Speaker 0
Read me first. Okay. Let's see. Dear Matt. Sorry for the double limericks this week ever since Jared gave him a shout out. He's been pretty insufferable. And I quote, who wouldn't want double the trace limericks? Such a dork. Right? Sorry again, Liz. Alright, Liz. Thanks for that. Here we go. Shoresy's got problems galore, see the gyms need player number four, and Frank is in trouble when the ladies pop his bubble now Shoresy's at Laura Moore's door. But wait, hang on. There's more. Since we're talking about knocking on doors, the sluts come around for Nat to take down. That's what we got in store. Speaker 1
Tanya, you ready? Speaker 2
Yes. Good. Because you're fucking going. Speaker 2
Yes. Yes. Yes. Good. Because you're fucking going. Speaker 1
Victor, you ready? Speaker 3
It's not a goldfish. Speaker 2
Good. Because you're going. Yeah. Speaker 4
That fresh produce stand there. That's a beauty. Speaker 5
What do you listen to? Speaker 3
My favorite murder podcast? Speaker 0
Taggart Dorn's podcast. The produce stand. Speaker 1
It's for the Friday, and that means we are once again hanging out at the pro stand. The podcast is paying tribute to everything in that. Universe. Now I know what you're thinking. There are many other letter Kenny podcasts out there, but this one isn't in a Turkey coma today. I'm Aliyah host and joining me in the room as always is a lovely Tanya online. We have squirrely Matt and the voyaging Victor and joining us this week. She's a mom, a former radio personality, the leader of the TPS takeover team. She's also the one with all the answers that is the Letter Kenny answers on Twitter. And you don't wanna fuck with her because she can split a hair with an ax from twenty feet away. Please join me making some noise for Casey. Speaker 7
Wandress. Oh my dored. Oh Speaker 1
Pirate griff nothing. Welcome to the produce stand Casey. Speaker 1
Thank you for coming on tonight and the energy there, case. Yes. Speaker 6
I was relishing in the memory of just having watched that scene. Speaker 1
Which one are we gonna talk Speaker 1
Oh, that one. Okay. Yes. Speaker 6
I'm I'm rewatching the entire series ahead of season twelve. Speaker 1
Okay. Very proactive with you. Now, Kate see you're on tonight. Originally, we had Noah scheduled, but unfortunately, noah could not make it. It was gonna be his first appearance, and he had to back out. So you jumped in Thank you so much for for doing that. Speaker 1
Yeah. I I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. We we'll we'll get to that on how's your week. Welcome back Victor. But, so, well, let's start with Speaker 0
How are you now? Speaker 1
Tonight's lineup, and it's gonna be Victor, Altania Matt, and our guest case, you will have the last word. Speaker 3
How you doing, bud? Yes, sirs and Adams. I I'm so I'm I'm gay I'm better. I've been sick all week because I came back with a bit of a cold from from London. Speaker 1
Where'd you come? Oh, you just said London. Okay. Yeah. I was gonna say Speaker 3
But but yeah, but not London, Ontario. Speaker 1
No. Right. Lending UK. So tell us a little bit about your trip to London. I think you met up with the DJen while you were there. Speaker 3
I met up by the few d gens, but one that's close to everyone's heart, the the trolley man. Speaker 5
Troulanger. Truly, man. Speaker 6
That's the British name. Yes. Speaker 3
And and, actually, my first day was I spent with him. So I I arrived like six in the morning. I took the Elizabeth line into, Canary Wharf, which is where I was staying. And he actually came he lives somewhere in the in in the middle of nowhere. Speaker 3
And he found a way. He drove, had to drive to a train station, and then took a train into town, which was a a a bit of a a trek. Mhmm. So, good on him. And and and so he so I came came to my hotel slapped for two hours because I hadn't slept at all at all night and, woke up and met up with him, and then we spent the whole day together. He took me all over the city. Showed me how to use the tube, which is their, you know, ten or thirteen different subway systems all connected into a web. And and it was awesome. That's so we just literally just took subways and buses, to different places just for the purpose of taking subways and buses. Speaker 1
So it was your ideal vacation there. Or you're on Speaker 3
track anyway. Yes. Yes. Yeah. That's the best way to to see the city. He took me to the to the, Doctor. Ho Shop as well, which was, pretty, pretty neat. There was a little museum in there as well. Went to a pub, And then in the evening, we went to this, I think he posted us some pictures from this, alchem alchemist bar or whatever it was called. Where do they make these, swanky, science drinks. Yeah. No. They weren't super soft. They were they were, like, super hard. Speaker 0
Didn't she, like, Speaker 6
eat a cloud of something? Speaker 3
I well, so mine. I ordered a super soft drink, but he ordered a bit of, like, like, a Speaker 0
The softest. He explained it to us. Speaker 3
Yeah. Like, it was a little soft. It was a little soft. It Speaker 6
was a little soft. Speaker 1
His pinkie needed to be up when he drank it or else it. Yeah. That was, like, part of Speaker 3
the rule. Wasn't it? Yeah. It's I I was drinking like a tea, like they do in in, over there. But, no, no, it was it he so he he was gracious host and, and, showed me a good time. So so that that was really good. I was there most most of the time, I was just working But, I did I did get a chance to do some fun stuff. Went to York, this past weekend, which is another city just couple of hours away from London. Went to the train museum there, and met up with another buddy. And he showed me around York, and we went to a few pubs and all that kind of stuff. So it was really good. I got that London experience. Speaker 1
That's good. Did you go to the Ted Lassau area? Like that, neighborhood there? Speaker 3
You know, I I was first of all, there's like a million neighborhoods to go to. Speaker 3
So so right? So I was really I I had two weekends to myself. So I, you know, I could you know, you can only choose so many areas. I went to, ice on Sunday before I had to go home. On Sunday, I spent the day in COVID garden which is a really nice, area. And because there, they also have something called the transport Museum, which is more trains and buses. So, I saw the city the way I wanted to see it. And, so I'm glad I was able to manipulate the company to send me there. Mainly, to for for the purpose of, going to the various train exhibits. So I, feel well accomplished. Speaker 5
Okay. Was that your first time in, London? Speaker 3
It was. Yes. Nice. Yeah. I wouldn't wanna live there though. I think it's for anybody who moves to London is crazy. It's it's it's raining all the time. There's always, like, you're always under the threat of Speaker 3
Like, if when it's not raining, it's threatens that it Speaker 5
But is it like a warm, lovely rain? Speaker 3
No. There's nothing warm and lovely about it. It's miserable and cold. And and, and there's too many people. There's people everywhere. You can't go. I was even looking for a dark dangerous alley, and I couldn't find one. There's people everywhere. Speaker 1
So kinda like Vancouver without the benefit of the mountains in the background. Speaker 3
Yeah. I guess so. Like, I will say, like, The the architecture is really nice, except there's no sense to it at all. Speaker 3
Like, there's there's absolutely no rhythm to the city. Sure. It's it's just completely random. Was. One hundred percent random, architecture. Speaker 3
think they got a little bit damaged during the war, and they just they just, like, instead of, like Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. History. Yeah. It's patched. It's patched history for sure. Yeah. Speaker 5
Well Did you go visit the queen or sorry, not the queen, I guess. The king. Speaker 0
Should we tell her? Speaker 3
I did not. I he's not he's not He's he's just some guy. He's just some guy that gets to wear a silly crown. He's, you know, I I the the fact that he's a king means up silly. Nothing should be very disappointed in the world. Speaker 5
Did you have some bangers? Speaker 3
I did I did not have any of the that silly food. I I did have some Speaker 5
Yeah. Take that. Speaker 3
I did have some fish they're not known for their food. Okay? I mean, they're the the the the Speaker 5
fish in and paying her some ash too. Speaker 1
We'll tell that to chef Ramsey. Speaker 0
Yeah. The only bees out of Speaker 1
this conversation. Speaker 3
The the the chips is the biggest crock of all. All the chips on the menu say triple cooked. Triple cooked. I I called b s on that. I wanna be taken to the kitchen, and I wanna I wanna to see a chef cook those chips three times. Speaker 5
So you mean There's no Speaker 6
you think cheese toasty should be part of this conversation? Speaker 1
Victor has sent back Canadian, UK relations bought it. Somehow, we're part of the monarchy again. Alright. Well, we're we're we're happy to have you back there, bud. Speaker 3
I have some other thoughts that we'll save it. Yeah. We'll save it Speaker 1
for later. Save it, pace yourself. We're not Speaker 0
making this a whole Disney debacle. Speaker 1
No. No. We're not. Alright. Mywee it's a blur. I have no idea. And I just literally, like, minutes before opening the live stream finished writing the recap for tonight. So if it doesn't sound very good, there's a reason why I was rushing through it because I had today off and I had a bunch of errands to run, got my car fixed and a bunch of other stuff. So, you know, I'm I'm making excuses already, but hopefully, it'll it'll turn out alright. But yesterday. Yesterday. What did Speaker 5
you do yesterday? Speaker 1
We had a really nice time yesterday. Unfortunately, Victor was too sick to join us, but we brought our son with us, so our sixteen year old got to experience his first live stand up comedy show. Oh my god. We went to Burlington, Ontario and at the per Berlington performing arts center, and we got to see Letter Kenny, presents, and it was, Ally Pierce, Olivia Stadler, our buddy, Jeff McHenry, and the one and only mark forward. And, oh, my god. It was so like, our son didn't stop laughing the whole time. He in fact, he he got picked on by Mark because he because we were front row and and, and laughing so hard. But but, I mean, the whole night was amazing. But one of the biggest thrills we had because we we had the, the VIP passes. We did a meet meet and greet before the show. And Tanya had a great idea. Thank you. Speaker 0
You're welcome. Yes. Bravo, Tanya, on this one. Speaker 1
We brought some TPS swag for, for the comics. And, during our meet and greet, we we presented them with a with t TPS t shirts each. And, and then to our surprise, to our shock and awe in amazement and delight, Ali Pierce was she was the first comic. Right? Speaker 1
She came out wearing her TPS t shirt. It was so awesome. So, that was Speaker 5
Made art night. Yeah. Thank you so much. Speaker 1
And they were all so funny and and just it was the Q and A at the beginning. I think we were monopolizing, and I'm, you know, I'll let Tania and Matt talk more about it. But It was a great night all around. And and, yeah, I think, I'm I don't know, I don't know how I feel about this, but we may have a stand up, a future stand up comic in the family in my in, in no one. I feel like, he could very easily go in that direction. Oh, yeah. Ten? Speaker 5
It was a it was a great night. It's been a weird week, a hectic week. Didn't quite step off on the on on the right foot, I think, for for this week. Thankfully, you're done your, Speaker 1
Yes. The podcast is done. Speaker 5
So I get a husband back and a and a dad back, which is nice because, it's it was a long run. It was a lot. Speaker 1
Eight weeks of Friday nights and Saturday, almost every Saturday working. It was bad. It was, yeah. Speaker 5
It's it's been hectic, but, yeah, but it's nice, nice that things are are coming down only to, get speed sped back up because, Christmas is always chaotic, lots of events to to get ready for. And, yeah, so last night was great. Had such a blast had my arby's. I was super excited. Speaker 1
We were racing because we were we were like, okay. We only have like fifteen minutes. Can we make it to Arby's? And then to the Speaker 5
It was really hard. To like enjoy the moment because I never ate it so fast. I I don't feel like I have I've I haven't had real food in a while. Not to say I've I've had nothing but fresh food, but when you get to enjoy something, Speaker 1
It's not so fresh. Speaker 5
That's not so healthy. Oh my god. It's so good. It's so good. But, yeah, had a had a blast last night so tired today. I was the only one that worked today. Everybody else was caught. Speaker 1
The kids got the day off school, and I was off today. So, Portania is the only one that had to Speaker 5
So I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. That's that's what I'm doing. That's that's my thing. Speaker 1
And so when we picked up Barbies and We messaged Matt saying, Hey, have you had anything to eat? And he's like, oh, yeah. That'd be a good idea. Oh, yeah. Would you like something? And like a psycho, he ordered Arby's but no curly fries. Like, what And Speaker 0
I didn't well, again, you guys we're supposed to be there for five thirty. You said I'll be there for five twenty five. Speaker 0
That left me a five minute window to consume dinner. Speaker 0
So I'm like, I can hold this in my hand. I can crush it. Just food is fuel at this point. Just I'll take a sandwich. That was my thought process. Speaker 6
So don't hear anything about curly fives being a problem. Speaker 5
Right? Yeah. People don't go to He's true. Speaker 0
No. I I totally ate those fries. Speaker 1
I totally ate shut up, Victor. Of course, this is the best part of RB's is the curly fries. Speaker 5
