Speaker 0
Spring is finally here, and that means a new season of Yes We Are Open. This season, Al goes west, west to Calgary, Banff, and Canmore for more motivational stories of small business owners, their trials, and triumphs. Settle in for eight new weekly stories of perseverance over adversity. Listen Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or get started at yes we are open podcast dot com. Speaker 1
Hurry now. Good and you, not so bad. Squirrely Matt here. Whether you're just tuning in or you're revisiting old episodes, thank you for your incredible support Speaker 2
of the Produce Stand podcast. Speaker 1
That's what we appreciate about you. Now we have a small favor to ask. We're putting together some best of TPS episodes. That's where you come in. We wanna hear from you. If you come across or have a favorite TPS clip, origin story, standout interview moment, or port near anything you deem to be wondrous, reach out through any of our socials and let us know. Now we have a lot of content, so specify the episode and time stamp, please and thank you. With that out of the way, let's get back to our regularly scheduled content. Bitter patter. Speaker 2
Now Cassie and Trace have gotten a list of the villains most rotten. So who will be first? The best of the worst. It's a bit of a race to the bottom. Speaker 3
That fresh produce stand there, that's a beauty. Speaker 4
What do you listen to? Speaker 5
My favorite murder podcast. Speaker 6
Jagger Endurance podcast. The Produce Stand. Speaker 8
It's thirsty Thursday, and that means we are once again hanging out with the protestant, a podcast paying tribute to everything in the universe. Now I know what you're thinking. There are many other podcasts out there, but this one is all about the bad guys tonight. I'm all your host. And joining me in the room as always is a lovely Tanya. Online, we have Squirrely Matt. Victor is back from London, but now he's on his way down to Minnequin. So I guess he's trying to do his best y y z Gordon impression. But joining us tonight, they they don't need any introduction, but I'll give one anyway. She's the president of the Mark Ford fan club. He's one half of Tate and Webb writing team, the half of the southern drawl. Please join me well, join me making some noise for Cassie and Trace. Speaker 9
Wondrous. Oh my god. Oh my Speaker 10
god. Oh my god. Why Speaker 5
I regret nothing. Speaker 8
I didn't say a lot of penny, did I? Speaker 2
I did not. Every time. Speaker 8
No. I didn't say that. Speaker 2
I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind Uh-huh. When I hear my I I I thank you. There's others saying yes. It's not just me. Speaker 8
I'll you know, I think I record this, so I'll listen back to it. Welcome, guys, to the podcast. Speaker 7
Hello. Hello. Thank you. Speaker 2
I ruined your intro. Speaker 8
Yeah. You did. It's okay. I ruined it myself, apparently, by saying letter penny instead of Kenny. I I I still don't think I do that. But, anyway, let's get started because we have a fun show tonight. Here we go. Speaker 3
How are you now? Speaker 8
Tonight's lineup is gonna be Tanya, Matt, Alacasi, and Trace. Tanya, how have you been? It's been a few weeks. Speaker 7
We didn't do this last week? Speaker 8
No. We did not because I was busy last week. I'll talk about that during my housing week. Speaker 7
Right. Right. It's been a it's been a hot minute. Holy. This week has been crazy, and and that was a capital, like, c crazy. Speaker 7
So quick rundown would be we lost Internet Tuesday. Speaker 8
Was it Tuesday? Tuesday afternoon. Mhmm. Speaker 7
Finally came back on this morning, so we're on Thursday. So we were down a couple of days. And, that wasn't the chaotic part of it, which that would have been on its own kind of crazy. Speaker 8
Well, just because if Victor was here, he'd laugh at us because we live in Home Landing, and we don't have any Internet or our Internet's run by hamsters and wheels. No. Speaker 8
Some construction workers in Newmarket dug where they weren't supposed to and basically cut a line. Speaker 2
They're trying to cut Speaker 7
Home Landing. That's a pretty major line. Speaker 8
They cut a line that basically left all of Home Landing without Internet. Well, not all of. All of Bell customers in Home Landing without Internet, TV, and phone and cell phone, which I don't know how you do that by cutting a line underground. But anyway, that happened. So for two days and, man, like, you search it's amazing how dependent you are on on Internet for everything. And because we still had power. We still have electricity. But, yeah, Tanya and I work from home, and we had to go to the library and stuff. And Speaker 7
But that wasn't the crazy part. The crazy part was that we decided after thirty minutes of not having Internet, to give up on the whole idea that we were gonna get it back anytime soon. So we left to Newmarket to a coffee shop, and upon parking the vehicle, Alan was already out of the the car and was then running around the building and was on the phone to nine one one. And, I was chasing after him, and you could see the smoke in the air, and smell the the fire. And we helped, get people out of their house and get the fire department, and there was a fire outside of their house. There was a bunch of, Speaker 8
You should've started with that, but anyway. Speaker 7
Oh my gosh. Yeah. Start with what? The fire. Speaker 8
Was running around the building calling nine one one. You didn't mention why. Speaker 7
We yeah. Yeah. So, anyways, there was a fire, that had started at, in between two houses, and it was pushed up against one of the houses. There was some, debris, some cardboard, that Speaker 8
It was a windy day too, so the the fire was, like, going up the side of the house. And There Speaker 7
were siding, and the siding was on fire. And, the people had no idea that there was a the the side of their house was burning. And, it was it was it was wild to say the least. The, family, the the man tried to get a fire extinguisher to put the fire out, but it was too big to, be doused by the fire extinguisher. And we were telling yelling at them to get out of the house because it was just not looking like a good situation at all. And, they, unfortunately, they were, they had a three month old. And when they left the house, they were very, scantily dressed. She just had a sports bra on and, p j bottoms. And, the baby just had a receiving blanket, and the man had, just a short sleeve t shirt and Speaker 8
They were ill equipped to be outside in Speaker 7
the weather that we were having. We we were very cold that day, but they were cleaning their house. And as one does, you get heated up when you're cleaning. Right? And, so they were working and, weren't prepared to leave the house. So, yeah, we, I took off my coat and took off my sweater, got them covered up, and got the baby covered. And, the fire department was there, and paramedics was there. It was, like, three fire trucks. Speaker 8
Oh, they all came. Yeah. They all came running. Speaker 7
Yeah. Tons of fire trucks, two ambulances, paramedics, the fire, fire chief. Speaker 8
And And it wasn't even I mean, the fire was out before we well, really Are Speaker 2
you in an area that has a lot of volunteer firefighters? Speaker 7
I don't Newmarket. I don't know what Newmarket has. Speaker 2
No particular shop, but when you call, they all show up. Speaker 7
There was a there was Speaker 8
a lot of trucks. Trucks. I mean, the fire wasn't luckily, I I was the first one on like, it had just started when I got there. So it had had it gone longer. It it could have been really, really bad. But by the time, like, they got there and stuff, they were able to put it out before the fire even made it in the house. But, yeah, it was a it was quite the scene. And, Speaker 7
getting the cats out. There was there was four cats in getting the carriers so that they weren't going to fly out of the house when the fire. Speaker 8
But the funny thing is when when I got out of the van and Tanya still like, she still got the long COVID, so she can't smell anything. I'm like, that burnt rubber. Is that our car? Like, I was thinking maybe, like, our fan belt or something. Like, I thought it was my car, but then I look up and there's smoke. I'm like, oh, that's not that's not our fan belt. And that's when I started running because I know what a house fire smells like. I've, unfortunately, been, you know, in one when when that's happened. So it wasn't leaves burning or whatever. It was a house. So, when I ran, I was the first one there. So, I quickly called nine eleven. And, yeah, some lady just ran into, like, a neighbor ran into the house and yelled at the people to get out. She was, like I was impressed because I don't know if I was, ready to to do that. But, yeah, it was a It was yeah. Speaker 11
Interesting. That's scary. Speaker 7
So, yeah, that was, that it was it was, like, it was one of those things that it was, like, everything happened at the moment that it was supposed to happen. It was like one of those those things that is like, I I wasn't going to put on a sweater, and then I was like, no. I'm gonna put on an extra layer just in case the coffee shop is gold. And I wouldn't have had that other sweater to to give to the mom to cover to have two things. And it was just, like, being there at the time that it happened started and and calling as quickly as as Alan did and and everybody's quick reactions to everything. It was just it was so well timed and for the absolute best outcome in that situation. Speaker 8
Minimal damage and Yeah. And no one was hurt. So, thankfully. Anyway And Speaker 11
you guys wouldn't have even been there to help if your Internet had gone up in the first place. Speaker 8
Yeah. I mean, it all it was all, yeah, all the series of events that that led to that work was pretty crazy. Speaker 7
Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It was it was it was wild. It was wild. Speaker 11
You guys are heroes. Speaker 8
No. I don't know about that. I mean, again, those are a neighbor who ran into the burning building. She was I was impressed with her because, at the time, there was no there was no way to see the extent of the fire. So Speaker 7
And no way. The guys are hero way, Jason. My my fear my fear was the gas line. Because it was the outside of the building at the side of the house, I didn't know where the gas line was. And I just kept on thinking, oh my god. We need to get away from this house. Like, this we need to get across the street and and get everybody out. And, yeah, I just had the worst scenario in my head, and I'm so glad that the the gas line was on the other side of the house. But, yeah, it was just get the neighbors out and get get the the family out. Speaker 8
Emergency response took over. They did their job and, and every and everyone was safe. So that's good. Mhmm. Matt, how have you been, Speaker 2
bud? Good. I mean, all things considered. I actually wrote down five potential talking points, and that sounds like a lot, so I don't know what to do. Cassie, pick a number between one and five. Speaker 11
Two and a half. Speaker 2
That's not a fucking Trace, pick a number between one and five, please. Speaker 2
Thank you. Alright. Noah Reid. Oh, last weekend, we went to the Rome. Yeah. It's a good one. Good choice. See? Speaker 8
Yeah. Great choice. Speaker 2
See, that's how you do it, Cassie. Like, come on. Oh, I'm sorry. Apparently, I learned this weekend last past weekend, I'm not really good at introducing myself to people that I don't know, especially when they are of some level of celebrity, especially when they're not expecting me and it's in the wild. Al, I needed you there, bud. I I can't Well, Speaker 8
you think I'd be better at that? Speaker 2
Hundred percent. I think you'd be better than that. No. No. I am absolutely confident. Speaker 7
Pointed out who the person was and what needed to happen, I'd make it happen for you. Speaker 2
Okay. Well, then you would have been better too. Anyways, I, we, we went stroller to stroller with Noah Reid who plays, Patrick on Schitt's Creek. So he was, which is David's boy David's boyfriend from the show, whoever watches it. He was there with his family at the Ramesy Ontario Museum in Toronto. And, yeah, I just would come around the corner, and I and and we bumped strollers. I laughed and moved on. I'm like, holy fuck. That was that was no read. And then, of course, I moved into stalker mode and, was like, I'm gonna find him again in this museum, and then I did. And, Jen was like, oh, yeah. There he is. I'm like, I gotta go say hi. And they wandered off, and I walked up. And I had it all planned in my head. I was like, hey. You're Noah Reid. Schitt's Creek. I love it. And, like, have a whole talk. And I think I literally walked up and said, yo. You you know a read? Yeah. I'm like, hey, Matt. Speaker 2
like I'm like, I I I love the show. He's like, thanks. I'm like, had to say hi, and then I walked away. That was literally, like, it. Wow. I totally botched that. It all all systems shut shut down in the moment. But he was super nice. It was, like, a really quick interaction, but, yeah, Speaker 8
I'm not Matt. You look good on TV. Speaker 2
All stuff good. Yeah. Speaker 2
Pretty Matt. You're famous. Yeah. Speaker 2
think the the You Speaker 7
know what? You know what? Dude, we just need to create a shirt for you with the words on it, and then you just, like, Superman it and just, like, take whatever your outer layer is off, and then it can you just Speaker 8
go out. There is a shirt. Speaker 7
Point at your shirt. Speaker 8
There is a shirt with your face on it. You just have to wear that and, like, point at it and say, me, Matt. Me on shirt. Speaker 2
and Jen and Jen laughs. She's like, yeah. She laughs. She's like, how'd it go? I'm like, not as well as I hope. And then I'm like and then I'm like, I'm gonna run into him again. I'm like, I and I was gonna I was gonna break through this this time. Like, I need a redo, and I and I never found him again. Speaker 2
Anyway Forty new. Speaker 8
Yeah. Yeah. He probably went, like, behind the VIP line or Speaker 7
something. Found. Speaker 2
Yeah. Left. So that's one. Tanya, number one to five. Three's already taken. Speaker 2
Oh, one. Okay. Good one. Good friend of mine who Speaker 8
This isn't the show, by the way, but go on. Speaker 2
Well, it's working. Who's highly athletic has convinced me to sign up for Tough Mudder. Speaker 8
Oh, I heard about this. Yeah. Speaker 7
Can fathers do Tough Mudder's? Speaker 2
I I don't know. Maybe this is my fortieth life crisis. I don't know. Fortieth year life crisis. I don't know. But I'm in no way, shape, or form ready to do this, but it's a fifteen kilometer run with a series of twenty plus obstacles lined up along the course. So, Cassie, you've done this before, haven't you? Speaker 11
Yes. This year will be my third one. Speaker 11
Yeah. So wait till you get to the electric. That's what he said too. Speaker 2
I don't want electrotherapy, but I guess I Speaker 11
Yeah. Electroshock therapy is always the last obstacle. Speaker 7
Oh, Jesus. Wet and and and lubricated for the electrophilia. Sounds fun. Speaker 8
She said Well, I guess Speaker 11
we might be running together, brother. Speaker 2
Yeah. If you're there, it'd be amazing. It's in September, so I've got about six months ish to get myself into functional shape to perform this action. But I'm Speaker 13
Five months of procrastination and Yeah. Pretty much. Speaker 2
Hard and dangerous. The last one. Speaker 8
One week of, yeah, rough, hard pushing. Yeah. Alright. Speaker 2
