4
Tears of laughter. He he he had Tanya going for a while there.
Speaker 0
She Yeah. We had to pause for a moment.
Speaker 3
I really had to, like
Speaker 0
Or let her and then I'll change subjects just to to bring it back down.
Speaker 3
So fast. I was like, oh god. Get control. Yeah. It was a it was a great
Speaker 7
Sounds like it's a
Speaker 3
Yeah. It really was. It was a it was a great,
Speaker 4
awesome. Put it, emotional whiplash. Jeff in the live stream says, great interview. Maybe your best. Ten, you couldn't breathe at one point. Yeah. It was
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. So that was amazing. But, yeah. Other than that, I can't believe a week's gone by already. From last Thursday to now is just like, yeah, it's a whirlwind. There you go.
Speaker 4
That's it. Alright. My week. My week. My week. I can't think what well, I mean, I'll just talk about my day today. So it's a long day. Basically, we had a a politician visit the office today, the federal minister of small business, And, it was a very and she was there to be interviewed by our c president and CEO to be on my next podcast, Just Good Business. It was a big day, and I had to actually put on a collared shirt and go into work because, normally, I'd be jeans and a t shirt. This time, I was wearing khakis and a collared shirt, because I had to put my best foot forward. It was an interesting day, you know, visiting with the minister and and, just doing all of that. And then coming and racing home for this Kate Trevor interview, which, you know, came out of left field a bit. Like, we weren't expecting or even trying to get Kate Trevor on, but, he he he asked to come on because he wanted to promote this, these Canadian dates, which is great. We we always tell everyone we interview, if they have anything they wanna promote that we can amplify for them, we're here for them. And so he did, and he came on, and he talked about it. And he talked about other stuff too. And, wow, what did he We
Speaker 3
just we just sat there,
Speaker 3
we just talked about it.
Speaker 0
He really settled into this one. Like, I I I noticed he was much more not that he wasn't relaxed, but much more relaxed and more conversational
Speaker 0
Previous interview.
Speaker 4
Before, like, we were we
Speaker 3
Well, we were so new too.
Speaker 4
Yeah. We were new. He didn't know what to expect. I think this time, he was kind of yeah. So that was podcast number two that I worked on today, and then now this one. Just preparing for this. So it's been just a a whirlwind of a day. Can't wait to get started with this one here. So we'll move on to Jack.
Speaker 0
Sounds like you need a hobby out.
Speaker 4
Oh, man. Jack, how have you been?
Speaker 6
I've been good. Yeah. Been good. My week's been alright. I I helped a mate last weekend run some Ethernet cable through his house because I'm mister IT. If your if your son needs a tech support job, we're hiring one at work.
Speaker 4
Oh, perfect. We'll ship him down there for you.
Speaker 6
Yeah. I'm really happy because wasn't a big fan of the other support guy. Mhmm. But that's that's aside. I you know, they know I'm on a podcast, so I'm not gonna go into
Speaker 7
That's what we appreciate about you.
Speaker 6
Yeah. But, otherwise, my you know, everything's been pretty good on my world. I got a new car. Nice. Not this week, but just, like, recently. So that's good. JV. Oh. Do you guys have the BYD Seal? BYD is a Chinese EV.
Speaker 3
Gonna say no to that one.
Speaker 4
I've I've heard of BYD, but I don't think they're available in
Speaker 6
Canada. Okay. Yeah. Pretty sure they just outlawed them in the US.
Speaker 7
Yeah. Definitely not in America.
Speaker 6
Just because they're Chinese.
Speaker 7
They're Chinese. Yeah. Never.
Speaker 6
They make the same batteries for Teslas.
Speaker 6
It doesn't matter. Exactly. But yeah. So that that's been fun. Yeah. Yeah. It's really cool. And and this coming weekend, just looking forward. I got a big busy weekend planned, but it's my wife's birthday on Monday.
Speaker 4
So I appreciate that. Jess. Yes.
Speaker 6
And wish, yeah, give Jess a birthday. She won't listen to this, but but I'll I'll wish her happy birthday.
Speaker 0
Like, did you Did you give her the mustache for her birthday?
Speaker 6
No. She doesn't like the twirl she's okay with the mustache bit. Yeah. But less so with the the ends.
Speaker 4
I gotta say, I don't I don't disagree with her. I don't disagree with
Speaker 6
her. No. It's It's looking
Speaker 0
a little more riper on the one side than the other. Like, you gotta Yeah.
Speaker 6
One curls. The other doesn't. It's yeah. I'm working on it.
Speaker 4
Do you have the wax, the special wax for for keeping it?
Speaker 6
Yeah. I do. Yeah. It's it's good. But last year for her birthday, she got, I don't know if you guys can see it.
Speaker 2
Let me move my mic.
Speaker 6
That's what she got last year, big Lego Millennium Falcon.
Speaker 6
So she knows that she's getting a present, and because she might listen to this she won't, but she might. I'm not gonna say what she's getting this year, but it's just as good. So
Speaker 4
Oh, interesting. Wow. You know what? Just remind me because I I don't wanna give away too much of what what Kate Trevor talked about in the interview today, but I will say this. There's a surprising amount of Star Wars talk. I think Chad will really enjoy this episode. He he goes off on Star Wars for quite a bit. So
Speaker 6
Did he announce an Australian tour?
Speaker 4
No. No. And, unfortunately, I couldn't get to any listener questions because we ran out of time. But, he I think he told us, he'd come back for part three. So Yeah.
Speaker 0
He seemed very open to a three.
Speaker 4
Yes. So fingers crossed.
Speaker 6
Alright. Let's get this
Speaker 4
rig rolling, folks. Here we go. Here we go. Previously. Last week, we recapped and reviewed Shorzi three episode two Charlottetown Reds with our buddy, PJ. That episode was a unicorn getting fresh ratings across the board. According to our scientific Twitter poll, ninety percent of you agreed the episode was afresh, ten percent gave it a clearance, and no composts were given. This week, we recap and review episode three, Shorzy three, the Von Canadesi, with our buddy from down under Jack and and filling in for Victor, Casey. So are we ready? Let's start with Matt. Matt, are you ready?
Speaker 0
Hell, yeah. Fuck, yeah.
Speaker 4
Casey, are you ready?
Speaker 4
Tanya, are you ready?
Speaker 3
Let's get on the go.
Speaker 4
I'm ready, Jack.
Speaker 0
That was much better. I love that. That's great.
Speaker 0
she doesn't go first, we get success.
Speaker 4
Are you ready, Jack?
Speaker 6
Fuck. Yeah. Let's go count.
Speaker 2
Go. Keep it fucking going. Damn.
Speaker 4
We start our cold open. We open on black. We hear Shorzy talking about a half ton sporty short box, and then we cut from black, and we see the pickup truck at center ice of the Sudbury Arena. The sluts are standing in the back with Shorzy on the ice next to the truck delivering his lines. Nat, Meagan, Zieg are behind the camera Shout note helpful instructions.
Speaker 11
Alright. Let's see some energy. This is our longest standing sponsor. Go.
Speaker 0
Are you gonna say action?
Speaker 2
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short
Speaker 11
box. Bigger wow. What? Bigger wow. Sound happier.
Speaker 3
More excited. Less stupid. Wow. Bigger. Wow.
Speaker 2
Check out this half ton sporty short box.
Speaker 3
Better? Yes. Dumb fuck. So keep going. Me? Oh my god.
Speaker 0
Are you gonna say action?
Speaker 2
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short box.
Speaker 7
looks too stiff. Why are they talking?
Speaker 11
Try putting your hand on the truck.
Speaker 4
So Shorzy puts a fist on the truck and starts delivering his line. Zeig interrupts and asks him why he's got his hand on the truck like like he's got damage to his central nervous system. Shorzy as so it doesn't get it says it's so he doesn't get fingerprints on it. They run the lines a bunch more times, but now the words half ton shorty sports box don't sound right, and it makes the sluts begin to giggle. This makes Nat question whether it is a half ton sporty short box. Mee assures her that it is, in fact, a half ton sporty short box. The other sluts take a turn switching with, with Shorzy. They don't do much better.
Speaker 13
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short box.
Speaker 7
Don't smile like that, fucking nerds.
Speaker 3
Cheeser. All of you.
Speaker 13
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short box.
Speaker 11
We can see you trying not to smile.
Speaker 13
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short box.
Speaker 3
like toddlers who just fill their diapers.
Speaker 8
Check out this sporty half ton short box.
Speaker 3
Half ton sporty.
Speaker 8
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty.
Speaker 3
But still say short box.
Speaker 6
Who's that about?
Speaker 2
No. You boys. Shit. More often, sporty, short box mobile now.
