Speaker 0
That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 1
What do you listen to? Speaker 2
My favorite murder podcast. Jagger and Torrance podcast. Speaker 0
The produce stand. Speaker 3
It's thirsty Thursday, and that means we are once again Hanger at the Produce Stand, podcast paying tribute to everything in the universe. Now I know what you're thinking. There are many other Leonard Kenny podcasts out there, but this one is not dying. I'm Al, your host. And joining me in the room as always is lovely Tanya in online. We don't have Matt, unfortunately. He's, I think he's at his kids' soccer, game. But we do have the vivacious Victor. And joining us this week, he is a Canadian actor known for roles in films like Dark Harvest, All Fun and Games, The Return, and the CTV series Acting Good. But we all know and love him as Jory Jordan, the young intrepid host of the Sudbury Kids Sports Report who's not dying on Shorzy. Please join me in making some noise for McClain Fish. Wondrous. Speaker 0
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I regret nothing. Speaker 3
Welcome to the produce, San McLean. Speaker 0
It's a pleasure to be here. Speaker 3
This is amazing. And and I'm I'm a little nervous because we know how, you know, sharp tongued you can be. Well, at least your character, Jory. So, we're on the other side of this now. Speaker 1
Be kind. Be kind. Speaker 3
Yeah. Well, yes, please be kind. Where in the world are you speaking to us from? Speaker 0
I am currently in, the flat Winnipeg, Manitoba. Speaker 3
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Amazing. I actually, in the pre preshow we were talking, I'm gonna I'm headed out your way in September, looking forward to recording some stories for Yes. So you're open. But, never been to Manitoba, so I'm looking forward to Speaker 3
Isn't that great? Yeah. Is that where you are from originally? Speaker 0
No. I was, originally born in Vancouver. My parents lived their whole lives there. Most of my family is still out there. And then when I was seven, I moved from my dad's job to, Winnipeg. And then, for the last two years, I've been, mainly living in Toronto. Speaker 3
So you're in Toronto. Could you could what you're going to school in Toronto. Right? Speaker 3
U of T. Very good. Do you do you go to school with Keegan Longman? Or is that where you did you meet him there? Speaker 0
No. He he goes to, York. Speaker 3
Oh, York. That's right. Sorry. I got my Toronto universities mixed up. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry there, Victor. He's already shaking his head. That's cool. So it's seven so, I mean, you were pretty young when you moved moved to, Winnipeg. Do you remember anything about, Vancouver? Speaker 0
I mean, yeah. Bits and pieces. Like, for, like, up until COVID, I was back there kinda every summer for a little bit. I I have more memories probably from those times. But, yeah, I mean, I I remember the house I lived in and and, you know, the big things. But, yeah, I I remember it being great. I mean, I never was a big skier or anything, so the mountains didn't really play a role in my life. But, yeah, it it was great. Speaker 3
Cool. What was it like growing up in Winnipeg then? Speaker 0
Very different from, like, what I've been told, I guess, since I don't remember a ton of it. But it's it's good. I I like how small it is. I mean, after living in Toronto for a little bit, it's it's I've definitely learned to appreciate it a little bit more, for what it is and and being able to be back here in the summers. And and, yeah, it's it's more relaxing, I feel, than, you know, some of the bigger cities. But it's great. I I played sports. I I I did the arts. I I did some well rounded things growing up and had, you know, a good time doing them. And Mhmm. It was yeah. Speaker 3
Alright. Cool. So what I mean, growing up, like, go yeah. Growing up in in Winnipeg, obviously, you you got into the arts, but you mentioned sports. Did you did you play hockey? Speaker 0
I did. Yeah. I played hockey, my whole life. I start I played one year while I was in in in BC Mhmm. Before I moved, or maybe, yeah, like, two years. I think I started skating when I was two or three, and then I started playing hockey when I was, like, six or seven. Wow. And then, yeah, I played high level high school hockey, double a, triple a, everything, up until I was, yeah, grade twelve, eighteen. Speaker 3
Okay. So when I looked up your name and there was, like, a a hockey I forget what the the hockey site is that's got all the Speaker 0
Elite prospects. Speaker 3
Elite prospects. Is that you? Even though Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Because I wasn't sure because there's no picture. But Yeah. No. Speaker 3
Cool. So, yeah, you were you were elite enough to play to be listed in the elite prospect. So it's pretty cool. Speaker 0
Yeah. I yeah. I guess yeah. I guess so. Speaker 3
Yeah. Amazing. So when did you get into acting? Speaker 0
I wanna say twelve. I think I was in it was the summer going into grade seven. Speaker 0
I wanna say. It was kinda weird. I I did a school musical when I was in the sixth grade. That was the final year of my elementary school. Speaker 0
And it was kinda we it was an interesting thing because I had an amazing music teacher at my school who always tried to go above and beyond. And and and they did this musical at we have this place called the Centennial Concert Hall, which is kinda like the biggest venue, in the city. And they they put it on at this venue, and there was, you know, thousand people or whatever watching it. And we were, like, twelve, and it was I played Simba in the Lion King. Speaker 0
And that was, yeah, that was kinda the beginning of it, I guess. And then from there, I kinda since that was only offered once a year in school most of the time, I ventured out into the the, extracurricular world, I guess, to to pursue things. Speaker 3
So you've got a lot in common then with Jared Keeso, for example, because your music like, you're into music. I'm I'm gathering hockey and theater. So, you seems like you were, like, a a solid choice then to be to to join the Shorzy cast. Speaker 0
Yeah. He's yeah. It's great. Yeah. He's amazing. Speaker 3
So we'll we'll get through your your filmography real quick here because there's some interesting things that I I do wanna touch on. But first, we'll start with your very first role, a twenty seventeen something called Split, which is a film anthology. What what is that? Speaker 3
Is that like a school project or something? Or Speaker 0
No. That was jeez, I haven't heard of that in a long that was, like, two Speaker 0
That was Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a student film. Mhmm. That that actually wasn't my first time on a film set. Speaker 0
But that was my first time, like like, speaking lines, I guess you'd call it. Speaker 0
So I guess that's why it'd be the first thing on IMDB. So it was a student film. Mhmm. I think it was a web series, actually, but, like, made by students. Okay. And I don't I don't think I watched it even No? Maybe. That's bad to say. I I I honestly don't well, I don't remember much about it other than it was it was like one of those where you show up for one day and they give you, you know, subway and they call it a day. Yeah. There's no pay or anything like that. It was one of those type of things. So, yeah, I guess, you know, that would be the first on IMDB. Speaker 3
