Hey everyone. Out here. Before we begin tonight's special episode. I would like to give a quick shout-out to our sponsor diabolical coffee. It's devilishly, good coffee, and diabolically awesome swag. There's a rose for all tastes. You can order whole bean course and standard grind espresso. There's even a K-Cup option for single cup Brewers. And right now, you can use the promo code, produce tan, for 20% off, anything in the store. That's 20% off all coffee and merch. Thank you diabolical coffee and Eric for your support. Now, here's our chat with Burke as a ball. That fresh produce stand there. That's a beauty. What do you listen to my favorite? Murder podcast. Jagger endurance. Podcasts, the produce stand f****** sexy. And that means we are once again hang out the produced, a podcast, covering everything in the universe. 902 thinking there are many, other Letterkenny pie. Chance out there, but this one is about to pump you up. I am now your host and joining me in the room. As always as lovely Tanya. Unfortunately squirrelly Mattoon the very buff Victor. Couldn't make it tonight. They had some work private previous work arrangements. So they couldn't come out. But joining us tonight, he is an outdoor Enthusiast into Hunting Fishing and boating. He's a health and fitness. Nut guaranteed to press more than you. He's a hockey player. A YouTuber, a scorpion eater, but we all know and love him as Corey. One of the high school players. Is on Shore Z. Please make join me, making some noise for Burke, kassebaum my dress. Oh my gourd. Welcome to the podcast Burke, how are you? I am great. How are you guys? We're well, we're well, where are you speaking to us from North Bay, Ontario, North Bay? Terry. Oh, so is that where you're from originally? Yeah, born and raised here in a race. So I am you living at home or you're out on your own. Yes, I am at home still, but my parents just got a cottage not. So they kind of they have been out there all summer, some kind of living on my own at home. So, wait a minute. If you live in North Bay and but you have a cottage. Where's the cottage? Yeah. So our house is like in the city of North Bay, oh, it's got a cottage out on like Nas missing, I searched about like 25 minutes away. Yeah, it's right on the lake and got a couple boats out there and me fish and it's really new. They just got it like a month ago, so it's beautiful. Hey, cool. So I mean, thank you so much for joining us on the produce a podcast. It's been, you know, we have been looking forward to talking to you and actually your friend there Keegan is going to join us on Thursday as well. So we're going to have both the high schoolers on in one week. So let us let me. Where should we start? Okay, let us start. Like you know you're young guy. You seem like Shores. He's kind of your first acting job but let us kind of rewind talk a little bit about you know growing up in North Bay. What's that? Like Well small town it was kind of just talking focused my entire childhood which was awesome. Yeah the population here is only like 50 60 thousand people so everyone kind of knows everybody but yeah like I said everyone just because it's only like three four high schools here so like the school sports and everyone just knows everyone so it's like yeah I played a lot of hockey played AAA do. My entire high school and everything like that. You play any other sports other than hockey or Sasaki the main. Yeah, well I tried to play as many as I could. I am super busy with hockey, so I couldn't really play other sports, right? I didn't play high school soccer. We were really good at that. I did a lot of tracks and field in the summer. I used to run track competitively down in Sudbury. Oh yeah. And then kind of everything took a break with covid but yeah. Soccer. Hockey track and then started get into weightlifting. Everything like that. After, yeah, we will get to that in one second, but you're also into kind of hunting fishing and boating. I guess. Living in North Bay. That's kind of prerequisite. Yeah, my dad kind of showed me all that stuff. He's been in hunting forever. Yeah, we get I go hunting with them as much as I can. He's a big hunter and now that we got the cottage, we have been fishing a lot. We used to go to Quebec and fish the fishing. I came back. Yeah we used to go to this fishing lodge for a week, and we just fish all day long every day and then yeah I have recently just refurbished a 1963, Starcraft boat took me a couple months and yes I have just been enjoying that on the lake past few weeks. There's a listener question later on that will ask you that now, makes way more sense. When because you mentioned the boat because I wasn't sure exactly what he meant by it. But so you're playing hockey in high. School. And Tripoli, you said, you got to how did you, but now you're also very big into kind of health and fitness and bodybuilding. And when did you get into that? So the second covid happened, I was in grade 11. So basically hockey complete break, I was in the playoffs and then hockey stopped. And yeah it wasn't like it was pretty serious. Obviously the series for everybody but North babe small town, everyone took it like really serious. So I couldn't see any of my friends or do anything and I just had so much time on my hands that I kind of fell in love with bettering myself. And just I started going on runs. I started doing as much as I could at home and then I kind of wanted to go a step further and started looking at nutrition. Everything like that, right? Well, that's covid. Is the main reason why that will happen. I just had, I had no job at the time, and I was just I just studied as much as I could with the help of YouTube, I did a lot of reading on the macronutrients and stuff like that, and then yeah, I just kind of completely transitioned and I just learned so much in such a small amount of time that I was able to do a pretty big body transformation. Yeah, he's certainly show the results for sure on your Instagram and on Tick, Tock as well. We have been checking out some of your results and the before and after is incredible. So, how long did that take? Like from when you Decided to do that, too? I mean, it never ends but you know, until you were kind of pretty happy with the result. Yeah. So my first, like transition was about five months. I went from like doing the minimum to doing the extreme, so I basically started meal prepping and counting my calories and tracking my weight in that took about 4 to 5 months. What I was doing was because I was 17 at the time. I didn't want to get into like necessarily I cut because you're not Supposed to cut weight at such a young age. So, I basically did like, a lean bulk, but I still wanted to lose my fat and replace with muscle. So, yeah, it took about 45 months. Luckily, my best friend, Joe. He has quite the gym in his basement. So when the gyms were