I gotta get serious. Left the couch yet, so this is a good start, but we'll get there. Alright. Cassie. Speaker 7
Well, no. Now it's three, four, or five. Speaker 2
No. Okay. Well, that's Speaker 7
It's not. Two, four, five. Speaker 2
Two, four, or five. Well, one more Speaker 11
my two point five down to, like, a two, I guess. Speaker 2
Alright. We'll go two. So I have for, I guess, the librarians in the in our audience, I have picked up a book to read. Speaker 7
What? We we did the same, but that's because we had no TV. Speaker 2
Hold on. I have not read a book in probably ten years. So this is a big deal. It's a random one. It's right here for those. It is a called a little bit broken. It is a memoir by Ross Weston to Speaker 2
Local by local fame is he? Yep. Oh, I didn't know he was on, Toronto Mike. Yep. He's a by Toronto standards, he's like a local celeb, radio host, host of ET Canada for years. Speaker 13
Still the perfect candidate for Toronto Mike. Speaker 2
Exactly. And I find him I listen to his radio. She's at ninety two five in Toronto here. They do a morning show, and it's one of the best morning shows I've ever heard, and I find him quite fascinating. So he released this book last year, and I was like, you know what? I I feel like I should probably read something because I'm constantly encouraging my kids. So, yeah, I picked this up, and I'm starting to dive into it. So he's an interesting character to say the least, but I am reading. Speaker 7
Good for you. I love that. Speaker 7
That's the long run. Speaker 13
Fundamental, buddy. Speaker 2
Thanks. Thank you. That's all I wanted, Al. Speaker 7
That's it. You know what? Speaker 2
It it That that means more I I see some, like, scrutiny. That means a lot. I accept your Speaker 7
it's a week of firsts. Looks good. I forgot. I, I I took my first step to go and start Toastmasters last week. Yeah. I I said that, like, how long ago? And, like, you starting your first book, me starting the the first, like, foot in the door and actually going into a a class first. Speaker 2
January all over again, guys. Here we go now. Speaker 7
Make January happen. Speaker 8
Matt and I met at a Toastmasters meeting. What was that what's the name of the speech? You don't have to say what it was about, but the you delivered a speech about yourself. Speaker 7
Apparently, it was memorable. Yeah. Speaker 8
It was very memorable. I just can't remember the Speaker 2
The was it the greatest thing, the greatest place one? Speaker 8
I don't think it was a very personal one that you delivered. Speaker 2
About about Nova Scotia and stuff? Speaker 8
I don't remember. Anyway, it was it was really Speaker 2
If it is, I have that one. I think I have it recorded if it's the one you're Speaker 2
Oh, yeah? It was one and it was the one I'm thinking of that might have been was called The Greatest Place. It was just me talking about my love affair with Nova Scotia, but there's a deeper message behind it all. Speaker 13
Yeah. Well, it's apparently pretty memorable to Al. Speaker 2
Well, I'm glad that it was memorable. It's gonna be a part of your love Toastmasters. Speaker 7
It's gonna be part of your memoir. Speaker 8
lot of fun. Alright. Good for you, Daniel? Speaker 7
Yeah. Good for you for getting a book. Speaker 2
Yes. Go read it. Speaker 8
I I wish I had, you know, a story of personal improvement for myself, but I really don't. Just kind of the usual. I've been busy as hell. Last week, I launched season six of the Yes We Were Open podcast for work, and I also put out, an episode of the Just Good Business. Last week, I was so busy. I that's why we didn't have the podcast last week. And this week, yeah, we had all the excitement of not living a couple of days without Internet and and, yeah, calling the fire department yesterday or day before yesterday and working from the library because that was the only place you can get Internet in town. Speaker 8
Yeah. So we were book adjacent. It's funny because I would log on to a meeting at work, and usually, you I have this backdrop drop when I meet, you know, coworkers. And yesterday, I had a library behind me, and they're like, oh, you've remodeled. I'm like, yes. I took this wall out, and behind this wall is a cavernous array of shelves with books on it, and you just didn't know about it. But, anyway, yeah, they didn't they they found it amusing that I was in a library and that I I had to kinda whisper talk on my in my meetings because Tanya was right beside me having her meetings, and people on her meeting were saying, I can hear your husband almost as clearly as I can hear you. What are they talking about? That sounds interesting. So that was, yeah, it's been hell of a weekend because I've we lost Internet. I'm, like, a a day and a half behind on work, so I'm gonna be working through tomorrow and probably Saturday. But that's been my week. Cassie, how have you been? Speaker 11
I've been okay. Kinda bummed our weather here in Ontario has been mid at best. Speaker 8
Mhmm. Oh, yeah. Snowed today. That was fun waking up to that. Yeah. Speaker 11
Yeah. We're gonna be getting it, I think, within an hour or so, honestly. It's been mostly torrential downpours. Not a whole lot's been going on. Matt took me to buy some new, hockey gear earlier. Welcome. Speaker 11
Wrong mat. The not so squirrelly one. Speaker 2
I'm taking all credit. Speaker 13
You got a fishbowl. Speaker 11
I did. I got a hybrid, fish bowl visor for my helmet and some other goodies. And then other than that, honestly, the only thing that's been going on is changes at work, and I am just to get on the bandwagon of people doing stuff for the first time, I have started training for my first triathlon. Speaker 8
Triathlon. Oh, wow. Yeah. That's awesome. Speaker 2
Wow. Good for you. Speaker 7
What do you okay. So what do you do in a triathlon? Purpose? Speaker 11
So a triathlon is running, biking, and swimming. I grew up swimming, especially, like, in George and Bain, stuff like that. Speaker 11
Biking, as you guys know, I'm a big fan of biking even though it's not on a competitive level at all. And then running's gonna be the hard one, but, the one I'm doing is, like, a a try a try, so it's kinda like a a a smaller mini triathlon. Speaker 7
I don't wanna amazing. Sounds like Speaker 2
I'm so, Cassie, just really quickly, just so we can set your comfort level on the three. So let's play fuck, marry, kill on run bike run bike swim. Speaker 11
Okay. We are a thousand percent killing running because no. Just absolutely not. Yeah. I'm gonna say I will fuck the bike and marry swimming because I I adore swimming, honestly. Speaker 7
That's amazing. So when are you when are you doing the triath the triathlon? Speaker 11
It is July twenty first. Speaker 7
July twenty first. Oh, so it's coming up. Speaker 8
How far do you have to swim? Speaker 11
Oh my gosh. I don't remember the distances off the top of my head. Far. It's oh my gosh. That's something I'd have to get back to you. No. Speaker 8
That's fine. No. I'm just swimming is first. Speaker 2
Right? Seventy five meters, ten k, two point five k. So I'm assuming that's swim Speaker 2
That's exactly run? Swim, bike, run? Speaker 2
So three hundred and seventy five meter swim, ten kilometer bike ride, two and a half k. Speaker 7
Wow. Riding. Wow. Speaker 7
You can't even do, like, the two k. Speaker 8
Hush. Okay. Let's move on. Trace, how have you been, bud? Speaker 13
I have been good. This week has been crazy at work. We're preparing for inventory that's happening on Saturday. But in the realm of personal improvement and whatnot Speaker 13
Talk about myself today. I must, give props if for the listeners or the readers of the TPS lightweights group. Speaker 13
My partner, Liz Speaker 13
Is on a mission, if you will, to normalize things about the human health and the human body that typically get swept under the rug. Things like pooping. Speaker 13
And in that vein and she gave me permission to say this. I want to wish the best of luck to Liz on her first colonoscopy tomorrow. Oh. Speaker 8
Oh. We hope everything comes out in the end there, Liz. I've done it before. It's no big deal. Speaker 11
Just out in the end. Speaker 8
Yes. Exactly. Pun intended. Speaker 13
now. No. But, yes. It's and and and she would say, this is nothing wrong with something we can talk about. Nothing embarrassing about it. Speaker 8
You know what you know what a colonoscopy was? It was a a a short nap followed by a long fart. Speaker 7
It's a short nap. Speaker 8
Because they fill you up with air. Oh, man. Speaker 8
They fill you up with air. Speaker 13
So good luck, Liz. Speaker 2
Like glass blowing. Speaker 8
Good luck, Liz. You don't need luck. Just just, yeah. Just, have fun with it. Amazing. If they offer you the video Speaker 7
You know what? I I have a friend. We were talking about his colonoscopy. And, apparently, he received, photos of what clear should look like. So in the so you're supposed to take this medicine and you're supposed to drink it, and then things are supposed to evacuate to the point where the consistency is clear. Speaker 7
And some people will be like, well, is that clear? Like, that looks pretty clear to me. And there was actual photos on his documentation that he was given saying this is the clear and and it was a photo of a toilet of what you should be seeing and what you're supposed to be looking for. And I'm like, that would have been perfect if we had have gotten something like that for our son's wisdom teeth when his wisdom teeth started bleeding to to be able to say, okay. How much blood is okay? Like, to act if you're having a to take the panic out of those things, have the conversation, see the photos. It's like, you know, I don't know. I I just I'm a firm believer too, but let's talk about these things, and let's take the scariness out of it. And it doesn't need to be scary. It's it's a it's a bodily But Speaker 8
Kenny should have done a colonoscopy. There you go. They they they handle the prostate one very well. Speaker 13
There's no stigma needed in these things. Exactly. Speaker 11
Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Speaker 8
Alright. Well, let's get started with tonight's festivities because I think, we're gonna have a fun one here. Let's go. Speaker 2
Previously We're now. On Letterkenny. Speaker 8
Last week, I was busy with two deadlines with work, so we didn't record. But the week before, we had TPS Potpourri, and, we talked about, a little bit about about everything, and we had a bunch of our friends join us as well. This week, Cassie and Trace have joined forces to bring us their top ten Letterkenny villains. So let's get going. Speaker 3
Well, don't bore us. Get to the chorus. Speaker 8
Now before we get started with your, top ten, guys, why don't you kinda talk about your your method? Like, what what did you do to get to arrive at the top ten? Because you both you both had to agree on it. Speaker 11
Well, Trace came up with the idea at first Mhmm. In the Discord. Speaker 13
Well, I stole it from Al's list. Speaker 11
But, yeah, that's true. But I was like, that's cool as hell. Like, I can't wait to listen in on this. And then he's like, hey. Hey. You wanna do this? Speaker 8
So who who came up with the the list, or or was it, like, collaborative? Like, how did you just kind of came okay. Here's what I'm thinking. Here's what you're thinking, and then you guys got together and ranked them? Speaker 11
Yeah. It was kinda like a gauntlet, I'd say. Wouldn't you, Trace? Speaker 13
Yeah. It was, we were just sort of you know? Well, there was the obvious ones, of course. Yes. And there there came a point where we were like, we can go a little deeper on this and to I mean, to get to ten. Mhmm. I mean, there's the obvious ones that are, like, season long arcs that well Speaker 13
The names that everybody will come up with, and we just started to dig a little deeper. And it's like, well, how about that person? How about that person? And then, you know, we looked and we got ten. It's like, how are we gonna put these? And, I think we just ranked them with, as far as how bad they were, their run on the show Mhmm. That gave the depth to their character or if it was just an asshole in one episode or something. Speaker 13
you know and then that got us from ten to one. Alright? Speaker 11
It was kind of like this melange of how evil, how much they affected the story, how entertaining, and, basically, their duration within the given episode or, season or whatever the case may be. And I will say I think I showed great restraint. Speaker 8
Okay. Well, before we get started on your list, we did get a a voice mail from one of our listeners. Let's listen to our buddy, Jeff, here. Speaker 14
Hey, guys. It's your buddy, Jeff, over here in Maine. This is a great topic. Villains. Letterkenny has so many, and there's so many different types. So Letterkenny's got, like, the evil villains, like hard right j who's just a selfish dick trying to remake the world in his image. And then you've got kinda, like, the antihero type person, the Deadpool of the show, Tannis, who starts out as an adversary, but she eventually becomes a friend. My pick though for the best villain on Letterkenny is a funny villain. Funny villains have always been my favorite. Gary Old man as Jean Baptiste, Emmanuel Zorg in The Fifth Element is my all time favorite comical villain, one of the best villains in cinema history. And much like my choice for Leonard Kennedy's villain, he's only a henchman. So my pick is Elmo Adrianis Rensberg Van Cuverton. He's menacing but hilarious. You can't help but like the guy. And it's great acting by Gavin Fox. Speaker 8
And speaking of Gavin Fox, I just saw him on the latest season of Reacher. So, yeah. Yeah. He is he's a great villain in Letterkenny. We're we're gonna see if, they he made your list. So let's start here with our video. Speaker 4
Cassie and Tracy's top ten letter Kenny villains. Speaker 15
What the hell are you doing? Speaker 3
I'd ask you the same thing, you fucking tit. Speaker 15
I'm taping an idiot. I'm not sneaking up on dudes and starting fights. Speaker 3
I'm not fighting you. I'm smacking you. Speaker 15
Well, that's right. You don't fight anymore, do you? I figured I'd have one on deck for sure after I stole your girl. Nothing, No move? She must have trained you well. So what's it gonna take to get you back on the horse there, champ? Do I go inside and spread Angie right out on the bar when she gets here? Speaker 13
I fucked your girl Speaker 15
more times than you had oatmeal. Maybe your sister wants to join us. It's Katie. Right? Shit. Why don't I go over there and ask her myself? Speaker 16
The elevator opens for Speaker 16
And plans are making me. Speaker 4
Pull your pants above Xander. Speaker 16
I'm paradise into you. Amplants are making me. Speaker 16
looks like everyone. Speaker 3
Welcome to fucking lemurkin. Speaker 8
me. Alright. And we started off with the fight that started it all. Season one, episode one, Angie's boyfriend, Cassie talk about this pick. Speaker 11
mean, it was really hard to know where to start, and this is one of the inaugural picks. One of the like you said, the first fight, it sets up, you know, the welcome to to Letterkenny. Mhmm. And we discussed, like, he's just brutish. He's cruel. And I think what rubs it in the face of how, like, evil he is is the fact that, like, he doesn't seem to even care about Angie. She's a trophy to be won to him. Because you don't say about somebody that you're dating or that you care about, but why don't I just spread her out on the bar when she gets here? Speaker 8
