Speaker 0
Tiazo, tonight is a grab bag of all kinds of stuff. This waiting on Shorzy is making it tough, so raise a glass to our pal. Happy birthday, Al, as we're doing this one off the cuff. That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 1
What do you listen to? Speaker 2
My favorite murder podcast. Speaker 0
Taggart and Jordan's podcast. The produce stand. Speaker 3
It's thirsty Thursday, and that means we are once again hanging at the produce stand, a podcast paying tribute to everything in the universe. Now I know what you're thinking. There are many other Leonard Canyon podcasts out there, but this one is about to bring you an exclusive tonight. I'm Al, your host, and joining me in the room as always is lovely. Well, she'll join us soon, Tanya. She's here. She's just, occupied at this at the moment. And online, we have squirrelly Matt and the very gnarly Victor. So, yeah, it's just gonna be the four of us tonight because we're doing a potpourri episode. So let's get started. How are you now? Tonight's lineup will be Matt, Victor, Tanya, and myself. So, Matt, how have you been? Speaker 0
I have been well. It's been, it's been a week. Speaker 0
a good week. Last weekend, and I know we'll talk about this probably more as well. We, went and saw Mark forward with our good buddy, Jeff and Cassie, and, the other guys from Maine there, Jared and, oh my god, Marcus. Speaker 3
Yep. Marcus and Jared. Speaker 0
Yeah. It was a it was a fantastic time. It was great to see those guys. Always a pleasure, always a fun time to hang out, crushing some ambassador pizza there. And Mark Forward is is a funny guy. So that was that that was a a delightful evening, and I'm glad we got out and got to see everyone. So, always welcome back to the city, guys. It's always great to see you. Aside from that, not much. We've been crushing a new show Mhmm. That's been kinda random. It's a show called Clarkson Farm. Speaker 0
Clarkson's Farm. It's, it was it was one do you know what? It was recommended by my mother-in-law, and, you know, we we often take her recommendations with the kids. Speaker 2
A little controversial, like, a year ago. So Speaker 0
Yeah. He tends to be from time to time. Yeah. So he's Jeremy Clarkson is the host of the show. He's the guy who did the UK, who wants to be a millionaire, but better known for his his hosting of years on that show Top Gear in the UK. But, anyways, he bought a farm, and it's just his exploits. Speaker 3
Oh, I've heard about this. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. It is wildly entertaining. Really? Well, yeah. It's don't un don't don't put this one aside. He's, it's it's pretty pretty fucking funny. He's clearly got millions, but he bought this farm, and he's just trying to get into it. So it's it's it's covers him year over year as he's taking on new challenges, right, of bringing sheep onto the farm, doing his first harvest, trying to open a restaurant. But his tactics and his approaches to things are very unorthodox, and he thinks he can get away with things and find loopholes and all this other weird and it's it's funnier than I ever thought it would be. So we're now in less than a week, we've crushed the entire first season halfway through the second. And, Yeah. If you have you're looking for something to just kill some brains and and bend some or lose some time with, it's it's definitely worth, diving into. It's on I I have it on Prime. I don't know if it airs anywhere else, but it's on Prime. Speaker 3
So Awesome agrees with you. She says Clark Clarkson's farm is hilarious only because Jazza is an idiot. Clarkson's accidentally funny. Speaker 0
Well, the characters because, yes, because it's him who is obviously a public figure. Speaker 0
But all the people around him, I looked up from what I understand, are all very genuine people within the agricultural industry, who are doing their jobs. And him interacting with them and their banter, is just too too much. So he's got this one guy, Caleb, who's, like, his right hand man, but he's, like, twenty two, and he just constantly puts him in his place. And Clarkson refers to him as an infant most of the time. There's another guy, what's his name, Gerald, who you can't understand a I still am not sure, two and a half seasons in, a single sentence he said. But every time he comes on screen, it's pretty entertaining. Just just fun stuff to watch if you're looking for something something new to check out. But, yeah, aside from that, we're, we're I I know I missed the McClain interview today, so I'm really excited to listen back to that. I'm sure you guys did a great job. And what you've already told me, he was a he was a fun guest. And, now we're now we're here. Speaker 3
He's a great guest, and I think you're gonna find his interview interesting. Sweet. Yeah. Victor, how have you been? Speaker 2
Good. So I guess first, we gotta say happy birthday. Oh, thank you. Speaker 5
Oh my god. How did I miss fuck? Speaker 0
up? Happy birthday, Matt. Speaker 3
You're the best, Matt. Speaker 4
I you know what's funny? I even Speaker 0
Came on with you, and I read it as part of the limerick. Speaker 5
At no point at no point do Speaker 0
I say, hey, Martha. Happy birthday. Speaker 0
Oh, I'm useless. Speaker 2
Anyway, I'm here for you, Matt. Speaker 3
He's here to bury you under that bus, Matt, is what he's doing. Yes. Speaker 0
Every it's always victory. You can Speaker 4
have he's always good at that. Speaker 3
Yeah. Melissa's in the in the livestream. It was literally in the limerick. Speaker 6
Literally. I mean, all Speaker 0
fairness, I messaged you at, like, seven thirty this morning. I said happy birthday. Speaker 3
You did. You did. But we had we had other business that we will get to later. But yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. By the way, the livestream is jumping tonight because everyone is so curious about what what we have, the exclusive news we're gonna drop, near the end of this episode. Speaker 2
Alright. So I'll Speaker 0
I'll Sorry. Continue. Speaker 2
I'll drawn it out as much as I can. Yes. Speaker 3
We gotta make some Speaker 2
wait. Yeah. So a quick, show that I watched, Trades, which has a lot of the familiar Right. Yeah. Characters. Speaker 2
Jovanovic, one of them. Mhmm. Probably butchered that. Speaker 3
But Jovanovic. Yeah. Speaker 2
Whatever. He's a good man. But when he comes on, then we'll get it right. Mhmm. And and, That's Speaker 0
how you get a guest. Speaker 2
It's it's a really, really good show. I really enjoyed it. Very obviously, it's made by the Trailer Park Boys people Speaker 2
People. So, it's kind of in that flavor, Speaker 2
I don't know. I thought I kinda I like it better than Trail Trailer Park is, you know, a kind of a certain tone to it. This this was really good. Mhmm. I I we I watched the whole thing. Linda wasn't into it, so I cranked through the whole thing in one night. Yeah. And, Speaker 3
It's on my list. Yeah. It's on my list. Speaker 2
I'm ready for season two. Bring it on. Wow. I really, really enjoyed it. Mhmm. And then I just, finished listening to the takeover, episode while I'm on my run today. Speaker 2
So that was fun. Casey had an interesting, take on what a book is. So, in person books. Speaker 3
You can you can, talk to her. Speaker 0
I laughed at that comment. Speaker 3
She's gonna be coming on right after the house remix, so you can you can talk to her about that. Speaker 2
That that was fantastic. I loved Aaron's, top top ten dicks. Speaker 2
There's there's lot lot lots of goodies. Yeah. Lots of goodies. And I'm actually intrigued because they talked a little bit about the, interview, that, Casey and I did, and I have absolutely no memory or recollection about what we talked about. But, apparently, everybody enjoyed it so much, they wanted part two. Speaker 3
They want part two. Speaker 2
And and so I definitely have to go back and listen because I have no clue what we talked about. Speaker 3
Yeah. We don't want you to to repeat any stories. We want fresh news stories. Yes. And you know what? You can start with that one you shared with us last Saturday, about, oh, what was it? It was oh, man. We we were talking about what were we talking about? Speaker 3
Something about porn. But, anyway, it was, it Speaker 2
was Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I can't maybe Casey and I got into it last night. I don't know. I don't know what we talked about. Yeah. I'll have to listen Speaker 2
Uh-huh. Sorry. Oh, and and and it was a fun little conversation about, you know, movies, and that was basically, obviously, predictable that everybody would come up with a little porn. Mhmm. Well, mostly, Trace, but I thought I thought for sure there would be something like, Cassie and coach, you know, getting getting coached or something like that. Mhmm. But but, I think Jeff stole stole, Mark Forward from her. Speaker 3
he he screwed it. Speaker 2
Yeah. I'm I'm not I'm for those that listen to the episode know what I'm talking about. Speaker 3
Yes. Tanya, how have you been? Speaker 1
Oh, hello there. Speaker 3
I'm doing the How's Your Week right now? Tanya just joined us, by the way. Speaker 1
Hi. How was my week? Busy. Speaker 3
Is that a question? Speaker 1
I I feel like that's, like, the the always and and forever now. It was busy. What do we do? I don't even remember this week. I can't believe it's Thursday. That's what's happening to me in my life right now. It's your birthday? Speaker 3
It's my birthday. Speaker 1
We've got, oh, we we celebrated your mom's birthday yesterday. Speaker 1
And that was the last time. Speaker 3
By the way, I I share a birthday with McClain Fish's mom. It's her birthday today too. So happy birthday, missus Fish. There. I said it. Speaker 1
There you go. Happy birthday. Yeah. So, we started This Is Us, which is, was highly recommended by Victor. Thank you very much for that. I think we're, like, three episodes in or four episodes in, and I'm already like, after the first episode, I'm like, I'm in. I'm I'm like, what is gonna happen to and I love how it flip flops from the past to the present, and I love how they tell the story. Like, you don't get it all at once, but you get little snippets of of how it plays into the future and and why what is happening in the or what is happening in the present Mhmm. And and what how how it, triggers from the past. Anyways, it was it's it's really good. Thank you very much, Victor. And, yeah, looking forward to this and having fun and your birthday. Speaker 3
Yes. Oh, and by the way, Cassie says tomorrow's her mom's birthday. So Is that right? Happy early birthday to Cassie's mom. Yes. So us Geminis, we're we're the best. Speaker 1
And we had, Mark Ford. That's a completely and we had Jeff. Yeah. That was Saturday. See? My whole Speaker 3
week said all that Speaker 1
stuff already. My whole week. Good job, Mac. Good job. My whole week is just been busy busy. I don't even Speaker 0
forgot Al's birthday, but I talked about that. Speaker 1
There you go. Okay. Good job. You got I got you. Speaker 2
Oh, it's a Jeff Jeff said that he was expecting three quarters of the podcast, so I hope he wasn't disappointed that he got four quarters. Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Gemini has a blast. Speaker 1
So much fun. Mark Ford was a blast. That man is the funniest. Speaker 3
He's pretty funny. Yeah. So what what can I say that hasn't been said yet? Everything. Everything. Speaker 1
show on Saturday that you're looking for? Speaker 3
Coming up. Yes. So on this Saturday, the Royal Paines are gonna play our first show in three years. We've been practicing, and, it's, I think we're ready, and I'm looking forward to it. It's been it's been far too long. Yeah. And, yeah, it should be fun. And, what else? Right now, hopefully, we don't lose power because we're in the middle of a big storm. Speaker 1
And the fourth one's rolling in through right now. Speaker 3