Yeah. How long I mean, that was, what, seven or eight years ago. Right? So you have been pretty young. Speaker 0
Yeah. That would have probably been right. Like, the first time I ever was on a film set was I was a photo double for, like, the lead child in the show called Channel Zero. Speaker 0
an anthology series that was on Syfy network. And I actually had, like, thirty five days on set. Just I wasn't, like, an actor. I was just, like, a I was crew, essentially. And so that was my first ever experience on a set Mhmm. Shortly after I did the the school musical. And then, yeah, that would have been probably around that time too. Speaker 3
Too. Were you doing, like, commercial work too then and stuff like that or no? Speaker 0
No. I never I never did any commercial. My brother Mhmm. Younger brother did a couple commercials when we were younger, but that was kinda just because I think one of them he actually got because he came along with me to one of them. Speaker 3
Would your younger brother's name be Keaton? Speaker 0
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. C I p maybe. Speaker 3
We're gonna get to that then in a second, but that's interesting because I feel like your whole family do you have a sister named Zoe? Speaker 0
Yes. I yeah. Well, she yeah. She's probably more successful than that. Speaker 3
No. No. But you'll see why in a second why I'm asking because she's actually creepier than I am. Speaker 2
Yeah. Well, wait a second. Do you have a restaurant named McLean's Fish? Speaker 0
No. But you know what? That's so funny you bring that up because anytime anyone has ever searched for my name Mhmm. That either comes first or, like, right below it. There's this running joke that it's like we're in a battle for, like, who is listed. Speaker 3
It ranks very high in Serge. You're right. But I I feel like Shorzy's pushed you now past them. Speaker 0
I I I can't. Yeah. Speaker 3
I can't. It must be Speaker 0
a good restaurant. Yeah. I don't know. Speaker 3
Amazing. We'll get to why I know about Keaton and and Zoe in a second. But first, twenty nineteen, you're on in a a film called Breakthrough, and there's a really impressive cast here because you have Topher Grace and Christy Metz who from, The Last of Us. Is it The Last of Us? What's what's Speaker 3
This Is Us. This Is Us. Not The Last of Us. Anyway, and and shot in Winnipeg. So, yeah. So that must have been fun. Like, your role seemed to be kind of, you know Mhmm. Not not big, but were you able to meet any of these, great actors and being, you know, shot at home too? Speaker 0
Yeah. I didn't I didn't meet, Topher Grace or Chrissy Metz. Speaker 0
I was just in one scene, I believe. One scene that made the final edit. I think I was I had two originally. Right. There was a couple lines. Yeah. I would play bully. Right. But, yeah, I I I met, I I I worked with the lead, after the boy. I I Yeah. Speaker 3
I don't have his name written down. But Speaker 0
yeah. He's not working, I think, anymore, but he he he was doing well at the time, and then that was really cool. Yeah. But yeah. That yeah. It was it was that was that that I think was kind of the first set that I've been on that was that had a a large budget, and I and I actually spoke lines. And and that was kind of that first experience for sure. Speaker 3
Now I saw that it was shot in Winnipeg. What's the, you know, movie and or television kinda scene like in Winnipeg? Speaker 0
I think it's fantastic. Yeah. I think it's Speaker 0
For what for the size of the place, yes. Very, very busy. I'd say from the months of April to November, there are six or seven projects shooting at once. Right. And for a place like this, that's a lot. Yeah. So it's it's it's the perfect size to start out. I think it's got enough that you're not having to send in self tapes twenty four seven, but I think it also is small enough that you can get opportunities that you just wouldn't get Mhmm. Starting out in a place like Toronto or Vancouver or anywhere in the US. Speaker 3
Kind of I bet imagine it has, like, some Sudbury vibes to it. Right? Because it's a medium Speaker 3
Yes. And and there's a lot of filming going on around there. Speaker 0
A hundred percent. I mean, I've I've I've spent very limited time in Sudbury. But from what I've experienced there, it's it reminds me a lot of of Winnipeg, for sure. Speaker 3
So we're gonna move on to this movie called The Return. And the reason I I I this is notable is because you you were in it, obviously, but also someone named Zoe Fish, who I was wondering whether she was related to because of the last name. And then I looked her up and noticed that she's the creepy girl in The Grudge. Yeah. So your sister. So who came for like, was your sister, like, first kind of in acting and then you and and your brother? Or, like, how did that work? There must be, like, really competitive family you have there when it comes to this kind of work. Speaker 0
We're competitive Yeah. But not in terms of that kind of stuff. Speaker 0
it's, it's it's so weird how it happened. I she was absurdly young Yeah. When it kinda all happened. I had gone for a meeting with, like, a a manager, at a place called Panache here in Winnipeg. It's kinda the only management agency place here Right. For you to be with. So so I went there, and I had a meeting. This was shortly after I had had kinda been on set with that channel zero show, and I had done some things that I was just interested in in in getting aboard. Yeah. And she came to the meeting with my mom and I just because she was four or five. Right. Really young young. Right? And, the agent manager asked, does she wanna try? Speaker 0
And my mom went, no. She's she's five years old. Obviously, you know, like, we're not gonna do that based on, you know, stories of of very young children entering the industry, stuff like that. She's like, no. And then and but but Zoe was really adamant about doing it and, like, by herself, like, was like, I really I wanna try this. Like, I really want to. And so my mom, you know, my parents never would say no to something like that and if they really wanted to do it. And so, yeah, she started going to auditions and just booking everything. Like, it was it was ridiculous. She she would kind of book everything she went out for that was local. Yeah. And then, yeah, when she I think she was six when she did The Grudge. Right. And then she did she did many other things after that. So yeah. Speaker 3
Yeah. I'm not a big horror movie buff, but that one there stood out. Because if I know the the name The Grudge, I'd figure, like, it must be a big deal. So does she, like, hoard that over you guys like I was on The Grudge? Speaker 0
No. She's she's no. She's she's really I mean, I think part of it is is starting from such a young age. Yeah. She never really grasped, like, how cool that is. Yeah. You know what I mean? She was kind of in that since she was five doing you know, meeting really cool people and stuff like that. And so I don't think she really thinks about it like that. But, yeah, she's she's great. Very talented. Speaker 3
Sorry. We won't we won't talk about her anymore. Speaker 0
Oh, I it's it's cool. She's cooler than me. So, you know, it's it's Speaker 3
Yeah. Twenty twenty three, all fun and games, again, with with Zoe, but also your brother was was had a a part in this as well. Like, again, I guess, because it's such a small community in in Winnipeg, you guys were up for a lot of, like, similar roles, I guess. Or Speaker 0
you mean the return or or all fun and games? Speaker 3