Yeah. No. You're right. She he's using her as, yeah, as the weapon. Trace, what about you? Speaker 13
And I'm and to that point, you know, this villain served a purpose. You know? It it was it shows Wayne in the light that Wayne needs to be shown in, and he performs little more than just the antithesis of everything that Wayne is. And like the guy said, he got him back on the horse. You know? This was the precedent for Wayne being the toughest guy in Letterkenny throughout the rest of the show. I mean, it was I mean, this was it. This was, the villain that, brought the hero Mhmm. Back to the forefront. You know? And that's and that's why he serves as a good starting point for our list. Speaker 7
Yeah. Yeah. No. It it's a perfect pick. Like, he was he was begging for for Wayne to, to to do it. Like, he was he was taunting him. He and and you know what? He got what he deserved. I'm not a person that advocates for fighting. I I don't think that fists are the answer, but it's it's kinda nice when the the dude when the guy that needs it gets it. It's like, you know what? You've got what you had coming for you. So yeah. Speaker 2
Matt? Yeah. Perfect starting point. Makes complete sense. I actually had forgotten how brutal that guy was. Mhmm. So it was actually quite relieving to see how Wayne took care of him. Mhmm. Again, not that I advocate for that shit, but some people just deserve it. And, there's nothing wrong because someone like that, it doesn't matter what you say to them, it's not gonna change their mind. But that might change it a little bit. Speaker 8
Jeff's, in his message, he says some of his favorite villains are the ones that are funny. Nothing funny about this guy. But, yeah, one of my one of my favorite, movie villains, is, you know, Alan Rickman in, that Robin Robin Hood as the sheriff of Nottingham. Like, he was so, so good in that, and some of the best lines in that. So I I I totally agree with you, Jeff, about that. In this case, and in most I I'm I'm trying to think of, other villains in Letterkenny. What makes a really good villain in Letterkenny is, yeah, you gotta be a sleazeball, and you just have to have a really punchable face. And this guy has a really punchable face. This this guy's got a face that you just want. Even if he doesn't say anything, you wanna hit him. So, yes. Perfect pick for this one. Let's, let's see what your number two is. Speaker 0
Oh, good day, lads. Speaker 11
Did you ride your fucking sleds here? Speaker 6
a fucking mat nerd? Speaker 0
Is she a cherry ride? Speaker 10
Like, holy fuck. She's about to Speaker 0
appear put on the fucking rhubarb. Speaker 2
You was just gonna stand there rubbing your peckers or what? Speaker 6
Oh, she's fucking tits, Speaker 3
Did she give her bean spot? She give her Speaker 0
give her fucking torque? Wanna get fucking smoke? Speaker 10
Or you taking her easy? Speaker 6
Take her twice, bud. Speaker 11
We'll call you Tony two times. Speaker 2
Let's do her manure. Speaker 12
Isn't this the part where Speaker 3
you We don't fight at weddings. Speaker 5
Rosinius can fucking tie their dicks in a knot. Speaker 13
You don't piss up a rope. Speaker 6
What's up, ladies? What is your nationality? Grow up around here? I don't need tattoos. I got a Celtic symbol on my calf. I got a Nike swoosh right above my heart. Speaker 3
I got you a drink. I swear it's not roofie. Speaker 2
Hey. That's a real nice dress. Speaker 6
lot nicer than my third on the floor. You ever see the front seat of a Honda Del Sol? Speaker 3
I'll have a roll in your hand your day. Speaker 4
We don't fight at weddings. Speaker 6
I got a Harmon card system in the three. Speaker 3
B m motherfucking w b. Speaker 6
It's actually way better than both. Speaker 8
And number nine, we have the city. It's Trace. Talk about this, Vic. Speaker 13
This is, tale as old as time. You know, it's been used a thousand different times. The cosmopolitan city boys who have nothing but disdain for the, the country folk, if you will. And it it becomes just a mockery of, you know, stereotypes that they think the the, the lifestyle of the people who live outside of the city. Mhmm. And they just lay into it. I'm sure it's alcohol fueled. The figured they're just douchebags in the beginning. But watching that clip, when they start talking to the girls, it's like, yeah. I wanna I wanna see what ultimately comes to them in the end of the episode. Speaker 8
Mhmm. Mhmm. Gassy? Speaker 11
Oh, I mean, Trace has covered it perfectly. Like, they're they're so they'd be out of water if they were actually meeting the Hicks and the people of Letterkenny on their own turf instead of in the pomp and circumstance that is a wedding. You can tell their classes and that they think that they're better than them. And honestly, even if they were meeting them at the same level but still kinda acting like that, they're obnoxious as hell. Speaker 11
I cannot without one guy's laugh. It is oh, it's nails on a chalkboard to me. Speaker 11
It's so bad, and that makes them such a good villain. Speaker 8
Now I remember Matt and Victor taking exception to the term city when we first reviewed this episode. Matt, have you have you had any change of heart here? Speaker 2
No. It's still the same, but they these guys exist, and they're I mean, this is another a perfect example of the villains. What I took and Cassie make a really good point. It's location, location, location for these guys. If they were on different turf, different scenario, that mouth those mouths would be a little quieter. They're also these are the types of idiots who are completely useless in a solo setting. Speaker 2
They're like a collective of stupid that comes together. And there's, like, this one up mentality that they're just constantly battling each other to see who can get the best line out, and it just comes across as terrible. So, yeah, this is one of those ones you're just waiting and waiting for them to get their comeuppance. Yeah. That was for you, Victor. Speaker 8
And speaking of punchable faces, all three of them. And that All three. Yeah. And that roofie joke was just you just That Speaker 7
that's what I was gonna say. I was gonna yeah. The the first round, you know what? They're being assholes. Like, it it was annoying, but not punchable. But as soon as they said the whole thing to the girls and and that we're gonna roof you your drink and and no. We won't. Oh, yes. We will. And that right there, that was the line that was just like Oh, you need to revoke them. Yeah. Take them. Yeah. Do it. Yep. Speaker 8
Alright. We're off to a great start here. Let's move on to, your number eight. Speaker 12
He wouldn't let me invite English family to the wedding. So I said we have to have a buckendo so they could be included. Speaker 10
Wow. How very charitable of you. Speaker 3
And he's in a hurry for sure Speaker 2
because of the colds. Speaker 3
beer. What if I don't? Wouldn't I have to put my beer down? Speaker 8
Jean Claude, the, blue plaid brother. Cassie, talk about this one. Speaker 11
So Trace chose these clips, and I think he did such an immaculately good job of really summing up the issue with Jean Claude. Speaker 11
He's envious. He's prideful. He's controlling, obviously, the fact that, like, he wouldn't let English speakers be invited to the wedding. The fact that, you know, I guess he has a he works as a logger. He doesn't make a huge salary, but doesn't want to accept people's help. And those things on their own kinda suck, but on top of that, making fun of Wayne, and especially making fun of Wayne when he's making an effort to even try to speak French to them, is it says so much about his character or character or lack thereof, and I think, kind of reflects maybe some of the cultural dealings that Canada has with the Quebecois in general. Mhmm. Speaker 11
I don't wanna paint everybody with the same brush, but, I mean, that's he's hyperbolically there to symbolize that, I I definitely think. Speaker 13
That was the the this particular one at at when we were compiling the list was the first one that I started to delve into the, what makes them an asshole? Yes. What makes them a villain? Yes. But started me started thinking, why Mhmm. Are they being an asshole? Why are they being the villain? And like Cassie said, it's there's a lot of factors in play here. Being from the southern United States, I don't claim to know a lot about the, animosity and vitriol between the French speaking and the English speaking communities of Canada, but I I hear it's a thing. Mhmm. And but and this one, I was thinking, yeah. I mean, the guy's at a thing that he doesn't wanna be at. His, his old lady's leaving him for an English dude, and his another English dude is getting with his sister, so he's a bullish man. Speaker 8
Thank you. He's, Speaker 13
you know, his already irritated soul keeps getting exacerbated and exacerbated, and that just amps up his assholeness to the roof. Speaker 8
Yeah. Yeah. It was a great pick, and, I can I can speak a little bit to the whole animosity between Quebec and Ontario? But I think here's the thing, it's in some circles because most of the people I work with from Quebec are are amazing people. Most of the people I know, you know, in Montreal and and are amazing, amazing people. It's just, you know, there's there's gonna be that element everywhere. And and in general, any any province outside of Canada has a dislike of Ontarians in in general. So in that case, they have that in common with with with Quebec, but yeah the whole making fun of I mean I remember when we were on our way to Nova Scotia and and we stopped in a motel in rural Quebec and I thought I'd try my grade nine French out and got such attitude back. And they said, just speak to us in English, please. And I'm like, okay. Like, I was just, you know, I was trying, but okay, fine. So there's there's a bit of that, Speaker 7
It was not Yeah. So Speaker 8
So it's it was it was a good pick is what I'm trying to say, Tanya. Speaker 7
Oh, man. That was a flashback. You just gave me yeah. That was it was not appreciated that, that your attempt. And and that is the highlight of the that episode, you know, trying to to, come together with peace and, just, like, right off the gate, coming down the stairs and not coming to the rest of the group, you know, standing back and away from everyone. And it's just like the the their back was up immediately, and there was no, you know, feeling of come in and enjoy and welcome and nice that you're here. Like, it was just right away. You're English, you're you're lesser than, or you're not invited or you're not welcome. Speaker 8
Even when they found common ground in their hate for degens from Laval, you know, it was still yeah. Speaker 7
Yeah. Yeah. Matt? Speaker 2
Great pick. Yada yada yada. The real villain that came out of this era Speaker 2
Was the very incorrect community within our community of Les Freaks followers still not a fix. Speaker 2
Les Eaks for life? Awesome. Next pick, please. Speaker 8
Awesome set. If anyone says French, she's going to bed. Speaker 8
Alright. Here we go. Next pick. Speaker 7
Bart, Yorkie, Schultzy, Fiske. Speaker 4
Katie? Hey, bud. Hey, bud. Speaker 7
The boys are supposed to Speaker 4
have just dusted praccy. Aw, two days. They're on dry land now. Unreal. Honey pee. Been wheeling? Speaker 7
Been turning on the jets. Yeah. Some notches on the bed post? I've been notching. Speaker 4
Hashtag notch or die. Eight Sleep Notch. Who? Speaker 7
Been making my way up the roster. Speaker 7
No call ups, obviously. Speaker 4
Yeah. Of course. They're not even schmelts yet. Speaker 7
And not Riley and Jonesy. I never touched them. I never wanna piss you off. Speaker 4
About that? Yeah. Do you remember when Speaker 7
you cheated on my brother? Speaker 7
And I went around town telling everyone that I was going Speaker 4
to get you? Yeah. Speaker 7
But then, you left town, so I couldn't. Speaker 4
Couldn't what? Get you. Yeah. I guess I could still. Get you. Yeah. Speaker 7
Stay away from this dressing room. Speaker 4
Yeah. And all the players in it. Yeah. Especially Riley and Jonesy. Yeah. And one more thing. Yeah. Speaker 4
Fucking get after it then. Hey, big brother. Good new? Don't say I never done nothing for Speaker 8
you. Trace, do you need a moment? Speaker 13
Well, Angie I mean, you could you you had your pick of instances with Angie. This one was the one that kinda brought her in as a just a force to disturb everything and turn it upright. But Cassie has the best take on this, so I'll give it to her. Speaker 8
Alright, Cassie. Speaker 11
Aw, Trace. Here's the thing about Angie, both in, other appearances and this one. She does not have a an identity of her own, to be completely honest. She assimilates herself into whatever pack of people that she feels is going to make her most impressive to her audience. So when she adopts all of her European traits after her trip and everything like that, here and maybe I'll catch shit for this. And if I do, I I said what I said. She is the perfect example of a pick me girl. She is the girl, at least in her PuckBuddy iteration, who basically takes something that she probably didn't have much interest in, which is hockey Mhmm. Makes her whole appearance, her personality, everything about that. She adopts the vernacular. She adopts the the way of speaking. Mhmm. And that in and of itself is annoying, but it's not what you would class being a a villain. Sure. Like, it's not a villainous thing to do. Mhmm. The thing about being a pick me girl is that it is so deeply rooted in misogyny. You don't see it much in this clip, but, I mean, she's running her way through the Irish. She's, you know, basically gonna mow down whoever doesn't serve her. She doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants. Speaker 11
But I think some of adopting this Puck Bunny lifestyle is the I'm not like other girls sort of, identity. Mhmm. That she's trying to prove that by being like the guys that she's also trying to wheel, it somehow puts her above other women. I think it comes from a deep place of internalized misogyny. And maybe that's looking too deep for this character, but it is something that really stood out, with like I said, with this iteration, especially of Angie. Speaker 8
And there have been many iterations of Angie. You're right. So she she's kind of a chameleon and and and changes her stripes according to where she wants to go next or who she what friends she wants to make or what circle she wants to be in. Right, Tan? Speaker 11
Absolutely. And at the end of the day, a strong woman character is someone who is Speaker 8
Know themselves. Yeah. Speaker 11
Exactly. Know thyself. Exactly. Speaker 7
In in this clip, though, I I had a hard time because it almost looks as though it's Katie that's the bad guy, you know, setting her up, for what she's she's about to do, which is the the box shot. Right? So, it it that box shot. Like, it just it's it hurts to even watch that. It it's yeah. But leading up to it and and Speaker 7
Her taking down that whole team and causing the issues that she was cause, Angie was causing. And I believe it was Riley and Jonesy saying to Katie that they needed her help Speaker 8
they were so well, I I I cut it before it pans over to Riley and Jonesy, and they're very pleased that the the the plan they came up with to to deal with Angie. So, yeah, this was kind of their plan. Speaker 7
Yeah. I haven't really dived into, the the ins and outs of who Angie is. But, yeah, she was definitely a a villain in her own way and, definitely brought a lot of, just yeah. She she caused a lot of shit. Right? Speaker 7