Yeah. About an hour ago, we lost power for about five minutes and it came back. So, we, hopefully, won't lose it during this recording or else you guys will miss it on the beat, Peter. Speaker 0
No. I don't know Speaker 2
how to generate it. Speaker 3
What do I look like? Oh, I thought Peter Speaker 1
It's so funny you said that. My sister was actually getting a quote for a generator. They lose power on a regular basis, and they lost a bunch of food the last round. So, they're like, yeah. Let's maybe think about generator. Yep. Speaker 3
Well, I don't know if we need a generator. Anyway, we Speaker 1
We don't lose it that much. Speaker 3
We don't lose power that much. Yeah. The the livestream's just jumping. Yes. No. We cannot livestream the Royal Royal Paint. It's a private show, or I you know, or else I would set up my camera and and live stream. Speaker 1
All I won't be able to get I won't be able to dance, so I shall take lots of video, and I'm sure Alan will post all of it. Speaker 3
Yeah. Somewhere in Snow Valley. I've I don't know exactly where it is, but yeah. Speaker 3
Yeah. And, so that's been the weekend. Yes. I'm enjoying the This Is Us. I know I've I've fought watching it forever when everyone else was talking about it. I just didn't feel like watching something that looked like it was basically scientifically engineered to make you cry. Speaker 0
Have you cried yet? Speaker 3
No. But, I mean, it's it's gotten a little dusty already. But, like, not now that I'm watching Speaker 3
Now that I'm watching it, it it it's good storytelling. Speaker 3
So far, so good. So, yeah. Speaker 3
And, yeah. And like was already mentioned today, we interviewed McLean Fish earlier today, that Jory Jordan. And, those of you who are patrons, some of you have already listened to it. I think Awesome's already listened to it. Casey may be half way through it. And those of you who are not patrons, you're gonna have to wait until next Thursday to listen to it. But it was a very fun interview. He's a very interesting He's Speaker 1
a cutie patoot. Yeah. Speaker 3
He's an interesting guy, and, yeah, we learned a lot from him. So, anyway, I think we need oh. Speaker 1
You've been and and another person's been added to your big deck there, Matt. Speaker 3
Oh, yeah. McLean. Apparently, he doesn't live far from ambassador pizza. Speaker 3
Yeah. And, well, when he's in Toronto, because right now he's in Winnipeg. But then Tanya invited him over to you. Speaker 1
I think I owe Jen, like, a case of wine at this point with all the people that I've invited over. Speaker 0
As they all show up, it's fun. We should we should really plan it. I think we find something maybe Oh Speaker 0
End of the summer. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe early in, like, where so it's not last year, remember how hot it was Speaker 0
Last year? So maybe we don't focus right in the center of the sun this year, but Speaker 3
Maybe we aim for September then. Speaker 3
Let's, let's get this rig rolling. Speaker 0
Previously on Letterkenny. Speaker 3
Last week, I was busy attending a couple of podcast conferences. So the takeover team assembled to provide us an episode. They did their usual stellar job and even got someone to crash the party in the form of Jay Burton, AKA Tyson from Letterkenny. So if you haven't heard that episode yet, I don't know what you're waiting for. Like, I can't help you there. You just gotta go listen. This week, we don't have a large theme, just a bunch of small things, but we do have an exciting exclusive that we'll talk about later on in the episode. So stay tuned, but let's get this one started. Speaker 6
Well, don't bore us. Get to the chorus. Speaker 3
We're going to start off. Our first guest to join us, she is the leader of the takeover team. Her name is Casey. Miss Casey's, hello. Speaker 3
Thank you for joining us. Speaker 8
Thank you for having me. Speaker 3
So I just want I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. We'll start with a great job last week as usual. Speaker 8
Cheers. Thanks. It was a team effort. Speaker 8
We also winged it like our forefathers before us. Speaker 3
You did wing it, but you you had, four three fathers and one mother. Anyway, you had a Speaker 3
I know. You had the benefit of a traveling roving reporter named Jeff. Speaker 8
on the ground. Yeah. Speaker 4
Walking the hilarious. Speaker 3
Walking the streets of Sudbury. And, yeah. And I posted video of that on, on the social, so if anybody wants to see that. But he basically was able to, get, Jay Burton on, the podcast before we could. So congratulations. Speaker 8
Well, we kinda berated him. I don't know how much people were paying attention to, like, the the minute and a half before that. He was trying to go home, and we were like, no. Stay out. Go do these things. Like, we were we were kinda, like, I listened back, and I was like, damn. We were giving it to Jeff. Speaker 3
Yeah. But It's a good thing you did. Yeah. It all Speaker 2
worked out. Yeah. Yeah. He kept saying, I'm an old man. I'm an old man. Speaker 3
And Well, even when ball's a tug. When we saw him, this Saturday, they were, like, so tired. Like, they they went hard, I guess, the the whatever, how many days they were out, that they couldn't wait to, yeah, to get to bed because they had a long drive ahead of them. Speaker 1
They said they needed a vacation from their vacation. Speaker 3
feel a lot of it was Marcus and Jared kind of going, yeah, Jeff just won't Speaker 3
he's making us go here. He's making us go there. Speaker 2
Anyway an expedition, not a vacation. Speaker 3
Exactly. We'll we'll have Jeff on a little later to talk about the that trip. But, I wanted to have you on I mean, not just to talk about the takeover, but this you've been doing some fun and exciting stuff lately. And I asked you if you wanted to come on and talk about it, so let's talk about it. Let's sit here and talk. Speaker 8
Alright. We're gonna take it and talk about it. Speaker 8
We're gonna talk about it. Speaker 3
So what have you been up to? Speaker 8
I've been engaging in some stand up comedy Speaker 8
In my local area. Yeah. It's been a lot of fun. Speaker 8
I go to a an open mic about an hour away in a town called Charlottesville. You may have heard of it for not great reasons or great reasons depending on your predilections in life. Sports, UVA, and then the thing downtown. But, I love Charlottesville, and they have an open mic every Monday. A guy named Chris Allen runs it, and they're just a great group. I've had a lot of fun doing it. And then I think we talked about it maybe in an after party, but I did a comedy class for a month, with a production team here in Harrisonburg. And we actually had a workshop tonight, and we have, from noon to six on Saturday, we're doing, like, a comedy thing at the city's best weekend ever. So that's actually kind of a big gig, and I'm gonna be out there for a while. Yeah. We're gonna be doing, like, give us your best joke every hour on the hour. And then every half hour, we're gonna be, like, playing games with people, just like comedy games, trying to get people to just fucking laugh a little bit more. Mhmm. That's amazing. Like, not
Speaker 8
Not take things so seriously, be a little silly. So, yeah, it's been it's been great. It's been a lot of fun. Thank you to Mark Ford and Ally Pierce and Jeff. Like, going to see them Mhmm. Live sort of solidified it for me. It helped that I was, like, right up their noses and could, like, see them and, like, feel their energy. But, yeah, it's been fun. It's been good.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Now rewind back to when you were up here. When
Speaker 3
It was in February. Right?
Speaker 8
Feb yeah. February.
Speaker 3
February for Pod Camp. And then, you Yeah. Tanya and I went out to, Second City to watch some live comedy. And, I mean, it I feel like the the comedy we were watching was probably a bunch of graduates from some comedy program, and it was like this
Speaker 3
Their full first kind of professional show or something. Because not that they were unfunny. They were they were funny. They were amusing. But and They were scared. The the three of three of us were sitting front row center, and you were getting more laughs from the the audience than they were. Yeah. Did that kinda, like, light a fuse under you there?
Speaker 8
Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, I so I I'm not really that motivated these days. Like, I'm just getting stuff done that I need to get done. But I have these, like, dreams and these fantasies that are a year or so away. And so last week, I kinda was, like, looking around Toronto open mics.
Speaker 8
thought, oh, oh, spring break. You know, not spring break, but, yeah, the boys are at the beach this week. Mhmm.
Speaker 8
I was either gonna just fuck off to Toronto and try to do as many open mics up there, for four days. But I chose not to. I chose to stay at home because now I'm getting to do stuff like here
Speaker 8
Which is good. Yeah. It's great.
Speaker 3
And by the way, we we might have a good solution or a good, suggestion for a weekend you may wanna come up to Toronto for coming later.
Speaker 8
Okay. Well, right. So fuck. Anyway, it's been great.
Speaker 8
Yeah. Fuck. I got, you know, I got
Speaker 0
We'll talk about it later. Yeah. We'll talk about it later.
Speaker 3
It's not it's not Just it's fine. It's not imminent.
Speaker 8
No. I know. It's fine. I know. I know. It's fine. There's always time in Jared's world. So it's been interesting because the thing that I didn't realize about comedy was that it was gonna be, like, self exploratory. Like, I got out of therapy after doing all this work, and now I'm, like, doing more but different work. So that wasn't what I expected with comedy at all. Yeah. And I really appreciate writing with people and working jokes. That's been, like, the most valuable thing I think I've gotten out of this experience is just the opportunity to work with people. Like, not just be funny accidentally or it's great. There and there's time and a place for it. But, like, there's a reason Jared scripts every freaking beat and every word. Like, funny is funny, and you can plan it, and you can execute it in a way that's authentic. And
Speaker 3
Yeah. Well, people don't I mean, I listen to a lot of comedy podcasts, stand up comedy podcasts, Mike Birbiglia, Pete Holmes, like, good good one, like, all of those. Yeah. And what people don't understand or what people like, it takes work and repetition. Like, the the stand ups you see that are really, really good at it, it looks like it's effortless and and and easy and off the cuff. It is the opposite of that. Like you say, they plan every word down to the syllable, every movement, and and everything. Right? And until they they hone it down until it's, like, good enough to to do, like, at a special or whatever. Right?
Speaker 8
That and there's a mix of there's a mix of improvisation too. And it it all depends on what type of comic you're gonna end up being. Right. Right? Like, there's a difference between doing what Jared and co do on set every time
Speaker 8
Versus outtakes, versus stand up, versus improv, etcetera, etcetera. So, it's it's just cool. It's some you know, it's something to do. It makes me feel young again, and it scares me a little bit. And that's what I think I like most about it. So it's just slightly terrifying.
Speaker 3
Mhmm. Well, I mean, it's great. And you've shared with me directly a few recordings.
Speaker 3
And, they, I could hear your progress. You're getting so much more comfortable, and your jokes are funnier. And I I've always wondered about that. Like, the writing especially, like, how is there any, like, rule of thumb or any kind of golden rule you can share about joke writing or comedy writing of like, at all? Or is it just
Speaker 8
Don't be no. You can't you have to be completely open. Mhmm. You you really have to be completely open. And you have to be willing to go places, and you have to be willing to do it with people.