Speaker 4
Nat gives in and tells them to just do it while smiling.
Speaker 2
Wow. Check out this half ton sporty short box. With a three liter v six engine, it's got the tenacity of a power forward and the reliability of a stay at home defense, miss.
Speaker 13
We won't get called for charging too much.
Speaker 8
But we'll take two minutes for slashing
Speaker 2
Everyone will be checking you from behind with this easy drop down tailgate.
Speaker 6
This truck will let him chant your name.
Speaker 2
Jho Low. So head on down to Laurentian pre owned auto because like the Sunbury Blueberry Bulldogs, there, top of the lead.
Speaker 7
That's a wrap. Fuck it. What are you doing?
Speaker 0
We start when you say action
Speaker 6
and stop when you say Cut.
Speaker 4
And we cut to the title card and the song It's So Good by Blackbird Blackbird. Matt, what do you think of this cold open?
Speaker 0
Oh my god. It's fucking brilliant. I'll make I know everyone's got a lot to say about this one. Hilarious. Like, it's one of the funniest opens, hands down. It is totally a, like, res I don't wanna say recycled because it's not the right word, but it's kinda recycled. It's the, are you and your family? Speaker 4
Yeah. It's a a reprise Speaker 0
Yeah. It's a reprise of that bit, which I love because seeing these idiots try to do promotion is one of my favorite things. So I love that they did this. The only missing was, Shorzy calling Hitch, an East Coast hunt again. I think they could have layered that in just a little throwback would have been great. But the person who stole this one for me was Goody, hands down. Speaker 0
Every little comment he made about you could did you're gonna say action. Mhmm. You know, you start with action, man, with cut. Like, all of his little nose Speaker 4
little pause and slashing. Speaker 0
Oh my god. He fucking killed me in this. Yeah. Again, the way I felt about the, Liam and and, sorry. My god. What's the Speaker 0
Liam in the last Mhmm. Episode, and how they made that scene. Goody made this one for me. Mhmm. And, I'm it was everything. Just so fucking good. Speaker 7
This is the best cold open ever. Speaker 7
All time, any show. Speaker 7
This is number one. Speaker 0
A hundred percent. Speaker 7
Yeah. This is I this is my favorite. If it works with not seeing it Speaker 7
Which it still ripped me up just to listen to it Mhmm. That confirms my stance on this. Speaker 7
Now if I were Victor in a cranky mood, I might say, yeah. They're doing the same thing all over again, and it was just too no. You think you'd like it? Speaker 4
I think he no. I think he'd enjoy this one. I think so. Speaker 4
I think, generally, he gives Shorzy the benefit of doubt, over Letterkenny. So True. Speaker 4
I think he would enjoy it. Speaker 7
I'll continue to just be myself. This is the best cold open ever. Wow. Speaker 7
yes, I agree. Good Goody carries Speaker 7
What I love is also that they let them laugh. Mhmm. Speaker 4
Yeah. Some of those laugh breaks look genuine. Took Speaker 7
Jared out. Yeah. Like, that was Dolo took him out. So and I love that they love that in. Mhmm. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. I bet you that was just him being the joker, and they, yeah, they cut it in, and I'm so fucking glad they did. Mhmm. Speaker 7
Yeah. Honest breaks. And that was that was really nice to see. Speaker 6
Okay. Jen, what'd you think? Speaker 3
Yeah. I agree with you both. I think that some of that was absolute genuine, and they were cracking each other up and just letting it kinda go and cutting it up and keeping, keeping it because, yeah, it was it was so funny. What is not me, Meagan Zeke thinking? Like, come on. They should know by now that that Shorzy and the camera and anything that he has to read, it's not gonna go well. Like, they need to be on pack patience for this type of situation or completely just let him do his thing and just keep the cameras rolling because it's not going to he gets so in his own head Mhmm. And gets so caught up in what he needs to do and not just what feels right, and that's always gonna portray it. Because that's how this is set up. Right? This whole show is just, you know, when he his adrenaline is going, when he's in the game, he speaks clearly. He he is, really good on camera, and he can motivate anything. Right? His team, the the, the interview. It it it really works. But, yeah, they keep on going to the same situation where they're trying to do these ads, and he's just not that that guy. Speaker 4
Lot of love for this, cold open in in the livestream. I mean, I I'll I'll agree with you guys. This is probably the best cold open from Shorzy. I'm not gonna go as far as saying ever, like, in the in the universe, but I'll say the best one in Shorzy for sure. Interesting here. Michelle our our friend Michelle went to Graphic Con, in Sudbury. I think it was last week or a couple of weeks ago. She she got to meet Dolo, who was there. And he she told him that or she says that Dolo told her that Jared gives him lines in English and tells him just to say whatever he thinks is best in French. And that makes a whole lot of sense because my French isn't great. But I when I listen to Dolo, what he says, and then what supposedly he says via the the the captions, they don't that shit don't line up. So, I think, they just captioned what was probably in the script in English, but not necessarily what Dolo says. Anyway, it was a fun cold open. I agree with you guys. Goody was was was the star of this one for sure. Jack? Speaker 6
Yeah. That was gonna be my main point. Goody was, like, again, awesome. Great cold open. So much fun. Yeah. Goody was Goody was just on fire. Yeah. I'd love to see the outtakes. Right. That would just be Speaker 4
I feel like we got some of them. Like, some of the laugh breaks anyway. Speaker 6
But I I can't imagine how long they actually spent filming that with, like, just them breaking all the time. Speaker 6
have been, would have been hilarious. I don't understand the point of a pickup truck. Speaker 0
What do you mean? Speaker 6
We they're just they're unnecessary. They're huge. They just I we don't have a lot of Speaker 7
like, Subaru Bajas? Speaker 6
I think we call it something else over here. Yeah. We got Subaru. Probably. But, like, we have Utes, like a standard sized car, but with a tray. Mhmm. But you don't need someone. Speaker 0
You don't have pickups down there? Yeah. Speaker 6
We do, but they don't, like, they don't fit on the road. They don't fit in car spots. Speaker 0
What You mean they don't they don't fit? How big are your fucking car spots? Speaker 6
Well, like a regular size sedan or a regular size car. Speaker 7
Not American. Nothing about that Speaker 6
car said sporty to me. Speaker 0
Where did that I would love where that where that term came up with, like, whoever wrote that For Speaker 0
They must have just cracked up. Ton short box. Speaker 6
I looked up what a short Speaker 6
like, what's a short box? I don't understand that. It's a shorter tray. Speaker 6
Like, five foot eight or something. So, okay, that made sense. Speaker 4
That's fucking me after you're calling that a tray. But, anyway Speaker 0
I know. I'm I can't do that. Speaker 4
It's like the first time I heard, British calling the trunk a boot, I guess. Yeah. Speaker 6
So What what do you guys call the back end of a ute or a trunk? Speaker 4
A box. The box. Trunk. Or or bed. Speaker 6
Bed. Yeah. We use bed. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4
But trade no. I mean, trade makes sense, I guess. But I'm with you, Jack. I I I I think it's kinda anyway, I don't wanna get into it, but, pickups are kinda useless. I I I live in a in a neighborhood where there's a pickup in every driveway except my own. And what kills me is they're they're fucking commuter commuter cars. They they take one person to work every day, and none of them they're pristine. They don't haul shit. So it And they're supposed to be functional. Speaker 0
one Yeah. If it's not functional, I don't get it. Like, I I actually like pickup trucks, but I would never buy one because I have zero use for it. It would make no sense. Speaker 6
it if you've got a big ass caravan or, like, a horse float or something that you have to tow something big. Speaker 0
always stuck on that one. Wait a minute. Speaker 4
Sometimes it seems like Jack's speaking English, but then he's shit. He kills us. Speaker 0
Hold on. Can we Can we can we dial it back? Yeah. Yeah. On horse float? Speaker 7
What's a horse I'm sorry. I'm American. Speaker 7
Can you help me out? Speaker 6
It's a trailer that you use to transport multiple horses. Speaker 0
So a horse trailer. Speaker 6
It's a horse trailer. Speaker 0
What's a I don't Does it do they hover down under? Speaker 3
it. A horse float. Speaker 4
That's what they used to transport the the Pegasus. I forget Speaker 6
that we speak different languages Speaker 3
love it. I love it. Speaker 0
You're such a beautiful Speaker 3
I love learning new languages. Speaker 3
didn't know that English was one of well, actually, I didn't know Speaker 4
So let let's move on to see like Speaker 0
I love very quickly than knowing what's happening. Scene two. There we go. Speaker 4
Coming out of the title, we get an update from a Nick on the, national senior tournament. The barrelmen lost to the Reds three two, but the Freezer Twins are still hurting guys, and we see some hard crunching hits during the game. Then Anik, interviews the Rapides owner Marie May from the tournament. Marie says her team is built around toughness. If they win the fight, they win the game. Nick is surprised to see so much fighting in the senior tournament. Marie May answers that they shouldn't have invited a team from Quebec if they didn't wanna see fighting. We cut to the highlights of the game between the Sioux hunt and Les Rapides. A player named Steve Boss Bossier from Les Rapides is shown pummeling big ugly Palmer from the Sioux, and the final score of the game is three one for Les Rapides. The, Quebec team remains undefeated in the tournament. Now production note, the Quebec player who is pummeling Palmer is Steve Bossier. That's his actual name. In real life, he is a former hockey player turned, boxer and MMA fighter, and he's now retired and working as a firefighter in Quebec. So once again, they're they're mimicking real life in in with some of their characters. Next scene, cut to Shorzey apart Shorzey's apartment. The sluts are in the kitchen. They've got a lot of games that week, so they gotta eat right. Dolo has his four to six servings of vegetables today. Goody had his, two to four servings of fruit today. Fruits are unbelievable. And Hitch is keeping hydrated. They get to eating their chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli until eighty percent full. As they eat, Goody wonders out loud if they're going to win the tournament. Shorzy jokes he almost doesn't want to, wanna win because the no show record party got so crazy. Then we cut to quick shots from the party, and Shorzy says they can't get that drunk again. Conversation turns to their next opponent, Devon Canadesi, and their player named Sly Silvestri. Cut to Laura Moore interviewing Sly, calling him the dirtiest player in the tournament. Speaker 10