Yeah. It's a good pick. Speaker 2
Yeah. I mean, I I I for a minute, I was a little lost on the theme of the episode. I was a little distracted. The word edging came to mind, but, anyways, that out of the way yeah. Always a good pick. I mean, if Andy's one of those characters that I never really gave a lot of thought to. Mhmm. Like, I know that she was important, but at the same point, you know, she's a cheater. She fucked up. Mhmm. You lose a lot of credibility in my mind, so I don't give her much more thought. It's like, fuck off. Get out of this. Move on. So she came back in this season. It was, a little annoying. They had to play her out. I get it. She made a big impact, but I thought Katie took care of it in the end and, was quite happy with it. So she's a villain for sure, but I never gave her much thought because she didn't deserve it Mhmm. In my opinion. Speaker 8
She didn't deserve the box shot? Well, she deserved that. Oh, yeah. She Speaker 2
didn't deserve much consideration. Deserve much thought and consideration all around. Yeah. Speaker 8
Yeah. You know what? I'm I like this scene or I like this pic just just because we got to see watch that scene again, and it's in in the live stream. I forget who was saying it, but this is probably one of the sexiest scenes in all of Letterkenny, the scene between Katie and Angie. Speaker 8
Yeah. It's no. Well, Cassie doesn't agree, but it's it's a great scene, a fun scene. And, again, this if you guys think back to the episode, this is all kind of a plan hatched out by Riley and Jonesy, unbelievably so. So that's interesting. Let's move on to the next pick. Speaker 8
Oh, there's no, dialogue in this, so I'm gonna describe what's happening here. This is where, oh, Wayne throws a blue checkered plaid brother through a door. Door opens, and there is Marie Fred making out with another blue plaid brother, and we fade to black. So it was a quick scene, but, I believe I know who who your villain is in this one, Cassie, but why don't you talk about it? Speaker 11
So I don't think we are off kilter in saying that, you know, we had a general dislike for, Mary Fred and that she would be on the villain list. Speaker 11
Obviously, being a cheater, betraying Wayne, especially after, you know, he had finally healed from being cheated on before, and had decided to, you know, propose to her. Like, that's a big thing. She took his trust and stomped on it. But the main thing that I dislike about her, and maybe I'm dipping back into the Puck Bunny Angie pond, is the fact that she's a Mary Sue. She has no real identity. Mhmm. She basically when people are like, oh, she was so perfect for Wayne, that's because she was literally mirroring Wayne's behaviors. Mhmm. But she had no actual personality of her own or anything to stand on in that regard. So, again, it's something that I dislike Speaker 11
In a character, and, also, I just think, you know, makes me discount her as it is. And then you throw in the fact that she's a cheater, and knowing Wayne's past betrayed him, is just not cool. I don't think I don't believe she set out to be a horrible person, but she should have been pumping the brakes a long time ago. If it wasn't when, you know, Wayne said, hey. Will you marry me? It should have been, you know, before she had her tongue down some other dude's throat in the back room. Speaker 8
Right. Mhmm. Mhmm. Trace. Speaker 13
This is an interesting case on the villain's list because it's almost a, what do you call it? The one instance, at least in villainry, that we see someone who started off as a, if not a great, a relatively innocuous character. Speaker 13
And in one ten second clip, that clip is ten seconds. Speaker 13
She goes to being a villain. Now the weird part about that is there are times throughout the rest of the series where you get to see this particular villain. It, you know, doesn't not changing what she did, but have contrition and have that. And it would it's an interesting take on the villain where you're like, yeah. She's bad. She did bad. But you never rarely, you just usually see the guy laying on the on the ground after a pummeling from Wayne, and that's the last you see of the character. Mary Mary Fred came back, and you got to see yeah. I mean, she knows she fucked up and all that stuff, but it's an interesting take on an interesting character. Speaker 13
And it's something I've only recently come around to thinking. I used to hate Mary Fred, like, with a passion for a lot of the reasons Cassie was talking about. But Right. It's interesting into the fact that, like, they actually showed the other side of the villainary on the back on the back end of it. You know? Sure. You could you could tell she sensed her loss and everything and all that. But Oh, yeah. Ultimately, you know, still Speaker 11
I think that's a great take, honestly. Speaker 2
Yeah. So my takes are similar to to Tracy's. I I've I've never considered Mary Fred a full on villain in my eyes. It's was I disappointed? Absolutely. I think she fucked up. I think she's very aware of it, but I'm not sure that was ever the intention, behind what what was going on. And I think where and I almost lost my thought, but it came back to me. Where where I think like, I think of, like, a normal scenario. If you didn't know anybody or any scenario and you met her and then heard about this, you'd be like, that sucks. Right? But this show and a huge part of this show is loyalty and community and and trust and and all this. Like like, they're they're so tight knit. So we're deep enough into the series when all this goes down that we have such a trust and loyalty to the Hicks and Wayne, especially Mhmm. As the lead of the show. So when you see this Speaker 2
Happen, this betrayal happen, like like Trey said, it's like, immediately, they're villainized. Right? And it's and it's true. Like, if your friend if you saw, like, your best friend out there and suddenly you saw his girlfriend who was an amazing person suddenly do that, you'd be like, fuck her. Yeah. Like, you'd be so mad. Speaker 2
But are they at heart a villain? I don't know. It's there there people do stupid things, and I'm not saying it's good. Speaker 2
I am totally against any of that, but it's a weird take. Right? Right? So I can see the villainy in the show, where she measures up against some of the others on the list. I don't know. Speaker 8
Mhmm. Yeah. You know, I don't I don't disagree with you. I think, she made one bad mistake. I mean, one, like, continuous mistake. We don't know how long she Speaker 8
Of course. Was cheating on Wayne with with him. But but after that, you see the remorse. You see the contrition. And, to me, I thought she kinda redeemed herself in the dealership episode. I thought she showed herself as being, you know, more than just a pretty face in that episode. So calling her a villain, I mean, you know, whatever. Like, for the purpose of this list, yeah, like, she's she's one of the the characters that comes off doesn't come off in the greatest light on Letterkenny. I might not have ranked her, you know, at number six, but, sure. She did she does not she doesn't not belong on this list. Ten. Speaker 7
Yeah. I I agree with with Matt and and Alan here. I'm I'm I I I because I see the remorse on her, if if it had it ended where it did and that's it, that's all we saw, and we ended, that would okay. Fine. Yeah. She she's absolutely in the wrong. Mhmm. But seeing the remorse on her face and seeing like, the the look on her face was shit. I got caught Yeah. At the scene that we just saw. But after that was her trying to, you know Speaker 8
one who came back and told Wayne about Dirks. Right? So, she was trying to make up for it. Speaker 7
So I don't think she and none of us know how long that was going on for. Like, that could have been that one moment. We don't know. Assuming that it was that one moment, you know, I don't know. I I don't it's it's definitely wrong, but I don't know whether that would make her the villain. I don't know. Speaker 8
Yep. I mean, the to I love the point you make, Matt. Like, we we're so on the side of the hicks. It'd be like if if a best friend's girlfriend cheated on him, it's fuck her. Like, she's she's dead to me. Right? For no other reason than she betrayed your buddy. So, yeah, in that case in that sense, yes, she's the villain. Speaker 2
Villain. Well, you well, Speaker 13
you kinda said it too, Al. A villain, yes, but this is the one time, as you said, they show a villain able to redeem themselves in a way. Way. Speaker 13
If if nothing else by admitting they fucked up and all that and, you know, and maybe gives you pause for thought on other villains had they been shown. Speaker 8
There is one other one that that may be coming up later in your picks who tries to redeem themself and fails miserably. But we'll we'll get to that Speaker 7
If she wasn't a if she wasn't sorry for what she did and and continued on to try to show her her remorse for it Mhmm. Then I would say, yeah. She's she's totally in the wrong. But Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 8
Yeah. Not necessarily that we we need to take her back. Speaker 2
Gone by circumstance. Yeah. Speaker 8
Alright. Let's, move on to the next pick. Speaker 6
You seen your ex sweetie holding hands with a guy who kicked your ass one time in high school, and that's just about enough to make you wanna drown yourself in a potted plant. But it's okay because your ex sweetie used to look herself in the mirror every time after she took a poop to see if her tummy was any flatter. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everybody. She's not going. I wasn't ready. Kinda pictured a girl looking at herself in the mirror after when she's laying. K. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Speaker 6
Your second cousin put her toddler in a onesie that said to snatch and kisses and vice versa. Oh, god. Speaker 2
No. God. I'm doing it so good. Speaker 6
or fourth cousin was the only one left to fuck at the end of the night. And when there's no more firewood, sometimes you gotta burn the ax handle. When did the jokes start? It's funny. This one's actually about you, Stuart. You saw Skid one time put his name wrong in the computer at bowling, and you always figured that the nickname Stew Rat would stick. Speaker 11
You're killing me. Speaker 6
The government tried to bust you for switching plates on your four wheelers, and that stuffed shirt could suck cold shit through a wool sock. Okay. Well, that's gonna do it for me. But like your second cousin always says, liquor before beer, poker in the rear. Speaker 11
That might be the comedian of the night. Who's that calling for Daryl? Daryl, everybody. Speaker 10
I knew he'd be great. I knew he'd be great. Oh, I got cool and funny. That's what I said. Speaker 3
Can I get out of here? Speaker 6
This isn't for me. Speaker 9
You're a DJ, aren't you? Speaker 6
You show me your friends, I'll show you who you are. You've been here so long, they've forgotten about you, big shoots. They ain't thinking about you for a second. So you can run. Speaker 6
know where you think you're running to because I can promise you it ain't the way you left it. You know, it's us degens, we stick together. So stick with us. It's without us. Stay alone. Speaker 14
How do you like this? Speaker 2
But don't you mean fags? Speaker 2
I've been called a lot of things in my life. Yeah. Fag hundreds of times. But never by a deeply closeted gay man. That, madam, is a first. Speaker 6
I know how you feel about us. K? We are bad, But Daryl's one of us now. He's bad too. Speaker 3
Daryl, when you die, will anyone say I'm glad he's dead? No. And he's not that bad. Speaker 10
You know, I think Speaker 6
you like this fiery lifestyle. Hey. It's a rush. It's it's Speaker 3
an addiction. Addiction exists for two reasons. One, to ruin your life. And two. To make you think that everything is fine. Speaker 6
Hey, man. Being a DJ is fun. K? Fuck. It's too much fun. Speaker 3
That's why you don't put the monkey in charge of the bananas. Speaker 6
Let's get out of here, Daryl. Speaker 3
don't you hop in with me? Speaker 6
I said, let's get out of here, Daryl. Speaker 3
Gary, why don't you hop in with me? Speaker 6
K. Listen. K. You just finished saying how everyone has their own thing. K? And then some Mennonite Mexican rosy. So I'm a pro tem, some rosy Mexican mannequin. Fuck. I don't know. Okay? So Speaker 10
what? You come with him, and you stay stuck. Come with me. You're king. Speaker 6
You got the hottest gal in the yard. Speaker 3
Isn't that your sister? Speaker 8
I'm almost not even thinking about it. Speaker 6
Let's get out of here, Daryl. Speaker 3
Daryl, why don't you hop in with me? Speaker 6
On this Saturday night? Hey, girl. Noticed you bought some dip, now I'm all excited. Speaker 2
So he's a spitter, Speaker 6
Show me a spick. No. Speaker 2
I'll show you a spit. Speaker 11
of your derricks. Speaker 2
You're gonna take Speaker 15
that in your mouth. Speaker 2
What else are you gonna take in there? Don't even tell me. Speaker 8
I don't even wanna know. Speaker 6
It's so fucking hot. Okay. Actually, you can tell me I really Speaker 6
It's so fucking hot. Speaker 8
Oh, man. Yes. Mickey Gibraltar. Trace, talk about this pick. Speaker 13
This guy is just a manipulator or prick for the jump. But also in that sense, he comes across as sort of a just a a weird character that has accepted his, you know, life in the dumps and qualified it with himself as something worth celebrating. Right. And he sees a, you know, a willing victim in in dairy. And but the oddest part about it is on for me, at least on this one is upon rewatching the stuff with Mickey and season twelve as a whole is it was a very gray season. Mhmm. Black and white got really blurred. Right and wrong got really blurred. Who was the good guy? Who was the bad guy? Got really blurred in season twelve because there was a lot of just like, hang on. Nobody's really acting in honorable ways a lot of the times here. Speaker 13
But for Mickey, he's just Daryl seems to be the the trophy and a competition with Wayne to him. Mhmm. And he'll do anything he can to keep him on his side. He'll do anything he can to, justify his place in this dGen world and as being the right thing because he wants to be able to say, hey. Derry chose this. Yeah. Sure. But he manipulated him the entire time. Speaker 8
Mhmm. Yeah. He he wants to wave Derry in Wayne's face. Yeah. Speaker 13
Right. Right. It become it it almost becomes like a like I said, a trophy Mhmm. Speaker 13
can Yeah. Hold up and say, look what I did. Speaker 11
Oh, Trace has it a hundred percent right that there were so many shades of gray on, like, season twelve. And with Mickey as a character, I mean, you'd have to really be digging at the bottom of the barrel to believe that he wasn't a villain of some description. Again and I think I said this before in regards to a previous pick, but, like, I don't think that he necessarily, you know, was out to be a bad guy. He wasn't out to corrupt somebody in his mind thinking, I'm going to corrupt this person. I think he had good intentions, but he lacks self awareness. He's down in the quagmire muck, and he's dragging Derry down with him because he doesn't see another way or he, you know, potentially doesn't think that Mhmm. Another way is either worth it or it's too much hard work. But he's also and, like, you see it at the gas station. He uses slurs. He Yeah. Insults, you know, Wayne and the Hicks in general. He takes the things that he knows Derry loves. And I think what or aspects of dairy's personality that are honestly very good.