Speaker 8
There's what's funny for you is funny for you. But if you're it's just like any skill. If you're not gonna hone your craft, you know, it's it can be an art. It can be considered an art. Sure. I mean, the way people can play with you psychologically, you know, when you're talking about, like, turns and you get people in an emotional state and there's this, you know, the whole audience. Right? You feel it and then you deliver the punch line or whatever the relief is. And then they let go. And, like, we're all seeking that. So it's it's an experience. And it have you have to be willing to have that experience Speaker 8
With the audience. And you have to know your context, like, who you are. Speaker 0
Well, I couldn't applaud. Speaker 0
I couldn't Write your jokes. I couldn't applaud you more, Casey. Mhmm. It's absolutely brilliant. I love, like, as Al said, we've heard your growth and what you shared. So proud of what you're doing and getting out there and putting yourself in those spaces that takes courage beyond guys. Most of what anyone could ever face. So Yeah. Good on you, man. Yeah. Speaker 8
We can't wait to really dramatic, Matt. No. Speaker 0
But it is. Like, to stand up in a group like that, that Yeah. That is Mhmm. Amazing. Yeah. Speaker 8
Well, a lot of, you know, a lot of that comes from knowing you all. So thank you. I mean, I've said from the beginning, you know, from the first takeover, like, you just making, space for us to take part in the way that we can, like, as a creative outlet. You guys are a huge reason why I'm doing what I'm doing today. So thank you all. Amazing. Love you guys. Speaker 3
Before I let, Casey go, Matt, you already had your say. Victor, do you have any any final words for Casey before we play her off? Speaker 2
No. I mean, I it's pretty much everything that was said. Speaker 2
Casey, I had, public speaking engagement a couple of weeks ago, and, I was terrified of being terrified. Mhmm. When it was actually time to go on, everything was fine, and and everything clicked, and it was it was it was good. But I was, telling Matt this, when we had breakfast the other day. I was coming up with the worst case scenarios. Like, what if you get up there and you start hyperventilating, or you, completely blank out or you try to speak and nothing comes out. And you know what I mean? Like, all of these things that could could happen, I suppose. It's it's that it's that idea that when you get in front of people, your body sometimes tends to do things that is out of your control, and then you settle down and everything's okay. But Yeah. It would be nice to avoid that whole experience. Right? It would be nice to just go up there and not experience any of that awkwardness. And and like I said, you know, probably because of my experience and stuff like that, everything did work out. But it was it takes a lot of courage to do what you did, and that what you're continuing to do. And Thanks. Speaker 2
more you do it, the easier kind of it it it the easier it gets to get up there. Speaker 2
work behind it doesn't get easier. And and that's the thing. Speaker 2
You know, we, I I, what's that band that your daughter likes these days, Al? Yes. They sing shine. Speaker 3
Oh, Collective Soul. Speaker 8
Collective Soul. Speaker 3
Like, Tanya likes them. Yeah. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. So I I I I went to a work conference Speaker 2
And David Usher, the singer from the band, was there. No. Wrong band. Speaker 3
David Usher is the singer from Moist. Speaker 2
Oh, you know, he was from Moist. Speaker 8
The Moisty Moisty Boss. Speaker 2
Anyway, but but but but but, anyway, same era. Right? Same era. Anyway, he he was up there. Speaker 3
The Canadian collective soul. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Speaker 2
Yeah. That's that's fair. Anyway, he was up there and he was doing a keynote on creativity. Mhmm. Speaker 2
was up there with his guitar and he would just, you know, speak and then he would just stop speaking and start playing the guitar and start speaking again. And his whole thesis was on the fact that we get to see the final product. When we see a comedian doing their stand up or we see a musician, doing their thing or a writer with their book or their poem or whatever, we don't what we don't see is the hundreds and maybe thousands of hours of effort and work that goes into that, and also his whole notion was that everybody has the ability to be creative. Everybody. It's how much work you're willing to put into it. And you're just an example of that. Right? So you're putting in the hard work, we're seeing the development from from, week to week, and you're continuing to kind of demonstrate the courage in in in putting it up. And you're probably, you know, a good role model and an inspiration to others out there. So good for you. Speaker 8
Oh, I see. So you're not gonna When are we gonna do our part two, Victor? Speaker 3
Yes. After Shorzy season three, we will we will air Speaker 3
Ten, anything before we let, Casey go? Speaker 1
You Casey, you are just so beautiful, and you are so inspiring. You're it's it's not just, you know, taking that step to to, you know, go on stage, but it's making the time. Like, you're a busy, busy woman, full time job, single parent, and you're making the time and and doing the things that you like, you're you're setting goals for yourself. And that is so inspiring to me because I get so bogged down in the motherhood of things that it's hard to to fit in time. And you you, my friend, you are such an inspiration to me, truly, truly. And I even if I could just take off, like, a little bit and be able to use that, I you you just you you make me so happy. I'm so Speaker 8
You can have it. It's all on you, girl. I'm putting it all on you. You can also do it. Speaker 1
Are amazing. Amazing. Speaker 1
You inspire me so much. Thank you. Speaker 8
Okay. I'm really uncomfortable now. Speaker 3
Yeah. We're gonna I'm gonna play Please go. I'm gonna play you off with some music because, June first, our friend, Joe Dolo, dropped his Going Gold EP, and I'm gonna play a song off that EP. We're gonna listen to a little bit of it, not the whole thing. This is the the second track off that EP called This Year. Casey, thank you so much for joining us. Speaker 8
Thank you. Love you guys. Speaker 9
This year's different all my niggas on the plane with me. So So when we stepping on the stage, you feel the real city. This year's different, every move pops here with me. This year's different when I'm shopping, so I gotta My last name incorporated is your family business Until your uncle owes you money, you won't learn forgiveness Time your circle my nigga, I'm like the OG with this Speaker 3
Alright. That was, This Year by, Joe Doloff off of his goal Going Gold EP. Our next guest first of all, June in Canada is, National Indigenous History Month. I don't know if it's the same in the US, but up in Canada, that's it. I did a podcast about it already for work. And, basically, it's a month that we, you know, where we talk about indigenous history and we and we think about it and we we, you know, we we we celebrate it. So, I thought I'd invite our our friend, Cassian, who last year, if you guys remember, she joined us for an indigenous special episode of TPS, I think, around this time too. And the reason I asked Cassie to come on today is because Tanya and I are excited, and I think Matt and Victor said they were gonna, join us too if they can. Later on in July, we're gonna go to our first powwow, and it's gonna be, we're joining Cassie at at at her, local, res, I guess, to for this powwow. So, Cassie, thank you so much for joining us today. Speaker 10
Thank you so much for having me on, Yahweh. Speaker 3
Yahweh. So, tell us about the so this powwow, again, we've never been to one, so we have no idea what to expect. The one this one here is called the Grand River Champion of Champions powwow at, Oshweken Speedway. Is that right? Speaker 10
Yep. The Oshweken Speedway. It happens from, July twenty sixth to the twenty eighth, and it has been going since, like, nineteen seventy nine. Speaker 3
That is so cool. So tell us what what what goes on at these events. Speaker 10
So a powwow is, basically, an intertribal gathering. One of the things that's very important and is basically ceremony within, many indigenous cultures is celebration. Mhmm. We talk about how laughter is good medicine. So for somebody like Casey and Yahweh for the good medicine, for making people laugh, community, music, dance, it's all good medicine, and it's a chance for everybody to come together. The champion of champions pow wow is not the biggest in Ontario or in Canada, but it's one of them. Mhmm. We will have people coming from all over Turtle Island, including over four hundred drummers, singers, and, traditional dancers. Speaker 3
That's cool. Yeah. Looking forward to Speaker 3
Awesome. So, I mean, I I can't wait, and, we're we're bringing the kids and everything. So, it's gonna be a fun trip. Again, I'm not committing Victor and Matt to it because we kinda came up with it, but, you guys expressed interest too. Right, Matt and Victor? Speaker 0
Yeah. I'm I'm working through the scheduling right now to see if I can make it because I I've we've talked before. I'd love to go to one. I've never experienced one. So if I can make it work, I will be there. Yeah. Speaker 10
We need to get you a beaded hat. Speaker 0
We need a beaded hat. Speaker 0
That alone, I need to come now. Speaker 4
Right? Like Absolutely. Speaker 3
Yeah. I think we're gonna try to make it for, like, a Saturday, you know, maybe, what, Friday to Saturday or Saturday to Sunday or something. Speaker 3
Yeah. But, yeah, I can't wait to do this. Now we saw you in person last weekend because you went to the Mark Ford show. Speaker 3
shows. Right? That's right. We went we went to one. You went to both. Speaker 10
I I did. I did the back to back gambit. Speaker 3
So, I mean, talk to us about a bit about that. Speaker 10
I mean, honestly, this is gonna sound hyperbolic, but anytime I go to a Mark Forward show, it is the best night of my life. And to be able to share it with you guys and with Jeff and Jarrah and Marcus, it's just it it made me so happy. If anybody's ever like, oh, there are two show times, back to back, go to both. They are two very different shows with completely different material. Mhmm. Speaker 3
And you also discover new comedians because, the in the first show that that we went to, the first comic that was on, I forget his name, but I'm now following him on on, on Instagram and stuff. He was great. I loved him. He had kind of a Mitch Hedberg style Speaker 3
That I really, really enjoyed. Very kind of subdued, but but really funny, like, almost one liner jokes. I really enjoyed it. Speaker 10
Yes. Maybe that was Tom d Henry, the guy who's gonna be doing a recording soon. Speaker 10
I I'm following him now. Speaker 3
I think so. Anyway Speaker 0
Yes. It is Tom Henry. Speaker 3
Yeah. The whole show was great. And, and Mark Ford even posted the bit that he did with us present, although Tanya and I weren't in the frame. But you were, like, right there front and center, and so was Matt. Speaker 0
Yeah. Jeff was Jeff was in there too. You can see him. Speaker 3
And Jeff. Yeah. Where he says, this is my last show ever, and he asked the crowd to stand up and and start yelling at him and stuff. And and then, yeah, it was a it was a fun time. It was a really fun ridiculous. He comes out in that in those Most Speaker 3
Yeah. He's a ridiculous person, but in a funny, fun way for sure. Speaker 10
Oh, absolutely. And, like, the other comedians that he had on, one of the I'm a a big fan of, Eric Andrews. Speaker 10
And, so he did a a whole set in the the second show and would definitely recommend. I got, like, a little memento. It was like a cassette case with his art on it, and it had, magnets in it that he had made from the, Mark Ford podcast. So now I just have a magnet of Mark Ford's disapproving face sitting on my fridge. Speaker 3
There you go. So before we let you, go well, first of all, we'll get the the panel to say stuff. But, Joey wants you to repeat the dates of the powwow before before you leave because, I don't know, it looks he might be interested in coming up for that. That's, Speaker 10
That would be so cool. So the dates are July twenty sixth, twenty seventh, and twenty eighth. Speaker 10
The twenty sixth, the Friday night is free entertainment, music and the like. The actual, like, powwow stuff happens Saturday and Sunday, with grand entry at noon and seven PM, for Saturday and then noon on Sunday. Speaker 3
Nice. Yes. Alright. Maybe we can, convince some of our our Ontario other Ontario listeners to join us that day because that'd be kind of fun. Speaker 10
I would love that, honestly. Like, the universe really takes care of the indigenous audience and their indigenous stories. So this just feels like it, you know, meets in the middle perfectly. Speaker 3
