The gang at The Produce Stand are joined by their buddy from across the pond Dennis to discuss episode 5 of season 2 of Shoresy: The Man Advantage.
Episode Limerick
The cross checks got things looking dire
With gay night coming down to the wire
Between owing Mercedes
And the NOSHO ladies
Shoresy’s steady putting out fires
Game Stick
Mat: Mercedes
Victor: Angelo
Al: Hitch
Tanya: Mercedes
Dennis The Music
Final Rating
Mat: Fresh
Victor: Fresh
Al: Clearance
Tanya: Fresh
Dennis: Fresh
Scientific Twitter Poll
Fresh: 87.1%
Clearance: 10.6%
Compost: 2.4%
Speaker 0
Look, Matt. I don't see what the harm is in just giving it a try. What's the big deal? Speaker 1
Sure, Al. Not like it's my thing, you know, like, or no chance I might actually look forward to this every week. Jeez. This is literally my one job. Speaker 0
Come on, Matt. What can it hurt? Speaker 1
Fine. I see it's still going to trace his head, ego and all. Speaker 0
Ready. When you are Dennis and Matt, it was Liz's idea. Speaker 2
The cross check's got things looking dire. We're gay not coming down to the wire. Between Boeing and the no show ladies, Shoresy steady pitting up fires. Speaker 1
Oh, okay. Good call is, yeah, she's definitely the brains of that outfit. Speaker 2
No. How was that fellas? Speaker 0
know, it was it was good. Yeah. Speaker 2
Oh, well, aren't he? Bloody him. It's getting all cheesy. A half a mile to get a good big stick and Abby. Without good enough or not. Speaker 0
Yes. It was perfect. Perfect. Speaker 1
Yes. Perfect tennis. Speaker 2
You know, instead of man advantage I would have gone with in the five hole. Speaker 0
Tanya, you ready? Yes. Speaker 4
Good. Because you're fucking going. Yay. Speaker 4
Yes. Yes. Yes. Good. Because you're fucking going. Speaker 0
Yay. Victor, you ready? Speaker 5
It's not a goal fish. Speaker 4
Good because you're going. Yeah. Speaker 1
That fresh produce stand there. That's a beauty. Speaker 6
What do you listen to? Speaker 5
My favorite murder podcast. Taggerton Torrance podcast. Speaker 7
The produce stand. Speaker 3
It's Thursday. Thursday. And that means we are once in get the protistam, a podcast paint to me to everything in that. Universe. Speaker 0
Now, I know what you're thinking. There are many other Letticany podcasts out there, but this one decides what's good for the game. I'm Malia host and joining me in the room as always is the lovely Tanya and online. We have squarely Matt and the violent Victor. And joining us this week He grew up in hot fuzz country. Can see the eyes are in from outside his house, and he likes spending Saturday's getting muddy with thirteen other guys and a hooker. Please join me in making some noise for Dennis. Wandress. Speaker 0
I regret nothing. Welcome to the produce stand Dennis. How are you today? Good. And you? Good. Not so bad. So why don't we we'll start. I mean, you're with by your accent, we can tell where you were speaking to us from, or are you speaking to us from? Speaker 0
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. Speaker 0
Amazing. What time is it over there right now? Speaker 2
Three fourteen dollars. Speaker 0
Dude, I can't thank you so much for joining us. Speaker 6
Oh, two forty one. Speaker 1
Yeah. In the afternoon. Speaker 0
No. No. That'll that'll be Australia. No. Speaker 1
That's not how time works. Speaker 1
Yes. Life in the future. Speaker 0
Same as here, actually. So not not not that different. Amazing. Well, thank you for joining us. I mean, you've been on before, like, for Agalls and stuff, but I guess we, you know, we haven't had you on for a solo episode. So why don't we start with You're in the UK. How did you learn about Letter Kenny? Speaker 2
Saw lots of clips of the cold opens during lockdown, and I thought Okay. I've had enough of seeing these. Let's see what it's actually all about. Speaker 2
So got it on my laptop and watched Speaker 2
Every episode. That'll be what every episode. Speaker 0
How many times through have you gone now? Speaker 0
You've got Tanya and Victor beat and probably Matt and myself as well, actually. Speaker 0
Yeah. So, well, let's let's get going with her. Speaker 0
you now? Tonight's lineup is Matt Victor, myself, Tim. And our guest, Dennis. So I have the last word. Speaker 6
No. Way, man. You jumped a whole lot. I wanna know why you're what what's going on on Saturdays with you and how can I be a part of it? Speaker 6
For Dennis. What's he doing on Saturdays? Getting all muddy with thirteen other guys in hooker. Speaker 0
That's right. So Dennis, I asked you to send me a a sentence or two for your intro. Speaker 1
Thank you, Tanya. This sounds way better than moving on to my week. Speaker 6
What what do I need to do to get involved in that? Speaker 0
Really? I need to get involved in that. Okay. Dennis is impressed. Speaker 2
Oh, rugby. Yeah. Speaker 0
So Is hooker a rugby term? Speaker 1
Yeah. Well, we know that. Speaker 0
Do we? I didn't know that. Speaker 6
Many positions really, but what one in particular are you gonna play? Speaker 2
They're in the middle of the scrum and they hook the ball back with their foot. Speaker 0
Oh, okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Alright. That makes sense now. I've seen that happen in Speaker 1
rugby games over the world. Yes. Speaker 2
Yeah. And that tends to have absolutely no neck. York guys very wide. No neck. Sounds like, the the Speaker 0
Center on a football team, you know, the guy who whose job it is to snap the ball back, that's kind of all he does. That and keeps the quarterback from getting killed. By the other side. Speaker 2
the sensor started. Speaker 0
Right. Oh, well, there you go. See see, I know my sparks. Speaker 6
Do you know? Do you know? Alright. Speaker 1
I didn't realize we were talking about a sport until just there. Speaker 0
I'm Matt. Have you been? Speaker 6
Thank you for explaining, Dennis. Sorry. Go ahead, Matt. Speaker 1
I'm alright. It's been, it's been on my week three of trying to kick whatever this sort of trailing cold as a man's been coming and going. I mean, I'm alright. My, I guess, a one story I'll tell. I won't I won't take it too much time this week, but my four year old is one bad away being called to the principal's office. Oh. How? He's in junior kindergarten? How when does that ever happen in the history of junior kindergarten? Well, apparently mine has figured out how to do that with his defiant behavior. Speaker 1
we have had to we are in the process of making Speaker 2
some aggressive changes around the house to make sure he Speaker 1
does not become a full on DJan at the age of four. So that was fun that we were told that he's been just basically saying no to everything. Throwing his fists at teachers, not actually hitting them, just kind of like motioning, dropped an f bomb the other day, so that was fun. Yeah. I don't know where he learned that from, but, we'll have to make sure that, he does not do that again. Speaker 0
Well, it's not like he doesn't walk in on you watching Shoresy or an Speaker 1
that was the ten year old. Oh, no. Four year old. Oh. There's too many of the men. Speaker 0
Right. Yeah. You check. Speaker 1
Which one I parent in which way? Speaker 0
It's your fault. You outnumbered yourselves. Speaker 1
It's triple standard. I gotta I gotta treat each one. I I just I need them all the same age, and that's not how time works. So, I I'm just we're figuring it out. But, yeah, it was it was it was a rough day when we got, basically, pulled my wife got pulled aside from the teacher saying, listen, here's what's going on. We're gonna monitor the situation. And if it gets any worse, we're gonna have to have a sit down with the principal and strategize how to deal with him. I'm like, oh, He's four. So this is gonna be fun, but, he has not been overly receptive to the changes so far, but, we're gonna stay the course. And see how it pays off. So go parenting. Speaker 0
Oh. Oh, well, let's Speaker 0
It's my week. Tobias says that is not all the center does in in football. So I'm I'm being reprimanded on this on the live stream. Victor. I was really Speaker 5
Gotcha. Weeks, week's been, actually went by pretty quickly, since last time we chatted. Hey, Matt. Don't worry, Natalie's, but it was, we were called in because she was called into the principal's office when she was four, as well. And, She was, I think, doing some bullying, and she didn't like, when people called her by her name. That's more shame. You know, So she are all kinds of stupid things, and, you know, she she lived through it. Speaker 0
Yeah. She's the good one. Yeah. She's the Speaker 5
and and she's the she's the good one. Speaker 1
Well, I'm sure it'll be fine. He just is very much in that. I don't like literally anything you tell me to do stage. So that Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's hey. You know what? A blast. Speaker 5
You chose to have them. You know, you have to deal with, all the comedy Speaker 2
that comes along with it. Speaker 5
Hey. So I've been I've been watching squid game the the reality. Speaker 0
Oh, I haven't watched season two. Right? Speaker 5
Yeah. So it's it's actually super it's pretty good. It's pretty good. Like, obviously, people don't die, but, but it's pretty good show. They did a they did a pretty good job, kind of, recreating that as a real game show. Speaker 5
And so could Hard agree. Speaker 1
Yeah. Heart agree. Speaker 5
Yeah. Yeah. So so if you haven't watched it, Speaker 0
you've got Is it season two of the No. Speaker 5
No. It's not season two. It's Oh. Squid games, the reality show. The act like people are competing for five million dollars. Speaker 6
But they're not killing them. Speaker 1
he he led with that. They're not actually dying. Speaker 5
Yeah. Like, I feel like that I spoil it for you. Speaker 0
She wouldn't have watched she wouldn't have watched it otherwise. Why would Speaker 6
they call it squid games if that's nice. Speaker 5
People don't have their fingernails removed on my television or anything. Speaker 0
Do we know though? Are they coming out of this season too? I feel thing. Speaker 5
I I yeah. It says, like, when you go into into the pre like, the preview section, it does say season two is coming out. Speaker 5
Unrelated unrelated to this, to this real TV show. Speaker 2
Anyway, yeah. And, I Speaker 5
Kate, I was in the office today. Brought the team in, took them out to lunch for our kind of winter holiday lunch because it's gonna be very hard to get people together in the next a little while. So so that was a fun day today. Nice to be downtown before all the craziness and, whatnot. So and then I'll go crawl back into my hole now for a little while. Mhmm. Speaker 0
Very nice. Alright. My week so Sunday, we had lunch with Adrian, and that was fun. As a Adrian, Tanya and, Gordon, and, and, Cassie. So we we met up at Turtle Jackson, Mississauga, and, had a a very pleasant meal and, chatted and stuff. He told us all about his time up in suddbury and the hockey game and and meeting up with Michelle and Aaron and sounded like they had a great time. So that was fun. And then today, with work, we did our, ahead of volunteer day at work. So we went and did holiday helpers, which is very cool. Basically, it's a a charitable organization that, provides, you know, families that that are going through hard times with you know, a Christmas tree and decorations and food and food or not food out with and clothing and housewares and stuff like, you know, for family had a, like, a house fire and lost everything. Holiday helpers will provide for the the the the parents and the children for for the holidays. And, It's an amazing cause, and I spent a really gratifying afternoon wrapping gifts and and moving stuff and shipping out. The I think they were trying to help twelve hundred families this year, which is amazing. Like, there was a whole store full of like Christmas trees, pre lit Christmas trees that we were sending out and that Speaker 0