Is that what they're saying? Speaker 10
I'd be up there. Speaker 14
You were in Boston system for a while. What happened? Speaker 10
Too dirty, I guess. Took too many penalties. Uh-oh. Hadn't learned to keep it under the radar yet. Speaker 14
You've since learned? Speaker 10
Under a hundred penalty minutes this year. Speaker 14
Real humanitarian. So you get it by the refs. What if someone from the other team sees and grabs a hold of you? Speaker 14
They always do. Speaker 10
There hasn't been much consequence for me yet. Speaker 14
What I love about hockey, there's always justice. Speaker 14
Thanks for your time. Speaker 10
the no show is pretty dirty. Speaker 14
That might be an understatement. Speaker 10
Anybody out here dirtier than me? Speaker 4
Production note, Sly Silvestri is played by Brad Bonello, a Canadian pro hockey player turned coach. Fun fact, he was once the head coach of an actual team from Vaughan, called the Vaughan Kings minor hockey club. So, there you go. Another life imitating art. Scene five. Cut to Megan Zieg walking the hallways in the arena. Meek thinks it's Shorzy, but she isn't talking about the dirtiest player. She's talking about who the best player is in front of a camera. Zeig disagrees. They're interrupted by gorgeous gourd. They've got seafood coming in from PEI, and they need a deep freezer to store it. Mig's got friends at a restaurant down the street. She could ask. He he thanks them and asks Zeke if he'd like to go with him for some food. Cut to the next scene, scene six. Before she answers, we cut to Shorzi and Nat's office, and this is what they're talking about. Speaker 7
Nope. You don't have a Speaker 2
choice, slut. It's a fucking waste of time. Speaker 7
Jory Jordan is no waste of time. Speaker 2
Why just sit there and get peppered? Speaker 7
We have the boost in youth ticket sales to prove it. Speaker 2
I hate that little shit so much. Speaker 2
I hate that little shit. Speaker 11
Can you hear you from Speaker 7
down the hall, man? Sound like a fucking Pomeranian, bro. Speaker 2
Shouldn't it be grazing? Why doesn't Speaker 11
he three people hold his hand for this shit? Speaker 2
Go sit in the corner over there, chew your cod. Speaker 7
Hockey players give back, Shorzy. Speaker 11
For the community? By the community. So I'll ask again. Are you a hockey player? Speaker 7
Fucking ugly one. Speaker 0
Just Just give it a salt lick Speaker 2
or something. Keep it busy. Speaker 4
Shorza leaves the office, and Meek wastes no time telling Nat that gorgeous, gorgeous, asked Neat Zig out. Nat's intrigued. What did she say? But before we find out, we cut to shore once again with Jory Jordan on the Sudbury Kids Sport Report. Speaker 0
You're such a little shit. Speaker 10
Your girl thinks I'm great. Speaker 0
You're such a little rat. Speaker 10
Oh, you're thinking about me, do you? Were you one of those maps or something? Speaker 10
plenty of time to think about me when you're not scoring goals. You fucking been. Speaker 2
You know, I'm only doing this because I thought you were a dying kid. Speaker 10
what? I'm not dying. I'm not a kid either, you washer. Speaker 6
You haven't even Speaker 2
found your dick yet. Oh, Speaker 10
it's hard to miss, buddy. Trust me. Speaker 2
Look how big my hands are. They're not big at all. Speaker 10
Shut up. Welcome back to the Sudbury Kids Sports Support. I'm Jory Jordan. Two guests canceled and the Zemboni driver said no. So we got number sixty nine. Sure. Fans may know him from his mic'd up church but what you may not know is he looks much older in person. How's it going, Shorzy? You look tired. You're working through a bit of a slump here. What do you say to fans who think the Bulldogs lost a no show because you weren't contributing? Many said a classy move would be to relinquish the captaincy rather than waiting for it to get stripped from you. Your thoughts? What do you say the fans think you could benefit at your age from some sort of skin rejuvenation treatment and or Propecia? With the body clearly failing you on the ice, is it fair to assume it's failing you in the bedroom as well? Let's talk off Mike about erectile dysfunction and how the conversation is not as taboo as it once was. Speaker 10
say you're more insecure about the gray in your hair or the gray in your beard? Speaker 2
Fucking bro dudes here. Why aren't we doing something with them? Speaker 4
Oh, man. That second last chirp from Jory when the way he shoves the mic in in in Shorsey's face is so funny. Speaker 4
Yeah. It's so well done. Cut to Bulldogs all access with a Nick, walking the halls of the Sudbury Arena with Dolo. They're interrupted by the rowdy booster club. They approach the gyms in the hallway, taping their sticks. Sanguine is there too. Dolo introduces the gyms and Sanger. Nick asked Sanger what his secret is to the Bulldog's success. Sanger's has no secret. He's a bit of a hard on the sleeve kinda guy. Then, he asked the gyms to do to show, show Nick how they commute with each other on the ice that they're about to go. Shorzy and they do it by kinda doing a a kissing or or whatever, duck face, towards whichever player they're about to fight. Shoresi and management join them and take Nick into the Bulldogs locker room, and Nick interviews the players in the locker room. Speaker 5
Now that everyone's decent, I'm here with Speaker 7
And what's your name? Speaker 2
It's never misses Speaker 7
Michaels. Nickname thing to me. What's my hockey nickname? Speaker 0
don't know, hon. What's your last name? You don't know that Nick or Shambo? Speaker 6
Loser anymore, girl. Speaker 0
It's a loser. I suppose they'd call you Shammy or Shammer or something like that. Speaker 4
Archie? Sham. Wow. Lobo. Speaker 0
Archie works. Wow. So you just list a Speaker 7
bunch like that, and then the guy picks the one he wants? Speaker 6
Uh-oh. You don't get the pick. Speaker 2
Well, Fish doesn't have a nickname. Speaker 3
I mean, what the fuck? And you're a fish. Speaker 5
No. No. He strikes me as a very sweet guy. Speaker 2
He isn't. Somewhat by an old lady the other day, he didn't even smile. What? He always smile at an old lady. Speaker 0
Why? Because you just do. Speaker 2
What if she's not smiling at you? You shut the fuck up and smile at the old lady. Well, that's as good Speaker 5
a time as any to wrap up Bulldogs All Access under the boys get ready for the Von candidacy. We've got warm up from the Sudbury Arena next. Speaker 2
You're such a fucking lippy cunt, bitch. Speaker 4
Quick little story. So I I had a a doctor's appointment earlier this week, and I was leaving my appointment walking, to to my car. And this little old lady walked was walking in the opposite direction, and I looked at her and I smiled at her. And when I did that, I thought back to this episode and then started laughing to myself because I did it automatically. What Did Speaker 4
She did. Yeah. She did. It's like, of course you smile. That's what you need. Speaker 4
Well, but I didn't do it I didn't do it because of Shorzy. I did it, instinctively, but then it made me Speaker 6
fuck all my but then Speaker 4
it made me think about Shorzy, and then I started laughing because it was yeah. Anyway Speaker 7
Can I can I just say you're such a fucking lippy cunt? Sounds like something awesome would say. Right? Speaker 4
I know. It does. Speaker 7
Did you not hear awesome come out of Jared's mouth in Speaker 0
Yeah. Absolutely. Speaker 4
C nine cut to a musical montage set to So You Know by Over Mono. The Bulldogs make their way to the ice for pregame warm up. The fans file into the arena, get their fifty fifties and beer, and take their seats. Cut to the ice. Silvestri is on the ice wearing number ninety nine ninety eight. Sorry. Speaker 4
Shorzy starts in on him with the chirping. Speaker 2
Ninety eight? What? Get the guards number off your back, you fucking hot dog. Thank you. Oh my god. Run away from Wayne Gretzky. Oh my god. Run away from the great one himself. Wow. You're sixty nine, you fucking loser. You must be pretty fucking good. I'm gonna be pretty fucking good. Ninety eight. And break your point, ninety eight. Scoring a fucking double, Hadi. You're fucking brutal. This guy's gonna score six. Kids play a fucking loser. Speaker 4
The anthem plays and the game begins. Shorezy keeps chirping ninety eight every chance he gets. Hitch puts the Bulldogs up one nothing. Dolo scores another one, and now it's two nothing. Shorze keeps on the chirping, relentlessly, this time from the bench as the players line up at center for a face off. Silvestri takes the opportunity to deliver deliver to deliver a deliberate high stick to number ninety two, Ruska, on the Bulldogs, and the ref doesn't see it, and so he doesn't call it. The entire Bulldogs bench yells at the refs. Ruska comes off the ice bleeding badly from his mouth. Sure as he goes over to him, ask him if he's ready to be on TV, tells him to get stitched up and come back. That'll guarantee that they'll put him on TV to show everyone how tough he is. Ruska shows his toothless smile. Shorzy assures him he's got still got a bunch in there. Back from the commercial, and sure enough, Ruska returns to the bench after getting stitched up and gets his TV moment. Speaker 7