closed, we were able to take advantage of that and yeah you had everything we needed. So thanks to him. We both kind of learn together and started doing runs every day. Weighted, skipping rope and I have got into like Arnold and how he's working out and stuff like that. And Yeah. So the first big transition which is the kind of the opening of the fitness stuff for me was yeah both four and a half months and then I kind of went into I got a coach to help me lean bulk. I didn't want to do it on my own because I wasn't really familiar with gaining some more. Gaining the right weight and not the bad way. So I kind of got a his name is Dave Whitehead, and he helped me and taught me how to gain a bunch of muscle because I was planning on doing a bodybuilding show, I was going to ask you, were you looking to do this competitively? I was, yeah, not so much anymore, but I did do a whole offseason. Rep. So I was eating like nine meals a day. Jim like once or twice a day and I gained like 40 pounds in about five months of lean. Lean muscle. Yeah. All my buddies and stuff for all the way for school, so I just had so much free time and I just started University at the time and then my best friend, Joe, he ended up he was at Laurier University. He basically, just said he was coming back home, and we decided that we were going to go on a little vacay. I was just gonna ask you, is your foot? Friend, Joe. Also, your travel companion. Yeah, yeah. For my first time in Thailand, so then we ended up going to Thailand, right? And so obviously my so my progress kind of went away. So I kind of put the bodybuilding thing on the side and because it's like all year round thing, right? It's very, very difficult, sure. You know, you miss, you miss out on a few things. So I just and I kind of pump the brakes on that just a little bit, especially now with acting because I film that first season in that bulk, I was talking about. So okay, I mean, you're always As in like hockey Garb, right, so you were pretty surprising actually when we looked you up and saw your IG and like holy crap like that guy's buff. It sucks. You don't see it in your hockey in your uniform? Yeah. Well I just I was like 40 to 50 pounds heavier than what I am supposed to be right because I was balking and I don't really like necessarily way my face looked on camera because like I gained weight pretty quick and that Shores the whole Jose thing happened, so fast and randomly that I wasn't really prepared for that. The camera adds 10 pounds. All right, and it's all, it's all to your face, apparently, yeah, yeah. So yeah, I pump the brakes on that when acting started, now that acting is still going and everything. And I kind of fell in love with that. I am gonna want me to hold off on that. We will get to that in a second. Just wanted to kind of, you know, shine some light because you have got a YouTube channel where you have shown you show a lot of the videos, the of your trip to Thailand, with your buddy, Joe. It was that something you were kind of thinking, maybe I want to do this for, you know, Yeah, that was it still is on my mind all the time. I would love to travel and make funny content for viewers. Always loved the whole YouTuber, I have been watching YouTubers for a long time and yeah, it still is on my mind. So that was kind of like the first time I have ever really picked up a camera before, I got some camera gear, I got a GoPro. And then yeah, we just didn't really know what we were doing and it was like all new to us. So we were just kind of filming anything and everything. Yeah. But you are in a place where it's like, everything you shot was really beautiful. And yeah, right. So that like I can't really make videos around here because it's just a small town. It's not really, you're probably selling it shorts. You're probably selling it. You're just used to it. It's beautiful. I am sure. Yeah. North Bay is quite beautiful. Yeah. Yeah some trips planned down the road and I definitely want to try out that YouTube stuff. A little more serious this time and YouTuber Tech Tick-Tock because I just showed 10 you the ticket. Video of you eating a scorpion, by the way, we need to talk about that. Well, it's kind of like all them at the same time. It's like, I would film YouTube videos, but this Clips down and put them in a tick, tock, and reels for Instagram for like advertisement. So it's like if I focus on YouTube, I am also creating content for all the other social platforms. But yeah, I just like mini movie style. So I did the Vlogs last time and this time I want to do more of like little documentaries. Sure. And just have every video based On. Based on something specific, not just like here's a day in the life type of thing like that kind of gets old pretty quick. So yeah, it's also I want to get into yeah, many documentaries and maybe that could go hand-in-hand with the acting and stuff like that, that their own. So before we get into acting, what a scorpion tastes like, it's pretty gross, was that a bear? Without the in their face looks surprised. Like it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be or was it that it was? Because like I thought it was like filled with like the insides of the Scorpion, right? But it turned out that it was like cooked for so long that it was just completely dry. That was my surprise like thank God I am not getting a burst of juice of right. That's it. Just tasted like ash kind of like a burnt marshmallow, right? So there wasn't much taste to it is all texture Donna now, dude? A burnt marshmallow is like sweet. It's like a sugary crispy, like, Leo durocher. Working can be sweet and could not have been sweet. It was like, it was just the ash like the burnt crunch kind of to it. Yeah. Some seasoning on it to that made it a little bit better. But yeah, it was just, so I just had to try it. What was your buddy? Joe able to eat 12 or were you The Brave One know? So that was, that was my second trip to Thailand was with the different buddy. Oh, we, we thought at the wall, the first time I was there, we were kind of look at them, because they also got really big spiders and Massive Beatles, water bugs, all kinds of things and I didn't have the balls to do it the first time. So the second time I went I was just kind of like yeah I got to do it this time. I can't go home without trying at this time you know. Wow. Yeah you're better man than so there's like no chance of like being stung or anything like that. Like it's not a that's not a thing. They took the Stinger off in the venom out of it. I was my biggest worry. Yeah, they Kind of just walk around like on the party streets and like Bangkok and Phuket, they have people that just come up with trays of random bugs and all sorts of things and it's like they're b******. None of them eat that s***. That's all for the tourist. That's like, let us see what we can get the