It was really cool. And so I was there with my teams, with my team from Manaras, and, we had a great time. And, yeah, that was my day. I'm a little little tired and sore today because then I came home and Tania made us go out and hang Christmas lights in the dark, which I suppose It's the best Speaker 0
It is the best time to do Christmas lights because you can see the ones that are working and stuff, but, it was a bit of a pain in the ass. Speaker 6
My week. It's been a whirlwind. I I really don't feel like tomorrow's Friday. It feels like I just I don't even know what's happened. I blinked and the week is gone. We are getting ready to celebrate, to Saturday. On Saturday, Speaker 6
Our anniversary. Speaker 0
Oh, that's exciting. That's right. Speaker 6
That is exciting. And, I just found us tickets, and we're going to go see some naked ladies. So that's Speaker 1
Where are you seeing them? Speaker 0
Up at, casino, Ramma. Speaker 5
I thought they disbanded Speaker 0
No. They kicked out, their one of their singers because he Speaker 5
had a bad Never never spaked out. Speaker 1
You could have seen them a couple weeks ago. They played for free while lighting the Christmas tree at the eaton center. Speaker 0
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, we're gonna go see them up at Ramma Son's, Steven Page. They kicked him out because he had a bad cold habit. And, so they're they've been, but they've been without him now for a few years. But, looking forward to it. Like, this kind of a last minute deal. And, yeah. Speaker 1
Do you need a third wheel? Speaker 1
put put a pin in we'll put a pin in Okay. Speaker 6
And and we're going for, a lovely dinner at Arby's. So, that's the way I roll for, for that, for this many years, Mary. Speaker 1
You might actually need a third wheel because I don't think Alappreciates Arby's like I do with you, Dan. Speaker 0
So Shut the hell up. Speaker 5
feel like you've been consuming too much Arby's late. Yeah. Speaker 0
It's crazy. This should be a sponsor. Speaker 6
I I should be. I should be. Yeah. So that's gonna happen, and, that will be fun. And what else was I gonna say? Oh, we've been watching, the show upload. Speaker 0
That's season three. Speaker 6
Yeah. Season three and, enjoying that one. Speaker 6
It's an interesting twist on things. Speaker 1
That's cool. You stuck with that one. Aye? I I I am. Speaker 2
Well, I I gave up and Speaker 5
see I gave up, like, halfway through season two. I like season one, but Yeah. Season two lost me, and maybe I'll come back to it. Speaker 1
I'm I'm the same with you, Victor. I I couldn't get through, like, the second episode. I kinda just ripped it off and haven't even gone back. Speaker 0
Well, we're enjoying it. I mean, it's, I think they're I think they're back on their on the on track with season three. And, hopefully, it's the last season though because I can't see them taking the story. My further than this. But, saw strong recommendation for at least season one of upload, if anyone hasn't seen it. If you like your sci fi with, well, it's not it it's not like It's Speaker 5
it's a quirky sign. Speaker 0
Yeah. It's quirky. Yeah. Speaker 1
It's an interesting take on Yeah. Afterlife. Speaker 0
Yeah. Very much so. Yeah. Dennis, how have you been, bud? Speaker 2
Really good. I'm no longer at risk of redundancy. Speaker 5
Is that because you've been made redundant? Speaker 1
Yeah. There's two ways you could look at that. Speaker 2
Loving the optimism there. No, Speaker 0
they no. After some office policy Speaker 2
ticking by managers. I they got me permanent and Speaker 2
Yeah. That's that done and out of the Speaker 2
And I started my Christmas movie season. Speaker 0
Sorry. And what what'd you start with? Speaker 1
Oh, I'm so curious. Speaker 2
On Thanksgiving Day. I'm not American, but always watch planes trays and automobiles. Speaker 0
Yeah. That's great. Speaker 2
That end, it breaks me. The landing on that breaks me. Speaker 2
And on Sunday, we went to the cinema and watched home alone. Speaker 0
Nice. At the theater. Oh, that's right. I mean, you you talked about that on discord. Speaker 2
Yeah. Very good. Speaker 5
Awesome. Oh, speaking of home alone, I I do have a recommendation if people are looking for a nice kind of semi heartwarming kind of a Christmas Speaker 6
Yes. Show to watch? Yes. Speaker 5
It's on Netflix and it's called storm for Christmas. It's, it's dubbed in English. It's a it's a a Norwegian show. Oh. Speaker 6
Hold for Christmas? Speaker 5
A storm for Christmas. Speaker 5
So it mostly takes place at the Oslo airport. And it's just everyone stranded and they're the kind of these different people who their lives get intertwined and stuff like that. So it's like multiple story lines all in one. Speaker 5
it's not preachy Like, it's it's a feel good kind of, feel good show, but it's not like overly preachy or, you know, doesn't kind of doesn't do that nonsense. Right? So it's it's actually it's it's nice. It's like I think six or eight episodes. I can't recall. Speaker 5
And it's it's a very nice watch, you will enjoy it. Speaker 0
Oh, and we'll have to check it out. And, Dennis, apologize for that interruption by Victor. Were you done? Alright. Well, why don't we move on then to the Twitter roll call? Let's see here. Welcome to not so new Twitter followers, monkey d Coco gin from Houston. Fireworks depot from Ontario, Canada. Doug Henderson, Pat Richardson from Perry Hall, Maryland. Rachel Lynn, Matthew Betchel, fella. Pres ten from Ironton, Missouri. Jeff is in Texas from the crap Speaker 3
part of Texas. Dad, bad, Baboon Speaker 0
from Panama City, Florida. JB, Andy, bitch pudding. Dave Thurloughby, Laura, Laura, m w from Boston, the blog era podcast, Jesse sorry, Jesse Camacho. He's the star of lust and kind bandits and hopefully a future TPS guest Reverend, big daddy, Freddie from Pennsylvania, Natalie Davies from Wales. CC from Grave, Denmark, speaking of Denmark. Oh, no. You're talking about Norway. Never mind. Suubbery tourism, Cain Mann, Durham, dot tattoo from Richmond, Virginia, Stephen Hirsch, Cali gets it, Jade, Alex, kid, ginger dad, Courtney from Knoxville, Tennessee, Daria Chalupa, big show twenty eight from Maple Grove, Minnesota. Steve Brian holder from, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Tennessee? Yeah. Bruins, fa fast cast, Walt Sisson, Emily, Erblick. Mark Miller, Austin Cruzich from Belton, Texas, j m from Subbury, Chad from Brooks. Sorry. Chad Brooks, Arfin Jackie from Bangladesh. Tulip Hill, Seth Eister Nelson Muns fan page from the UK, B Coops zero three two six Eric Carpenter from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Brenda from Castle Rock, Colorado Rob, Horn Buckle, West Vance from Dog Park and Bryce Gavin Law from, Oklahoma. Thank Speaker 3
you for following and hopefully Speaker 0
for listening. Wow. Previously on Letter Kenny. Last week, we recapped and reviewed episode four of, shortly season two, players only that episode received a fresh rating from KC Victor Tania and a clearance from Matt. Uh-uh. According to our scientific Twitter poll, eighty two percent gave the episode a frustrating sixteen percent agreed with Matt, and two percent need to give their balls a tug. This week, we recap and review season or episode five of season two, the Man Advantage, Matt, have you done your homework? Victor, have you done your homework? Speaker 0
I've done my homework. Ten, have you done your homework? Speaker 6
Good because I'm going. Speaker 0
And, Dennis, have you done your homework? Speaker 5
Yeah. Just learning. Speaker 2
We had homework. Speaker 0
Yes. We had homework. Oh, so Speaker 1
You call it homework over there? Speaker 6
okay. You've watched it six times already. I'm sure. Speaker 5
They call it hooker and over. Speaker 1
If I ask that a lot, just tell me to shut fuck up because, you know, I'm I'm I'm culturally growing. Yeah. There we go. Speaker 7
Don't bore us. Get to the chorus. Speaker 0
We pick up in the cold open where we left last left off with a bench clearing brawl after Shoresey Cross checked me fierce in the face. For the mortal sin of making the Bull Dogs look bad on both his failed gold attempts. Shorzy drags McPherson onto the Bulldog's bench leaving a trail of blood behind so that the bulldogs can all team up and beat up on McPherson some more. And that's the end of that cold open. So It was a nice simple short cold open. Speaker 5
You you read that in a biased way, Speaker 0
by the way. Did I did I? Well, let's let's let's see what you guys thought about this, Matt. Did you think of this cold open? Speaker 1
It was great. Yeah. Yeah. No. I love I mean, I like that they do this in Shoresy where they just literally pick where they left off. Speaker 1
They did that in season one a few times. I've done it here already. That was great. And then, yeah, the blood the blood streak was just awesome. I think that's the first time we've seen blood. On this show? Speaker 0
don't know. I don't know. Speaker 1
I don't know. But anyways, I liked it. It was pretty brutal, and, the fact they dragged him into the goddamn bench to beat the show them further was, pretty, pretty cold, but I liked it. Speaker 0
Awesome things I'm editorializing here. But let see what you guys said Victor. What did you think of this gold open? Speaker 5
Yeah. I thought it was fantastic. The music was perfect. Speaker 0
Yes. Trogs. It was a, yeah, a great song. Speaker 5
Yeah. And, yeah, it's exactly what we were hoping to see when when the up episode ended. Right? And Hoping Speaker 5
And and And those were not two good goal attempts. Those those were just hot dog moves that would, don't don't really belong in an actual Speaker 0
They failed. Yeah. They failed. So Anyway, okay. Thank you. I thought the music for the cold open was good. Everything else about this cold. This is everything I seen in two seasons of Shoresy. This is the my least favorite cold open I've ever seen on anything. It was horrible. It was stupid. It was it was I hated it. I I haven't hated any more like, I haven't hated something more than I did with this cold open. Speaker 5
Okay, Nancy. Let's move on. Speaker 1
Wait. Hold on. Hold on. I'm waiting for, like, ash ashton to jump out or something. What do you mean? Speaker 1
It means is this, like, he's Speaker 5
offended by the fighting. He wants to see more of the Harlem globetrotters in the ice. Speaker 0
No. Hockey players are are hockey players are are made to be such like, you know, brave and and admirable people. The guy was dragged onto the bench so that a whole team could beat up on him for what? For may for hurting their feelings. So, yeah, I didn't like this hold open. No. Speaker 5
He was he was he was He broke the rule. He broke the rule. Speaker 1
there's something deeper here with Aliyah. Speaker 0