Yeah. No. Exactly. There were three boxes of curly fries, and they were and I and some fell out into the bag. And I'm like, I'm gonna save those from a pal. Speaker 0
I did I didn't know there was bag fries. Speaker 5
And so Bag fries thrown out. Didn't even look. He just threw the hole, and I was sitting there gobbs back going, what the hell? Speaker 0
she was gonna murder me on Speaker 6
Why did she didn't? Speaker 3
You sure gotten two burgers instead of fries. Speaker 0
Thank god. They let us in right after that. Speaker 1
Yeah. Go ahead, Matt. How how was your day? How's your week? Speaker 0
Yeah. The weeks weeks been up and down, but, yeah, last night was such a blast. So I know that so that we had some and we got a chance to talk to them, which was so fun. They were all just so great with their time and and they get the Q and A period with such a blast. I gotta say If I know they've only got a number, number of shells left. I think they're in Royal Oak, Michigan. I think, MI, Michigan. Michigan. Yeah. But there's still Pittsburgh, Columbus, and then London, Ontario and Kingston, Ontario left. If there's tickets left and you're in any of those areas, I hundred percent recommend going to see them. I wouldn't recommend taking your sixteen year old child though. They, a hundred percent, should have set this as a nineteen plus show. Speaker 5
think he's too bad. Speaker 1
Although the two the two women Speaker 0
The girls? The girls did not hold back. They were the first jokes talking about having a dog like peanut butter offer. Speaker 0
Tanya right away dying. I the what was funny for me, half was the joke, half was knowing that Owen was sitting right there, consuming this knowledge, Speaker 3
I think I think you forgot what it's like to be sixteen years old. Speaker 1
I know. I know. Nothing. He's never he hasn't been. Speaker 0
Oh, I know that. And I loved and I loved that you guys brought him because it was so funny. And I, like, I and and what I learned also, I got a hint. So when we when we talked to Jared, he talked about getting belly laugh at a k trip, getting a laugh at a Owen. They're a kid. When he really lets into it, it's the most delightful thing in Speaker 0
There was a there was a few moments through the night where he really gave it. You could see him, like, convulsing and, like, healing over I'm like, is he okay? No. He's having the best time of his life. Yeah. And that made my night even more. So thank you for bringing him because he was he was a blast to hang out with, but Yeah. If you if you're if you get a chance to see any of these four comics, they're all so on point. Mark Forward is on an island all Speaker 5
Oh my god. You come in as a mad genius. Speaker 0
You said he I think you said after, like, he's a genius. It's it's comedy like you've never experienced. I don't know what goes. I even describe, like, to me, I'm like, it's like the dumbest thing I've ever seen. And I mean that in the most complimentary way, possible. Speaker 1
It's less comedy and more bizarre performance art. Right? Cause he's not so much telling jokes. He's he's being a clown, but I mean, not not not like clowns, like, you know, but Speaker 0
No. And but it's Speaker 5
such a style. He's got such a style and where he laughs at himself, but he, like, holds it back, but he's lap. But he and then it just it just Yeah. Every little thing, like his his body language, his demeanor, how he's holding himself back, how what he gives, how he gives it, and and the looks and the turning away, and then it brings it back again. He just does it, like, so so well. Like, the timing is an he's amazing. Speaker 0
Yeah. Have having seen him twice now, he I think he's up there as one of my favorite people to see live, and I would a hundred percent see him again. Yeah. So that's that. Last night was a blast. I do wanna tell one quick story about today. I had a really bad customer experience, customer service experience. And I don't so, you know, I work in customer experience. I design ways for our customers to interact with us. I take this stuff really personally, and when I experience one, I get really upset about it. I won't say the companies, but involve my cell phone. Speaker 5
Will you put an h in front of it? Speaker 1
Fuck yourself. It's only Bella Bella Rogers. No. Speaker 0
I'm not saying it. Speaker 0
be anybody. Bell. Speaker 0
be anybody. But anyways, Speaker 0
issue with I I had an issue with roaming fees. So when we went to Florida, and I experienced this before, and I thought I sorted it out. So I know there's a lot of is enrolling and and they had this plan where you can pay x dollars a day to use Speaker 1
your phone like you do at home. I thought that Speaker 0
was on my plan because I experiences when I went to Mexico the year before. So we get to Florida. I turn on my phone. I get almost immediately. Like, I'm talking, like, five seconds. I get an notes saying, you've been charged twenty five dollars for a hundred megabytes of data. So I immediately turned it off. My clearance didn't work. So fast forward, I get my bill today. Sixty five dollars enrollment fees for thirty seconds of access. I'm pissed. So I I I first start off in the chat. And I'm like, here's what's up. I went to Florida. I thought it was working blah blah blah. The guy's like, I hear you. You actually need to speak to one of our specialists. So I told him the whole story in a chat He called me and he was great and said, I'm gonna put you to your specialist. I've documented everything we've talked about. They'll help you with the situation. So they transfer me to this this lady. Not so wonderful. She immediately comes on and says, hi. I hear you have a question about your roaming. I'm like, yes. Would you like me to explain it? She goes, no. No. No. I I'll I'm I'm gonna read through it and investigate. She puts me on hold for ten minutes. Comes back, and then the first thing she says is, so I'm looking at you. Did you go did you leave the country recently? I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? Of course. She's like, oh, well, that's why the Roman charge got charged. I'm like, I know this. Yeah. Like, Are you kidding me? This is why the problem exists in the first place. I am very aware of this. She's like, oh, okay. Hold on. It puts me. Like, didn't even give me a moment. I'm gonna investigate more and goes offline. It's like ten more minutes. I'm like, what the fuck? She finally comes back. She's like, oh, yeah. It's totally a valid charge because you read of country and this and I'm like, I know this. Like, everything you're saying, I could have explained this in thirty seconds if you just let me talk. Mhmm. Speaker 0
oh, I'm very sorry, sir. I'm like, no. Now I'm pissed. Like, I never I never yell at customer service people because I have such a deep appreciation for what the shit they deal with, but She pissed me off so mad with this. Did you leave the country comment? I was on a fire at this point. And it already had a rough day. So I'm like, Fuck this. So now I'm like, she's like, okay. Well, it's valid blah blah blah. I'm like, no. I was told my my phone was figured out. I was expecting to pay this whatever twelve dollars a day for the couple days. I wanted to use it. Not sixty five for thirty seconds. This is crazy. You need to remove this now. And to make sure this never happens again. So I'll try to speed this up. She says, okay. Here's how you do it. I can add this plan this element to your plans what happens, but we can only give you back half your money. I'm like, and I yell. I'm like, not a fucking chance. I'm like, you give it all back. I'm telling you, I'm like, Give it all back. I'm switching providers right now. And she was, okay. Okay. Hold on. Goes off the phone. While she's on the phone for another ten minutes of hold to deal with whatever, I'm already Signing up with another provider. It's Black Friday. We have all these EAP plans that came into my email box. I found a delightful one. Which was actually cheaper than what I had, had unlimited roaming internationally with US and Canada nationwide, everything. I'm like, this is amazing. So if she comes back and she's like, yeah. Sorry. We can only do the, the half off. I'm like, you know what? I'm done. Sure. Add the half off. I'll see you guys after. And then and I was super pleasant back because as as I'm talking, I'm finalizing my order with a new vendor. Speaker 0
And she's like, okay. Well, that's all done. I could do for me? I'm like, no, thank you for your time. Speaker 1
Yeah. You can fuck right off. Thank you. Speaker 0
Hung up. Yeah. Hang up. And and then hit submit on my other profile. I wanna make sure she submitted my fifty percent off the fee that with bullshit first. Speaker 1
Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0
And then I submit it. So long story short, it was absolute bullshit, but I found a nice new provider with a much better rate. Speaker 1
There you go. So yeah. Could could have named them? Speaker 0
No. I won't I won't Speaker 1
because, you know, we'll, you know, we'll know which would what the other one is because in Canada, we only have base Speaker 0
only a couple. But anyways, it was pissed. I had to share that because I was so angry. Speaker 1
Yeah. I I I feel your pain. Like, I did the exact same thing, and I will name providers. I left Rogers, and I I vowed I'd never go back to them. And I have never gone back to them. Even now I've been with Bell. And yes, sir, Mark expensive, but they're they're internet's amazing, whatever. Speaker 3
Like They're not more expensive. You just have to negotiate. There you go. Speaker 5
It all comes down to customer service. Yep. And the big boxes, on four they're just gonna play dirty no matter who you go to, but it's like whoever's playing the cleanest that day. Yeah. Whoever you got. Speaker 3
When when when I call any customer serve, like, when I call these guys for anything that I need, I ask to be transferred immediately to the loyalty retention department. And they said, but sure I think I can help you. And I said, no, you can't. I'm on the verge. I'm on the verge and I need to talk to somebody. Speaker 5
Upon the verge? I I'm Speaker 1
not with Bell with Mobile, by the way. I'm I'm I'm with Freedom with Mobile. Speaker 5
You know what? Fun fact, though, I'm gonna share share one since you were talking about the the roaming. When we went out to, Newfoundland, was that last year? I don't even remember. We were told that when you go whale watching, there's a certain point in the waters that you will go into roaming. And they recommend to turn off your phone. Nice people will tell you that that's what's gonna happen to you. Not so nice people will just let you go into the roaming zone. So, yeah, helpful hints to anyone that's going whale watching Speaker 1
since you get into international waters. Speaker 5
If you go into international waters, you're you're gonna get dinged. You're Speaker 0
You could also get married there. Speaker 5
Turn off your phone. Alright. Speaker 1
Casey, have you been? Speaker 6
Yeah. I'm pretty good. Speaker 6
has been a trip this entire last ten minutes. Speaker 1
Oh, my parents so much. Speaker 6
I'm good. It's been up and down. It's kind of a blur. It's the holiday week. I was in New Jersey over the weekend, which was nice to be home. Oh. And then I came home on Monday. Speaker 1
Showing off as New Jersey Devil's, family time. Speaker 6
That's what's up. Speaker 6
Jersey. All the way. I felt I felt super at home and I didn't feel lost, and it's always nice to go home. Mhmm. Or to where you feel like is home. And then, yeah, we we had the traditional Thanksgiving, Italian dinner with my mom, which included like meatballs and pasta, vegetables, and then we did a more traditional American Thanksgiving with, my husband and his family. So my my ex in laws, I haven't come up with a catchy name for them yet. But we had a great time. It was really lovely. And then the boys and I went to see Wish today at the theater. Speaker 6
was, heavy handed. Speaker 6
Like, whoa, did she? Yeah. Like, it's the kids loved it. There was a group of, like, younger kids in the back just, like, laughing, but You know how the first time you watch an old Disney movie as an adult and you see all that shit. Speaker 1
You see all the tricks. Yeah. And you Speaker 6
see all the Oh, the listen. The the art was gorgeous. There was depth. The the animation was stunning. Mhmm. Like Disney all the way. Speaker 6
But it there were a lot of callouts. It was a it was intense, and they weren't They weren't shy about it at the at all. I don't wanna spoil anything, but Mhmm. Speaker 5
I'm looking forward to Speaker 6
Easter eggs. Which movie Speaker 3
are you talking about? Speaker 5
It's a new Disney movie out. Speaker 3
Oh, and I never heard of it. Speaker 6
Yeah. It's just out. So, yeah. And then I was I was lamenting my absence from Shoresy Night while I was cuddling my seven year old because he smelled really good. Mhmm. But there's, like, a conflict there. Right? Smelt so good. Speaker 0
was, like, I wanna be Speaker 6
And then, I knew that I was doing this tonight, and I felt so much better. Speaker 1
Well, we appreciate you coming on and filling in. Yeah. And, yeah, you you mentioned Shoresy Knight tonight. As we speak right now, some of our friends, some of the blueberry crew are up in suubbery attending The Speaker 0
Wall's just one. Speaker 1
Oh, is the game over? And those are sudberry wolves slash blueberry bulldogs one. So our our friends, Adrian, are up is up there and Aaron and Cassie and Michelle. They're at the game and the and, yeah, they're having a great time. Speaker 5
Cassie's big busy. Sure. We we saw Cassie last night. Right. Speaker 1
Cassie was in Burlington last night with us. Went home and then drove all the way to suubbery today to be at the game. Speaker 6
It's nice nice to be young. Right? Speaker 6
Nice. Oh, can I apologize for my performance last week? Speaker 5
No. What? No? Okay. Speaker 6
