Speaker 0
It's the final episode of the show. It had to end sometime. We know. But after seven plus years, we're holding back tears because none of us wanted to go. We smile, thus, let us not cry. Don't dwell on the hows and the whys. We shall all give our best to Jared and the rest and say thank you instead of goodbye. Thank you. Everyone, sincerely. Thank you for making this hockey themed hick show. As a special treat and as a token of our appreciation, We've decided to debut gratitude from far and wide. Speaker 1
Hey, Jared. Hello from Bangor Maine. My name's Jeff, and I just wanted to say thank you for creating an amazing show that has brought so many people together. You're a really good guy. Hope to see you in suubbery someday. Speaker 2
Thank you, Jared from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Thank you, Jared, Borga, North Carolina. Speaker 3
Jared, thank you for everything you have done creating the universe. From Josh here in Shipinsburg, Pennsylvania. Speaker 4
Jared, you beautiful cunt. Thank you from World's most isolated capital city, Perth Australia. Speaker 5
Jared. Congratulations on an amazing run. Thank you for everything from Harrisonburg, Virginia. Speaker 6
From the traditional territories of the haudenosaunee and Mississauga's of the credit Thank you, Jared, for creating something so special, magical, and uniquely Canadian. Speaker 5
In San Francisco. Speaker 7
Hey, Jared. Just wanna send you a heartfelt thank you from the Jersey Shore for creating the wonderful world of Letter Kenny. Thanks, bud. Speaker 4
bottom of my heart, thank you, Jared, and everyone else involved. From Jack in Nam, Melbourne, Australia. Chad from Minneapolis, Minnesota? Thank you, Jade. Speaker 3
Thank you so much, Jared from Deltona, Florida. Speaker 4
You. Thank you, Jared from Duluth Miss, soda. Speaker 9
Jared, this is Tobias from Missouri. I wanna thank you for what on my street is called the Perfect Show. Thank you so much for all you've done over the last few years. Speaker 3
Thanks for everything, Jared. Jay from Edmonton. Speaker 10
Hey, Jared. Joey here from Denver, Colorado. Just wanna say thank you. For pouring your heart and soul into a show that has brought hundreds of us here at the produce and podcasts together and created community that we've all grown to love and be a part of. Appreciate your time and your effort for everything you put into this show. Thanks. Speaker 11
Thank you, Jared from Birmingham UK. Speaker 12
Thanks, Jared. This is from Justin in England. For twelve seasons of good times and great stories. Can't wait for the next great thing you do. Speaker 13
Thank you, Jared, from y y z. Speaker 14
Hey, Jared. This is Aaron from Chicago USA. Thank you so much for creating Letter Kenny and Shoresy and for being the impetus of some of the most incredible experiences of my life. We just have the tone. I appreciate you, bud. Speaker 15
To Jared, Jacob, and the whole letter, Kenny gang. Thanks for Mississippi. Can't wait to see what's next. Speaker 16
Jared, Am I pronouncing that right? Jared? It's Ruben like the Sando and Monty the Pug. We just want to say thank you from Tampa, Florida. Speaker 15
From Washington, Michigan. We appreciate you, Jared. Speaker 17
That fresh produce stand there. That's a beauty. Speaker 2
What do you listen to? Speaker 18
My favorite murder podcast? Speaker 19
Taggerton Torrance podcast. The proteus Stan. Speaker 4
I'm not crying. You're crying. It's Thursday, Thursday, and that means we are once again hanger at the produce stand, a podcast paint tribute to everything in the, uni worse. Speaker 4
Now, I know what you're thinking a lot of Kenny podcasts out there, but this one's probably gonna get a little teary tonight. I'm Al your host and join me in the room as always. It's lovely Tanging. Online, we have squirrelly mattes and the very stagnant Victor. And joining us this week, he's coming off the bench because, unfortunately, Jen was sick and she couldn't make it. So instead, we have the man from Mississippi our resident lime resistant, a member of the takeover team and a good guy. He's a really good guy. Please join me making some noise for a trace. Mundress. Speaker 13
Oh my god. Oh my Speaker 18
I regret nothing. Speaker 4
Welcome back to the produce and trace. Big sexy. Thank you. Thank you. Good to be here. And now I I am being descriptive, but I'm also reading off what what you're what you're sweatshirt says, you're wearing your big sexy sweatshirt. And on the live stream, we have a full house tonight. We have awesome. K. C, cats in the bag, Chad. Cutler's on here. Aaron, Jeff. Joey, Casey, Liz, Mike, Tobias, y y z gourd and and Zach are are on the live stream, like, predictably, we have a a pretty, full house tonight so why don't we get started on this? How are you now? Tonight's lineup is going to be Tanya, Matt Victor, myself, and our guest trace will have the last word. Ten. How have you been? Speaker 2
Hi. I'm first. Here I am. Trace, it's nice to see you. I love your shirt, big sexy. Speaker 2
That was the best opening ever. I love that so much. Thank you to everyone who sent that the the message is in and for whoever, thought it up and and triggered it. Speaker 4
There's a brain storm last week in the after party that, I think we all kind of came together and thought, you know, rather than just limerick what can we do and and and thanking Jared just seemed like the right thing and Yeah. Well, all our discord members sent in. I think I had twenty some messages. So thank you guys for for doing that. There's a lot of tears in the live stream and, and, you know, it got a little dusty here too because, Speaker 2
that was so powerful. That was so that was so awesome. Mhmm. So so awesome. I love hearing everyone's voice. It's it's, it is gonna be a a wee bit of a teary night, but hopefully, a great night, the week. I'm dealing with a foot injury, so that really, my whole week has just been dealing with, foot pain and trying to, fix it. So that's that's sad. I've been Speaker 4
your on your tennis ball. Speaker 2
I've I've been on, I I go from, ice packs to tennis balls to tensor bandages and oh my god. Is it ever painful? So yeah. You know, If anyone is, working from home and doesn't do a whole lot of walking anymore, put shoes on. If if you're if you you just maybe should put some indoor shoes on and, some support for your feet because if you don't, you can get some bad arches and pain, and it's not. Speaker 2
Whatever. It's a fancy word for bad. Speaker 4
Oh, Matt, you've had this? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3
it my lasted, like, six months. Oh, so just Speaker 2
don't tell me that. Speaker 3
I I remember I remember I know. I know it goes and everyone gets it different, but I remember I kept a golf ball under my desk after that because I'd roll my foot on that just to try to alleviate some of the pain. Yeah. But it sucks. Speaker 11
Wearing wrong shoes is what causes that. Speaker 4
Tobias says a frozen two liter bottle. That that's a good idea. Speaker 2
That's a great idea. Thank you so much. Speaker 3
That's that's a good one. Speaker 2
Frozen too. I I'm gonna totally try that because, yeah, I'm I'm not having a good time. It's gonna Speaker 4
have an exploded throw bottle in the freezer. Speaker 2
You know, maybe I'll empty it and put one. Speaker 18
remember three quarters full, three quarters full. Speaker 2
Water it. Yeah. So that's pretty much, my week. Speaker 4
Okay, Matt. How about you? Speaker 3
First, the intro. Yeah, thank you everyone for sending in that stuff that that was so powerful. And and I love that everyone I mean, we know most everyone that that sent in quite well by this point, and I love it. And we got exactly expected from each person, and it made me so happy. So and and you just you guys know what I'm talking about. It just Thank you. And I I know I know Jared listens, and I hope he hears that. And it's so genuine and heartfelt and important and I'm glad that this was the route we went to kick it off. So, that was amazing. My week, I'm six fuck. Speaker 2
You sound sick. I thought someone Speaker 3
If I'm I'm trying to mute myself. I start coughing or if I'm all sniffly, I'm sick as fuck, but I was not missing this one for the world. Speaker 15
When I call you shortly. Speaker 3
Yeah. Jen tried to convince me to to take the night off, but I'm like, no. This is the no. Not on not Speaker 2
have that fever? Speaker 3
Rex Manning Day. So, but anyways, I've got some rye. You know, alcohol feels poison. I don't know. Whatever. My week, aside from that, I've gotten to a couple new shows. So they're not new, but to me, they're new. I finally caught up in why Gen V, the first season, the spin off from the boys. Oh, yeah. Holy fucked up. That is amazing, but Speaker 11
A little fucked up. Speaker 3
Little fucked up. Speaker 4
Even more fucked up than than the boys? Like, the boys is pretty fucked. Speaker 11
fucked up than the boys. Speaker 3
They they hit some real topics. That and they put them right in the forefront, very well done. Like, I mean, I love the boys and I kinda knew what I was walking into, but I was very surprised by some of the angles and some of the techniques. So And Speaker 11
and when you've seen it, they show it to you again. And in the next episode, just in case you missed it, they start with showing it to you again. Speaker 3
They don't they don't shy away from those things, but, anyways, it was a fun watch. Speaker 3
and I will say first, I'm not a video big video game person. I'm not familiar with this game very much other than I'm aware that it was huge forever. I watched Halo. On Paramount Plus. So the Halo series, really good. For a video game taken to a I'm not even a sci fi guy, but really enjoyed it. It would turn out it was perfect time because they just released season two today. I think it was. So yeah, that was definitely How Speaker 2
many episodes in a season? Speaker 2
Oh, was it short? Yeah. Speaker 3
It's it's a sci fi space spiders I don't know. It but it's a really there's a really good story to it. Did you watch Speaker 4
did you watch twisted metal? Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. I told you. I finished that. Okay. Speaker 15
I gave it the Yeah. Speaker 3
We had talked about Speaker 4
that's another one based on a video game that I I enjoyed. That's how Speaker 3
Yeah. Oh, yeah. That that last episode is twisted metal when he lights his head up fucking right. That one just gave me everything I needed for a twisted metal show. Yeah. I was a big player of that game. So that gave me everything. And then finally, we are in the process of buying a new car. So we've found one actually. Sorry. Tell your neighbor, that this isn't gonna work out. But, we found what I think is a pretty good deal. It was a two thousand nineteen Highlander which Toyota's are pretty pretty good, pretty consistent. Speaker 3
totally got fourteen thousand kilometers, on the car, which we were like, Speaker 4
well, that's nothing. That's like right. Speaker 2
But was it in the Highlander or me magazine voted best highlander? Speaker 4
Oh, door magazines, car, and and bicycle of the year. Speaker 3
And and, I used to invest. I used to I think Al, you know, I don't know if I'm retired. I was a fraud investigator at one point doing credit card fraud. So I'm naturally paranoid and and open to not being scammed, So immediately when Jen found this vehicle online, because it wasn't through a dealership. I'm like, hold on. Something's wrong here. There's fourteen thousand. It's five years old. That doesn't make any fucking sense. But when we met the guy, talked about all checked out, he's a he's a he works for a tow truck company, and he's a certified Ontario bailiff. So he does repossession. So this was a vehicle that turns out was involved in a scam operation. So they bought the vehicle under false pretenses and then, then faulted on their first payment and basically put the vehicle into hiding for a year or so. And then they ultimately found it before it got shipped away and whatever. So that's why it has basically no mileage on it at all. This guy's been driving around a bit. He brought it down. It was actually up north away, but brought it down the other night to show us because he was coming to the city anyways. It's like it has new car smell. Speaker 4