We're we've No. This is just a continuation of our argument from last week, but Speaker 1
been triggered, but it There's Speaker 5
no argument. It's just it's just common sense. You don't you don't embarrass your fellow hockey players on ice. And if you do, then you'd be ready to, you know, take the punished? I don't how do you enforce Speaker 1
establish that he's the dirtiest player in hockey? Speaker 0
No. But okay. But now his whole team is too. Like, he dragged his entire team into it. Speaker 1
Like No. I would say thank Nick job that guy on the ice, but he he just kinda put Speaker 0
I'm obviously, in the the minority here. In the live stream, I'm getting. He fucked up. He was warned, norm enforcement yada yada yada. Atanya, check if I was a pod person. I hated it. Is so fucking like this Speaker 1
is Well, I actually saw you're getting to, like, to some degree because I've never you've been see your like, you're as brutal right now and how they were in that scene. Yeah. In the opposite for No. Speaker 5
as well be a janitor of AI. Speaker 0
This is the part of this is the part of hockey call drive always hated. And so and this is like a a no illustration of that. It's it's but I think and how I feel. Anyway, Tanya, what do you think? Speaker 6
It's very passial. I I I don't remember it. I I don't I don't remember the cold open the way you guys were saying Speaker 0
There's just a brawl, but there's, like, blood in the ice, then you're dripping onto the I Speaker 6
don't Okay. So I may have fallen asleep because I don't rem I re I remember it's starting the way it ended. And I'm like, oh, we're doing this again. And then I don't remember the whole I don't think Speaker 5
Did you say you fell asleep during the fifteen second COVID? Speaker 6
Because I don't remember seeing somebody being dragged off the ice and put into it. I don't remember Speaker 0
is that you guys is Speaker 6
what you guys are saying. Speaker 0
She was just bopping to the music, which was a great songs. Speaker 5
song. Wait. When I all said, did you do your homework? Did you actually do your homework? Speaker 6
I did. I I feel like I said there. Was I tired? What did I watch this? Speaker 0
Somebody in the livestream said she fell asleep again. No, we watched it last night. Speaker 6
Did we watch it last night? Speaker 6
rem I I remember I remember what Did they not, like, throw gloves down and the ice, isn't that Speaker 1
how certain? That was that was the last episode. The gloves are already down at this point. Speaker 7
As We'll watch it again later. Apparently. Speaker 1
So so you enjoyed it, though, Speaker 0
for your tellings. Thanks. Thanks for your Speaker 0
didn't register for you. Speaker 6
I don't remember it the way you guys are saying it happened, but very entertaining the, passion that's happening and flying in the air. Speaker 1
Liked it out. I'm gonna Speaker 6
I'm gonna have some more white. Speaker 0
Cassie's on my side. Here's the thing. I love the cold open because of how it was shot, but I definitely agree with Al on the Michigan goal attempts. Thank you, Cassie. Speaker 5
She's just nice and she wants you not to feel bad about yourself. Speaker 0
Cassie is smart. Speaker 5
That just says more about Speaker 2
about who you are. Speaker 0
That's why I love Cassie. That's why she's my favorite. Dennis, what did you think is called open? Speaker 2
I liked it. Mhmm. Right. Okay. It's a break choice of music. Speaker 2
you remember last season episode five, the red retro with music with Patrick Hernandez. Speaker 2
And So this isn't paralleling that we're going to the shops. Yeah. And he deserved. He deserved the beatdown. Speaker 1
Born to be alive. Speaker 0
You you can be wrong too, Dennis. That's fine. You can all be wrong. Speaker 2
And here's what? Okay. Do it once and fail. Fine. He gets one. He does it again fails. Speaker 0
Yeah. He failed both attempts. Why why are they beating the shit out of him? Why? He failed both attempts. Or it's Speaker 5
being a douche bag. Speaker 2
He find out. If he'd done it once, he would have been fine. But it's the continue dicking about It deserves it. Speaker 0
Yes. Yeah. See, I don't I disagree. I don't understand why he deserves it. He's trying to score a goal within the rules of the game. And he failed on both attempts. Now again, and I I reiterate had he been leveled during his attempt, like, during the play? Fine. No problem. But it was, like, Speaker 1
the plate? All all is a you know, he is purposely poking the bear at that point, right or wrong. Speaker 0
He's trying to score a goal. Speaker 1
But in a manner which he was warned. So Victor. Speaker 1
But he made a decision to follow through knowing there could be refree Speaker 0
protection. Should Should somebody have beaten the shit out of Wayne Gretzky for banking a goal off the back of a goalie? Like, from behind me. Speaker 5
You are so you're so delusional that you think those two things are the same. Why? Speaker 0
He's from behind the net and he's scoring from behind the net looking making the other team look bad. What's the fucking Speaker 5
difference so delusional. You know, your whole thing your whole nonsense about within the rules is so non set. There's all kinds of things you can do that are within the rules. You can strip naked and and and, on your shoot out towards the goalie. There's nothing that says in a book, a rule book that you don't you're not out to strip naked. But people don't do that because it's common sense. This is also common sense. Speaker 0
know what? If somebody did that, I I would also hate watching them getting beaten up by somebody and dragged on to the bench so that the whole team can beat up on them. I would still hate that. So let's move on. Speaker 6
If that's what happened, that doesn't sound very nice. Speaker 0
No. It's horrible. It's fucking horrible. Like, if it's Speaker 5
an exaggeration of real life. Yeah. You know, it's an exaggeration. Speaker 1
We always talk on these shows being a caricature of every of itself. Right. Speaker 0
But it's not a caricature because it happens in in the NHL. It happens Speaker 1
to that degree where they're dragged off. That would never get that far. Speaker 0
Maybe in like, in whale shit, senior hockey, maybe not. Speaker 2
Exactly. Doctor to the benchmark being a touchy far, but the initial beatdown. Mhmm. Well, until he deserved. Speaker 0
Here we go. Seen one out of the cold open in the Bulldog lock locker room after the game shortly commends the gyms for bouncing back after the past few uninspired games. He awards them each a stick but doesn't stop there. He also rewards Michael's a game stick for backstocking them to a twenty three game heater and for stepping in to help the gyms with their reach for the top problem. Michael's not, not only gets the stick. He also gets to eat it before anyone else. The sluts are interrupted by Zeig, who summons Shoresy to Nat's office. Scene two cut to Matt's office. She informed Shorsey that he's been summoned by the league for an in person hearing, not forbid Shorsey from speaking at the hearing. Nad is so sick of seeing those broads, and then Shoresy speaks. Speaker 1
Oh, I hope Dennis Speaker 7
is wearing something good. She's sexy. Speaker 8
Did he just say Dennis. Speaker 9
Sexy. Fuck you, Shorzy. For what? We are looking at getting our captain suspended for Speaker 9
breaking game. And all you can say is Dennis is Speaker 7
I think all three of them are pretty sexy. Like if we're getting it all out on the table. Speaker 8
Who said we're getting it all out on Speaker 7
the table? I've wailed on it to the thought of the three of them taking turns on. Speaker 7
If I'm willing on it, there's no internet or anything. Yeah. Speaker 7
about Dennis. Well, like, I've never wanted to gather brought me up or anything, but But what? Well, I wouldn't mind if she did. Did what? Slap you around a little bit. Mhmm. Speaker 7
in a headlock? A headlock. Speaker 8
What the fuck are you talking about, dude? Speaker 7
I don't know. Just how does she wanna fucking do it? Never she wanna fucking squeeze me between her legs, whatever. I don't fucking care. Speaker 9
She'll pick you up tomorrow. Oh my god. Speaker 0
Shorsey and Sanger are about to leave, but Nat calls them back. She asked how Frankie's doing. Shorsey asked Matt how she, she would be doing if no one liked her. Not responds well. Somebody likes him. Frankie's calendars have been so popular in the gay community that now they wanna do an they want him to do an appearance. Scene three cuts of the slot to Peppies, Sanger's explaining what an appearance is to hitch. It's a fancy word for showing up. They offered Frankie thousand dollars for, for the appearance fee, but Frankie won't come out of his room. Not turned the appearance down, said she can make ten times that doing it herself with game night at the Colson starring Frankie. Pam arrives at the table, says the game night at the Colson should be called man on man. Then she notices hitches t shirt. Speaker 8
Lynn loves her t shirt today, hitch. Speaker 1
Yeah. You're a fan, Pam. Speaker 8
That's more into age of electric. Speaker 0
Remote control is a good tune. Speaker 8
You should check out their first record. Speaker 3
why don't you come over and we'll play the record? Speaker 8
It is a good record. Speaker 3
Come on over. We'll play some tunes. Speaker 0
Production note there, the song Anya by age of electric that Pam says is a good track was featured in season eleven of a a episode two of Letter Kenny, called Ocoya. And Limliff also another great Canadian band. There's Song Tinfoil's a banger, but also sounds a lot like a FOfighter song, but check it out. It's a really good song. Back to the scene. Hit invites Pam over to play some tunes, and instead of Pam yelling at him to put his teeth in like she usually does, she says nothing and looks flustered. The other sluts take note of this. Before Pam can answer, Michael's in Trump's. He fucked up. He went and saw Mercedes. Speaker 7
This looks so fucking good. It's young. Michaels. Look, I know, Sanger. You gotta squeeze her off the side of party island in Osaka Beach. Okay. I get it. That was then. This is now. You wanna talk about now? What? I dropped my buddy off at her place on my way here. Speaker 7
Oh, you know, he'll be long, Dickener. My buddy got a blowy on a boat cover this summer in Honey Harbor. Speaker 7
What did she say? Said she wanted to take it slow. That's not what she said to my buddy. She said you better get your dink out. Your cousin's pretty cute too. Then she said, She wants us to go see her brother. For what? We need to repair our debt to the politics. Well, one of us better put on some fucking old spice. Speaker 0
Next scene, cut to Sanger and Michael's at another bar. And Angelo Pollachetti is sitting at a table alone, Mercedes sees the two slots and goes over and sits beside Sanger. Michaels is hurt. He thought she said they could take it slow. She answers we can. Doesn't mean we will. She turns to Sanger and tells him he smells good, but now down to business. Speaker 7
So, it's time for us Speaker 8
Sameoinette. Last year, the Bulldogs came to the Palachetees in need of a favor. That favor was granted. Now the polachete's need a favor from you. Speaker 8
That's just the word I'm using. You're gonna do it. What is it that you'd like us to take? You remember Angela? Speaker 8