Speaker 11
And he mocks them. He puts in a doubt in his mind that, you know, oh, those things, they aren't thinking about you at all while they're standing, like, three feet over there, making sure everything's cool. So even if he had intentions to begin with, the way that he went about everything I think he wanted to be a good friend in the beginning, but I think the way he ended up going about things just speaks to his lack of self awareness and how cruel he is, how much he decided that if I wanna keep this person, I'm going to manipulate the hell out of them. Mhmm.
Speaker 8
Yeah. Mickey is, the degen sales guy. Right? He he's he's out recruiting. That's what he's doing, and he knows because he knows how to how to recruit. He knows who to prey on, and and how to manipulate them, you know, prey on whatever their insecurities are to to make them feel like he's on their side. That's I I love the the clips he picked, whoever you picked these because you start off with, yeah, he's just being really super supportive. Probably weirdly supportive considering he didn't know Derry from a hole in the wall before that scene. But super supportive and giving something giving Darius something that he wasn't getting from his his friends at the time. But then you see his character getting darker in the following scene and even worse in the in the last scene and the way he treats Ron and Dax and just showing his true colors there. You have something to say?
Speaker 7
I do. I have a lot to say. You finished.
Speaker 8
Okay. So, a great pick. He probably like, he's one of my favorite villains on this show. I I probably would've ranked him even higher, but, great pick here at number four. Yeah, Tanya, you're next.
Speaker 7
See, I see the backstory to Mickie a whole lot different than than than the rest of you. Mhmm. I feel like there was a whole other story before this one that we got shown. I think that the d gens were all sitting around and rat ass and all the like, because Wayne has beat up all the degens Yes. How many times?
Speaker 8
Oh, so there's, like, a conspiracy there?
Speaker 7
I think. Because the way he was at the I think it was planned. I think like, where the hell did this guy come from? And he's standing at the bar. And it was almost like he selected Derry out of the crowd, that Derry was selected and he was that that there was something against Wayne. The whole because just the way the guy was and how he kept on saying to Wayne, like, he's with me. Yeah. You know, you're not gonna get him. He's with me. Derry, stay in the car.
Speaker 8
If you take it a step further, he could have sought out Rosie on the dance floor and bumped into her on purpose.
Speaker 7
The fact that his sister, which is the hottest girl, whatever.
Speaker 7
Hey. I got this guy. Yeah. You know, I think that there was I don't know. Maybe I'm giving too much power power to them and too much, like, intelligence to them to come up with this plan to get the toughest guy in letter Kenny.
Speaker 7
I think that this was that the this wasn't an a guy that was just trying to do, you know, a a a, you know, trying to support another guy.
Speaker 7
It was and and you why I think this is because when he when Wayne and Rosie were on the dance floor and Mickey comes over and bumps into them, like, that whole exchange was like, what just happened there? Speaker 7
Why did out of everyone on the floor, he had enough room. Why does he bump into Wayne? Why does he have that moment? And then Derry, when he turned around and says, leave him alone Speaker 7
And and tries to tell his buddy, Wayne, don't touch him. He's fine. Speaker 7
That right there, he he had his foot in the door and he was sealing the deal the very next day with his sister showing up at the bar looking for Derry. Speaker 8
Yeah. Yep. Could be a big conspiracy. Yeah. Speaker 7
I think he is a bigger villain than you think he is. Speaker 8
Look for the prequel, Mickey Gibraltar. Yeah. Matt. Speaker 2
Yeah. Interesting takes all around, Tanya. I mean, I I hear you most of the way. I'm just I think we're giving them too much credit, but your theory is solid. So I don't know. It'd be an interesting one to talk to Kiso about and and and get some some deeper or some more depth into that one. But, yeah, I I I genuinely agree with the with the group here. I mean, I wrote down highly manipulative and confidently oblivious, which I think go between Trace and Cassie's takes on him not really knowing, but always working out. And his manipulation, I think he's unaware. He's just a natural salesman. Right? He he's really good at these things. I I'm more on the side that I I don't I think it started off, maybe well intended, but the first pushback from from Wayne and the other Hicks, sort of fueled him to make it more of a trophy case at that point. So it it was a very strange season, but I do stand that Mickey was absolutely a villain. Speaker 2
But he's also one of my favorite characters across the series in terms of a a story arc and an introduction that someone really took the stage. I thought he did a fantastic job at delivering this character end to end. Mhmm. But, yeah, it's an interesting one. There there's a lot to break down, and there's different type of villain. You really didn't know where it was going. But, yeah, I think he we're giving him a little too much credit, I think, but he just naturally able to do this shit. And the other take I had on this, which I don't even know we talked about as as I was rewatching some of this recently and then this, is Darian himself, was his own villain in this season. Right? Like, he was very lost. Various confidence was down. He didn't know where to go. He was allowing a lot of this to happen. You know? Previous times, I would have thought he'd been smart enough to back out. So I don't know. It it's it's a weird season, but, I think it's a great pick to put Vicky Vicky in this list really high up. Speaker 8
I think we're at number three now. Let's check it out. Speaker 8
Oh, we're at number four. They can't count. Speaker 9
No ostrich fuckers here, Hicks. I hear you're going around town saying I'm full of shit, Speaker 7
Bad gas travels fast in a small town. Speaker 3
Yes. I did say that. Speaker 9
And then my friends and I are so into ourselves, we probably suck each other off. Speaker 3
Yes. I did say that too. Speaker 9
Would you say it to my face? Speaker 3
I'm embarrassed this got to you before you heard it from me. Speaker 3
I'm not the type of prick to take the side door. I'll come right up front and knock. Good. Knock, knock. Goose. Speaker 9
You're a Jivin' Pete's. Speaker 3
I think you're full of shit, and you and your pals think so much of yourselves, you probably suck each other off. Are you fucking serious? What's anybody gonna do about it? Say you're sorry. Speaker 9
I'm sorry. Don't honk at girls, and don't holler at girls. Speaker 7
And don't talk to them when they're not interested in talking to you. Speaker 3
And don't talk to them unless they're interested in talking to you. Dunport? Speaker 3
What happens now, Wayne? You start walking in this direction, or you start running in the other one. Yeah. You gonna chase me? Oh, you've done what you've done. And if you wanna humiliate What if we Speaker 2
just beat the shit out of you right here and right now? Speaker 9
What if we just beat the shit out of you right here and right now? Speaker 3
I'm not leaving here without some sort of resolution. Speaker 9
I came to work every single day and I pour my heart and soul into that job. You tell me I'm slowing up production to try and fire me? Speaker 3
I never said I was firing you. Speaker 9
I've been drawing twenty years. Twenty years and no one's ever told me I was slowing up production in my life. So maybe you ought to take a good hard look in the mirror. Do some thinking about which one of us is the real problem. Speaker 6
Because the only person with an issue here Speaker 3
is you. Views have upset a lot of people in town. Yeah. It's a good thing I'm from upcountry. But in spite of all that Despite despite what? Never mind. In spite of all that, Speaker 9
I'm gonna give you a little pass. Prove to you Speaker 10
I'm not the man you think I am. So go. Go, go, go gather up some of your pals. Speaker 6
And when yous are ready Speaker 3
to sort this out, we'll be right here waiting. Speaker 8
Alright. Jive and Pete. I've mentioned we had another villain who tried to show his contrition and and and clear up his his name, and failed. Cassie, talk about this pick. Speaker 11
Yeah. At I think Jive and Pete at kind of the base level, again, isn't somebody who started out to be a bad person. Mhmm. We've been told throughout the series when he comes up, oh, Jivin' Pete used to be such a good guy. Speaker 11
But what we're presented with is somebody who's a slacker, who's very prideful, who's very stubborn, who is offered help and doesn't necessarily take it. And he gets in his own head, because, you know, one of the repeated lines is he mentions being fired, and Wayne goes, you know, I never fired you. But because it didn't go the way that Jive and Pete wanted, he'd rather play the victim than actually, you know, admit, oh, shit. I was wrong about that. Can we, you know, rewind and, you know, re reapproach the situation? So I think he's kinda interesting in that way, especially because although we don't get a whole lot of context, we get some context that he wasn't this evil d gen at one point in time. Right. And it would be, I think, interesting to see how he got from point a to point b. Trace's take on this is really interesting and probably one of the reasons why we put Pete a little bit higher up on the list than, I would have originally done. So I'm gonna throw it over to Trace because like I said, he has a fantastic way of looking at Speaker 8
Cassie. Cassie, I'm host here. I'm host. Speaker 2
you're doing well, Cass. Go ahead, Trace. Speaker 7
You're doing good. Hold on. I got my own spatula for just an occasion. Speaker 8
Hold on. Ow. Oh, go ahead, Trace. Speaker 13
Well, at least my take on Jabber Pete is this. He is, it's sure it's been said before, especially when we were reviewing the episodes, that, he's got all the the tropes of, you know, an addict, you know, who refuses to take responsibility and throws blame everywhere and except at himself. And, ultimately, the downside of it is he he's a man whose own personal villain is himself, not just being a villain for everyone else, And which ultimately why he wound up at, four, I actually, you know, thought that some might think him higher was his ultimately just a a tragic character. Yes. I mean, he's bad. There's no two ways about it. I mean, he he can't seem to fight off whatever it is that's the catalyst for what he the way he's behaving, but he's just such a tragic character that when you're looking at it, it's like part of me is going, god, dumbass. You know, when you're in a hole, quit digging. Yeah. And he just keeps digging.
Speaker 13
But if that's but from that same, standpoint, you're sitting there going, goddamn. What a waste. You know? It's just Yeah. I I I this whatever it is that's made this guy bad, he can't shake.