turistic. Yeah, they don't need that stuff, but there are like in some parts of Bangkok. They actually have full-blown tables selling bugs and people like actually, eat dried crickets and, and well, we have heard it here actually mean, by thinking by Cricket, like, in a holster Backpack now correct. Laughs amazing. All right, so I mean, it sounds like if I do my math correct you went to Thailand right out of like straight out of high school. Did you go to, did you go to college University or yeah? So I did a semester at the local University here Nipissing. So I was in it was kind of like phys, Ed right? Can you can see I basically went to Thailand right after that first semester? Cool, just take a break and enjoy. I mean the I guess the pandemic was kind of finally coming to an end and you guys need to get out of town for a bit. Yeah well it's like I don't really remember high school because like the last two years you have had the best year in high school were fully at home. Like I finished, I finished my last exam in my underwear and bed. No, wow. So and then I ended up in that also affects your learning like they're generally any person. Everyone was just cheating and FaceTiming, and you couldn't fail type of thing. So like I did miss out on a lot. Of learning basically. And then I went to University and it was again fully online, which was very (difficult) than just annoying to be honest. Yeah. And I like my course, but I didn't see myself doing the course for four years. So I know I just wasn't for me, and then shorts, he happened. And then I had a few other ideas. So I kind of put that on pause for now, and I am still kind of figuring out what I am trying to do right now? All right, so let us get it. So what gave you the idea? You could be an actor. Like what gave you that bug? So 20, there're zero thoughts of me ever being an actor. Actually, I randomly got a text from my aunt sent me an ad that the show spin off shore Z was needing some extra hockey players, so I was like yeah I will sign up and go skate around or whatever, right? Yeah, I never thought about being an actor and basically I just sent into bio, it was a couple days late because we were on that fishing trip and Quebec. And they ended up asking me to audition and I always this close to not doing it because I just have never done something like that before, right? And then yeah I just did, the audition had no idea if it was good or bad, they sent me like four sides. So, basically all my scenes on ice with Shores, you like and it was kind of hard to do in my living room because it was all in and out of the box and stuff. So I was like, I don't even know if this is what they're looking for a type of thing, but that and then I landed a couple months later, I got a call. I will say and I landed the role. So there was now ever. There were no thoughts of ever being an actor or getting into theater or anything like that. So it was all super random, and I am happy it came my way. Yeah, it's awesome. It were, you follow Letterkenny before becoming an actor on Shore Z, then, I wouldn't say following, but when I was playing, AAA hockey, like, me, and all the whole team, like, everyone just love Riley and Jonesy, right? Sure, yeah. Is that was the biggest thing for us was just like top titty bar downstairs? Verda and that kind of took over like the culture of hockey for a few years. So everyone kind of knew what it was? So but when I got the role I ended up having to go back and kind of doing some watching, watch the same episodes and I still have a hard time with the dialogue. Do like still to the everyone knows? Yeah. Yeah. So question then dude did a so your hockey player did you, do you speak like that in the locker room or is that just All made up, like, from, from, from a Letterkenny standpoint, or even from a story standpoint. Like, is that, like, is that? What's it more Shores, either? Letterkenny. Yeah, like, I don't talk like they do in Letterkenny, but personally, I was, I was a grinder playing hockey. So I was in the Box a lot, and I was like, my favorite part of the game was chirping bodychecking? Oh yeah. Yes. We weren't the best for a few years. Like we were the worst team, I am sorry. That's the you scored against sue. If the Sioux a few times, and they're still f****** head. The sea was our biggest. I was the biggest rivalry because we played against each other for like six years in a row. So, everyone just hated each other type of thing. Yeah, it was I ask Jared actually. I was like Jared. Did you like do research on me for this for Cory? Because like I am in the Box just as much as I am in the show so it's pretty natural especially the chirping and everything. Like that's like my remember my coach give me a call, and he's like dude you literally playing yourself on the show. I was like, yeah, pretty perfect, man. That's all there. Well, I mean that's the genius of that show, right? I mean Jared hired, hockey players first and, and they learned how to act on the show. So exactly. Yeah, it's well done. So, but originally, when you try it out, you thought, you were just going to be like a background player kind of on the other team, like nameless kind of thing. I had no idea. I just said, why not type of thing was like if I think was a Facebook ad saying they needed a background actor. Yeah, I was like, why not? Just go skate around, right? So you get that call. Yeah, what happens you get that like you don't even you know you're not looking for it, kind of comes to you and then you end up, you know, him and hawing and whether you're going to do it or not and then you get the call. You got it? Yeah. I was honestly like I thought it was like a joke. I didn't really believe that because I like the way the phone call was not how I had imagined it to be. It was a lot less serious than I was expecting, right? So I didn't know if it I was like legitimize, I just got out and like you being serious like, who called you was a carer or was it? Yeah. Yeah. Eric gave me the call, and she was just so happy and just basically told me I got the role, then my mom was standing beside, and she's like, what's going on? I was like, finally, I got the role on the show and my mom just started tearing up. She said, oh my God. It's yeah. I was super, super random was like it was like two months after I did the audition. So I completely forgot about it. Like pletely, forgot about it. That's what your parents aware of Letterkenny at. All were they like, what are you getting into? So, yeah. Yeah, they have everyone's pretty familiar with Letterkenny, to be honest. Yeah, it's more. The hockey, the hockey scenes and the Riley and Jonesy that my dad was familiar with because my dad was my coach for a lot of my AAA years. Yeah. So yeah, he knew all the dialogue in the dressing room and the jokes. We would always pull and stuff and yeah they were super