This is specifically for Angelo. Speaker 7
Okay. Well, then, does that mean that we're out Speaker 8
heard that Frank is suing an appearance at the main advantage. Speaker 7
The main advantage? Speaker 8
Yeah. Nattskinae, the Colson. Speaker 7
That's what they're calling it? Speaker 8
Yeah. I would have gone with hard on pucks, but alas, a man in advantage. Angela wants to go with you guys. Speaker 1
don't think we're all planning on Speaker 7
I don't think Frank will even go. Speaker 8
Oh, Frank is for sure going. Speaker 7
Why does he wanna go to the gay night at the Colson? Speaker 6
Why do you think? Speaker 0
It takes Tanner Sanger a bit of time to understand why Angela wants to go he finally gets it. Mercedes tells him, a limo will be outside to pick them up. Michael's asked Mercedes if she wants to get go, get together later for a glass of wine. Mercedes tells him Sangoinette's bringing Augustin over. She offers Sanger that he can join them as well. Sanger has a date with me, undeterred Mercedes offers Meeg can join them as well. Port Michaels just sits there dumbfounded. Next scene at the Slutz apartment, Frankie is locked in his room. Hit is trying to get him to come out. He won't. Shoresy's Shoresy hears Britain mel Melody from Dola's room. He isn't too happy about it. Speaker 7
You're supposed to be weaning yourself off. Speaker 7
we're one went away from a league record. Speaker 7
You gotta fight it a bit, boys. Let's get fighting a bit here now. Speaker 0
Brit walks by and into the kitchen half dressed distracting the sluts, from where, whatever they were talking about, then Shoresy brings it back up brings it back on track for a brief moment. Speaker 7
Let's start exercising a bit of discipline in here. It's exercise a bit of discipline in here now. Speaker 0
But when Melody comes out, as well, der derailing. She derails Shoresy again. She asked Dola what they were talking about. He says nothing. Melody says, okay. Takes big sexy who, at this point, has been perched on Shoresy's had the entire time and then joins Britney in the kitchen with big sexy. Back to the Frankie problem. Shoresy suggests they bake a cake or try to lure him out the smell or do up some taco meat, even beep the microwave a few times. That might even do it. Shoresy leaves the apartment without telling the sluts where he's going. Production note here. It's all but confirmed. Big sexy only reacts when Frankie's name is mentioned. In this scene, it happens again every time they say Frankie's name, big sexy says, tit fucker. So, I think it was Casey, who who brought it up in a and so far, it it lines up. Next scene cuts to Shoresy with Matt and her car along with Mee and Zeek, they're getting ready to appear in front of the league. Nat, notices a limo parked behind them. Chorsey goes to investigate. He gets out of the car, walks back to the limo. Mercedes greets him and orders him to get in. Chorsey complies in the limo, our Mercedes, and Angelo Paulocetti. Speaker 8
My brother and I will be here at eight o'clock to pick up thank you for the main advantage. Speaker 7
Is it the man advantage? Speaker 8
Yeah. I haven't gone with tip in, but Speaker 6
alas, the man advantage. Speaker 7
Frank is feeling a little blue. I don't think he's gonna make it to the man advantage. Oh, no. Yeah. Speaker 8
That's what happens if Frank is not exactly where you are tonight. Get the fuck out of here. Speaker 0
Shoresy leaves without another word, the camera moves further into the limo to reveal what Mercedes was referring to referring to in her threat. Sitting very still beside Angelo as someone with a bloodied hood over their head It's unclear whether that someone is alive or dead. Speaker 3
So production note here. Speaker 0
That take was a minute and fifteen uncut from when Shoresy and Meagan Zieg and Matt are in the car. So, and I know if I knew Matt would have this written down because he would have caught it. So from the minute from when he was in the car with Matt Meagan Zeig to when he walks back to the limo and and, and then leaves, minute and a in fifteen minutes sorry, minute and fifteen seconds. No cut. Speaker 6
How do you know? Speaker 0
One could con Just Speaker 1
Did you watch this episode? Speaker 6
You can cut things together and make it look Speaker 0
Quick little anecdote while we were in suubbery at the arena, during our lunch break, while we were there as extras, I noticed Billy was outside having a smoke, so I went out and I chatted with him, Billy Butler, the the the director of photography. Speaker 6
And That's how you know. Speaker 0
No. I knew because I I was watching, but he mentioned to me that he was very excited for us to see this one shot that they did and and how they had to how long it took them to plan it and set it up and and and how cool it was gonna be, that involved, you know, coming out of one car and into other and so on and so forth. So when I saw the scene, yes, I I knew to kind of pay attention, but it's there. I mean, Matt didn't know wasn't there when I was chatting with Billy as you know. Speaker 1
I caught it right away. I rewatched it, like, two or three times just to enjoy the amazingness of that shot. Speaker 0
It was so cool. I mean, sitcoms don't often do shit like this. Right? Like the so the fact that they take the time to set something, like, a shot like that And think about it. If anyone messes up in that minute and fifteen seconds, they basically have to reset everything and start all over. Speaker 1
Basically, they do have to restart. Speaker 0
It's Exactly. Yeah. Because it's uncut. You can't really mess it up. And it's there it's raining. Like, so there's a lot of stuff at stake there. So the fact that Yeah. I I thought Great Speaker 0
Thumbs up. That was awesome. I just wanted to bring it up because he was so excited for us to to when we finally saw it to to comment on it. Alright. Next scene, at the no show League hearing, Shoresi Nag Mee Ginsig, stand across from Dennis Aki and Nina. And they're disappointed that yours isn't taller. They then pivot to commenting on the women. Speaker 10
You're actually presentable for once. Who? Not you. Meguan? Hi, Aki. You're about the cutest thing I ever did see? She is the cutest thing I ever did see. What do you think, Nina? Wally pops in Wambos, Seguan? Tacky. You smell like a urinal Speaker 10
Smile a little for me, hon. I thought he'd be younger too. What do you think Nina? Is this sick? We enjoyed the calendars, league selling, Bob Fakers. That will help your bid for the National Senior Tournament. Speaker 8
We are very close to our goal. Speaker 10
Dorsey, you cross check McPherson in the face slot. Keep us hot dogging. And by hot dogging, you mean? Speaker 6
Show loading, big timing. This see doodling. Speaker 10
The game is changing that. There are new elements to it. And, and those are three of them. Speaker 9
That was a lot of blood. Did he lose any teeth? Speaker 10
It was from his nose. Broken? No. His visor cut him. Speaker 9
So no broken bones. He still has all his teeth. What's the problem? Speaker 11
That was a lot of blood. Speaker 10
Why can't you play more like the French guy. What's his name? Speaker 0
Cut to the Slutz apartment. They're still trying to entice Frankie out of his room. Hit is getting all worked up. Brit says he needs to get himself a girlfriend. Hitch wants to. Brad asked Brit. Brit asked hitch what happened to Bethany Don, his previous girlfriend. She didn't remember his name. Hit is looking for something a little deeper. He just wants a girl to come by, play some tunes. Cut back to the hearing. Zeig makes her point. Speaker 8
That's pussy shit. If you wanna showboat and hotdog, you answer the belt. Speaker 10
Don't get toity with us. We'll get toity right back. What do you think, Nina? Harry Torter in the chamber of secrets. You get big crowds. And a lot of kids now, I see. They don't wanna see that? And neither do we. Shorsey, your YouTube chirps have brought attention to the league. Good and bad. Speaker 8
All publicity is good publicity. We agree. Speaker 10
So we're gonna go easy on you. You're suspended for the remainder of the regular season. What? Jersey. So just one game. Speaker 10
hope it's not a big one Speaker 6
or anything. Is it? You'll be for playoffs. Speaker 10
Ladies, shortly, the game has changed. This didn't happen by accident. There has been a concerted effort from the ground up for years to make hockey less dangerous. It's about speed now, finesse. That's what the fans want. You need to understand this and adjust to it because what you're doing It's not good for the game. Good luck in playoffs. Speaker 0
They just stand there in disbelief, and that stares at the league officials They can tell she's about to say something. They remind her that the session's being recorded, but that finally speaks. Speaker 9
You don't decide what's good for the game. Speaker 10
Pardon? We just suspended your captain quite literally. We decide what's good for the game. Speaker 9
You can take the dog out of the fight, but you can't take the out of the dog. You don't decide what's good for the game. The fans don't decide what's good for the game. The players who are out there on the ice sweating and bleeding decide what's good for the game. Speaker 10
What do you think Nina? Speaker 9
Audacious. Hockey players have always governed themselves. That's what sets this game apart. It's a game played with honor and respect. Because if you wanna play dishonorably or disrespectfully, You'll get your fucking teeth knocked out. This is senior railroad hockey. No one comes for the speed and finesse. Speaker 1
They come to see us Kelly, Chelsea. Speaker 9
So you can try and change the game with your concentrated effort from the ground up. Concerned. But they're among the last to play this game the way it was meant to be played, and you can't change them. Speaker 0
Dennis is the first to break. She agrees with that. Akie is there for it too. This one this is the one league where players still play the game like her dad did. Nina chimes in her dad, granddad, and six big brothers. That adds if this the fans want a game of speed and physicality, they can watch the world juniors. Short as he calls the tournament fucking basketball. Their breed You can join them. They're breeding divers. Nat puts a period on the discussion. Speaker 9
This is the no show. Take the teeth out of the game. Take away our right to govern ourselves. You'll have no show alright. Speaker 0
Where am I? Oh, the league officials look at each other then announce that they've changed their ruling. And with the bang of a gavel, they wish the Bulldog's good luck on in Sue, Michigan. To send Shoresy into tears. They can't they can make history or something really shiny. They don't wanna lose to the yanks. Shoresy turns around and cries into that shoulder. Next scene cut to Shoresy knocking on Laura Moore's front door. Suspended? Speaker 11
No. Well, no broken bones. Speaker 11
all his teeth. And what's the problem? Speaker 7
I've come to tell you your windows closing. Speaker 11
Oh, finally, to do Stannis? Speaker 7
I wouldn't even know what to do with her. Speaker 11
That is a woman. Speaker 7
I'd make a fucking fool of myself. Speaker 11
So who's stealing you? Speaker 7
I'll be attending gay night at the Colson tonight. Speaker 7