Speaker 8
that's awesome is reminding us in livestream it was meth. It was so your drug addict, analogy is a apropos. So
Speaker 13
Right. So, I mean, it's, yeah, it kinda makes him a tragic character, but it's the one nonetheless.
Speaker 8
Yeah. And they were really close. They were good friends because the whole point of that storyline, and I believe that was season eleven. Right?
Speaker 8
Yeah. Was how how upset Wayne was, you know, after giving this guy one another chance, how upset Wayne was, you know, having to go back and settle the score once again with with Jiving Pete. Right?
Speaker 7
Yeah. I I'm I'm not sure what I what I think of of Jive and Pete. He's he's definitely it it it's such a hard a hard situation. Like, whenever drugs are involved, the person is is not themselves. They are making the worst decisions. But at the same time, it it and you're you're right, Trace. He's just digging a hole. He's just continuously, making it worse for himself. And Wayne trying to help him, like, the whole when a friend asks for help, you help. Yeah. And the person who he was at the before, drugs got involved, it's it's a it's a it's a hard one. It's a hard villain. He he definitely you know, he's he's his own worst enemy.
Speaker 7
And, and and trying to to get him out of that loop is is just yeah. Yeah. Matt?
Speaker 2
Yeah. I don't have much to add. Tracy's take was perfect. The only worst enemy from ten, absolutely. It's you you you he's a weird one coming on and off the horse throughout the series, I think, is what's happening. And, yeah, you the guy, he's a moron, but he's got a sad story. So I don't know what's it's hard. You feel bad for him? Mhmm. And at the same time, it's like there's actions and things that are just unforgivable at the same time. So Yeah. Yeah. I mean, a good good pick, but it's a it's I love the the variety of villain you guys have brought to this list.
Speaker 8
Villains have origin stories. Right? They don't start off as evil. Like, stuff happens to them and and or they do things that you know, where they end up that way.
Speaker 7
I don't know. I had a phone call last week, and a guy hung up on me on purpose. I think he's, like, born a villain. I think he's like, who hangs up on people anymore?
Speaker 8
He was pure evil.
Speaker 11
I was purely My question. Light full and
Speaker 8
and not a a phone anymore when it rings. Nobody like him. Exactly.
Speaker 11
I mean, there's that too.
Speaker 8
Alright. I believe now my counting's back to, right, and we're at number two.
Speaker 11
Number three. Wait.
Speaker 8
Number three? My count is about three.
Speaker 7
I was waiting for this.
Speaker 10
Real men. No matriarchy in sight.
Speaker 4
Who the fuck are you?
Speaker 10
I'm Hard Right Jay, and I represent the hard right, a group with far right ideologies that rejects mainstream conservatism and endeavors to promote white nationalism.
Speaker 5
Oh, white nationalism. Good thing Gale, the owner of the old bars ain't here.
Speaker 10
Oh, small town bar owner. What is she, like, a good sixth generation Scottish woman?
Speaker 3
No. What are you just getting on about over there? Do you
Speaker 6
dinks bring these dudes here?
Speaker 10
What's the first meal of the day, Daryl?
Speaker 6
Your mom. Attaboy.
Speaker 10
Break fast. That's it, friend. Jesus Christ. Yep. Yeah. Run away like true socialistas. At least your actions are consistent with your failed ideologies. You edgelords are a walking horde of participation trophies. Go back to giving out hand jobs for free. Well, you're not socialistas.
Speaker 11
I'm still with her.
Speaker 10
We are anarchists.
Speaker 11
Skinner hand jobs aren't free.
Speaker 10
Forgive forgive forgive them. They don't see the big picture yet.
Speaker 5
What's the big picture?
Speaker 10
You wanna see how deep this rabbit hole really goes? Are you guys globalists?
Speaker 10
Oh. I'll admit I was anticipating the low energy country cock roadshow, but you're curious. Color me glad. It's time to wake up. It's time for you to spit out all the toxic sledge you've been spoonfed by the Ian Hannah Mansings and the Gloria Macarenkos of the world. We are a movement.
Speaker 4
Bowel movement by the looks of it.
Speaker 10
Oh, hachi machi. I like your fire. We could use more women in the movement. We have next to none for reasons we can't quite decode. Pitter patter. Yes. Pitter patter. All lives matter. Newsflash, the out of control PC police are forcing your beloved Leonard Kenny Chiefs to change their name.
Speaker 4
Yeah. We caught that.
Speaker 10
Yeah, well, we're here to protest that. Our legions of brothers will be joining me at John Leonard Kenny Field later, And we want you, the salt of the earth alphas, the stewards of traditional morals, traditional values, the silent majority to join us. The fight against poor, uneducated libtards requires nothing short of a massacre.
Speaker 3
You're a bit fucking dramatic,
Speaker 10
Why is keeping the name the Chiefs important to you?
Speaker 10
Oh. Oh, it's not. It isn't. Well, not really in the
Speaker 3
Nor the short run, really.
Speaker 6
Yeah. No need to get your Jimmy's all out of joint.
Speaker 10
Well, but you you understand why it's important to fight the left. Yes?
Speaker 5
I didn't know it was necessary, much less important.
Speaker 10
The point is, the government is trying to keep you and your humble agricultural livelihoods thoroughly caught. It's time to wake up and smell the chemtrails. It's time to stand up for your god given right to have kick ass names for all your favorite teams and fuck anybody whose feelings get hurt along the way.
Speaker 3
Well, is that what time it is?
Speaker 10
Well, you think I don't have feelings? You think my feelings don't get hurt? My grandfather has a pacemaker. Alright? Every time I watch the Indiana Pacers play basketball, it makes me think of Poppy. It is a regular heartbeat, and it fucks me up big time. You see me complaining to the Indiana Pacers or anyone in the NBA?
Speaker 6
Suck it up, buttercup.
Speaker 10
So? So what? So join us.
Speaker 2
Tell you what, I'll fight you first. You and me. Sorry? What?
Speaker 8
What I'm saying is
Speaker 3
I'll fight you. And if you win, I'll come to the field with you. But if you lose, well, we're not asking for anything in return.
Speaker 10
Hi. You SJWs are a lost cause. I'm going to troll. Senator Kenny Cheek. Senator Kenny Cheek. Where the fuck is everybody? This is this is supposed to be a protest. We We need people to protest and and and piss off and agitate.
Speaker 8
Yes. This is a long one, but I had to keep it in.
Speaker 10
Was a stupid name to me
Speaker 10
Nazi? Hilarious.
Speaker 12
Ain't nothing funny about this honky.
Speaker 10
No. But Nazi, really Nazi? Would a Nazi ride a Yamaha scooter?
Speaker 12
A pansy Nazi? Sure.
Speaker 10
Would a Nazi have a Jew for a lawyer?
Speaker 9
Could you affirm me, asshole? Because I'm gonna need one in a minute.
Speaker 10
Would a Nazi order a game worn Tim Duncan jersey?
Speaker 12
You sniff that shit before bed at night cup cake?
Speaker 10
One of Nazi's favorite snacks include ramen, pad tire full. Pronounced fuck.
Speaker 8
Fa, dummy. Oh. Alright.
Speaker 10
on by interracial gangbang porn.
Speaker 12
Who fucking doesn't?
Speaker 10
Alright. I think we all need to chill out here. We're getting ahead of ourselves. We are an inclusive movement. I think you should join us.
Speaker 12
what we should do?
Speaker 10
Yes. Think about it, Sacagawea. We we we share a lot. We have a lot in common. We both pride ourselves on traditional values, traditional morals. We share a very anti immigration stance. You know, if if you think about it, we actually share a lot of common ground.
Speaker 12
Historically, sharing ground hasn't been your strong suit. If you guys are here, then who's jerking off in your mom's basement? Somewhere there's a men's rights meeting missing their door greeters.
Speaker 10
Yeah. Yeah. Look. I get it. You're frustrated. It must be really exhausting never paying taxes your whole lives. Woah. Woah.
Speaker 12
Alright. Enough chin wagging.
Speaker 10
Another hand cluck, cluck, cluck it away.
Speaker 12
Hey. No one had a problem with this. No one had a problem until yous came to town.
Speaker 10
That's it. The hard right coming to a town near you.
Speaker 12
Yeah. We didn't come here to counter protest. Ain't nothing peaceful gonna happen today.
Speaker 10
Hey. We don't practice violence.
Speaker 10
We don't practice violence, but we are prepared for it.
Speaker 12
Alright. Skoden. Studus.
Speaker 10
You and what army? That
Speaker 8
Those of you listening to the podcast, just enjoy the easy listening music while we enjoy the pounding that the hard part you're taking right now From Wayne and the Hicks? Isn't that She throws into the ground. And she finishes hard right j with
Speaker 8
And that concludes the easy listening portion of this show. Alright.
Speaker 11
I would literally tune into a whole, like, hour of a narration like that.
Speaker 8
Trace. I mean, you don't need It's
Speaker 2
like from the Calm app.
Speaker 8
You don't need to explain yourself, but let's talk. I mean, everyone anyone who knows the show knows this was gonna be near the top. Surprise it's not at the top. Explain yourself.
Speaker 13
Hi. I'm Trace. I live in Mississippi. There are some people that would say that that's a very, very, very hyperbolic rendition of that sort of ilk of person
Speaker 13
I'm here to tell you it's pretty fucking spot on.
Speaker 13
It's, Terrifying. Yeah. It's I mean, and not only that, but this this fucker hadn't had an original thought in his brain in years. I mean, he's like one big talking point, and it's he's just a sad, sad, pathetic little man who has sad, sad, pathetic little thoughts that aren't even his own. And he's you know, he comes in to stir up trouble. And when he finds no takers for his trouble, he tries to amp it up, makes a complete fool of himself, finally gets the attention of the people who want, you know, he wants to, irritate, castigate, and, you know, overpower
Speaker 13
And probably gets his ass beat on said soccer field, which I love the beauty in that.
Speaker 8
It's beautiful. Cassie.
Speaker 11
Hard right j. So and, I mean, honestly, at the top of this episode, it should have come with a disclaimer that, like, calling any of these characters, villains is not a hit on the actors themselves. The fact that these actors can make these villains come to life
Speaker 11
So hateable Absolutely. Is a huge, I think, compliment towards the actors. Because from everything I've seen of Jay Burchell, like, he's a very lovely dude.
Speaker 11
Hardwright Jay, on the other hand, is punchable as hell. I have known people like him.
Speaker 11
And these are the sort of people that I want to argue with because I know they're wrong, but I will end up crying not because they've hurt my feelings, but because I am so frustrated. There's one brain cell, it's bopping around the screen, and every once in a while, it hits the corner. And that's maybe when a thought happens. But like Trey said, it's not an original thought. No. And the way that you can honestly tell that I mean well, let me back up a little bit. Hardwright Jay, in my opinion, is a parody. Like, Tracy said, you know, he's not as hyperbolic as everybody says. And I do agree with that. Unfortunately, there are slugs who are like him in this world. But he I honestly feel like, especially when he showed up in the show, I feel like there were people who are watching the show, and they're like, oh, yeah. I'm Wayne, and I agree with this. And I'm like the Hicks and all this kind of idea, and they seem to think that the Hicks are these good old boys. And this is Jared Keeso being like, no, no, no. This is where we stand. This is exactly the leanings of our show. And if you don't like it, you can fuck off because I feel like he was trying to get that not get rid of the fandom, obviously, but, like, the fandom of people who were just rotten. He was trying to show them in a very easy way that, like, hey, this is not what we stand for on this show.
Speaker 11
The thing too about Hardright Jay is that they show up to protest something that nobody gives a shit about, and it doesn't affect him. Yeah. Like, the Chiefs are changing their name. It affects him not an iota.
Speaker 8
Yeah. Especially being an out of towner. Like, if it Exactly.
Speaker 11
Exactly. And then when that doesn't get the people rallying around him, he just starts throwing out these talking points that, like, if you really watch what he's saying, they have nothing to do with the chiefs changing their names. He's literally just there to be inflammatory, and he never backs up any of his ideas. It's just talking point, talking point, talking point. He had so many chances where he could turn things around. He could have had a discussion, but he doesn't. Yeah. He just he just keeps ironically, because he says the women are just hens clucking along, he's the one who keeps clucking. Yeah. He only blows smoke up the ass of people that he actually wants to impress. So for example, he says, you know, oh, hachi machi Katie has such, you know, verb zest. Like, we would love to have women like you on our side. But any of the other women, like the the female hockey players and everything, they're just hens clucking because they intimidate him. They can overpower him. Yeah. And he has no interest in dealing with them, but he hasn't seen what Katie can do either. He should be just as intimidated. Yeah. So he's just this scattershot of these horrible ideologies. So he's very entertaining to watch and even more entertaining to watch when he's getting the shit pummeled out of him.
Speaker 8
Brilliantly played by mister Bearchel. Matt, I saw you perk up during the first half of that scene. I feel like there might be a snatch reference, or something. So
Speaker 2
I'm I'm I'll fight you for it.