So can you start looking for a car for us? Yeah. Speaker 3
Doctor Jen Man, she finds these gems. So Monday, we're having it. It's going to mechanic getting certified and all that. And if all that checks out, we bought ourselves a new vehicle. Speaker 3
Nice. That's kind of exciting. Speaker 3
That's week. Victor. Hanging out with you, fine people. Speaker 11
Yes. Well, first of all, yes. Best cold open ever of all shows and podcasts. I think that was incredible. You know, Aaron holds a special spot in my heart. She she really brought it with hers. Everybody did a great job, but Aaron is my fellow, kinda hip hop. Speaker 4
She set the tone. But, yeah, by yeah. Speaker 11
So so she did set the tone. And Aaron's story, we didn't win. Some lady named Jane somewhere one, but, the sweepstakes to go and see Fiona and the family in Cincinnati. Speaker 11
we're gonna have to do it the old school. Wait. Let's see. We had all star festivities here in the city. We tried the NHL All star game in Toronto this year. Speaker 3
Oh, sports. Did you see Michael blade? Speaker 11
We we saw blue blade. Speaker 3
That's the best part of all. I didn't see anything Speaker 3
it saw Michael Hube. Speaker 11
he was micro dosing, with some rooms. So that was a that's a thing that happened. Speaker 3
haven't seen that clip, go check it as one of the funniest fucking news conferences I've ever seen in my life. Speaker 2
Yeah. Missy, I as a Kite or what? Speaker 4
He was a that might be a full dose. Speaker 15
I'm not sure about microdosing. Speaker 11
It was it was like a kit. Like, so if you do if you do the microdosing and you hang out with Bieber at the same time and watch him wear that mushroom of a jacket that he was wearing. It's like a it it, like, doubles the effect. So that that's something special. And, they had, Tate McCray, which is apparently, something that's that's a big thing. She's Canadian, apparently. So that's why they had her there. Okay. Speaker 2
Is that a taped word thing? No. Okay. Speaker 11
And then and then who was the fourth celebrity? I can't remember anymore. Oh, it was, Batman. Speaker 11
The Lego Batman. Speaker 4
So the voice, the voice. Speaker 11
That's right. I thought Speaker 4
you were gonna say it. I I thought you were gonna say it was Drake. Speaker 4
Drake's penis was there because, well, then Speaker 3
a few days later. Oh, it was Speaker 4
a few days later. Okay. Speaker 11
Anyway, so that that was fun. So that we I enjoyed that. And we finished probably another incredible show that you guys I don't even know if you guys know about it, with, What's your name? What's your name? Speaker 2
Yeah. I know that show. Oh, Speaker 4
that's your name. Speaker 11
Brie Larson, lessons in chemistry. Speaker 11
So so it's an Apple show. Speaker 15
And It is a good show. Speaker 11
Okay. Real okay. You know what? Leave your nonsense at the door, Matt, and go watch the show. That. And you're gonna thank me later. Believe me. It's an awesome awesome awesome awesome show. Well Anybody who's not who's not gonna it as missing out. Speaker 4
I like I like Brie Lawson. I mean, she is captain marvel, Speaker 11
but She's captivating way, way better a million times better than whatever she did with stupid marvels. This is Okay. This is this was a great role and she was incredible in it. Speaker 15
You didn't And and And what are the marbles? Speaker 4
Was it better than than what she did in community? Because I thought she was great. Community too. Speaker 11
No. Couple other couple other fun fun. Speaker 4
No. No. She was in community as as, I love interest. Just just for a few episodes. Speaker 11
There's there's a villain in the show, played by, what's his name who played Dwight in the office? So he did a great job. And and the comic book, guy from the Big Bang Theory, the guy who owned the store. Speaker 4
Oh, yeah. The the sickly looking guy. Yeah. Speaker 11
Yeah. Yeah. He's and I think he's really, really good. It's it's such a great show. Please watch it. You're gonna you're gonna thank me for it. Speaker 4
Alright. My week. This, Monday, we were supposed to have, Emily Jade on, the podcast. Unfortunately, someone came up and Ellen. Ellen. Did I say Emily? Sorry. I meant Ellen. Ellen Jade on the podcast. Forgive me. Speaker 3
be the first time he's misnamed. Speaker 4
I've misnames. I I mean, didn't I Speaker 2
call directly to their face? Speaker 4
Yeah. I called Ali Olivia. Anyway, so I'm just bad with names. She she's very apologetic because something came up. She couldn't make it, but, we will reschedule that one there. So no worries there. But this coming Monday, we will have Camila Cole on. Who is Bonnie McMurray. Bonnie. And then the other thing, this weekend, because I forgot we didn't talk about this, Speaker 2
And we I see. I told you. Speaker 4
We went we did a worley ball for the first time. And, oh, my god. That was so much fun. So that was for my and my son's birth David. Speaker 2
I legit have a bruise. I I I my stomach, I went too hard, too fast, and into the wall. So anyone that doesn't know what the hell this is, it's bumper cars with scoops and basketball Speaker 4
kind of Whiffle ball and the target on each end of the thing. Yeah. Speaker 2
meshed up a bunch of games and and then they put a butter turn on the on the car and Speaker 4
Instead of a steering wheel. Speaker 2
Instead of a steering wheel. And I got it. A butter churn. Speaker 15
Sounds like a good way to fuck up your foot. Speaker 3
Oh, butter churn. Yeah. I guess. Speaker 2
It's a butter churn on the that's the steering wheel. Anyways, I had it facing me, and I went into the wall, and I was bent forward to get the scoop. And the next thing I know, I got the bloody butter churn into my stomach, into my diaphragm. And I have a, like, a yellow ring bruise on my stomach. Speaker 8
Yeah. It's your turn. Speaker 4
Anyway, It was a lot of fun. And I wanna do that. So Speaker 4
I wanna join a a worley Speaker 2
We are totally opening one near us. That is definitely what's happening. Speaker 4
Yeah. So that was my my our week. And and we're we're, you know, still in the first season of, Game of Thrones, but really enjoying that. You know, again, I forgot how what what a quality show that was. Like, it's so good. Which one? We came with thrones. Speaker 3
Like, you know, brace yourself, Tanya. Speaker 4
We wanna watch multiple episodes a night, but they're so long. So They're so. Yeah. Trench Speaker 4
Thank you for joining us tonight, and for filling in, last minute. Like I said, Jen was sick, and she felt really bad because she really wanted to be here. So hopefully we'll make it up to her in the future episode, but we got you off the bench. Thank you, bud, so for joining us. Speaker 15
Take your time. Speaker 3
Did you decide what you're gonna talk about? Speaker 15
Yeah. First of all, Excellent. Excellent intro. I mean, for something that was, you know, just stemmed basically from last after party and me lamenting the fact that my will was pretty much dry. And Algo's Oh, I couldn't have had to you. And I was like, great. I don't have to write anything. And, well, I did write a lemur and and then Liz cleaned it up like she does. And, it turned out beautifully and all that last minute addendum to, hey, say where you're from. Speaker 15
That really that really that really that really hit life is powerful. It show shows with the reach of it all. Speaker 4
Mhmm. I agree. Yeah. I'm I'm, I'm happy we all did that because I want, yeah, I wanted Jared to hear, you know, what kind of, re I mean, I'm sure he knows, but still, it's it's nice to hear it from from people. Yeah. Mhmm. Speaker 15
And and not to you know, Bert Farm, pat myself on the back, but in a season full of excellent intros, that was that was a very, very, very good one. Speaker 4
Yeah. I mean, I'll still put Tanya's wrap up there, but, this one here, I think, is also a favorite. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Speaker 15
That's all her. The rest of the week's been pretty uneventful. If since we're talking about TV shows, Liz had brought up to me about, mister and missus Smith. Speaker 15
And so, of course, it is very, very, very, very good. Speaker 3
Let's get to hear. Speaker 15
This is I mean, it's kind of post modern meta kinda thing to it, but it's it's really funny and it's well, I mean Really action packed and boy, they spend a buttload on travel. Speaker 4
Yeah. Well, the the I Donald glover, is it? I mean, if if if he picks it, then it's gotta be a good role because, he's he's pretty discerning, I think, with what he does. So Speaker 15
because that's I'm not supposed to be this guy. Yeah. She was like, you need to watch this. And I was like, okay. But otherwise, thanks for calling me in. It's, kind of, you know, it's kind of in the fields to be the guest on the very last episode and Speaker 3
Whoa. Whoa. Last Not our last episode. Right. Right. Speaker 18
Right. Right. Right. Speaker 15
Right. But, You know, I'm glad to be here and you know, let's take this baby home. Speaker 4
Alright. Let's do that. Let's start with our Twitter roll call. I'm seeing the yet light at the end of this tunnel. Welcome to Stormy Jet for Mount Healthy Ohio. I looked it up. There's actually a Mount Healthy Ohio. Humpty Dumpty, Matt, hopkins, cat daddy, a g Yale, r s Selle Rob from the riot. Dave Lawrence, Gile, Audrey, Skorch Main from Australia, Zane Jupiter from Liberty, Missouri, joel zed or z from LA. El Bobito. Mike Moore from New Hampshire. Monstrous reprobate from Cinci, Greg Walker from Sarnia Ontario, New Zealand, Blanco, Heffy from, Vancouver, Sterling Derps from Pennsylvania, Grand from New York, Ellen Mc Knight from deep dirty south, Wickerty WAC axle rod casts, Adam from Pennsylvania, no no la saint from thibodeaux, Louisiana, fuck you, Tibodeaux. Chris Musser from Clarian, Pennsylvania, light dem Demaniac. Corey Jastrum from South Dakota, Larry Harvey, Huawei, Jamie Hallahan from Quincy, and that is in Massachusetts, which, cutler is on the live stream. So, he just heard his name there or his voice. Anyway, Andrew Melnick from West Palm Beach, Florida, medium, Gam bees, a Cackle villain Waver from Miami, Eric Johnson, Johnson from Is it worcester? Speaker 4
Or is it worcestershire, whatever? JAB Men. Is it Worcester? Worcester. JAB Men David Levin from New Jersey, Oji White Shadow, Jessica Hawthorn Lance, Dave Tomson from Xmoth, Devon UK, five thirty commander Bates from California, goddess, ember psychic Kumquat, Port Portland Pat from Oregon and, John Gravey, Grady and Marilyn Kristen. Thank you all for, following and hopefully for listening. Speaker 20
Previously. On Letter Kenny. Speaker 2
You can't hear Kumquat without laughing. Speaker 4
No. It's it's a very funny, yeah. Speaker 2
I just I know. I'm sorry. Speaker 3
Just make sure that's out there. Speaker 4
It's true. Last week, we recapped and reviewed episode five, the letter Kenny season twelve stuck. That episode received a frustrating from everyone except for Victor, Oh, no. That was the wrong one. I wanted Speaker 4
wanted to do this one here. Buttons aren't toys. According to our scientific Speaker 4
According to our scientific Twitter poll, sixty nine percent noise gave it a fresh. Twenty eight point six percent gave it a clearance, and two point four percent gave it a compost. This week, we recap and review Letter Kenny series finale over and out. Tanya have you done your homework? Speaker 4
Ma'am, have you done your homework? Speaker 4
Victor, have you done your homework? Speaker 4
I've done my homework in Trace. Have you done your homework? Speaker 4
Alright. Here we go. So Speaker 20
Well, don't bore us. Get to the chorus. Speaker 4
We open with the Hicks on the farmhouse back porch talking about the stork report being dropped, out of the, letter Kenny banner. Dairy thinks this is a good thing. Wayne is confused. What does Dairy have against the historic report? Speaker 19
It's inappropriate to have a quarter page column on page two of the banner, always announcing which nutsucks had kids. Still more than eighth of the page. Might splitting errors. Speaker 20
And it's always just often on page two. Speaker 18
I'd have it right up front, if I could. Fucking a. Speaker 19