I'm told if I'd like to. If I could fuck some dudes up the ass. Speaker 11
Have you done that before? Speaker 11
think your window is closing. Speaker 7
Listen, I'm told there's pretty good time to be had at these things, if I'm up for it. But maybe if you come down, I'll keep my wits about me. Maybe? I'll already started drinking, so it's a soft maybe. Speaker 0
Next scene, a musical montage set to the song I got you by Duke Dumont. A woman gets out of an SUV. We can't see who it is until she gets closer and removes her hoodie. It's Lawrence La Ross LeBouf. Cuts of the sluts coming out of their apartments, sauce, Frankie, while the Mercedes and Angela wait outside at the limo. Mercedes asked them where the fuck Frankie is They don't know. He might be back in Quebec. He's not in his room anymore. Mercedes doesn't look happy. Even Angelo's mouth is closed, but then they hear someone say, hey, They turn to see Frankie and Lawrence walking toward them. Hit ask them where they've been. Lawrence responds saying they can't come to suubbery and not get a pitter patty panini, Mercedes is in impressed to meet the famous Lawrence Labuff. Lawrence, here's there's a party tonight. Mercedes suggests maybe an after party as well. They all pile into the limo, but not before Shoresi has his say. Speaker 7
So he came all the way back for JJ, fun dip JJ. Speaker 8
could understand what you were saying. He would kick your ass. Speaker 8
There's a good man in there, you know? He just needed to be humble. Speaker 7
Everybody deserves a second chance. Speaker 8
The cubic west end by their Speaker 0
own. Angela stares at Frankie and his mouth returns to its open state. The musical montage continues at the Colson as Frankie and Lawrence make their entrance surrounded by gay men with their JJ Frankie, JJ calendars looking for autographs, Nancy ensues. Everyone's having a great time. Shoresy's tearing it up on the dance floor. Laura Morris sits at the bar watching him dance like a lunatic. He sees her and flashes a big dumb grin while continuing to dance. Cut to hitch standing at the bar alone watching the dancing in walks Pam. They see each other. Pam walks over to hitch. Who's Nicki? Speaker 5
she knows me name, Speaker 0
someone. What? Pam. Speaker 3
Would you like to dance? Speaker 8
I don't really like this music. But we could go home. Speaker 3
Placing tunes. This mix hitch very happy. Cut back to the party. Speaker 0
Everybody is still having a great time. Mercedes is even dancing with Mike in Michael's vicinity. That is until me comes along, and then Mercedes begins dancing with her. A bear even goes up to Angelo and starts, pushing up on him. Cut to outside the Colson. Shoresy and Laura Moore are sitting on the steps, Laura smoking and joint. This is a longer clip. I apologize in advance, but I wouldn't dare cut any of it. Speaker 11
You're surprisingly losing from this point. We Speaker 7
And you wanna mess it all up? Speaker 11
Why do you still do it? Speaker 7
Here's your cab. Speaker 11
I'm not right now. I'm talking to you. Speaker 7
Let's get some fucking Indian cuisine. Speaker 11
So why do you still do it? Speaker 11
you get a decade on most Speaker 11
Bob no spring chicken. You're the first to the rink, the last to leave. You're the hardest worker out Speaker 7
You gotta set the tone. Speaker 11
You work even harder off the ice, the calendar, all the promos. Jory fucking Jordan. Now you're sitting outside a gay bar, essentially, the last one to leave your team fundraiser. Speaker 7
I think Hitch looked a lot gayer than Frankie. Speaker 11
All this for senior whaleshit hockey? Speaker 7
Used to be senior whaleshit hockey. Now it's something different. Speaker 11
So why do you do it? Speaker 7
It's the only place I can be me? Speaker 11
What do you mean by? Speaker 7
I mean, it's the last place in the world, I can be me. Speaker 11
You basically just repeated yourself. Speaker 7
I'll tell you a story. So I'm at the bar one night. The guy pushes up on my girl, so I lose my mind. Speaker 11
He's trying to fight him? Speaker 7
Oh, I tried to sucker him hurt him before he could hurt me, but either way as a hockey player, I thought I was doing the right thing. Speaker 11
Am I punching someone when they weren't looking? In hockey, Speaker 7
if someone disrespects you or your teammates, He can flatten them one way or another, you get them. And when you do, everybody loves it. The coaches teammates, fans are all cheering. Everybody's all for it. At the bar that night, no one was cheering. The guy thought I was an idiot, and the girl thought I was a loser. That's the real world. So Even though I'm at the age where half my hairs on the fucking shower floor. Gonna keep going to the right. That's where I can be me. Yeah. Hell yeah. Fuck you. The Speaker 0
cab pulls up to to them, and Laura gets up to go to the cab. She turns and offers to share the cab with Shorzy. He says he can walk home from there. She clarifies that the cab would be going to her place. Shorsey stands there looking at her and and her back at him, and then we fade to black. Alright. That is the episode. Let's start with, general, feelings and thoughts, Matt. Speaker 1
I feel like this is gonna be an interesting discussion as we get deeper in, I can feel the intensity already, but I'll lead with I really liked this episode. There's a lot going on, and I know we'll all have our own thing. So out of the gate, I mean, love the hitch and Pam stuff. I think that's really great to see. I'll talk more on that tracking shot. Yeah. Absolutely. That I I've already said a couple times this season. I've noticed a much different tone and look and feel to a lot of what they're doing in this season versus sees even season one. Right? Taking more risks, trying new things, seems that are feeling more complete even with the style. I don't know if that makes sense. I'm not trying to say it negative way, but there's a definitely a different look and feel I'm really for it. And that a shot like that in that risk, it paid off. It was such it was so beautiful to watch. You know me, I love myself a long shot. But even beyond that, the the transitions between scenes, I felt this episode just flowed really, really well. And and I and I I forgot to grab the actual dialogue, but there was a there's multiple scenes when they cut through where one word ended. And then immediately led into the cut of an entirely different scene Speaker 1
And worked seamlessly. So it just it was it was so smooth and and so it was cut really well. And then the music on top of all that just created such a an amazing episode in in my eyes. So I really I thought from a production standpoint, this one was close to perfection on how they did it end to end. I really, really, really appreciated. Everything go on here. A couple of small things. The, Angelo, the Paula Chetti, he's moving now. Mhmm. Did you notice that? And I don't know if that means we're leading up to some potentially some dialogue in either next episode Speaker 0
I think can you imagine what what would they say? Speaker 1
Right. But, like, he he as soon as he moved, it freaked me out. Right? Because I'm like, well, why? I didn't I didn't think he could move because he seen breathing. And then all three times you saw him, there's more movement across the episodes. I'm like, this is bizarre, more Speaker 0
shocked than he had his mouth closed. Speaker 6
Yeah. I thought his jaw was, like, fixed in the open position. I didn't think it closed. Speaker 1
Yeah. So I feel like it's, like, this and, you know what, it reminded me of, and this is why maybe he's gonna get dialogue in next season or something is, you know, we talked about Shoresy in Letter Kenny and, like, the last season, how Even the tone, the tone, the high pitched screech that he gave off, started to tone down, like, almost preparing us for the chain. So it wasn't a shock to the system. Don't know. It could be way off, but the the Angelo thing in this episode, I just that that caught eye of that. The other one, I'm gonna let you guys hack this out even more, but The the hockey culture stuff is obviously huge in this episode. Watching it, I got the whole vibe that this is, like, It almost feels like a spin off show series of, Speaker 3
like, goon. Right? Like, in Speaker 1
the same world that goon existed where they're battling this line between what was hockey culture versus what it should be and and and really teetering between what what is right and what is wrong. And there was a good shot at, like, you know, if you want something with style finesse, you know, go watch the world juniors, right, whether this is This is the no show. We're a small league. This is what you get. It's what people love. It's what they expect. So I'm not saying I agree with one or the other, but that's a lot what's going on here. And this one, they're really battling with that existence of what is okay in their league. And I thought they did well. Again, that opening scene, I thought it fun, but you hated it. And I get why you hated it. Right? It's it's brutal. But it that whole Speaker 0
This is great. I just hated what it rep represented. That's Yeah. Speaker 1
Yeah. Totally get it. And that I mean, this is, like, hockey's one of those things has always had that that sort of dark side in the culture to it. And, and I think this is their their they're trying to approach it in, you know, the character characteristic way, but also have some fun with it. And, they're making comments on both sides of the argument even throughout the episode for that conversation, with with Dennis in the league and and all that. They're they're playing both sides and and trying to figure out what's right for their league and their people. So I don't know if they made the right decision, but There's a there was both sides of the argument very represented in this episode, and I think they were trying to put down a line. So I I don't know what to make of all that, but I thought it was very interesting. Speaker 1
I'll I'll leave it. I know I I've got more, but I'll there's lots to talk about. So I'll let I'll I'll move from there for now. Speaker 0
Alright. Victor? Speaker 5
Yeah. I mean, I think I echo everything Matt said. I'll definitely, you know, probably predict that Dennis is gonna be your MVP on this one just because you guys seem to be aligned on some of your crazy thoughts. But, it it was it was really, like, you know, one of my, you know, one of my best favorite scenes in the whole episode was definitely the, you know, the one that you paid homage to and you you know, at the end, you you gave a gave us a nice long clip, and that's the lawn mower. Speaker 5
You know, you get you really get you you really get to kind of I think this episode or this scene, more than anything else we've seen in the universe, we get we get to see behind the curtains of Shoresy. Right? So, you know, who he is, why he is, and and stuff like that. It's a very, you know, it's in a grand scheme of things. It's a short scene, but But it it's very, very telling. And it at at, you know, helps us understand him and and why he is the way that he is. So I thought and and I love the fact that they'd like Matt said, you know, Pam and hitch in that story line. Again, to show the humanity that it's not They're not just characters, but they have feelings and they're, you know, they're they're not just, it's not just about, you know, half naked women walking around all the time. So I I love that extra depth there. So for me, that was good. The hockey stuff was I I felt that scene with, you know, with the with the league, with with Dennis and and her patsies. I I I've it almost kind of felt a little long, but because they were they edited the show. They they edited so well and kept going back and forth, It made it a little more a little, I guess, a little more digestible. But Speaker 0