All all fun and games. Or was that not in Winnipeg? Speaker 0
Zoe Zoe no. Zoe wasn't that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, it it's it's small. Yes. But I think I mean, we we played siblings in that movie, and we played siblings in another movie. So that's kind of why we're we're, both in that. But it is it is small. Like, you will there'll be a role that is, you know, needs to be cast as a local, and and it'll be the same, you know, ten boys that will have brown hair and you know what I mean? It it it's it is quite small. But there's a good talent pool here, and and and productions like to come here. It's they have a great tax credit. So it's, Yeah. Yeah, there's definitely advantages for sure. And I I think it's a good community. Speaker 3
Yeah. So what's what's the birth order there? Your sister's the youngest and you're the oldest? Or or how does yeah. Correct. Okay. And then your Keaton's in the middle. So you mentioned you you kinda joke that you guys are competitive. If you're not competitive with with your careers, what what what are you competitive with? Just Speaker 0
Probably everyday life. Speaker 0
Just comes in probably every every little possible thing that happens, around the house. I mean, yeah, I I it's it's we we I grew up with a very close family. Speaker 0
We we we are very close, I think, compared to most. So we're very supportive of each other, but but because we're so close, it definitely, there are some rivalries and and a lot of competitiveness that goes along with that. Sure. But, Speaker 2
do you guys root for the same sports teams? Speaker 0
Yeah. Only yeah. Oh, I could go on about this, though. Victor Speaker 0
We have a rule in our house that you can't cheer for any team outside of Winnipeg unless it's an NFL team or an NBA team where there's no equivalent. Speaker 2
So you're rooting for the Panthers right now? Speaker 0
Oh, well, I gotta be careful because I, you know, I gotta be really careful with what I say, but, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. I here. I'll tell you this. I was cheering for the Oilers over the Canucks. Okay. That that's a fact. But Alright. I'll keep my answer about now. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. My my son, who is a big Canucks fan, is not rooting for the Oilers right now. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. So that's just the way that it goes. Speaker 3
It it does. And you're not Speaker 2
a Leafs fan even though you lived in Toronto? Speaker 0
Oh, I am very far from a Leafs fan, and I know that's gonna annoy a lot of people. But, being from when it Speaker 2
Makes your life a lot easier. Speaker 0
Oh, hundred percent. Well, I'm a happy person. The last couple years, the Jets have kinda been the Leafs a little bit. But, Yeah. It's, we you have to be a Winnipeg fan. My brother, he, he's going to play tennis in Wisconsin for university. Speaker 0
And he he was really mad about the Jets losing in the first round and and kind of this trend about winning the first game and then losing four straight. Yeah. So he he's like, I'm giving up. I'm gonna become a wild fan because that's, like, kind of the closest team, I guess, where he's gonna be living. And, yeah, there was there was a big fight about that for sure. There was there was a real life argument where people were being serious, then you cannot that's not a lot. Speaker 2
They've got nice jersey. That's jerseys. That's about it. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. They do have them. They do. I'll give them that. Mhmm. I'll give them that. Yeah. Yep. Speaker 3
Only other note about this, All Fun and Games, movie is that Asa Butterfield is in it. And he's a big big fan of his work, like Hugo, sex education. I mean, did you get a chance to to work with him at all? Speaker 0
Yeah. That was that was really cool. Yeah. We we did work, quite a few days together, and one on one too, which was kinda crazy and and and a really, really important and cool experience, I think. Mhmm. But yeah. And and Natalia Dyer from from Stranger Things, she she was in as well, and we also worked together, which was cool. So, yeah, that that was a really fun movie. It it was I I got to play a pretty cool character, and, I had a lot of fun with that. Speaker 3
Alright. Cool. Well, we'll get you to Shorze in one second. I promise. But what I see a lot here in these credits is horror movies and and kind of dramatic roles. But you are in a CTV series called Acting Good, which is a comedy. Is this kinda your first foray into the comedy? Speaker 0
I got something funny to tell you about that. Yes. So people wouldn't know that I'm in that show Speaker 0
Because I I play a bear. Speaker 3
I saw your credit as the bear, but I wasn't sure what that meant. Like, what does Speaker 0
that mean? Yeah. Are you in Speaker 0
Yeah. Oh, okay. So, yeah, so last summer, this show has been shooting in Winnipeg for, I guess, this is well, season three is coming out. Right. So, and I and then that one is you know, that one is long. But it's been shooting here for the past three years. And so last summer when I was coming back from Toronto for my first summer back home, my mom's friend who who who works in the industry here as an as an AD, She she knows our family very well. Other than that, she's very close to us. She she said, hey. There's this this role in this show. They need someone that fits these dimensions, and and and has has a little bit of comedy experience. And this was coming right off of shooting season, two of. Speaker 0
I was like, yeah. Well, of course. Like, you know, that'll be awesome. Right. So I, I show up, and they I didn't know what to expect because, like, it it was such a small thing that it was, like, they didn't tell me anything. Like, I don't even think I I might not even oh, no. I definitely got a call sheet. But I, I show up, and there's a real bear. Like, it's a real bear that like, skin that's been, like, turned into a suit. It was actually in, a Keanu Reeves movie called Serbia. I think it's called, Siberia. Speaker 0
I want maybe. I don't know. Speaker 0
yeah. But it's, it's it's a bear, like, a real bear, and I'm inside of it. And I do a whole bunch of whack. I fight a guy. I I I ride a tricycle. I ride a little tykes car. It's a whole bunch. It's it's awesome. Speaker 3
Do you have any lines? No. No. Okay. Because you're just a bear. Speaker 0
Just a bear. Yeah. It's it's it's yeah. Yeah. It's like, Speaker 3
So somebody's like, we need somebody to fit into the bear costume. What? Oh, okay. Speaker 0
Yeah. That's literally what happened, like, word for word. Speaker 2
So Are you on all fours in that thing? Speaker 0
Or sometimes. Sometimes. I'm do like, I'm acting like a hue like, I'm sitting at a wedding in one of the scenes just in one of the chairs. Like, it's it's just this kinda, like, gag. Speaker 2
So okay. Got it. Got it. Speaker 0
Part of the show and Speaker 1
Are you a hallucinate of of somebody is seeing, like, that that you're a bear just sitting there? Speaker 0
No. No. Like, I've I've seen people. I've watched it. Like, it's just it's just there. Like, it's one of those it's one of those comedic moments where it's, like, it's absurdism. Like, you you know it's makes no sense, but it kinda it's like in in in Shorzy almost when I pulled out the banana. Right. It's a little kinda like that where it's just like, what? But it works, I guess. So Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's what I do in that show. And season three, I'm actually shooting it kinda right now. Speaker 2