Why do you use two like the storker port so much? Speaker 18
It's fun to read. I get to go all. They had to kids. Speaker 20
No. It's fun to read because I get to go all. They had a kid. Speaker 4
Dary thinks it should be all business on page two. He opens the banner to see important current events like police briefs or a calf auction or command charrows show and shine or screwy Dan ads. The letter Kenny Legionaries scores and Wayne ads, the banner blitz with Dan McNee. Now, production, nope, com common cherry or common cheryl is a car club and list tool in, Jerry's hometown. And every year, they do a show and shine event. With more than two hundred vehicles to that fill, list will memorial park, and the proceeds go to the North Perth Community Hospice. So that is an actual event. And the other pro production note Dan McNee, we also mentioned is an actual newspaper reporter from List Tool again and a buddy of Jared Kiso. So there you go. Speaker 4
Back to the store chatter. Dairy doesn't like the name. First, no store kiss carried a baby anywhere. This point gets Wayne's attention. Secondly, storks aren't native to the area. This really doesn't suggest they call it the Blue Heron report, but Derry maintains neither of those birds can carry babies anywhere. Stop being cute. Just give them give them the news. There's a long pause. Wayne's staring off into the distance pensively. He, thinks what Dairy just said is absurd. Dairy challenges Wayne. Who's going to teach the store how to carry a baby? Wayne says it's pretty obvious in Square Dan agrees. A falconer. Could teach a store how to carry a baby? Derry's confused. What's a falconer? Wayne replies, one who practices Falconry, of course, as, squarely Dan Hicks explains that Falconning is the acts of calling over a bird. Which it isn't. The production of their falconry is defined as the hunting of wild animals in their natural state and habitat by means of trained bird of prey. I don't think penguins are considered birds of prey. But what do I know? Because dairy ass, can a penguin be a foul can can you do Falconry with penguins, and they said, yes. Back to the score stork talk, Squay Dan asked Wayne if he's maybe confusing storks with pelicans, There he's still stuck on the Falconry. What if it's a turkey? Wayne, says turkeys get falconed all the time. There's probably someone out there falconing one right now. Speaker 11
I thought they were gonna get into an ostrich, but I guess they did. Speaker 4
They didn't get There you pause it. So you need two dozen storks to get a baby airborne. Swirly Dan questions, whether you could get twenty four birds cooperating towards a common goal today in this social political climate, He adds that you'd need science on your side, and the conversation takes a a very familiar turn. Speaker 20
Paradrine Falcon or Paradrine, fastest traveler of any bird of prey. Top speed of two forty mile an hour. Speaker 18
Works out to about three ninety kilometers per hour. It gives your takes. Speaker 19
Wow. It's fast. Speaker 18
Fast as hunters on planet Earth? Speaker 20
It's okay, Derek. Falkner's falconning a peregrine. Speaker 18
Only a lead falconer's box with peregrines. Speaker 20
The falconer puts his arm in. Okay? Means it's time for the bird to come over. Now that cocksucker is darting around thousands feet in the air currently. Speaker 18
I'm thinking about three thousand five hundred feet. Exactly what I was thinking Speaker 20
about three thousand five hundred. Now, he's got all sort of go for groundhog and mouse's glow. He could bomb down on at any time, two forty mile an hour. Speaker 18
He's what he wants, when's he wants. Speaker 20
But despite all that choice below dairy. Speaker 18
Rolds of oysters, Speaker 20
limited option for snacks. Speaker 18
Shouldn't be fish in the barrels. Speaker 20
The Parragon sees the falconer's arm out. Here's And rather than pillaging the land, his land, the world's fastest hunters, uncle land on that nutsacks arm instead. Peanut. Speaker 18
least piece of cashews. Speaker 20
Oh, heat up all sort of nuts. Speaker 19
Wow. Doctor's powerful. Speaker 20
Faulker could get the paragreen to pull his dick out of his sweetie mid slide. You don't think I could a stork to carry a baby. Speaker 18
She got to there, Dary's. Speaker 4
Cut to win in his own with, with puppies admitting that. Not that it changes anything, but he was confusing storks with pelicans and queue the opening theme. Alright. That's the cold open. Tan, what did you think of that cold open? Speaker 2
Awesome. Oh, so, opening is the back porch. And I as soon as I saw that shot and and the the camera and where we were opening into. Just got so Mistalgic. Speaker 4
Nostalgic and so happy that Speaker 2
you know, there's squirrely Dan and Wayne and Dairy and Derry's with the boys and they're together where they should be. On the back porch and that angle that, you know, we we so have talked about over and over again. Speaker 4
And we actually took a picture of ourselves in that angle. Speaker 2
We yeah. We did. It it was it would just felt right. And them talking nonsense, you know, reminds me of the conversations when they had talked about opening a ball sacks and on on skateboards and, you know, nonsense. The falcon knee, the f f fulking Speaker 4
Stockcony, balcony. This Speaker 3
Falk off their big sexy. Speaker 2
It was comical. They they played with it. There was moments where it was pretty funny. I was, mesmerized by how Wayne was getting a whistle out, with his mouth the in the shape that it was in, but I don't know why Very fun Speaker 2
I don't yeah. It was a weird, like, not a other It looked like he was whistling down anyways. It was it was mesmerizing and I watched it repeatedly. Yeah, it was good. Speaker 3
I liked it. It was I mean, Dan, Tim, Timmit, if you could point, sir, about exactly what I was saying. It it felt like a good old fashioned letter Kenny open. Silly, pretty stupid yet brilliant all at the same time. The banter was all over the map, kinda went down some path you didn't expect. Had me fact checking all the way too. I didn't I didn't know Falcon extended beyond falcons. So I and he kept saying that. I'm like, why is it? This is so wrong. Mhmm. So here, I went down this rabbit hole where I'm Wikipediaing Falcon. I'm like, oh, yes, it is. Yeah. It's all birds of prey. They just group men to Falconry. Speaker 4
So Yeah. But penguins are not birds of prey. Neither are turkeys. So I don't know if you can Okay. I don't know. Speaker 11
Plus, they said Speaker 3
you draw the line? Speaker 11
They said it's the act of calling a bird, not hunting Speaker 4
Well, but I looked up the actual definition of falconing is hunting with birds of prey. Speaker 2
Isn't it calling a bird to your arm? Speaker 4
No. Like, that that might be part of it, but it's not the whole purpose. Yeah. You're using the process. Speaker 11
All I'm saying is they got it wrong. Speaker 8
Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Speaker 4
Exact got it wrong. Speaker 2
Yeah. It took me persistent? Speaker 3
The the only the only quam I had of this one, again, and this is so minor. I felt like Wayne's position at the beginning felt out of character. When he was talk when they were talking about the historic report Speaker 3
And how he was excited for is, like, yeah, I get to be like, they had a kid. Because historically, Wayne doesn't give off the impression. He likes children. Speaker 4
Yeah. But the way he said it was, like, they had a kid. Not he wasn't excited for them. He was, like, Speaker 3
don't know. I I read it as No. Speaker 11
I I I saw no. I saw it as a, like, like, they had a kid, those losers. Speaker 3
Yeah. Oh, you took it as you. Speaker 3
It in a dark way. That's not how I it. Because he kinda wanted it there to comment on it. So I don't know. May maybe you're right, but that that was one thing that just caught me. But overall, I thought this was It it it was, yeah, kinda nostalgic. A fun playful open. Exactly what I wanted. So, yeah, it was good. Speaker 11
Victor. Yeah. They went back to what works. The only thing that kind of stood out for me is I can't remember last time I read the new a newspaper, a traditional newspaper. Speaker 3
They still make those? Speaker 11
Yeah. Exactly. So I I feel like even ten years ago, I, when we were still going to the office train, we, you know, they were giving they were giving away those free newspapers, that you could read on on on a way to work. Speaker 4
Oh, the dailies. Yeah. Speaker 11
Yeah. But since after COVID, like, I can't remember holding a newspaper in my hand. So I I felt like that was a little bit, detached But but that's okay. They quickly went off and went into one of their tangents somewhere else. So it's all good. Speaker 4
Yeah. This is fun. And and as soon as as soon as I saw the shot, and as soon as they started talking about, oh, you need to you need science. I knew they were where they were going. This is ants on CD's Sedoo's part two. Maybe not nearly as ridiculous, but still fun and and, well written. I love how squirly Dan is like helping Wayne telling the story. And Wayne's like, yeah. You'd be up there Speaker 3
in about a couple of thousand, Speaker 4
you know, feet in the air. Is it? Probably thirty five hundred feet. Yeah. Speaker 3
That's what I'm saying. That's what I was saying. Speaker 4
And, like, just the way they were going back and forth was was pretty funny. And, Speaker 2
all post options down there. Speaker 4
And, and, and, Dan acting as the converter too, like converting kilometers to or miles to kilometers in his head. Anyway, it was, a lot of fun, you know, and and a great callback, which I feel like, we're gonna say that word callback a lot this, in this episode. Trace. Speaker 15
Yeah. I thought it was, you know, as someone who always liked dance sun see doos. I I'm glad that they revisited the the form as it were. And something when I was watching it, I noticed that And I also noticed it on insulin seduce. All of the humor I mean, yeah, the lines are fine. They're they're absurdist and, you know, Most of them are probably wrong and all that stuff. But the humor lies and just the interplay between the three of them. Speaker 4
the delivery. Yeah. Speaker 15
Mhmm. I mean, just how they play and go back and forth between their lines and stuff, and it's just a lesson in timing, comedic, and just the the banter. And it's Speaker 4
Good editing too. I bet. Speaker 4
great editing, I think. Speaker 15
Oh, yeah. Probably. Yeah. Speaker 4
Alright. Coming out of the cold lab. Yeah. Coming out of the cold open. We got the title screen that reads the night before, and we're back in T Jenland at the end of last week's episode. The Hix are outnumbered. Distraction is required to get a jump on him. So what are the degenerines like? Hanging bed sheets over windows, throwing gasoline or on fires, driving with no shirt on, But Stewart has an idea, and a musical montage begins, set to the song, the boys are leaving town by the Jap Japan droids. The Hicks, hockey players, and natives spring from their hiding spots in the bushes and begin running across the field at the degenerines. Before they notice, the d gens become mesmerized by fireworks display put on by the skids. This buys the attackers time to cross the field and get a jump on the d gens We cut away momentarily from the montage to the Hicks after the brawl sitting on DJen seats, squared NS Wayne. How many more times he thinks are we gonna have to beat shits out of the d gens. Wayne thinks it would, be naive to think it's the last time. Mc Marie says it's fair to say that one in ten people are d gens. Tyson thinks it's closer to one in eight. Riley doesn't like that math. That would mean that there's a degener among one of them. And Jonesy quickly says Mc Murray. Tyson says fine. Two and sixteen, which isn't any different, but, you know, never mind.
Speaker 18
But all's I'm saying is this. There's always gonna be degenerines. Just as long as there's enough non degenerants to balance them out,
Speaker 20
Like, stand up people.
Speaker 18
Well, I mean, folks,
Speaker 20
class the individuals.
Speaker 18
There's always gonna be good guys to beat the shits out of them when they need it.
Speaker 20
Yeah. Like, Always gonna be good guys.
Speaker 18
I was gonna be really good guys.