Yeah. And Listowel is not too far away. So Speaker 3
wanna plan a road trip, I'll let Jeff. Matt, did you have anything to say before we sing Cassie? Speaker 0
No. No. I mean, I I I've already said it. Yeah. Cassie, it was great seeing you. I'm actually I felt really bad that I didn't stay long enough to see you after your second show. I had a busy weekend ahead of me, so I ducked out early. But it was fantastic seeing you. And, yeah, I'm hoping I can make the Powell thing because I genuinely wanna come and and participate and see what it's all about. It looks like a fucking blast. So I Speaker 10
would love for you to come. Don't feel bad. It was, you know, pretty late by the second show's end. I totally get it. Speaker 0
Listen. I'm not that old. I really don't have any excuse. It was ten o'clock on a Saturday. If I can't stay out beyond that, then yeah, I got I got different problems. Speaker 3
I'm the one pushing fifty here, Matt. Matt, not you. Speaker 10
I got to see you before the first show, so that counts for something. Right? Speaker 0
Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Speaker 2
Yeah. Cassie, it was a real treat to see you again in person on Saturday. Obviously, the best part of the evening was right after Matt left. Speaker 0
right. Yeah. It did Speaker 2
really, really nice and intimate. Speaker 0
The night really picked up up from there. Right? Speaker 2
It really did pick up. Yeah. Speaker 3
Much more lively. Yeah. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. Great stories, great fun, and and a very interesting cafe. Mhmm. Speaker 10
that was an interesting Speaker 2
cafe. You're not wrong. Speaker 3
The cannabis cafe that we went to after, after Speaker 0
we left, the pizza place. Somewhere else? Speaker 0
guys went to another place? Speaker 3
to a second location. Speaker 2
You Matt, you think I'm joking? I'm not joking. The night picked up afterwards. Fuck. Speaker 0
you guys eat all the pizza? Because I know I left a few, and Speaker 2
I'm like, did everyone It it the pizza was well taken care of. Speaker 0
Good. That's all I care about. Speaker 2
Cassie, the only thing I'm thinking for the powwow is do I bring the indigenous hippo or not? Is it is it safe? Is it gonna be kind of reacquired into the community? Or Speaker 10
You have an indigenous STIPO? Because I need to see this now. Speaker 0
a lot of questions about this. Well, really just one. What? Speaker 10
You know what? Maybe you can get, like, one of those baby Bjorn slings and attach them to you just, you know, just for safekeeping. You can bring them for an intertribal dance. Like, it'll be great. Speaker 2
Anyway, real treat. Speaker 10
Real treat. So good to see you, man. Speaker 1
I feel like we didn't hug enough. Like, I'm seeing you I'm seeing you, and I'm like, I we we needed to hug more if it's even possible. It was so wonderful to see you. I can't wait to see you again. It's next month, so not too not too, far away. And, oh my gosh. Yeah. I'm so looking forward to it. I'm I'm crazy excited about it. Speaker 10
Me too. I'm just so incredibly excited, both for you guys to experience it, to experience the food, the dancing, the music, like, just in my heart. My heart is just so full when I talk about, like, pow wows and that sort of thing. Speaker 10
I grew up going to them and, so going to them with people who I consider a chosen family is even better. Speaker 3
Awesome. Any other any final words before I play off? Speaker 10
No. Just if people in Ontario or who can get to to Ontario wanna come to the Grand River Champion of Champions powwow, please do look for me, give me a shout, and I will try to be around and be there. And, although not associated with pow wows at all, Mark Ford is amazing, and I can't say that enough. Speaker 10
And I guess just to, like, slip it, you know, in there, it was great to see Jeff and Jarrah and, Marcus as well. Speaker 3
Awesome. Maria, thank you so much. I'm gonna play you off here with the third track off of, Dolo's EP, If I Go Get It. Speaker 4
have the keys, but Speaker 9
on top of the building, my city full is cameras and pretenders. She gonna rob you when you're asleep. Got the offenders, pet with the vendors. Even my doctor could put you to sleep. Ain't no tomorrow, officer the switch. I'm a role model, put me in my suite. Bunch of models in my section. Ten, ten, ten, ten. Got a different selection. You ain't the player, I got beef with the gang. Mar Tides, old gang in the stands. Don't got a clue what we did for the bandstick. Don't got a clue what we did for the fans. I'm high in the club, my diamonds do the dance. We smoke with the owner, he think of me friends. Speaker 3
Alright. Next bit of business here. Awesome. Are you there? Wouldn't it be funny if Awesome's not there right now? Speaker 7
just had to fiddle with the Speaker 3
Alright. Mute button. So, if people don't know I mean, I can't imagine anyone not knowing, but you are one of the moderators on the Letterkenny sub red Reddit? Speaker 7
Yeah. At the moment, I'm, one of the only active ones. Me and Guinness is a meal are doing all the heavy lifting here. Speaker 3
And there's lots to lift with, what, a quarter million members of that subreddit? Speaker 7
Two hundred and fifty three thousand plus members. Speaker 1
That's a full time job. That's more than a full time job. Speaker 7
Yeah. I know. Hey, Kara. Pay me. No. It's legit now. According to Reddit, quote, unquote, brands can now operate subreddits. So that's legit. Speaker 3
Very cool. So, I mean, you've been busy, obviously, with with lots of stuff. But with the subreddit in the last few weeks leading up to, Shorzy three dropping in the US, you've had some, AMAs. You wanna talk about those and then the one coming up? Speaker 7
Absolutely. So we, we've bagged some big names here recently. Shout out to all my peeps at New Metric, especially DJ. You've been a real champ. So we've had Tasya Teles, also known as Nat, on. She was one of our first AMAs for this series. We got Camille sub Sullivan, who is Laura Moore, everyone's favorite hottest girl in Sudbury. We've also had Eliana Jones, who was Mercedes last week. She was a black. And then this week, we got Mikaela Braser, who is Speaker 7
And we got the fucking lineup. And look. When I we before, you know, when I got the dates, I was like, hey, Kara. Can can we do another series of AMAs like we did for the first two? You know? Because for the first series, she got me JJ Dolo and Hitch. I've had both the boys, Liam and Corey, Bert Cassebon and Keegan Long on. Speaker 7
I've had Harlan on. I've had Megan Sieg on. You know? So I've gotten real lucky with with the cast wanting to be hands on and engaged. Speaker 7
And I've had this outlet to, you know, be like, hey. Look. We have this audience. Come say hey. Speaker 3
And, today, we asked McLean Fish if he'd be interested, and he's totally into it. He says, Reddit's one of the few places he does read. So Speaker 7
I heard that. Yeah. The minute it dropped, I'm like Mhmm. I have to wander the garden. Let's get a podcast in my ears. Speaker 3
So without being too specific, what did you think of the interview? Speaker 7
I think it was great. It was, interesting to get his perspective on things. Speaker 7
He's quite different than his character, and I'm glad of that. Speaker 7
Yeah. No. He seems like an interesting young man, and I'd love to have him on anytime he wants to drop it. Speaker 3
Alright. Cool. I'll connect you connect you to, offline, and then, yeah, maybe he could be your next one. Unless you already have your next one. Who who who comes in after Pamski? Speaker 3
Oh, but you do have somebody. Speaker 7
So we've been the pattern is, right, is the the the episode is available at twelve AM eastern time Speaker 7
On Friday. And then that afternoon, noon on the eastern East Coast and or Speaker 7
No. Three PM on the East Coast, noon on the West Coast. We have another guest. Speaker 3
Oh, so that's when you that's your your cadence for announcing who the guests are. Okay. Alright. So we should be finding out then next week. What what day next week? Speaker 7
Probably Sunday or Monday. Speaker 0
Alright. What's your scale of excitement on the next one? Speaker 0
Oh. Okay. Alright. We'll take it. Speaker 3
Shall we shall we take some bets? Who could have picked it? Is Speaker 2
it the goldfish? Speaker 7
Like, if you want to run a book on top of all the other one jobs you have, be my guest. I'm not running it. I'm trying to calculate nods. Speaker 3
K. That's a good point. Yeah. I don't I don't want another job. So, that's that's cool. Speaker 0
We'll just wait and be excited when it happens. Speaker 3
And and get on make sure everyone gets on and ask them if they'll be on the protestant. I did reach out to, Eliana. Haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm I'm hoping to get her on. That would be Speaker 0
She falls through. Speaker 7
Eliana and I had a conversation about that. I'll tell you later. Speaker 3
Oh, okay. Cool. Sounds good. Speaker 2
Hey. Hey. Do we know if there's only one big sexy or if there's kind of multiple big sexies? And does Big Sexy have an agent? Speaker 0
What are you referring Speaker 7
Sexy is the personal private pet of somebody in the Sudbury area. Speaker 2
Oh, yeah? Alright. Yeah. And do they does he do interviews? Speaker 3
I feel like he'll be able Speaker 0
I would take both in this case. I'm so curious. Speaker 3
I can see the interview now? I'll be like, so big, sexy, where are you speaking to us from? Pit Tucker. Yeah. And, is that where you're originally where are you originally from? Pit Tucker. Cool. Cool. When did you get into acting? Pit Tucker. Yeah. I think, I think we've already done the interview right there. Speaker 1
think that's next week's, episode Speaker 4
right there. Is that an Speaker 3
interview with you, sexy? Speaker 1
I feel like, yeah, just ask all your questions, people. Send in Speaker 10
your questions. Speaker 0
Better say tit fucker. Speaker 3
Our friend Dennis from the UK asked his usual question, who's the best, slut on the ice? Pitbucker. Oh, that's interesting. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 7
Oh, man. Hey. What do you wanna bet a dollar that that's Jared's voice, but, like, super processed. Speaker 3
I wouldn't take that bet. I'm sure it is his voice. And one last question, big sexy. This is Matt's question, obviously. What does it mean to you to be part of a show like Shorzy? Speaker 4
Yeah. That's that's yeah. Speaker 0
That checks out. Speaker 0
Done. Release it. Speaker 7
Cut. Next April Fool's joke. Speaker 3
Easy. Let's go. Piece of content ever. Matt, do you have any final words for Austin before I play around? Speaker 0
No. I'm just I'm so impressed. I'm loving every week seeing the new drops. You're lining them up, filling Speaker 0
Keep it to him, man. You you absolutely crush it on the Reddit, and, I know you take a lot of shit in the process, but, you're killing it. Love it. Speaker 7
Yep. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Speaker 2
Yeah. Awesome. I you know what? Like, you're actually, if have intrigued me, I might actually check out to see what this whole subreddit is all about. Speaker 0
took, what, three and a half years? Yeah. Speaker 2
You know what? Like, my my understanding of sub of Reddit is just when I do a Google search, sometimes the results are coming are coming in from Reddit. Speaker 2
That's that's my that's my knowledge of Reddit. Speaker 2
have no idea what a subreddit is. So we'll I'll have to do a little bit of, research. Speaker 7
You wanna know what's funny is Reddit has become one of the last places where institutional knowledge can thrive and remain in situ. Right? Because, like, Google has shifted to their stupid fucking algorithmic, results where, okay. So they have always used a search algorithm, but now they're, like, promoting AI results. Speaker 7
So they're getting But Speaker 2
I I still get Reddit act curious. I still get Reddit in my search, though, in my results. Yeah. Not for long. Speaker 7
Thing is, though, is the Reddit results are actually written by real life actual people. Speaker 7
That's the difference. Speaker 2
Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. And and I appreciate it. Speaker 7
Problem you need to solve with, like, an obscure operating system or a specific piece of kit, you just type in, you know, what your problem is and your equipment, and then you type Reddit afterwards, and you get real people actually discussing the problem. Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. And they get real deep, and they are actually very polite and nice to each other, and they don't, like, shame each other for asking questions or whatever. Speaker 0
Like, I think You must have found one of the nicer stuff. Speaker 3
Yeah. I was gonna say that's not every Reddit. Speaker 2
No. But my experience, like, I, you know, I started using the stupid Strava app, and I got all kinds of issues with it. So I and I got into the Reddit, kind of group that was talking about it, and that's where I got the best information about it. Speaker 2