Oh, yeah. I'm gonna check that out for sure. Speaker 3
Well, it's the creation of, Paul Reblowski or Reblaskis, who's, an initial Anishinaabe, comedian. Funny guy. Like, so yeah. Unfortunately admittedly, I don't know much about this show because we don't watch regular cable anymore. But now I'm gonna have to hunt it down and and check it out because Speaker 0
I I I it's just a few episodes in that season, but, there's a season in the works. But, yeah, it's yeah. Check it out. Speaker 3
So now you get a call and say, McLean, the Bears in this season. We need you again. Like Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Again, it was like, well, I I think they because there was, I don't know. There was something weird that I wasn't gonna do it again. Mhmm. And then, I was pretty adamant. I was like, no. I I'd I'll do it. Like, I I I wanna do it, and and so we're doing it again. Speaker 3
So, I mean, before we move on to Shorzy, I mean, there are some really great productions that have come, you know, come out of and associated with Winnipeg, come out of Winnipeg, like Less Than Kind, you know, and more more recently, my my friend Stu Stone shot Bandits there, which is, like, which is a movie by Five Seven Productions. So, I mean, yeah, when you say that it's a a busy town for for film, I I I you know, secondhand, I can attest to that for sure. So, yeah. Let's move on into Shorzy. How does Jared Keesel find you? Speaker 3
No. I'm just like, how did you so how did you get involved with Shorezy? Speaker 0
It was kind of just a a normal audition experience. Mhmm. It's I got a I got a a breakdown, and it was for the second season of Shorzy. And I I was obviously familiar with Letterkenny, and I had watched Letterkenny Speaker 0
For quite a while. And then I hadn't seen the first season of Shorazi, though, when I got the audition for the second. And I kinda made a point of not watching it. Speaker 0
For that audition and just kind of because I'm I I think I remember it saying in the audition, don't, like in in very, very specifically, don't use the Letterkenny accent like a very Canadian rural accent, like speak how you speak. And so because when I got it originally, I was like, oh, I'm gonna do it because I've watched it. I know how they talk. I can I kind of sometimes talk like that? But so, yeah, I didn't watch it and sent in the tape. And without a callback or anything, I got a call from Jacob Tierney. I didn't get a call from, Jared. Jacob called me Speaker 0
And told me that they they they loved it and that they wanted to have me on the show, and and I was pretty excited. It was, it it was pretty awesome. And then yeah. And then we, I went up to Sudbury to start shooting season two, and here we are. Speaker 2
Did your did your background in hockey have anything to do with it? Like you said, you made it up to triple a. Like, is that on your resume somewhere? Like, did they know about that? Speaker 0
That's a good question. I actually sometimes think about that. I've never talked about it with Jared. I don't know. I I think I remember Burke made a joke one time saying that he thought that Jared looked at his elite prospects because of all the jokes that he was writing were very, like, kind of in that tone. But I don't know if he would have maybe. I I think my resume has, like, all the sports that I can play. Right. I don't know if they'd look at that or not. I don't know. That's a great question, and I wish I had an answer for it. But Speaker 3
to ask Jared next time we have him on. Speaker 0
I don't know. Maybe maybe it did. Speaker 3
Yeah. Now we've had, you mentioned, Burke, but we've had Burke and Keegan on, you know, for their interviews and stuff. And they tell us the hilarious stories of how they run lines with their moms, because that's who they run lines with. And and it's just funny because of the kinds of lines they have with Shorzy on the show, just imagining their mom saying these things. Right? I mean, the the stuff you say on the show isn't as salacious as Shorzy and and and the the high high school guys. But who do you run your lines with? Speaker 0
Oh, well, in if I'm in Toronto, I run them with my girlfriend Uh-huh. Most part, and she's she's she's good. Okay. She okay. So she's What Speaker 2
else could you say? Yeah. Speaker 0
She's originally she's originally from Brazil. Speaker 3
Oh, alright. Yeah. Speaker 0
And immigrated here about six years ago. Mhmm. So English is her second language. But it's it's it's So Speaker 3
what shore is he like with a thick Brazilian accent that Speaker 2
That would make it sound awesome. Speaker 0
Well, yeah. Yeah. Her accent isn't super thick, but it it it's funny to it's funny to hear her say the very Canadian humor and the chirps and stuff. It's it's a it's it's a good time. But, most of my self tapes and stuff are done with, my mom. Mhmm. Well, it's it's and and it's and it's by believe it or not, it's by choice. Speaker 0
I, I have many friends in Toronto that are actors and live very close to me, and and we could do them. And and, occasionally, I do. Yeah. But, I think just because my mom has been doing it with us for so long Mhmm. It it works. And I think I'm used to it, and it it's it's comfortable. And it's yeah. So even even as crazy as the Shorzy dialogue is Speaker 0
I don't think it'd be that weird with my mom. Like, it's she we've just read that many like, some of the auditions are always really crazy and Speaker 0
Some stuff in there that isn't you wouldn't normally wanna say with your mom. No. No. Especially Keegan and Burt Bork's, lines. Speaker 3
Like, those those lines Oh, yeah. Especially Keegan and Bork's, lines. Like, those those lines Oh, yeah. Or Oh, hundred percent. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, Speaker 0
So what what does Speaker 0
Like They love it. All my my whole family loves it. My dad watched it before I was in it, which is really special. It's it's very cool, I think. Like, starting out as an actor and and and and, you know, most of the stuff you do, nobody watches or or, you know, aren't aren't big things. And so to get to be in something that, like, people in my family were already fans of Speaker 0
Is pretty cool. My brother loves it. He's he's also a a hockey player. Yeah. The only person that doesn't watch it is my little sister. But other than that Yeah. Speaker 3
She's a little young for it still. Speaker 0
Little young. Little young. But, everyone else loves it. Family back home in BC loves it. It's it's it's pretty cool. Speaker 3
So you mentioned you were already a Letterkenny fan before Shorzy. When when you heard there was gonna be this spin off with the main character being Shorzy, what were you thinking? Like, how are they gonna do this? Like, they're not gonna show his face or yeah. Like, what Speaker 0
what Yeah. I I think that's kinda what everyone was thinking. It was it was, I mean, I think being a hockey player, the hockey parts of Letterkenny were always my favorite. Mhmm. And Riley and Jonesy and and and and, of course, Shorzy. And so, yeah, I I think I was definitely curious of of what it was gonna be. But at the same time, I didn't I wasn't a hundred percent aware that it was for sure happening because I'd seen stuff on social media and stuff like that. And it was it it came at a time where I think I was maybe a season or two behind on Letterkenny. Right. And so I had to kinda remind myself when I got that audition, like, oh, yeah. This did come out, and I still haven't watched it, but now I'm definitely not gonna watch it. Mhmm. But, but, yeah, since then, I've obviously seen it. But, yeah, I I think it was definitely questionable about what it was gonna be like. But I I think it turned out pretty good. Speaker 3