Speaker 20
I was always gonna be great guys.
Speaker 13
Friendly, neighborly. Deason. Noble. All truest Magnanimous. But to Ottawa,
Speaker 20
it sure is a pretty good time rounding up your pals
Speaker 3
to take care of him.
Speaker 4
We cut back to the brawl and squiggly then grabs the gun from driving Pete and all the others fall in and kick the gen ass. Of course Wayne gets Mickey who sees it coming and then doesn't. Seeing two, we get a flashback to a season one's rave episode, Stuart's in the bathroom getting ready for his DJ set applying lipstick and kissing himself in the mirror, walking to the stage only to see an empty gym save for Katie Bonnie and the large amount of security they hired. Then Stewart wakes up from his nightmare. He's back in his basement and rolled
Speaker 8
his there with a
Speaker 4
tray of snoopers. Night seeing cuts of the produce stand, Wayne and Darier sitting in their usual spots. No words between the both of them. They're just sitting there quietly. Happy to be back to normal. Their piece is interrupted by Riley and Jonesie pulling up, the laneway in their Jeep in a replay of the opening scene from episode one season one. Down to even the song that they're playing, which is prima donna's by Kaboom atomic. But this time, instead of getting out of the Jeep and chirping the Hicks, Riley and Jonesie's show, How much they've grown over the past two seasons?
Speaker 3
Boys. Boys? We've, we've been through a lot together.
Speaker 17
Done a pretty good job of staying out of each other's ways over the years. It's probably for the best, you know. Hockey players and Hicks haven't traditionally gotten along well around here.
Speaker 3
But after everything we've been through together, all the times you've been there for us.
Speaker 17
And all the times we've been there for you, We
Speaker 3
just want to say that you have our respect. We respect you. You've earned it.
Speaker 4
When and Dairy don't react. They don't even move. Riley and Jonesie take this as a sign that maybe the Hicks didn't hear what they said. So Riley says it louder. We respect you. Still no word from the Hicks, but then Wayne and Dairy give each other a knowing look and proceed to unleash their chirping wrath.
Speaker 20
I don't fucking care. Who are you again? I don't even know what your names are.
Speaker 19
Dorito head and fun dip face.
Speaker 20
Well, what I've had more respect for cats who take dog sized shit.
Speaker 20
You got a bum chin. A fucked up no.
Speaker 19
That bum chin twerk when you jump and rope?
Speaker 20
You look like Stevie Wonder drew Johnny bravo.
Speaker 19
The bubbler boys.
Speaker 20
I don't have a hard time believing your mom wasn't drinking hard bar
Speaker 19
with you in the womb. Mom loves Yagerboms.
Speaker 20
Now your alarm goes off one morning and say, well, I fucked it all up.
Speaker 20
I can hit snooze my whole life awakes.
Speaker 19
Piss up a rope.
Speaker 20
You're a jolly rancher and a honey nut cheerio. The Cheeto chums. If you ever take a look in the mirror and think like, oh, this isn't necessary.
Speaker 19
Have you dropped as a child?
Speaker 20
Oh, fuck rockies and adult.
Speaker 19
Gummy bear boy and the kit kat kid.
Speaker 20
How'd you make it out of childhood without sticking your tongue in a light socket? The peanut butter brothers. Come over. Let's see if fruity pebbles come out. You got
Speaker 19
a honeycomb and a cookie crisp.
Speaker 20
You're a sour key and a sun chip.
Speaker 19
You like fruit by the foot?
Speaker 20
You can fruit by the fuck off.
Speaker 5
Riley Jonesie. I cooked you breakfast.
Speaker 13
This isn't over.
Speaker 20
Jake, show me a coke. Cool.
Speaker 5
I'll feed it to the dogs.
Speaker 13
No. Not the Maple bacon. We're coming Katy Cat.
Speaker 4
Rally and Jonesie follow catering to the farmhouse kitchen, leaving the Hicks alone again. They both get up, walk towards each other, give low bones and return to the seats. And normally, I don't stop in between here, but I feel like this scene here we should stop because again, it's another throwback scene to episode one, o g, letter Kenny. So let's let's talk about this scene, Tanya, what do you think?
Speaker 2
Just the scene or, like, leading up to it.
Speaker 4
Oh, whatever. Yeah. The scene leading up to the scene.
Speaker 2
Okay. So we would have to take it back then to the DJ Land and Oh, yeah. Sure. In that opening. Yeah. Okay. So,
Speaker 3
it didn't even the rules already.
Speaker 2
Well, yeah. Well, you know,
Speaker 2
Okay. Put it better. I can I can zero in on this this section too? I was gonna say the so the DJen land, everyone's there. It seemed like they were short though. They were seem like there was, like, It was light in the in the men that were storing.
Speaker 4
Well, usually they have dairy and dairy wasn't there. Right? Sometimes they'll they'll usually have joint boy and joint boy is not not in the season. So, yeah, they were a little light on Hicks, but, I don't know. I thought they were still well represented. I like that they included accent slash in there and, and obviously Riley and Jonesie. So
Speaker 2
It would have been nice to see, Oh, my gosh, names are
Speaker 4
Coach or Dickens?
Speaker 2
Yeah. Like because usually coaches is involved somehow, some way, and
Speaker 4
Is he? No. Coaches in fights. I think Dickens has maybe been I feel
Speaker 2
like coach has been in fights, Alvin.
Speaker 11
No. Just with garbage cans.
Speaker 8
Sorry. Thank you.
Speaker 4
If there's a garbage can, yeah, who'd have kicked it down the field?
Speaker 2
I found it interesting that after the the brawl, the, Hicks sat in DJ Land and where we're sitting in the old car seats and, around the the fire.
Speaker 8
I found that interesting
Speaker 2
that because usually they go back to their
Speaker 3
I think that was a sign of victory. It's like they claimed their new territory
Speaker 2
Yeah. Flag. Yeah. I found that name.
Speaker 3
Flag. Yeah. They marked their territory.
Speaker 2
Yeah, the then the flash to, Stewart's nightmare, him kissing himself in the mirror. That was
Speaker 3
Jumping ahead now.
Speaker 2
No. That happened.
Speaker 4
Yeah. It's true. It's nightmare
Speaker 15
did happen. Yes. Let me
Speaker 3
cover that. Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 2
It's okay. I know you're on drugs. It's okay. So then going Microdosing. Microdosing. I know you're having your moment. So Riley and Jonesie, the Jeep showing up. Oh my gosh. Yeah. It was it was quite a moment, seeing the Jeep and having that, it's again, it's a it's it's that that,
Speaker 4
It's almost a carbon copy of of of the very first scene in episode one, season one. But I just yeah. Anyway, Matt, what did you think?
Speaker 2
Well, I haven't even said. Oh. Hi. I just started.
Speaker 4
Oh, okay. Sorry.
Speaker 2
Oh, so I wanted to say, like, Yeah. It was it was
Speaker 3
I'm not talking to him.
Speaker 13
Not you. Oh, okay.
Speaker 4
I pull I thought I thought Chad was on. That's why I thought it was interrupting Chad.
Speaker 2
Oh my god. What the fuck is going on? Okay. Get off my dick.
Speaker 3
This is going really well, guys. This is a great one.
Speaker 2
So having, Riley and Jonesie telling the, Hicks and having their respect I thought it was a really great moment and a very sincere moment and a very like a a moment where it was their chance to say thank you. And and this this whole episode is like a love letter, which we'll get into. I'm sure. But, you know, Katie cooking them fist, Wayne and dairy chirping back at them, doing the low bones. Oh my god. The low bones. Like, that moment
Speaker 2
That moment where they get up, walk to each other, and they're looking away from each other. They're not even looking at each other because that's the last low bones at the produce stand. And it was just so it it felt like a it just felt like time stopped during that moment. And, it was it was very sentimental, very, very, it was great.
Speaker 3
Just wanted to see. Hold on. Are you am I good, Ted? Yeah. I think she's I
Speaker 15
think you're good. Okay.
Speaker 3
Thank you. Just wanna make sure. I wanna on anyone's dick.
Speaker 4
I stepped over the dick to get to you.
Speaker 3
You step over it and kick that thing to the side. What I'm gonna say, and I I agree. Whatever you said about Oh, we'll give a moment to Victor.
Speaker 3
don't know where it went. Where did you go? There he is. Did you good, bud? He's fine. He's fine. So let's go back to Snooters for a second. Mhmm. Episode. And I know I gave that one. I think that's when I gave it clearance too because I had a real beef with the snooter scene when they did the flashbacks. Yep. Fast forward to this episode. This is how you make reference and show homage to things from the past without going there. Okay. I loved this scene. I the moment they rolled up, I knew exactly what was happening. I loved it. I even checked. And you're right. Almost everything was the same. The only thing I even shirts. I thought they might be wearing the same shirts. They were not, but the same style.
Speaker 4
I love Same song. Everything about it, the same angle. The only thing
Speaker 3
This is what I want. Yeah. Right? This is what I want from the nostalgia. I want I want you to make me remember it without showing it to me and take it in a new way because I'm still in that moment. I'm picturing every moment from tarps off Yeah. In that scene.
Speaker 3
And I'm and I'm on for the ride. So I thought it was a brilliant way to to to pay homage to that grand opening. This is how you do it.
Speaker 4
Did you mind the flashback to rave though? Because that was a
Speaker 3
So, no, because that one was more intentional. Right? So there's that was a short little clip that that was intentional that drove the narrative of the episode. Whereas the other one's Hey, remember that time and then they go there.
Speaker 11
But it wasn't a flashback. It was a dream.
Speaker 3
a dream and it was a dream sequence learning that sort of triggered his thoughts I'm okay with that.
Speaker 3
Had they kept doing it. Mhmm. Mhmm. Little little bit different, but I was okay with that. Alright. Fair. Different. Right. Yeah.
Speaker 11
Victor. Yeah. So, I think the best leading up to this, to that scene, I think the best three second clip was Mickey getting his comeuppance.
Speaker 11
I think everybody enjoyed that.
Speaker 11
And that was That was coming from the very first time we saw him talking up, dairy trying to figure out what the heck is this guy up to? He's clearly sleazy. There's clearly some agenda that he's got. What's going on here? He's the nicest guy in the whole place. Everybody's back to him, especially Katie. And and what we knew I knew that this guy's
Speaker 4
because he was he was salesman, but nice. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was
Speaker 11
a dirt back. He was a dirt back. And and so that
Speaker 4
no offense to any sales
Speaker 11
people out there. No no offense to our friends in sales. And so so there you go. I think that was the best. And then the only thing that I kind of felt that was left out is they didn't make fun of the tonka truck. So I felt that that we we were missing that extra chirp. But but, yeah, it was really well. And and I love the chirping too because they're talking to them as a single unit. Yeah. Yeah. So so that was also brilliant. But, yeah, it was really well done.
Speaker 4
Yeah. I love that this was literally, like, that that scene specifically is a carbon copy of scene, like, scene one episode one. But the chirps were all different. This is the way you do it where, like, it it's still fresh. Even though it's it's a replay, it's fresh. But then it still hits all the right notes to right up to Riley and Jonesy saying this is an over, and and Wayne saying jinx you owe me a coke. I loved it. It was great. Yeah. The the the the battle scene was was fun and get at watching Mickey get his comeuppance. No no complaints on any of this. Trace?
Speaker 15
On the you know, in a a series where we've seen enough slow mo fights to you know,
Speaker 15
Be over them. Credit, they went absolutely freaking over the top. The the fight coordination was so good. I mean, it it it it was, like, It managed to be cool as hell and funny.