We're back from commercial with more action from the Sudbury, Blueberry Bulldogs, and Ivan Kanadesi as the Bulldogs' Jordan Ruska has returned to the game after a nasty high stick Speaker 5
from Slice Silvestri. Alright, Ruska. Let's see it. Speaker 7
Let's see the damage. Give me the money shot. There it is. Speaker 4
Next scene after the high stick and the break, the players retake the ice. Shorzi asks his bench who wants to take, to make Silvestri pay. All the Bulldogs start fighting over who's who's gonna get them. The gym line gets the call. Silvestri sees the gyms take the ice and immediately calls for a line lineup change. He wants no part of them. The Italians send out their goon line instead. The gyms call their guy with the kissy face. And as the the Quebec team, watch from the side, the puck drops and so do the gloves. Again, the Quebec team watching on as the gyms take care of their assignments easily. Shorzy takes the ice, skates over to the Vaughn bench, tells ninety eight he can't hide forever. Someone's gonna fuck him up. He might as well be on the ice and get it over with. Then Shorze turns around, starts to skate away. As he does, Silvestri jumps on the ice, skates up behind Shorze, and Bobby Clarkson to the ankle. Shorzi goes down. Goody grabs Silvestri and makes him and takes him down, breaking his nose. Shorzi gets up and gingerly skates to the bench. The game ends with the Bulldogs shutting out the Kennedessi for nothing. Finals or next scene. Sorry. Anik gets Shorzy in the tunnel for his postgame comments. Speaker 5
Shorzy, limited ice for you after that two hander from Celestri. How's it feeling? Speaker 2
Never let him know you're hurt. Speaker 5
Another pointless outing for both Speaker 7
you and JJ Frankie JJ. Speaker 5
How hard are you? Speaker 2
No excuses. I gotta be better out there. It's the bottom line. Stop squeezing the stick so hard, and maybe Frankie stops squeezing the burrito Speaker 7
so hard. You sure the nickel's okay? You got Bobby Clark's. Speaker 2
Bobby's granddaughter hits harder than that. Thanks, Rosie. You bet. Speaker 4
Rosie waits for Nick and the Cameron to walk away before moving. He leans heavily on his stick and the rail to walk back to the locker room. He's hurt bad. He limps past, Marie May and JJ Frankie JJ having a lover spat in the hallway. Marie May is in the middle of dumping JJ when Shorze intervenes. Speaker 2
What the fuck do you think you're doing? So this is where your head's been at? No. Yeah. So you're what's more important than winning the entire fucking country? Speaker 12
What? You can have him. Speaker 2
What is fucking going on here? Speaker 4
Frankie admits he's still in love with Marie May and storms off, leaving a very confused Shorzy with Marie May. Speaker 12
We were engaged. He wants me back. Speaker 2
What is wrong with you Quebec girls? Speaker 12
The Quebecois end by their Speaker 2
But why do you wanna stand by him? Speaker 12
I don't know. It's a thing. Speaker 2
Smells like fucking hot dogs. But I Speaker 12
don't want him. Speaker 2
It's fucking JJ Frankfurter JJ. Speaker 12
What you're saying? Speaker 2
Fucking ballpark beef frag. Speaker 12
I don't want him. Speaker 2
Well, Well, that makes fucking one of you. Speaker 12
He's been chasing me around for weeks, so I told him that. And now he's subtweeting Speaker 2
me. Consensually? Speaker 12
know what subtweeting Speaker 12
over social media sending out these super dramatic public messages that aren't directly aimed at anyone, but everybody knows he's talking about me. Speaker 12
I'll show you. Translated to English. Speaker 2
Wow. Never thought I'd feel like this. So he's not saying this to anyone? He's just saying it? Speaker 12
Yeah. Yes. It's meant to create speculation, make people wonder. Speaker 7
It's meant to cause some trauma. Speaker 12
Keep reading. One hour later. Speaker 2
You never got to know the real me. I'm glad I didn't let you. Oh my Speaker 12
an hour after that. Speaker 2
I know what I deserve, and it's much more than this. That's embarrassing. Speaker 5
How do you think I feel? Speaker 12
Keep going fifteen minutes after that. Speaker 2
You don't deserve my tears. You've taken enough. What a loser. And Quebec girls want this guy? No. Speaker 12
No one wants him anymore. Speaker 2
What about Laurence Labeouf? Speaker 12
Laurence Labeouf, she dumped him after some big party you guys had. Lot of rumors lying around about that night, so, you know, most not true, I hope. What happened there? Speaker 4
And we cut to black. Alright. That is episode three. And we start with Matt. Speaker 0
The guy. So I'm really enjoying the pacing of these episodes is what I'll lead with. Speaker 0
I I didn't realize so we know we talked about this last week with tyranny not being in the helm and and not nothing there, but it's just users, definitely a different tone and, and split between everything, and I continue to fucking love it. This is a solid one all around. The opening, obviously, we talked about that. It's It's it was amazing. I'll go through a couple quick things. So the the the eating right scene, whether I'll eat Speaker 0
that made me laugh Mhmm. Because I I don't know if I ever talked about it. So we we billeted players. My parents billeted players Yeah. When when, when I was younger. And I used to laugh at these guys because they would get up. So let's say he had, like, a practice at four o'clock in the afternoon. He'd get up at, like, seven AM, crush the biggest plate of pasta with two chicken breasts, basically plain, like, no seasoning, no nothing, and then go back to bed because they were just getting ready for games and getting ready. And and we had three different billets, and they all ate like this. It was ridiculous. Yeah. But so I watched that. It took me back to how the billets used to eat at my house, and and I could never keep up with these idiots. But, man, they fucking crush food. So that that was a good one. The the Sly Moore interview, I really like that one. I thought he he did a great job, hold his own there. There's clearly some foreshadowing in that interview, which obviously plays out later in the episode. But of the interviews with more so far, I've liked theirs the best. Sly really held his own, and, I appreciate him for that. Z continues to be relentless. Mhmm. She is just coming out on all cylinders. I feel like every line she has is an insult towards Shorzy, and I'm for it because he is more and more getting getting his own return between him and then Jory, who's the writing for Jory is just off the charts. That that scene alone could just end me on that one. Like, he just peppers them and peppers them, and he just takes it. And I love seeing Shorzi getting his own medicine in these things. But I guess that between Jory and Zeig, it's it's a game over for Shorzy. All that. And I won't I'm not gonna touch too much on the on the ending side of the episode because I do love it. Mhmm. But I know, Al, I'm interested to see what you say about the hockey and and all the fighting and all that shit. But the any kind of all access bit from start to finish was my favorite element of this whole episode. The it was so raw and awesome. I would call I would describe it as coordinated chaos, And I love in film and television, all that when they do these sort of things where it's just bouncing from person to person to bit to bit all over the screen, and it's it's so beautiful to watch. So, like, when she's jumping, she's falling dolo, then it hands off to Shorzy, they enter the room, and then they're bouncing between all the players. I could watch that kind of cinematography and that that kind of scene play out all day. It it's so it it reminds me a bit, in some degrees, to the bear in some of their scenes where it's, like, just absolute chaos. Mhmm. But it's when it all comes together right, it just makes me so happy. So when they're bouncing between from Fish to Michaels to Shorzy, and it it was it was just such a scene to watch. Big kudos to the crew on that one. I fucking loved it. So, yeah. And then the hockey side of it was awesome. The rusk a bit with his with his tooth. Yeah. You're always looking for that money shot. Speaker 4
It's so true. It like, that is a truth there. If you watch an NHL game, if somebody gets cut and goes down and comes back after getting stitched up. Sometimes they get stitched up right on the bench. Although, I think they've outlawed that now, you know, since we got kind of, you know, more careful with with transmitted disease or whatever, because they used to be just stitched Speaker 4
the bench. Yeah. But for sure, if somebody gets cut for stitches, you're you're guaranteed that the the camera crew, the CBC crew will be looking for that player later to to get that money shot. Speaker 0
Yeah. Absolutely. And and they and that and that those moments are my favorite Shorzy moments. The way he interacted with Reska there Mhmm. Telling him to go get fixed up and come out because you're gonna be on TV. Speaker 4
And I've when he looked in his mouth, he's like, yeah. There's still a few in there. Don't worry. Like Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. So, I mean, it was a solid episode all around. Lots to bite onto. Lots of fun. Good pacing. Mhmm. I loved it. Casey. Speaker 7
Same. There's all the nutrition from the webinars earlier. Speaker 7
Just right there. That took me out. That fact alone. It was a great callback. Speaker 7
I loved I loved that. Jory Jordan. This kid acted the hell out of that scene with Jared. I mean, he held his own. My favorite line was your girl thinks I'm great. Just shout out to McLean Fish. He is he just he he just destroyed. I watched that scene Speaker 7
Three times before moving on in the episode the first time I watched it because it was so well done. And, Matt, you're right. The timing, the pace, everything. The bit before, that's raw them, and then the minute he switches to interview, Jory Speaker 7
It's just it's all brilliant. It's all brilliant, and the kid is amazing. And Jared's just stone cold. Speaker 7
Right? Like, he didn't move. He was so good. I will like, my predecessor well, just TJ. Remember how last time he said, like, he loved the podcast because it chain like, it opened his eyes to seeing new things?