Yes. We we agree. When we told our listeners that you're gonna come on, there was a lot of excitement because for I mean, you've you're in a a few scene, scenes a season, but you're already, like, one of the favorite characters. So how does that feel, first of all? Speaker 0
Pretty cool. Yeah. It feels great because it's it's, yeah, it's a pretty special role to play because it's it's very unique and kind of outside of everything. It's it's very, like, in the not individual, but, like, you know you know, it it's it's kinda on its own Speaker 0
In these little statements. And so I I kind of get to isolate it almost. Like, even when I'm preparing to do it, I I often isolate it from the rest of the show and try to just Speaker 0
Do it what it is. But it's it's it's a pretty awesome experience. The the the the way it's been received. I mean, I tend to try to not read, like, comments and stuff on it on social media just because it's I've kinda been taught not to and just kinda you know, it just keeps it nice and positive. But from what I've been told and and things that family has shown me, it's it's very well received, which is amazing. Speaker 3
That's cool. Yeah. Now like I said, our listeners are really excited, and we asked them for questions. So we have a bunch here. If you don't mind, we're gonna I'll I'll ask you some questions. So, Dennis, our our friend Dennis from the UK, well, for like, he his standard question is who's the best slut on the ice? Now because you played before, were you ever allowed to be like, I know that they that sometimes in preparation for a season, they'll get together and they'll play some shitting together and stuff. But are you ever on the ice with them at all just for fun? Speaker 0
No? No. I mean I mean, I spend very, you'd be surprised how little I spend on set. I I, I think season two, I was there for two days. Yeah. Everything in two days. Season three, I was there for a while. Season three, I was there for a week and a half to two weeks. Oh, okay. But very split up. Speaker 0
I think I had, like, the most time I ever spent there together was a week. Mhmm. And I'm also kind I was very separate from everyone else. Speaker 0
I was even for some I I still don't know the answer to this, but I was kept at a separate hotel than everyone else. Oh, wow. And I didn't, like, ask for that. I actually kind of asked for the opposite of that for season three and was still put there. But so I don't I I don't have a a super close relationship with a lot of the cast, which kind of fits it's it's interesting. It fits the character. Right. Speaker 3
Because you're you're kind of the reporter, yeah, on Speaker 0
both sides. Kinda just separate from everybody else. Yeah. But, yeah, it's Speaker 3
So you have no sense then of who the better hockey player is among Jared and Dolo and and Hitch. Speaker 0
Well, based on I have seen bits and pieces. Yeah. Well, Jared Speaker 3
Jared's the boss. Yeah. Speaker 0
Jared's yeah. I wouldn't put Jared one probably. Speaker 0
Maybe someone. I don't know. I don't know. I don't I I haven't seen enough Speaker 0
To make a fair and honest ranking. Alright. So Speaker 3
Dennis will just have to be good with that answer. It's just standard question. Our friend Kate Speaker 0
We we we could call them all sluts too. That that would work as well. Speaker 3
Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. All fine. Casey asked from North Carolina, asked how you got into acting, which you already answered. But, Tobias from Missouri, he he wonders, do you have a dream role? What would it be? Speaker 0
Great question. Dream role. Speaker 3
Like, do you enjoy comedy over horror, over drama? You know? Speaker 0
Like I think I think or playing animals. Speaker 3
Or playing animals. Like, do you know all the words to Hakuna Matata? Speaker 0
Maybe. Yeah. Animals might be up there now for sure. I think I think I've grown a love for comedy. For sure, I I've gotten I mean, Shorzy was kind of my first first taste of comedy, and, obviously, it's it's a lot of fun. So comedy is growing on me, and I and I I definitely am thinking about comedy. I also write on the side, and so I'm thinking about comedy more in my writing as opposed to acting. Mhmm. But dream role, I don't know. I mean, it probably hasn't been written yet. Mhmm. But I really like drama. Yeah. I do love comedy, but I think in terms of dream role, it would probably be something in drama more so than comedy. But, Speaker 2
it's interesting because one way that your character is different from literally everybody else, you know, Letterkenny has always been a very fast talking show, and Shorzy's kind of more neutral. But your character, I think, delivers lines quicker than anybody else. And so so there's two parts to this. One is, you know, I think all actors have to be really good at memorizing lines, but then you also have to deliver it at that speed. Is that hard? Does that come easy to you? Do you have to practice a lot? And, do other people kind of are they jealous of you? Like, you're really good at it. Speaker 0
Yeah. Thank you. First of all, thank you so much. It is hard. There's a lot of ADR recording. There's a little secret. Not all of it is perfect on camera the first time. But, I mean, I I I'm I'm even trying to slow down my speech right now. I tend to talk fast in in general in my everyday life. But, yeah, I I definitely I I work on enunciation a lot because the more I can hammer down the syllables and and and the accents, I can I can go faster? But, yeah, Jory speaks extremely fast. That was what in the breakdown on the original cast or the character breakdown, when I got it, like, one of the first things was he talks insanely quick. Like, that was Mhmm. What it was. Speaker 0
was like, okay. Well, I'll just go full speed. Speaker 2
And the reason I asked you that is because, you know, if you can go fast, you can go slow. And drama, you know, you gotta slow things down. You gotta show the emotions. So it's it's it's you know, you get that range. And I think that this show is really letting you practice a range that you don't typically get a chance to do. So I think it's pretty cool. Speaker 0
Yes. I'm very yes. It's it's it's it's one of those things where I think Jory, the character, comes kinda naturally to me. I which I'm which makes it easier. It's I work I definitely spend more time on this the the enunciation of the lines than I would on the character because I think when I once I can enunciate and get this the get the lines to a speed that works, the character kinda just comes with it, which is a lot of fun to do. Sure. Speaker 3
I gotta say, I mean, for somebody who's new to comedy, your your comedic timing's great. So it must Thank you. It's natural. You're a natural at Speaker 0
it. Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah. It's it's it's it's it's, it's a lot of fun. I I I I think I attribute most of that to just having fun with it. It's, like, Jared and everybody involved makes the set so enjoyable to work on. And, I mean, I've worked on I've worked on projects with tiny budgets and big budgets and, you know, everything in between. And and there's nothing like the set of Shorgy in terms of, like, how much you can enjoy it and let loose, I guess, while still everyone is so dedicated and focused to to working and creating something fun and and awesome. It's also so laid back and so yeah. It's it's it's a great environment to be in for sure. Speaker 1