Speaker 15
know? Some of those shots that those guys were taking were just ridiculous, but they look so cool in slow mo.
Speaker 4
Bradley Trudeau just bowling over everyone. Like, he's like a human cannonball.
Speaker 15
Hitting people when they're doing aerial three sixties and they're like, Okay. That's pretty cool.
Speaker 15
to the tarps off redo, I'm a hundred percent agreeing with, like, mad on that. And it and it's one of the things that makes me think that This episode is almost for the fans that have been with it.
Speaker 15
The whole time. Yeah. They I mean, they made no reference to the fact that this was Mhmm. The first thing you saw in the series, they made no you know, they made no reference to it being almost a carbon copy of it. Yeah. But it it's it's the classic if you know, you know.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Like, there's there's no off handed comment going on. You're having deja vu or or this is happening right now. Yeah.
Speaker 15
Haven't we been here before?
Speaker 15
No. Like you said, no.
Speaker 3
I mean, it's like no.
Speaker 4
You didn't mean to exactly.
Speaker 15
And that's what makes me think it was this one was for the fans. And to Tanya's point, the low bones was was really nice. Mhmm. And I like that because when it's all said and done, that's that whole rig of maroon have been going through this whole season that's all that needed to be said.
Speaker 15
Yeah. And it's and it's done and over with.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Because they're they're they're not two guys who talk about their feelings. So the way they're gonna
Speaker 15
I'm not even mad, but, yeah, A low bones is all it needs to make everything right in the world again.
Speaker 4
Yeah. One hundred percent. Yes. Awesome. Let's move on here. Cut to the skids basement. Stewart enrolled or arguing about something that Stewart doesn't wanna do, but role does. They've done it all. They've been small town drug dealers, big city drug dealers to got Jack and conquered other big city drug dealers, entertained the right the hard right on the dark web. They're the hottest sex imaginable. They shall not forget about two cocks, Shakur, and more most recently, they had the sexiest, after hours club, letter Kenny has ever seen, but none of their endeavors have failed so epically as what rolled a suggestion. Suggesting none of them have flops or heroically, which is precisely why they are not rebooting fart book. And then someone from off camera says, or are we It's Glenn sitting in a chair doing his shared story. What is
Speaker 4
Basic, instinct like Crossbit. Stewart accused Glenn of taking fart book from gla from them. Glenn doesn't deny it. He left it better than he found it. That world was moving fast and leaving the skids behind. Glenn could match its pace. Something was holding Stewart back the whole time. This hit Stewart hard. Then he comes back with some profound words.
Speaker 13
It used to take talent for someone who wanna point a camera at you. Perhaps the greatest social breakthrough of our time or all time is when the kids realize that it takes no talent whatsoever to point a camera at your I came into fart Book
Speaker 8
with a bit of gas and a dream
Speaker 13
champion of the Bronx cheer, but the oversaturation of amateurs on the form killed that train. They slipped in silently without us ever noticing. Silent. But violent. And lock all. Action five hundred companies corruption. Slowly crept in. The most power lobby of them all. Big Fartma. The site was no longer about the farthest. Almost overnight, it
Speaker 8
had become just one more
Speaker 13
victim of the gastro industrial come
Speaker 4
But Glenn reminds Stuart that it wasn't all for nothing. How
Speaker 8
soon he forgets. Without fart book, there would be
Speaker 13
fart Farwork is work. Farmbook walked. So I to scooter on.
Speaker 13
a fuck is disappearing platform.
Speaker 20
I'll create the chamber for I fart Radio.
Speaker 13
After successful go fart me campaign acquired YouTube. Steak Dan and BRAKE Wayne Nobobah. You're right, Glenn. I dare not see.
Speaker 4
I think Stinkedin is my favorite out of all those. Rolled gets excited. So they are rebooting fart Stuart says no, but if they're going back to the roots, they're gonna go all the way back. Cut to the next scene, cut to Stuart and rolled standing before the Hicks at the protostan He wants to throw a rave at the egg hall. He gets no reaction from the Hicks. Wayne finally says, k. This kids weren't expecting to get approval this easily. Are they sure? When it says sure, Katie said, scoot, Stuart of Heath Shore. They are shore, but the Hicks are but are the Hicks Shore? They're sure. Why? Rolled sheepishly reminds them, that, egg hauls were supposed to be for agricultural music. And they know how much the Hicks love country music.
Speaker 13
No. You don't love country music?
Speaker 2
No. Not even a bit.
Speaker 5
Not one drill bit. About one bell pepper?
Speaker 13
Bow. Maybe one belt ever.
Speaker 5
Yeah. Maybe one drill bit.
Speaker 11
Sure. One bits. You sure. We're sure.
Speaker 20
Why would you like a wee bit? I'll
Speaker 19
Everything in moderation.
Speaker 18
Small doses are fine.
Speaker 8
So we can have a rave at the egg hole.
Speaker 20
I just don't suppose it makes a ton of sense to limit a choice venue like the Ag Hall to genre of music. We only like one Bell Pepper.
Speaker 4
The skids celebrate their win. The nice order business is the guest list.
Speaker 13
In the spirit of family.
Speaker 8
Take about twenty percent off of there, bud. In
Speaker 13
the spirit of? Friendship. More. Fellowship. More. More. In the spirit of community. We The skids. We'd like to cord you invite you The hicks. To our rave at the Ag Hall.
Speaker 4
Back in their basement layer, the skids are dejected. What's the point of having a rave at the Agolf, no one comes again? Allie Cat and Bianca Doncker there. The skids asked for their help, but the girls can't believe they had sex with Stewart. They tell the skids to go figure it out. If they won't come for rave music, figure out what kind of music they will come for, then queue the no doubt risk inspired music jag.
Speaker 13
Host emo core step? No. Foketronic glitchabilly? No. X Temple freak beat? No. Camcon k pop? No. Blue eyed country Polyton. No. Old school new metal? No. Hamburger Brit hop?
Speaker 13
But Nick, Neil Oldie, No. Low fi billboard Pro?
Speaker 20
No. Magical speed trap?
Speaker 13
No. Ten pan two step? No. Serv transcript tweet? No. Baltimore acid baroque? No. Big room, big band, big beats?
Speaker 2
No. Okay. Letter can he consist of hit skids, and hockey players.
Speaker 13
And Christians I told you we were done here, Glenn. Oh, are we? Are we?
Speaker 2
If you want people to come, just have a little something for everyone.
Speaker 4
After that most obvious epiphany, the skids are set. How are they going to get the word out? They're going to put it on their fucking Facebook? Next seeing cues, the musical montage of the skid's p papering letter Kenny with flyers for the rave, set to the song, both guards of the apocalypse by broken social scene, They go fro from the convenience store to modine, star. Riley Jonesie's Jeep, making them cry to the produce stand. Then we cut back to the Agol where they're setting up for the rave. Their staff were all hot women dressed as sexy hot or hockey referees. They set up a produce and display with help from Lily and her photography of the of the farm and of Letter Kenny. They set up a hockey locker room at in the bar to look like the boards of Nahaki arena They dress Darren up as a hockey player and Connor as a hick. They bring out a giant moving sculpture of a a Canada goose decorate the rest of the hall with hay and barley bales. Then we cut to Stewart in the bathroom getting ready for the rave just as he did before. The skids walk out to the stage all pumped up for the party. They get to the stage and the music stops with the record scratch. The hall is once again empty. This skids begin to sob pathetically as it seems to be happening again. They're mid wail when they hear a knock at the window. It's Wayne yelling at them that the door of the egg hall is locked. Asked one of them to let him in. Stuart says, yes, of course. And with a pitter patter from Wayne, the party starts. Everyone is dancing Katie with Riley and Jonesie Dairy. With Bonnie, squirrely Dan with Tannis, Glenn with Dax and Ron, Alexander with Gail, Acts, with Ali Kat, the Mc Murray slash with Shanaya, coach with Mary Ann and Betty Ann. Ron with Bianca Don, Tyson and Nick. Wayne is standing at the pros stands display admiring the photography at Letter Kenny. Then we cut bet to between songs and, Stewart gives an impassioned speech to everyone in attendance.
Speaker 13
Thank you. Everyone, sincerely. Thank you for coming to our hockey themed hip grave. Bless it by the lord. As a special treat and as a token of our appreciation. We've decided to debut are electronic apple apple. Ray mix of a local favorite.
Speaker 15
Ditter potter. Dickson?
Speaker 4
Is my last name.
Speaker 13
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? Ready. For some darts, reimagined.
Speaker 5
That's a Texas size ten for
Speaker 4
Back to the party montage. Now Dickens is singing his manufactured country hit everyone is dancing cut to Wayne still admiring the produce and display in walks Lilly who's looking rather fetching. She joins Wayne at the display. We cut outside the alcohol looking into the party when then with some very dramatic nostalgic music, we get final shots of the murder barn, Modine's bar, the tractor shed, the convenience store, the back porch or the farmhouse, the inside of the church with a nice added touch of the candles blowing out. A different angle of the red barn outside the hockey arena. This kid's basement, and finally, the protostand at dusk, and we fade to black. One final time has the words for gus flash up on screen leading into the credits. Set to the remix of sun darts, and that is the end of Letter Kenny.
Speaker 3
I was waiting for the magical chime to come on.
Speaker 2
That's a flashback. Was it all a dream?
Speaker 4
Oh, man. Can you imagine?
Speaker 3
I used to read word up magazine.
Speaker 4
Alright. We start with Tanya. What did you think of this? Initial thoughts? This is fucking I don't think they really liked the sound choice on live stream. Anyway, Tan, what'd you think?
Speaker 3
It was a creative decision. You went with
Speaker 2
It was a choice. It was a choice.
Speaker 2
a choice. You miss
Speaker 11
a hundred percent of the shots.
Speaker 3
It took a swing on that one now. You missed
Speaker 4
a hundred percent of the shots you don't take. I think was what Riley Johnson said. No, I think.
Speaker 15
Oh, Victor Fedett, right?
Speaker 4
No, you said it right. But Riley Johnson said it wrong.
Speaker 2
Why did this episode feel like it was so long? And then at the same time, it was too short. Like, it just felt like
Speaker 4
because there's like three or four montages in one episode. It was
Speaker 2
It felt like it was like going, going, and then when it was starting to wrap up. It was like, wait, no. Stop. Don't do it. Like, it it just I don't know. It it just it then seemed to go by too fast. Anyways, the, yeah, there was a lot going on in the episode. At the same time, really there wasn't. You know, it was it was the skids, dream to to have a a show have a rave at the the A call. Right? I loved it. I loved that that's how they were gonna end it because everyone was together. Every we we got to see them, and and what's memorable and what, the the whole thing was what was memorable. What what has this show been known for? What does this show been loved for. I love that they mentioned fart book because that was such an episode that we talked about repeatedly.
Speaker 4
They threatened to bring it back.
Speaker 2
Repeatedly. You know, Glenn crossing his legs and uncrossing and and being so playful. Every everyone was there. It was it was beautiful. It really was. I love that Mary Ann and Betty and we're there because it feels like it's been so long
Speaker 4
since we've seen that. Yeah.
Speaker 2
That that warmed in my heart so much seeing them.
Speaker 4
And they they I mean, they weren't in the season at all. So they came up just for that scene. Which is crazy.
Speaker 2
And and they flash on the more than once.