Speaker 7
I wrote in my notes that I wasn't really feeling the NX stuff.
Speaker 7
But after hearing that just now Mhmm. You're right. And now I'm gonna go back and watch it differently with that perspective. So Watch the hand
Speaker 0
you for that. Watch the handheld aspect of it, the camera.
Speaker 7
I can see it in my head. I know exact as soon as you said it, in my head, I knew exactly what you're talking about, and I thought, he's right. I gotta go back and watch that. But I do literally have written down not feeling the annex stuff. Smile at the old lady always. That was so cute. The the mumbling under that scene
Speaker 7
Like, the background talk that you can kind of hear but not hear is hilarious.
Speaker 4
Yeah. I've gotta If
Speaker 7
you look, like, listen hard
Speaker 7
What he says after he says smile at the old lady, and then Nick goes back. He's like, that's the second time I've told that story. Like, he goes on a full Yeah. Blown rant, and I think it's brilliant. Ready to be on TV, the coaching. Mhmm. Like, that's Shorzy as coach. Right. So, yeah, like that's who he is. He's you know, he's it's when he looks Frank, he's like, you got one more in you or, you know, are you ready to go when he gets in those moments? And we've seen it in the dressing room.
Speaker 7
And it was great to see it on the ice in that sort of like, I do it to my kids when they get hurt. You try to get them to, like, it's okay. You're fine. You're gonna live. We're gonna put a band aid on it. You're gonna go back out. It's It's gonna be fine. Mhmm. And I like seeing Shorzy that way. Fucking Marie May?
Speaker 7
She's the coach, and she's on
Speaker 4
Well, she's the owner.
Speaker 0
She's the owner of the
Speaker 4
the Quebec team. Yeah.
Speaker 7
Right. Right. Right. Well, regardless, I'm just as confused as Shorzy, and I love that scene. That makes one of you is Yeah. Perfect Yeah. And consensually with the subtweets. Yeah. Consensually. Yeah. Just so so good. I am huge, huge fan of this episode.
Speaker 3
What happened at this party where they all got drunk? Like, they keep on alluding to it.
Speaker 4
we're gonna finally find out
Speaker 0
next to each other.
Speaker 3
Every single episode Mhmm.
Speaker 3
it's, like, not just once. It's, like, two, three, four times Mhmm.
Speaker 0
That It's the calendars all over
Speaker 4
Yeah. It is the calendar bit all
Speaker 7
In the ass. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Like, we start off and and, you know, they're talking about eating, and then the reference to the whole can't get that drunk again. And, like, it just it keeps on happening over and over. So I'm waiting for the payout for that. I know last episode, we were talking, and it was, you know, the the webinar and the Mhmm.
Speaker 3
so I was kinda hoping that we were going to pick up from that, which we did not. So I'm wondering if that's that and we're not, like, the the all of because we went in starting with the truck being, you know Yeah. Advertised and stuff like that. So I'm guessing that
Speaker 3
But they did do the callback. Yeah. They Shorty Sportbox. But they did do the callback to the eating right, which, Casey, you you touched on. So it's like, okay. So are they or aren't they going to continue on with the whole webinar series and and and stuff? Because I was really looking forward to what that Zoom call and Shorizi was gonna do.
Speaker 4
We have one more salmon arm.
Speaker 4
And and one more webinar coming up.
Speaker 3
Yeah. And Nick, as you guys touched on, I thought it was interesting that they put her in with, the the other like, the guys, not just one on one now with Shorzy because we've had that been there. And and they changed, Laura Moore up too because it's usually her with Shorzy, and now she's with all these other players as well. So I liked that we still had the same lore. Like, she still has that quick, you know, quick banter with the players. Yeah. And she's, like, she can hold her own, and she's quick witted with the comebacks because they think that, you know, they can you know, it it's just the the conversations that she holds with them. Gorgeous Gord, asking Zeke out and then dropped. We don't get to hear what happened with that. So that was I was like, okay. Like, she made all these comments about, wetting her UGGs, I think. There was like a soggy something about her UGGs getting wet.
Speaker 4
No panty soup and white UGGs. Yeah.
Speaker 3
There you go. Yeah. I know the I know the the UGGs were wet and
Speaker 4
that's Zeke saying it or
Speaker 3
It was snow related. Yeah. Shorzy chirping ninety eight, that whole bit, and Shorzy getting the the wood, Bobby Clark.
Speaker 3
So what I was waiting for when he turned the corner and, you know, he has talk with Nick and then, he's, you know, holding on to the bar. And he comes around the corner, and he sees JJ. And I was thinking that it was going to be that when he gave the wood to JJ.
Speaker 3
And I thought that that was gonna
Speaker 4
be expecting a moment of growth from Shorzy? That's not happening. I know. I just felt
Speaker 3
like I I know. Right? Right? But my brain went there. My brain went to, oh, he's gonna correlate this situation that he's in now with his bloody listing.
Speaker 4
He's done it a dozen times since then. Yeah.
Speaker 3
That apparently was not the show that I was watching. So No.
Speaker 4
this isn't Ted Lasso. This this is Shorzy.
Speaker 3
I don't know. So I was kind of, like, what? Why are we talking about JJ and subtweeting and she's showing? And I'm like, well, that wasn't what the payout what like, that wasn't what I was expecting. So I was a little bit disappointed with that conversation because, again, in my mind, I was like, okay. This is gonna be that moment where he's like, yeah. You shouldn't give lumber to people. Nope. But, yeah, that was not it. And then, again, the very last going back to, Laurence Labeouf, dumping JJ after the party. Yep. So this party, gotta find out what's going on with the party. We keep on seeing these photos, so JJ did something bad.
Speaker 3
you've already seen it, so you're just gonna just move on.
Speaker 0
Yeah. We're just gonna say anything.
Speaker 6
No. I'm not saying anything. Can't.
Speaker 7
I'm just moving on.
Speaker 4
Alright. It's my turn to talk about this episode.
Speaker 3
Does everyone here know what happens? Shaking of heads.
Speaker 4
Oh, I got all the heads. Heads. Only Tanya's in the two
Speaker 4
And Victor would be too if he was here because he did not watch ahead.
Speaker 0
He barely knows we're recording now.
Speaker 4
I agree with awesome in the livestream.
Speaker 6
We're recording tonight?