at one point, you asked Fuck you, Victor. At one point, you asked me for, like, my response to a scene, and I'd said I'd done my homework. And I think the only thing I could articulate was like, oh, Yeah. We were there. It was just a very simple, but I have notes tonight. Speaker 1
Yeah. It's all good. I'm ready to do that. You don't need to apologize. There were eleven of you or eleven of us. Last week. No. Speaker 6
That's why I thought I slid under the radar, but I just wanted people to know that I knew in case any of my fans Speaker 1
I love you. I love that. Speaker 1
gotta get this thing rolling. So let's let's let's get on to the Twitter roll call and, get this thing going. Welcome to new Twitter followers. Mike Lester from virginia, CFNY fan from Toronto Chris Blair from St. Louis. Summer from Sonora, California. Robert cole me my measure from Minnesota. Homeie baloney. Jared Crock, malicious Alliance from, Charleston, South Carolina, Karen, Cornwall, corn well from Heldsburg, California, Tanya Ashley. D. D. Braid Lynnkeith o three, Jose. Pat Denon from Southwest Ohio, the McCleary Andrew Watts's Dusty Queef. Yes. I said that. Liberty acts, whatever from whatever this dimension is. Sam Cohen, Jeremy Andrews from Phoenix, Ken from San Diego, Julie Frank from Seattle, Kenzie are Tina Brooks, w wiz Key Jack, just boring old Tim, Nick Hubert, Ben m from Chicago, Duane Taylor, Anthony Bailey, the fuss with Hank and Jess from Mother Kenny, Ontario. Greg Brooks, Lisa Wolf Chick from Oregon. Jay Maco, nine from Oklahoma, Jordan, Sean Cohen, that can't from, Virginia Gavin McClewer, Nina Herney from Fowlerville, Michigan, Run CMC, Jean Alverson, Matthews, Sims from Colorado, Peter Cardulo, the abides from Scottsdale, Arizona, Bill b two from Iowa, Matt Bros, media from Tacoma, Washington, hippie farmer from Winston Sailor, Salem, North Carolina, Bob, Marty Smith from Ocala, Jared Milliken and Bill Berg, Bill Burger from Philadelphia. Thank you for, following, and hopefully for listening. Previously, on Letter Kenny. Last week, we recapped and reviewed episode three of Shoresy season two set the tone. Episode was a unicorn receiving a fresh rating from all of us, all eleven of us, including the blueberry crew. Be and and according to our scientific Twitter poll, ninety point one percent gave the episode a fresh rating. Seven point nine percent gave it a clearance and two percent must be from Burlington, and that's an inside joke for our listeners who were at the show last night. Speaker 5
Victor, what would you have given it? Speaker 1
Yes. What would you have given last week's episode? Speaker 5
You didn't do your homework. Speaker 3
That's an easy fresh. Speaker 1
And the week before? Speaker 3
And the week before would have been a fresh as well. Speaker 1
That was very predictable. So last week, was, set the tone Do you have a, an MVP for last week? Speaker 3
For last week. I feel like it was Michaels. He did a lot of Speaker 1
That's a person. Speaker 5
Wait. I know. Right? What? Speaker 3
Yeah. I well, you can't funny. Speaker 3
Well, I well, Michael's is always funny. I, you know, he he has a prop in his pants. So So he's a fi he's always funny. Speaker 1
And can you think back to episode two and what your MVP might have been for that one or should we? Speaker 3
Yeah. It's Michaels. Again? Yeah. If you remember if you remember the best scene in that is is when they're peppy Panini's and that all of sudden, they're having conversation. And then Michael pipes in because he's sitting there in a corner, like, you know, creeping Okay. Eating a a panini all in the zone. Yeah. No. I I definitely, it was Michael's, two two two episodes in a row, I think. Speaker 1
Alright. We have a Michael's fan here. That's great. Well, this week, we recap and review episode four of season two players only. Have you done your homework Victor? Speaker 1
I just finished my homework minutes before we started recording. Tanya, have you done your homework? Speaker 1
Matt, have you done your homework? Speaker 1
And Casey, have you done your homework? Speaker 6
Yes. It is. Alright. Speaker 1
So here we go. Well, don't bore us. Speaker 9
Get to the chorus. Speaker 1
See how this goes. We open with nat at home getting ready for a date, set to the song so good by Wheaton. Natt tries on a few different outfits, but none seem to satisfy her or convey her mood. Finally, she has an idea, and we cut to her front door. It opens in slow motion to reveal Nat and Lacey lingerie greeting her guest. It's Shner, the sluff from the Sue Hunt. Schneur. And that turns and walks back into the house, Shneur follows because well, duh. And he closes the door behind him and we cut to the Shoresy title. And that's the cold open. Okay. Victor? Speaker 3
Oh, wait. When yeah. Stop. So I made a mistake. Speaker 3
So, just because I'm a little foggy. Okay. Little foggy. Yeah. Speaker 1
This is Victor on cold medicine, by the way. Speaker 3
I just realized the last episode that you guys did would have been episode three. Correct? Speaker 1
Yes. That's the one we were all. Speaker 3
Yeah. No. So my my my, game stick for that one goes to Adrian. It Speaker 6
Because of his face.
Speaker 3
Well, not Rocky's Adrian.
Speaker 3
Oh, because he had the best snarl, after during that fight. He was he he had the best face.
Speaker 0
Oh my god. Oh, that was worth stopping for.
Speaker 1
Okay. He did not get a kick out of it. Yes.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. No. For sure. I was gonna kinda just give it to everybody, but no. He really he he he worked it. He worked the runway with his face.
Speaker 1
So we had a chance to obviously talk about it a bit in the last episode. But what do you remember from that from from being at the the games?
Speaker 3
I I remember, just being treated like this, the that we were, like, you know, the Makea Wish Foundation Kids.
Speaker 3
And it's funny because they made a reference to that. And and I think episode three or episode four, I can't remember.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Listen to it. I actually say that. Yes.
Speaker 3
Yeah. So so that that was kinda funny. It was nothing but good times. Like, I just have it's just it's, you know, I had that nice little personal exchange with with Kiso. It it was Everybody got their own personal kind of moment with him, you know, in their own special way. So so that was really, really cool. And I don't know. It just it just it was to me, the best memories is actually not in the arena. It's just hanging out with with the gang. Mhmm. I I just you know, like seeing seeing the because that was the second time for you guys, but that was the first time for me. So, you know, driving into the park with Tanya, and that was was a was a, you know, memory, for the ages. It's a I there's there was so much good. So much good that came out of that trip. That train that that locomotive.
Speaker 1
The Your reaction to it, especially. Yes.
Speaker 3
Yeah. It was fantastic. Everything about that that was was
Speaker 1
Anyway, so back back so back to present day, this
Speaker 3
episode, what was your question?
Speaker 1
I was just about to cold open. How did you enjoy the cold loop? Oh, I think I
Speaker 3
think I enjoyed it the way everybody enjoyed it. Just, very good framing. Mhmm. Is that is that appropriate?
Speaker 1
That's perfect Victor. That's a perfect Victor response. Y y z gourd is reminding me on the live stream and before I get to actually that, let's say hi to Letter Kenny memes who's on the live stream. Haven't heard from Shelley in a while. And she says pretty cool to watch and recognize everyone in the background. Congrats guys. So she, just wanted to say that she loves seeing us in the crowd there. Thank you, Shelley. Why y is Igor reminding me Victor and the j Jared Kiso photo on the c CBC article. Now you were in London. Did you so you missed a lot last week, dude. There's
Speaker 3
a lot that happened.
Speaker 1
Like, Thursday was one thing, but rewind even to Wednesday, and our friend Michelle was on, you know, interviewed by the CBC shoes on Is
Speaker 3
this Michelle beauty. Like, oh my goodness.
Speaker 3
you listen to the you
Speaker 1
listen to the interview. Right?
Speaker 3
I'm Of course, I listened to the interview. I read the article. I think there's two different articles that I read. What what
Speaker 1
did you think of the picture that was chosen for the article?
Speaker 3
Yeah. I thought it was nice for them to show the picture of the two of us hugging. I thought that was I thought that was really a lovely thing. Then I kinda thought, am I gonna get hate from the community?
Speaker 3
And and that's acceptable. I I'm okay with that. If if if it riled a few feathers, then that's just, you know, the better for it. Yeah, I think it was fun. I think it was great. But I I I just I can't, you know, say enough about Michelle. I she's she's just so incredible.
Speaker 1
Yes. She's great. Alright. Well, let's get back to the recap. So, yes, it's my turn to talk about the the the cold open. When we were interviewing, Kiso, and he was talking about how much of a sniper, sniper, Michelle Mylett is. Same thing with Tacia. Wow. Like, Holy. Oh, yes. Yeah. Great.
Speaker 5
But she likes the mold.
Speaker 1
She no. Shores, he does. Oh, I guess she does too. Right? Yeah. Because Snurs,
Speaker 0
like, what what what
Speaker 1
what he Casey, would he be considered a silver fox?
Speaker 6
If if you like guys like that. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Would would you consider him a silver fox?
Speaker 5
I would I would think that he's yeah.
Speaker 1
What did you think of the the cold open?
Speaker 5
Yeah. She's rocking.
Speaker 5
You know what, though? I noticed something.
Speaker 5
And here's what I noticed. When she turned around, to walk away and he was following her. She has two sets of clasps on her bra, and I thought, oh, he's in for it. Cause like, Most men can't figure out one set. Let alone, there was two separate sets of class And I was thinking, oh, that might not have been yeah. That
Speaker 3
No. That that man had tools. He had that man had farming
Speaker 1
tools with always a plumber.
Speaker 3
And and and and oh, sorry. A plumbing. He had a wrench. He had a plummy wrench.
Speaker 5
So he's just gonna
Speaker 0
Well, I feel like calling it a cold open is a little off point
Speaker 1
They've all they've all been oh, this one's a hot one. Gotcha.
Speaker 0
There you go. Thank you.
Speaker 0
Thank you. He caught on to that one because it was merliest thing from cold.
Speaker 0
Yeah. The song was great.
Speaker 1
we may hear the song once again.
Speaker 0
Yeah. It was really good. I had a laugh though when I did my rewatch, today. I was to try to get in one last rewatch, and I I put it on, and my my kids were in it somewhere else in the house, so I thought. Mhmm. And then rate as the door opens, and that's standing there. My ten year old walks in and goes, whoa. It turns around and, like, drums down the room. I'm like,
Speaker 2
what are you watching?
Speaker 3
Dad's watching porn again.
Speaker 6
Sorry, Bob. Again.
Speaker 0
that was fun. Good parenting on my part tonight. Whoa. He got to He got to enjoy it.
Speaker 5
That's gonna be the memory he takes with him to adulthood.
Speaker 0
what dad does every Thursday.
Speaker 1
But dad says he's doing homework.
Speaker 5
You'll never guess what my dad was watching yesterday.
Speaker 0
Studying, it's the best studying. I love my homework.
Speaker 0
such a great gig here.
Speaker 6
I just had two, fireballs for my intro. It just says net.
Speaker 0
Oh, right. Two fireballs. Yes.
Speaker 5
Hot open. She's hot.
Speaker 6
What? Here, I will say one more thing. From the end of three into four. I don't don't think you get the full picture of just how much Kiso is, like, elevating the female form Mhmm. Because she goes straight from, like, hunting mode to, like, oh my god. I'm gonna panic a little in front of the mirror and then fuck it. And just go, like, the moments of her in the mirror, like, sighing, like, not that she what I loved is that she wasn't giving, Insecurity, she was giving this isn't hot enough.
Speaker 6
Like, I'm disappointed in you close as opposed to I'm disappointed in what I see in the mirror.
Speaker 3
Right. I did not sense since security either. No.
Speaker 6
It was it was all, like, what is wrong with you outfit? You should be looking better on me. Get fucked Yeah. This is a
Speaker 0
this is a you problem outfit.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Totally. This is a clothing. This is like a designer. She's probably you know, it's It's just the energy and casting her was brilliant. And so, yeah, that's what I appreciates about him.
Speaker 1
Sweet. Alright. Let's move on to scene one, the Bulldog locker room. Shorzy tells everyone to shut the fuck up. Sanger's got the floor. They're having a player's only meeting, only Sanger's in there because even though he's coached, it should be weird if he wasn't there because he's one of the boys. JJ Frankie, JJ. He's preoccupied with something. He has Shores if he can can phone a call. Sanger. Starts the meeting. The the gyms are fucking up. Michaels is fucking up. Dolo and Goody are fucking up, and Fish used to be fucking up until he scored the game winner. Shoresy tells Goody and Dolo to tie their dicks to their legs. Then they turn their attention to the gyms.
Speaker 2
You're late for games, and when you show up, you're not focused. Even after the games, you scramble to the showers and out the door.
Speaker 9
Which is usually what guys do if they don't want us to see their dings, but like we've seen your dings.
Speaker 9
We've seen them a ton of times.
Speaker 0
A little down. We just likes it when you hangs out with the boys for a bit after. That's all.
Speaker 1
Why boys? Good morning, Lee, Jim.
Speaker 0
Jim's are unbelievable.
Speaker 1
The gyms sit there looking ashamed, Sanger pushes them for an answer.
Speaker 0
We're doing real bad at reach for the top. Trivia?