Speaker 2
I love that that when they were getting the egg haul ready for the party and and what like the the, having a produce stand there, having the Bay hale, like hails hails
Speaker 4
The Canada goose.
Speaker 2
The Canada goose. I love that, that the Hicks or sorry that the skids were trying to dress as the Hicks's and and Riley and Jonesie and like everybody was trying to, you know, support one another. And it it it was. What I really wanna talk about is the montage at the end and how that was just so amazing and and Stewart's speech. When he said the words, thank you, he paused stopped and I swear he looked directly in the in the camera. And and I and I went back and watched it again. Because it was just so powerful.
Speaker 2
Like that pause and that looked directly into the camera and directly at meat. Yeah. Like, at each of us.
Speaker 4
And interesting that they chose Stewart to do it. I mean, I guess Yeah. The it made sense for the character to to to do it, but, in in that story, but it's interesting that they got him to to be kind of the conduit for the rest of the show to thank the audience. Right?
Speaker 2
Well, because I don't know. I my own thoughts on on why it would Be Stewart, because he had such a huge story arc in this whole thing. Like, he was a no one. He was a person that we all in those small towns don't consider because, you know, they're on drugs, they're don't really contribute to the community, and he did contribute to the the the community. You know, far book was one of those early contributions, to to working
Speaker 11
with one another
Speaker 8
and to to do something together and to
Speaker 2
and to lean on one another for for things. And this episode, you know, the skids were there bringing out and pulling out, dairy. So I think it was fitting that it was there that it was, Stuart giving the thank you because he,
Speaker 2
and regardless of what he got into, the the things that he did, the unsavory things that, you know, he he killed a lot of mailboxes, which upset us terribly.
Speaker 4
Upset Victor. Oh, you broke a guitar too, which
Speaker 2
Yeah. There were there were a lot of things. I I know that there was some,
Speaker 8
stuff on a train once that you you appreciated,
Speaker 4
Snooter's not a train.
Speaker 2
Yeah. I found it interesting that Katie, that the last words, because, again, everything was very, like, everything slowed down and you really honed in on who was saying what and and what what was happening and Katie saying the Texas size ten for.
Speaker 2
just, it made the hairs stand up on the the back of my neck.
Speaker 2
But Wayne standing there and that moment and pause in front of the produce stand where the the photos were of the of of the farm. And, I just to see and look behind him and and that pause was just so it was it was, again, it was chilling. It was a great. Yeah. Is great.
Speaker 4
Okay. Am I stepping over your dick, not to
Speaker 2
my No. Go ahead.
Speaker 4
Go ahead, Matt. You're up next.
Speaker 3
So I'm gonna start with this. Season twelve was a five episode season. They told an what I what I believe to be a really good story, had some fun, ended it. Episode six was our bonus episode. That, and I apologize. I don't know who called it, was for the fans. Mhmm. This episode from start to finish Trace. For those that were with it from day one and wanted and just love the show. It's like a Where's Waldo episode. Where every scene had and I and I'm sure there's lots I missed, but, you know, from the tarps off to the fart buck to the two shock two cock shakur to the goose, Like, these are all again, back to snooters. This is what I'm talking about. This is how you create memories without going there. You don't need to. Those at Love shows this much, you just have to make subtle hints towards it and all those memories come flooding back and you just take them in. And you live them in your own way. And I love that they did that in this episode. They gave us lots to work with, and they didn't need to create a story for this. They just had a very simple concept. Let's redo the rave and see what happens. So loved, loved, loved, how they approached a finale. With that, I'll talk a minute on ten. You already called it one hundred percent Stewart speech was a breaking the fourth wall shout out to the fans. For thank you, for for joining us. I've never in my life seen that on a show. Right? That that shows wrapped themselves up in their own ways, and I I've had and we all have issues finalities on any show, any genre. Most of them don't do it very well. I thought this was such a special moment And I and I really genuinely appreciate that they did it, because there is a strong fan base. We know this. We're part of it. And to take that little moment, everybody, I haven't seen the live stream too. The everyone saw it. That was and even ten, you said it perfectly. He said it to me. Yep. You didn't say he said it to the audience. You said he said it to me because I bet every single person watching that felt the same way that that was said to them because that's you know, we've met Kiso. We've we've hung out with him. We've interviewed him. I genuinely believe that was an individual. Thank you to anybody who has watched the show from day one. And has been a fan, he means it. So really appreciated that. Yeah. It sucks as it's coming to an end. Why the fuck, man? What else I'll say? I want so here's an idea, Jared, if you're listening and or anyone from New Metrc Media, make me a coffee table book. I know they don't they're not big anymore, but I'll buy one that has all of those fucking photos that you put on the produce stand of all the different scenes. That will do the exact same thing as what I'm just talking about. I'll open up that book, and I'll see the produce stand. And I'll remember all the fun moments I had. I'll open up. I'll see modine's, and all the fun don't need anybody in the photos. Give me a book with just those photos.
Speaker 4
Casey said she'd buy one too.
Speaker 3
Right? In a heartbeat.
Speaker 3
Because It's it's amazing that they I don't know who thought of that. That's fucking brilliant. Again, Les' bore and let us live our own version of what we loved about this show through something like that because you don't need the characters we fill in the blanks with all of those amazing memories. I thought that was a brilliant brilliant brilliant fucking take by just putting those photos out there. There's lots more, but I'll I'll I'll pass for now
Speaker 3
Because I just fucking yeah. Go.
Speaker 11
Victor? Well, first, Ingwey would disagree. He believes more is more. Ingwey Malmsteen for for for those
Speaker 11
Less less informed. So let's see.
Speaker 2
I love that trace is just. Orange Cross. Got it. Go.
Speaker 11
So let's see. Let's talk about some things that we haven't chatted about. So, yes, the fart banter that dialogue was hilarious, staked in. That was funny.
Speaker 3
That was a good one. Yeah.
Speaker 11
Yeah. That was that was really A Glenn, you know, playing tennis in this episode where he just shows up out of nowhere. Where he yeah. It's like, where where did you come from? And and did his thing. So that was really good. It was funny that they thought nobody showed up it's only because they didn't unlock the doors. Yeah. So that was
Speaker 13
so good. That was great.
Speaker 11
They thought it was the nightmare was reliving itself and
Speaker 15
they couldn't get in.
Speaker 11
They didn't open the nurse. That was funny. No rosie. Rosie's in Vancouver. Right. So that was the kind of a quick yeah. Let's just move on to Lily. That was, you know, him kind of he kinda traded in Rosie for
Speaker 4
I love the I love Rosie, but Lily in that dress.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. No. No. Like, that was,
Speaker 11
that was, you know, we said goodbye to Rosie and Lily's in. Whatever's gonna happen, you know, in the movie, in a in a movie later on for you, Al, I think it's, Lily will be starting in it. Let's see. I I kinda felt bad for Dan because he was, I think, the only one without a dance partner. But
Speaker 4
his dancing be side tennis. I I
Speaker 11
I thought like they should have, like, brought in Anita or something like
Speaker 4
Or Ellen. Yeah. Was it Ellen? Yeah. Ellen.
Speaker 11
Yeah. Yes. I, you know, I just feel like he needed a partner. You know, even even like that, Jerry, he had Bonnie. Right? But yeah. Dan, he needed somebody. Maybe even that goose. He should have been dancing with that goose. That goose was fantastic.
Speaker 4
Right. To the I'm sure Danny Evers is a ghost ever yet.
Speaker 3
I would I would hang it right here right right above my thing.
Speaker 4
It's not a small goose. That thing is massive. Like, it took I got
Speaker 3
a pretty tall ceiling in my office here, so I could fit the goose. Mhmm.
Speaker 11
And and my final comment before we get to, the, the next part of our show, I I've really love the at the very end, the very last picture was an homage to the produce stand pod. And that was really fantastic. But, Jesus, I really thank
Speaker 8
you for your help.
Speaker 3
What a what a great do
Speaker 4
What what a good guy? He's such a good guy.
Speaker 4
That's hilarious.
Speaker 3
You look really closely. There's there's a small microphone sitting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just everyone go back and look. You're fine.
Speaker 15
it's on actually cross my
Speaker 15
look at that for stand. The produce stand.
Speaker 4
Alright. So this whole season, Matt, I don't disagree with you. It was like five. It was a really solid five story arc followed by by this. Whether or not you like the flashbacks, just the callbacks throughout this season to early Letter Kenny, were were amazing with laughter Kenny with the talent show with
Speaker 4
With all those things. But just in this episode alone, I mean, I wrote down every time something came back. So the back porch scene. Stuart enrolled with with, with the dark web, the rave, the low bones, fart book, Glenn, doing the basic instinct thing. The music jag that that I'm sure Trevor wrist had a big hand in writing. The egg hauls, so, rave, the the Canada Goose, all these things in one episode. And and you're right. Like, they they didn't flashback to it. They just alluded to it and let the the true fans just enjoy because we know what all these mean. I love this, episode. It was it was, when I'm thinking about kind of like last episodes of of series, you you're right. Like, it's always a hit and miss. Like, some of the ones that that really hit, you know, like, the last episode, I'm I'm gonna show my my age here with the last episode of Mash. Last episode of Cheers.
Speaker 4
I know I'm old, but but, like, those those are really well done. Right?
Speaker 3
And okay. Boomer.
Speaker 4
But and and this one here is right up there. I think I thought I loved the way they did this one. So, yeah, kudos to those guys. And and the last the shots of the barn and modines and all the pull away. And and then just ending it on for Gus.
Speaker 4
Right? Like, because Gus, you know, he that
Speaker 15
was the big gut check.
Speaker 4
I believe because I think Gus died between season eleven and twelve. Right? So and Gus was in, you know, early seasons and so, like, I mean, it's just an
Speaker 8
Oh, I didn't know that.
Speaker 4
I mean Wayne and, I mean, Gus is in the early scenes of letter Kenny.
Speaker 4
So, yeah, that was a few MVPs. Yeah. He did. So, yeah. It hit hit you in the fields and all all the right places. So, kudos trace.
Speaker 15
I'm gonna have to say that, Matt, I think you and I and I don't want to get, like, before you yell at me. I don't wanna get into, you know, rankings yet, but when looking at this episode, you have to approach it. Like you and Matt were saying, It's it's a five episode season, and and we'll call it like it is. I mean, that's a victory lap, man. It's It's, you know, it's the greatest hits kind of, you know, gift to give. And, I mean, that's where the the strength of it was. And and as we said before, I mean, These were mere callbacks and illusions with no pretext or any sort of explanation. It was just sort of It's pretty funny on its own. Yeah. But, man, if you know, wow. It's it's oh, I know where that's from. Yeah. I put that I know what that's from.
Speaker 4
It's it's the world's longest running inside joke for, you know, you know.
Speaker 15
Exactly. Exactly. And to what, Tanya was saying, I I likened it when, you know, because, I mean, it was the most unspirit like Stewart's ever sounded when He said that that, line, and I think Tanya made a good point was the fact that when the show started, he was the, outsider, the outlier, the antagonist Yep. Who wanted nothing to do with the community that wanted nothing to do with him. And, you know, over the course, his character arc probably has the most distance traveled, and it's And in the end, he is a viable member of the community to the point where he is the final voice.
Speaker 15
For the community. And, you know, I I really like that. I really, you know, the whole coming together and all the people that's Like I said, great. But the I think there's a deeper meaning to the ending shots, which, of course, you know, I mean, at first glance, like, god, dang, Billy Butler, so good at his job. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but Amen.