Did you, bring anything extra to the character? Like, was it all scripted, or did you add, something to to his personality? Speaker 0
Well, there's some things in season three that I did. I mean, I don't I can't say that because it's Speaker 1
I don't have but, Speaker 0
yeah, there's some little quirks. I mean, the banana phone was not me. I have to give Jacob or Jared credit for that. They told me to do that last minute. That was that wasn't in the script. But, there's yeah. I think just his seriousness and his bluntness, I definitely emphasized. It wasn't as I think the breakdown the character breakdown originally was just like, he's serious about his work or something like that. Very broad. I think I took it to a new level with how how serious he takes his work. But, yeah, I mean, there has season two didn't have, I think, enough to work with. It was so it was short and sweet. Speaker 3
A lot of people agree. A lot of people agree. They want more Jory. So Speaker 0
Yeah. Season three, there's a little bit more, especially in episode five and six. Speaker 0
There's a little more going on. There's a little more, you know, maybe some well, I guess, yeah, you already saw a little of a conversation off camera with with Shorzy, and there's Speaker 0
more of that kind of when the cameras aren't rolling type stuff, which which definitely broadens it up. You get to see Jory when he's not reporting a little bit, which was a lot of fun to kind of experiment with. I had some conversations with Jared kind of before shooting it about, like, what? Like, you know, is he is he this serious when the cameras aren't rolling? Does he have, like, a little, like, you know, a more relaxed side, a friendlier side maybe. Speaker 0
So there's, yeah, there's just more in this season Speaker 0
To with. So you'll you'll notice some more little things and stuff like that. Speaker 3
We're looking forward to it. Casey from North Carolina asked, how do you keep a straight face through your dialogue, especially across from Jared? Speaker 0
It's hard. It it act it surprisingly doesn't take as lot we've gotten better at it. Mhmm. It it's surprising it doesn't take as long as you think it would maybe. But those first couple takes are really you never get through it most of the time. I mean, we we always run our lines and run the scenes prior to shooting them, you know, in the in the dressing rooms and and waiting rooms and stuff like that. So, we kinda get most of the giggles out in in there, and then it it it makes it a little easier to work, when the cameras are rolling. But, yeah, there's a lot there's a lot of breaking and a lot of laughs for sure. It's, it's a lot of fun. Speaker 0
a lot of it's not scripted too. Kind of just working with Jared to to find different beats and find things that work and things that don't work more so outside of dialogue than with dialogue. But, Speaker 3
yeah. Casey from Virginia says, I mean this in the most respectful way. I love you, dude. Great freaking work. And she's wondering if you have any, like, favorite stories of, like, onset shenanigans that you can share. Speaker 0
Shenanigans. I think, one of my favorite stories slash, like, moments was kind of a blooper. It was while we were shooting this season, and I can can say it because the episode's out. Mhmm. Where Out in Canada. Pardon? Speaker 3
It's out in Canada, but not in the US. Speaker 0
You're right. You're right. Speaker 3
I don't wanna get you in trouble. Speaker 0
No. No. Yeah. You're right. I can't say that story. How can I Speaker 2
Well, we we could release this episode when that episode gets released? Speaker 3
I guess I could sit on this until, yeah, you know how much I love doing that. But, yeah, we could sit on this until June twenty first. So Speaker 3
Yeah. Because this you know what? It's up to you. You tell us. Speaker 0
It's your podcast. I can I can I can talk about it? It was it's nothing it's it's nothing, crazy. I I like I said, I don't spend a ton of time there, so I'm I'm lacking on the stories department as other people might be Yeah. Kicking a lot more. But I think from maybe I'll from season two, my favorite moment, shooting was probably that moment where we we introduced the banana phone. Mhmm. There was something about it. It it was like I think it's the same reaction we all had on set as the audience does where it's like, what? Like, where where did that come from and why is it there? Yeah. It's funny, though, but nobody understands it. We we I think we had shot the scene maybe once or twice done a couple takes without it. And I don't I think I don't remember how that scene ended without the banana. Mhmm. But we had done it a couple times. And then Jacob comes over, and he just hands banana to me and goes, answered at the end or something like that. You know? But, like, really answer it. Yeah. Like like, there's somebody on the other line. Speaker 0
answer. Don't, like, try to make it a joke or anything. Like, seriously answer that phone. Mhmm. And that yeah. It was it's just we took a while to shoot that because people were laughing, and it took it took a little bit of time, but that was a lot of fun. Speaker 0
So they're just that's that's a good story. There Speaker 3
you go. So we don't get you in trouble. I know that sounds like we have a lot of Casey's and Cassie's, and we do. This one here is Cassie from Simcoe. She wants to know, what's your favorite chirp that you've used on the the kids' sports report? Speaker 0
Favorite chirp. What was it like seeing all your friends move up a grade without you? And do you use that as motivation today? Speaker 3
Perfect. I love it. I love it. Speaker 3
Yeah. Our buddy Gord from Toronto easily. I really love the Jory Jordan character, and I'm curious on what it was like for him to become a recurring cast member, after the first season actually, after the second season, I guess. Was he already aware and a fan of short so you've already answered that. But yeah. So when you were first cast, did you know it was gonna be a recurring role? And okay. You didn't know. Speaker 0
It was, yeah, it just was I think it was originally a a guest star Mhmm. Role. I don't remember how many I don't know if it was originally just supposed to be one episode or if it was always three. I just think I remember it being a guest star. Yeah. And then, yeah, we ended up doing the three two or three, yeah, three episodes in the second season. And then, I didn't really hear anything. And then Jared, he, he sent me a text one day with with an an image of a new scene from c three, between me and him. And I got to read it, and it was I I think I remember it. It was the scene. It was the oh, I can't talk about that. But, yeah, I did. I I just caught myself Yeah. There you go. Speaker 3
You're getting better at it. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. I'll yeah. I will. I'll I'll I'll eventually just not say anything. But, yeah, I think yeah. So he sent me that text with that. And then, shortly after that, I was contacted by my agents and stuff. And then, I was told that I'd be in, I think I don't remember how many episodes they told me. But they told me an original number, and then and then It's amazing. It was exciting. Speaker 3