Speaker 4
Wow. One of the better lines of this episode is, name two con condiments, and and Shrzy is saying ketchup and mustard. Really, yeah, hilarious. I don't know whether it's, Jared's,
Speaker 7
Continents. Yeah.
Speaker 4
Condiments. Condiments. Continents. Sorry. I don't know if it's Jared's evolution as a writer or a difference in direction. But what I'm what I've noticed in this episode, and I'm trying to think back to the last couple whether the same thing happened, but it for sure happened in this episode at the beginning of the Jory Jordan scene, but also with the Nick in the change room. We're getting a lot more people talking over each other, a lot of cross talk. In the past, you know, Jared's dialogue has been really, really fast, but distinct cuts back and forth, back and forth. He never got any over, like, crosstalk or or people talking under or over each other. In in this episode, you got that a lot more, especially, like I said, in the Jory Jordan scene. Shorzy and Jory are snipping at each other before they're they start recording. They're talking over each other. In the locker room, to Casey's point, there's a lot of talking happening under and over each other. It reminds me a bit and I'm by no means am I comparing the two, but it does remind me a bit of, like and I'm gonna show my age here. But M*A*S*H. They did that to perfection in M*A*S*H where you would have multiple conversations happening at the same time over each other, and you're, like, trying to follow what's being said in both
Speaker 4
Both conversations. They did it masterfully. I think here, they're starting to do it. So it's it's good. It it's and it's a notable difference in terms of, like I said, whether it's direction, whether it's the director that's it's his his call doing this, or whether it's Jared trying some new things in in his script writing, it was notable noticeable. But funny, fun, episode. I mean, the cold open, like I said, I admit, is probably the best of the Shoresy cold opens. And I don't know, Matt, what you wanted to know about, like, that like, from me hear from you on the ending there. But Shorzy got a taste of his own medicine, and, and, Silvestri got the the justice that Laura Moore was talking about. Right? In his interview with Laura, he was bragging about how he's gotten better at hiding his cheap shots, from the refs. And Laura said, well, but what I like about hockey is that there's gonna be justice and meaning not from the refs, but from the other players. And that's exactly what happened. Goody broke his nose, made him bleed, in in response to his, Bobby Clark ing of Shorzy's ankle. So, yeah, it was a a a solid episode. And, Jack, what did you think?
Speaker 6
Yeah. Well, from from the top. The cold open was just fire. That was great. The actual episode itself. Yeah. I really enjoyed the, the nutrition, going from I guess this is the first time I've actually seen them be healthy and do things. Like, I feel like they had the seminar and then have gone back and gone, shit. Maybe we need to do some nutrition.
Speaker 6
So I I really enjoyed that callback. Mhmm. Yeah. I I enjoyed the, both the interviews and the the difference between them, like the professional style and the really unprofessional style. Mhmm. I don't know why they keep putting Shorzy with, with jewelry. Surely, you just pick someone else. I know it's probably commitments and captains are doing it and whatever, but, seriously, just put someone else with jewelry. For the community, by the community. But he just sits there. He doesn't answer. Like, it's not a it's all one way conversation.
Speaker 4
Viewers of the of that which the kids show enjoy watching Jory dismantle Shorzy. That's why. That's why. I don't
Speaker 6
know why he continues to do it, though.
Speaker 6
Surely, he just says, no. I'm not doing it. I'm just not doing it.
Speaker 4
Because he does whatever Nat asked him to. He's a he's a pushover.
Speaker 6
But, anyway, I thought that was that was hilarious. But I I'm really enjoying, yeah, the the little bits of, like, the Laura interviews Mhmm. Each episode with with the captain of the opposing side. Mhmm. But also that final question, like, when they kinda go off the book
Speaker 6
Okay. Interview's done. And then it's like, okay. We'll try to get some goss on you know, are they really this dirty, or how about this player or whatever? And she's just buying it down. That's, that's really interesting to me. I'm really enjoying that. The access to all areas is so much fun. I enjoy and, like, I'm a big sports fan. We all know this. Mhmm. But
Speaker 6
wearing a jersey. Closed doors. Yeah. Any of that behind closed doors stuff Mhmm. Like locker room, halftime start like, either TV or film or or actual footage is always fascinating to me. I enjoy the one thing I I really enjoyed about this one was when, Shaws, he's given given fish shit the whole time. And then you see when you see them go out in the ice, he's got his arm over him. Yeah. So it's it's clearly just behind the scenes banter and them getting themselves up and fired up. But as soon as I hit the ice, like, they're not with teammates, it's, you know, means nothing. I I really enjoyed that. Yeah. What else did I have? JJ just being whipped. How has he fallen so like, he used to and don't get me wrong. I'm not a big ladies' man.
Speaker 6
But he went from this huge ladies' man and having multiple partners all the time and cheating on everyone to just being so whipped. And, like, it we're not seeing a lot of Frankie this this season. We're just seeing these little bits, but that is really, really fascinating. He's kinda fall from grace within himself.
Speaker 4
Yeah. The subtweeting is so pathetic. It's so beautifully pathetic. Pathetic.
Speaker 6
Yeah. But that was pretty much most of my notes. Yeah. Mhmm. It's a great episode.
Speaker 4
Alright. Let's move on to ratings. Matt, you're up first. Do you give this episode a fresh clearance or compost?
Speaker 0
Yeah. I mean, it's it's a fresh. This one was a lot of fun. I'm really loving the tone of this season, the flow, the pacing, the energy. There's a lot of different things happening, and and it makes sense with the new direction. I mean, I'm assuming there's a big part in that, but I I like that they continue to push the envelope and, you know, play around with the cameras and and have some fun. So, again, that that annex that annex scene, I loved. Absolutely loved it. It was just something fun to watch and really brought you into that moment, which is what it was intended to do. So that alone did it for me, but, yeah, it's fresh.
Speaker 7
Yeah. Fresh. Patrick. Whatever we're calling that these days.
Speaker 3
Well, as you know, I'm not a Tweeter. So this whole
Speaker 0
subtweeter, though?
Speaker 3
So this whole subtweeting thing, I don't get. Mhmm. And as I said, I kinda thought that Shorzy was gonna have his his comeuppance. No. Frankie was gonna have his comeuppance on Shorzy or vice or whatever. They were gonna have a moment
Speaker 3
About him getting the wood. Mhmm. Not him. Him. That's wrong. Anyways, I I thought that that was gonna happen. So I would give this episode, like, a low fresh. Okay. Like, it just made it over the line. Because I liked because I liked the whole like, the cold open, and it had enough of the other bits. Yeah. It's a it's a low fresh.
Speaker 4
Alright. This episode felt kinda transitional for me. A is short back to, like, a nineteen minute episode. Other than that cold open, which which I'll admit was is one of the is is an all you know, an old timer. I don't feel like a lot happens in this episode. Like, a lot. So and then the music selection in this episode while somebody called, like, the the song playing during the fight was a banger, there was nothing, inspired songs in this episode like there were in the first two episodes. This is Shorzy. We're getting a lot of freshes, and how are we gonna be wrong? And and I I wanna raise the bar, and I wanna say that this episode is good, but nothing made it great. And so I'm gonna give it a clearance.
Speaker 0
So really quick comment on that. And I think this is the episode because I have watched it all. When I first watched this episode, I felt like that. Mhmm. I've watched it back twice in preparation for this, and there were other little moments that
Speaker 0
That hit me. And that's where so that's why it wasn't an immediate, like, this is over the top fresh by any means, but there were some really hard hitting moments for me, and that's why.
Speaker 4
Clearance is supposed to be immediate, like, a middle of the road, good, not bad episode. And if you take all all thirteen sorry. Whatever. What do we have? Fifteen episodes we've watched so far of Shorzy. This one here is neither at the top nor at the bottom. It's right in the middle. So to me, it's it's a textbook clearance.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Sounds reasonable.
Speaker 6
I I I love the the cold open was was the big thing that really lifted it to me Mhmm. Because that was great. Really, really long cold open, but so funny. And, yeah, the the locker room scenes. And just the chirping the chirping was so good. I didn't quite cover it in my before. But chirping a guy before you play is, like I'm a defender, so I'm always scared to chirp another player. Right. Because I know they're gonna score on me if I do that. Yeah. So for him to just go out there and just be chirping the whole time
Speaker 6
Knowing that, you know, if you lose that game, you could've just fired that player up and yeah. It always worries Yeah.
Speaker 4
You don't wanna give them a reason to to elevate their game for sure.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Two, three goals up? Sure. Yeah. You'd chip all you want. Yeah. But yeah. I know. I I loved it. I thought it was a great episode.
Speaker 4
Alright. Fresh. Jeff says I went unicorn hunting. Alright. Let's move on to GameSticks. Matt, who gets your GameStick this episode?