pumped and very, very surprised honestly. Yeah, the whole thing, and they didn't know what to expect in order to die. So I didn't know if it was like it was just A really small TV show and how to spin up. Spin offs aren't normally, no, but it's so far. It's been almost as big, if not bigger than the original where they were, they wonder, like, how are they going to base a whole show around this a****** that you never see his face? And all he does is chirp and sit on the toilet? Yeah. Literally they just they thought it, they knew it was going to be a head just because I shut they didn't really know, Shores the enough because he didn't like fully watch the show, so I shared it so showing them the clips and everything on YouTube. They just, they couldn't stop laughing. And their first question was like, well, you're gonna see its face or no? Right. Yeah, I have no idea. That's awesome. So when you got those scripts were they like can we see them? Can we see them? Or did you have to keep them, you know, secret, right? I tried to get my mom. Actually helped me like practice the lines of it. Oh nice. So she was shorter Z here. Yeah, your mom's calling you a pump, a pimple face and clear cell kidney. That's so funny because all my mom's friends and stuff texture all the time, about all the church, Chirps, and they all changed my mom's name and their contacts to like the chirps from the show and everything is so funny. That's Barry help me for a bit and then I got my buddy to be the guy behind the camera, so he was doing on my lines for me. Yeah, yeah. Very good when you got there and because you are a player, it is Keegan a hockey player as well. I don't know if he's, yeah. Okay, plates Maki. So, were you guys able to kind of skate around with the others, with the slots and the other players or No well season 1? Season 2 is a little different but season one I barely saw anyone. It was everyone no one really knew each other, right? So is all really knew I was going to get was still the pandemic, right? So you guys have to kind of isolate me through this whole big test. Like I had to covid tests the week before covid test the night before like it was ridiculous. Yeah. But no, I ended up meeting all the guys. Just the first day they were getting ready. Actually getting undressed in the dressing room. So I just kind of One around, Shake everyone's hand. And then I was the last time I saw them, and that for season one. That was it. Because I there the whole five weeks. Yeah. Because I am from North Bay, I am pretty close. So I just come back and forth whenever my scenes and our scenes are just me, me Keegan, and ensures your 8. So it's a probably shot those over a couple of days. I am sure how far away is North Bay from supper hungry. It's like an hour and it's not it, you are so much. Further up, north That's super. Glad I spent a lot of time and like, all of our games were always in Sudbury and everything. Like I, yeah, I have been a Centre for a while. Yeah, nice. When we were up there, we got to be background extras for season two, so we're looking forward to when that comes out. Awesome. I saw your post on Instagram. Yeah. Will be in the stands but I mean that's just that it was thrilling for us obviously. But like I mean because you weren't on the ice with the other guys. How like were you itching though? To I wish. I could lease it up. And join the action. Put a helmet on. On me, I will be one of the other players. Even I did ask, yes, if I could just because there were some days, right? Have like a day on set the next day I would be off and then I would be on the Friday, so I am like damn off like can I just do some background stuff for help out, and they're like all the rules and you can't because but I tried several times to see if I could just get on the ice because I got a few of my buddies to be extras. So they were kind of skate around with the whole Bulldogs team, and I am right. So it's like you guys get speaking Parts but you don't get to hang out. With the actual Players I Want Your Lydia so that sucks and it will but still you got speaking part, so, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I am we won't ask you about season 2 except to say, we're really excited to see, you know what's in store for you guys in season 2? Yeah. She's awesome. Yeah, you guys, it's so you were, you were again. I am assuming you and Keegan, were there for season 2. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. And she's into like everyone really got to know each other. Yeah. But I also saw, All the other guys like a lot more, especially, like, going out for dinners and hanging out after and partying and stuff like that, but we, yeah, it was season two it was really, really fun. Now, we saw a little few more pictures of you with the slots and stuff like that. It's station. 84. Yeah, we hung out with all those guys. It was a lot of fun too, so I can imagine you guys probably had a an amazing time. So one of our listeners actually that's a question, they asked everyone. But so Dennis from UK wants no, you know? Which, you know if you have got to see the s**** on the ice and if so, which one was the best hockey player? That's a tough question because I have never watched the only scenes I got to watch them film or the fighting ones from season one. I am sure like the big balls and the bench were as well. I never really got to see them skate around or anything. So I have a hard time answering that question but obviously the Nolan brothers are awesome. Yeah, they're pretty skilled and Terry. Ryan's, very skilled as well. Do good either. All great I but I didn't see them because like there's not really any they don't get to practice. Practice necessarily, so I don't see anyone in jazz, right? And, so I guess in season 2 even in season two you were an able to skate around with them at all. I guess. I no, no, no, no. It's super fast paced. Like, yeah, we noticed that it was a very interesting to watch how they. Yeah, you guys were there. She saw. Yeah. How they plotted all the scenes and all the other place like it's pretty impressive. Very good. So you got this. Watch the Bulldogs more than I did. Yeah. Probably maybe when we were only there for I think we're anyway. We were only there for a couple of days so what? Stood out to you as something that you didn't know about TV and filming and stuff like that, that you eat that when you were there, you're like, okay, I don't know what I am doing, but that's really cool. Yeah, it was how there's so many people there for you, which was the biggest thing for me. And I thought like, I didn't realize that like when I was on set, everyone is there working just for my scene with me? And I thought there was other stuff going on at the same time, which I guess now that I know, it doesn't really make sense. But yeah, that was the biggest thing that it's all focused