Speaker 9
Yeah. Usually, there's four people on a team, but we're down a man. And he was the guy who always got us going. See boys, he gotta set the tone. Can't get into the game without him. Someone's gotta set tone out there, boy. Someone's got a fucking set up. You see, it's a very interesting parallel because the gyms need someone to set the tone in order to get it going, and we need the gyms
Speaker 0
to up. Michael, you fucking nerd.
Speaker 2
What happened to the other guy?
Speaker 0
You got stabbed. By who? By a big Indian.
Speaker 9
We're just feeling banged up and getting pumped that reach for the top. And now we're coming here and
Speaker 0
again pump two. So what you're saying is you just needs one of the buys to come with your two.
Speaker 0
Come on, boys. Let's send someone way to earth.
Speaker 2
Does it have to be another jail garden team, or can it be one of us?
Speaker 9
The jail guards don't wanna pay reach for the top anymore? Because one got stabbed. By a big Indian.
Speaker 1
Sanger goes into solution mode. Looks like they're looking for a fourth man for the gyms. Sure. Oh, yep.
Speaker 0
Sorry. I heard that the one comment I got when I kept call when I kept saying that they got his ass kicked by a big Indian. I feel like they missed an opportunity there to do throwback to Letter Kenny and call him a tough Indian
Speaker 0
And then make the tough and it's redundant Mhmm. Comment. Like, I feel like that
Speaker 6
It is though. It is because when, they're in native flu, Tannis, brings a BFI or FBI.
Speaker 6
So a fucking big
Speaker 6
So it is a it is a leather candy thing.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I there was there was some con conversation, I think, in season one with, neg and
Speaker 1
Yeah. Tough Indian is redundant or tough.
Speaker 3
Yeah. They they did. They did do that in in Oh. Shoresy.
Speaker 0
There you go. Well, then I retract.
Speaker 1
Yes. There you, Matt. Sanger goes into solution mode. Looks like they're gonna looking for a fourth man for the gyms. Shoresy notices the lack of beers at this player's only meeting. They've only got warm ones left after the players showered fish with the cold ones after their win. They decide to move the me meeting to somewhere where they could have beers. So cut to scene two cut to the laughing Buddha. We hear Shoresy stating there's pretty good pizza here, and we can personally attest that being true. Yes. The Latifing Buddha has great pizza. Shoresy and the slots are sitting at the blueberry cruise table, actually. That is the table we sat at at our final meeting in suubbery. Yeah. Sanger. Lighting. Same everything. Same everything. Yeah. Sanger resumes a search for a fourth member that Jim's reached for the top team. Who's the smartest slut? Shoresy things that might be faster to to start from the other end. Who's dumb? All the sluts raise their hands, except for Michaels and Hitchcock. They decide on a trivia competition. Shorsey proposes that he'll be the control for the group. He is the dumbest, guy there. So if he gets a question right, then Michael's or hitch get wrong, then they'll know who's dumber. JJ Frank and JJ is still distracted by something else. He can't get ahold of either of his girlfriends, Lesandra, or Rev. Sanger starts with the questions. He asks what each contestant would do if chosen for the trivia team. Hitch says he'd study all night. Michael's said he'd have a positive attitude. Short as he said, he'd be fucking Sanger's mom. Sanger, asks about strategy Hitch launches into a speech about how new fees are perceived as dominant, what with the volume that they drinks and what the way they talks but they make up for it with a strong work ethic. Yes. Casey's sharing a picture of us at at sitting at the same table. Michael's launches into a speech about how much he adored English and school, but his true love is math and science, but Shoresy interrupts him.
Speaker 9
Is he not the most boring person you've ever heard in your life?
Speaker 1
Pardon me? Because no
Speaker 9
one else having this issue. You're sitting here. You're listening to him talk, you're trying to care, but you just can't seem to give a fuck about a single word he says.
Speaker 0
Yeah. Tell me how you really feel.
Speaker 9
I've been sitting here listening to him talk for a minute.
Speaker 2
He's been for five seconds.
Speaker 9
Feels like I've been sitting here listening to him talk for a year.
Speaker 1
Good. He wonders if there are any girls in the bar on the other side of the restaurant. The slots aside to move the player's only meeting. To somewhere where there are girls. Cut to the Colson Nightclub. Seems like a strange place for a player's only meeting, but Shoresy thinks they should have started there first. They continue with their search for the least dumb slut, but first, JJ Frank, JJ is still distracted. He hasn't heard from his girlfriend, whereas he tells him he'd better hope they haven't heard from each other. Hitch is in a hurry. He wants to get to know a girl in the dance floor. Goody and Dolo agree. Short as he tells them to tie their dicks to their legs. To the trivia, the topic is space. Michael start with space is huge. Shoresy can for sure top that. He opens with the earth revolve or, yeah, revolves around the sun. This is this already impresses Sanger, but they're interrupted by Brit and Melody who come and take Goody and Dolo away from the meeting, Brett to dance with Goody, Melody to Bangdolo in the bathroom. That also, cues hitch to leave So now, Shoresy scolds Sanger for his players only meeting, being of another failure. Sanger tells Shoresy, it's his fault for having it at the Colston. Shoresy is disappointed. He had some great space words. He didn't even get to use. Words like meta, get galactic, and inter cosmic. This impresses the others. Shoresy says, you better think twice if you wanna talk space with him. Michael doesn't react. Sanger asks him what what the problem is.
Speaker 9
I'm the best goalie in the week. And why are you walking around like someone ran over your dog? Look, you're really gonna inhale and exhale like that? Just you just did it again? You don't even know you're doing it. It's not success unless you have someone to share
Speaker 9
I mean, I'm number one in the league. We're number one, and soon, we're gonna be number one in the league of all time.
Speaker 9
We're successful, but it's just it's not true success if you don't have anyone to share it with.
Speaker 1
Michael's statement actually makes Shoresie stop and think for a minute. Then he asks Michaels if he's talking about abroad. Right? Michael's exhales again to Shoresie's annoyance. Cut to the next scene, Laura Moore's front door. There's a knock. She opens it. It's Shorzy. She calls him a fucking cycle for appearing at her house. Shows you think, says he's politely knocking. She says he's drunk. He doesn't deny it. She asks him why he's there. He inhales and exhales like Michaels did, Laura comments on it. This impresses Shores even more now. Whoa. What?
Speaker 9
It's not success unless you have someone to share it with.
Speaker 11
What? Your success isn't?
Speaker 11
Success unless you have someone to share it with? Can I start over? You're saying you're successful. Yep. Cause you're the best team in the league, I'm assuming.
Speaker 9
Best team in the league ever?
Speaker 11
Not yet. But you're saying it isn't successful unless you have someone to share it with. Yeah. What does that even mean?
Speaker 9
I'd love to tell you about my day.
Speaker 9
I'd love to see if I can somehow make your life easier.
Speaker 10
I almost believe you did.
Speaker 9
I know you fucked one or two before.
Speaker 11
That's how I know Slutz talk.
Speaker 9
What's it gonna take? What do you got? Well, I'd tongue kiss a toaster to vacuum your fucking car. Yeah. Yeah. I'd walk the king's way with my pants at my ankles to empty your dishwasher.
Speaker 11
Now we're talking. I
Speaker 9
wanna empty your dishwasher so bad. You have no idea.
Speaker 11
Say, I had a big sexy for me.
Speaker 9
Alright. I wasn't thinking I was coming in or anything. I wasn't hoping or anything.
Speaker 11
My kids are sleeping there.
Speaker 9
Yeah. I wanna mess that up really.
Speaker 11
You wanna go in the garage?
Speaker 1
Shoresy just stands there, staring at Laura, not saying a word, probably unsure of whether she's being serious or not. She's not. Yeah.
Speaker 11
So you'll think you'd come nog on my during time you're half cut and I wanna crawl on top of you?
Speaker 9
You are such a fucking good time woman. Later. I'm gonna be thinking about you.
Speaker 9
And I usually prefer the front door on the first date, but you're the boss. Apple sauce.
Speaker 1
You're the boss. Apple sauce. I love that. Seeing five at Eddie's restaurant, the sluts are still trying to figure out which one of them is the least dumb. Now they're playing their own, game of reach for the top.
Speaker 2
What is the highest grossing Canadian movie of all time? Uber.
Speaker 9
No. You're fucking idiot.
Speaker 3
Come again. Good.
Speaker 9
You're fucking idiot. Yeah. That's the best Canadian movie of all time.
Speaker 2
And correct. Michael's? It's bone cut, bad cop. Correct. What multi platinum van hails from Hannah, Alberta? Spirited with.
Speaker 9
Are you actually that fucking idea?
Speaker 1
It's fucking stupid.
Speaker 1
Incorrect. Michael
Speaker 9
It's nickelback. Nickelback.
Speaker 2
Correct. I'm a World War one flying ace that Toronto City Airport is named after.
Speaker 9
I? Ebro arrow. Oh, my god. How's he in this fucking competition? That's a plane. My name's asking for
Speaker 6
He's asking about a plane driver.
Speaker 9
A plane driver a pilot. Jesus. Commercial planes can't go in reverse today.
Speaker 2
And correct. Michaels. It's Billy Bishop. Correct.
Speaker 0
You gotta push them.
Speaker 9
I think we've seen enough. Don't see no questions
Speaker 0
on New Fernando buys. No worries. We're used to being excluded.
Speaker 9
Holy fuck. Just give him a question about the Maritime. Newfoundland. Part of Ameritimes buys.
Speaker 2
Okay. What is the name of the popular Nova Scotia condiment made of condensed milk, vinegar, and garlic?
Speaker 9
Oh, come on. Greeny girly.
Speaker 7
It's such a month. Get an idiot, say don't wear. The nair sauce.
Speaker 9
Correct. Who doesn't your fucking Nova Scotia think to there?
Speaker 0
Halifax explosion was a doozy.
Speaker 9
Fuck else does Nova Scotia have?
Speaker 0
got sick to kill.
Speaker 1
Turn the park voice.
Speaker 3
My package scopes are lovely, Tom.
Speaker 2
Congrats Michaels. You're going to general play reach for the talk.
Speaker 1
Michael's gets up to give a speech and they all tell him to shut the fuck up. Oh, good. The so before I actually continue, production note about, like, especially to our American listeners. If you don't know the story of the avro arrow, look it up. It's a it's a really interesting story. About a a jet designed and built by Canadian aerospace scientists that was the most advanced jet of its time way more advanced than, American fighter jets. And but because of, like, political crap, It wasn't allowed to be produced. And I think the one and only one that was built was actually sunk into lake, Ontario or or some lake or whatever. Like, it was disposed of. The movies with Dan Acroyd, it's an interesting story, of Canadian history, and it's it's really cool. No that you're I'm sure you're aware of the story.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I'm not much to add.
Speaker 1
Yeah. But, ma'am, were you are you aware of the eyebrows?
Speaker 0
Uh-huh. Not to that degree. I do bits of it, but now I need to go check out the rest to get up on my Canadian history.
Speaker 1
Yeah. It's it's an interesting story about
Speaker 5
Is that a heritage moment, would you say?
Speaker 1
I don't know if it was ever made into a heritage heritage moment, but it was made into a film with Dan Acroid. And it's it's kind of frustrating because, apparently, and, I mean, compared to even jets from today, it was as advanced. Like, I think it could chief mock whatever before any other, like, F eighteen or whatever could do it. And, and it was just Like, the design of it and the engineering behind it was so advanced, and it got scuttled because Canada wasn't allowed to have some we we're not allowed to have nice things.
Speaker 3
seven ninety three. We we we do have the Canada arm settled down.
Speaker 6
For a two crew twin engine aircraft with a range of three hundred nautical miles for a normal low speed mission and two hundred nautical miles for high speed interception this mission. It also specified operation from a six thousand foot runway, a mach one point five cruising speed at an altitude of seventy thousand feet, and maneuverability for two g turns with no loss of speed or altitude
Speaker 6
At Mach one point five and fifty thousand
Speaker 3
That's that's video game, stuff.
Speaker 1
And this was, like, built in in the sixties or something. What?
Speaker 6
Nineteen fifty three.
Speaker 0
That might be the biggest list of continuous facts we've ever had on
Speaker 1
this show. There you go. Thank you, Keith. Thank you.
Speaker 3
Thank you. Thank
Speaker 4
you for hitting a first.
Speaker 1
Just ran out of time to look that up, but I knew is a is an interesting fact. So I appreciate some.