The hearing. Right? Speaker 5
It it what's that? Speaker 0
The hearing, you mean? Speaker 5
Yeah. Yeah. The hearing It Speaker 0
was a little long. Yeah. It was a little long. Speaker 5
It it it it went on, like, what what's what she kept asking? Yeah. Melissa, I've been to Cindy, Mindy, Speaker 1
Neema. Nema. Nailed it, but Speaker 0
Dennis and Akie. Akie. Akie. Speaker 5
No. Not Akie. She kept saying, oh, what do you think, what do you know? Nina. Nina? Yeah. Nina. Yeah. So she it's, I guess, it's it's, you know, it it reminded me of the whole boo boom tower. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They they were going around in in in order to Speaker 5
kind of get that that kind of circle thing. This episode, again, much like last time, it it it was really long. Like, it felt like there was a lot Speaker 3
going on. I felt Speaker 5
like there's multiple story lines and and all that kind of stuff. And and none of it was filler. Like, it was all important and, you know, I I loved I loved Angelo. I thought that was perfect. And even that one scene where his mouth was closed, he almost, like, seemed suave. Like, he's, you know, like a ladies man, even though he's not a ladies man, he's a, a manly man. But He just he he everything about this episode was really, really good. I like I said, if it the only flaw for me is that the hearing felt went a little long, but, overall, everything was spot on. It was shot well edited well, the music selection and and meaningful meaningful scenes where you get to learn about the characters. Speaker 0
Okay. You're right. This is a meaty episode, like, so many different storylines going on here. So I'm gonna tackle them each one, hitch. The hit story. I'm loving that. I'm loving that him and Pam are are seem to be, getting together. So kind of strange, like, a bit of a boat face for Pam because, like, in the first season, she's just, like, nasty to him, like, telling yelling at him to put his tooth in and have some self respect and suddenly, like, what changed? You know, what what is it just because of the band t shirts? And then they had something to talk about. Speaker 0
Maybe. Yeah. But and maybe he broke her down a bit, but, love loving that for hitch. The JJ, Frankie, Jayjay, loving that story line too. And, so hap I was so happy to see Lawrence Lebov come back. When we were kind of, you know, leading up to season two, there's the train. I was a little concerned she wasn't in this series because I think in the Bell press release, they don't mention her at all. And so I was like, oh, no. Maybe she wasn't available, but no. She she came in. So, was happy to see that. The Paula Chetti storyline, am I the only one who thought that they went extra hard having, like, the guy in the in the limo. Like, is he? Speaker 1
I try not to talk about it because, you know, you just either Stitches get stitches, man. Speaker 0
Sure. But, I mean, like, was he dead, or was he just, like, beaten up Speaker 5
He was dead. He was sitting up. Speaker 6
Ready sure he was dead. Speaker 2
Not the gunshot. Speaker 1
Bag over his head in blood in the face. Speaker 6
if if he wasn't dead, how did he not make the bag go in and out with the breathing? Speaker 5
He was a little bit comatose. Speaker 6
Comatose. Really? Speaker 0
I've I've found it's like the, like, wow. That got dark real fast. And again, for for a comedy, it they take some some, interesting risks, but I still, like, love the whole thing. He wanted to go to the gay nights. And the, Laure okay. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the episode. I get it. And what I what I like about this is Shoresy is coming to terms with is with getting old. And he's he's seeing that things are changing and he can't stop it. You know, evolution's gonna happen. Progress is gonna happen. All that neanderthal activity that that that's happening now is going to eventually be gone. And and he's feeling that and he's he's menting that. So he's coming to terms with his own mortality. That's what that last scene with Laura Moore was. I loved it. I loved that last scene. My only thing is what when when, Matt's doing her whole speech in front of the league, and saying how honorable hockey players are, Speaker 0
don't see any honor in grabbing a single player and beating them. Speaker 5
Oh my god. Let her go. Speaker 0
No, Victor. That is not justice. This is Speaker 1
the part I was waiting for. Speaker 0
And when the ref went to go stop it, Dolos stopped the ref. So I'm sorry, but that was that's Speaker 5
It's a no show. The refs don't matter. It's the reps, it's like it's like the reps in the no show are like in the WWE. They're just there for show. Okay. So they have to police themselves. Speaker 0
I didn't like it. And I think it's bullshit and bush league, and and that's why it's the no show and not the pro. So Everything else about it though, Shoresy's growing up and and and realizing that what what used to be okay in in the context of hockey is not okay, you know, outside of sport. Thank god. You know, can you imagine, you know, especially, you know, in the states where you can some state you can carry a gun and some you perceive some, oh, somebody just embarrassed me. What what, you know, like, what the fuck. Right? Like, Yeah. So I'm sorry, but you can't just fucking do whatever the fuck you want because your your feelings got hurt. And, and the same thing in sport. Just because you're in an arena, doesn't mean you're you're, you can be, you know, whatever. You can't be held accountable. So anyway, those are my kind of, initial thoughts, Tim. Speaker 6
Hi. Thank god. Okay. So, I'm just I will just, like, Speaker 1
move Everyone pay attention. This is where Tanya's gonna make it up because never actually watched the episode. Speaker 6
I I know. I do remember some of this now. Okay. So, you know what you haven't talked about is Mercedes. Mercedes was a big part of this episode and, how she interacted with Michaels and, Seguinette and, and Angelo. Like, she was a key person in this whole dialogue and going back and forth and having that whole conversation. Her saying, to to Michaels, the and, like, stopping him the minute he was trying to say something. And, She was the the whole at last. And she just kept on saying it over and over again throughout the whole entire episode. And repaying their debt. I I thought she did a really great job and I thought, I I I feel like Mercedes is actually the ringleader of that whole thing, and that her brothers are the seconds. They're they're the second and she's the ringleader. Speaker 0
yeah. She's the brains behind Speaker 6
Because she's the one that talks. Like, they no one told, like, her brother's are either, you know, stupid and sitting there with their mouths open and not doing anything and she's just making them appear to be the bad ones, but I think she's the one that organizes the whole thing. I think it's her. Anyways, even to the point where she's saying to Shoresy, you know, the dead guy is where you'll be if you don't make this happen. And totally absolutely that guy was dead. And that is a dark place that they took that show anyways. That was dark. You know, Ziggin, the the dressing room, the Shoresy, great one liners that were said there. The game stick going to Michaels and everybody has to wait and Michaels gets to eat first. I thought was great. I love Shoresy's line about JJ, you know, put the microwave on and maybe have it ding a few times. Maybe that will, like, get him out of his slump. And then, yes, I did notice, big sexy only says Tittbugger when, JJ's name was said. And and and big sexy being on Shoresy's head, that's new. We've not really seen him in in the the shot or in the scene. And, like, to the point where, yeah, Matt is doing with his hand. Speaker 1
It's like covering his face. Speaker 6
Point where the the the tail feathers are like covering the side of his face. I was like, oh my god. That bird better not shed on his face. Yeah. Speaker 1
It's alright. I caught that because this is this is, how detailed I go with this. Some this kinda stuff is the continuity there. So I'm watching. I was just staring at big sets big sets his tail across his face Then they cut away and big sexy was to the side. I'm like, ugh. I know it's just it's it's a minor things, you know, but I saw it. I saw it. I saw the continuity. Speaker 6
Yep. There was a lot going on in the episode, though, really. Like, the the girls coming into the rooms, Shoresy saying, you know, keeping your pants, and then them doing yo like, one of them was doing yoga sitting on the couch. Like, there was like a lot of scenes going on. And then the whole thing with the hearing and, Shoresy and Nat and make one, oh my god. She is the cutest thing ever. The league officials, just loving on her. Natt did a great job standing up for, the captain. She she's a great speaker and was, you know, not taking from the league, officials. And, you know, Shoresy crying on Matt's shoulder after, you know, it it it is what it is. That's what they they do, and that's how they, stand up for each other. La Rosa, and Frankie being there. Pam, finally getting hit. Again, you guys have said all of these things already, but it's, it is. It's a full, it's a full episode. The one Speaker 1
I like how you said Pam finally getting hitched. Speaker 1
Prazing that order made me laugh. Speaker 6
Yes. I the so the they'll and and thank you for for keeping the whole ending because you couldn't cut that anywhere. Speaker 0
No. It was a great, great, scene at the end. Speaker 6
The, like, the the deep dive into Shoresy and who he is and that whole, like, backstory. I I gotta say. And I and I might not be, no one might might not be a fan of what I say next. I I don't, like, I appreciate that Shoresy was open and honest with his feelings, but I would not be Laura Moore going Oh, yeah. You're coming home with me. Like, why would you pick someone that is like, yeah, I'm just going to if somebody does me you know, looks at it sideways, I'm just gonna knock them out and I should be allowed to whether I'm on the ice or whether I'm in a bar. Or whether I'm down the street at the convenience store. Like, I that this is just like, no. Control yourself. Like, no one's allowed to just drop their gloves at any time and hit somebody just because they upset them. And I just I thought, wow. That is what one her over. Like, I I kinda Speaker 5
It didn't win her over. She was already won't over. Speaker 0
He was more his his, his honesty. Yeah. Speaker 6
His honesty, I know, but it's like, I would be like, oh, you know, thanks for sharing, buddy. You know, maybe get some anger management. Like, I would not be like, Speaker 5
But, Tanya, like, like, he's got anger management issues, and he found a way how he can manage it by playing hockey. It's just like an alcoholic. But he wants Speaker 6
to be able to have to to so he's saying that he Speaker 0