on one specific scene, right? So it's like design that makes more pressure for you, doesn't it like I better get my s*** right now, I better come prepared because they're all here for me right now. Well, there's just like people running up to me, and I am like fixing makeup and put wire Has down my shirt for Mike's and it was just, that was the pressure was probably the biggest thing I didn't realize. And Yeah, there's like 30 people behind the scenes on screens all watching you and talking to you after. And another thing too, was just the scripts. Like I didn't realize how much you actually had to memorize the script type of thing, right? It's like I was ready to go the whole time, but I just noticed, like if I wasn't on par with my scripts, like everyone there would have been slow down type of thing. Again, back on the pressure, but the first day I was on set was our The stand scenes, right? So all the Random clips throughout season when we all film those right away? Yeah, so the first thing I did was like, just me and Keegan sitting in the stands, and I am not even joking. I walked in the arena, I already had my hair and makeup done. I literally walked in, put my jacket down, and I was sitting in the Stand action, just like that and it was like, it was honestly wished I could have done it again, you know, at a couple practice runs, but they just kept rolling with. And I was like, I probably Could have done a little bit better. That was my first time ever being on camera, but they like that. So that's great. When we have the tour of base camp, they showed us the gym trailer. Did you get any use out of that? While you were there? I yeah, quick pumps here and there but no, yeah, I am not. Yeah, not too much though. Not much. It's not, it doesn't really get used. But I so season two I went in a couple times and just add some curls and stuff like that. It's pretty cool. Ugh. More curious to see like the layout and everything. Yeah, that's cool, right? Yeah, you don't have much time on set. Anyways, so, I was in there for like 20 30 minutes. But, yeah, it's pretty awesome. Yeah, I mean, the whole production was interesting to see everything all the details right down to the Costner, the kind of Ward You guys are wearing and stuff. Like, it's all very carefully. Planned a yeah. Oh, yeah. Like we go down a couple weeks before we start filming, and we have fittings and have a bunch of boards and a bunch of lines too. Pictures on the walls, and they want look like, and there's people sewing and making all these little wardrobe. It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's amazing. How many goes into it? Like, you don't see all the work that goes into it. When you watch TV is just like you're watching just a story, right? Yeah, very cool. It was then just the whole like all the different groups all working together you know communicating, and they all got to be on time and on par and how early People get their, like, I show, but nine people on set at like 5 AM, you know, get things set up and it's just, yeah, it's pretty cool. But even I made so many friends though, with all the, the even just the crew, like the grippers and the sound guys, and they would all come and hang out with us after like, it was really cool. Hmm. Did that you and Keegan know, he know each other before the show? No, no. So we met her first time on, Zoom calls, me, him and Jared and Jacob. And that was our first time meeting, and We just started texting back and forth until we met up and said before the first time. Very cool. And so we're going to be like I said, interviewing him on Thursday. Is there anything we can ask him that will you know, maybe throw him off his game? Yeah, you can ask what about season 2 and how difficult that was for him. Oh, he still has to push through it, me beard his jaw before couple weeks before and that's all I am going to say, okay, it's just, but he killed it. He still pushed through it and did it. But that was a big. That was probably the hardest part for him was getting through that. Oh, wow. All right, and I am intrigued now. Will definitely ask him that question. One of the craziest stories. I have heard. Yeah. And how he was still managed to film and look great on camera too. So wow. Wow. Well as I mentioned, we asked our listeners if they had any questions for you and then when we let them know you were coming on, and we already asked the one from our buddy dentist are. But our friend Jeff from Maine. He wants to know what is the diet and exercise routine look like. I mean, I will just have to follow you on Tick, Tock to see what that is but maybe talk a little bit about that? Yeah, so my the died. I am actually going right back on tomorrow morning. So I basically have three eggs in the morning. Some oatmeal, some protein powder, that's Mill, 1 Mill. To 3 ounces of chicken portion of vegetables, and then another meal just like that. My pre-workout snack is rice. Cakes, peanut butter and some honey post workout. I usually have lean beef lean ground beef with Some rice and some extra virgin olive oil for the healthy fats. And then before bed, I usually have a pretty big portion of frozen blueberries, and a scoop of casein protein powder, which is the slow digesting. So, basically takes like six to eight hours to digest in my stomach. So I have protein going to my muscles all night. While I am sleeping type of thing. Wow. Yeah, you have got that down to a science and holy what? What do you enjoy about? Do you enjoy? None of that sounds fun and why do you not enjoy? Like what are the pros and cons to it? Like, yeah, obviously you're a fit guy. So that's a program, the pros, right? You I feel good all the time. I always have energy and the progress. You see in the gym happens rapid fast. Yeah. So it's addicting that way but there's a lot of cons as well. Like I usually I have been off a diet now for like a month and a half, I usually slow it down when I am in, it's summer. Time especially, you know, I have fun with my friends and I want to go for dinners and breakfast and stuff like that. So that's the biggest thing is just restricting yourself. You know, hanging out with your buddies, and they're all ordering pizza, and you're just kind of sitting there like mmm should I do it? Should I not? And then you get a big wave of guilt? The next morning. If you don't want large piece of yourself, but doesn't your body like your able to burn that? So much faster though, right? It's great just like you, you feel that? You're also very young, you know? Wait it will Catch up to ya exam. I used to be skinny, to man is more like a mental thing. I don't know. I just kind of like, ever since I started doing it. I just have a hard time balancing normal food. You know, I would been shy, finite binge a lot if I don't keep control of my food. So I gotta that's why I am going back on a plan because I