Yeah. And, yeah, I totally appreciated it. Anyway, like I said, I I'll need to kind of dig into this and and, see what, your subreddit is all about. Speaker 7
Sounds good. I would love to it look. Let me know if you want me to hook you up with, like, a decent username that doesn't sound like a bot. I will set you up with an account. Speaker 2
Use I have a username. Speaker 7
For Reddit? You've already signed up for No. Speaker 2
But for the internets. Speaker 0
That's it. You don't need anymore. Just let them let them go. Speaker 4
Yeah. Alright. Yep. Speaker 3
By the way, Victor Joeth says there's for sure a Nunu Bettencourt subreddit, so you should be on that if you're not on that. Speaker 2
Oh, yeah. Well, that's cool. Yeah. I I'll check that out. Yeah. Yeah. My handle on the Internet is Red Bigimut. Mhmm. Nobody has that, name. Speaker 3
You're right. There's there's no lineup for that one. Ten? Speaker 1
I don't even know how to spell that. Speaker 3
Before we kick awesome out. Speaker 1
I I will, jump in with, Victor and go on a training Reddit course, to find out where in the Internet's Reddit, lives and how it works with the rest of everything. Because I I, honestly, I have not explored that world. So, I would be interested to see everything that you do awesome. I've I've I I hear your stories, and I I think that it would be really cool to to, watch and and see what you do. And, you're amazing. So I I think that it would be so cool to see in action. Speaker 7
I am more than willing to take you on Le Grand Tour. Speaker 3
Reddit training course taught by Austin. Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us. Any final words before I, put the hook to you? Speaker 7
Thanks. Yeah. No. You can spare the shepherd's crib. Speaker 7
It's been a great week. Love talking to you as all as always. Have fun. Speaker 3
Thank you so much for joining us. Gonna play awesome off here with, the fourth track of Joe Dolo's Going Gold, Like a Giant. Speaker 0
The trend here. Yeah. Speaker 9
I'm taking the gangsters to the park where we at, safe. There's so much ice upon my Yeah. Aye, aye, aye. Go, go, baby. I'm taking gangsters to the party where we at, nobody's safe. There's so much ice up on my neck If it melts, I'm in LA Start up making movies, own the music, have to push the brakes And if it gets slow, I told mama I'll go push the weight Keep talking independent. I'm the one who's really living it. Thirty racks in twenty twenty two. Next year, we double it. Tolo, I done write the song, so Tolo, I'm uploading it. The label doing all the Speaker 3
Alright. We are one story away from the big announcement. But before we get there Speaker 4
That's Sorry. Before we Speaker 3
get there, let's talk to our buddy, Jeff, who just came back from his tour of Ontario of Southern Ontario. Jeff, how's it going, bud? Speaker 6
Really? You're gonna you're gonna make me drag this thing out and and just pain and make everybody suffer for the big announcement? Yeah. Speaker 0
Yeah. That's the Speaker 3
way you're gonna do it? Exactly. It's exactly what I wanna do. Speaker 0
Oh. Seem like the most obvious choice. Speaker 3
And take your time because you have lots to talk about. Right? Speaker 6
I do. I do. First off, I have happy birthday. Thank you, bud. Yeah. Speaker 3
You're so thoughtful. You're not like not like, Matt there. Speaker 6
What a horrible, horrible person. Speaker 0
I miss I only miss three birthdays, and I get this kind of treatment. Speaker 3
Two of them are mine. I think you missed last year's too. Speaker 0
I think I did. That's why I'm saying it. I'm sure I did a day report too. I'm just assuming at this point. Speaker 1
Matt, I'll make sure I send you a message first thing. No. Speaker 4
You won't. Next year. Oh my gosh. Speaker 0
I'm gonna fuck it up anyways. Speaker 3
Oh, you guys. Alright. No. I'm I'm all kidding aside, maybe the Reader's Digest version of your of your trip up here. Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. I'll do what I can here. Bear with me, guys. My voice isn't the best. I've actually been I I mean, I think I worked myself into the into a tizzy so much. Like, we were just so so freaking busy. Speaker 6
I ended up getting sick for, Speaker 6
it was, like, Sunday, the ride home, just sinus y and, gross. And then thank God I had Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday off before I, went back to work today to recover. Speaker 0
I'm Canadian. That's what happened. Speaker 6
I did. I did. I no. No. No. I wanna catch Canadian. That's what I wanted. No. It was, like, such a great trip, guys. We started off we we we left here, on Tuesday, drove to Ottawa, spent the night in Ottawa. When we got to Ottawa, I mean, it was nonstop. I had stuff planned out. Speaker 6
Tan, I didn't have a spreadsheet, but, I mean, I had I had, I had Google Maps just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, every place we're gonna go. So, here to Ottawa was about eight Speaker 3
hours just driving alone, Speaker 0
not to mention stops. And we, we got there, and Speaker 6
we, and we we we checked in the hotel and then went to Parliament Hill. And we, had none of us had never had ever been there myself, Marcus, or Jara. Speaker 3
We I've never been to Parliament Hill either. So there you're not Speaker 4
I can't imagine. My teeth. Speaker 6
Come on, Chris. I've never been to Washington, DC, but I've been to Parliament Hill. And, you know, I've been I've been to the capital of Canada. So, if that doesn't get me extra points on my Canadian license, you know, it should. Ottawa, great city. Loved it. It was beautiful. It's clean. What not nothing more I can really say. I do wish I mean, they're doing a lot of reconstruction and renovations up on Parliament Hill right now, so there's, like, a lot of I couldn't get a lot of, like, good clean picks, but, I got some good ones. And then, we had a picture with the Terry Fox statue that was there that was big for Marcus. He's a big Terry Fox fan. So Yes. Yeah. Yeah. For a quick story, I've only ever Speaker 0
met Marcus wearing Terry Fox shirts. Speaker 3
It's amazing. It's so awesome. Yeah. Speaker 6
He's got he's got, like I don't wanna say he's got as many Terry Fox shirts as I do Letter Kenny and Shorzy shirts, but, I mean, it's probably comparable. Mhmm. Yeah. From Ottawa, the next day we got up and we we drove to Sudbury. We made a little stop in Matawa first. There's another show we've talked about a couple of times on here called Still Standing that you turned me on to, Al. It's a great Canadian show. Mhmm. And there was a they did an episode of on Matawa, and, there was a little family owned chip stand that's been around for, like, a hundred years, that's there. And we stopped there and actually met the owners, the people that were actually on the show. Wow. Talked to them for a little bit and, and got some chips. It was delicious. Speaker 6
And then they gave us, like, a little, little Canadian flags, little magnet from from the chip stand. Great experience. Turcot's Chip Stand in Matawa. If anybody's ever in or through it Speaker 6
Turcotts Chip Stand. Speaker 6
Turcotts. T u r c o t t. Yes. Can't say enough good things about it. They've also got a little ice cream shop out in the the front of the chip stand that they run as well. Delicious. I mean, it's it's it's great for Poutine. Poutine. I have to say Speaker 0
I remember that conversation. Speaker 6
But, yeah, from there, on into to Sudbury. And, I don't wanna say that I'm the expert on Sudbury. Michelle holds that title. Michelle can get around Sudbury without Google Maps. Right. Yeah. Find a good location. Speaker 3
I hope so. She's lived there. Speaker 0
That means you're local. From there. Speaker 2
Live there. Yes. Speaker 6
Right. Right. But we did some deep dives this time, guys, and I came up with amazing places. You know, we we saw most of the places that that that I saw the first time around. So, like, our first stop was, Dierks' Skate Park. And then when we got into town, we went down. We were gonna do oh, no. We ran out to, the Big Nickel, showed Marcus, showed Jared that. Jared had never seen anything in suburb before. Marcus and I did most of it last year. Right. Speaker 6
You know, took him past the Caruso Club. Speaker 3
Yeah. These are places we've never been either. Speaker 6
Because Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we've we've got all planned at some time so we can all go together and, just just nerd out over these places. So, went out to the hockey barn, not the, not the Sudbury Arena, but the other one. Speaker 6
The original one. Speaker 3
Yeah. We went to that one. Speaker 6
Saw those places. Took them down to Bell Park. Mhmm. Bell Park's a just a great place. Not even you don't even be a fan of Better Canyon Shores. It's just a beautiful little park down downtown. Out to the Alex Trebek Memorial, mural. And then we saw, I didn't do much with it, but, we saw what I believe they used for the Ukrainian Center. Mhmm. We drove past it and I got kind of a picture, but it wasn't it it's kinda weird. Like, it's like a, a family center now. Mhmm. So I didn't wanna get too involved with it. But, anyway, and then we had dinner the first night. We, went to Respect is we were gonna go to Pepe's, but Pepe's was closed. They've got some weird hours right now. So we went across the street to Respect is Burning, which was on our list anyway. Speaker 6
The hostess at Respect is Burning was so polite. I gotta tell you this. Like, Marcus and Jarrah, whenever we have to mention why we're in Sudbury or where why we're going to Sudbury Yeah. You know, going across the border, they're like, well, we're just doing a road trip, and we're gonna meet some friends, and we're gonna and me, I'm just the big old nerd, and I go, you ever watch the show Letterkenny? Yeah. And Speaker 3
it's And you usually get met with blank stares, don't you? Speaker 6
It's it's it's been I'm gonna say seventy five percent of the time, they know the show. So, when we were actually crossing over into Quebec, this time around, the the the the border guard on the the Quebec side looked like he could be, Roald's brother. That's right. Yeah. He's he's right. I mean, it was dead on. But I asked him, I was like, do you know the show Letter, Kenny? He says, yes.
Speaker 6
like, yay. So, anyway, so the the the hostess at, Respect is Burning. I was like, hey. We're from Maine. We heard that they they, did some they shot some scenes here, and I asked if there's any way, my source told me, that they they they shot something upstairs, and I asked if there's any way we could just see the upstairs and take a picture. And she was more than happy. I mean, they were super busy in there.
Speaker 6
Packed. It was raining outside, so nobody was like out on the patios anywhere. And she's like, Yeah, come on. And she took us right upstairs and turned the lights on for us. The upstairs was closed and turned the lights on for us, and she took pictures for us. So, upstairs is the set of, questionable call. Anytime you see, you know, the RA, Jay, Tessa Yeah. And and the Anik Yeah. On that set, that's ups that's all set up upstairs of Respect is Burning. The food there is amazing, guys.
Speaker 0
Yeah. You know what?
Speaker 3
We never ate there. That's the one place we didn't stop, and it was a Respected Burning. So, yeah, next
Speaker 6
Next time you go stop in there, get the ravioli. Oh my god. The ravioli was amazing.
Speaker 2
What's what's inside the ravioli? Yeah.
Speaker 0
It's a big question right there.
Speaker 6
I didn't ask, and I didn't look. I think it was cheese.
Speaker 4
I'm sure it was cheese.
Speaker 3
It wasn't Chef Boyardee, Victor. It was,
Speaker 0
My challenge is I'm not a big I mean, I like pasta, but I almost never ordered out because I'm almost always disappointed.
Speaker 6
I mean, it's an Italian restaurant. So I mean and it's not like a a, you know, it's not like Olive Garden. It's definitely it was definitely tasty.
Speaker 2
What are you knocking Olive Garden down for? They've got great breadsticks.
Speaker 6
Hey. Absolutely nothing wrong with
Speaker 0
It didn't sound like a knockdown. I thought I thought I maybe I don't know. Maybe I misread the scene.
Speaker 6
It's the olive Olive Garden is, you know, McDonald's of Italian food. So it's They they have a place. Yeah. They've got a place. It's definitely
Speaker 0
They have breadsticks. They're fucking awesome.
Speaker 1
They have all you can eat salad and soup and
Speaker 2
They've been replaced with East Side Mario's. Like, we we had, we we had them all over the place here, like, back in the nineties, eighties and nineties, but they've all been replaced with,
Speaker 6
Eastside Marios.
Speaker 0
Any left around here?
Speaker 3
What? Olive gardens?
Speaker 1
There was one in Toronto, and
Speaker 3
Everything yeah. I think they're all gone. I think the closest one might be in Buffalo now or something.