Well, he's saying that's why he keeps on playing the game then because that's where he can be that way. Speaker 6
But he can be himself. Yeah. But his he he's saying being himself is to be able to drop gloves at any time of his life. Oh, and Speaker 1
hold on. I wanna let Dennis get in on here. I know he wanna jump in on that one. Speaker 2
No. I just say it's the most honest he's been because Everything previously has been, oh, I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do that for you. Yeah. But he's not actually saying anything about himself at that point. And now he's saying, right, in the past, I thought I'd do this. I can't. That's not how the World World operates. Mhmm. Speaker 2
could go out on the hockey thing. It's Direct problem solving in sports is so therapeutic. Speaker 0
Yeah. I get it. I can see that. And if that's essential as Shoresy is saying, the reason I keep playing is because that's where I can do that and and nowhere else. Right? Do you have anything else there? No. No? Okay, Dennis. Sorry. Speaker 2
What's up? When you guys have covered us so much, but but a few things on it. The music in this episode is phenomenal. So you got trogs, a girl like you. Speaker 2
Dukeed him on. I got you. And Marni Stern transformer. All three are songs about relationships. I mean, the music might not necessarily be me. I got you playing during a fight. Yeah. That's not an not appropriate, but for the Shoresy and Lawamore arc. Yeah. It's absolutely spot on. Speaker 0
I tried to find out what because in when the sluts are in the apartment, there I think it's a Dolo track playing in the background, but it's so low. I can't I can't make it out, but I'm pretty sure it's a double track because it's, like, half English, half French. Speaker 2
Yeah. But those three, they're just probably absolutely spot on for this. There's little things. In scene one, if you should look at, this door, the stall door for where sure he keeps and throws up every match. There's a tally mark using duct tape. Speaker 2
They're keeping keeping track of the season on there. Speaker 2
Does it? Nice little thing there. Speaker 0
Oh, I mean, love the hockey season. Speaker 2
Hockey season. Right. Okay. At that point, there's twenty three tally marks. Speaker 0
Right. Oh, that's cool. I didn't notice that. Speaker 2
Yeah. And Michael's is a damn fool. Speaker 2
Yeah. Is a damn fool. Speaker 0
At the same time, I I I I don't blame him because Mercedes is a smoke show. Speaker 1
But his rant about, you know, someone to share it with and then no. He's a dime with you, Dan. Not a damn fool. Speaker 2
Unless he's got humiliation King There's no reason to get up with that. Speaker 0
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, she and she just disrespects the shit out of him when when she's in at the bar with, with, the sanger there. It's it's so it's Speaker 5
so Hey. Some some man paid good money to be, Speaker 2
yeah, breaded that way. Speaker 2
My last point, when it comes to Dallas, sure he doesn't wanna get laid, he wants to get suffocated. Speaker 0
hopefully not like the guy in the limo. Anyway, thank you for that. Let's move on to ratings. Speaker 1
So one quick comment, Yeah. So, yeah, I'll get in my writing, but the dancing scene. Speaker 0
Oh, yeah. Great scene. Great scene. Speaker 6
We haven't done that. Speaker 1
That made me feel so good. And I'm not gonna lie. Speaker 1
like ten and al might be the other ones that can confirm or not this. I feel like in my dancing style is closest to Shoresy. Speaker 1
I can confirm. I'm a little I'm a little over the top. I kinda do my own thing. It doesn't look right, but it feels right inside. Speaker 0
So I dealt with it. Speaker 1
So I was really feeling the vibes he was laying down that. Speaker 6
Oh, those lights were so damn cute. Speaker 1
Oh, my god. Oh, man. So good. Alright. Now my rating. It is arguably one of the easiest freshest I've ever given. I and I know this is my opinion, and I know there'll be some differences on this panel. I can already know what's coming. But I think end to end, this might be one of the best episodes the universe has released. I thought it was brilliant. I thought I I talked about the production value. I thought, the way they they cut it together, the way they shot it, the music telling the story through it all was so well done. The storylines themselves, I think I know I had some qualms about last week's episode. In because there was a lot jammed in. You know, they got six episodes of jammed so much in. Last week felt a little overwhelming to me, and I didn't get that one bit So that's why it ended up in a clearance. This one, I felt the scenes strung together so seamlessly. When I got even to the end, with everything going on, I've never felt so good about watching an episode in a long time. Like, I had the fuzzies. I it just there was just so much going on. And then, like, ending with that Laura, that Laura Moore and Shoresy moment, was fantastic. I just thought it was a seamless episode. I I literally I had troubles finding anything I didn't like And I the only minor thing, and I'm like, I feel like this is to tell was the the thing I already talked about in Angelo moving. Because I'm like, why is he moving? He shouldn't be moving. The polo cheddas don't fucking move, but he did. But, no, I I I I genuinely thought this was I'm gonna say if there's an an episode of this season that I that we've talked about so far, that is award worthy award worthy. It's this one. Speaker 1
In my in my opinion. Speaker 1
So it's an easy fresh. Speaker 5
Yeah. It's an easy fresh. I, you know, I think we pretty much set it all. Yeah, it's an easy fresh. Let's move on. Speaker 0
Okay. So let's see here. Chorsey is the dirtiest player in the league. Right? I mean, we start off with that first scene of first season. He is the Brad Marsha of the no show. He's the dirtiest player. Like, awesome set in the in the live stream. He doesn't fight. He takes cheap shots. So he's not supposed to be a likable player. He's a likable guy because he's very super charming, but he's not a likable player. I think this would have been a much more interesting story had they upheld his suspension. So the fact that they they they went back on that in that hearing was a bit of a disappointment there. Like, it would have been more interesting to see, well, if he was suspended for that last game, that they can't lose. Like, if because that's the game they wanna win to Yeah. Yeah. Right? That woulda so how like, what kind of role would he play then? Right? I think that would have been more interest interesting story, but I get it. This is a comedy. You don't wanna have you don't wanna not have Shoresy on the ice during that very important game. I'm, Matt, I'm with you. The episode looked beautiful. The music Speaker 0
agree, was sublime, was amazing. But I had I have very easy time finding fault with this episode, that cold open, and that hearing. I can do it. Yeah. So, I can't give it a refresh. Speaker 1
What else are the other side of the the hearing Speaker 0
which was the hearing was a little long and Speaker 1
Oh, I didn't that didn't bother me at all. Speaker 0
Yeah. A little long and repetitive, but whatever. Like, just so anyway, I'm I'm gonna give this one a clearance. Tania? Speaker 0
And and it would have it might have been sorry. It might have been a compost if it wasn't for that last scene with lower more because that explains it. That explains Shoresy. Speaker 1
And and and I love you, but I I I've seen you do this before when years are seen, and and and I get it. That I think you're hanging a lot of this on that cold open. You you you take real, and that's okay. Speaker 1
You take real issue with that type of behavior in this showing. Speaker 0
I'm pretty sure Victor's done that many times with a letter coming up. Speaker 1
I know it's fair, but and you've made them pay for it before that ratings. And and that's why I kinda knew it was coming as soon as you open Speaker 0
That first scene was was I mean, there's a few things. And and, yeah, I just don't agree with the philosophy. So there's that. Speaker 1
That's totally fine. Speaker 6
That's okay. Go hockey. I don't know what the hell happened with the hockey. I can't really say anything to it because that's not my thing. I don't know. Speaker 6
Go sports. All I do know is that when you strip down this whole episode, it's really people standing up for someone else. You know, Lawrence LeBouf was standing up for Frankie, Pam standing up for hitch. People supporting, other people in the in the episode for one another. You know, Mercedes was standing up for her brother, making sure that he got what he wanted. And and the same goes for Laura Laura standing up for for Shores, you know, not standing up for her team, which was the captain, which was Shoresy. You know, everybody was, really supporting team members and and and each other in the show. So, it it's gonna be a fresh. Speaker 5
And the team supporting Michaels, and that's what that was all about. Yeah. The team was supporting Michaels. They didn't want Michaels to be embarrassed because any goalie that gets scored on like that is embarrassed, and they were supporting him. Speaker 0
He wasn't scored on Victor. Go ahead, Dennis. Speaker 5
That that's what made it even worse. And and Dennis said it. Because he douche bagged it twice. He wasn't scored. The first time the first time didn't score, he did it again. He deserved everything he got, Dennis. Speaker 2
A couple of things I forgot to mention it. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Go back a bit. I am of the opinion that Lawrence Lebouf is Shawzy's to be fair. Because whenever she rocks up, her name gets repeated several times by several different characters. Speaker 0
Oh, oh, I see to be right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I hear that. Yeah. Speaker 2
Yeah. And I'd also like to take a moment for nat's shiny trousers. Speaker 0
Right. Shiny g. We haven't talked about the shiny Speaker 0
Skin tight trousers. Yeah. Speaker 1
That might just become Victor's MVP. Speaker 6
That woman is amazing. Amazing woman. Speaker 2
But for me, well Speaker 0
Oh, you're getting a hippo there. Okay. Speaker 2
It's it's my first episode. I've so I feel very protective of this episode. Speaker 2
But, yeah, for me, it's a fresh. As, some of you still play sports on, well, I am the same age as drumming caso. So It speaks to me. The whole still going out there, playing with the people I am twice the age of some of the players on my team. Annoying little shits that they are. And I'm still keeping up with them somehow, but It's just so good to be out there even as somebody's rapidly approaching forty. So, yeah, it, it speaks to me on a personal level, but, yeah, this is just so fresh. Speaker 6
Can I ask you, Dennis? Speaker 6
So you're a a a sporty guy. You you like rugby, which is probably one of the more more vicious sports out there, you guys are pretty rough with each other. Right? So what what is, What do I wanna ask you? I wanna ask you, like, being so rough on the field, do you feel the desire or maybe the needs to be, or or to knock somebody out when they piss you off off the field? Speaker 2
No. But I understand it Speaker 6