have just noticed I just I can just eat Non-Stop and that's totally fine. But I also have been hitting the gym as much as I want to. So it's all just balancing. I just kind of find a healthy balance for everything. It's the biggest thing. Sure. But I just want to get on a meal plan. And at the same time, if I want to go for dinner, I go and enjoy myself. And yeah, have some drinks. And that's what I was doing and that's what I am going to go back to doing and it's I find it's the best for me. Okay. All right. Then we have to ask like, do you ever Skip Leg Day? Yes. I was when I was doing when I was pretty serious with it. With my coach, I would be hitting legs twice a day, super heavy and I fell in love with hitting legs. The second, you get out of that hitting legs once or twice. Week. Even if he missed two weeks, you go and do that leg day, your legs are sore for like a week, so you don't subscribe to rally and Jonesy. F*** leg day. I honestly haven't hit like that day is Tara like you can't step on a stair, like you get out of bed and your legs are gel, is just like pure pain, like just to even push the leg days, like, my coach had me doing, like, he had me doing, like, six sets till failure on leg press, and then, all the everything was till failure on for leg day. And I was like, I have just not enjoyable in. My legs are so sore every day and it just put me in a bad mood. Whenever I go hit the gym, I just try and do full bodies now or up upper body and a little bit of lower body. I am on my feet all day with work. So I right my legs are already burning after that, but if I get back into it like and want to get competitive, obviously, I will have to smash legs catch up to the rest of my body. All right. If you had a choice, like, if you could still have the exact same result that you have, no matter what would you pick cardio over Whites are weights over cardio? Weights over cardio any day. Yeah, yeah. So just like rally and Jonesy. F*** cardio that car. Yeah, yeah. Like I, it's honestly, proven that lifting weights will actually burn more fat than doing cardio. Itself, cardio is great, but it's also it honestly depends on your body. But like if, if someone were to go to the gym, six days a week and only do cardio compared to someone with the identical body doing six days of weightlifting, And no cardio, they would be burning fat twice as fast. Because the muscles are getting is burning more calories, which is burning more fat type of thing. So I tell anybody if you're doing cardio, do it after your workout, just do 20 minutes. Just walk on an incline and that's perfect because like running on a treadmill is not good for your joints and it just burns your muscle. You just kind of you're trying to gain, right? So yeah, waits for sure, always. All right. We're going to have to talk off side because I need bulking not from myself. For our son, he's like 120 pounds, and he sticks for Exorcist. Yeah, that child needs to gain, just let me know. Shoot me a text. Maybe that protein powder. Anyway. Yeah, you'd mention work. I mean, I don't like when you're not acting, I am guessing that Lasting Impressions. Occupies. Some of your time. Yes, that's my seasonal exterior. Business runs from like mid-may to mid-september. So basically, They just paint and stain. Houses decks doors. Anything outside my find. In North Bay, there's a lack of exterior painters because no one really wants to do it because it's very difficult, right? Heights and everything like that. But yeah, that's keeping me really busy. My best friend. Joe, I was telling you about, he's working for me as well. So we just have a great time all the time. He's and it's really tiring though with these heat waves, we even have. Yeah, we got a lot of you. Get anybody like calling you up saying, hey, we want Cory to come in and paint our house. Should now sad. All right, here's the question from our buddy. Adrian from Maine. The tell us a little bit about the Journey of restoring. The 1963 Stardust son craft. So you mentioned that your boat? Yes, I actually was doing a job for someone last summer and I had to come back at the end of the summer to finish up. And I just had like this little portion of the wall to do, and she was selling this boat. That was in pretty rough shape. But I saw the potential, and we basically just did an even trade. I was like sure done deal, left it in storage, all winter and then I brought it to my friend, Brent's place and yeah, for like two months I basically work all day and then I go to his place and work on it for like an hour or two hours. So it took a lot longer than it should have sure. Um, but yeah, full restoration, there's two by sixes underneath and then there's plywood. I got that boat foam that looks like hardwood on it and then I used my sprayer. I have for my business, so I see The whole thing was like a marine grade paint, right? Well, I mean, what size boat is this? It's a 16-foot okay. Aluminum boat. All right, yeah, there's a 40 horsepower Mercury on the back. Okay. So the good fishing boat? Yeah. Yeah, perfect for the sighs. Yeah, I kind of just added two front seats and I reupholstered the back bench to match the seats are a handy guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got my dad's buddy to kind of show me the basics of like wiring and then I put in this panel, and We wired that together and yeah, it's awesome. And then like the second I was done. My parents surprise. Me. Like we just actually bought a cottage, and I was like well I just finished my boat. So there we go. Perfect. We're gone perfectly and a place docket. So is that something that you'd be interested in doing in the future? Then we're restoring more. I want to see after doing it. I was like I was sad that I was done which is weird to say like it's like I look forward to going to work on it and seeing the progress and I it ended up turning out a lot better than we were all expecting. So now that I have been thinking about it, I have been looking on Facebook kind of want to find another retro Starcraft and kind of just do it again and maybe just sell it. I don't need another boat. Just let him go. Like, yeah, I have been considering. Yeah, maybe even doing like, camp trailers and stuff like that. Very cool. Yeah, youyou really lit up when you were talking about it. I can see that excitement is there. I am very excited. I have I am hungry. That's fine. Other boat just to fix it up. Would you ever get into like via like cars like Classics and stuff? See, that's right. Hi, I am not very familiar with the whole mechanic side of the yeah. That and that's kind of what I would have to be good at to do that. And it's also the price is Sir. It sounds right. Car parts are expensive but maybe down the road when I can hire people to fix it up for me and I just buy the parts for sure. But it is an expensive hobby again, cars, buddy, Jeff