Speaker 4
Well, they're all you notice they're all shot in the, at dusk, right, at where where's the magic out or whatever you call it. So that And did you guys notice that the camels went out in the church as it pulled back?
Speaker 15
Yeah. That was wild. Yeah.
Speaker 4
That was that was well done.
Speaker 15
I I will notice that when, dusk. Was watching it this afternoon. Yeah. But I think the telling thing is after all the lines have been spoken, after all the you know, shots of the people. Hey, there's so and so. Hey, there's so and so. They all showed up. Yay. Yeah. In the end, It's just these beautifully shot, slow zoom of all these places, and it's almost like, Jared is saying, this was the star of the show. When it all comes down to it, this place
Speaker 15
Is what the show is about. And I mean, and and that's that's what he wants to leave you on. Mhmm. When we say goodbye to the show, The last thing you wanna say goodbye to is this place where it all happened. Right. And I think that's that's the part that you know, got, you know oh, yeah. I said goodbye to the Hix. I said goodbye to all them. Mhmm. But the finality of it, was when you were saying goodbye to the places. Yeah. The barn, all that stuff. Because Letter Kenny in itself became a character and ultimately a star of the show. Was the town that this all happened in. Yep. And, yeah, four guss. Yeah. He can't mention a dog without me
Speaker 4
Yeah. It's a yeah. He knows how to how to pull on the hard strings. Alright. Let's move on to ratings. Ten? Are you taking a deep breath. Yeah. What do you give this episode?
Speaker 2
This is the last I'm gonna do the the violent. This is the last rating on on Letter Kenny.
Speaker 4
Well, we still got the season recap, but, yeah, the last episode rating.
Speaker 2
Yeah. It was beautiful. It was a love letter. It was a thank you. It was it was it hit all the right notes on on all the right parts and, absolutely couldn't ask for for better. It's a unicorn.
Speaker 4
Well, hold on. You can't just uni I'm
Speaker 2
just unicorn. I'm just uni This isn't America's
Speaker 4
got talent. There's
Speaker 2
Folden Bowser, I'm gonna just smack it. It's a unicorn. I'm gonna give my my just cue the fucking
Speaker 2
geez. Oh my god.
Speaker 4
Tune you with the golden buzzer.
Speaker 15
It's gotta hope what turns out.
Speaker 4
Right? Yeah. We'll see.
Speaker 3
be really awkward.
Speaker 2
Your pressure. Yeah.
Speaker 4
Matt, what do you get this, episode?
Speaker 4
Hannah was so good.
Speaker 3
And I love the Audi you played right into that. It was great. I mean, what do you say about this? This Brenny? Okay. If anyone out there is listening and you are a show creator or you are doing anything of that nature, this is how you finale. Okay. They knew their audience. They knew what was going on and they delivered. And I and I've been reading their I I don't often Awesome. I love you. I don't often read Reddit, but I was on Reddit and
Speaker 3
Perusing a lot of the the commentary, and there's a lot of ups and downs on this final season and how it all ended. I don't know what you guys are watching because this To me, yeah, he says it was a beautiful ending. I loved everything about this. They they quickly wrapped up the last episode, which is I loved it, but what followed, it made it immediately forgettable. Even though it was great, immediately forgettable that opening with the the DJends, I always forget they're even there. Because what followed was just a love letter and homage. They did all the right things to make you wrap up a show in the best possible way. And, Tracy, you hit it dead on the nail. The ending scene and and the and the music from Broken social scene, So if you don't know broken social scene, I I think even awesome called out, I think it's actually Jared's favorite band, if that's correct. She said, very, very unique band at a Toronto it's basically a collective of musicians. At any given time, there could be any, like, six to, like, twenty of them out there. They're all doing their own independent projects, but they come together and bring their to music in a community and make phenomenal phenomenal sound. I love that he shows that for the ending. It's a very powerful song. I think it aligns a with his own interest, but with the interest of the show and what they're setting forward. So I thought that was great. And that ending montage trades a hundred percent agree. It's a celebration of the town, of the the scenes, the sets, the places that we remember. I you can't help but being choked up. The the you called it. It was set at dusk. Very intentional. It was beautiful. It just I wanted to keep seeing more.
Speaker 3
But I know that they couldn't and there wasn't a reason to, it is the, by far, the easiest fresh I've ever given an episode of this show. I'm not gonna lie. I was certainly tears in my eyes when that four guss showed up at the end. Good on you, man. You put the things that you prioritize in your life and because you love front and center no matter what. And, this finale showed that.
Speaker 11
Yeah. Tanya, thanks for bringing us back to our first episode where you were still trying to figure out the rules. So so For you, I put up our version of a unicorn behind me.
Speaker 11
a placeholder. See what happens. But yeah, yeah, just keep it short. It's obviously a fresh, it, you know, a fantastic finale to to the series. They gave this was for the fans. They gave the fans what they were hoping to get and and and they hit a home run. So, just fantastic, Lily. Not there's no blemishes. It's a great episode. Beginning to end and, yeah, easy fresh.
Speaker 4
Wow. It only took, Gerald, Jared Kiso, twelve seasons to get a a flawless episode from Victor.
Speaker 4
Alright. I mean, I'm not gonna, you know, prolong this. It's obviously a fresh. Let's do that one more time.
Speaker 18
I regret nothing.
Speaker 4
I will say about this season two and and, I I I think in the Ag Hall leading into our our recaps of this season. I think it was Gordon. I'm pretty sure it was Gordon who said his hope for this season is that at the end of it, they they they leave it off the way they began. So nothing has really changed because the whole point of this is nothing changes in Letter Kenny, and really nothing has changed. All the Hicks are back together. They're all sitting in the same spots at let at the produce stand. Everyone's, Riley and Jonesies seems to be seem to be okay again with Katie and so on and so forth. So theoretically, if they did wanna keep on going or have other episodes or whatever they wanna do, they can keep on doing it because they have not changed anything drastically. Short of sending Rosie to to Vancouver. Everything else is the same.
Speaker 11
Rosie wasn't there at the start, so it's fine.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Everything else is the same. And they can they can continue doing this for as long as they want in specials and movies or whatever they wanna do animated, they can because they have not messed anything up. So I think Gordon got his wish. I think awesome also was hoping for the same thing. Don't send people away. I think, you know, they were playing with our emotions early in this because they had to. They had to or else it would have been a very boring season. So they had to, you know, try to make us think, oh, is Katie actually gonna leave or is Dan actually gonna become a mennonite? But, of course, in the end,
Speaker 11
I was hoping for some dicks this season.
Speaker 2
Really miss the dick.
Speaker 4
But anyway. I I I think the way it ended was perfect and, can't agree with more, you know, with you guys more. This was a fresh trace.
Speaker 15
Man, this thing's so fresh. It's still on the vine dude. It's, this was just
Speaker 15
Was it, I mean, was it a the the best episode? I don't know. Was it a perfect episode? I don't know. But, I mean, it was it was just
Speaker 4
it was a perfect finale.
Speaker 15
It was a perfect finale. Yes. This is I'm with Matt. This is I mean, this is how you ended up this is how you ended a series. I mean, I mean, you you don't act like it's just some other episode. You don't act like, you know, you reinvent the wheel for the last episode. You know, you you just make it a celebration, and that's what it was. And it was it was fresh, and it was awesome, and it was sad.
Speaker 4
Okay. Let's move on to I don't know how we're gonna be able to do this, but, so for MVP, let's do MVP of this episode. And if if possible, can you give an MVP of the series? So let's start with you, Tan. Who's the MVP of this episode?
Speaker 2
That some ridiculous question.
Speaker 4
We don't have to. Okay. But maybe we can save that for the season recap then. So let's just do MVP for this episode.
Speaker 3
We need to do a series recap.
Speaker 4
Okay. So we'll do well, that could be our Ag Hall social so we can get everyone
Speaker 11
content people. So just, you know, down.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I just gave us another episode.
Speaker 4
There you go. Thank you.
Speaker 11
could be several episodes.
Speaker 3
We'll see. All over again, guys.
Speaker 4
for this season. Man, and it's just
Speaker 2
MVP. Oh my god. Everyone. Everyone that that put their blood soul, tears.
Speaker 11
Let's say everyone. That's all sweet and nice. You gotta pick an MVP.
Speaker 2
Everyone did. Like, they they all you know, put so much into this last episode. Like, who do you who do you it's like, how do you not thank everyone and not make everyone in MVP.
Speaker 11
That's the whole point of this segment.
Speaker 3
Wait. Victor is having issue with how his segment I
Speaker 3
Just just being clear.
Speaker 15
I know Victor isn't actually, you know, taking umbridge with the way the MVP Yeah. It's being yeah.
Speaker 3
This is the upside down right now.
Speaker 4
We're we're we're doing some flashbacks of our own now, some callbacks in our own podcast here.
Speaker 2
I honestly, I don't know who to how how do you pick a person? Like, it it it's it's for Gus. It's for Wayne. It's for Stewart at the end that thank you. It's for, the the new girl that took all the photos Lily. Lily, for for the photos that were at the end. It's for the goose. It's for the freaking
Speaker 4
That's don't still don't steal Victor's MVP.
Speaker 4
Yeah. The goose.
Speaker 2
There's so much that it is is He's laughing because it's true. That made this episode important. To run around. And and
Speaker 3
Sendards, they're they're they're reen the remix is your whatever.
Speaker 2
There is just so much. I don't know how you choose from any kind of love. It's This
Speaker 11
is part of the homework just FYI that you said you did.
Speaker 2
Okay. It is Kiso.
Speaker 4
Alright. Kiso. Alright. Not even Wayne, but just Jared Kiso. Sorry.
Speaker 15
second on the episode recap on Discord. It's gonna say, Tanya. I'm not sure.
Speaker 4
Matt, who do you give your MVP to?
Speaker 3
So I agree, Dan. It's hard, but I will say the one that really got me in the feels was that ending moment. And the man behind that is Billy Butler and his team, bringing those scenic shots of the various locations to life, those nice, beautiful pulls in the, in the night dusk,
Speaker 3
don't know. I'm mumbling right now. But those got me. They were gorgeous shots. Like, best of the series across Letter Kenny or Shoresy, those shots were just phenomenally lit, phenomenally shot, and cut into that moment so well. It's butchering his team. Hands down for this one.
Speaker 11
Okay. Victor. Alright. So I'm gonna bring it back and actually give an MVP to a character in the show. Why? And yes, the goose is a runner-up But obviously, that, you know, that would be too on the nose, to give it. I'm gonna give it to actually Darren and Connor. Those two guys We're working their butts off. They're dragging their haze around. And if you remember theirs
Speaker 11
flying like the flying like the goose. So, you know, they were very physical and and they were very important to the backdrop of everything that was leading up to the to the big rave or the big party. So I'm gonna give it to those two doofuses.
Speaker 4
Okay. Before I give mine, I I do there was something I wanted to talk about because it was brought up in in last week's episode. The use of coach this season, and and there's a bit of, you know, some some people, and we can probably guess, happy. To took took umbridge as to how cultures use this season, or maybe not used is probably a better. Because he really wasn't used very, like, much. Like, he's he had that one very drunk scene at the bar, with the cold open with Alexander. In this episode, he's passed out at the bar when when the skidzer are passing. So, basically, he I think he had two scenes the entire unless I'm forgetting something, the entire seer season, and then, like, he's dancing at the end there, with no kind of explanation why he's, like, blackout drunk. So I'm wondering if the next spin off is in a coach spin off. And this is setting up some kind of a story there. And just because we've we've interviewed Mark forward and and we've heard from Jared himself, how close they are. They've spent lots of time together. Those drives between, you know, tourist stops. Maybe they're conceptualizing a show.