Speaker 1
Thank you. Alright. The entire time, this is happening. JJ Frank, JJ is still watching his phone. Dolo asked if he's heard from the girls, he hasn't. Seeing six cut to a French Canadian talk show called Hey, you guys. Or in French called in French, it's called, hosted by Marie Camille Robido Le Blanc. So this is to make, you know, Americans think that all French Canadians have multiple hyphenated names first and last. Right? But it's played the the that role is being played by Jordana Lejuire. She's a French Canadian actress, known for the boys. And this Victor, you might be interested in this one. There's a show called Patrice Lemu, twenty four seven that she was also in, and she was also in one episode of nineteen two. So the Patrice Lemu show is a hockey related show, Victor. So that's why I thought you might be interested in that one. In this episode, they're talking about the pride of Quebec it who is no longer JJ Frankie, JJ. Her guest are Quebec actress, Catherine or Catherine Saint Laurent, playing herself, Lasandra Nadeau also playing herself and Rev playing herself. All three talk about JJ Frankie, JJ cheating on them with the next woman. Lawrence will both decline their her interview request, so that's why she's not there. The host is noticing a pattern here, but lisandra interjects. She loves JJ Frank, JJ, JJ, very much. And always will. But it hurts so much to care about a man who doesn't care about himself. And the others agree. It isn't his floundering that bothers her so much as it's his diet. Since Frankie loves since Frankie lives in Ontario now, they switch to English so that the women of Ontario can be warned.
Speaker 10
We were asleep together one night, and I woke up with something between my toes. It was a honey nut cheerio. Oh, I would check Frankie's pockets before doing the wash. And one time, I pulled out a subway Felicchi steak. Foot long. Yeah. And a McDonald's apple pie.
Speaker 12
One time I came home and the smoke alarms were going off, and my dogs were scratching at the door.
Speaker 5
Frankie had fallen asleep with two pizza pups
Speaker 12
on the George foreman grill.
Speaker 10
Did you dogs must have been scared sick?
Speaker 12
Yeah. They were real sick all right. When the pepperoni, you picked up by the checkout, I can't eat an entire.
Speaker 5
You see, I thought the cheating was bad. And it's clear that his diet is what's really eating you.
Speaker 1
The host signs off with the lesson learned. You can be the pride of Quebec but you cannot hurt the pride of the Quebecwa. She says shame on you, j j, Frankie, Frankie, JJ seven cut to the hottest walk of shame you have ever watched. As Nat hot off her Schmure conquests struts through the sudberry arena high fiving meek and Zig and into her office where Shorzy awaits her.
Speaker 9
We got a problem.
Speaker 10
Of course, we do.
Speaker 9
Did you just get fucked?
Speaker 5
We got a problem. What's the problem? Hey. Look at her.
Speaker 9
What? Don't she look like?
Speaker 5
Fuck you, Shorzy?
Speaker 6
For what? Thank you. Just got fucked.
Speaker 5
You look like you just got fucked. No.
Speaker 9
If anything, she looks like she's been at home blasting herself.
Speaker 6
I got a problem. Someone tell me
Speaker 5
the problem. Frankie got caught. Oh,
Speaker 6
only matter of time.
Speaker 9
How is he? He doesn't know yet. Good.
Speaker 6
Keep it away from him until after we play North Bay.
Speaker 12
Kippo. I don't love him anymore.
Speaker 6
Kippo questioned by their own. When someone loves him, his calendar sold out,
Speaker 9
There's that calendar biting me in the ass.
Speaker 6
And back ordered.
Speaker 9
I don't fucking care.
Speaker 12
Well, you shed. That big Quebec just got us ten k closer to our fifty k goal, twenty to go.
Speaker 1
Not is angry at Shorosi. She told him to put out fires and instead he comes back with a new one. Shorosi assures Nat that one of the fires is out. Which one? Cut to the prison for reach of for the top, the quiz master introduces the new members of the new member of Jim's team, Michaels. They've changed their name from Iraquiz to Algonquiz. Their opponents have also changed their names because they're they feel bad about what happened to that guard being stabbed so to turn over a new leaf, they've changed their name to the tropic of answer. And so the competition then begins.
Speaker 4
Which Canadian funny man was part owner of the Toronto Organauts in the nineteen nineties?
Speaker 4
Correct. Which Ontario City did San Panapolis invent Hawaiian pizza in? Chatham. Correct. What year did Newfoundland Labrador officially join Canada?
Speaker 0
Nineteen forty nine.
Speaker 4
Correct. She is Canada's first female astronaut. Roberta Bondar. Correct. Until the success of two thousand six's bumcot Badcock What was the highest gross and Canadian motion picture of all time? Fubar. Incorrect? Orkeys. Correct. In which of his songs is stomping Tom Connercing. Well, the girls are out to Bingo and the boys are getting stinky.
Speaker 9
Sudbury, Saturday night. Correct.
Speaker 1
Scene nine cuts of this suubbery arena. And the game, Shoresy is once again being interviewed by Jori. Jori makes one of Shoresy's number sixty nine. Shorgy just sits there stone face. But then, Jory talks about the opponent Keller and his hot wife. Jory asks shortly if he'd like to see pictures. Choresy would like to see pictures. So they start looking at pictures of her and McFearsons wife. Cuts of the montage of the game sets of the song Death proof by Valentino Khan, The Bulldog score first with a goal by hitched, then another by Shorzy, then McFearson tries to score a lacrosse style goal from behind the net. This causes a scrum, shows he's not happy about the attempt. He warns McPherson that he'll get hurt bad if he tries that again. Mcpherson starts tripping Frankie, and then that and that says, throws you off again. But it continues, and Mcpherson tries to move again and fails. The Bulldog's bench jumped to their feet. Remi and Benny explained that it's his second attempt at the Michigan goal. They make fun of McPherson for the Hot Dog play. During the stoppage of play, Shoresy jumps off the bench, takes b makes a b line for Mcpherson and cross checks them in the face. Mcpherson goes down like a sack of potatoes, and the rest of the players begin brawling, and we fade to black. Alright. That's the episode as another train goes behind, Matt there.
Speaker 5
It's going in the other direction now.
Speaker 6
That's for you, Victor.
Speaker 1
you go, Victor. Victor, we start with you. What are your initial, you know, thoughts on this episode? No rating.
Speaker 3
So much so much, was packed into this episode. Like, so much. It felt like an hour an hour episode, but not because it was dragging on
Speaker 0
just because so much happened.
Speaker 3
You know, you had the the the the initial, the, the initial kind of stuff with the cold open and then the setup in terms of what the heck is going on with the gyms and then then they find out. Yeah. You you had the whole thing with the the the girth that that that ridiculous French show. Mhmm. And even felt like you even watched a big chunk of the the game, like, you saw two Michigan attempts in in which is pretty cool. So I there's just and I'm probably leaving out a bunch of stuff, but there was just so many layers to this episode, that you kind of walked away thinking, wow. I just watched two episodes or was that all in one?
Speaker 1
Well, there's a three full scenes of the sludge trying to figure out who the dumbest sled is to to be on the Oh, yeah.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Exactly. There was that whole
Speaker 1
The bottom of the layer is only layers. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. It was, lots of layers definitely.
Speaker 1
a okay. I, so I've got a few notes here. Shoresy as the dumbest of the sluts. I don't buy it. I don't buy it. He's not the dumbest slut.
Speaker 3
He's a manipulator.
Speaker 1
Yeah. I don't I don't yeah. That part, I was like, really, even, like, when you think back to the family reunion from season one, his brother's, like, he was making fun of his brother being dumb. So short
Speaker 3
He's taking one for the team out.
Speaker 1
No. I just don't buy him as a dumb as slut. So it's it was kind of a weird thing for that. I mean, they they didn't have to do that, but they did. But anyway, whatever. That's a small thing. Yeah.
Speaker 0
The only thing I'll say on that one really quickly is he's been it can shots at himself all season.
Speaker 0
Like, he from the the the ugliest the ugliest slop but
Speaker 0
the now the dumbest slide.
Speaker 0
Maybe there is left behind that manipulation. I don't know, but that he's been taking shots at himself.
Speaker 1
Or it's it's low self esteem from growing up being a fat kid and stuff. But Yeah. It is
Speaker 6
Or he's taking himself off of the market for Laura.
Speaker 6
Like, he's trying to make himself less appealing because she knows he's a real one.
Speaker 1
Alright. I mean, all great answers. The scene at Laura Moore's door. I know we're gonna talk a lot about this scene. Another I mean, I'm I've said it before and I'll say it again. The best scenes that Keesa writes are the ones with him and another, like, a woman. So relationships and letter Kenny, and then every single Laura Moore seen on this show are amazing. And we I mean, we learned last night at the Q and A that, you know, Ali and and and Olivia probably have a lot to do also with the way these scenes are written. So kudos, but fucking love the scene him at the door, taking a shot, shooting his shot, and, but still being very respectful of of her, you know, of her declining him. My last thing here is the Michigan goal, the lacrosse goal, whatever you wanna call it. So fucking hockey culture, I you know, Everyone, you know, they talk about how noble hockey players are and stuff like that. But this one here this is one of the things that I hate hate hate about hockey culture. Is when they become such snowflakes, when something new comes up and some a skilled player does something that makes them look bad and then suddenly they have to beat the shit out of that player because he makes them look bad. Now the guy failed at scoring. And they still it's Shores, they still needed to to cross Checkerman.
Speaker 3
I I wholeheartedly disagree with you.
Speaker 1
I know I know Victor.
Speaker 3
That's not a snowflake thing.
Speaker 1
It's a snowflake thing.
Speaker 3
First of all, the Michigan is not new. That is No.
Speaker 1
I know. But but their reaction to anything like that is bullshit because it's not against the rules. Why why why shouldn't the guy try to do it if he can do it?
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And because there's all kinds of because okay. The Harlem Globetrotters.
Speaker 3
know who they are?
Speaker 1
I know who they are.
Speaker 3
Right? They do all kinds of cool things. Right? It's very it's entertaining.
Speaker 3
Can you imagine Can you imagine if if if you're watching a real basketball game? And and because believe me, believe me, like, LeBron can LeBron can do all the things that you've seen the Harlem Galope trotters do.
Speaker 3
Can you imagine him trying that in a real game? He wouldn't because he wouldn't it would be in he he wouldn't wanna embarrass the other his his the other team. It just doesn't happen.
Speaker 3
It doesn't happen. It's embarrassing. So you don't wanna score a lacrosse goal. On
Speaker 1
Why not? If you can score, score any way you can score. If it's within the rules, you can score. You should be able to score any way you
Speaker 3
No. You should. You should. And then the you then as long as you're ready to get a cross check than the face for it, so go for it.
Speaker 1
If he got leveled during the attempt, fine. He got leveled well after the whistle because their feelings got hurt that they were made to look bad, and he didn't even score.
Speaker 5
Is it is it a rule?
Speaker 1
No. It's not just hockey.
Speaker 3
It's any sport. My point the reason I use the basketball example is because it's not just hockey. It's any sport. Nobody wants to be embarrassed. It it's just like in football. They they, what is it? They they put a they they put a penalty. I think you get a penalty or whatever. Start doing a special dance or if you spike the ball and do special dance. What are they they just take those things. Yeah.
Speaker 0
What's troubled back there, celebration But okay.
Speaker 1
There's an actual rule that says, yeah, don't stop. That's unsportsman like scoring a goal within the rules is not on Sportsman Lake. It's within the rules. And again Let's not
Speaker 3
kind of attitude. That's Sean Avery. You must be a big fan of Sean.
Speaker 3
He's an idiot. Before they changed the rules, he in the playoffs, he was facing. Instead of facing the play, He was facing.
Speaker 3
he was facing Martembro deurs Yes. And trying to make Google eyes at him
Speaker 3
Waving his hand in front of his face and it was perfectly legal. And you know what they did? They changed the they changed the rules.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Fucking snowflakes. I remember exactly what you're talking about there. And when he did, I'm like, that's brilliant. I I I love that he did that, and and then they changed the rule for it. Like, well, he wasn't breaking these fucking rules.
Speaker 3
And people people people hate rash.
Speaker 1
I agree Sean Avery's a wrap, but what he was doing was perfectly fine. If he had gotten cross checked, he'd be
Speaker 3
Okay. Good. So you like Marshawn licking people's cheek after the play as well.
Speaker 1
No. That's after the play. Is that
Speaker 6
a Sean Patrick? No. It's
Speaker 1
no. Anyway, I I I hated that. And and So the fact that that whole retaliation was was one of the things I had.
Speaker 3
Like Go settle down.
Speaker 1
When they no. When they talk about the code and stuff like that and and hockey players are so noble. Well, but when shit like this happens, it just rubs me the wrong way because it's like
Speaker 6
Well, he's gonna getcha.
Speaker 1
Yeah. No. I know. Well, I know it sure he's a dirty player and then so it's a dirty thing. But I remember when, you know, the fur the first NHL player, like, dare to do that during a game, And it was the same thing reaction. I'm like, oh, I can't believe he did that. What a weasel bulb? Like, he should get level. Like, for what? He's for showing you up. Like, come on.