remain as a bunch of questions for you. First one, what's the trick to keeping a straight face when Kiesel is doing his chores e trips? Several takes is the secret. We're gonna get the last soda at the beginning, right? The first two TVs. You do like four to five takes and yeah. The first couple takes we just both trying to keep a straight face. And then whenever Shores MI history with one of those lines, I hold it in as long as I can and then you can kind of tell that I am holding it in tonight, right? But yeah, just more takes get the laughs out and then continue. Yes. Are there any particular chirps that need multiple takes a good one? All up the rim to win. When I was a guy for the longest one, that one is really funny and then the one where he kicks me out, and I say your mom's folding to that was kind of, like, our are most moving scene, right? So that one took a few more takes, but Jared had seen us so many lines to memorize right during the day. So he kept forgetting his line, and he just couldn't stop laughing. And then I was having a hard time keeping a straight face because he was like really angry in the scene, right? And she would just switch back to his because fun Self, right after some money and then like someone holding a light or a mic starts laughing in the back, and then we all start laughing. Oh man, you just try to hold out long enough so that if somebody else breaks first. So literally, so it just occurred to me that if your mom was helping you run these lines, and she's playing Shore Z. She's saying some nasty stuff about your mother that must have been awkward now. Your mom's a cool mom. Yeah, it was really cool. Yeah, it was she just couldn't stop laughing and concave that. Oh, messed up the chirps where but yeah, she has a great sense of humor. So she was couldn't stop laughing and like I said, like all of our friends and family, they all laugh about the chirps and honestly use the chirps and a day to day. Yeah, that's hilarious. It's great. And one last one from Jeff, he just wants to know if. Did you ever get a chance to improvise any of your responses back? No not in the first season too yes. Well you're new to acting in the first season, so I was actually I just didn't want to mess anything up but season 2 I got to talk about a few things, and we took some lines out replace them with something that sound a little bit better. So a little bit improv and season 2. Well that's good. Excited to see how that turned out. Yeah. Nothing in the first season. So I mean a far apart from Shore Z. You have gotten the acting bug now. You wanted? Like maybe try other shows. I got an agent. In January Janine, with 46, parallel management. And yes, I have been doing, I have done a lot of auditions. I got several callbacks, which is a good sign and then this acting strike Splash everybody. Yeah. So I haven't, I have had one audition in the past month and a half. So yeah. That acting strike in the states is affecting everybody, right? Yeah, writers. Although most of the writing we have is all coming from the states and all the organizers. As directors and everything. So everything's basically on a big standstill right now except the very Northern shows, or they all Canadian Productions are probably still going, right? Yeah. But a lot of the Canadian production see the writing from that is from the state. So that is kind of affecting it, but I feel like the more low-budget Canadian shows will have a time to shine in this period. So I am hoping to have some more local auditions and maybe, so I have never done an audition a person's. I am curious to see what that's like to. Yeah. That will be a whole other experience. For you too, right? Yeah. Did you ever take any lessons then for acting just to try to get a feel for what it is that your? Yes I was I started doing the self tapes in my room. I kind of made like a little set up with my camera and everything and then there was a couple big auditions that I was kind of out of my comfort zone. So I got on call with yeah a little teach a teacher, and she helped me, so I have done to acting. Asses with her and I get one in person with her as well. So, I have done three so far, just whatever. I find the auditions kind of having a hard time, understanding. What I am supposed to do type of thing, and I want to do actual acting classes whenever I can really, I haven't looked too much into it because I am so busy right now. Yeah. But I want to see how short as he goes and everything like that. And I just want to find the right teacher because it's turning point with season 2. There was a little bit more of a community and less like segregation. I guess you could say, were you able to kind of talk to people and get an idea of like, what would work here or how would you do this? Like it was there a little bit more of the nerves were completely gone. Yeah, it was pure excitement. And yeah, I was, I ask as many questions as I could I hung around with, like I said, a lot of the cast and crew, and we just kind of talked about everything and it was a way better experience than season one season 1 was the best experience ever. I just mean, like, there were no nerves which. Yeah, which actually, I was able to actually like act, and not be crazy with anxiety and stress it out. Yeah. Even just talking to Jacob and Jared behind the scenes, just I ask them, like, I would yell across the arena, wherever we were filming and I would be like, yo, is that good? Like, you want me to change, and they give me some advice? So they were helping coach as well. Nice if they do for everyone, right? Sure. Yeah, that's great. I am gonna ask you the question that our co-host, Matt usually asks, but since he's not here, I get to ask it. I mean, this is your first major acting role and it just so happens to be on a pretty popular show and one with a cult following, right? Yeah. I mean, there's a, there's a chance because this is already happened to all the actors from Letterkenny that there's going to be no comic-con's and other conferences that you will be called, to be just because you have been on this show. So what does it mean to you? To be part of this phenomenon that's happening right now. It's a great question. It's honestly surreal, it's all really new still. And it's just starting to be honest. I feel like this is going to take off a lot more than people are expecting, and I am excited. You know, like, this is my second podcast and I have never really done stuff like this before, and it's just kind of cool that people are interested to see what my life is like and what the other cast members lifes are like, but yeah, I am really excited to do some maybes like, meet and greets down the road and like you said, comic-con's and just meeting fans, and just kind of getting out there a little bit more, that's grandma. Yeah, crazy fans. I had no idea how big the community