Speaker 1
I remember that was our big thing when we went to Florida. We had to go to an Olive Garden because I was like, oh my god. I miss this.
Speaker 2
Yeah. It's like no big deal for you guys across the border. But for us, Chi Chi's disappeared and Olive Garden disappeared. Chi Chi's, I think, I put them out of business because I I went for all you can eat tacos every lunch and and had about thirty each time. Jeez. But, but I That reminds me.
Speaker 3
Sorry. We I had another episode of Victor Gets Everything He Wants.
Speaker 2
They didn't even ask for it.
Speaker 3
No. I know. We were at
Speaker 5
Is this after I left?
Speaker 3
We were at the cannabis cafe, and I I don't even remember the details now. I just remember looking at him going, are you fucking kidding me?
Speaker 1
He got a medium coffee. And instead of a medium, he got a a bit Oh,
Speaker 3
that's right. The large size.
Speaker 2
Like, we're sitting yeah. We're sitting there waiting. They they they were gonna bring our drinks.
Speaker 2
And just randomly, he came up and said, I gave you a large instead.
Speaker 3
It's not just random. Victor, it's not just random.
Speaker 1
And then you're like, oh, it's sweet enough. And then you take your sugars home.
Speaker 3
If it happens once, it's it's an accident or a coincidence. It happens every fucking time we go out, Victor.
Speaker 2
Every time. Those even Steven things. You know? You just put
Speaker 0
What's even? You just you
Speaker 3
just Exactly. He he just spit takes and takes and takes, Victor. Just takes.
Speaker 0
Just celebrate it, Victor. Just own it. You're you're you win, bud.
Speaker 3
Anyway, well, fast forward, Jeff. Because, yeah, I mean, Sudbury, you you you you shared share with us some locations that we didn't even know well, I mean, we knew existed because they're on film, but we didn't know where they were, but you were able to find them. So that's cool.
Speaker 6
Yeah. So, yeah, respect is burning.
Speaker 6
think it was that for that night. The next morning, we get up, met met, met Michelle, at Eddie well, yeah, at Eddie's and, had breakfast there. We met Eddie. Guys, if you're in Sudbury, Eddie's a great place, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Absolutely. Sound like commercial here.
Speaker 3
And you sat in, Shorsey and Loramore's seat.
Speaker 6
Sat in the Shorsey and Loramore's seat. Well, Eddie pointed it out to us and told us, hey. This is where they filmed it. It. Mhmm. Eddie would know, Eddie was in the scene. But Eddie's a great guy, by the way. He's a terrific host, a great owner.
Speaker 3
really good guy.
Speaker 6
Yeah. And he was so like, he was genuinely pleased to learn about us and know that we came all the way from Maine and and and whatnot. So he's also a Green Bay Packers fan and owner like myself. So extra bonus
Speaker 2
Everyone's got faults.
Speaker 6
Yeah. No. No. So, yeah, from there, I mean, we hit up the regular sites from there, you know, the dollar store and all that good stuff. But then we went out to Chelmsford or Chelmsford, however we wanna pronounce it. And, we saw the new convenience store, which I think Tobias had visited last time, and then we saw Modine's two, which Tobias had visited last time, not knowing that if he went to the other side of the building, that is Modine's three, and I think that's biggest threat. But that was fun. We went out to the the Chelmsford golf course, which is, where they shot, fuss at the golf course. Wow. It was Did you break
Speaker 6
We did not. We did not. We were we were very
Speaker 0
responsible of you.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we didn't wanna be we didn't wanna be Americans in Canada. You know what I mean?
Speaker 0
We just apologize. Ask Casey. She should tell you all about it.
Speaker 3
Yeah. He just had to apologize to the bottles. Sorry. Sorry to American. Not even to people. Just
Speaker 6
So well, that was just it. Like, all day on, this was Thursday. It was it was raining, and at times, it was pouring like deluge so, so hard. And we, you know, we got through those places, and then we went out to, went out to Caprio real quick. Just drove by the arena, with the production studios. Nothing much to see there. And then we hit the holy grail. Drove by the farm, which we've done last year, but, you know, my my little my little insider gave us told me to look around the the farm area and that we'd find, you know, a few other filming locations. And me being the sleuth that I am, okay, more of a stalker on Google Maps, we found the McMurray House. And I had reached out to the, it's a business. I'd reached out to him and asked, hey. You know, we're from Maine, huge Letterkenny fans. We, understand that you've, you know, so there's some scenes that were filmed there. We were wondering if you'd mind us coming onto the property and taking some pictures. And she was more than happy to oblige. She said that, we met her in person. Her lady's name is Jay. And I brought her a nice little gift bag of Maine stuff. She said bring coffee. I didn't bring coffee, but I brought her a lot of Maine stuff. So, hopefully, more of the makeup for it. Brought her some saltwater taffy. She said that's her absolute favorite. So, that's great. But anyway, she said, hey, take your time. Take as many pictures you want. Go wherever you want on the property. Just have fun with it. She said nobody had asked her to do this. And she she was honest. She said, I haven't seen much of the show, so I don't know what scenes they shot where or when, but, I was like, don't worry. I got it down.
Speaker 3
You know you know a guy. I'm the guy. Yeah.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah, her house itself was used for the McMurray House, both the front and the back. I didn't get any pictures from the back. It's kind of the backyard a little too intrusive for me, even though she said we could. Just did them from the front. But, around the back of the so there's a road that kinda winds around her property, and we follow the road down. And, like, the next building you come to was what they used to film. It was Rosie's house.
Speaker 6
then you keep going all the way down to the end of the end of the laneway. It's probably, you know, probably a kilometer down there, maybe a little less, but, you get to a lake, and that's where Tanis' cabin was.
Speaker 3
So you talking kilometers and stuff like a comedian.
Speaker 6
I know. I know. I am
Speaker 0
I'm so fucking proud of you, Jeff. Like
Speaker 3
We are proud of you.
Speaker 0
Here I am just in the morning just being proud of you proud of you, bud. Like,
Speaker 6
Guys, I was badgering Jared the entire trip because he wouldn't change his, his odometer to read kilometers, which he could.
Speaker 0
fairness, he's only been here twice. He needs at least one more. It'll be kilometers next time.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Fair enough. But I mean, I was trying to translate everything from miles, from miles to KPH the entire trip, and it was annoying as hell because I didn't wanna get a speeding ticket, you know, especially Yeah. Very good. Sorry. Anyway, yeah. So the McMurray House, I mean, that was on that was on our list of, like, holy grail places and same thing with Tannis' place. And it was perfect because when we when we stepped out of the car, at the McMurray place, The rain stopped and the sun came out. So that was a little bit of the early Sudbury magic.
Speaker 6
From there, we tried to go out. There was I tried to find a place, where they filmed the airport scene from Shorzy where they're they meet the sluts for the first time, Sanguinet and Shorzy.
Speaker 6
quite track that down. We went out to the airport and drove around for a minute or two. Couldn't quite find it. But, anyway, from there, back into to back into the city, went to the basement. Hadn't been hadn't been there before. Dropped Michelle off, and then we went for lunch at Pepe Panini. And, Julia Burton was our hostess and waitress. And, we recognized her instantly when when when we walked in. She was more than gracious. She ended up take you know, she she let us take a picture with her.
Speaker 6
I I had the pitter patter panini, which was great as always. Same thing I had last time. Walked around downtown Sudbury for a little bit, showed the, you know, the Colson, and, went over to this little comic book store not too far away, went past the Grand and whatnot. And then for supper later that night, we went down to the townhouse. Mhmm. And, we'd kinda planned it so that, you know, we'd start you know, we'd be eating or done eating just about the time that they were doing the takeover episode last week. So that's when, you know, the big Sudbury magic happened.
Speaker 6
finished eating, dialed in, and, we're down near the the the Sudbury arena, where the wolves and the, play and the stomping Tom statue. And, I was like, okay. So we're gonna go back to the hotel now. And they kinda they were like, Jeff, no. Come on. You know? Night is young. Dada dada. We're getting old here, guys.
Speaker 3
What what I loved about that whole scenario there was was Joey's photographic memory because you're saying where you're walking and Joey's like, oh, yeah. Just turn left. Like, in his mind's eye, he knows exactly where you are and where you should go, and he's directing you. He's only been there once, and that was, like, last year. But,
Speaker 6
it's perfect. Like, it I mean, dude is dude is like Rain Man when it comes to these places. But no. Yeah. We were wandering around. We're walking back. And I know, Julia earlier in the day said that Jay wasn't there, but that he'd be there later later that night because, I guess they they do, like, it's like their hours are, like, eleven to four for lunch, and then they close. And then they don't reopen until, like, eleven PM when they do the nightclub Yeah. Part of it. And, she said Jay was gonna be there for, eleven o'clock, and this was, like, ten thirty or so. So we were walking back to the hotel, and I stayed on the livestream and, you know, walking back past Pepe. And I was showing the the gang on the livestream, here's Pepe's, and there's this bald guy outside who's setting up the patio. And I'm like, oh, good lord. So I ran over and did kind of an ambush interview with him. Hey, Jay. Jay. Jay. And, yeah. You guys you you posted a little clip of how that turned out. Yeah. I mean, he was he was more than gracious about it. Excuse me. Just such a nice guy. He remembered he remembered, the some of the folks from before, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. It was just it is such a spur of the moment type thing walking past at the right right place, right time. You know? Mhmm. So just part of that good old Sudbury magic. That kinda wrapped up our night there in, in Sudbury. Got up the next morning. We had, breakfast at Benny, which is used to be Tutti Frutti, and that's Yeah. Where they found the post Dirks fight fight. Had some salute coffee, salute coffee on the way out of town because another place that's mentioned on Shorzi, and, I think that's a a favorite of the cast members. Drove down to Wasaga, saw Wasaga for a little bit.
Speaker 3
Did you get a part party island squeezer there?
Speaker 6
No? No aquedumps. No party island squeezers were had. I I don't know if you'd want a party island squeezer from either Jared or Marcus. I mean, even if you close your eyes, guys, come on. Anyway, I don't know if a normal place is just because your sisters out in your list. We'll
Speaker 0
Oh, fuck. That's good.
Speaker 6
We drove drove back into back into the city and into Toronto, swung by Bob and Doug McKenzie's place. Ebitkooks. Is that the name of the area of Toronto? Ebitcook? Etobicoke. Etobicoke. That's it.
Speaker 0
What is what did you call?
Speaker 2
Etobicoke from now on.
Speaker 6
I don't need spellboards.
Speaker 3
It's alright. It it's a ridiculous spelling. Yes. But that that's Oh
Speaker 3
That's where Monaire's headquarters is. And,
Speaker 2
It's right after with Massachusetts.
Speaker 0
Holy fuck. Can we can we ask alright. Audio clip that one? That we
Speaker 4
need to play that back. Cook.
Speaker 0
Ebbot Cook. Yeah. Thank you for that one.
Speaker 2
Can I ask my son if he's going up to Abbott Cook tomorrow?
Speaker 4
Yeah. He can cook. Perfect.
Speaker 6
were headed to the hotel and right along the way, we're kinda in, not too far out of the way, we stopped by, it's called Batifol now, which is, was used in the movie A Christmas Story. It was the Chinese food place in in A Christmas Story.
Speaker 3
What's it called now?
Speaker 6
Batifole, b a t I f o l e. I think it's a, fancy French restaurant.
Speaker 3
Oh, okay. We can't make fun of you there because we don't Yeah.