Speaker 0
This one was really easy for me. There were everything he said in this episode made me laugh really fucking hard. And and and Casey, I feel like you're gonna appreciate this because you and I have talked about those subtle moments that just hit hard. To me, it's goodie in this one. Everything he said, I died. Like, that whole Annette Garshenbal scene when
Speaker 0
When he's talking to TR, and he says, what's your last name? He's like, you don't know Annette Garshenbal? Like, that Yeah. I I I had to pause it. I was laughing so hard. Like, that line just fucking slayed for me. So, Goody's subtle humor goes so long. It's Goody. This one is Goody Goody Goody.
Speaker 7
I would agree with you if Jory hadn't just killed
Speaker 7
I understand. My game stick. Mhmm.
Speaker 7
don't I don't have to say anything about it because he's, he's just brilliant. Go back and watch it, roll the tape, just go back and watch it. It's it's amazing. It's amazing performance, and clean fish rocks.
Speaker 3
This is this one's hard for me. I love that moment that Shorzey had with the player that got his teeth knocked out.
Speaker 4
Oh, yeah. Ruska.
Speaker 3
I no. Jordan didn't get his teeth knocked out.
Speaker 4
Was it Jordan? Says that in
Speaker 3
I thought that you were referencing, Jory Jordan. No.
Speaker 3
Yeah. That's fair. I'm
Speaker 3
No. It's good. Oh, man. Can I give it to the cold open? Because that's the bit that I liked the best.
Speaker 4
There have been there have been a stranger MVPs in the cold open.
Speaker 3
Like, when he was like, what are you doing with your hand? And he's not wanting to, like,
Speaker 0
look at the bar. Goldfish, you can be whatever you want.
Speaker 4
Exactly. Right? Yeah. Alright. Let's see. Runners up for me. First of all, I loved Zeke in this episode. I agree with Paddles. She was she was amazing, and and just getting nastier and nastier. Really second runner-up, really enjoyed Jory and that exchange always. But I'm I'm gonna agree with, Matt on on the strength of the cold open. But, yeah, the little, other tidbits that he added here and there, I really enjoyed Goody in this episode episode. And I don't think I've ever given Goody the, gem sticks, so I'm gonna give it to Goody this time. Jack?
Speaker 0
He earned it this one. Mhmm.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Goody was an honorable mention for me. Mhmm. But to to me, the Gamestick has to go to Jordan Hrushka. He caught one in the face because someone else fired up a blow. Like, Dory Shorzy got under, sliced skin
Speaker 6
And and then he lashed out, and he copped the brunt of it. So he gets my game stick.
Speaker 4
Ruska wins it by taking wood to the mouth. There you go.
Speaker 0
I apologize. The bar was unborn fetus, which Joey called out in the last stream, not Goldfish.
Speaker 4
Yes. They're both pretty one and one a if you ask me. But anyway, alright. Let's, let's move on. Let's see. Oh, here's my one of my favorite segments. Here we go.
Speaker 6
Questionable call.
Speaker 4
I put out the, call for questionable calls, and I got three this week. And just to remind folks, if you want to send in if you if you question anything we say in our episodes, you can send us a a voice DM via Instagram. Or Or if you wanna record it at home and send me an m p three at, p f t w cast at g mail dot com, you can do that as well. And we will play it as long as it's not wrong or hateful. Here we go with our first, and this is from our buddy Adrian in Maine.
Speaker 15
Hello, TPS. Sam, Adrian here from Maine. Just calling in with a questionable call from your season three episode two recap. Our buddy just once pointed at you. Something we learned in season two was the Sioux hunt is an expansion scene into the no show, Northern hockey Northern Ontario senior hockey organization. Try saying that one quite fast. Anyhoo, them, as we were at the beginning of season three, the notion of the few hunt beating the Bulldogs in seven has them the winner of the mode no show and then thus progressing to the national championship. I guess you can argue why was the team from Sioux Michigan in the States, able to play in a Canadian league? That will be a different conversation. But since they're there and they won the league, they're going to the championship. So, yes, a team from Michigan is representing Northern Ontario. Makes sense to me. Caught me off guard right at the minute, but, you know, I caught up. So that's my take on it. Cheers, guys.
Speaker 4
Well, I, Jin, I'm glad it made sense to you. I mean, I called it out to an American team playing for this no show is no big deal there because there's there's Canadian hockey leagues with American teams all over the place. But when you call it a national tournament, you expect the teams in the tournament to be from the nation. So whatever.
Speaker 7
Like the Blue Jays?
Speaker 4
But that's not so you call it the World Series, not the national world not the national series or the US series. Right?
Speaker 7
Aren't they in the National League?
Speaker 4
They're in the American League.
Speaker 7
Well, okay. That's even worse.
Speaker 4
none of that shit matters. None of that makes sense. I know
Speaker 0
Further disproving your point.
Speaker 4
I understand the logic. I just kinda you know, it's it's fine. It is what it is. But, can you imagine if an American an American team won the national senior tournament? I mean
Speaker 6
I love Adrian's point because I was gonna send one in, but I thought there's no point if I'm on the show.
Speaker 6
I did think of the hilarity of sending one in if I was gonna be on. Right. But,
Speaker 4
that. Didn't Jeff do that or something?
Speaker 3
That'd be funny.
Speaker 0
Joe Joey made a good point again in the live stream. He said the NBA, the National Basketball Association has the Toronto Raptors.
Speaker 4
You're right. You're right. Yeah.
Speaker 6
But Adrian, every point I was gonna raise.
Speaker 6
One, yes. Northern Ontario Hockey League. So they've just divided all the regions and best team or whoever won their competition plays in the national tournament. That's fine. You'd clear that they're representing Northern Ontario. For that reason, no show makes sense. But, yes, why is a team from Maine
Speaker 6
in the Northern Ontario? Surely, they've got their own local competition of some kind Yeah. Divisional based in the states. But, yeah, that was he raised he hit every point that I was gonna raise. Sure. Well done, Adrian. Top points.
Speaker 4
That's fine. Alright. Here we go. Here's our second questionable call.
Speaker 1
Oh, dear. Well, how do I say this? This is about the homework from a couple of episodes ago that was brought up again. The song that's burrowed deep inside Jared Keeso's head and he can't get it out. And I just have to call this out because Victor isn't on Discord much. I posted the link, the specific time to start listening, and noted it was only about three minutes long. Now I would normally just let this go because my memory isn't that great, but Al literally liked it or gave it a heart and even said thank you. So, Victor, don't get your hopes up of him actually listening to it. Just kidding, Al. I know you're busy, and I'll post it all again. Wow. But anyone that's not on Discord, it was the thirty two thoughts podcast episode, the Oilers surrender home ice from May thirteenth two thousand twenty four. Start listening at forty six thirty one.
Speaker 4
So two straight calls calling me out. But you know what? I did listen to that link. I just don't remember it. But I I remember listening to it. I just don't remember it. Sorry. But there you go. Yeah. So it's not all about bashing Vikr, folks. You can bash me too. And, actually, last week, there were a couple of calls calling Tanya. So there's I think we need next week, we need some people, on Matt's case. Anyway, one last question we'll call. And, well, this this voice will sound familiar.
Speaker 9
Hey, guys. Your buddy, Jeff from Maine. Al, can I have my own segment? I feel like we've been talking a lot of food stuff lately, so we could call it Iron Jeff. Just a thought. Now I may have my lifelong state of Maine residency status revoked for saying this, but it's perfect for questionable call. Gorgeous gourd offering crabs and lobster to his opponents may seem nice, but everyone keep in mind they're bottom feeding ocean bugs. It's like offering a plate of cockroaches and grasshoppers. All of the butter and lemon wedges in the world can't get me interested in that stuff.
Speaker 9
Why couldn't the Brooks Barrelman have advanced and brought some of that legendary Berta beef much more palatable? S and P is the choice for me. Great episode last week, by the way, well deserving of the unicorn. Oh, the timer just went off in my souffle. Peace and love, guys.
Speaker 0
Alright. That was so good. I love that guy.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Well done, Jeff. And, I well, I I I've heard that argument before about seafood being the the, yeah, the insects of the ocean, but still damn delicious. And, but, yeah, I don't know. I don't know what I would take over, what, steak or seafood. That's why I just My butt
Speaker 0
and turf, buddy.
Speaker 6
I surf and turf.
Speaker 0
Why they hated surf and turf. Yeah.
Speaker 6
I just have a second questionable call. Yeah. Go for it. So I I got a question. Why does some of us have place names in our names and others not? I feel like we've got two different classes of citizens here. Here. One Melbourne Jack. He's Jeff from Maine. Yeah. Some people are just Casey.