Yeah. Paddle from Rhode Island. No real question for McClain. Just to thank you for delivering a line that vapor locked me for ten solved minutes. That's right, kids. I'm talking about fetal alcohol syndrome. Seriously, so well delivered as was the whole segment. So that's a high praise from Paddle from, Rhode Island. Speaker 0
Yeah. That's an awesome line. That that scene is Mhmm. Right. Jabbed. Yeah. That's a funny scene. I like. Speaker 3
Oh, this is an interesting this is more of a thought thought kind of experiment here. Mike from New Jersey. Jory Jordan is a unique young man with distinct style and his whole life ahead of him. So what do you think middle aged Jory is doing with his life? You didn't think you're gonna be creative writing Speaker 0
No. But I've it's funny because I've thought about this. Because in my eyes Okay. Since I I'm I don't know if anybody listening knows or or you I'm so I turned twenty this year, so I'm a lot older than Jory is. So I kinda always see him through this kind of adult lens, and there's some, like, backstory to Jory. Here's some, like, Jory lore, I guess. Okay. Like, he's, like, he's, like, mommy's little angel kinda thing Yeah. Even though he's, like, fifteen. So I would say Jory's probably still living in his, you know, mom's basement, or I'd say he's probably still doing the the kids' sports report. Speaker 0
You know? I feel like he's the As an adult as a Yeah. Yeah. I feel like he'd probably still be doing it. He's definitely the type of guy to devote his life to something Speaker 0
Stick with it. Interesting. Speaker 3
And a little creepy. Alright. Speaker 0
I will, though. Yeah. Speaker 3
Here's one, maybe a little more fun. Dennis from UK again. What would be your wrestling entrance music? Speaker 0
These are good questions. We don't know. Speaker 3
What kind of music are you into? Speaker 2
And would you be a baby face or a heel? Speaker 3
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0
Oh, that's a like, see I see. I've been asked, baseball walkout song. Speaker 0
But that's thing kind of. No? But it's gotta I feel like wrestling's gotta be like Speaker 0
I don't yeah. Maybe a little more aggressive. Speaker 2
Mhmm. Some adrenaline. Yeah. Hey. Oh, while you're marinating Yeah. Since since you're you're talking highly of your music teacher, did you pick up an instrument when you were young, and are you still with it? Speaker 0
I played piano, for a long time. I I did, Royal Conservatory exams and everything. Speaker 2
Oh, that's extreme. Mhmm. Speaker 0
Yeah. So I I did that since I was up until I was fifteen from the time I was, like, six. I started while I was back in BC. And I've taught myself guitar. I think I think once you can play the piano Speaker 0
Other instruments come easy. Speaker 2
They're they're stringed instruments. Mhmm. Speaker 0
Yeah. Once you read music and once you understand music, then you can kinda move on to anything. So I taught myself the guitar and the drums as well. But I unfortunately keep up less than I wish I would Mhmm. With all three of them. Speaker 2
Sure. So then piano man it is for your Speaker 0
Yeah. I mean, recently I mean, I don't have a piano in my place at Ronald. I just have my guitar. So that's that's kinda all Speaker 3
I can portable. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So yeah. Chess? Yes. Speaker 2
I've I meant for your wrestling song, Piano Man. Speaker 0
There you go. Maybe it's not it's not super aggressive. But Speaker 3
Not at all. It's more melancholic. I don't know. Speaker 3
The saddest wrestler. Chastity from Alabama, asks, other than actor, what words would you describe yourself? So in other words, you know, what are your hobbies? So you mentioned music. You like music, and and you're also an athlete. Like, what what would be maybe your second love then? Speaker 0
Writing, probably. Speaker 2
Oh, interesting. Supposed to say your girlfriend. Speaker 0
Oh, she's she's listening. But, yeah, I'd say writing, probably. I do I do I do a lot of writing. I when I was younger, I I loved writing short stories and stuff, and I and I write a lot even academically, I I do a lot of writing for school, but mostly screenwriting and and and playwriting. So I'd probably say writing even though I didn't do it a ton growing up. Speaker 0
That would be my second job right now. Speaker 1
Is that what you're doing for school, is doing writing? Speaker 0
School, I'm kinda doing everything. I'm doing a very, very confusing degree. I'm doing a double major, in sociology and drama with a minor in philosophy and a business certificate on the side. Wow. So it's like yeah. It's it's confusing. Lot of It's a whole yeah. Speaker 2
Mhmm. It's well rounded. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. Exact yeah. That's that's a great way of putting it. Yeah. It's well rounded. It's it's a little bit of everything that I'm interested in and, Speaker 3
yeah. Very cool. So a couple of final questions before we wrap up. First of all, our friend, Awesome, she runs the the letter Kenny Reddit. I don't know. Have you been approached yet to do an AMA on Reddit? Speaker 0
No. But I read I see, that those I do read because they're so overwhelmingly positive, and everyone on there is so great. Alright. I do read those ones. I I tend to not read, like, Instagram and and those ones. So I I am familiar with all the the threads on Reddit. Speaker 3
Well, I'm sure she would love to invite you to do an ask me and and anything, on Reddit. If, you're interested, I can put you in contact with her. And then the the question that our our friend who isn't here today usually asks, you know, you're part of this, you know, Shorzy, which is, you know, an offshoot of this cult following show, Letterkenny and Shorzy. And you're part of it. So, you know, how does that feel? What does it feel what does it mean to you to be part of this show? Speaker 0
A lot. Mhmm. It it's it's it's kind of the only thing that I've I've I've witnessed, let alone be a part of, that has it it's so like, I just kinda said earlier, overwhelmingly positive. There is so much love for the characters, and people notice the smallest of details. And that shows that people really watch it and love it. You know, there's so many things and shows that are out in the world right now that kind of you know, they come and they go, and it's just kinda reproduced. And there's there's no heart and no soul to it. And I think a community that has that heart and soul and also a creator and and a and a a group of people that are putting it together that have a heart and soul, it makes it it's very special. It makes it feel extremely warm. Every time I'm on set, it's such a good experience because you know there are so many people that are, excited for it and anticipating it. And and you you know that what you're doing is going to be loved by people, and that's a very that's a feeling that I'd never experienced, before and felt so much of on on season three as opposed to season two because I was I was returning. Mhmm. And it's yeah. You you you it it's in the moment, it it's it's nerve wracking and a little bit of pressure, I for sure, but, I think you know that there's such a supportive, you know, family behind the whole Yeah. The whole front or, oh, yeah, franchise. So it's it's I'm very grateful. I guess that's what I'll leave it at to, to be a part of something that has such a good following.