Speaker 8
Yes. Yeah. Because I'm like, why does he sound very Irish when he says that line? And then I saw you perk up. I'm like, it's from Snatch, isn't it?
Speaker 2
I wrote that down to me. I'm like, I don't know how I missed that the first time in the original review, or maybe I did. I just don't remember doing it, but hundred percent, that was a Brad Pitt Snatch reference when he says, fight you for it. The the I don't know. This episode and, yeah, absolutely, he's a villain. He represents the worst of humanity. I really don't know what to say about Jay. Like, he's the type of asshole that in a lot of little small dick energy for sure.
Speaker 2
The guy's just trying to find people to root him on. And, Cassie, you said it perfectly in that in that sense. He will talk and talk and no points of their own nonsense. And the problem which we see even in today's world and some of the biggest leaders in the world is they attract other stupid. Yeah. And that's when momentum with people like this create a real problem, and why characters even though it's, like, a parody, but, you know, mimicking reality here, characters like hard right j are poison to the planet and and and everything around us. So I I yeah. He's absolutely a villain. I love that they did this episode. Jay Baruchel came to the table and brought it, but, you know, all jokes aside, it it's he represents some of the worst of the worst of the worst Mhmm. Out there.
Speaker 8
I love, Tannis' handling of him. And, yeah, Historically, you guys haven't been great at sharing ground. It's just all the all the comebacks, and there ain't no nothing peaceful gonna happen here. Just perfectly written scene at the end there, culminating in a in a beautifully rendered, once again, musical montage with the right music, with the right visuals, just just really well done, Tim.
Speaker 11
It's so iconic.
Speaker 7
Yeah. I was really hoping that he was gonna be in the top three because he really deserves. I remember watching this episode and getting more and more fueled with just, like, punch him. Like and I'm not that person, but, wow, was he ever just, like, the the things that he was saying. And as the episode was going on, and then we finally get to this pinnacle moment where Tanis and him are going head to head, and it was the the the back and forth and the banter between the two and her just giving it back. And and there was no greater, moment than when she delivered the punch. Because it's usually Wayne, right, that or or Katie that, you know, Tannis has had her moments, but it was it was it was even more appreciated that it was Tannis that took that and just right in the face. Like, just and I loved how she, like, did her hand after, and that ring was on there. And I was like, oh, yeah, girl. You just, like, ugh.
Speaker 8
She left her mark.
Speaker 7
And you're absolutely sorry. Go ahead.
Speaker 2
say, I wanna add one extra thing that you made me think of it. Like, when dealing with individuals like Cartwright, Jay, and I think Cassie touched on this a bit as well, There there there's nothing you can say or do Yeah. To deter them from their cause. That's the reality
Speaker 7
The reality. Fucked
Speaker 2
up nature of this mindset. Right? There's So Yeah. Really, the only course of action, which is the hardest one to do, is to completely ignore them.
Speaker 7
Like, it's trying
Speaker 2
like like like an infant when they're having a tantrum, it's like, if you feed into it, it just fuels and fuels and fuels. Right? But then going back to the other side, they gain momentum
Speaker 2
And then problems. So it's there's no out And and see like this.
Speaker 7
Whenever I think of people and and and and social experiments and stuff like that, I always try to put my my myself in somebody else's place. Right? Like, I try to put my feet in their shoes and try to see their point of view on something. And you're absolutely right. You know, Cassie, you you hit the nail on the head when you said there is nothing that you can say to to to it's almost like they are in a trance and they've been hypnotized and their their lights are off. Like, there is no person that you're talking to that's inside that's thinking for themselves. That is they they're completely and utterly, like, just and and you'll talk until you cry, and I would be the exact same because you would be so frustrated trying to get a person to understand
Speaker 2
It's never gonna happen.
Speaker 7
And it's just not gonna happen.
Speaker 8
have sorry. We have to move on. We have two more picks, and, we're running long here. So let's let's, let's see what number two is.
Speaker 3
Who should enjoy the bounty, Tom Wheeler?
Speaker 6
If you weren't so fucking awkward, bud.
Speaker 3
What's that? Nothing. Moment No thank you. Respectfully. Thank you, Tyler. Very cool. Very cool. Very nice. Very small.
Speaker 13
was our Steve's?
Speaker 3
Who? The runaway brat tits. Oh, I like tit man when I see one.
Speaker 2
I like the tits.
Speaker 3
I like the ass too. I like what's up top most, though. You know what I mean? The eyes. Gray matter, maybe, bro. I tell you like a tomboy? You did. Tomboy knows what she wants. No one knows what they want anymore. But
Speaker 6
you know a thing
Speaker 3
or two about that, don't you cute butt? Yep.
Speaker 2
Everybody's always
Speaker 3
marking somebody else.
Speaker 6
Hey, let go long, dude, cousin. Fucking legend to my right. Bottom's up.
Speaker 3
If you're not gonna titty taste nectar, at least we're gonna get you Liberace lubricating.
Speaker 6
Wayne. Dirty? I'm in love with a stripper. Wayne, Mac Murray.
Speaker 10
I got the stripper.
Speaker 8
She's in love with me.
Speaker 9
It's fucking cool. Very cool. Very nice. I
Speaker 3
see. Turbo power naps. Very cool. Very cool. Very critical. Very clutch. That's the talent of noise, big boy. Did they go? I gotta get me a Canadian girl. Do they go? Hook me up.
Speaker 6
Why would I do that?
Speaker 3
Because I'm in Buddy Dirks.
Speaker 3
a pound Dirks. I don't like you, dude. You're fucking with me. I bet a million guys like you, and you're the worst of them all. A little bit. I'm never gonna fucking see you again, so let me leave you with this. Clean it up and keep it tidy because you're a fucking mess.
Speaker 8
Derek spots Katie walking into the club, sets his eyes on her. Wayne notices this isn't the last he'll see of of Dierks, unfortunately. And the grand payoff. Kenny walks up to Dirk's house. Dirk just comes out, lights a smoke. He sees Katie. And his house guest comes out, wraps her arms around him. Kate's been her turds have been caught. Come the Calvary from Letterkenny. Alright. Dierks. Of course, we saw this coming. Cassie, talk about Dierks. Number two. Interesting.
Speaker 11
Yes. Everybody hates Dierks,
Speaker 11
I mean, there's good reason for it. Don't get me wrong. Just like many of the villains we've discussed tonight, he is prideful. He's boastful. He betrays people. He manipulates people. He had so many people wrapped around his finger. Mhmm. And this whole time, again, I don't necessarily know that he set out to hurt Katie. I think he was interested in Katie. The relationship grew, and it became a very sticky situation. It went from being noncommittal to a serious relationship, probably before he realized what was going on. But he did have outs, even when he had the conversation with Katie, where she more or less, you know, defines the relationship and they DTR. Yeah. He had a chance to be like, I don't see myself being in a serious relationship. I don't wanna be in a serious relationship. So that's where he loses all credibility to me, because in the beginning, he was basically just, you know, the one night stand guy. He never hid his intentions. But that moment that he decided that I'm going to start fucking around after they had defined the relationship, that's where I have the issue. Sure. Because I I really do think that when she defined it, he may have gone in with the best of intentions. Mhmm. But the moment that he was like, oh, I can't do this, that's the moment he should have said something, anything. And you can tell when he gets caught. Like, just the look on his face, he's like, well, shit.
Speaker 8
Here we go. Yeah.
Speaker 11
Yeah. So I like I said, I think that makes him a very interesting character. I don't think he's the worst of the worst. And I think the reason people do consider him the worst of the worst is because we have this innate want to either look up to Katie, be Katie, be with Katie, etcetera.
Speaker 11
So I think it's almost a perspective thing
Speaker 11
In comparison to who he hurt.
Speaker 8
Yeah. It's kind of the same reason why people hate on Marie Fred. Right? Because she hurt Wayne. Mhmm. Same thing. Trace?
Speaker 13
I was well, you said it best. She Dirks is essentially the, the corollary for, Murray Fred in our, you know, dichotomy between Wayne and Katie. Mhmm. Same thing. You know? Essentially, note for note happened, like, almost the same way. You know, they take a trip Yeah. Discover someone's cheating. Here we are. Yeah.
Speaker 8
I mean, upfront, we knew what he was. Right? He all That's what
Speaker 7
I wanna say. Yep. Yeah.
Speaker 8
The entire time we knew what he
Speaker 7
was and Dirks were not similar in that fashion because they were at the strip club.
Speaker 7
Yeah. But beyond that, he was at the bar, and he was still looking at asses and and and tits walking by. Right?
Speaker 8
Yeah. The similarity the similarity is just in their sin. Right? Their sin both of them, the sin was they hurt our favorite character.
Speaker 7
But Dirks knew he was a player already.
Speaker 8
Yeah. Everyone knew he's a player, but he was also super charming to the people he wanted, you know, who he wanted to be. Sorry, Trace. We we started
Speaker 2
to slow. Oh, no.
Speaker 13
No. It's fine. I mean, essentially, that's what what I was gonna say. It's just, you know, aside from the moment where, like, Cassie said, you know, he agreed to something he probably should have known better not to. You know, Derks is is what he is. I mean, he and almost never purported to be anything other
Speaker 13
Yeah. I mean, it's he's a player.
Speaker 13
He's a, you know, he's a slick talking, good looking dude, and he's gonna take that for a spin as far as it'll take him. Yeah. I mean, yes. But but like Cassie said, his most grievous error was agreeing to define the relationship like, Katie said, at which point, sorry, man. You ain't gotta, like, stand on anymore.
Speaker 8
Yep. Yeah. Derek said that he he's a perfect villain. He checks all the check marks. He's he's slimy. He's he's very flawed, obviously, and, and he's got the most punchable face. So, I mean, absolutely great pick. One hundred percent. Tanya, what did you think?
Speaker 7
I I I he's my number one
Speaker 7
Because he is a player. You know, here's the comparison. Riley and Jonesy, they're players. Right? They they are very, they're all about the takedowns, but they
Speaker 13
Let's not go crazy, Taney.
Speaker 7
They but but they are not committing to anyone. They're the at no point are they are like, okay. Let's have a relationship. This guy comes into the picture. He is a hundred percent a player, and he tries to have a relationship. Whether he's convinced himself that he can or or not, there's there's no way that he should've. He should as I I firmly believe that he see, I know a person that was like this. I know friends that have been with guys that are players. So it makes me very heated because you know what? If that's what you wanna do, a hundred percent, that's up to you. That's your prerogative. But don't take somebody else with you on that journey. You know, just make it known right up front you're not interested in commitment. There are people that are a hundred percent okay with that. Mhmm. You know? That stay in that lane. Don't try to get into the lane where you're gonna be making a relationship and and committing to a person and and having this happen. You know, Marie Fred, she didn't, I if the look on her face and the remorse after the fact, but this guy, he he wasn't set up that way. He was set up that he was going to to to Yeah.
Speaker 8
His remorse was just that he was about to get a beating.
Speaker 7
That's that's what that face was. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Matt. Yeah. I'll I'll make it quick. I mean, he's a piece of shit.
Speaker 2
it what it is. Yeah. There was no, in my opinion, no good intentions going in. This guy was thinking the one way and one way only. Mhmm. I think you you make a good point, Tanya. There's differences. I know people exactly like him, from when I was younger. I don't associate with most of them any longer, voluntarily at least, because it's just garbage. And and it's totally fine. Live your life style however you want. You can be a player. You can go after. But to your point, stay in your lane. Be honest because, you know, we're all adults. There's stuff people that you're honest to the right people. You're gonna get what you want anyways, but the problem is the deception, and the and the cow's nature of this whole thing. So people like him, it's the chase. Right? It's can I? Will I? When will I? Like, there's there's no there's no good thinking behind a man like Derek's, even though when it comes across that way is a charming, viewpoint. But, no, he's just a piece of shit.
Speaker 7
He played that character, though,
Speaker 8
So well. So good. Yeah. His little his little nicknames for everyone just it it was it was he was well written, but also really well acted. Yeah. I loved I loved
Speaker 2
He's he's one of those characters, like, you'd almost in the moment, you wanna be around them. They're kinda fun. Like, oh, this is cool. Like, I kinda but when you really strip away those layers, you're like, okay. This is not actually No.
Speaker 2
is Yeah. Exactly. Shit.
Speaker 8
Alright. Trace, Cassie, that was number two. That was number two. Yeah.
Speaker 7
I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying to
Speaker 8
Now I know what your number one pick is, and I know that this this is gonna be, I I can't wait. I can't wait for the review.
Speaker 2
is in one spot. I wanna I'm curious to see if it's
Speaker 8
So before before I play it, let me let me, you know, ask my panelists here who they think is number one. Tanya, can you even think of what a number one villain might be?
Speaker 7
Wow. Like, you've covered so many, and Dirk's, as I said, was my number one. So I don't know. Like, that's
Speaker 8
Like, I think my top three would have been Hard Right Jay, would have been Mickey, Gibraltar, and would have been, Derek's. Like, I think those were
Speaker 7
I'm gonna kick myself, aren't I? Like, I'm gonna be like No.
Speaker 8
think this one's gonna be, out of left field. It's gonna be a little controversial.