Speaker 3
Like It's just you don't you
Speaker 1
if There was there was a time Victor.
Speaker 3
You don't wanna go there.
Speaker 1
of the hockey, the history of hockey. There was a time where if you had a curved stick you were you're gonna get the shit beat beat out of you. There's a timer if you lifted the puck during the shot because goalies didn't have masks, you you would get the shit beat out of you. Evolution happens, and it's always the dinosaurs that that, don't I
Speaker 3
don't have a problem with it. I'm just saying if you're gonna do it, don't be surprised if you're gonna get smacked for it. That's all.
Speaker 1
If you get hit while you're trying to do it, that's one thing. But after, like, after it happens, that's bullshit. That's bullshit. No. Whatever. I'm glad to have you back picture.
Speaker 3
Hey. You know what? You you you know what? Then you get what what happens is you get what the garbage, like you see with the leaves, where, you know, their players gets smacked all over the place, and nobody comes to defend them. And because everyone's a snowflake, And and and and and then you get this team that has absolutely no passion.
Speaker 1
When you have a goon, like, leaning on your best player and roughing him around, that's different than somebody using their skill to make you look bad. If you don't wanna look bad, play better.
Speaker 3
What can embarrassing?
Speaker 6
That was a classic transition now.
Speaker 0
Welcome to attaboy.
Speaker 5
Yeah. So, yeah. It was a long episode for sure. I, I feel like, they could have used some of this in the last one because the last ones seemed a little short, and this one seemed to go a little long. There was just a lot. There was like a ton. There was, like, the three locations for the player's only meeting that became a player's only meeting in three different places.
Speaker 0
I thought I muted that.
Speaker 1
That was poor timing. That
Speaker 0
was I tried to hit the button I clearly missed.
Speaker 5
You coulda done that, in the rant that just happened momentarily there. Anyways,
Speaker 6
episode four is three minutes longer than episode three.
Speaker 0
Really? Felt longer. Yep.
Speaker 1
There's so much that happened. That's why
Speaker 5
there's just so much that happened.
Speaker 6
Like, I Home minutes.
Speaker 5
Yeah. I agree with Victor on that. Like, there was just so much that happened. You know, we go from the cold open and we have the players only meeting, and then the trivia, and then Shoresy seeing Laurie, Laura, and then Uncle Eddy's with more trivia and then the the the at the at the, the jail, and then Jayjay Frank and Jayjay, and the whole, hey, you Hey, you guys. Show. There is
Speaker 1
Hey, Fuz Otras. That's what it is.
Speaker 1
It loses something in the translation, I think.
Speaker 5
Roll your r again. Yeah, there was, there was a lot. There was a lot, lot, lot. And we got a little bit, closer into knowing Michael's, issue and why he's just been so sad and I love how Shores he tried to make it his thing too, with Laura to see whether or not that would work, which it did not. And
Speaker 5
just that exchange, again, yes. I I truly do love, when Shoresi and Laura were trying to make like that whole conversation was so brilliant. Yeah. There was there was a lot going on. Lot a lot going on. My favorite I have to say though, one of my favorite new sayings is going to be a plane driver. I just think that that is brilliant.
Speaker 3
It is appropriate to say train driver. Mhmm. Just so you know.
Speaker 5
But a plane driver, not so much. But I it's gonna be my thing.
Speaker 1
I feel like it's more appropriate to say in a train accelerator and decelerator because what what do you you don't drive a train. Like, you're on a track. You just accelerate. You do something.
Speaker 3
You're driving the train.
Speaker 0
They really do anything.
Speaker 5
Wow. You just like poking tonight. Are you? Are you are you in a button pressing No.
Speaker 0
I'm happy to have mister bucks.
Speaker 5
Going for contact? Yeah.
Speaker 3
I will remind you that your wife said five minutes earlier that she agreed with me.
Speaker 3
And that meant not just for the episode, but for everything.
Speaker 5
No. No. Not that whoa. Take your You're in.
Speaker 1
Put the pedal on that one.
Speaker 5
That was not in my mouth.
Speaker 1
Quick rewind till last night. We're we're driving to Burlington to the comedy thing. And Owen is there because Victor can't make it. So we're like, Owen, you have to be Victor. He's like, what does that mean? I have to talk a lot about trains and extreme. And we're like, Yeah. And he he's all into extreme now. Thanks, Victor. But he's also and he's like, you know, you also need to know about the periodic table of elements. He's like, oh, okay. And he
Speaker 5
mentioned I don't even know. He he pulled a Victor. Yeah.
Speaker 1
He pulled a fun he said a fun fact about one of the elements. I'm like,
Speaker 5
oh, there's Victor. He said a bunch of a bunch of element told things, and I was like, yeah. Okay. You're in. Good because you're going. Yeah.
Speaker 1
So you're turning my kids against me, Victor. Thanks.
Speaker 1
Did you have anything else?
Speaker 1
Matt, Matt. You're up. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0
There's a lot to unpack. In this one. I'm with Victor on that. There's a a lot going on. I'll fire through a few things. So, the the not the not piece. I mean, love her, obviously. I love how they address that. I like that they just kinda didn't make it too big a thing, let her have her moment at the beginning. Just, you know, they didn't overplay that. That that that scene could have become much more than what it because it left you so that cliffhanger episode three, and they just continued on and moved on. So I I loved how they played out Natts take down to that slut and her terms in her way. So I I I just like that.
Speaker 0
The the players only a bit thought was pretty funny. The progression of that, which really was never a player's only. I thought that was clever. Sorry. Excuse me. Or is that the more and more, scene. Still, by agree, my favorite. I as more and more I watch this, I feel like this is one big slow burning love story. That's happening. Right? With a number of element, not just for Laura, but it's it's Shoresy's love story. Right?
Speaker 0
loves his hockey, he loves his family, he loves Laura Moore. So it's all just building up those various elements across the two seasons, and it's kinda fun to watch. But I couldn't agree more of those. As soon as I see Laura up here, I'm like, this is gonna be good. And that scene did not disappoint at all. You know, it it they just the chemistry between those two on on scene is is ab really brilliant. And I and I just I look forward to those every episode. Now, but hey, you guys bit. Mhmm. I didn't like I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. That's not it's rare for me. It felt very I don't know. I I know they take some weird swings at stuff. This one, I didn't understand. It felt kind of out of left field. Speaker 1
It was absolutely. Yeah. Speaker 0
Really out of left field. And and it it it didn't feel part of the episode to me. It it just felt like a connector to to to JJ, which of course it was, but I don't know. I just didn't get it. There was some definitely a couple last in there. I love the town and then that scene, but as a whole, Well, it just felt really at a place for me. So confused me a little to be honest. Speaker 3
I'm not Were were they were they concerned for his health or were they fat shaming him. Speaker 1
I don't think that's fat shaming. Yeah. I think they Neither. Speaker 1
I don't think so. I didn't take it as fat shaming. I took it as, somebody like, what what they said? The they can't it's hard for them to care about somebody who doesn't care about themselves. Right? Like, I think that's all it was. Speaker 0
Yeah. So, yeah, again, didn't get that one. It really that one threw me off a little bit. Okay. Couple quick things. John Candy, I didn't know that he was ever a part owner of the Aragos. I'm assuming these are all Speaker 3
Wait. That's huge. Speaker 1
Yeah. He was a big person. Speaker 0
Listen. Go sports. I'm a huge giant candy fan. Like, man, do I miss that man? Speaker 3
Yeah. It sounds like you're just a big John Candy fan to me. Speaker 0
like for some It Speaker 1
was a no ownership group that featured, the, owner of the LA Kings. What was his name? Bruce McNall. Speaker 3
Wayne you went to jail for, Speaker 1
Land gradske and John Candy. And that was the year that they got, Rocket ismail to come to the to Toronto. Speaker 3
Oh, man. Correct. Speaker 0
Hope the Kenosha kickers were, playing at that at those games. Speaker 3
Bruce did go through your note. I'm just glad. Speaker 0
So, yeah, didn't know that and also didn't know, I guess, Chatham invented Hawaiian pizza. You know that was Speaker 1
Yeah. That was an interesting fact too that, Hawaiian pizza was invented in Ontario. Speaker 3
They're also a good stop on your way to Windsor. Mhmm. Speaker 0
Well, shout out to Chatham because I personally love pineapple. Speaker 1
I was gonna say the complete opposite. Speaker 0
I think it's wonderful. Speaker 1
More reason to hate chocolate. Okay. Speaker 3
Yeah. Pineapple on pizza. Pineapple, but, see, the people do it wrong. It's it most people put pineapple on ham, which is just stupid. But if you put pineapple and, pepperoni, that is a combination you didn't have. Speaker 5
Ham steak And onions. Speaker 3
And what? What'd you say? Speaker 5
Ham steak with a pie with pineapple rings, Speaker 3
Oh, so yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Ham ham is weird. It's Ham is weird. Speaker 0
No. I love me pineapple. The pineapple is the best for to set it. Speaker 3
I agree. And and it's a great dessert, in a Brazilian, steakhouse. Speaker 0
Absolutely. I've ever gone to the one downtown. I think I had more pineapple than I did meet. Speaker 3
I can see. That's Speaker 1
blasphemy. That's blasphemy. Speaker 0
Alright. Dude, when you when they when they come and secure it, go ahead. Speaker 5
It's it's like they do, like, the the the cinnamon with the with the with the brown sugar. Speaker 3
Your takes are all coming wrong to my house. Speaker 1
I'm not touching it. Speaker 6
Okay. So here we go now. Right. Stick with me. I'm gonna try to make this painless. Yeah. I love when Goody says, shut up Michael's you fucking nerd. I love how excited Goody gets about frosty ones when they suggest that they need to be having the players meeting where there are beers. He looks like a kid who just got a toy. It's great. Laughing Buddha vibes Have you have you do you ever watch this show and sometimes think like, did we have the experience or are we seeing our experience reflected back to us. Oh. It's hard sometimes. I love every time Shoresy says, girlfriends, Speaker 1
Yeah. Girl friend. That one is talking about JJ Frank and JJ's Girl. Speaker 6
Yeah. I I love that bit. The space discussion is great. I love the setup for the inhale, exhale bit. Speaker 6
Gold. Yeah. That is fucking payoff gold. When Laura says that to him at the door and he says, whoa. Yeah. That's everything. I love how he doesn't, Laura, when she's trying to get him to explain what he just said about talking to her, like, about being the best in the league and having somebody to share it with. Yeah. The entire exchange she's asking him questions. He never has her once. And I love that. I love when he says, you fucked a slider too, and it goes right off the rails and her face drops, and he's just struggling to bring it back. This totally is mirroring their interaction in the barn in season one, episode four. They have the same sort of I god, I'd be so good to you. Speaker 6
is a payoff on how he'd be good to her. Right? Like, he would like a toaster to change or tire or whatever cleaner car. Speaker 6
All those are the ways that he'd be good to her. So that's a nice little payoff from that episode. I could say a million other things about that scene. But yeah. Where's a Brian Adams' references? I feel like wasn't he Canadian? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why that Speaker 3
hasn't He still is apparently. Speaker 6
I feel I feel like I feel this is just random. I just feel like should be more Brian Adams references. Speaker 1
Brian Adams is too mainstream. He's so mainstream. He's almost American, so I think that's probably why they don't they don't go there. Speaker 6
You're the boss, applesauce. I love that. Yeah. I love being at Eddie's. Those ladies at the table, those three who are they that I need that production note? Like, I need to know who they are and how they're related. Is it somebody's mom who babysat Jared in that trio? And How can I be a part of that group of ladies? Speaker 1
They're probably just regulars at Eddie's. Yeah. Speaker 6
Yeah. Whatever. Just put me at that table with those ladies. Yeah. Particularly, the one on the left with the plaid. She was great. I'd love a passive aggressive hitch in trivia. And when he's, like, exhausted and having to say a pilot after saying plane driver, he's, like, a pilot. It is just Well done, Terry Ryan. That's a great scene for him. I disagree about hating, Hey, you guys. Mhmm. This sort of answers the question, where are these girls? Like, who are these girls and what is the deal and why is Frankie chasing. Speaker 6
And why is he running after them? So, Cassandra Nadeau looking fire after mommy hood just amazing. Speaker 6
I thought this was gonna be like a teardown classic girl style, like, dish all sort of like that questionable call vibe. Then when it turned into like, oh, just all of Shores, these chirps are true, then I was on board with it because, like, the cheerio in the toe, Like, that sounds like something Shoresy would chirp at JJ about. And so you go back to, like, all of his, like, food chirps and you're, like, And and I think I said this, like, back in Letter Kenny days when about Riley and Jonesie's moms, like, he every every chirp surety delivers is the truth, and that's why it hurts. Lizzo was right. Anyway, that that's what that scene did for me. Like, Speaker 5
You're brilliant. Speaker 6