Speaker 2
The dog's messing there.
Speaker 3
He's on an extended
Speaker 4
tour Randy's on an extended tour. So I don't know. Connect the dots to her, man.
Speaker 11
Yeah. The ghost and Barb. You know?
Speaker 3
You never know. So anyway,
Speaker 2
There's Barb. Nice.
Speaker 4
Something that out there, that, because, yes, or otherwise, it's very disappointing how they use coach in this season. Like, they basically, like, there was no reason for him to be there. So,
Speaker 2
that's exciting. Yeah. That is really exciting.
Speaker 4
Yeah. And So my MVP is gonna go to Stewart, just because you guys are all right. He's he had the the farthest to go in character development through this whole season, like, twelve seasons. And then he had the most poignant scene, in this episode. So I'm gonna give it to Stewart. Trace?
Speaker 15
I'm gonna piggyback on what I was saying over here. I think ultimately when it's all said and done, the MVP's gotta be the town of Letter Kenny.
Speaker 15
I mean, it's It's it's where it happened.
Speaker 15
And and when with the more you realize that the as I watched across the full episodes, the the people are just part of the town. I mean, it's just another aspect of the town. It's a I don't mean to say they're set pieces or locations or anything. But, ultimately, it's it's Letter Kenny. And in the end, we started in Letter Kenny, and we never left. Right? And that's and that's where we are, and that's where we're staying, apparently.
Speaker 4
Yeah. Yeah. I love it. And the grass is yeah. It's Wayne said it. It's never been greener.
Speaker 15
So it might be greener, but it ain't his.
Speaker 4
Not. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Alright. Cool. Thank you guys. I just have one listener comment that came in, I think, yesterday on on Twitter, which I loved. Here we these this person says, these folks at the produce stand pod are just killing me. Love listening to them attack Letter Kenny episodes like a band of Shirley Jean Cycles list listing their grievances with criteria in the collections, most re revered films, hilarious, honest, and funny to hear that or fun to hear their opinions on various letter Kenny tropes evolve as they make their way through the series, and everything grows on them. Hashtag tough crowd, hashtag for the hashtag podcast, and that's from a new listener, Grant Miller, thank you Grant for that. I love that. I love reading that. So, yes, we all kind of started, you know, surly at the beginning, but, letter Kenny won most of us over and just not Victor until the very end here.
Speaker 3
Well, that's why he made shorter because he wanted to win Victor over.
Speaker 3
Thank you, Victor, for sure.
Speaker 4
All that's left now are final comments for this episode. Then we can go into the after party and then drink our our our sadness. Ten your first.
Speaker 2
I think the only way to end this is how we started it. And that's by saying thank you. Thank you to, Jared for for writing this. For, twelve seasons, for putting all of your heart and hard work into this. Thank you to all the actors, all the stage. Everyone that that put so much into this. It it it's it's it's been a a crazy journey. Thank you to Alan. You know, you're the one that, had the the thoughts to doing this podcast.
Speaker 4
That's not over, but okay.
Speaker 2
It I know this isn't over. And This ain't over. We're not going anywhere, but
Speaker 2
This started with an idea that you had. And, to watch a show that I thought was completely and utterly absurd. And and and sometimes it truly was, and other times it it was it was absolutely spot on and perfect. It's a it's a show that I've grown to love. And, and, yeah, it it it's meant so much and and saved. It saved me during a a pretty dark time, which we all kind of went through our own struggles during the pandemic. And, yeah, I I think it's just a huge thank you to to everyone that's that had has had something to to do with it and to this episode was was amazing at thanking us and and I think it just it it needs to be send right back to them.
Speaker 4
Mhmm. I agree. Matt.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I don't I don't know how to follow that. I echo basically everything you just said. This has been what it'll be three years now, Al? How long did we start this?
Speaker 4
Yeah. At least four soon, I think. Yeah.
Speaker 3
easier. Yeah. I mean, someone called it out I'm sorry. I'm mixing up who set up, but someone said last week that my youngest was basically just bored when we kicked off. And now he's four. So that's crazy. It's been a wild ride, and the thank yous really hit home. I know they're obviously to Jared and the crew because they so deserve it, but some of the comments that were made in those, are just as true for all of us. Right? This we're not done. Let's be clear. We're not done. We'll continue to make content as long as we can, because this is such a fucking blast, and that's why we do it. But yeah. It's just one of those things that I didn't expect And it has absolutely created some of the most phenomenal. I think I said that better this time. Experiences of my life, and I can't wait to see what's coming next. So thank you to my fellow panelists, to Al. Trace, my man, and everyone listening. Let's keep this train going. See that Victor? I incorporated a train into my speech. That's for you, but what what kind of train should it be? What kind of train should we keep rolling Victor?
Speaker 3
It could be a we could be any train. What kind of train would you wanna
Speaker 11
You know what? I was gonna I was gonna go kind of modern speed train, but you know what? Let's let's make it a heritage steam
Speaker 11
Yeah. Just, you know, let's take take it nice and easy through the country and
Speaker 11
through the views. And let's, keep let it keep rolling forever.
Speaker 3
Alright. Here you go, guys. So we're gonna keep this heritage steam train rolling through the country. As long as we can. Thank you.
Speaker 11
Man. Well, let me start with our crybaby over there. Trace, you know.
Speaker 3
The first time I didn't get called out of the crybaby
Speaker 11
Well, he he showed you up today. You know, you you and Liz are kind of an extension of our podcast. You know, we we we start to show with your beautiful work And so, you know, shout out to you, for that. On today's episode is just another example of the kind of guy that you are. You know, you had, the commentary after all of us, you still had something to say. Something meaningful, something you know, passionate, something of depth and and and, really appreciate that. Let's see. So this it's quite remarkable. Like, for me, the show is the show is the, you know, it's okay. It's it's an amuse bouche to Shoresy for me. I know you guys love letter, Kenny, the show. It's it's it's like, you know, the I'm I could take it, leave it. It's fine. For me, it's the community that it's created. You know, we've created lifelong friendships. Like, the four of us, we we were kind of friendly. But now, you know, we're gonna be friends for life. And it's it's because of this because of what Jared has created.
Speaker 2
I think you're gonna be Al's boss. Old boss. I think,
Speaker 4
don't listen to him?
Speaker 3
He's I've said on the other days, like, my I I I do this thing with my old boss. Sorry.
Speaker 11
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Doctor.
Speaker 11
Yeah. No. It's true.
Speaker 3
Wrote it on the paper.
Speaker 11
Yeah. I'll I'll yes. So anyway, I mean, it's just the community is just so special. Everyone's so special. You know, I can't wait till the next thing that we think of to to kind of see each other in person. It's it's just so neat. The what what has become it started during the darkest time for everybody.
Speaker 11
We came together. We we and you know, it's the sum of all parts. Right? It's like, you know, it it was Al's kind of idea to get this started. It was Matt that gave him the bug a few years prior to say, hey, you know, what about this show letter, Kenny? Did the fact that we kind of together started this whole podcasting nonsense at at our, as as a job and then it led to how becoming a full time false father. Yeah. You know, I just every it's it's it takes it takes all of us and you know, who knows without Tanya? I mean, the whole thing would have been a train wreck. You know, I, Al would have gotten some sort of a comp checks and
Speaker 4
Well, we wouldn't nearly be we wouldn't be nearly as likable without Tay.
Speaker 11
Well, that's true. Yeah. No. She definitely brought the balance to force. Yes. Lucky Chad. And, I don't know. It's just so, so, so cool. Because me, it's so much more than the show. You know, it's like I I love it. Love you guys.
Speaker 4
Alright. Before I say what I have to say, I do wanna do a shout out to Jeff who, he did. So we we've given, trace and and Liz kudos for all the exceptional writing, this season and every season. And they they they deserve every every word. But and last there was a a a cold open done written by trolley and by, Cassie. But in for this episode here, Jeff reached out and said, Hey, I wrote a limerick and so we used his limerick, but then we also used trace and and Liz already had one written as well. So we put them together, but Jeff's lim the first half of today's limerick was written by Jeff. So thank you. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. And it all went perfectly. And and thank you all who sent your messages in. By the way, it worked out so well that we were talking about this in the pre show. I think moving forward, we're going to use insta because people were sending me their recordings via Instagram because you can send, audio files on Instagram, in DMs. We can do like a call in portion where if you wanna say something about a previous episode, if you have a beef or if you love the way the episode went, send us a a sound file of of saying so. Don't make it too long, but we will play it on our on our episode and we'll have fun with it. So Yeah. It become like the call in portion for our show. So I think we're gonna do that from now on.
Speaker 3
You do actual call ins
Speaker 2
Agholed call ins.
Speaker 4
Yeah. So I think it might be fun. We we try it out and see how it goes. Obviously,
Speaker 15
it's all about the
Speaker 4
it's all about the concept. But keep them short, please. Don't don't go like on marathons. But, thank you guys. Thank you, Trace, for filling in last minute.
Speaker 4
Thank you, Jared, for for creating an amazing show. Thank you all on the live stream, everyone on discord, everyone who's listening right now. Thank you so, so much for listening. You guys have made this podcast. More than you could we we ever imagined. Like, I I I had an inkling of what I thought it might be or what I wanted it to be, but it's been more than I can imagine. Like, everyone's already said, it's taken us on some adventures that we never would have ever in a million years would have thought possible. And who knows what
Speaker 2
we went to February more than once.
Speaker 3
guys have been there
Speaker 3
Right. Place for us.
Speaker 4
I mean, who knows what's next for us? But, we're gonna keep on doing this. We still have Shoresy to celebrate, and we still have an amazing community on discord. I feel like even, I mean, knock on wood, this isn't gonna happen. But even if the universe stopped now, the universe stopped now, the community would go on. Oh, yeah. So that's not that, you know, that's not, in doubt for either. So, thank you all for for joining us tonight. I'm going to play us off here with a song from today's episode. The aptly named oh, sorry. No, I'm not. I'm gonna ask Trace for his final conference. Thank you.
Speaker 4
wanna say to me. Thank you, Tanya, for pointing out that I I I completely skipped over trace.
Speaker 15
Jared and company, I just wanna say thank you for this, amazing show that's been the catalyst for so so many things. And, I wanna go out on a limb here and speak for all the degenerines, and I wanna thank every single one of you who, have made this podcast who is opened up this world to everything. And in the middle of COVID, I had COVID, and I watched started watching Letter Kenny, and I went looking for a podcast, and I found a family. So I want to think y'all, especially on this. And I'm so glad this isn't the end because that would suck and but my thanks and gratitude goes to, you, Al. Tania Matt and Victor. Who have made a part of this world that we all get to play in, and it's amazing. So thank you.
Speaker 4
Thanks, bud. Alright. I'm gonna play this off here with a song. I believe named the boys are leaving town by Japan How do I have? Japan. So here we go. And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we have our season twelve recap with our friends, Dean and Tiara, from how are you now? And we may have, some extra guests as well. So stay tuned for that. If you'd like to support the podcast, please tell a friend also follows on most social media outlets at protosan pod. Thank you for joining us. Now we're gonna head over to the after party and, and how, you know, pour a drink out, for the end of Letter Kenny on behalf of Trace, Tanya, Matt, Victor, and myself. Thank you for listening, and have a great week.