Speaker 1
Nice. Thank you so much. I just wanna say, it's been an absolute pleasure listening to your stories and and speaking with you. Have you had the experience yet where somebody has recognized you, yelled out Jory, and expected that kind of character to come back at them chirping?
Speaker 0
This is a great story to to end up. Oh, perfect. Yeah. It happened, like, two weeks ago. I was driving. So I I I work, I do landscaping in the summer as, like, a summer job to get out in the sun and then and, you know, afford to live in Toronto and stuff like that. So Yeah. I, I was in a work truck, in, like, a work uniform, And I was in the passenger seat of this truck, and the car that pulled up next to me had a, a Shorzy bumper sticker on it. Like, I I wish I took a photo of it Mhmm. Of of what it said. And so as we approached it, I rolled down my window, and I said, you know, hey. Nice bumper sticker. And he kinda gave one of the like, one of these where it's like like, they like
Speaker 3
You did a double take.
Speaker 0
It's well, like, it looks like a triple take. Like like, and kinda I drove off, and I was just it was funny because I was thinking, like, he must either think he's losing his like Right. Because I was I was in a work truck in Winnipeg. Like like yeah. Yeah. It was funny. But yeah. And there's been other kinda I was at a I was out at a pub with some friends, and and there was a couple people that came up to me and and asked for some photos and stuff. And, obviously, there's people here that I knew Yeah. Before I moved away that are you know, love it and think it's awesome.
Speaker 3
Where would you say you get recognized the most when you're in the city in Toronto or in Winnipeg there?
Speaker 0
Oh, Winnipeg. I mean, I think it's because Toronto's so, like, diverse and busy, and there's so much going on there that, like and there's also, like it's it's in a place like Toronto, it's not, like, weird Mhmm. To see somebody walking down the street that you you recognize. Like, that doesn't really ever happen in a place like this. So, I feel like more here for sure. I mean, I don't think if I recall, I don't think I've ever been recognized in Toronto ever. Oh, wow. So yeah. Here.
Speaker 3
Victor, do you have any, final
Speaker 1
Well, I just wanted to say sorry. Before before you jump in, Victor, would you be if you're ever in Toronto, would you be interested in joining us for some Oh, yeah. Big deck energy over at Matt's house? Yes. He, he loves loves his get togethers, in the summer. So if you're ever if you're around, you're more than welcome.
Speaker 3
We're planning on one of these live on his deck, so we'll we'll definitely,
Speaker 0
yeah. Would be so cool. Yeah. Yes. A hundred percent. I, because
Speaker 3
I feel like he he he's kicking himself for not being able to make it today. So I think he he get a we'll we'll let him ask all the questions then.
Speaker 0
Okay. Give him the spotlight. Yeah. Nice.
Speaker 3
Amazing. Victor? Thanks.
Speaker 2
Sure. Let's see. Let's give you a fun thought experiment question. Obviously, this is your path. You were meant to do this, and, you know, the best is yet to come for you, obviously, and you're getting to the writing. Who knows where it's gonna take you? But let's rewind a little bit. And, obviously, you were playing hockey because you loved it, and you probably had aspirations of playing in NHL one day. So had you gone on to play, beyond triple a and you, let's say, got called for a draft and got drafted by the Jets, and then Kisu calls you at the same time and says, hey. We want you. So which which way do you go? Hockey or acting?
Speaker 0
I would have to say acting. Mhmm. And not just because I'm doing it currently. I I played hockey my whole life, and I loved it every second. But I think the environment, not so much the industry, but the people, I think I would probably yeah. I'd I'd probably choose acting right now, but I would still love to play in the NHL. That'd be that'd be pretty awesome. But, yeah, I love them both, and I'd be so grateful to be able to do either of them for a job. But, yeah, probably acting.
Speaker 2
Well, you know what? I mean, Shorzy is a show that's being referenced more and more by NHLers and on the networks and stuff like that. I feel like somehow there's gonna be a crossover sometime in the future. So who knows? Maybe you'll get your foot in the door some one way or another.
Speaker 3
Are where would if you want people to, you know, follow you and and stuff after this inter interview, what's the best place to follow McLean Fish?
Speaker 0
Probably in Instagram. It's just my name, McLean Fish. No, no special characters.
Speaker 3
Okay. And do you have any, you know, do you have any future projects that you're excited about that you wanna shout out?
Speaker 0
Yes. Okay. But I can't talk about that. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Well, we'll we'll have to have you back on then, and you can mention them, you know, when you're on Matt Matt's big deck. How's that?
Speaker 0
Amazing. Looking forward to it.
Speaker 3
Amazing. Thank you so much, McClain, for for your time. You you've given us, we've taken more, you know, four minutes longer than, we promised, but we appreciate your time. And can't wait to to see what happens in season three and beyond.
Speaker 0
Yeah. And I am too. Very excited. Very excited.
Speaker 3
Alright. Thank you very much. I'm gonna play us off here, with a track that was dropped June first by our buddy, Joe Dolo. He just dropped his, I guess, it's is that called an EP, Going Gold? And here's the, title track from it here. Seventeen. Never go broke. We go on goal. I'm protecting the brand if I reach for the pole. We pie in the bands that never before. Don't like the grandma get paid for a post. I'm for the North. You get poked for twenty. And that's all we have for this episode. If you'd like to support the podcast, tell a friend. Also, follow us on most social media outlets at produsan pod. Thank you for joining us. Now we're gonna hang out with our new friend, McClain. On behalf of McClain, Tanya, Victor, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week.