Speaker 0
Which one is the more precise? I'm not sure. Two
Speaker 0
So one of us should be
Speaker 7
confusing. Casey from somewhere.
Speaker 6
Some of us have them. Some of us don't. I just and there's you know, some join later. Some are
Speaker 0
well, you can't choose your nicknames as we just learned.
Speaker 7
words are right out of
Speaker 4
He's just Melbourne Jack now, bud. Sorry.
Speaker 6
I'm Melbourne Jack Yeah. Jack. But you got Jez from Perth, and he's just Jez.
Speaker 4
He's just Jez. Just Jez.
Speaker 6
Ain't no problem with Jez.
Speaker 4
Jez is a great point, but
Speaker 6
ain't no problem with it anyway. I just I thought it might be fun discussion.
Speaker 0
What if you move?
Speaker 6
Yeah. That'd be incorrect.
Speaker 3
Oh, man. We'd still get
Speaker 4
You'd be the the man formerly known as Melbourne Jack.
Speaker 7
You have to move to Perth, though. Yeah. Perth is where all identities are raised, and you're just a Perth
Speaker 0
Jack doesn't have the same room.
Speaker 4
Yeah. There's already PJ in the group. So sorry, bud. You're stuck. You're stuck with me.
Speaker 6
I don't wanna go anywhere other than Melbourne. Melbourne is a fantastic place. You should all come to Melbourne. But, yeah, I just I thought of it the other day. I'm here. Why you're Melbourne, Jack.
Speaker 4
That's why. Yeah.
Speaker 7
That's right. Melbourne.
Speaker 4
Alright. The only other thing I have to say in news in news today, the fourth installment of our Sudbury Adventures was released this morning. I was so busy. I didn't get to it until, like, afternoon, but, it it's all about our visit to Science North, and it's a it's a fun it's a fun one.
Speaker 0
We'll Victor has a moment
Speaker 4
and it's fantastic. And Tanya has a moment with with the, ball with the with the
Speaker 7
And Josh is upside down.
Speaker 0
about that. Upside down.
Speaker 6
I don't know if Sam
Speaker 3
is playing with a ball.
Speaker 4
Well, yeah. There you go.
Speaker 7
What a fever dream that was.
Speaker 4
Anyway, thank you guys. Let's, go around the table with, final comments. Matt, you first.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Jack, great to see you, bud. I always love when you come on. I learn new things about Australia. Apparently, we continue to realize it's a completely different language down there, and, I'm all for it. So I am very, keep my learning every day. Casey, always a pleasure. Love you jumping in for Victor. It's less chaotic, and it's so much more fun. Kidding, Victor. Oh, not kidding. But, yeah. Three episodes in. Loving the season. I'm I'm nerve I've seen it. So I'm nerve I've next episode is what I think it is. I'm nervous for how next week is gonna play out, but we'll see. It's gonna be a fun one, and, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.
Speaker 4
Alright. And Casey?
Speaker 7
This was great. Thank you for calling me up, Al. Jackie boy, it's so good to see your mustache and hear your language spoken in its native tongue. You did a great job tonight. Tan, you're gorgeous. I love you. It was nice to look at you. And this is a great time. I love hanging out with y'all and anytime you need me.
Speaker 3
I I wanna know what Matt means about what's gonna happen next week. What's happening next week?
Speaker 0
I don't mean a thing.
Speaker 4
No? The episode. What happens
Speaker 7
You'll watch it.
Speaker 0
You're reading way too much into that.
Speaker 3
Alright. Alright. I'm like, what's happening next week?
Speaker 4
The episode. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Okay. Okay. Nothing's happened. I'm gonna watch it right away because, like,
Speaker 6
Something's happening next week. There is another podcast. Right? Right.
Speaker 4
There's another episode. Yes.
Speaker 4
oh, and I'll get to it when when it's my turn.
Speaker 0
You already did the news segment.
Speaker 7
It's my favorite one. I'm so excited.
Speaker 3
This was fantastic. Always loved getting together. Jack, thank you for coming down under and, bringing it tonight.
Speaker 0
it awful? Doesn't he come, doesn't he come up over?
Speaker 2
wow. Looking at that?
Speaker 4
Uh-oh. Here come the giggles. Here come the giggles.
Speaker 5
I think I saw water come out of your nose. I'm sorry.
Speaker 4
What's going on? She needs
Speaker 7
She said thanks for coming down under.
Speaker 5
No. Oh my god. I'm sorry for Where are you, people? I'm sorry for making water go that way. You. Oh my god.
Speaker 5
Everything's fine. God. That was fun.
Speaker 7
you fantastic. Happy unless
Speaker 5
somebody spurt. You girls are
Speaker 0
just out of hand.
Speaker 6
It's it's not the potty mopty waltz.
Speaker 3
Man, making me cry. Water Water Works. This is amazing. I I love getting together with you. I always love hearing your stories and and how you, fix things and make it just I love it. I just love it. And, my apologies before because I thought you were putting dents in cars when I said, oh, no. And then realized that you're actually fixing the dents in the cars. It was going the opposite direction. So, good on you. I just love hearing those stories.
Speaker 0
Naughty, not in any. This was this
Speaker 3
was a lot of fun. Can't wait for the after party. Bring it.
Speaker 4
Alright. Before I do my thank yous and stuff, I forgot to mention, yes, we had Kate Trevor today. Next week, we have a couple of other interviews scheduled. On Monday, Nick Laporte, a k a, gorgeous Gore Gallant is joining us on Monday. Yeah. We're gonna interview him, and can ask him about, you know, his six six pack if you want.
Speaker 3
god. So many ripples. Good lord.
Speaker 4
So that should be fun. And then on Thursday, before we record our regular episode, we're gonna have the hairstylist of the universe, Ashley Ney. She's going to be on somebody who has basically touched the heads of everyone in the Yup'niverse. So that should be a lot of fun, and, can't wait to
Speaker 3
talk back Ashley. Sanger talking about the braids and how absolutely fantastic they were.
Speaker 4
Mhmm. Yeah. And, yeah, looking forward to that. And then, yes, Casey, thank you so much for filling in for Victor. It's we we're we're joking about this. But, before we started this season, you you've you put your hand up saying, if no one's taken, episode three yet, I'll take it.
Speaker 4
and then I had to break the news to you that Jack, actually claimed episode three, by default.
Speaker 7
The only reason I asked was because it wasn't on the spreadsheet.
Speaker 4
I thought there was, like, a specific reason because
Speaker 4
Your your Italian heritage or something.
Speaker 7
So you wanted it. Okay.
Speaker 0
You made it, Casey.
Speaker 0
By hook or by crook,
Speaker 4
I think you you probably sent, you know, a virus Victor's way so that he would bow out for today, and that's why you're on. Anyway I
Speaker 7
would never I would never do such a thing to Victor.
Speaker 4
However way you did it, we're glad you did. We're glad you joined us.
Speaker 7
That's not even your name.
Speaker 4
You did a great great job.
Speaker 7
Stop it. Thank you.
Speaker 4
Jack, buddy, it's great to see and hear from you again. Miss listening to you on podcast. So go you know, hurry up and create another podcast so you can listen. Yeah. Find something. Or, you know, hopefully, the community movie gets made, and then we can hear you talk about that for a bit. But thanks for joining us. You know, whatever about the the tourney mustache, you know, you do you, bud. But, thanks for joining us anyway, and, you did a great job tonight. Yeah. Jack, you're
Speaker 6
up. Oh, thank you. Thanks for having me. I I, you know, I always enjoy hanging out with you guys. It's too far, you know, few and far between. I don't get to after parties and stuff either until unless it's on the weekend or we've got a public holiday or something. So it's just good to hang out. I'm looking forward to the after party. Yeah. It's, yeah. Thanks for having me. Good episode. That's that's kinda all I got. Oh, happy birthday again to my wife. She listened all the way.
Speaker 4
Yes. Happy birthday, Jess.
Speaker 0
Happy birthday, Jess.
Speaker 5
Happy birthday, Jess.
Speaker 0
Alright. Getting something better than a Millennium Falcon is what we hear.
Speaker 7
Super soft. Make it a super soft one, but not
Speaker 4
Alright. I'm gonna
Speaker 3
Have fun, Donanda.
Speaker 4
Play us off here with a track from this episode. It's Freefall by Jules. Here we go. Such a jock jam. And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we recap and review episode four, Shorzy three, Brooks Barrowman with our buddy, Chad, from Minnesota. If you'd like to support the podcast, become a patron or tell a friend. Also, follow us on most social media outlets at protosampod. Thank you for joining us. Now we're going to the after party with our buddy, Jack and Casey. On behalf of Jack, Casey, Tanya, Matt, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week.