was especially like the Letterkenny community. No, I mean we have listeners from all over the world, so I mean I think it will keep you busy if you want to be busy even after the show's done, can you share? Can you share an event or something that has happened? Well, yeah, fun fan story or being noticed somewhere. Like Saint with me. Yeah, it hasn't happened too many times because like, I don't have a beard in the show, right? And in person, I just kind of grow my beard out. So that kind of, I noticed fresh off of filming season to still shape face. People kind of see me in everything. But the number one, the first time it was at this local bar in North Bay called the boat. There was like four people that came out to me, and they're like are you Corey from Shores? And I just kept. I was like, yeah. What? What the heck? It was like it was all back, it never happened and then happened. Four times back-to-back. Yeah, when I was around my friends and everything and yeah. And then I am really starting to notice especially with just with social media. I get text all the time from fans and which is really cool because I just, you know, I kind of have new friends and I talked to all these fans that are super interested in everything and right. Well I mean what about you said you mentioned off the top North Bay is a small town. There's like four or five high schools. Are you getting a lot of people and you know hit me up on Look whatever? Old classmates going. Hey, remember me? Yeah. Oh yeah, commenting on my stuff and yeah, I still see a lot of people, like I go to the gym and my brother still in high school. So I still see a few people that are there. But yeah, there's a lot of friends that text me and kind of my guys. I didn't forget about anybody like I am you know, still just a normal guy. Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of all my old hockey buddies. Sure thing. Yeah, they were calling me and texting, and I am like dude, this is the best hockey show I have ever seen and your scenes were so funny and so accurate to our Trapper seasons. And yeah. Did they just chirp at you though? Do they like do you must give you a hard time around? They can always. Get is f*** you. Sure. It's like people and people just walk up and say f*** you sure he and they just kind of point at me and look at me and I just laughs. I am like, yep, I am sure a lot of them are like, how can I get on the show? Can you have it in? Yes, yeah, sure. Oh my God like you could ask if I could just like be an extra and it's because I have gotten a few guys, the opportunity to be extras on the show. Yeah. And then once they heard that I was like, oh, why did you get him? Well, for me, and I was like, dude, we're not starting this, like I will try my best, but you can also sign up and try and get on, but yeah, yeah. A lot of my close friends are wanting to get on the show. But I can only do so much, so yeah, that's awesome. All right man. Well, we really appreciate the time you have taken for us this afternoon. Tenure did you have any final? Yeah. What's, what's, what's next for you? What are you looking for to going to another trip to Thailand, or? Yeah, I have well, right now, I am kind of in like money-making mode. I am trying to get because I am I am trying to see if I can go a different route from school. So my main focus right now is Just learning and taking everything in. Yeah, I am trying to progress my business. And yes, another trip coming up, I think after Christmas. So I am going to go out nice. If it works with everything else. That's your go-to place is Thailand, would you? I want to, I want to do all of Asia before I go anywhere else. Nice, like kind of Thailand is my home base because I have some friends there now and some people I know that I want hotels and restaurants and stuff like that, but yeah, I want to try the YouTube thing. For sure because I was you know, I was a little younger and a lot different from I am right now. And I got my brother into my brother McCrae. He's doing a lot of editing and filming, and he's working for the Owen are doing their social media stuff. So I feel like we worked as a team. We could make this YouTube stuff reality. I feel like, well, where can, where can our listeners reach you? Do you have on our socials? Yeah. Yeah. On my Instagram Burke as that's my Tick-Tock Instagram and YouTube. I kept them all the same. Keep it nice and easy peasy. Yeah, that's the best way to do it, man. Thank you so much, so much for sharing. All your stories with us, and it's been a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for having me guys. A lot of fun. Do you have any projects or anything coming up? Other than the travel thing that you want to shed a new light on before we play off? Yeah, I have a few things in mind, I might be getting into the vent organizing, that's something I won't get into, especially in North Bay. I find there's not really anything going on here for my demographic. So I might get some festivals going. I am thinking about maybe a clothing line that I have had in the works. Just trying to find a good time for that. But yeah, those two things are coming up. There's a few other things. I can't mention. But yeah, not much right now because whenever my business is going on, I am just so busy. I don't have much I am what sounds you can entrepreneur but and if anything ever launches or when things launch, let us know. We will have you back on, you know, for season 2 and will amplify it through our channel to man. Yeah man, appreciate it. Thanks guys. So why I asked you if you had it's a height adjustable table, just hit the wrong button, I leaned against it to, I am sorry about that. I asked you if you had a song that you wanted us to play us off with here and you came back with a song called sticky from by Drake. So let us pull this up and listen to it for a second. It's very long ambient intro is Drake your workout music. Yeah I just saw drinking Montreal so yeah. Quebec Chevy, blame on back. They only give an n****'s plus 1. So I never pull up to the met. You know, I gotta bring a set, you know, I gotta bring the G block, you know, I gotta bring a d block as you know, I sticky. Again, that's all we have for this episode. Don't forget. You can use the promo code produced a for 20% off any purchase on diabolical coffee.com. If you'd like to support this podcast, right us on iTunes Spotify or become a patron. You can also follow us on social media Let us add produce and pod. Let us add produce and pod. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Now we're going to go do some sets with our new friend Burke as a bowl on behalf of Burke Tania and myself. Now we're going to go do some sets with our new friend Burke as a bowl on behalf of Burke Tania and myself. Thank you for listening and have a great week. Thank you for listening and have a great week.