That's up to the closed captioning team for correctly captioning for what? It's not for what. It's f e r, and they did it well this time. That is lit up after bang and snir her hips. Don't lie, and her stomach looks amazing. Well done, Tasia, then oh, Maddie Ellis. Right? As the trivia master. I love the names. It was great to see AJ and Mo. Right. Speaker 1
Yes. Every time it's yeah. He he always Speaker 1
Yeah. It's awesome. Now that I know it's him. Speaker 1
Now that I know it's him and not one of the proper strategies. Yeah. Speaker 6
Yeah. When he just cheesing. And I was like, look at Mo. He looks and I wrote this down, and I'm sorry if any kids are listening, but I'm just gonna say it. Eyes. I wrote down Moe's face looks makes him look like he has his first public butt plug in. I don't know what that means today. Speaker 1
No. Nothing really, but Speaker 6
Saturday Saturday night? And Maddie is channeling, little Kenny Wayne's voice. If you go back and listen, he says something about the side Saturday night when he's quoting. Speaker 6
And he's like, it's a pause and a delivery, and it's total little Kenny Wayne. Speaker 6
I'm glad Jory's back. He is kid Shoresy, and that's because he brings out the hotwives immediately, and he has to scroll extra for McPherson's wife to get to the bikini pics, and he under his breath, like, gets pissed that, other dudes wife is with he's he's with her in every picture. Speaker 6
So I think Jory is Shoresy as a kid, and that's why he gets under Shoresy's skin so much. Then on the ice, fucking Terry Ryan, I didn't get to talk about this last week. Watching him skate is an art And I loved watching him score the first goal of the game in this episode, because it reminded me just gorgeous how gorgeous he is on the ice. Remi nadeau. Speaker 6
Tenders loin, which was hilarious. And then stick with me for just five more minutes. It ends with a fight just like season one episode four. Speaker 6
The promo and season four is similar to the count. Oh, wait. That's not yet. It's got family reunion vibes. Like, it it's just It it is nonsensical like season episode four. And I feel like they they connect together this episode and four. And I think we're starting to see a pattern Like, you know how we have letter Kenny tropes and letter Kenny patterns. I think this is the episode that sort of brings all of that, like, up in your face if you're willing to dig into a little bit because why throw Jory back in if you're not gonna, like, pay it off? And the fact that he's connecting with Shorsey over moms. Speaker 1
Yeah. There's a bit of a a ice breaking there between, like, Shorsey's still stone face, and then he mentions moms. Now now, Shorsey's interested. And now he's yeah. Now they're having something in common. So we'll see how that relationship evolves. Yeah. Speaker 6
Yeah. Cool. And I think that's it. Speaker 5
Alright. Very nice. Speaker 1
That's very comprehensive, Casey. Thank you very much. Speaker 6
I tried to make it quick. Speaker 1
Okay, Victor. Rateance. What do you give this episode? Speaker 3
This is a high fresh. Okay. Speaker 1
Nothing to add then. Just high fresh. Speaker 3
No. No. I mean, that this is this episode was had everything in it. I mean, it And and I, you know, disagree with Matt, and I agree with Casey. You know, that scene was gave us finally a little bit behind the curtains of, and the mystery, an intrigue of, JJ, Frankie, Jayjay. I mean, I think that that's, that was an important scene. And and and it wasn't and they didn't get all tropey. Like Casey said, again, the it wasn't like a, you know, rumor mill or what were Speaker 1
they doing? Yeah. It didn't devolve into, like, a a Jerry Springer episode where Speaker 1
the women rat each other's throats. They were actually. No. We love JJ. We were just concerned about him. Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. I wanna wake up with honey nut cheerios and their toes. Speaker 3
Exactly. Exactly. Like, I I felt like the the opening to that episode was kind of ridiculous and that whole runway. I didn't understand the kind of the the bookends of the of the thing, but but the actual meat of the of the show was, gave us a little bit of substance. So I I appreciated that. This was a fantastic episode. This is this is what I mean. Like, it's such a and again, I don't wanna start comparing Letter Kenny and Shoresy, but, like, you just would never get an episode like this out of Letter Kenny. Right? This is this is this was this is a whole different scale, and that's why I enjoy this show so much more. Speaker 1
Okay. Yeah. So, you know, Michigan goal stuff aside That would have been enough to to bring the score of this down to a clearance on any other episode. But the fact that this one here had that amazing, amazing yeah, put the blue spatula away there, Victor. That amazing scene with Laura Moore. Anytime there's I've I've said before. Anytime there's a scene with Sharising Lower it would have to shit the bed real hard to not be afresh. And so in this case here, it came close. But I give it a fresh. It's a it's a because everything else about it. Yeah. I loved there was so much story being pushed here. I really enjoyed I thought the departure to the the French Canadian, talk show was was fun. I thought it was fun to kinda change a scenery and stuff, and And like you guys said, it wasn't tropey. Didn't devolve into a, you know, a fight between all the women. So, yeah, I'll give this one a fresh. I think it it had way more positive than that one negative that, that kind of bugged me. But, yeah. Ten? Speaker 5
Yeah. This was definitely one of those episodes that, had some great shining moments, you know, the inhale and exhaling and and then the callback later, with Laura Moore. The the all the great places that we visited, while we were in, sudbury, brings back so many happy, wonderful memories and I I have to say, like, that that trivia when, when Sanger was, asking the questions, just like he did when we were at station eighty four. Speaker 1
I'm wondering if he was giving us a hint. Speaker 0
I definitely thought about. Right? Speaker 5
I and while I was watching, and I was thinking, like, I wonder if he had already done that clip Probably. That bit. And and if Speaker 1
he was Maybe that day. Speaker 5
if he was laughing at himself or laughing at us going, oh, yeah. These guys don't know. Speaker 1
Wait until you guys Speaker 5
watched them. See. And and the the call and that and that the callback really reached even further because of that moment. And that we That's Speaker 6
what I'm saying earlier about Like, is this real life? Speaker 5
Are we in the is the show? Speaker 6
Yeah. It's blurring. The lines are fucking blurring. Speaker 5
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sitting where we and it was funny because the the the laughing Buddha, we weren't supposed to go back to that place, that night, which I didn't even realize that there was that whole other section of that restaurant. I just thought it was like that one little base and the patio. So the fact that there was this whole other area and that we that just by by coincidence. We ended up being in that space, having the pizza, and having the great night after the hockey game, and having the moment just kinda like the guys had the moment in the show. So, yeah, it's it's a great, a great episode to bring back a lot of, the happy memories. And I wanted to ask too, in the in the laughing Buddha, in the background, there's laughter, and I'm wondering if that was queso in the background. Because it sounds like him. And laughing, and it was just one of those things that, oh, no. Sorry. It wasn't in the Buddha. It was in the trivia game during the trivia game. In the jail. Oh. There was a Speaker 1
Oh, yeah. Doing the those voices, like, the prisoners, like, Speaker 5
saying Yeah. In the background. Speaker 1
Probably. Keesa loves you know, doing that, like, the different voices. Right? Speaker 5
Yeah. Yeah. And and even uncle Eddie's, that was a coincidence too. We weren't supposed to be at uncle Eddie. The the the day that we were leaving, and we ended up hooking up with, Who do we hook up with? Jeff? Robbie. Robbie. Speaker 5
up with Robbie. And, we that was a coincidence too that we ended up having breakfast before we left. Speaker 5
we were in that section of, of Yeah. Uncle Eddy's. Where they did the survey. Anyways, sorry. I I mean, too many memories and and it was all just, again, exactly what Casey is saying. What what it's it's all becoming a blur. Speaker 0
So your rating is? Speaker 6
Fresh. Yeah. Fresh. That's what Speaker 3
Matt. I feel like we he she drove us into that pedestrian park again. Speaker 3
She can't get out. Speaker 1
Matt, what do you do this? Speaker 5
Look. If you're gonna make a sidewalk that wide, you gotta put a sign up that says, Joe Drive. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Speaker 0
It's alright. That that created a great moment. That's all I know. So here's my take on this. Episode three, I mean, beside the love of hair for us being involved in it and all that, I really enjoyed. They but they went super heavy on the hockey. Right? It was which would which made sense for the episode, but super heavy. So this episode felt like get an attempt to balance that out. Right? It pulled way back. It gave us a hell of a lot more story, but so much. Speaker 0
And I think that was where I had a little bit of issue. Like, the I think even, I loved there was a lot of great things. Like, the opening of I thought it was brilliant. They they didn't overdo that. They did that perfectly. The the player's only gag. I enjoyed it, but I think they could have tightened that up a bit. It went on a longer than I that I that I that I needed it, but I got some good laughs out of that. K. The trivia parts, I I I really enjoyed. Like I said, the the hey, you guys, I didn't quite get it. That one threw me off a little bit. And then you round out with the hockey footage at the end. And honestly, they do that so well. Mhmm. That that anything in the arena, I mean, that tracking shot following them into the onto the ice, beautiful. They had one of my favorite shots from season one again, the wide shot that they do. I love that. Right? So this one to me was a been conflicting because there was some really great moments and then some moments. And again, I'm I'm I'm always, you know, doing the comparison against itself. For me, this one's a clearance. Speaker 1
Oh. Oh, you're gonna guess Speaker 0
I've been so I've been so generous. I think But this Speaker 0
right. That's not the right word. But I I have a really enjoy, but this one, I spelled lost I and maybe I was just overwhelmed with content. And you know what? That's why. It's a Speaker 5
You know what, though? I I believe I felt a lot because I looked at you going, what the just happened. And I think it was tiredness. I think from being up really late last night. So watch it again because, like Victor's Speaker 0
having a meltdown Speaker 1
Yeah. Poor Victor. Matt. Speaker 1
I think we need to remind folks our ratings Speaker 0
Because when Verint is not a bad episode. Speaker 1
Exactly. Enjoy one. I had to remind people. Clearance is we liked it. It just didn't Yeah. There wasn't enough to put it over the top. So I get Give Speaker 0
me that Laura Morrison. Amazing. Right. There's some really amazing elements here, but then the other stuff, I I really enjoyed it, but was it enough to no. I'm sorry. Speaker 1
I do wholeheartedly disagree with you about the, hey, you guys. I I thought I love that part, but okay, to each their own. Speaker 5
I wasn't fond of it. No. So I gotta say I'm this I I I I'm trying to see it the way Casey's shown it. And I'd have to watch it again. I I was a little lost at that moment. Yeah. Speaker 3
There's a lot of reading the subtitles, or were you Speaker 5
Again, I was very tired. Speaker 1
See. And there was Speaker 0
the the one thing that I did really enjoy that with, and it made me laugh, and I wouldn't have cared if they did or not, but was they said, oh, Frankie's in Ontario now. So we might as well speak English. Yeah. I thought that was clever. I was doing that. That made me laugh pretty Speaker 6
how are you now? Good. You're ready. This is I'm it's always gonna be a fresh from me. Speaker 6
Where Shoresy's concerned. Speaker 1
Okay. Thank you for your honesty. And you're biased. Speaker 5
All I have to say. Speaker 1
Alright. Let's move on to MVP's Victor. Who do you Speaker 3
give you? So first of all, I just wanna say that these reviews are way back from These reviews that we got from Tanya and Matt, they're they're right on the same level of people who are giving books bad reviews for bad shipping experience. So, you know, it's like, I I don't She she gave it a fresh, but she gave it a fresh the way that Al gave it a fresh. Speaker 1
It was a lukewarm fresh. Yeah. Speaker 3
It was a lukewarm. It was a luke warm. It was like a backhanded compliment fresh. Speaker 6
It was a soggy lettuce fresh. Speaker 1
I'm gonna tell you it wouldn't be if if it wasn't for that Laura Moore scene there. It it might not have been refreshed. Speaker 3
It felt like if tongue kissing a toaster is what it felt like. Speaker 1
Alright. Your MVP, is it the toaster? Speaker 3
It's it's not the toaster. You know, I kinda gave them away my MVP, so I'm Speaker 1
gonna change it. Oh, okay. Please. Speaker 3
So because because the the reason I I originally and Right? Because I said I said Michaels, right, at the beginning, but I what I thought it was for the pre but it was really for this one. And and because nobody mentioned it, that when when, Shoresy showed up, but at the front door, it was because of Michaels. He's the one that inspired him. Yes. He's the one that said, you know, it's what's winning without if Speaker 0
he can share it with me, but it's Speaker 1
fair. I totally love that. He didn't get to tell Michael to shut the fuck up. He Speaker 3
actually sat there and stood in. Number one. And here in moment number two is he saved he he saved the gyms. He saved Yeah. Yeah. Right. So so and he was, you know, he and he put chores he had to sleep during their, you know, conversation Speaker 3