because it's like it's like your brain almost splits. Right? It's like when you're on the field, it's like one part of you that can can go and you're like just adrenaline and and you're you're in it to win it. Speaker 1
So are you saying, like, can they or do do they or can they the lines blur between the between the game and off the field? Speaker 2
What happens on the pitch stays on the pitch? You you cross that line, a you flick a switch, you you're an animal for the team. Yeah. What once you cut once you, after Matt shake hands down, you go and have a beer with the guy you've just spent eighteen minutes trying to run over the top off. Speaker 6
Men are fascinating. Sorry. Speaker 6
Man are Naze. Hey. Speaker 5
Hey, MMA. There's women in MMA. There's women in boxing. You know? Like, it's because, I mean, those sports are Speaker 6
I would love to hear where what does it what the the the the, what the break at, like, how people in those Speaker 6
sports, how they react to real world, situations. Speaker 0
Well, I mean, it's either an outlet for them so they don't do it in real world or it's part of their personality and they do it wherever. Right? I've seen both. Yep. I've seen You Speaker 1
know, the I've I've definitely seen the outlet part a lot. I know a lot of guys who get into really physical activities because they're like, that's just where I can do it. Speaker 0
Yeah. And that's fine. Yeah. Let's move on to MVP's, Matt. Speaker 1
So my MVP, and and I know Tanya, you brought her up, and we didn't really do a lot of talking, but is Mercedes. Oh. Eliana Eliana Jones in this one. I I I had that written down. I was gonna talk about it more on my MVP. There's just so much content in this episode. I I I was very impressed by her in this episode. I thought she handled all of her scenes. She was given a lot of content. For for her role. Mhmm. And I thought she delivered it really well. It was fun to watch her bounce between Sanguinette and Michaels. Manage Shoresy in those situations, considering the intensity of what was going on. If I had to single someone out who generally impressed me this episode. It was Alyanna Jones, a k, Mercedes. So she gets my MVP. Speaker 0
Nice pick. Off the board there. I thought you were gonna pick somebody else, but, Victor. Speaker 5
Yes. Well, I mean, as much as I I'd like to pick, Nat's trousers. Or at, her trousers. I think, I I think I have to stick with my original choice in that my man Angelo. Because, because, you know, as much as as much as you might think that Mercedes controls the show. It was his decision to, you know, come out and and be brave and be who he is. And and he, you know, with his kind of crazy demands, he's the one that brought all the boys together, and and and, you know, that evening happened because he wanted everybody there. Mhmm. And and, and he had I don't think you've seen Kiso, Wayne or Shoresy Hey. As as happy as you saw him on that dance floor in that scene. Speaker 5
And and Angela made that happen. Speaker 0
We caught a bit of it at the on on the Family Reunion episode last Speaker 2
A little bit. A little Speaker 6
bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was. Speaker 5
For sure. For sure. But but I mean, he was just he had that dumb, dumb smile, and it was so Speaker 5
So I it you gotta give it to Angelo. He he was the MVP of this episode. Get let him eat the first stick Speaker 0
if okay. Alright. Speaker 5
Literally and figurative. Speaker 0
I'm going to come back. I'm gonna, give a shout out to Meek's ribbon suit. Cassie want wanted to give that Speaker 0
So she loved the ribbon suit and the hearing scene there. I'm mad. Speaker 6
Was that her hair? Like, were were was that extensions or is that part of the outfit? I need to know. Alright. Speaker 0
Matt, I thought you'd give it to Billy Buttery on this one because it Speaker 1
fair enough. Yeah. I I Speaker 0
a little surprise. But I'm gonna give it to hitch. I'm gonna give it to hitch because I love that he's finding love and, and somebody he can play records with, you know, with Pam. So, I love that, storyline for him, Tim. Speaker 6
Love is in the air. Everybody's just loving on everybody. The only thing that we didn't see was not back with What is Speaker 0
his name? Murder. That's because he's back up in his suit. Nah. Speaker 2
That was a nice touch. Just take him down. Speaker 6
That was just one thing. But god was a good. Anyways, you know what? It's gotta I I it's Mercedes. I really loved her in this episode, I she owned it. She brought it, and and the banter was just right there. Speaker 2
All three main tunes are just chefs kiss their Perfect. She loves it. Speaker 0
Alright. That's all we have. And I don't have any listener comments this week. So we're going to, I guess, go on to final comments, Matt. It's up to Speaker 1
yeah. I mean, like, a lot of weeks, I needed this. This was so much fun. Dennis, thanks for coming out, but I'm glad you got your Internet, whatever sort of figured out after your fiftieth try. But, dude, you killed it? I I get to you. I love everyone's perspectives. Like, the things that people call out, and, this is always a blast. So thanks for another fun week, guys. Love y'all. Speaker 5
Yeah. Great. Awesome episode to review. Astounded that you gave it a clearance and disappointed that you actually talked about, compost, so shame on you. But, on a brighter note. Speaker 1
That cold open. I tell you the moment he is moment I do stand on that. I knew where he was going. Yeah. Speaker 5
On your on your anniversary night in a couple of days, Tanya, just remember, you gotta nail it in the first fifteen seconds, or it's not gonna Jesus Christ. So so, Dennis, you were awesome. I only needed to, turn on subtitles for you only for the first little bit, but then then I kinda got used to it and I was able to understand mostly what you were saying. But but no. You you were fantastic. And, I appreciate, you were able to come out with us today. Speaker 0
Alright. I I I did forget that, this week, the Spotify wrapped came out, and I just wanted to really you know, toot our horn a bit here because these numbers are amazing and I wanna thank our listeners because this is so cool. Speaker 6
Something happened over there. Speaker 0
Oh, yeah. I just have to refresh. Anyway, we are the top podcast. This is only Spotify, by the way. And Spotify only accounts twenty percent of our traffic. So, you know, Apple is still king in terms of podcast. But just from Spotify, we are the top podcast for a hundred and ninety seven fans, which which is amazing. We're in the top five for six hundred and fifty nine fans. And we're in the top ten for over a thousand fans. So holy shit. Like, thank you guys for for all your listening. And that's not, you know, people ranking us. That's hard numbers. That's how many people listen, and what they're listening to. So we really appreciate you guys for the and The other thing I've noticed, too, these numbers don't even include the last month. Like, the keys to interview, none of that is included in this because they still listed our our episode one as our most listened to episode. And that changed, like, three days after the Keesaw interview. So as far as I can tell, these numbers are up to the end of October. And so, next year, hopefully, it's gonna be even better. But, again, thank you so much for, you know, validating us and and and for listening, this thing, you know, that we started three years ago is just as a a fun hobby. It's been so much fun. Dennis, buddy. Thank you for staying up as late as you did, and and for doing this. So we really appreciate it. And we love having you on, you know, during A calls and and the after parties. So, what time is it right now? It must be, like, close to four AM there. No? Speaker 2
Yes, four AM. I've got working. Five hours. Speaker 1
It's good morning, but he's already had a monster drink. So he's not going Speaker 2
You're not going to bed. A pint of beer from Purple Meesbrook brewery.
Speaker 0
Wow. Thank you so much for coming on. Sorry. We can give you a unicorn. On me. I apologize, but I hope you had a good time and, looking forward to having you on again. Ten.
Speaker 6
Yeah, this was this is great as always. Thank you so much to to the people that are listening. This is This is incredible and, mind blowing. You know, it is, yeah, just thank you. Dennis, thank you so much. It was amazing having you here tonight. Love listening to you, not just because of your accent, but because of what you brought to the to the, episode and, all your thoughts and thank you so much for that. And thank you for staying up. So crazy early in the morning, late, early, whatever you wanna call it. Good luck with work tomorrow. Thankfully, it's Friday or Saturday. I don't even know what day it is there. So, yeah. That's it.
Speaker 2
Thanks for having me. It's no. The first of December, so I've got advent to take, but my boss is in the office.
Speaker 1
Did your l did your elf arrive? Our elves arrived.
Speaker 2
You do not let the faith oaken to your house. Awesome. It's gonna have words about that.
Speaker 6
No. Don't do it.
Speaker 2
Once I can't for you, Al. Good. You need to interview Kiso again because we need to find out who he thinks the best slut on the Isis's.
Speaker 0
Right. That's one question that didn't ask them.
Speaker 1
Damn it. Alright, sir. We'll get wait another three years, we might get them again.
Speaker 0
I'm afraid to have them back on after today's episode. I feel like he might might kick my ass.
Speaker 6
Dennis, I can't even hear your laugh, but just watching you laugh makes me laugh. You are a great laugher.
Speaker 2
Thank you. But, yeah, it's been an absolute blast, and I'll try to get a better mic if I do this again.
Speaker 0
Well, you sound a great tonight, and, you know, we've had we've had worse sounding guests, and, you're you're far from that.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Victor's money.
Speaker 1
You're the you're the best sounding dentist from the signal per Yeah. Maybe not maybe not voice, there is a real competition. Yeah. You've got the British charm, but the voice of god, there's I don't know. It's a it's it's a tough one. You have to do a scientific Twitter poll on that one,
Speaker 0
you imagine if the two dentists is combined like a like a a this voltron, like, the the I
Speaker 6
don't know. There would be delays and and cut outs.
Speaker 0
Yeah. But it would be a deep voice with a British accent.
Speaker 0
don't even know what that would be, though.
Speaker 2
I'm in. Serious levels of strength going on.
Speaker 0
what, Dennis is in is in the live stream too.
Speaker 1
Oh, yeah. Gergen is
Speaker 0
This this party's this lie, after party's gonna be fun. Alright, man. Thank you so much again. I'm gonna play us off here with a a song from today's episode. I got you by Duke Dumont. Here it is. It's a double Dennis Knight, double Tanya's gonna be very distracted. And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we review the season two finale accountability with our buddy, Andrew from what Vega. If you'd like to support the podcast, please tell a friend, also follow us on most social media outlets at Pro to San Pod. Thanks for joining us. Now gonna go into the after party with double d's. On behalf of Dennis, Tania, Matt Victor, and myself, thank you for listening, and have a great week.
Speaker 3
Ask me what I did with my life.