Speaker 13
If I if I can make one request, Al, go to Cassie first on this one.
Speaker 7
I I cannot Good point.
Speaker 7
I cannot think of another bad
Speaker 2
I've got one thought. K. Go ahead. Villain. And then this feels out out out way out there, but I'm thinking some of the early seasons. Mhmm. I'm almost thinking Tannis might come into play here.
Speaker 8
Tannis. Okay. Interesting. Interesting. Tennis. Yeah. Livestream people. Who do you think, is their number one pick? I mean, coach has had some moments where where, you know, he was less than than virtuous.
Speaker 13
I don't coach was the last cut.
Speaker 13
He was. And I want that going on record that, it was me that cut it and not Cassie.
Speaker 8
Wow. Interesting. So Cassie had coach in her top ten villains.
Speaker 7
He was yeah. You know what? That whole goose egg episode, he would've been a villain in that.
Speaker 8
Bit of that and also the way he reacted with the women's hockey. And, there's a few things there.
Speaker 11
Like I said, I showed amazing restraint.
Speaker 2
Alright. Let's get after it.
Speaker 8
Alright. Here we go. Yeah. We can't so here is, Trace and Cassie's number one villain on Letter Kenny. Here we go. And don't hate me. I didn't pick this.
Speaker 4
Hi everyone. Thanks for having me. Let's, make some noise for all of you. You guys have been amazing sports tonight. It's really great to be here. Squirrely Dan is here tonight. Squirrely Dan, let's hear it from him. Yep. He was terrific. Dan is the only guy I know who has sex dreams about food. He kinda looks like Larry, the guy who can't afford cable. Wayne, love you big brother. So Wayne didn't do any actual jokes tonight. He just came up here and acted like himself. He showed you his true personality, which ultimately is the real joke. And then we've got Gail. Thank you so much for letting us use your establishment as always. Gail fucks so many dudes that I call her a homewrecker, but the dudes she fucks don't really have homes. You're familiar with the town high school. Right? Well, Gail's more like the town fishing pole because if you reel her in, you're probably gonna catch
Speaker 7
them. Yo, start.
Speaker 4
Hey, seriously, Stewrat. You're gonna make somebody cry with that tonight.
Speaker 11
Can't handle a little heckling?
Speaker 4
I meant your face. I'm told Stew Rat is a lot like the Schneef he loves so much. He doesn't last long and it's never worth it. And now we've got Riley. And with Riley comes Jonesy. These dudes claim to be ladies men, but the only box they ever see is the penalty box. And lucky for them, they only have to last two minutes in there. Riley, Jonesy. You're like an old cat lady because you're obsessed with pussy and you're probably gonna die alone. Alright. Alright. And now we've got Daryl. Dairy, what what do I say about Dairy? Thanks for taking a break from freeloading on our farm to be here tonight. Dairy has all the charm of that sketchy guy who is running a model search in a strip mall. You know that guy? Yeah? Yeah. Derry works with farm animals, and I think that's great. It's important to be on the same intellectual level as your colleagues. Doesn't Derry look like he just dirt biked over here from his divorce hearing? Derry's pals with the toughest guy in Letterkenny, but Derry's tough too. Yeah. Tough to look at. Tough to talk to. Tough to be around. Tough to love.
Speaker 8
Yikes. Alright. That's getting a little bit of reaction on the livestream. Cassie.
Speaker 8
Trace, Trace made made the right call. You should go first on this since I think this was your
Speaker 11
pick. Okay. So like I did my disclaimer before, us choosing Katie as the number one villain of Letterkenny is not a reflection of Michelle Nilot. She is awesome. She's a fantastic actress. She brings Katie to life. And the fact that she can get this reaction tells me that, you know, she's the right person to play it, and praise be. However, here's the thing. You may have noticed, even in some of the previous clips of the other villains tonight, Katie does not always shine. She is a mob boss. She is a bully. I've always thought this. But, you know, it was definitely highlighted in season twelve. And honestly, there are two reasons Katie gets away with what she does. It's not physical strength. It's not anything of the sort. It's she's the sister of the toughest guy in Letterkenny, and she's hot. Those are the reasons she gets away with all the crap that she does. She barely ever apologizes. She's rude. She treats people like whipping boys. And if you go back, like, if you're listening to this after it's released and you're not on the livestream, pause it. Go back to the beginning of the episode, and listen to all the different things that we have said about all the different villains. Most of those traits that we would say are part of their villainry are demonstrably part of Katie's character. She orders Wayne and the guys around. She talks shit, and then she can't back it up. Even with her cool ass rap, she and I get it. You find out the guy you love is cheating on you. You're shocked.
Speaker 11
But she didn't do anything about it. Everybody else took care of it for her, and she then she gets to mug off and rap like she's the toughest shit. She insults people, mouths off, hides behind her defenders, and uses people for her own devices. Just like we said with Puck Bunny Angie, she mows people down if they don't basically contribute to what she wants. We wouldn't have any of the events of season twelve, including Derry basically being in danger -Mhmm. -if not for Katie and how cruel she is to her friends. She feels totally justified in all of it, and that's the worst part of all, is that she feels attack dog. She's a hypocrite. She assaults the people that she can't otherwise deal with or reason with, like the people who don't submit to her, mostly Tannis and Angie. I do think she is a loyal friend. Like, please do not think that that I have missed that part of the text in any way, shape, or form. I do think she's a loyal friend, and she does care about people. But at the end of the day, Katie is a bully. She that's just that's where I stand with it. And
Speaker 8
It's gonna be an interesting after party. But I don't disagree with I don't disagree with you on on, most on any of your points, really. Like, I thought, you know, early on, her treatment of Riley and Jonesy was was pretty, you know, manipulative and and and, and controlling and stuff. Anyway, Trace, what did you think when when Cassie came to you and said, I wanna or what you you kinda told me a funny story that she wasn't she didn't start as your number one, but she became your number one.
Speaker 13
Well, part of that was we put Katie anywhere else. Mhmm. The rest of the list didn't mean shit.
Speaker 13
I mean, it's But, also, for the amount of screen time, she's the main character for twelve seasons. Mhmm. And it's like, Cassie was mentioning, It's just instance after instance after instance of you know, there's a fair amount of justification involved from audience to Katie in that regard and that, you know, she's on the side of good or she's in the tensions. Well, man, she she treats folks like dog shit sometimes. It's like Yeah. You know, it's like and I mean, it's her, it's her persona. I mean, she's a I mean, with the term, you know, they love throwing around boss bitch. I mean but she uses it so much to her own ends and to not really predicate the thing. I mean, like, a lot of the times, the thing that irritates me more is there'll be this big rumble, and Katie's overall smoking a joint. You know? Mhmm. I mean and she'll be the first one to say, you know, we took care of business there. But did we? Yeah. I mean, you set your you set your minions in motion and, you know, created havoc and everything. Mhmm. But and also as Cassie said, season twelve's catalyst is not Mickey. Season twelve catalyst is Katie.
Speaker 8
That's interesting. Yeah. I mean, I don't I don't disagree. Yeah.
Speaker 13
I mean, Mickey might have came in and stole the horse, but Katie left the gate open.
Speaker 13
You know? It's basically, that's what it comes down to.
Speaker 8
Alright. We're almost at midnight here. So I gotta sorry. And I know we started late, but let's let's let's wrap this up here. I like I said, I don't disagree with with a lot of your points, Cassie. I mean, it's your it's your pick. You're you're not wrong in in feeling that way. In the livestream, I did see if Katie's a bully, so is Wayne. Here's one problem I've had with Letterkenny the entire time. Wayne could easily be a bully as well, but he's always on the right side of of of things. If so my whole issue with the Wayne character is he was promoting might is right too much. You know? Because no one's gonna beat him. No one's gonna beat him in a fight. So, thankfully, he's always the righteous person in an argument, but I always wanted to see him get beat at least once or something like that. Like, there's that one exchange between him and Jive and Pete where, he said says all that horrible stuff to Pete, and Pete's like, you know, like, whatever. I forget what he said, but he said, what's anyone gonna and then Wayne responds with, what's anyone gonna do about it? That's something a bully will say. Now the fact that Wayne was right, fine. But what happens if and when he's wrong? What happens if and when he turns his ire on somebody else who who's maybe less luckily, he's righteous enough that that would never happen. Whereas on Katie's side, she does kinda dump on some some some of the characters, like like Derry. Derry no one's sweeter than Derry, but she dumps on him incessantly. Riley and Jonesy, as dumb as they are, they're still good guys. She dumps on them and in incessantly. So I don't I don't disagree. This is an interesting pick. Tanya.
Speaker 7
Yeah. You're giving me definitely, some food for thought. I haven't thought of her that way. I I have referenced more than more than once that she scares me, which she does. Like, I I think when we've had, chats about, you know, gal time and stuff like that, she would she's such a strong character, such a strong personality. But, yeah, there's definitely a fear involved with her. So to to reference her as, you know, a mob leader sort of thing, I don't think you're you're wrong with that
Speaker 7
Theory and with that with that kind of perception of her.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. Great take. The mob the mob leader mentality, I like it. It's like that. It makes me think, you know, whenever they say you're too close to the problem. Right? We've been watching her for so long so closely under a microscope. At some point, you just get desensitized to what a piece of shit she can be. And maybe that's why naturally you don't think that she is such a big villain, but the reality is she absolutely is. She's not great to almost anybody around her, especially when it appeases her interest. So, interesting take. It's a small town take on, but a big problem in a small town.
Speaker 8
Mhmm. Alright, guys. We're gonna wrap this up, because we're running so long. So final comments, Tanya. Go.
Speaker 7
I I think this is absolutely fantastic. Like, it gave us a lot of things to to think about and and people to look at in in different light, especially Katie at the end there. I wish we had more time to talk. Yeah. Thank you so much, Cassie. This was great. Trace, thank you so much. It was I I can't wait to discuss it more. Matt.
Speaker 2
Yeah. This is a fun one. Definitely a long episode.
Speaker 2
I know there's gonna be lots of after talk on this one. You guys really curated a good list. I like how you took various different takes on what it means to be a villain, covered a variety of angles, because villain is not a one stop take. It can it's it's perception, right, and and scenarios and consequences and things of that nature. In my own life, I'm a villain to people. I think I'm a fairly good person overall, but there are people very close to my life that would absolutely consider me one of the biggest villains in their life. Yes. So perception is is a is a big part of what villainy can be. So great list, guys.
Speaker 8
Yes. Mhmm. Great job. I love how you ended it. Again, if we had another episode, we could talk about it.
Speaker 7
We could talk about this for like another thirty minutes for sure, I think.
Speaker 8
But but thank you both for for for coming out and I I miss doing these, kinds of episodes, so so it's great to be to get back on the horse. I'd love to hear Victor's take on on all of this. I think he might agree with you, actually. I think he would agree with you, Cassie. Thank you so much. Cassie.
Speaker 11
Well, just thank you for having us tonight, and thanks to Trace for bringing me on this crazy journey. And thank you to both livestream and the later on listeners who will listen to this and hopefully, you know, keep an open mind because at the end of the day, we're just discussing fictional characters.
Speaker 8
Fictional characters.
Speaker 8
And think about this. One of the greatest shows right now, on Netflix, Cobra Kai, dared to take the the stance that, what's his name? Johnny was the good guy and the the victim and that Danny LaRusso was the the villain. So Yeah. Matt's point is a great point. Yep. You're everyone's a villain in somebody else's story. So Yep.
Speaker 13
Yeah. I mean, that was fun. Thank you so much, guys, for having us. That was, that was an excellent, that was an excellent exercise
Speaker 13
And a fun list. And, if we're here to promote discussion and, all that, I hope we did a decent job at it.
Speaker 7
A hundred percent.
Speaker 8
You guys did an amazing job. Alright. Before I go, just really quick, because I haven't been able to talk about this on podcast yet, but we have brand new merchandise featuring great artwork from our friend Sykes. So go check it out. Link in our in in our our social media feeds. Check it out. We got new t, a new logo, new, one one of our logos is a picture of of, of Moose, and, and and an amazing, amazing I can't stress how amazing the coat of arms is like so good. They did such a great job with the coat of arms. If you haven't seen it yet, there's so many little Easter eggs about our podcast in this in this artwork. So amazing job. So I'm gonna play us off here with the song Your Man by Joji.
Speaker 7
I love this song
Speaker 7
I really do. It's so good. That's fair.
Speaker 7
think every day I listen to this song.
Speaker 8
And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we're going to take a page from Toronto Mike's book, and we're going to have the first ever TPS kick out the jams episode. Our buddy, Jay, from Edmonton is going to join us, and he's gonna kick out his top ten favorite songs from Letterkenny. There's a lot of great ones to choose from, so this should be fun. Don't worry. I asked Mike's permission to use the format, and he gave us his blessing, plus the royalty fee wasn't too high. If you'd like to support this podcast to help pay Mike's fee, become a patron or tell a friend. Also, follow us on most social media. Let's at pro to stand pot. Thank you for joining us. Now we're going to discuss tonight's picks with the deep gens in the after party. On behalf of Cassie, Trace, Tanya, Matt, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week.