the at the pub or wherever they were. I can't remember now. Too many scenes. Speaker 3
But, so I yeah. It feels very natural to give him the MVP, but I'm actually gonna give it to the quiz master because I love that guy. I I feel I feel like that guy hasn't gotten any love at all. And he's Speaker 1
We were talking about. We gave him a bunch of love earlier, though. Yeah. I know. Speaker 3
I feel like not enough. Okay. So so I feel like I'm gonna give him the game stick. Speaker 1
Whatever. Alright. Fine. The quiz master. Speaker 1
That Matt Ellis, Danny's, brother-in-law. So there you go. Alright, my MVP. I'll I'll give a couple runners up here. Mo, I loved Moan in that prison scene because every time the camera went to him, he had a different facial expression. Yes. And they were all equally hilarious. So well done, Mo. And it was hard to go between two or three. I I went back and forth. I'm gonna say second runner-up is Laura Moore for that scene because I gotta give I gotta give flowers. I gotta fist first run or first, MVP. Yeah. Speaker 5
I'm sorry. You gotta fit. Speaker 1
First entity. Wait. Speaker 5
Let's let's finish Speaker 0
that sentence. You're not Camille? Love of god. Speaker 3
First, someone's someone's taking my butt plugs and you're talking about fist and what Speaker 1
that is. I don't wanna tell you who the MVP is, but it's it's not because that was holy hell. What a what a hot hot heat open. And for that cold open alone, but then that walk of anti shame later on. Speaker 6
Yeah. It was not shame. Speaker 1
I know. But called it a walk of shame, but it wasn't. She was like, yeah, I did that. And and I'm giving everyone a high five. So I'm giving it to Nat. And that's my MVP for this one. K? Speaker 5
That's awesome. Sorry. Not high fiving. I'm just I'm I'm playing that back in my mind. It's Laura Moore. It's I just oh, gosh. I love that woman and and how she plays with, with Shoresy. And she had that little giggle at the end as she closed the door. Yeah. Like, he's getting her to her and and but she's holding it. She's try and she's really try it. And, I just I love her so much. Matt. Speaker 0
Yeah. That's what I'm I think I'm going a different direction. And I'm okay. It was it. I've been on this season because they've given us a lot of content. I've been really thriving off those real one, like, those one laugh moments. Speaker 0
And and what I mean by that in this one is our boy Ancenin and mister Goody. Okay. Everything he's he had a lot of dialogue for for what he normally had in his Well, goody. But every line he every line goody gave just killed me. And his delivery of the so fucking dumb. I was in stitches, man. Speaker 0
Like, it was so genuine and honest, and I believed every bit of that delivery. So Goody just I mean, there there's so much break in this episode with from from the individual individual moments. Speaker 0
But Goody absolutely slayed me. And by honorable my front runner-up would be, hitch, with his delivery of just being so fucking dumb. It was he he is his responses on all that just killed me. Speaker 1
So Oh, yeah. After that whole The Speaker 0
between the two of them. Speaker 1
After that long diatribe, bro. New new fees are always dumb or whatever. I'm a expecting him to to provide evidence to the the contrary. He didn't. He did not. No. Speaker 0
No. Between those too. I I just I they made me laugh harder than anyone in this episode. So that they they get my my my MVP and my honorable mention. Speaker 6
I'm my MVP and, I I'm having a hard time deciding. Okay. So I'm just gonna say who they are and then we can decide together who be first. Sanger is one of them because he, like, had a glow up in this episode I know that he's been strong all season. Yeah. But do just he's he was really strong when he was like, you're fucking up. You're fucking up. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Until recently, you've been fucking it. Mhmm. And so I just I I like how, he gets over Shorsey at the Colson. Right. When he starts talking space, like, you can tell, like, Sanger's really into him. Speaker 6
that moment. And then, Shoresy is the other MVP. Speaker 6
Because The one moment, and we were talking earlier about, is he actually dumb. And it's not necessarily in intelligence dumb that I think he's dumb. I think he knows he's thick. Okay. And it and it's when he Billy slams tight on him. And he says we're talking about broad. Speaker 6
Yeah. Because that's, like, he's can fused. Right? As Michaels is talking, like, he's confused, but he's with him. He's sticking with it. He's not telling him to shut the fuck up. And then Once he asks that question and it clicks, it cuts to him at Laura's door. So I think that's that's what he means by
Speaker 1
And that moment that moment at Laura's door when she comments on his his inhale and exhale, and he goes, Wow.
Speaker 1
I love that moment too. That was a fun moment.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Yeah. That so I think there it is. He's my MVP and here's my runner-up.
Speaker 1
Alright. Shorsey, MVP. Very good. Okay. Thanks. Before we get to final comments here, I just have some some, comments or some listener comments we got through Spotify for one time. We got a few.
Speaker 6
Are you reading all of them about?
Speaker 1
After after the Kiso, I'm gonna read a few of them. So first one here, this is from Casey. Four fire five fireballs. Love you all. Thank you, Jared. Please add me as a friend so he can share our new favorite songs as soon as we hear as we hear them. That's great. Now I'm gonna read this one here. This is for you, Victor. Damn. As much as this pod sucks. I can't believe y'all got queso on here. On any other pod, it'd be amazing, but here, it's just Well, at least we got queso to, at least we got to hear queso talk. Now I mentioned you, Victor, because this guy left a mess a message in a previous episode he does not like you. You wanna hear his previous message? Disapointing. This is from, skill versus will. And I don't understand because this would have been I think I gave it a clearance. It said disappointing Victor is an absolute awful pathetic little man that gets the joy comedy shows.
Speaker 1
This whole deep analysis Freudian approach to Letter Kenny and Shores is beyond stupid, bad form. Same guy. So thanks for listening, bud. He's like hate listening at this point, the podcast. Wow.
Speaker 6
That's when you know you've made it. Right? Now we officially have a hate troll under our bridge.
Speaker 1
Actually, I mean,
Speaker 0
we always Remember that early one star we got?
Speaker 1
Yeah. Maybe it's the
Speaker 1
So on to the nicer ones here, you guys asked the only question. I really wanted to know about the music selection on both Letter Kenny and Chorsey. Thank you. Buddy Gary Johnson. This is so so incredible. If anyone deserves a rare Jared interview, it's you guys. So excited for you. Thank
Speaker 1
And, thank you for asking about his choices of music. That's something I was wondering about, from night fairy Titania. Something like anyway, thank you guys for all all the comments. I mean, you know, even edward dot bodhi for hate listening. Thank you for listening. I mean, downloads a download, and you keep on listening so
Speaker 3
Hey, I don't mind having different properties around the world that I can live. So Yeah.
Speaker 6
What the fuck does that mean? Victor?
Speaker 3
Living rent free.
Speaker 1
Oh, right. Okay. Very good. Yeah. So that's all I've got for for tonight's episode. Let's go with the five good. Final comments, Victor. Well done.
Speaker 3
Leave the black blood. Oh, my. It's so because I I've so quick question in the final comments. So I I kinda missed it. So I didn't really see the reaction from the community when they found out that we, dropped the Kiso injuries. So was that?
Speaker 1
You missed it. It was so much well, Casey was the first one.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Listen to the pot. Yeah.
Speaker 3
I haven't had a chance yet. I'll I'll catch up this weekend. But, yeah, just what was it like? It was great.
Speaker 1
It was it was amazing watching
Speaker 6
it. I was at work, and I saw it first. And Al posted it as the just a normal TPS update. And much like everyone who, when they first heard it, they stopped at him saying we got our white whale and everybody lost their shit.
Speaker 1
Yeah. It was so much fun.
Speaker 6
lost my I didn't even continue listening until I said, oh my god, oh my god, on four different places with people. Like, I had to alert everyone that this happening. And then I pressed play and I heard his voice, and I cried in my office. And then I took my headphones out and turned my speakers up so that the entirety of James, you could hear
Speaker 3
That is awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I'll I'll listen to that. I guess it's last week's episode. You guys would have talked about this.
Speaker 3
Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so, so let's talk about, the today. KCU, I think, gave the most thorough and thoughtful breakdown of the episode. I appreciate you for that. I and I'm just sorry that you had to be on an episode where Matt had to ruin it. And and and the thing is I was really looking forward to I didn't even think for a second there was a chance that we're not getting a unicorn tonight. So I was ready to
Speaker 0
you on your toes.
Speaker 3
I was I was I know I I know you don't like trolling her very much, but it's not very nice. You know, I was ready to kind of sport the unicorn he gave me, on on this show in the honor of the, of of of today's episode, but it's gonna have to It's gonna, you know, sit in a drawer and it's gonna have to wait till next time. So, you know, you live with that for a week. But anyway, thank you, Casey. You're awesome. And, let's move on.
Speaker 1
Yes. Thank you, Casey, for stepping in and, and and for doing this. And you know, the day after Thanksgiving. So we appreciates you doing this for us. It was a fun episode tonight. It was full of stuff, and and You know, I'd I I love having Victor back and I'd and I I missed him last week. I wanted to have a bit of a heart hockey argument with him last week and he was an on sale.
Speaker 5
a pent up for you?
Speaker 1
Yeah. I was pent up. I had some hockey related aggression I needed to take out on vigor. So, anyway, you guys
Speaker 0
took it out tonight. Yeah.
Speaker 1
It was a lot of fun. Thank you, for, for doing. Oh, and I just wanted to say, welcome to, our our newest member of the, the discord group. He just joined today, and I'm blanking on his what's his name, Zach? Nibs. Nibs. Nibs. Nibs. Thank you. Yes. Welcome nibs to the discord channel. I've never seen somebody so happy to join the the community. So, it's great to and he's on the live stream right now. So thanks bud for joining. Tah?
Speaker 6
It's enthusiastic. Yeah.
Speaker 3
I'm thinking of licorice. The the the twizzlers. Mhmm. Yes.
Speaker 5
Yeah. Victor, it was so great to have you back. I'm glad you were able to make it out tonight even though were, drugged up. You did a great job, and you, you, you, you kept it, you kept your own, and, and held your own, I should say with Al. So, yeah, I always like tuning out when you guys start fighting about hockey. So that was fun. Yeah.
Speaker 3
Oh, by the by the way, by the way, after the episode, go and watch extremes new video thicker than blood. It's fantastic. Okay.
Speaker 6
More than words?
Speaker 5
I'll have to let, our son know about it so that he can
Speaker 5
Casey, thank you so much. You are always such a beaut. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. I just, you're you're amazing. Yeah. You're you're, you bring it every time you come and, we really do appreciate your notes were incredible. I I feel like I brought very little and you brought all of it. So thank you for that. You did a
Speaker 3
great job. Matt.
Speaker 6
Yeah. I know Victor. I know. But she's not wrong.
Speaker 0
Yeah. This is fun. Case always great to see you. You absolutely crush it Victor. Welcome back. I'm not really sorry to disappoint you, but, you know,
Speaker 1
welcome back, buddy.
Speaker 0
Edging into the weekend, and, I can't wait to continue this train next week. I just love you all.
Speaker 6
Yeah. Thank you. This made my week. I was having the Sads about not being in sudbury, but I'm also every picture that comes through our group chat. I'm like, It's like I'm super excited. So there's no, like, sadness, but this really helped get over the FOMO hump So thank you for having me and Victor. I love when we're on the same page. I'm really gonna miss you when season two is over, and we're back to letter, Kenny, but I just while you're here now, I wanna say. This is my favorite part of time
Speaker 6
Just remember that when season twelve starts.
Speaker 3
Yeah. Hey. My I might love it. Who knows? We'll see.
Speaker 6
Yeah. I'm just I'd
Speaker 1
love Yeah. We we don't count you loving it because it's the end. We No. In
Speaker 6
fact, I have a feeling you're gonna piss us all off.
Speaker 1
It's a straight shows. I see Aaron and Michelle have joined the live stream. So maybe we'll talk we'll talk to them about, the Shoresy Night on on the, party tonight. I'm looking forward to it. So I'm gonna play us off here with the song from today's episode. It's the song from the Cold Open. It's called so good by, Ethan. Here we see.
Speaker 0
I added this song instantly.
Speaker 8
Video almost missed getting me or someone. It was a mom's gonna be. I heard you in the crowd. What am I doing? I didn't wanna hate my couch. This is a lot. I'm trying to get it with someone. It wasn't what I'm trying to be hurt you on the crowd.
Speaker 1
And that's all we have for this episode. Next week, we review episode five of season two, the man advantage with our buddy from across the pond, Dennis Also, note, please that, it's gonna be we're back on Thursday nights for that one. If you'd like to support this podcast, please tell a friend. Also, follow us on most social media. Let's add Pro to Sam Pod. You for joining us. Now we're gonna go set the tone at the after party. On behalf of Casey, Matt Victor, and myself, Oh, and Tanya. Thank you for listening, and have a great week.
Speaker 3
Who comfortable?