Speaker 6
There we go. We don't
Speaker 6
But, yeah, to the hotel. Nothing special that night. We ate at the keg and then, got up the next morning intending to spend two hours at the Toronto Zoo and ended up being there for five and a half hours.
Speaker 6
That was that was yeah.
Speaker 3
That That's a big zoo, but and and a lot of walking. A lot of walking.
Speaker 2
And you and you met Perky and Petal, which is the highlight, I'm I'm sure.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. We met the we met the hippos. I mean, they were just kinda laying there not doing anything, so I don't need
Speaker 2
Settle down. Settle down. Take it down about ten percent.
Speaker 6
For for me, the grizzly bear was the highlight because he was the grizzly bear or the polar bear. They were
Speaker 0
And you took on that hill too, so good for you. Mhmm.
Speaker 6
Yeah. I did the hill. I mean, my my my feet were killing me afterwards. Jared too. Marcus was like, you guys, fuck you. Keep walking. But, anyway, at Toronto Zoo, if anybody if you guys are ever in the area I mean, you guys are always in the area, but anybody listening is ever in the area, I mean, it's a great time. Well worth it. And then,
Speaker 3
Victor Victor would would give it minus one point for not having a monorail anymore. Right?
Speaker 2
They're they're thinking of reviving it. Oh, really?
Speaker 0
Tried. I forgot about that.
Speaker 6
We got some sort of construction going on right now.
Speaker 3
I rode that thing. I'm I'm old enough to have ridden the the monorail.
Speaker 6
So, yeah, after the zoo ran over to one of our favorite places, collectibles place in in Toronto. It's over near Victor as it turns out called Treehouse Collectibles.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Eight minutes from my house, you're DJing. You should have stopped by.
Speaker 6
Well, I didn't know until you told us afterwards. So next time we're there, we will go. Went up and visited, Good Friends One and Miriam. Miriam is doing great, and it was great to see both of them meet both of them for the first time, in in person. She had a little gift for me, which was, I should have brought it over. But, it's the, the moose glass, the moose mug from, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Yep. Yeah. It's awesome.
Speaker 0
She must have been shopping at retro festive.
Speaker 3
No. No. There's this Christmas store. It'll it's gonna be in the next season of, Yes We Were Open, that, he's got all that stuff. He even has the, what's that BB gun? The Red Ryder
Speaker 0
What's it called? Is that retrofestive?
Speaker 3
No. Oh, retro maybe it is retrofestive.
Speaker 0
Out of Oakville?
Speaker 3
Is it Oakville Oakville or yeah. Oakville or Mississauga, something like that. Anyway, I've never been there, but I'm I'm gonna visit him next, next season. Because, I got I got some he's out of one of the Toronto Mike events, and he was giving we have the Moose glass as well because he was, he he was giving them all away and
Speaker 2
That's where my House Hippo came from.
Speaker 3
Retrofaster? That
Speaker 0
brand that brand in store carries a lot of really, really fun stuff
Speaker 0
Yeah. If that's the one you're talking about.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I think it and now, yeah, now now that you say the name a third time, I think you're right. It's retrofest.
Speaker 6
I mean, it's cool. It's, it's going up on my my little, collectibles curio cupboard downstairs.
Speaker 6
And then, yeah, we wrapped up the day by meeting you, degens, and, seeing Mark forward. Great show. It was a little shorter than I anticipated. I was, you know, always there you never get enough Mark Forward. But, yeah, it was funny as usual. His other two comedians that he had with him were great as well. But, Mark, who who just sits there and goes this day and age and goes, I need to come up with a bit with Patrick Swayze song, She's Like the Wind.
Speaker 3
And then goes on Amazon and orders a wind suit and
Speaker 1
I was singing that song so much the next day.
Speaker 6
Oh, my good. And it was so crazy because when we were at Treehouse Collectibles, they they sell vinyls there, and I I collect vinyls. Mhmm. And I literally, I had the, the Dirty Dancing soundtrack in my hands, and then I put it back and got the, the Top Gun soundtrack instead because I didn't have that on vinyl. And it was just so weird. Just just a strange coincidence. But, pizza with you guys afterwards, which was great. It was awesome seeing y'all.
Speaker 6
then, we we, went home, wrapped up the trip the next morning, got up and drove out to Oshawa and had breakfast at a place called Cocofruity. Not as great as Tutti Frutti, but still good. And then, we picked that one because right around the corner was, is it the Parkwoods Estate? Is that what it was?
Speaker 0
the man yeah. You went to the mansion where, like, Adam or Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison and the actual collection. Yeah.
Speaker 6
Billy Madison and, like, like, a hundred other TV film the shows and movies were filmed. Didn't get out and explore too much because, I mean, you know, we had a long drive on Sunday, but, you know, got a picture out in front and that was cool. Give us a place to go back to next time.
Speaker 3
I think you would have had a mutiny if you made, Jarrah and Marcus stop at one more place.
Speaker 6
Oh, probably. I mean, there was so much, like just because the zoo took up so much of our time, there was, like, three locations we were gonna visit on Saturday that we had to cancel. And, I mean, I had this was a full slate for us, guys. And, I mean, it's no wonder I got a little sick after the end because we were just, you know, nonstop pretty much from the time that we left, we left, my driveway here on, on Tuesday morning. So but it was great. It was awesome seeing you guys. And, like, I'd all day, I'd I I you know, pretty much ever since leaving Toronto, you know,
Speaker 3
it's just this sense
Speaker 6
of dread of having to come back to work today and be when's the next Toronto trip gonna be? So when's when's the next Canada trip gonna be? So, hopefully, we can, we can do something maybe in August for the big, the big con. I don't know if that's gonna happen or not. I do know that we're returning to, Canada. The other side well, not the other side. We're going to to Halifax in November for a Brent Butt show, which is
Speaker 3
Oh, that'll be fun. Yeah. That'll be good.
Speaker 3
Corner gas in the room. No.
Speaker 6
No. That's Corner g in the rub.
Speaker 3
Corner g in the Rub.
Speaker 6
One of the greatest episodes they did. But, anyway, no. Couldn't ask for a better trip, guys. And, like, you know, it's always great seeing you all. Good company. Good fun. Yeah. I just can't wait to do it again.
Speaker 3
Amazing. Matt, do you have any, words for Jeff before I play him off?
Speaker 0
No. I'm glad you it was obviously a great time seeing you. If you ever do get a chance to meet Jeff, anyone listening, I can tell you he's one of the most genuine humans you will ever meet. I mean that bar none. He's amazing, dude. I'm glad you had such a good time. You continue to return, and I look forward to the next time, buddy. Yeah. Great having you on.
Speaker 3
Matt, I agree with you because Jeff remembers birthdays. Victor.
Speaker 0
Why? Whose birthday is it?
Speaker 3
Victor, any, final comment?
Speaker 2
Yeah. Jeff, I can't believe you keep making the trip. That's pretty incredible. You guys love to drive. I mean, that's that's just all there is to it. Casey with with her crazy, band camp or pod camp trip. But, anyway, like, you're always welcome. Next time, remember, my door is always open. So come on by. We'll we'll go to the collectible store together.
Speaker 2
And and next time, I'll take you to the roundhouse, which is, right right next to the Skydome, where we have mini mini train museum. And I can take you on the turntable since you like vinyl, and we can go, all the way all the way around on the on the turntable. So so I think that'll be really
Speaker 0
pick you up, and we'll go to the arcade that's next door. It gives
Speaker 6
We did walk through the, the the the train museum thing they had down down there, back in September when we were down. So
Speaker 6
We did we did get through there. So
Speaker 2
Alright. Alright. But you're gonna go on the turntable?
Speaker 6
I wanna isn't the turntable, like, right in the middle of it? Yeah.
Speaker 0
So you walk everyone walks on it.
Speaker 2
No. But you can get a ride on it.
Speaker 6
Ah, okay. Well, we did not get a ride.
Speaker 3
Maybe only Victor is the one who can get a ride on it because, you know, the the rules don't apply to Victor. Victor gets his way.
Speaker 0
That thing hasn't moved in sixty years
Speaker 3
until Victor showed up. Victor showed up, it moved. Yeah.
Speaker 4
just also mentioned that you
Speaker 6
guys surprised me with that nice little, with the hiking supplies.
Speaker 3
That's right. I forgot we got we got you a little
Speaker 0
your way you found your way home though, Jeff.
Speaker 6
I did find my way home. I didn't have to use the breadcrumbs. You got me that.
Speaker 3
Hey. Those are premium Panko breadcrumbs. Alright?
Speaker 1
I don't think I went with the Panko because I was worried they were getting
Speaker 3
No. He came all the way from Maine.
Speaker 0
too cheap out. They weren't Panko.
Speaker 1
I was worried that they'd get soggy.
Speaker 3
Sorry, Jeff. My wife cheaped out on you.
Speaker 0
We're better than this, Jeff.
Speaker 6
Yeah. We're better than this.
Speaker 3
Oh, man. Any final comments?
Speaker 1
Jeff, it was so amazing to see you again. That was just so much fun. I'm so glad that we got to, be at the comedy club with you, and your laughter is just so infectious. And, thankfully, your cold wasn't. So I I just yeah. It was Well played. It was so it was so great hanging out with you. And, yeah, I can't wait to do it again.
Speaker 3
You meant you left too early though because you didn't come to the cannabis cafe with us, but that's alright. It's not your thing. We get it. It's not Victor or Tanya's thing either. Alright. Jeff, thank you so much. Any final words before I play you off, before I apply the hook?
Speaker 6
Like I said, guys, can't wait to do it again. Thank you for always having a good time with us there in Toronto.
Speaker 3
Alright, bud. Thank you. And you did a great job of prolonging the the announcement. So Yes. Well done. I'm gonna play you off off here with a track from, guess what, going going gold. This one's called Full Bags.
Speaker 9
Bags. Hey. Hey. Hey. Go. Go, baby.
Speaker 2
Hey. I'm trying to get you high.
Speaker 9
Full bags and missed calls. Jet lag that crisscross. Self made, you go try, bro. You do it right, you need big balls.
Speaker 3
Alright. Cassie in the live stream. Is it exclusive time? Alright. So, yeah, it's time, I guess, to talk about, our exclusive news.
Speaker 1
What's going on? What's going on?
Speaker 3
Our sneak peek. So we were given permission to talk about this. So, Tanya, don't worry.
Speaker 3
Yes. Because tomorrow, NewMetric are they're gonna make an announcement at ten AM, but they reached out to us yesterday to help with this announcement. And then they gave us permission to talk about it tonight and to promote it tonight because it's it's a it's a little exciting. So, here we go. I'm I I think the best way to do it is to just play them what we what we produce for them. So we produce two little bits for them. Here's one of them. Here we go. And you'll you'll recognize the voice right away.
Speaker 0
Are you and your family looking for something to do on a Sunday night? Well, on November seventeenth, the cast of the hit TV series Shoresy will compete against the Toronto Maple Leafs alumni in a matchup that includes the Leafs legend, Wendell Clark. Tickets and VIP packages on sale at shorezy classic dot com. A portion of proceeds will benefit MLSE Launchpad. Are you ready? Good. Because you're going. Brought to you by New Metric Media.
Speaker 3
So yeah. Mic drop. So that's the news for folks in Toronto. But don't worry to our American friends, at least those on the East Coast, you are not being left behind.
Speaker 0
Are you and your family looking for something to do on a Saturday night? Well, on November sixteenth, the cast of the hit TV series Shorzy will compete against the Boston Bruins alumni in a matchup that will see the cast head to head with Bruins legends. Tickets and VIP packages on sale at shorzy classic dot com. A portion of proceeds will benefit SCORE Boston youth hockey. Are you ready? Good. Because you're going. Brought to you by New Metric Media.
Speaker 3
So yes. So, this is happening. There's two, fuck Boston. I know. I I wish it was a different place, but you know what? What Boston it is. That's from Joey and the live stream.
Speaker 2
Fuck, bastard. Hey, extremist from Boston.
Speaker 3
Yeah. So Shorzy fall classic hockey games announced, so stars from Shorzy. So basically, the sluts. Basically, the blueberry bulldogs are gonna be playing alum from both the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Boston Bruins, two days back to back. Yes. One is Saturday, November sixteen, and that's in Boston. And then the other one is, Sunday, November seventeen in Toronto. And, so here are the details for that. Let's see here. Sneak peek. What's going on? Oh, presale starts on Monday with the code bulldogs. That's all one word, bulldogs. And that's gonna come that that's like, they've got VIP packages where you're gonna be able to meet up with the the sluts and everything after the game. There there's tickets to the game itself. It's all to raise money for charity for really great causes, happening both in Boston and Toronto. I don't know if there's gonna be other cities announced, but I know for sure Boston and Toronto.
Speaker 0
Where where's Boston again, Al?
Speaker 3
Yeah. It's in, oh, I don't oh, here it is. It's in Massachusetts. Right.
Speaker 0
I I knew that I thought that's where it was. I wasn't sure, though.
Speaker 3
So, like I said, they're they're not they weren't, going to announce or they're not announcing this until tomorrow at ten AM, but we were given express permission from Cara and the production team to to do a sneak peek of those two ads that we produced for them, and also to give you guys the the heads up and and the, you know, the the advanced notice. So anyone in the Boston area I mean, Jeff, you're in Maine. That's I don't think that's too far away from you. My Mike, I I know Mike, you like going to Boston a lot too. So, yeah, there's gonna be two big games, and then, obviously, anyone within driving distance from Toronto can go to that. And the exciting one for me, anyway, for that one is it's at the old Maple Leaf Gardens. So I'm really excited about that or as Victor calls it, Laplace.
Speaker 2
They're gonna be they're gonna be shooting the puck between the aisles. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Those who don't know.
Speaker 0
Even I can respect where it is.
Speaker 0
a sports guy, but Maple Leaf Gardens is iconic. I know that's not what it is anymore, but it's still there, and it holds a lot of old memories for Toronto and, some great times.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Many of wrestling matches I saw there.
Speaker 3
Wrestling matches.
Speaker 0
I've skated on the ice there with
Speaker 3
Concerts, hockey games. I mean, Maple Leaf Gardens is is a historic place, just like Boston Gardens was and just like New York's Madison Square Garden is. But back, I don't know how many years ago now, what, fifteen, twenty years ago, Victor, that when the Leafs left, moved out of Maple Leaf Gardens, they actually took the the building from the outside still looks the same, but they basically cut the building in half horizontally and and made the ice pad on an upper level, and that became Ryerson's athletic facility.
Speaker 0
Is it called Mattamy or something?
Speaker 3
Mattamy Center thing. I think it's called Matt or something like that.
Speaker 1
The ice is on the upper level,
Speaker 3
the lower level? Yeah. Basic so the lower level is the Loblaws grocery store. I know. And then I
Speaker 2
I think MSG is very similar, actually, to be honest.
Speaker 3
Is it? Yeah. And then the upper level is
Speaker 3
Well, because they wanted to keep the the iconic roof. Right? Because Maple Leaf Gardens had this very iconic, like,
Speaker 2
dome It's part of the Conn Smythe trophy.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So, I haven't been in that building probably since a concert, like, the last time we went to see a concert there. So I'm really excited about going back there, and, we will be there. We we're, we're gonna be there.
Speaker 0
To the Toronto game.
Speaker 3
Yeah. We're going to the Toronto game. So if anyone, within earshot hears this, buy your tickets, join us. We're gonna have some fun. That's November seventeen of, twenty twenty four, and those in Boston is November sixteen. So, yeah, that's the exciting news. I think it's exciting. I think it was with the wait what
Speaker 0
do you wicked. I love that it's already full on travel plans being arranged in the livestream. Yeah. How fast you d gens work, and I fucking love it.
Speaker 2
Yeah. So I think they're gonna come to the Toronto game.
Speaker 3
Casey says she's looking at flights already, but is that to Boston or to Toronto? But, yeah, it's, I can't wait. And and, I mean, somebody was was trying to say that the news we were sitting on had to do with Fan Expo. No. But we are going to Fan Expo as well. So that's gonna be fun. And, actually, I didn't tell you guys this, but while I was at the last podcasting conference, I was chatting with the folks from the Canadian Podcast Awards. And when I told them we were going to Fan Expo, they they're usually a Fan Expo, and they usually have live podcast recordings at, Fan Expo. And they asked if we wanted to do a live produce stand recording at Fan Expo. So
Speaker 3
That's something we may be doing. I'm I'm in talks with them now to to set that up. I don't know how that's gonna work because I don't know how many of our listeners will show up, but, it might be fun. So, yeah, lots of stuff going on. It's,
Speaker 4
Yeah. Happy birthday.
Speaker 0
It's your birthday?
Speaker 1
Matt, you did a fantastic job with those, with those ads, for sure. Oh my god.
Speaker 3
It was amazing. And here's the funny thing. So we were sent the, the the details. I wouldn't call it a script. It was just details. And I and I was reading it, and I'm like, Matt, this is this is really kind of plain.
Speaker 0
I think we Real missed opportunities.
Speaker 3
Yeah. There's a lot of missed opportunities here. I think we should record it the way they've given it to us, but I think we should also do one where we add the have you and your family or are you and your family looking for a place to go on a Saturday? Like, the so from Shorzy, and then at the end, the good because you're going, and there's a few things we added there for for flare. I sent Cara that copy, and she fucking loved it. So, yeah. It was
Speaker 1
But it's a Saturday night, and the and the Boston game's on a Friday night. Did you change it to Friday night?
Speaker 3
No. The Boston is a Saturday night. Sunday. And and the the Toronto You've
Speaker 0
already compensated for days. We did it. We're way ahead
Speaker 1
of you. Sunday for the instead of the Saturday?
Speaker 1
I missed that. Yes, ma'am. I'm getting tired.
Speaker 0
Late, Kenya. I'm getting sick. I was so happy that she was thrilled with it because when you sent me the revision, I'm like, this is so obvious. Mhmm. This should have been in the original. Yeah. And they're like, it's goddamn perfect. We're like, you're right. It is because we know. Yeah. And I'm glad they
Speaker 3
Liz is like Marketing. Liz is saying, it's no Tate and Webb, but it'll do.
Speaker 3
So, anyway, there you go, folks. That's the big news. I think it was worthwhile to wait for, and I think it's gonna be a fun night. Like I said, there will be tickets for the game, but there also be VIP packages that include meet and greets after and stuff like that. It'll all be posted again by tomorrow. There's gonna be press release. There's gonna be social media posts. There's gonna be all sorts of stuff, so, pay attention. But you heard it here first. You heard it on TPS first. So there you go.
Speaker 1
I just love all of this travel planning that's
Speaker 0
going right now.
Speaker 4
Yeah. It's going pretty crazy.
Speaker 3
Matt, any final comments before, we
Speaker 0
These are just so much the these potpourri nights and these Colin nights are honestly quickly becoming some of my favorites we've done the last little while.
Speaker 0
I'm glad I'm glad we did another one. They're just so off the cuff as part of the limerick.
Speaker 0
And I love it. I love the spontaneity of it and the fun that that ensues. So, yeah, let's let's do these more often. I know we got Shorzy coming up. We're gonna review the hell out of it and enjoy every moment. But these are good fillers and good fun, and love you all, and let's keep them going.
Speaker 3
Awesome. Victor.
Speaker 2
Yeah. It's been a long day. I started at seven AM for me today, and this is the second podcast. And,
Speaker 3
That's right. But Seems
Speaker 2
You know what? This I mean, this is this is so much fun, and we saw some good friends, tonight. So, just lots of fun. And, now I'm just looking forward to the weekend. Good luck with the show. I know it's gonna be, lots of fun and, probably a little too much tragically hit, but whatever you you know, whatever. Never gonna be
Speaker 2
I'm gonna be in Prince Edward.
Speaker 3
Oh, yes. Say hi to Sherry for me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm bummed that I'm missing that, though.
Speaker 0
You are going to that,
Speaker 2
I I yeah. Yeah. Linda and I are going. And, so yeah. So we're gonna discover all there's more about
Speaker 1
County or country? No. County?
Speaker 0
Near Belleville.
Speaker 1
Love it. Yeah. Love that place. Oh my god.
Speaker 1
Can I tell you how many places to go? Because oh my gosh.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Just the They all involve wine, don't they?
Speaker 3
They all all involve wine. Yes.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Yeah. Well, some like wine and food because
Speaker 2
gotta Yeah. Send me the food. You keep the wine. Just send me the food. Mhmm.
Speaker 0
Like a Caesar. Right?
Speaker 2
Alright. Well, let me know. Is it in Picton or it's, somewhere else?
Speaker 0
That's part of pretty soon. County.
Speaker 3
Yeah. In InterContin. Great beach there too.
Speaker 2
Tan. Send me some stuff.
Speaker 3
Final comments, Tan.
Speaker 1
I just I just oh, I just thank you so much to everyone. I love seeing all your beautiful faces and all the chitter chatter going on in the in the in the, whatever this is, the scroll thing. The scroll. This was so much fun. What I want mine to say something, and I can't remember what the hell it was.
Speaker 2
It's called a subreddit, I think.
Speaker 1
I oh, I wanted to say, yeah. So
Speaker 0
a new word tonight.
Speaker 1
Thank you to everyone, and, this was so much fun. Happy birthday, Alan.
Speaker 5
Oh, fuck. Happy birthday, I
Speaker 4
say it in my clothing. I sent you. I had it on my I wrote it on the paper.
Speaker 4
Sorry. Continue.
Speaker 1
And I can't wait for the titfucker, big sexy episode. I think that will be great. Most
Speaker 0
useless friend ever.
Speaker 1
I just wanna also say a big shout out and thank you to Dolo. Your new album sounds amazing. This was my first time hearing it, so, I will definitely give that a listen.
Speaker 3
Thank you, guys. Jeff, bar Cassie. Sorry. Not a barbed. Jeff, Cassie, and Casey and awesome for for coming out tonight and for for doing this. I I like these episodes as well. Of course, we need stuff to talk about for these to work. And, obviously, we had lots to talk about tonight, so I'm glad it worked out really well. And I'm gonna play us off here with the title track from Joe Dolo's Going Gold because it's a title track. It's called Going Gold.
Speaker 9
I see roads, we're sliding on skates Playing nights, not putting nothing in my belly Praying tomorrow be okay Never go broke, we goin' call I'm protecting the brand if I reach for the poor Paying the
Speaker 3
And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, our buddy Tobias joins us to kick out his favorite Letterkenny jams. Shout out Toronto Mike. If you'd like to support the podcast, become a patron or tell a friend. Also, follow us on social media outlets at protistan pod. Thank you for joining us. Now we're going to the after party. When midnight hits, we're gonna be watching episode five of Shorzy season three together. On behalf of awesome Casey, Cassie, Jeff, Tanya, Matt, Victor, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week.